HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-12, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
• Ay -JUNE 12, 1902.•
4lrAaataseeftea,eaftea?* aecaCtearteaEx Ar-efteaecaaleet*.03eafteata
1 12 I-2cts. and 15cts. per yard.
in black and white, old
rose,grey,coronation bine,
'we and linen shades,
ih fanv cpatterns at
worth'20e, per yd,
in stripes and eains, with 1?
fancy coloring in patterns,
all having Appligne Ef-
fect. These are very sty -
i11 low priced goods, be-
ing only 15e.pe1 yd.xorth
FANOY BELORO CAMBRICS, fast colors, stylish
patterns, satin finish, ulko-date goods at 20e. and. 2e.
1 per yard.
See our Croinpton Corset goods,
4 Geees Specialty. Poet. Ofilee Bleek
, piugrry wZDDiNG.--4. pretty May
wedding took piece ott Wedeeedaty
evening, May 23, at the residence of
Mr. Win. Kirk,when his eldese daugh-
ter, Miss Laura A., was married. to Mr.
Richard Allen, conce.ssion ley . Bien -
shard. The ceremony Vs performed
by the Rev, John Ham in the pre. -i-
nce Of Senile SiXtF gueete. The bride
was given away by her father. After
the eeremony a sumptuou$ metier WAS
eerved in the dining room. The bricie
received many useful. and costly gifts,
which go to ehow the esteem in eelaich
the young people are held. Mr. one
Mrs. Allen will reside on their farat in
RI:melte:el end will have the hest wish-
es of a host a friends,
lir TO LQ4L
ve uolimitca ar
t 'upon faun as v I
nteli VlattTot.
Cor Ins
rte. et
Is with deep regret that
we nicle the death of Mre, Thames
Brooks, whiett sad event +secured on
Dew es Caattrtio. hridav tveek at her home. Depeased
Barristere.etea Exeter., 1 s
AM oven asufferer for the peat year.
1 f (MAN" TO LOAN.
liave a be Amount of rri ;defends to
lean on terra saia viliagt) rreeerties at low
Ilatateter. Male Street Exeter
EtiZInearaure aatat
valetoraapraies etal yea 00
several draliaa Damn ter tale.
to et Nanitola alai the liOrtIrtwsI
Pi Sod,E.
Lora* tirallat F.x i,fri2tI eras. aipeina gala
:.(111112,7 Witt 6.1171ter elle. finite iitiata tearer.
Coln tnvited. Aho tne War, me ;gar dd. tan.
grecs furnished,
Wale: emtrat,Jr, t;ratia
Thettaileraaufd in aerie; ter rale that &Arable
Ito wee brIll VitUltrd u the township et Stephen.
hein-4 Let 0. emu 4. The land le ,Idt cleared. well
drained, well fewed and In on excellent good stale
UI (t0'. There N on the pnzin4..es a lame
fine brick: hou ;l*. galat barn, and other buildia,f4.
and a goal Felipe oritard. Thj i aOrnt-ehre
amend eat te nold taw nualy. tnit
Musa Talon.
Crediton Fans, P.O.
_10 trWe 111.0neY. (UM and feed be keeping
your pigs ory nun cleat!. VIC'S' will thrive ,Letter
mid keep healthy. the hog consfortable and
he will put °attest'. Yon em do so with a very little
expense by (reniug (Pcsiler's Patent). The Elevated
Moveable MR Bed. Simple of construction, make
it yourselves. aced In registered letter for
tarm right certificate and plan ot construction to
JOHN PEnttl, ENCtCr, Ont
Patent applied for.
but was always bright end eheerful.
adminietering to the wants of °th-
ere the was never beard to complain,
bat hare her saffetings with an pa -
deuce. She wos in her filth ewer and
leaves behind to mourn their loss a
hashand, one on, William in Dakota,
and two daughters. Mrs. II. Allen, of
Simehine. and Miss Annie at home.
The funeral took pine Saturday and
was largely attended by enourniug
friends and sympalbhm,
The mama garden party in tkui eV? h Ruston Methodist church
vi I be held on the thumb lawn, Tues.
day evening, June lIth.-Mr. A. M.
Wilson and Miss Alice Wilson :drea-
mt the Methodist Conference at Sarnia,
laet week and returued home Monday.
Wm. hIellin hasjust completed
the addition to W. J. Wilson
More which will give them touch more
room and add greatly' to the appear
Knee of their property. Mr. IL Pearce
lete been engagea to paint the front of
the entire enne.-Mr. James Drophey
hioks lumpy these days. He has pun
•(haste"( back his pony which suits hint
• mush better than the horse he had.-
ies Carrie E. Wilson left for London
Tuesday where she will attend the
Cnnservatory of Music, Her many
friends hem will miss her smiling face.
The uudoeiened i offering for sale that &grata ,
hotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This '
hotel N in good condition, and is :13. miles south ot g
Exeter. This road Is lamely travelled and for the;
rigbt man chances are good for a splendid business.
wre N a goad stable in connection also, 11 acres at g
land. Posselon given innnoliately. This property `
Noma soul cheap. For partiedars, apply to
lacraos (ammo,
Exeter, out.
Have What You
t- A nice Stylish lot
You can get them
at out store at
almost any
• Every Harness
R. 1-4 SWEET, „
Treble's Old Stand
St. Marys: In the death of Mrs.
James Kennedy, which occurred at
the residence of her son-in-law, Chief
Constable Frank Young, on Saturday,
St. Marys loses All esteemed resident.
The deceased lady, though in failing
health for some.thne, had only been
confined to her room for a few -ays
before her death. Mrs.Kennecly,w-hose.
maiden name was Sarah Blanshard,
was born in Torouto township, Peel
County,in 1829. She came to St.
Marys some thirty-five year ago and
has lived here ever since. She leaves
a family of one son and two daughters.
'We are leaving plenty of rain this
month and fine growing weather. -
Mr. Chris. Zimmerman had a barn
miring on Friday lash -Miss Calling,
or New Hamburg, is vieiting Mrs.
John Preeter for a few weeks. -Miss
Petrie, of London, returned home on
Thursday last after a month's visit
with Miss L. Williams.-Mr.C.L.Shoe-
maker, of the Dominion House, tits -
posed of his horse Thursday to Mr.
WM. Mason, of Blytb, for $150. -Mr.
David Schnell, of the Goshen Line,
sold a fine horse to Mr. Joe Sperice,
near Hensall, for a good figure. -The
W. C.T. V. will meet on Monday even-
ing next at, Miss Agnes Kaercheees
home. All the ladies are speciality in-
vited. -Everybody should turn out on
Friday to the Public School picnic at
the Grand Bend and spend a pleasant
day at the lake. --The Lutherum par-
sonage has been itnproved by a new
wire fence around the pretnises.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor, passed
through town on Thursday, to visit
Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Hodgins in
Clandeboye.-Mrs. A. B. Gilbert and
Mrs. Geo. Kerr, were the guests of
Mrs. Thos. Gilbert on Thursday. -Miss
L. Downing, lebo was visiting her sis-
ter, is at her parents' in Olandeboye.--
Mr. James Brien, of Granton, called
on his sister, Mrs. Thos. Gilbert, on
Saturday. -Mr. James Weir has gone
to the States for some time. -Mrs. Fred
Mont, of Rat Portage, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. DarlIng.-
Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Gilbert paid a fly-
ing visit to friends in Parkhill one day
last week, -Mr. A. Bice, B. A., assist-
ed in the servicein St. Marys -church
on Sunday. ---A heavy frost op Sunday
night but did not do much damage in
these parts. -There will he no -preach-
ing serViCe in Ma's Hill phurch next
Sunday, as the Maccabees --are having
a service atl o'clock in the evening in
the Town 'Hall att Wet
IhEn IN AP -4X CRAIG. --The many
friends here of Mr. J.Hodgins, of Ailsa
Craig, formerly blacksmith of this
place, will learn with deep regret Of
his demise. His death was caused by
an 'accident which happened the day
before the election. He and Mr. T.
Bantim.3,: were` driving •along. the 4th
concession of McGillivray and When
opposite Mr. J. McIlwan's' the horse
frightened, and running; away threw
both out of the buggy. Mr. Hodgins
sustained several broken ribs, a frac-
tured leg and was rendered uncon-
scious for some time, from the effects
of which he never recovered and died
on Friday last. The funeral took
place on Sunday under the auspices of
the Workmen Societies of Ailsa Craig
and Lucan,of vvhich he was a member.
The Rev. Me: Knott officiated. Ete
leaves besides a sorrowing widow
three daughters, • all of Tvi-korn have
the keenest sympathy of the commun-
Grand Dead
Mr. IL Beseenberrn who hae
ILL Brampton for the past Feet', Im
turned home for his Itolitlaya,--Me
George aud James Ranat ree ana
flies are camping in Sunset Lodge cot
Uwe. Parkhill grounde, Nye, Head
and family, of Pathhill, are oecupying
Law View cottoge tut same ground.-
Mree N.Pedliek is on the eta Het. We
hope soon to hear of her recovery. --
MISS liettie Follick. of Exeter, epent a
few flays here the guest of Mre.
leak Walton fishing club
had their first outing tient Seteirday.--
Perch fishing is now goad and some
&nlcateltee have been reptarted.-11.
ssenherry epent Monday in Sarnia.
atm Kinnee has loomed to Melds
gen, where she will nside with her
deughtene-Rete Mr. Thames conduct-
ed serivee in the Arigelean elenreleSeas
hutch. on Steaday lae,s-Menteibry was
In town Satanday purebasing horees.
-The Canadian Wier of Fareetere at-
tended divine ht.lov kr in the 'English
oir Smitten Rev. J. W. Hod-
gins otempied the pulpit.- Removale
were the order of the day last weelo
Mr. A. L. Shipley moved into Mr. Ale
butt's lumee Weide the Preellyt erten
i!learehi Mr,, G. Fox into the house e'es
motile vacated by Mr. Crawley, and
Joe. Hodgins entered into occupation
ur ids new reeidemee. \visite John Piper
moved from Main street, to George
street. -Mr. end 3Irs. S.A.Donpe were
visiting ("Heinle in Toronto for a few
days during the week. -There wag no
service in the Methodist chureh Ofl
Stindlee owing to thepastorattending
Confereneeat Sarnia.-Alies Ida 'Alava
has retuned home from Hamilton,
where she hes been attending the Neta
mal College. -The High .SebooI En-
teauce Examination begins on Wed-
nesday Joue Sith, and the Depart-
mental! Examination on July 2nd.
Preparations tire now being made to
extend the Main street granolithic walk
on the east eide o the High Selma
grounds.-Mr.Wm.Ware has migned
hie inspectorship over the laying down
of the graumlithic walks aud Yr. Writ.
Donovan has taken his idace.--Reeve
J. R. McComb is slowly recovering
from his illness. llo bloods tutting a
trip to the North West as soon as his
health prentite. His many ft lends wish
him a. speedy and eomplete recovery -
The sympathy ot the neighborhood is
extended to Mrs. T. Husband and Mr.
JeBrannton in tbeie hreavement in
U* clentb of their sistme Mrs. Cook,
which sad event occurred at the hos-
IOW in Loudon last week, while under-
going treatment there. -Mr. W. E.
Stanley was in St. Thomas during the
0, TT. SAN
Messrs. J. BattenandIlorue have
had At. huge number of posts driven on
theihi,reteises by the machine. They
say la_ easier than din -Inge -0°1r
good roads here hgaiu beet) spoiled by
new getvet. ft is toe had that our
good eeeiel$ sltoold be spoiled in this
WAY and it la high titne that the law
IK ehatoged to have these gra veiled in
le the ea -Hector TaYlor has the
agertev for the Fanners Rtnder Ttvine
in Oef's S'eliOn. Ile Sells for the
the expense of the new seating for the
churela. 'Die work le ceetainly not be-
!i001g.1. traree latetsfooret oft ar,ettircelschteaT_Itepwollini
t the services on Stualay to he
. itv Rev Mille -an) elf Exeter,
abet reetes meeting of the Sunday
in the afternoon. The e011et.t.
tlt UIfhe in add of the eehool.-Sev-
ra *.eW teachers and *Meets have
been appointed in our sc1iool.-31e.
john Pent is able to he oot again*
while Miz,.S Mary Horn is on the sick
list, -Mies I de Follicle of Exeter, is
the guest of Miss T. Hertn-R. Taylor
and dengliter spent fen.' days in it.
Thoinare last weele-Tho mese)) work
Of firoek's new ham is finteheti
ttntl the frame tvork rabactl.-P. Whit -
look delivered an able addrese here on
Sulu' ty morning.- Henry Fowl had
a gravel bm to repair his lane, while
W. Clements hate e stone bee on Sat-
urthey.-J. Kyle haS resigned his of -
lice In the church as elesseleader and
trustee on Sonday mortung, intending
in the evetr futtim of retiring to Exeter.
Miss Wee Murdock has none to
Goderieh to study 11111SiC.-R. Beek
and wife visited friends in Teeswater
for a few days during the week. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Aystrope,
of St. Marys. -Miss Atny Murdock, al-
ter a pleasant visit with friends in To-
routo, has returned home agaiu.-Miss
Griehel, of Dashwood, is the guest of
her sister,Mf.s.John Po pe. -Miss Laura
Wiseman, of Xirkton, spent a few days
in town, during the week, the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson•-Mias
Olive Sellery, who has been the guest
of her brother, Dr. Sellery, for a few
days, retnrned to her home in Kincar-
dine last week. -Rev. Geo. jewitt,W.
Caldwell, and Rev. Geo.Long attended
the session of the London Conference
held at Sarnia during the week. -Prof.
Johnston, the noted itinerant, was in
town Wednesday. -At a recent meet-
ing of the trustees of the Methodist
church, Miss Eva Stoneman was en-
gaged as organist. -Mr. Coleman still
continues very ill. -Rev. J. S. Hender-
son, after a pleasant visit with his par-
ents near Drayton, returned home
Wednesday. --The Women's Mission-
ary Society held their monthly in Car-
mel church Wednesday afternoon. -
Rev. Oliver Coleman occupied the pul-
pitin the Methodist church on Sunday.
-The following left -this station last
week to visit Manitoba and the North
West in quest df land: -Jos. Case.Hen-
sell, G. Case, 1 Snaffle, London Road,
J. Wood,J. Smale, Chiselfmrst. They
will be absent for a nabnth or so. -Our
town is again deprived of a hand, the
band recently organized having dis-
banded a nd retuned their instruments
to the council. -Mrs. James Wright
and cbild, who have' been spending a
month or so with her parents, Mr.and
Mrs. lames Troyer, returned to their
home in Seaforth last week, acconi-
panied by Mrs. Troyer. Mrs. Wright
has been in poor health for some time,
but is now nnich inaproved.-The new
cement walk on the west side of the
railway track on i
Main street s now
completed and presents a fine appear-
ance. -Mr. W. H. Reynolds is putting
a large addition to his dwelling. -The
many friends here of Mrs. E. S'heffer,
who recently moved to Toronto, will
learn with regret that she is confined
to her bed through illness. -Miss F.
Coxworth returned from London lest
week. -Miss Etta Ballentine was called
to Flint, Mich., to attend the funeral
of her cousin, Mrs. Brown. -Miss Nor-
ris was the guest of Mrs. Harold and
"Mrs. Alea, Muidock during the week.
and :tire. X. :AL Beavers. of Salem,
Sunday with Beavers Bees, -
d Mrs. R. Selves, of Mt. Pleas-
ant Sunday with Mr. ;led Ml-..
Witiele-Mr. E. Hewitt was hp the
village hist, week. -J. Westlake and
Beavers Bros, had new gasoline
last week. They are splendid
ts and If they prove satisfactory
e are a number who will have
ret in their homes. -John Kay
Alt his barn on iSlontloy. -The
labor has been done around
bere„.-List week R. Gardiner had a
bee halting gravel for a site. S. Camp-
bell and W. Fletcher had bees drawing
dirt for their new hank barns. -Next
TneStlay night will be electiOn of offi-
cers in the It. T. of T'e.
Death of John Pollen.-An old
and well-known residenter Ints been
'removed froto our midst by the death
:of john Pollen at the age of 76 years.
Imeuth and 23 ans. The deceased
has heen in declining health for the
past year but was not compelled to
toke his lted until alma six weeks ago,
when lie was strieken down and being
trooe1 el with his heart, enapled with
the Otlirrilitied of Old age he -bank
slowly until death Wined him. Mr.
Pollen was born In Cornwall, England,
in letehl and came to Canada in 1854
settling in Bowmanville where he re-
mained for a. number of years. About
07 veers ago he moved to Farquhar
Ina since mnde this his home. He
was a men of genial disposition and
was highly eespected as IL ueigebor.
citizen mad friend. For the pest ten
years deceased has been mail (wrier
between Dublin and Farquhar and in
this alone his familiar personnge will
he much missed. His nged partner in
life predeceased him about two years.
He leaves a grown up fiunity of three
sons and two daughters, all of whom
have the sympathy of the community.
Council met porsnant to asleonrn-
ment in Town Hall, June
2tul. Present, JD. Draammond.Reeve;
A. B. Ilodgins, D. Dorman, J. McGre-
gor awl Weeeawson,conneillors. Mitt-
utes of previous meeting rea& approv-
•ed of and signed, aleGregor-alodgins
that orders he drawn on Treasmee for
accounts, arnotmting itt all to 8772.39.
Carried,• Ilodgins-Masseon-tbet this
couneil adtonrei to meet in the TOWo
Hall the last Monday in Juno, at ooe
reeled: p.en.--Carried.
War. Fltasan.
They COUlieill
The conrt of Revision was closed
and the assessment for 1002 confirmed,
2 o'clock p. na. A Court of Revision
Re By Lew respecting No. 5 "Logan
Drain assessment was held. The ap-
peals of Jas. Cochrane and Thos.
Dick were not entertained. The
Court of Revision was then closed.
The several appeals were disposed of
as follows. -Ben Pfile, appeal not sus-
tained; Mrs. Gasdiner, ap. dismissed;
G. IlIerner, property reduced $400, dog
off; John Schrceder, dog off; Alonzo
Melick, assessed lot 15, L. R. W.; Mrs.
ealdiner, assessed C. part lot 5, con. 5;
Dodman assessed S. -1.14 L. R. E., in-
stead Canada Co.; R. Pickard Co., as-
sessed $1500 at Dashwood; Hy. Bauer
assessed vol. S. 141, 154; Mrs. McCor-
mick, assessed X. S. 5, 6, 40; Lonis
Hahn assessed W. 6, con. 6,; Val
*Reider assessed pt. 23,Dashwood; Wm.
Yaeger assessed K. S., 79, 80; Geo.
Kellerman assessed lot 20, L. R. E.; J.
A. and Peter Manson assessed W. pt.
18. IN. B.; By. Thiel. dog on; And.
Thiel, dog on; Con. Thiel, dog on;
Peter Bender, dog on; F. W. Hess,
dog on; Philip Rauch, dog off. After
the close of the Courts of Revision
Council resumed. Requisitions of the
Police Trustees of Zurich, and Dash-
wood asking the council to levy a
specialrate of 2 mills and 1 mill re-
spectively, was laid before the cairn-.
ad, the requests were granted. Wm
Consitt-J. K. Ga.etz--that tbe follow-
ing amounts be paid: -John Hartman,
drains across road con. 10, $2.50; Hy.
Lipphardt, equalizing union schogle•
$4.00; P. W,"Farncomb, fees Re. Coch-
rane award, $12; F. W. Farnoomb, re
Stelk vs. Township $8: F. Hess, Sr.
fees Re Cochrane award, $2.50; Hy.
Magel, grading 0, R., $11.25; Hy.
Magel, grading S. .B.• $31-03; Hy.
Magel, grading Dashwood, $8; 'Hy.
Magel, grading and gravelling, $22.03;
Hy. M. 'Willett. work on S. B., $7;
Chris. Fisher, lumber and work,$20.31;
A lex, In g ram statute la bor, 1001, $1.50;
Hy. Dater's, drain across road, Blind
line, $1.00;R. R. Johnston, flour for
indigent, $5.55; Nicholous Kennel,
making tile, $9.37; Alex Thompson,
making tile, $33; Josiah Geiger mak-
ing tile, $5; Edward Kalbfieisch, fix-
ing pounders, 25ets.; Daniel Geringer,
building bridge, E breech,. $11.50;
Fred Eisenbach, cedar, $3.50; Nick
Foster, rep. road, L. R., $17. Council
will meet again Monday the 7th of
July at two o'clock n.
F. Hess3 -Sin Clerk.
Mr. D. Mir received word oa Sun -
flaky that Ids cow was oat in Dixieland
aed be unw hasher home„ -The latter-
day &tint preacher WitS greeted with
very small andienees t.rt Smutty and
Monday evetilog he betie farewell to
DAsliwood.-Reve S. R. Knechtel
pre:wiled in the Evangelical choral
here last Sondey morning and even -
frig, He is a powerful pteateher and
made a splendid inipmesion on his
heaihrs.-Mie end Mrs. J. Wambold,
of Berlin, came here on Wednesday
of last week on their wedding tone.
They Are uPets At the former's etude,
Mr. Jos. ambold. The band turned
ont 4tut1 sereeettled the perty upon
their arrival In town.- On 'I hursday
lase Mr, P. Beavere had his halal rats-
ing on his Goshen line them. It %YRS it
large ono and being heavy timbers
made le late before t Iwy got through.
-This Wednesday Ur, Chas, Stephen
will raise a barn to replace the one de-
stt oyed by wind and lightning during ,
the, storm or* the ,t.lnd May. -Mr. John
Brown is siek With all ;MOO:, Of ill1Pou• '
tileitie. -This week Meesise J. K. Goetz
zind F. Baker are ill S11'4t10111 ;ti 1ele-
g,44.,ks tO the S. S. Convention now in
oll there. Rev. Motioek is also in
at ten/home-On Frulay Mr. Sint Ire.
hinel met: With it Sere!, e accident while
refining a jointer in Ma. John Hoff -
mares enemy. he edging a short Movie
his hand slipped into the knives which
took mem+ out of hi s thumb and eplit
his little finger. It requiree netvral
tititeltei to clog'. the wounde which are
serious enough. although Mr. Il'eland
congratulates himself that things are
no worse.
SAD DEa'rE.-It becomes our suI
duty this week to record the death of
Mr. John Austin Coersey, son of Mr.
Richartl Coursey, 2nd concession. Ma.
Coursey was n. young man of Aboet
years ef age and until two years ago
was engaged as teacher in this town-
ship. About two years ago heerent to
CalgarY. N.W.T.,and by dint of indite -
try end by the exercise of good miter-
41.1m10,xe$ he had risen to the respon-
sibie posttion of Car Inspector De the
ou Tuesday morning, June 4,
the train on which Mr. Coursey wets;
tiding fell through a culvert that II3,4
been weal:muck:I by a washout and hie
vas tilled. DeeeitSe4 Wati widely and
nest favorably.,known here and net --
real regret is expres$ed that SO
peantising it. career was so untimely
closed. The father aud family have
the slueent 65'1111)41w of the entire
community itt their great loee. The
funeral will tette plaee from the Mei-
dence ol hi$fatliets toelay (Thur$day'e
tt 1 o'clock.
• -0—
MIS, W. D. Murdock has retutned
to her home in Lurk/tow, ;mere, plea*.
ant visit with her father here.--Missee
Louise Mowliray and L. Brooks beva
returned to Ridtalo, after a short st
with friends here. -Mr. Frank Berta/
and family have mewed to St. Mateyse.
--Mr. John Fulton bas teethed his hem
Mo. etz&4 'W0$ttflrtfl- taisell his P••
• so.—Mrs. James Foster is recoverin4
•front her recent illnesee-Mr. Henry
tiateclitte was thrown front his Immy
while tin nines m t Ur. James Fogel:*
a few days ago and had his collar Lem
broken,-Mres W. r. iludgius vistted
friends lu St, Mire's laltit Week.
The, cornea, stone of tile new
bvterian &mein here, was on Friday
laid by Mile P. W. Gilmour. wife
the pastor or the churele Two othez
stones were Mitt -one hy the Indepeee-
ent Order Oddfellowe, the other 14
the Canadian Order of Foresteres
Each of these societies showed their
intereet in the meleretking by etantele
tuning $100 towards the building fan&
Thc church is of stone end bat, and
it will have acconu»odatiou for aboet
250 persons. It. is to be quite modem in
every respect. The old thumb, which
was* eltnated Mann a Mile from Cr!
village, has been turn down, and iu the
meantime the etingregation is won
shipping in the village ball.
J. O. STAN illitTa11 I,Sanattle Ming a,
Stardmr...) IlatiNter. mdceltor, acIary. 10'mq-rawer
Now to I.Ant-LNettr. Ont.
Rev. G. D. Damn and Mr. J. H.
Holtzman are attending the Sunday
school Convention of the Evangelleel
Conference in Stratford this week. -
M. 'Matteis Unleashes, of tatenu.speat
last Sunday in the village. -Mrs. Thos.
Wind. of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. John Wind for t few weehe -A
Humber from here attended the Peace
celebration itt Exeter last Friday.
Flags havk itt flying in •oar village
the past week in honor of the settle-
ment between Briton and Boer. --Mr.
and Mts. John Sehrocder, Mr. Wm.
Brown and Miss Mary Bertrand are
visiting relatives in Detroit this week.
-Messrs. 'Valentine Rutz and Wm.
Lewis were in Ifensall last Friday ou
besiness.-Mte Esti Heywood, of Ex-
eter, preached an excellent sermon in
the Town Hall, last Sunday evening,
in the absence of Rev. Knowles., who
attended the conference itt Senna last
week. -We are sorry to hear of the
illness of Miss Emma. Morlock. Her
many friends trust she will soon re-
cover. --Mr. jantes Clark is having a
cement silo built on his farm, south
of Crediton.-Mralenry
and M. Jacob Hoist lett for Muskoka
last Tuesday on a fishing trip. The
old gents here are anxious to hear
what success Jacob will have. -The
farmers in this vicinity have eemplet-
edtheir statute labor. -Mr. Hagie, of
Berlin, was •the guest of IteV. and
Mrs. Dimon last Sundaye-A member
of Indians passed through our village
last Saturday, -South Huron Farmer's
Institute is having an excursion to the
Model Farm in Guelph, Friday, June
30th. Fare from Centralia $L20, re-
turn. -31r. Wm. Lewis left for South
River, Parry Sound District on Mon
day, where he intends visiting his
son for some time. -Mr. Rich. Baker,
of London was shaking hands with
is his old acquaintances here last
Tiles& y. --Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown,
Mr. Sarmzel Brown, Mr. Henry Motz,
Mrs. Gottlieb BrOW11, Mrs. Wurtz and
Rev. John Staebler are visiting rela-
Gives in Michigan this • week. -The
fiaxmill has been re -shingled. -Miss
Hilda Anderson had a birthday party
last Monday evening. A very pleas.
ant time was spent by all. -Mr. Joseph
Heist had the misfortune to have his
windmill broken, while letting it down
last Saturday: The mill was nearly
down when the cable unhooked and
let the mill fall with a 'crash.
Sonoor. REaorta.--The following is
the report of the public school here,
for the month of May. Names of pu-
pils who obtained 60% or over on the
total marks given during the month.
Names are in order of meeit. Division
L Jr. Pitat'IL-Lilly'Finkbeinet, El-
sie Geiser, AlmedaFinkbeiner, Harry
Man anus,- Hugo Shenk. Jr. ri.—Edna
Pack, PearLgaiser, Willie Oestreicher,
Carry Wein.
Elsie A. McCallum, Teacher;
Division IL -Jr. IL -Hilda Shenk,
R,oy Fatter. Int. IL -Ret a Kienzle,
Lillian Geiser, Luella Stahla Sr.H.
Ida 'Ewald. Jr. M. -Laura Heist,
Garnet Sweitzer,Clat'a Rau. Sr. M. -
Waffle Hill, Madeleine Bertrand, Ger
tie Short. -
' Isabella C. Dow, Teacher.
Division IIL--V.a-Welda Banes,
Willie Brown, Edea Either. Sr. IV. --
Melinda Trick, Ezra, Oestreicher, Wil-
bur Wray, Wesley Brown. J. IV. -
Myrtle Hirtzel, Pearl Holtzmann,Della
Brown. Joseph Vinkbeiner, ATthilr
Iloltznutnn. _
Claude Bluett, Teacher.
Following is the final dealt of the'
Stations ot the London Conference.
Exiernit ThsTneer.
Exeter, Mein Street, R. Millyard„
James street, Dr. Hannon; Mitt:rill%
W. IL (Wpm.: HensAll, E. Medd; Rip.
pen, F. E. Mollot; Luca% John A.
A yearet
Dorchester, John Veal, W. L. Mee
Atwood, W. Peuhall; Brussels, V'
Wesley Coseos; Varna, R. A.° Miller;
Parkhill, W. Rigsby; London, Aside
street, hi. W. Howson; Empress Av-
enue. E. tiara:run; St. John, W.
Waddell; Sylvan, J. W. Andrew;
Bryanston, Arch McKibben; Thorn -
dale, Geo. Baker, M. Madden; Thatneee
ford, A. 8. Edwards; St, Marys, Thos.
Manning; C W. Brown;
Fullerton, 3. A. Ferguson: Wellburn,
H. A. Graham; Xineardine,Jos.Philip;
Clinton, H. M. Manning; Strathroy,
J. R. Gently; Petrolea, Jas. Living-
stone; Chatham, Park street, G. IL
Cobbledick; Jeannettes Creek, Ca W.,
Down; Dawn Mills, Jas. A. Snell;
Wardsville, Geo. Jewitt.
Dan Macdonald, Jennie Marsland
and Sarah Kerr were arrested - at
Chatham on snspicion of having set
fire to a building that the two women
had occupied as a dressmakers' shop. a
A. young son of Mr. Jas. Matthews,
of Orangeville, slipped in boarding a
train and was run over and killed.
Theatesole-In On May.
29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Micha.cE
Thompson a daughter.
ALLEN-KIEN.-At the residence of the '
bride's parents, on May 28, by the
Rev. John Hart, Mr. Robt. Allera
of Blanshard, to Miss Laura Kirk,
• danghtea of Mr. WitaKirk,of Wood-
ham. •
MOKENzIE-BEEL-At the home oE
bride's parents, con. 3, Tnckerstnitha
on June 5, by Rev. E. H. Sewers, of
Brucefield, Alex. McKenzie, con. 2,,
to Miss Annie, second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bell.
on June llth, Mr. Wm. L. Talbot, of
• Exeter, to Miss Clara L. Clrockett, of
Dorchester. •
KYLE-HERN-At the residence of the,
bride's parents, on june 11 by Rev-
• W. T. VVaddell, Mr. Herman Kyle te
Miss Louisa Hem, both of 1.7sborne..
ROWE-MAY-In igitchells. OD June 1‘
.alr. Henry Rowe to Miss Ellie, sec-
• ond daughter of-Mr.Thos. May, oE
• Exeter. •
LENN ON. -In Seafortb, on June 4, Jat,
Lennon, aged 61 years, 7 months.
NICHOL-In West McGillivray, on
June 3rd, the infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Nichol, aged 10 day&
GALBRAITH.-In St. Marys, on May 21X
Susan Nugent,relict of the late Adana .
Galbraith, aged,75 years.
KENNEDY. -In St. Marys' on May 31s
Sarah Blanshard, relictof the late
Jas.Kennedy,ageil 73 years,2 menthe
and 11 days.
on June9tlj3hP°1ie d76eas'11°n
and 23 1lerato-dayTh1i:
day at 1.3(
CoVasEy-At Calgary, N. W. T:, Jane
John Austin Coursey, eldest sole
of d and S. L. E. Course
BiadulphX; aged 23 years.