HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-12, Page 4;
otrieba stateifient isnoed by the Goderich tp: The deata, W;:mijos„ not Liege should t least be maae coin- BRAIN -FOOD NONSE-NadE,
War Gflice last Week shows thatI1i1tx 1 eldest on of T. Unlock, (ie.. fortable, The gardens attached shoald seeiotlier ridieutOus food fed has been
• tbe- toMI reduction af the Britiebdorces eareea ou laiturday, in the 4se11 year be large enough to enable them to learned by the most competent author;.
141a3^^ aders, corau'" "T°P 1 in Z'^3uit1i. AWen, un to to Mae' 30. of of hie age, a$ rezitlit of, a stroke: a
<L.1 t t flew.). I the, present peer, was 07.477. `Ibis 111- paralysis, Deceased icares a wile and
tY -UAW, 4 6,f 4 NY‘.0.1# woimileil, prisoners. three The funeral took, place
'Alonclay aftetemon from his father's
deetles frown disease aria men rev:elided
Of- these melee have recoeered
elide:ea:nut-a their regiments, leaving
&Vet: dead or- permanently. incapaca
teted. The Mal member of troeps
Izilled in action, or wire died of wounds, ,
- is 7,7e. while tbe total ;ember -of
deaths' from dieenee is 13.250.
ZR ..T.4R1P,N _IND SIR W residenee on con. 7, to Maitland ceme-
tery,. He had beea living at the Soo
for some time.
Sie Wilfrid Laurier's plight. Verna: Ou Monday evening lest, 1
alt a tile imposition a dfities numbee of the friende end well wiela
Eou»and grebe, reealls the utter -
awes of Hon. J. Israel Tinto, away
Uwe in :1807. when the Minister
Piddle Worte spoke in a most on
lplittlelltary Way of tile Penile His Himor Judge Edward Elliott
aratee. The stand taken he" $ir
'Mid en the question of preferen-
Vol erade relations with the mother
eiseaetry justify, at thie late hour,
:alto Taattae expressioos of ;t queeter
1. century ago„ Tbe paragraph
so tensely deserthes Sir Wil -
position is this;
Laurier lias a:character ven-
ed on tine outside. Scratch a little
tbe surface arid Yon win (Ilse flietate, Mr. Jobn Brown, was rondo to -
cover the Mediocrity within. He is flay before.) edge 13;irroo at the Court -
/set Ieencood; Ids speeches show it. Ills house, aim/ resulted. in a or tjority of 2
et,„7,1gitts never rise:awe-0 the oeua ee for Monteith (Con ) Monteith lost 2
hi the eity awl gained 1 in Ellice and 1
1441nlivos. wfilt nevee betaith- in Wettest. township. This utakes!litr.
fol to what be dees not pessess-prito John V. .7.tfouteith Abe member -elect
Wes, soneel eonvietions and pateio, for the north riding a Peru), 1...ftte
Intst night the Liberals were ntlking
Cana very strongly of entering a protest,
SIgne& "rT» ISRAEL TAIIT" though there Arent) grounds.
Milton, June 7,- IteiNAMI fOr
gave Bal-ber mejority.
/11S23 fl 21••'11UX Toronto. June 7. -The News this
evening sere -W. D. Ca rseallen, tlw
The Ontario Government "machine thineeroattve eaudiflate at the LeillION
worked overtime on May 29, judging, IZell':,t?tdittt;'ll'ottlabttbatutiokTiurgt,:,ronr1134
atom the reports now coming to hand. - the Liberai earelidtite,
Wost Hastings-, every effort WaS 11.$ removing the tie, Socha ballot.
put forth tot defeat tile Couservative ainat a (*tails!. 1;4;1 , byem
1.11? ist 011111
eenitlift Ate and polle 11. 4»I0 moved about 4,41.eblu triPtge
In.listelininately and without piddle eantene. tne seat eeneees recant,
Saturday forenoon, aftei hearing argil
ineuts or omnso 1,0 regard to the
Westiulusttsr ballots, which bad 1.
Amber placed upon them by tbe de-
puty returning otteers decided to ad-
mit them as good, an'd declared. Dr.
Irenaledge elected by a majoeity of 2/
-a reduction of 13 from that giveu by
the returning officer. A protest will
be entered against his return.
Stratford, aline S, -The recount
eybieb. was asked for bv the Liberals
of North Perth on behalf of their can.
wn• t4'e. It is needless to say. "-:t Weyer. eintelfinentla-The West
44)z tiv*felemll.; o alo nose 10h01.l Kevin reeonnte wbich began last Sat-
todet tip 85" to where they we; t41, VOte•
Whitne.y,it wasne?..ssury for veters
viAitrxer, to T./Ippon Mr. Whitney's
(tau dalote, t,3 hire a spIN-lal
ay; tint they anight reach the te4iing
p%:.e. which had been removed eight
=Nes from the spot wbere 11 Was theet
Zonated. No intimation of the eaanges
sv1.9 given. The same thing orcunod-
b itt:1101 pl1e0S.
At Hamilton, an unsuccess
lempt was made to steal Mr. Carsea -
lees election In numbers of instances
presiding officers rernsed to seal ballot
boxes. and carried ballots ;wowed in
bundles ;titer the polls were closed.
Marked ballots brought into the poll -
int; booth from outside were excepted (Ad with the business, having been eon
b polling place number lk.Torth Nor
tbrunberiancl. This is a sample of the
ss methods employed to retain pow-
er. But thegarue is nottwer yet mid
the eourts are looke4 to with confi-
&Inv to place Mr. j. P. Whitney,
where be findoubtedly shonld
e head of the Ontario GoYernmeca
Frow vegetablea f' their own ust., • Wee. Tbey Imee dispelled the telly uo-
much of their time, and ir iew op, lovin, another ow uneeees, and etal
ples awl small fruits can be grown on • :Mother for bone% AN, correct diet will
eee grown, they woold more alto not only nourish a particular part of
preeiated tban by those tato eau 3X- the beay,lint it will Sustain eVery ot h -
ford totbuy them, A cow is almost a er part. ret however good' your food
necessity to a anoily on tee owne, and noty be, its inetriment ie destroyed by
nOt so large as to take .up too tine nett 0130 awe feod nevdca
ati arrangement should be made to indegeetioa ee da-opepsee yen mese
lutre it paar
stea bun 11.0t oo account
sa of humeri oature to al-
low a hired man to feed los cow from
'his employer's meal bex, and is almost
sure to cause tx..ouble.
The Dimity gett,ing on well, with
hired men on the Oulu is well worth
tions, gaines etc, Miss sfestee wen of -titivating. My own experience leads
be 11.1.001) uei1.U1-'1,e1.11.U1-'1,e1.1 11) churcia mid eeeee rue to know that is you engage good
cireles, as she was a very estimable men, there is little t,rouble in- keeping
and popular young tali An excel- them- if we, as entOlo.Vers,
ers ef Miss Josie Foster met at the
houi, 1,01, parents to $47 good.bye wintered by the farmer It is too
10 ber, before leaving or Disonbo, evere trutl
where she has taken a positioa with
:kb", R. MeCool, dry goods toercloint of
that towu.
e A. very enjoyable evening
e spent tbe pie -want emisistifig of
instannental music, singing, rec
lent spread was provide by the aidies, part, It is our duty to try to
aud at the wee stile: hours the com- znaie them as comfortable as Orem-
pany took, thew ieare, after so -101w tOOCi,'S will permit If we do so we
good tuen we will get it, Let the rules
the evening's enjoyment.
Seafortin We deeply regret to learn
of the death of Ain Jones Lennon,
abash took place at hiss residence on
Wednesday. About three monthe go
Mr. Lennon fell on the side walk- and
fractured his arm, and he had seareely
covered from that injury when he
was attacked by MO= ot the liver.
from which he snffered severely anti
whieh proved fatal as above stated.
Deceased was 64 years of age and Was
a native of McKillop» and was barn on
the old homestead farm, on the fluron
maul, a mile and a half east of here.
Some few years ago Joe retired from
the farm and has sioce resided in Sea -
forth. Mrs. Lein= predeceased him
alma eine ytews. Ho leaves a tunily
of five sons aud five daughters,
"AUld /41mg Syne." well pleased witl3 mar ealteet faithful service, and tem
be strictly laid down mad adhered to»
and on no consideration 'keep a man en 0011001 rot' CQ:Ored Cbglaren tltIr(3.
after bis time is ont» if he leas at auy sees a little beer who would Persist la
time given a word of impertinence,
However, owing to the conditions
in which most farmers are placed, the
larger 00011)00 (31 farm bawls are un -
monied men who are hoarded in the
hetiSe, and thiS is meet likely the State
of affairs tbat will continue for emne
time to Male. It is a difficult que.stiort
to deal with, and as far as both mu-
ployer and employed are concerned it
Is a most unsatisfactory state, large-
ly arising from the fact that» in many
ections there is comparattvely
yolk for Olie half the year, and just
so long as the farmer has to look out
for neav men every spring, and the
good num finds himself discharged at
the first sign ot winter or before, It
will remain so, and no amount of
Tnekerstnith: A very pretty event
was the wedding which took Ow on
Thursday, 5111 inst., at the beautiful
borne of the bride's pareete, on the
the 3rd concession, when Miss Annie,
second anughter of Mr. and Mrs.David
jollied in marriage to Alex.
Meg:foam, of the Comedian Soo, eldest
son of Mr. and Mee. Simon McKenzie,
orp iy lieforeJnelge *.1U.*. 1. to. shiti conceesion. The cereillelle AVIS
ty, The te-atit was that M. G. Cam- performed at 4 o'clock by Rev. 13.
rolae 1...ibereli majority was reduced Sewer% of Brucefield, before twenty-
vitleS. leaving it M. five guests, only relatives of the plate
ties being preseut. The bride MI*
beantifflity costumed in white organ-
die and carrying a white hoquet and
her travelling dress was of blue. The
congratulations over, a, svedding
WaS partakAt of, after wiiich the
Around. About Vs.
Parkhill; 3. II. Centro has sold his
inteherimg b415111055 tit Fred Trotbare
vho hes been employed itS Manager happy couple took the trein for logs
for Seale time past. hoot to $tay until Monday, when they
Huroutlahe The anintal Oiehlee of leave for their future home at the SOO.
.0131" will.13e held on Falan 4000 The bride is rt popular young lady and
reti, Mr. DOW'S bush. 'The usual pro. weenie eedteette of a, numerous away
gramme of sports WM be providea for of valuable and potty presenta, and
the entertainment of visitor% AU are the groom is a prtisperous young man,
cordially invited. at Kesent being foreman in 41, large
St. Marys: Mr. W. B. Stone, dealer plaumg faittory In the northern town.
in bicycles ;nut MUS1001 instrnments,
Johnston. iflo. Stone will be connect.
has sold out his Imsiness to Mr. Noble
Ntaltile the province is awaiting the
rietincation of the wrongs that have
Le en perpettated, either 10 the taking
or the counting of the votes at the re -
tent election, another view of the sit-
uation presents itself, and it is one of
ts =est startling cluiraeter. Au exam-
ination of the recorded majorities in
lest week's contest shows that Mr.
Whitney beat the Ross Government
by 7,377 t otes. The total of the major-
ities cast for the various candidates
eves 31,013. As distributed among the
'elected uiembers, those who represent-
ed the policy of Mr. 'Whitney scored
21.145. Those who supported Mr. Ross
were awarded 13.708. This places Mr.
Whitney 7,377 in the lead.
ployed by Mr. Johnston.
St. Marys: Mr. Hugla Northgraeres
met with a batl aceident on Tnesday,
tArbile assisting Mr. Joseph Bellamy,
of Blanshard. In repairing the roof of
his barn he fell to the ground and
broke both of his anus.
St. Marys: Mr. John Bartlett, bak-
er and confectioner, has sold slut his
business to Mx,. Joseph Farr, who will
1.)1.0iI11110 eharge shortly. Mr. Bartlett,
who is one of St. Marys oldest mer-
chants will retire from business life.
Parkbill; Mrs. G. 31. Shoehottom
left on aIonday afternoon for Brant-
ford in response to a telegrain received
that morning Cons -eying the sad intelli-
gence of the death by drowning of her
nephew, alerein Smalee on Sunday,
June 11.1. Deceased was ni his sixteenth
year 8114] Was a favorite with all his
Mends and acquaintances.
St. Marys: The pioneer residents in
this district are passing off one by one.
..axiother was added to the list an Thurs-
day last. in the person of Mrs. Adam
Galbraith, aged 75 years. The de-
ceased lady has been residing with her
daughter, Mrs. John Taylor, King st
north for some time. She bas been in
feeble health, and the end was not un-
St. Marys: Mrs. Galbraith, widow
of the late Mr. Adam Galbraith, died
at tbe xesidence ofber son-in-law, Ithe
John Taylor, -on Saturday, at the age
of 75 years. Mr. Galbraith died about
two years ago. Deceased WAS 41. Da-
tive of Ideland and ea.nie to this coun-
try rnany years ago and WOE highly
esteemed by many friends. She leaves
to mourn her demise three sons and
one daughter. ,
Bayfield: Mr. Harry Darrow has
purchased the old Commercial hotel
from Mr. R. Bailey and has a gang of
men busily engaged in renovating and
overhauling the same preparatory to
opening up for the summer. --For some
tinae little Flossie McGee, daughter of
Mr. James McGee of the village. fought
an heroic battle with lung trouble and
heart disease, but death relieved her
on Tuesday night, the 27th ult.
Seaforth: On Wednesday an inter-
esting event took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ritchie, Morris,
when their second daughter, Elizabeth,
was united in the bonds of matrimony
to Wm. M. Gillespie, of Ripley, son of
Mr. Wm. Gillespie, of this place. At
4 o'clock, to the strains of the wedding
march, the.bride and groom took their
places beneath a floral arch and Rev.
Ross, of Brussels, performed the
The emigration of farm hands from
Great Britain to Canada, and especially
totbeProvitice of Ontario, has been on
an exceptionally large scale during the
spring. During the past fortnight SO
young men have found places with On-
tario farmers through the agency of
the Colonization Department of the
Government. The farm help problem -
remises to ben serious one this sum-
mer, owing to the large movement of
agricultural hands to the Northwest
ancl new•Ontatio. Last year the scar -
'city in men caused considerable loss,
and applications are being received
daily from farmers, who say they care
mot; carry on their work without more
lelp. The reports from the intrnigra-
tam agents on the other side are to the
effect that at least 2;000 men, repre-
aeating a very desirable class of immi-
grants, can be secured this silnamer.
;gone will be brought out, howevor,
/unless places for them are assund,
About the middle of May last confer-
ende was held at McGillivray of repre-
sentatives from Middlesex, Huron and
lanibton counties to consider ways
and means of erecting a bridge arross
the Aux Situble river in the extreme
.rowth-west of the comity on.the town -
Moe between the three counties. There
is no bridge there at present, but resi-
dents in the vici1.it3r are extremely
anximis that one should be built, as
they say it would be a great con yen -
The Management of Farm
Unquestionably there is nothiog
couttooted with the bueiuess o farm-
ing tvhieh gives 08 11101.0 annoyance,
or which is as difficult to get on a
satisfactory basis as farm labor.
There are various causes which tend
to bring about this state of things, aua
perbaps noue more so than the un-
reasonablenees of the employers. Soc-
ialists tell us that the world could pro-
duce enough for its needs if every man
worked but half the number of hours
that is pow eonsidered a working day;
hut 'unfortunately on our Canadian
farm it seem necessavy for the farmer
and his men to put in each day a solid
day's work all the year round, and
even then it is difficult to hal& one's
own among the keen competition. In
these days when the relations between
capital and labor have become so tense
that a little extra strain at any time
rnay bring about the most serious re-
sults, it is a wintter of no small importance for a, farmer to eonsider whether
something naore eaTinot be done to put
the labor questionsas it effects the
farm on a better basis.
In 101 ideal condition of affairs the
etiployer would. never ask or expect
his men to do more work than was
right or reasonable, and when hiring
would. in all ceses be ready and will-
ing to give a fair and just remunera-
tion for services to be performed, and
would endeavor to carry oat a system
of farming that would. give ensploy-
ment to his men in the slack part of
the year. The employed also would
not take endue advantage of the em-
ployer because of a temporary sear
city of labor; would never shirk bis
work, but would he faithful in doing
his dutyotabether his employer were
With him or not, and would in all
cases be ready to put "forth an extra
effort o busy time.
It is scarcely to, be expected how -
Snow is reported near Ilossiek Falls,
N. Y.
Tbiateen peescies lost their lives in
a fire tleit destroyea iin inebreite bos
pital at Chicago.
A three-yeareaft eou of Mr. Christo-
pher laibla of Woodetock, was killed
by a on the C.P.R. bridge.
The British Commons passed the
vote of £50,AXin to Lord Kitchener with
way the Irish members owl a few Re-
dieale objecting»
prepare fie- their appearance or pre, -
veto; tOeir .ClnilIO:* by tithing regular
doses of Greens' 'August Flower, tlie
favorite medicine of the Ilealthe mil-
lions. A few doses aid digestion,
stimulates tbe liver to healthy ;ketone
purifies the bloed, aufl 11.i k». e -off feel
blioyant vigorome You eau get
this reliable remedy at
LuTz's. Exeter.
eeounts have been ordered i 'o 2111
rfolle and laist Hastings, Metal
Stuck to It»
oymes abeve went:). The teacher keel.
barn la one - ingat mei setae 'Wore,
While 4114 out Of tbe room yea ;PAY
write 'have gone' fifty Unwed* 'WOO
the .teacber oeine beck he leateed at the
hers paper, and there wae ."Iteve
fifty times." • On the other Xidt *140
wrItten: "Tamen went twarie:'
just Thiele of Iti
In the last "Bertabte." Nenekt awl
Mareinewela deecribe the very inter -
Ling discovery of the close ellepat-
1 relationship extetina between
tbt red coloriria Mattel' Of the blood
the green chlorophyl ef plants.
Ilaeenatimorpbyrlo. a devara,tIve of
0)11050141140g Will put 1.1 right. The baernoalobtre antt phyllocyanIn gb
rapid. extension of winter dairying tabled from cblorophya both Acid an
dering the past few years has done a reduction haemeoYrrot wbich is non -
great deal to ensure, steady employ- baba/ an Isobutyl or roethyl prepyl
ment the year round, but conditione PtYrrol.
ikre still unsatiefactory iu litany dis.
In conclusion it may 1)0 that as
a general thing the best men are the
theapest. Try awl get. hold of good
mei and where emulitions will admit
of it, twee profitable employment the
ever ronwl, and flee them as you would
like to be used la non were in the
F. W. liousow,
Live Stock Commiseloner.
St. Marys: Mr.Robert Robertson,of
Blanshard, has become mentally un-
balanced, and Chief Young, found it
necessary to take him in charge or a
short time on Tuesday: The unfortu n -
was taken to his home in
rlerice to them in particular in shorten- ate man
kog the ;journey to Parkhill and other
tuts. The estimated cost cif a wooden
alge at that point is $1,500. It would
"require to have a span of 110 feet.
'Those who attended the conference
were County 'Councillors S. McLeod,
(Parkhill), H. Cough, (Strathroy), iand
John, ^ Bradley, (McGillivray), and
Bridge Commissioner Talbot, of Mid-
dlesex; County Councillors Jamieson
and Armstrong', of I.ambton; anal
Baidge Corn mission er Ainslie, of aler-
ail. The Heron and Laaibton repre-
oentatives were willing to go on with
the construetion of the bridgeeprovid-
iner, Middlesex tvoeId pea one-third of
the cost. The no tter hee; been laid
;before the different County, Councils
interested and it has been agreed that
Blanshard and will likely be removed
to the London Asylum shortly. His
Wife died last -year leaving a family of
five 501411 children. It is believed his
great loss in the death of his wife has
ea used him to lose his reason.
Khiva: Mr. Win. Holt, of this place,
an old and highly respected resident of
the township of Stephen, accomplished
a feat which many young men would
not care to undertake. He walked
from his home in Khiva to the resi-
dence of his son. Mr. John Holt, near
Grend Bend, a distance of eight miles
end did it in a little over two „liours.
Mr. Holt is 85 years old and he accom-
olished° his self imposed task With so
little fatigue that he was able to attend
urch at Grand Bend the same even-
ing. Ile is a remarkably smart, vg.
Ls the Broms.fenielne Taidett, cures a mid is WA
da No Cure So V. )'ewe 2erets.
Frost is reported to have done con-
siderable damage in Hamilton and Lon-
don districts.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab.
lets. Alt 4ruggis•4 refund the money
if it fails to cure. 23e. E. W. Groves'
isgnature is on each. box.
ever that such an Utopian state of af-
fairs will ever exist, while frail hum-
an nature remains 08 111 is, but by the
exercise of a little thoughtfulness and
forbeaitince the relations betAveen em-
ployer and employed may be -much
improved. In considering the ques-
tion of farm labor as it effects the op-
era.tion and. profits of the farm, and
the, honie life of the dwellers there,
morally and socially, it will generally
be found on large and moderately
large farm e that the employment of
married men boarding themselves, is
altogOther preferable to boarding men
in the house. Outside the questum of
profits, theee is the a11 -important con-
sideration of home Ofe should be,
when the farm house is nothing better
than e boarding house. It le not too
much to say that the future life of
rioter a bright boy or girl in ^ this
country has been a failure through
too little attention having been paid
to their yearning for home.. comforts.
One of the first things to be aimed at
in managing a farm in this way is to
employ none but good men, and then
do everything in reason to make their
lives comfortable. Farmers have ilo
right even if they have the power, to
make their men work froin earlY
. • .
morning until after dark at night,
and looked. at from no standpoint but
that of personaA gain, it is a deeided
mistake. Incidentally it may YlOt be
amiss to say that the farmer ought
not to ask his son to:do what no rea-
s.onable-man would expect his hired
men to do. Many a good boy has been
driven from home by that sort of
Then again it is a matter of the
first importance -that the men serving
the 1.^,qa,ve be built ft .9 soon as practle- c h
0 ous and an ac tnan Is eato saall be well treated. Their hoes s it
The -poet's exclamation; "0 Life!
feel thee bounding in my reins," is
joyous one. Fungus that can rarely
or never make it, in honesty to them-
selves, are ronoog the most unfortun-
ate, They do not live, but exist; for to
live implies more than to be. To live
is to be well end strong -to rise feeling
equal to the ordinary duties of the day,
and. to retire not overcome by them -
to fell life bounding in tbe veins. A
medicine that has niude thousands of
people, men and women, well and
strung, has accomplished a great work
bestewiug the richest blessings, reed
tbut medicine is Hood's Sarseparilla.
The weak, rundown, or debilitated,
from any cause, should not fail to take
it. It builds up the whole system,
changes existence into life, and makes
life more abounding. We ore glad to
say these words in its favor to the
readers of our columns.
Pour of One S'amity Pass Away-Imst
Daughter Now III.
A. Toronto clergyman tells of a family
in his congregation, -which consisted of
the =other and five children -the father
being dead -four of whom in a few years
have fallen victims to consumption and
died. And now the fifth, a daughter,
who is employed in the office of a whole-
saler, and who has been the one source of
support to the mother, is obliged to leave
her Work, realizing thatshe also -mainly,
it is believed, as a result of nursing her
brothers and sisters -has contracted this
dread disease. Kind friends are ieterest-
ing themselves in the ease, but the diffi-
culty met with is to send her to a place
where the proper care and treatmentwill
be given. '
It is for such cases as this -and there
is hardly a clergyman in any city who is
not constantly meeting such appeals -
that the new Free Consumptive Hospital,
under the auspices of the National Sani-
tarium Association, is being built. The
people of Canada as a whole must feel
grateful to Mr. W. J. Gage and the
exeoutors of the late Hart A. Massey, who
out of their own funds have erected this
building. But before it can be occupied
it must be furnished 'with beds and other
proper furnishings and .appeietments.
The National Sanitarium Association,
already carrying a heavy debt, ,are not
able to furnish the new building so gene- MANUFACT1iBED BY THE
rously placed at their disposal, and are ap- -
pealing to citizensgenerallythe Dominion DEER 111 i?IxR E E R co y
xun own
ThRS Is tte eanditton ei theeemide
ntie wed si:onateA el pure blea
--that's all.
13.1e$ feel Mel all the time mol are
Evere- teen, every ropensiallity„ bus 'be-
ome 1)0301 10 them, tocaure thee bave not
tbe etreneth to dit nor tbe Tower to endure.
Ross. Sarnia. Ont., who was
ltheat appetite and eo mavens be could
not steep. and, Llano Swink, Dublin.
Pa., "robe could not do eny work witlicut
010 greatest exertIon, teenty to the wonder-
hil building -up Mow ot
Flood's Sarsaparilla
It puttees the bleed, gives strength and
vigor. restores appetite and. makes sleep
It le the meeleine tor all debilitated
Iteod's P1114 cure liver 1114 ; the zen4rritaritte end
o' to take wait Bood's SAIMAA
Yon are invited to eall and binned my
large aesortment of Ian ninure ara
furniehings whieh I will offer at
very elose prices. My etock cons
siets of the following: -
Parlor suites, Bedroom suites,
Sining Mattresses, Bed-
steads, Couelles, Lounges,
TalileA, Chairs of all tieserip.
tious, Sideboants, lioekers,
Valiey Rockers, Curtain
Poles and Triunnings,
Shades, :%touidipws, Mirrors,
PflowSham Holders, Hat
llaeks, Towel Ilollers, &e,„
e Framing 41
Baby Carriages.(log at tssEsprees wag -
0118» Cans, Itoehing horses, toe,
carre a large and assort.
oilstoik in fills line. In time of ueed
do not fail to gall.
The above stock is bought front the
leadiug Manufaeturers of Canada
null bought at the closest prices
and our expenses ;we tow there-
fore we eau sell it at prices which
wiU serprise you, Give us a MI
before put:chasing elsewhere.
P. Mcisaae.
KL‹Pc ic,ck 1‹,,,°1/4•K K
TUMMY Doctors aro all right as general practittouers,
buttbey Are not specialists. The *MUM MOE; cow -
prise the meet intricate and important system. ha the
human body and require the most skillful treatment.
You might as well expect a blacks:lath to repair your
watch, as alandly physician to cure Sexual. complaints.
We have =ilea -specialty of these diseases for over 30
years, have invested teas of tb.ousarifis of dollars and have
every facility known to medical science to cure therm
Every case is tauca win; a positive guarantee of
No Suro-No Pay.
MOOD POISON -Whether leherited or acquired,
posittvely cured forever. The virus is elimittated from
thesystenise daeger of return. hundreds of cases
mired by us 2,5 years ago add no return; best evident* of a
RVOVS DIBBILITY -owl other totriplieatious,
such. as emissions', drains In the %wide, varicocele. sexual
weakness, etc., are cured by our New BrathodVireall•
moat under apositive guarantee -NO CURE -NO PAY.
Consultation Free. Beaks Foe. 'Write for qeestion blame for
private Biome Treatment. Everythiug confidential.
I For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear
complexion, a. keen appetite, a good
digestion and refreshing sleep, TAKE
BRISTOL'S Seursa.payille,
It arouses the Liver, quickens the
circulation, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the health.
Sixty-eight years trial have proved. it to be. the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
All druggists sell -BRISTOL'S."
ewer, sane etas -ease eeneenaretseoete..-"Seseeenereenneerareeeeteseeesereeee'er-veete
over for $10,000 for this mirpose, . '
It does not need the suggestion that
this is the most pressing of all charities
at this time, for the public are fully
Awakened to the widespread character of
consuniption,. and also to the fact, as de.
monstrated by the best medical authori-
ties, that when this disease is taken hold
of in its early stages it, as much as any
other disease, is curable. The new hospi-
tal, just so soon as the money is raised to
complete the furnishings, will be ready
to receive fifty patients, free of charge -
even their railway fare will not be a tax
-1 upon them.
Chief Justice) Sir Wm, R. Meredith., 4
Lamport Ave., Toronto, ,has kindly coa-
1 sented te receive •contnbutions for the
Free Consumptive Hospital; or they can
be sent to 31r. W. J. Gage, 54 Front St.
West, Toronto; or to the National Trust
Co,.Limited, 22 n„, t, East, or° c.
Intending Purchasers.
Farmers intending to purchase
anything in the line of Machinery
should call and examine our clis- „
play.in fact if they consult their
interests they can't afford to pass us.
We sell the Ideal Binder, Ideal.
Mower, Rakes, Windmills, Etc., Etc.
Show Rooms oPPosite Dr. Browning,'s Drug Store-.