Exeter Advocate, 1902-6-12, Page 3WAX AID ITELPLE83, lam coNDITIoN OF MRS. WESCOTT, OV SEAVORTIM. emcee/00a. Extreme Mee has to be used, however, in the employment of these bacilli, 'Tile typhoid eever etei- ,erobe will play see -saw with die- betes, to the destruction of the let- ter. It i$ eontended that tbe ty- phoid raierobe absorbe all the eugar. PEACE rROC14.4MATTOM The Deers eeetued but a feeble Peotele when the war etarted, yet they coat a great empire Much trouble tie overcome them. The nem la a womaz's. me caused There la an- eehausting 41g.ea$0 bY dean` adulteration MaY seem Buriered Innirn. E.d.daddes dila 7x.4.. goosed by the preeenldll ce of too /anY scbareehloY :0°2orteho tel-kiiillogtt: oaNde7eLloolato; white cOrpOSeleS ill the ood. The twh zilless- — Could Not Staled introductien ed the typhoid germ l'Q- t...11e14 bY the use et $uulight $0aP the Leant Exertion. sults in 0. 1110St, desperate sit= o at eatnewnew hew realb» es the bes were- eee-saw. which rnay be better des- arer •Ietllight, Soap. Octagon Ilar. emu the Sun. Seaforth, Ont. cribed Oa a battle to the death, for awl dsett, will realize a relief from Wm. Wescott iS Well ifnorrn ig the end both participants are, boredOM like that experienced by tbe nation on the ennouncemeot of to eearly all the residents of ea,,,.. numbered with the slain. Perth. It is also well knowea to iner The typhoid germ may indeed be:Peace- rieigithors awl Awed& that she pees- ,coesidered tk ehioupioe, at his own ted through A taring ilineSS, hilt, ialgame. A. patient with rheume.tiem metv itiaoidise be robust health. To eould be.,ve no better leek than to T SLEEP OP pEAMIa, the editor of the Sun. Mrs, 'Wescott develop an attack of typbold fever, recently gave the particulars of her for there have been, instances with, - 'seem ease for publican:in, merely in the out number where the rbeumatiene booe that her experience might be of got entirely the worst of it. 'rue soma benefit, to ;Atone other suTer ors gild, cases of consumption It is reported. frora Ugauele. that Sbe said:-4Wer seine time pest any have oleo gone Clown before the ty- the natives are deding in considerable Ilealim, wa4 in a haft state, ow whole phoid microbe, mid it may be that numbers from "sleeping sicknese." d aystein teeing beefy run down. I cancer limey bare to bow the Inane in native amine for a terrible disease teas troebbal with Iseadeche„ Much the uear future. --- - , wlaich occurs amonag tine inbabitants dizejnene, my pfvetite 1A -as noor and Eceeina, is a disease which stute- i certeen distriets ha Africa. I could not stand the Past exertion. bornly resists treetteent. bait in it As linIMMO indicatee, it two a I consulteal differeta phys;iciatis. bat worst. ferne and after tlairty years airfoils resemblance to sieep, the P -their treatment dad itOt Seeen to ben- it lune had to give Why When the tient gewgaw, nraaaatty ageedien nue eait rine, nand I grailuaily became so erysipelas ;microbe was put on theatu he ereettfenea, lead that I wee unable to attend to other end of theplenTs. Thus.nedddel to 1808 two natives from tine Cone ray hontechold aluties. I then tried cal MAR flP411 in, OM er.,FsifO2as cnte4d4 go were landed in Ergiend sulferieg Oeveral edvexeieed, medicines, but la ueeful ageot fOT the Cluing al frons the mysterious complaint and without ouy nenelecial Tenets, god eczemaand not onlY that but. earon taken to the Chariag-Crose Hospital, I lagan to deseair of getting better. cer, limus and other forms of skin' woere tee .• were til o . "MOM. •it Intysterious Disease Wilieb Fii'aelea Medical. dIen. t eine of my neighneeS fttr01110V ad- eleed me to try Pa Williams* Pia rine, ond earnewhet reluctently I consented to do ea. After I had l'al"'" a fecund °a's; I ale47-54a agtle° Not condimany people are grateful for O. great, improvement in nay -, funneez.a. nut, tiLe the rest , dieneee have bad to glee wan' before curiosity. 'flee (Metiers cou1.1 not EPilloPdYg4 Pele 'dPse bavo adoo, grapple with the 4e,ena the pa - found more then their match in the time eventually sues, IOROISF.N. OF ERYSIPELAS. In the distriete of Africa where the "sleepily elelinees" occursa.the pa, tiVCS live in terror of it. and wilt abandou their villagne on itS preach. It it uot entirely retaioed to lite Coego rano. an them are mac or two easee on reeord oEuropeans hailing died from it. three yeare ogo. TI e catarrh tote- Many reasOlif3 have teen given a meted to the ielluteeza. and wbat to its origin. but tne tree cause ha Is, more has not returned. The rele; not beea flednitely aecettained. Noe cream of tersitsue fever is a terrime tive doctors are sad tu cure some ftiSI by tb° um° hat/ of us tide microte has. its good points. In fieei bosee, I Wria TWIN' restored cule instance g Indy WhO had the zu3' tdat.nler gQ1)4 lid31Pd' Inuchtoeet.ir beneOt of the adivi-e of the doee isurt're'e 14Y 314314i"°1111 au"e*"41''' tore In London for chronic catarrh. tams, 1 do not ender the least, now from tJor 1iIaeIts enal dizzy Spelle; uppetito is good and. I eau attend to nay tomeelaold cluteea with the greatest eaee. In fact Pei 4FiRifre4it Anil all tlaie 1 cart say le flue to the use of Lr • Med Idals, All who ;alder from o, renelown conatituti give titeee pine a trial," Wittig tile vitality is low; when the blood made to he repleniened1 tidied and pedaled; witen the *JV•r4 PA had a severe attack of italueitea low, and lunch too dangerous, to 'caseo by rubbing PePPdr in the dred. addaaa as u, remedy, bee teem le la treateienit wherb. if it did nOthlieg Vsee reeord wiaere au attecle j eine. wound he etaitadeted to keep the er:lante reeelteal in the oeerthrow of Patient awl. 4d Uv.Sir Harry dolor:non. the enaluent An Indion army officer wee sorely Outheirity Centrol Afiellea, believes mutated with. hie liver. and for that. Abe diemee le date to the eeiste are weak onot needle* ntissigthenier„ Yearn ht 11705 faddsled to anvil an ena etnee of a. Foreteite in the blood t3inro in no cum rietiletzo eau taw lent that he practieally feeeettee wialeta. by (landing the Idoott vereele. the piece of lie, alitattne• poot pats, lieing Siattou, Ile !UPI GU frattaere, illatddinred Willa the nourielament of ta bepiOn'e of ash' direct epecidel " tt'Phr6 Whiria, it tree, the brein. Tido le prodably 0, right actiori (mit the mond owl ;winced Lida i thought teould prose Bait FohdloTe, ;IN law, is Olialenisly got weer it, and tO his ecoy found, Conneeleil l&h the leiroin. that his liner w� Once MOM aUjCm1111; thIS tkreilt?41 to dd!re 43.000 sense. yolliielarily to celebrate the corona - debt. Erefileelae, St, Vitus' droitioa and COP:Sillimptiori tulle also tie% WAG beaten at tine tee -now room by touiplaints and the functional trout- thO tyhS 113 er" •11 DEAV SOI.PIERS. blee that :maim the livee of so many 1 kelPg cryf irf.,14011 In meter to CEMlfie their period of that eczema line heaten clz women a eouree of almost constant I YSel;i1e114:4411% d 4„pnea hes tarien clown foraitiiketry ervieo with the colors. naleery. 1M *get tote ony but the genuine. waiea have Ina ran name eapetae. on form teplues ehoathl ewCuldretulle ,VOalUg men in the l'elzen district. in the teloveinaletat of Noo- dle. Williams' 'Nash rills for Pule the Challifii014 f,re.t.'41W Dee peopie,os on the wrapper around ea, he Fa too thaneerous to play with, aa' 44PPiled stsuu" feuv saaonlits ago, Cry box, Mold by all dealertn, or and unUl we find rOrna atteausg accortliug to the France Militairee to roam inetlieut staidento to render enderieg him harintade it. would sent. P"Paltt at '1° rPat° a b°x or not be fiefe to cuter Mtn bar the theintemP4PritzilY deaf, and conse- de bonen for l.1.150. by addressing ee_ae. <intently for the thee unfit for milt- -the Dr. WIlliuree' Medicine Co.. "wditd"'11* tory eervice. 'ride the stinienta un- 33rockville. Out. dertook to do, and, in fact, render- BRIG/1T IllisficeeS., tbeir patients no deaf that they ihesse VMS rule tReh roubles, a,s PerVinin ineletaene, dieele Wee. PalldtatiOn of the heart„ Shen - Matteis, canatheo St Vitue' donee. hidney and liver ftlICROTAB PUY BEE-BAW, Aso a 3cor to Zrothers and a. Trea- aura in the Home. Ail babies should be bright, good nntured and well. If eou ltave Itild that is rickly. fretful, nervous, rentlerte at night* or suffers from t mash Or bowol troubles of arty rt, give it Ilabeds Own Tablets and It will Sofu be well. There to no other •medielne in the world will 4o safely and speedily cure Ranges - Sion. Soul' stomitein Oolic, constipa- tion, diartlioea and teething* trou- bles. d'houvands of r,ratefut moth- ers speak of this medicine in words of wannest padre. Mrs. Prod. Pow- er, 18 Scollard street. Toronto. says: "dry baby suffered greatly from in- digestion. Stile was pale and very thin and would ery with pain in the :tornado and sometimes would not sleep either day or night. X got a. box a lialade Own Tablets and they have mule a great cluatee in my lite die one. She now digests her food readily; is not troubled with the. Pain in the stoninelt. and has) grown quite Wenn), 1 do not know of any medicine that can, equal. Baby's Own Tablets for little ones." This medicine is guaranteed to con- tain neither opiate nor other harm- ful drugs.. Children take the tablets as readily as candy and crushed to a. powder they can be given to the smallest, weakest baby. Sold at all drug stores, or sent post paid at 25c. a box by addressing The Dal Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville,' Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. MANUFACTURER OF METAL BUTTONS. Metal buttons are made of various materials, the variety known as gilt buttons belie; made of a ntixture of coppeaewith a small portion of zinc or brass mixed with the copper, common brass being unfit for gilding. The gild- ing is composed of an amalgam of quicksilver and gold. The buttons are cut out of long Nyide sheets of the metal and the ;hanks are affixed by solder. This work is all done by ma- chines, the process being so rapid that one workman can prepare twelve gross in an hour. . Brass buttons are simply stamped out of polished sheet brass, and the orna- ments Week on a die. Plated buttons are made from copper that has been plated with silver or gold, and are chief- ly used for -uniforms, liveries and els society emblems. The figure or design which appears upon the face of theiinished button is formed ty stamping with dies, the two parts of the button being 'pressed solid- ly together without soldering. The cheapest and commonest kind of metal buttons are those that are stamped out of pewter, used chiefly for trimming military jackets. These are very soft, and not being intended to bear any stress, but merely to exhibit the num- ber of the regiment or some such figure, they an ;wer a purpose. . HOW ONE DISEASE DRIVES OUT ANOTIXER. When the Gout Germ Goes Up, the Quinsy Genie Goes Down —Curious Cases. The more we become acquainted with the gentle microbe, the more we realize that man, indeed, is a .creature of circumstances, and the latter are chielly determined by the microbe. We are entitled to regard dyfirepsift as a. dhatee worthy of due reepect, and if an unexpected de- velopment of 4czenta should draw our attentioit from the dySpepsist. WA justly feel we are the sport of microbes. But this game of ee-saw was the actual experience of a pa- tient in the West -end of London, .says Pearson's :Weekly. Dyspepsia bad played such havoc with its victim that the medical man despaired of her reason. One day, ,however an unexpected development of eczema had the gratifying but =- looked for effect of quelling the dys- peptia, and the patient, for the test time in ten years,. ate a good dinner with real enjoyment. The re- moval of the eczema, however, was the signal for the return of the dys- pepsia, and vice -versa, and thus the patient was alternately aillinted. It is confidently stated that when oholera and dyspepsia play at see- saw, the latter gets turabled off the plaek. se to speak. A gentleman at - Herne 11111 was so afflicted with dys- pepsia that he had to give up his besiness.. When cholera was preval- •ent at two or three Continental ports, notably ITamburg, this gen- tleman was returning from the Con- tinent, and he had the misfortune to be seized with the disease. He was lucky enough, however, to get over the attack, and he has siuce found to his groat satisfaction that his •dyspepsia has fallen off the see- saw, and • • TROUI3LES HIM aTO MORE. Quinsy is a distressing and dan- gerous complaint, and the patient feels that he has endured quite 'en-, ough without the addition of gout. In one case, however, the gout prov- - ed a InesMng in disguise. .A gentle- • Man at South Kensington was ,down with quiosy, and siiffered severely. The development of, gout in his toe, however, seemed., to fill his cup • to the. brim. But the advent Of, the gout meant the exit'. of the • quinsy. The gentleman's wife was down with quinsy at the same tiine, but the microbes did not play see -saw in her ease, and ,she had to ligbt it out with the quinsy. So acceptablehas this theory be- come, that Continental . physicians ' have added the poisono of eryeipelas and typhoid fever to their Page Woven Wire Fence Owing to the variations of the Canadian climate, considerable alloy:I:ince must be made in all fences for eontractien and expansion, which makes an or- dinary wire fence unser vieeable, as when it expands it becomes solooso as tie prove of,little value. Note !he continuous coil makes it elastic and self-regulating. The Page Wire Tome is made of "Page" wire, which is twice as strong as ordinary wire. Prices are parkicularly low thialseason. 50,000 mi es of Page fences now in use. We also make Gates, Ornamental Ponces and Poultry Nettiu The' Page Wire Fence Co., Limited, We I kerv I llos Ont. 2 WPM reIgeted by the military enedle cal authorities. ratiently for a, time the rejected waded for the hearing to return to them; but an weeOs and then, mouths went by, and they still remained deaf, they coneulted other doctors, when. it was found that the &MPS of tbeir earn had been broken, and that eontageently they were doomed to deeffeees for life, 'WAS A fIDBI—FAD, ••••••••••• All Ilave Pound Out What a Good Thing Wheeling Is.—Popular Everywhere. Several years ago bicycling was a giddy fad, end the craze for it swept over the country Bac a, wave, swat - lowing everybody In its track. Tho dela and fashionable took it up for a season or two, and everybody fol- lowed their lead, especially .the wo- men. But everybody did not drop it when the rich tired of wheeling. On the contrary, we all found out how much utility as well as enjoyment there ie in a bicycle. Truth it is that there is practically nothing on the catalogue to take its place, espe- cially in the country districts where means of transportation. are very limited, and now that the price of the very best wheel is within easy each of any -pocket-book, it is safe to say that very fee/ Canadians in the cities or beyond their walls will pass thp season witliout one of these useful vehicles. GREAT CANADIAN BICYCLES. It is no small compliment to the Canadian artisan that Canadian ,reade bicycles positively control •the market here and in the other colonies. They have the good lines and finish of the best Amer - icon • wheels, but are more solidly and • carefully built: The ' 'Cleve] an d," "Massey -Harris," "Brantford," and "Perfect"' wheels are famous the world over. Write to the Canada Cycle do Motor, Co., Limited, 34 Xing St„ West, Toron- to, for catalogues. The trade in rare butterflies is in- creasing in London, and ingenious deception is practiced regarding them. Ordinary butterflies are caught and killed; then girls are employed to smear t,he gauzy wings with thin - mucilage and sprinkle fine Metallic powder of Various colors on the wings. In this way the collector 'can be supplied with the most beautiful specimens almost while he waits. It may be only a trifling cold, but neg.,- lect it and it will fasten its fangs in -your tunas, ancl you will soon he carried to an untimely grave In this country we have sudden changes and must expect to have coughs and colds. We cannot avoid them, but we can effect a Q11 re by using Bickle's Aut10011SUr1ipliVe Syrup, the medicine that has never been knowu to fail in cur- ing coughs, colds, bronehitis and all af- fectieus of the throat, lungs'and Chest. RAMPAGNE CORld CURTAINS. At a Berlin club there is, nUnirina pair of curtains. This portiere is formed of hundreds of champagne Corks. taken from every known, brand of champagne, efich of which bears the tin top which adorned, it Wheu time cork, was in res parent bottle The colts are made into strings. there being sixty of there to eech etring. inetweea every cora there al's three big Chinese bee -2.e of tttr• ((noise blue. Altogether Otero are twenty-four strings, and, at from 3...ds. to 16s, a cork, the portiere re- presents a total expenditure Qi dr.e. 000. The corns are tied to a, white enamelled pole with fancy ends, and big saebes of blue ribbon adorn the braes knobs. 'Pee total edeet is distinctly pretty. STILL TREY WM, ruxEicP,Ns Am) samimaTs vitat-e, 14-ENrgR BEWIL- is Still elug t tiee Regador Ideet- oi the etore of the Qapie Ottawa. Ont., June To -ay Met th irolouu efl.A of fdeteree II. lic,oz.it, of ZOO Gilmore 5441/.n. feed Shea.:.:14 lfieniaal Cade -a to their vern fomidetien, itt petties t. The titeiP Qi the CgRit lirete been 5 eionaeoally and fottlenectorno eetab- lieted ny dlr. heed's tavern eteetee •meow es to %Nee PO remit far gas- land...lea:Lela:lg. ur tniefal.e in the matter - Ng. Kent teed Be/al:Ida Ideeone ; had tilPit in bell fur months, gradate Ally getalieg were.) ; pbeeleiene could do eotter.eg for bine His c'4.1st. had refichefi that stage when Ws, lkosiy was Writ& bloated - Ile was F --A IOW that be Imo etn- vuls�r whi it' v. -ere le4nolly grow- ing sloes hetgrier4. itt fate:Tsai between incee eon. alsiosee bkv3'r“%ti gannet methane ma In neeicen One eetreseity the pinasielars at aet tedei his INN* are eveisllug tht �imd P4-4, live until raoriderg. wiera 1iele Mrs. Neet, ol to pion lap, perer CoriattwiL,{ 41•1111 50m.N41, of a euro Indent's Plee.oe `,-on Inenre Kideav INNS, It wee thee aninnight, and ell taze airaag *Ierea were eleeed. hut 4100 angotod Wife eisained. that 'n ;A 11;03n entreatingly IMP ;40tIti she 'Clr7'.04 seaMP more effort 10 rave her heland's life. Areovalingly t,11z.o de Irattated a eies. ogee. wode tee the reareA •deeee gist, preaerel a bon ot stm. ryli. Talmo tiZrt Comnii.aci'd to athealitiosnr at onee. Mr. !ant .11d not die that night. Lor Poet the first do'. e of Iatanl'a Mallen Pitte be eonueelseed to im- prOVP. Ali other t reet ar eel e and reetlielece were dieeardeir and the two cf this remedy enrefully cone Mattel, Oradeally yet cerely this wonder - erre iPti tre erogreee of the ahaeal Itrieht's Pt ave. It took Dadd'e KWny Bills alanet sin or seven weene to restore llfr. Kent to good health. 'Ills le eaten years ago, and he lies reeve lomt a day's work tlarough sdure. ENV N G NG PI ILES. Steam bias been found Very eilleaclous in extinguishing tires on ships load - tel with cotton. Idlien such fires are xtimenished with water, the water often anuses the principal thuntige. Steen), while very efficacious, CAM CS exceedingly little Illumine. A lire- extinguisbing boat in nialveston har- bor has been fitted for this applica- tion of steam, with a epecial iew to the protecLion of cotton loaded ADVICE TO OLD MAIDS.—Give your gentlemen friends good tea.. it 34 unnecessary to go to India for a LEAD FACKETS 1100ERS, ...4.••••••ggeo .,sTen3aleiee;013.1303e4eMes NOW XS TEE TT= TO :WY THEM. ; • TFRY ARE GOOD I= PHEAP' AND WILL BE OVER DI A FEW DAYS. The Dawson Conalnission Co., Limited, Toronto. naf Qdtmo soleito, ° seweeatirtleirf 13:04)eeTITPIrt • vlen you iVint, get O. repqtatit011i. Get. tae 0 best leaflet you can. •rowt. nay eleorniteat priree, nut do pay fair pm1o. , Bey 0 say's Paln L,so awl real only pa"' fair PaCer fOr tne oldest eiri nett, known ee* in raimada, the mot tamable. the Tea beet ground., Vee nivel eeoucontleal, • from, purest meteriala made ri/Abt. • P-1-01) rt, Vard RWI tils/s for et 1:0041,1,ET "Id" sowing how emeae ilOir.AO are() levitated. RittISAV Will W1t117' "42 tioN roam.. Paint Vialters ead)O0no,earaltd'OSOdPli0011teffitada00 tedne0o .11,..•••••••= Corns cause letolerable Hollo way's Corn Cuto removes the trotable. Try it, and see what an amount of vain le s wed. 0.1••••••••••••• A story is told or it juryman who outwitted a judge, and that with- out lying. Ile ran into an assize court in a desperate hurry, quite out of breath, and exclaimed: Oh, judge. "Certainly you are excused." X don't know whine will die first — ray wife or any daughter!" "Dear me, that's sad," said the innocent judge. "Certainly yku are excused." The ladies mentioned are still in ex- cellent health, and the juryman hopes that the solution of the prob- lem may be long deferred. Sure Regulators.—Mandrake and elan - a lion are lemma to exert a powerful in- fluence on the liver and kidneys, -rester- ng them to healthful action, inducing a reguhr flow of the secretions and impart- ing to the organs complete power to spar - form theit functions. Mess valaal ls in- gredienti enter into the composition of P armtbe'sVegetalb P1114, and serve to render them the agreeat:1m and salutary medicine they, are. There are few pa; as effective as they in their action. "Miss Alice," said the nervy young man, ''1 • think I will marry you." "Indeed? Two very remarkable statements, sir 1" "Two! How two?" "One that you will marry irie; the other that you think." Lever's Y -Z (Wise I-Iead) Disinfect- ant Soap Power dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it„disinfecto. "How is your daughter getting, on with the piano, Gibbs?" "Fust - rate. She can play with both hands now. Says she'll be able to play with her ear in six months." ,• TO trifIGE A,COLiS IN ONE DATt. Take ,Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature icon oach box. 210, • Chifd: "Uncle Jonas, do you b'lieve in signs?" Uncle Jonas: "Sometimes, my boy; why do you • Child: • "Cause mamma, said big ears was a sign of generosity, but you didn't gimme nothing on my birthday." Minarl'sLiniment Cures La Grippe Pield "One is al opt to teee eight of 0140'6 itiends." 1 hill: "Titatde taut r4fWif4117. AIitt' stiek to rg With •TioV.1 ;CUR 4490trago it?" "VA. 1 bertenv allerten front thane." Orillfavapr.1011 sIl Antrereer Trinnaela—Mr. Tbirra-o.S 1141" Stuid4eittaad, "kr 11.1 tent yearei wee eilltet al Wi4 CI Pace; a A fr.:gum:1w 1 wrai maxge vo%.:g;im 510, nuca fear ,,teare ego I woe cua 4 hy nelea Thomed Ea, eta* oa, 1 wee aiee higit@t. to Itmentey fee owe,* ftl85.4 i'trs, Nit 1:04,Vi3cle tO 1 0a:4 r4.tl'l"ti otto In 0.,07,it a e-eaIti either aloe MKtdenten have trealdea ne NUM ••••1•36910 50.000,000 paint of boots arot natio yearly in tugboat. Their VORA Is -g1t..:403),I.K10. aTa urrenoy Gills NIIVII01011/•• For Over niter Years Mite. Vlisitow's glatuiNti firr,Ve 110 1,„"re Cita ea413,is01 mr.Toisors kir MO friitlAdiPrt oh.le tee:VAC. n.miara trio OM iattte im& vriVV1 witaka.la.reeitiLaIre Clout:at te3 Car.,11 uromc;o and hitt Loa mei* ler Imiontam. Tacory-5.m. volitm alainte e21,1 tydrugigam ItvcstIA-ai rc' nmrale oettereatesW4N87:-.A..;: a a: cioxiiiNta t»Ave' .•••••••••••• any i11 vin br, tent he. atter pureilaatind e4 Mete End It ar,tht * or eneatheo Ce Tonto, • 12,C)WICV:4710#•ia --amarlakoimensano• •••••ado•wmordaiaa r4 pleot mate fr. tee r e inAld MONT T» %tO1L.re:44 11:s CaliSIO 41014W 0 tt "Cl.P t rewely core fcir rd 111,a,.. teem b 1 led nine da ecoze. gee situp. ia Re eireer aa' -an 1 T11enr,113ag111. Lire hmt Ir gurpad 4 to enr caleyeee en VA' met of tau do 0 r. adearee. BEAU ntinT ell"Dien.I. COMPANY. Jinx ena tiatillMt.`relfars12,8 Jul The Itistopric of the Idelidand le - lands covers all the ttairth of Free- land in South America, except Brit-. ieh Guiana. Its area is therefore ire million square 3)11141.3., IOM'sInrnil th hst Halt ilesizer A man named Stone exelaimed, itt 'tavern, "I have the hardert IlarnO 1 WS entildrF, and I will stake a. in this tountry, and X will stake ilve dollars on it." "Itand over tbe motley here; 211,Y zmunte is Warder,' " retorted another wit. Suffern:Si More.—There are athousatul who live miserable lives because dyepepela dulls time fitenities atel shadows existence with the cloud of deuresilen. Oue way to antral the remota that beet the victims of illis fliseraer ie to order theni a couree. of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills whiCh are t MOM the Ivst Vegetable Pills known, being emsy to Mime and are Moii eilleaciorts u their action. A trial of them will prove Ibis. In a lifetime of 70 years the blood driven by a mattes heart travels 4,- 292,000 nines. WIRE WOU.NDS. My mare, a very valuable one, was badly bruised and out by being caught in a wire fence. Some of the wounds would not heal, although I tried many different medicines. Dr. Ben advised me to use MINARD'S LINIMENT, diluted at first, then stronger as the sores began to look better, until, after three weeks, the sores have healed, and best of all' the hair is growing well, and is not white, as is most always the case in horse Wounds. • P. M. DOTICET. Weymouth. .1111Imeill•••• The oldest existing picture painted since the beginning of the Christian era is one of the Madonna and Child he an Italian church, painted in the year 886. - "KELPI RI" to OltITISIgNT.) 1071:16 STAINLtS0 Endorsed by best English modicaliournals. Supplied to British soldiers in South AfriC2. For alt Throat and wand Trembles, Lumps, Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcer:4 Felons, Skin Diseases, Eczema, Pimples, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Spra;ns, Bruises, Piles, Cuts, Sera Foot, Pleurisy- • Sold by Droggiits, 25o. 'try it once. IIER.EDITARY TIANDWRITINO, It may seem strange to ask such a question, but it is a fact that the handwriting of father and son are often very much alike, although the rather has not taught the son. hand- writing, according to Darwin, and other authorities, is hereditary, just as much as disposition and other characteristics.. The theory is that certain ligaments are inherieed, and so we are led to shape our letters in the same way. Sometimes there is a skip over a generation, as -cella maladies and marks, and the writirq of grandfather and grandson, is al- most identic.n1 whereea that of the father ie quite different. LIA -P AGENTS WANTED LR want at owe trmtornahy LIM n4 ifill11111 lrt 14;65:r real tee -wino Iut-uktc-to or, met sum km rh *rot Circle% ex orbital up in vosp:T lora tl cam thro:-gtmem the 0,1 cataust vrniament co weat Into ee alarr, Statue* per iloanth Ana costs, not to szccrl lwr Mita 0, Par tolIart Pomt.-4:11ce trx ERNATIONA TUMOR CD.. Mil C011 OUT. A I'EMALE FIRE rtzuumw. moo town et 'Memos. in 14WC.1. has a female contiragent. ]i0 eg, in its fire brigade. The -wa- ter eupply of the villuge cousists 0 -imply of four great tube, and it is the ditty of the women "linemen" to keep theta full in CANC.'S of lire. They and In two vontinuous lilies from e tubs to the late some distance awtne, one line pm-eine* the full buck - ate and the other seeding them back. ...mammon, Worms dewing ethe whole system. Mother Graves' Worm ENterminator 110 nuages worms, and gives rest to Mrs:after . It only costs 25 cents to try it aud be et/evinced. Ai enterprising dairyman advere lases that he "is prepared to oder. milk and fresh eggs from sound, healthy cows." Minard's Liniment is the best There are 2,470 murders yearly in Italy ; 2,400 in Russia ; 1,600 in Spain. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain illereury os mercury will surely cleticey the sense oi smell emit empieteiyderange the wh ole srstent when elatiltillg it through tio mucous surfaced, Such articles should never he used except el prescriptions from reputable physicians. as ills damage they. 'will do Mateo fold to the good you can possibly derlveirein thorn. Hal'a Cetera Core, manufactured by P.S. Cheney & Co, To lede, 0., contains no mercury, and la taken in, ternallyacting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying }fairs Catarrh Cure be sure you got the gertu Inc. It Is isken IntornaPy,and made in Toledo Oblo, by F. J. Cheney &m Co. Testimonials tree. Sold by Dreggists, pricn ?so per bottle. riall's Family Pills are the beat. mim••••••••111. "Pa," said Tommy Tueker, "am I. descended from the monkeys?" "Not on my side of the house," replied, eta Tucker, with much positive. nese. Stop% the Commb and works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a coltf • in one day. No Lure. No Pay. Price I:Scents, • Mrs. Snaggs• "Why al.& canards so called?" Mr. Snaggs: "Boca -last usually they aro things that a fel- low capardly believe." Lininient far Rheumatism Mrs. Oliphant, holds the record of having written 76 novels and sis biographies. WILL CURF, difficulty ol h rita t hirtg tightnessox he chet, wasting away of flesh, ibr,..lai; • roubles consumptioe, coughs, catarrh, olds, p ieutroseie alai pleurisy. • A SAMDLE FREE V Mil to every suflec er. PUL -MO is for sale by all druggists at $1.00 per large beide, and is cents for small bottle or direct from THE PUL -MO CO, TotzoN7 0, ONT. eneeeacee• -nee