HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-5, Page 8s.
The high school eaitt:ance exza mina- a Tel. 0, F. members.
t1 }r. for live will begin cm tV ecia•esda,y. l Tlxe menage rs of Court No, 123, In.
„tune :purr, and will last three day*. • dependent azalea of Forester-.,ai*' p;at•-
estlk oo, ,s forthe first day are emu , tieniarly :e•sgatesttai to meet zit the
1 1 n posiuo
rer.zslitrr, I+ogli�h gr amutar, ' Lodge Remit about 1.:1:4 obi luS`a, to
s .:aa..(A...,a,ne: dictation. St a:tlndd.iy, arithmetic; morrow &Frid t} # for the purpo o£
y. 1,drawing :old la!storyiT irdclrS,Fng-«taking part in thePer_aeelebLt1
kala literature, wrtna, physiology 1 in
fnanittmet, Chief Ranger.
.. -_.. _. _. awe temperance.
Council Proceedings
Call and see 11S at our i1eil' The Grand Tl oink, has just completed Council met as ai Coarct of RRevlslon,
as *nue needed inrprovewenti on their mon:ry ei cuing„lune 2 for the assess-
x gri nulls near the de ot, hating graded went' roll for Bata Ali resent, Laavis
r 1 I r ' a and otherwise repaired aoead from --Moir--that dogs be struck from the
moRRH of pg. uurzn DUCT STORa , the delict to the stuck yard, Owing it assessments of the following r:atepav-
to the rmiAaeA se trot& in shipping stocla . ersee.n. Cottle, firs, 1teCooinbe and
of late years the roadbed become bods�Richaax d 3iirrphy,-C,xrrieal. aVooda.
ly cut upo wl during wet weather was lXatYiinr trait t eine being no appeals
We 1iat,'e greatly OR1 always in a> >;>x�,dlcondntion, The change , from assess -meat that tine C'+ourt close,
`tilti en
stock of will certainly be appreciated by ship- Carried.
pens; G. H. Clerk.
'' aeds, We are pleased to cote the success 1P;.aco Celebration,
of Mr; L'. '. Sanders in his thrnd year ; On Monday night last an eaaernetie
2 . s tai ex:an14)30.on art the Western L nivazrsi- ; t`nramxitte” was appointed, to aretorge a,
Coatings 'a lilt[ g , tv.1.,on4ora having assedamostcred- �t�o�rxsnxfor the celebrationor the Dec -
, • , a+ li a
so til<at iQ e heave noW some ; ►table exam.
interpreting capta►red the divinity 1 t+irationx of Peaaec and endirxg of South
prize, if or cowmen- . African ear, The cotnwitteeare alive
1(t i and up-to•date nes. t arc Bible tai Eons" t okuues, od.'ete 1 1r - , to their duties, and nothing will be
-OU live fixe Bee. Canon Richardson. Rev. J. left undone to make the affair a, Most*'1311 Downey, B. D„ or Watford, acted as worthy and interesting one, Already
satisfy the roost critical, examiner and spoke very flatteringly Mr. I.1, Ealber, of Crediton, and Mr. )f
upon tlxo eacellexace of air, Sanders'
pap l% We extend coog!rata>tations'to
tilercbant Toulon:
The New Ontario Edition of theTor-
onto Daily Star le one of the best
things of the kiaxdever published by a
Canadian paper. It presents with all
the typo„ r,pbicatl neatness possible.
the resources, and development now
going on, in what bas come tithe called
New Ontario, Whatever the Toronto,
S of k " i th h
EYE S,�7 j�1/^{ tht� vert best way, and. this hist evi-
ri'" EVIALI T donee ole its enterprise is another pmof
tan' MI er'taa'ea xt cat x' es roug ►n
— - - . of the gnawing strength of that up-to-
date paper.
BF NT '1111:
Two, days only
MAY ad i ttMi :#i, JCR; „Q+ anal .let
;'alt early oral avail yourself of his
'valuable e rvi.e, is this is a, mare op.
paortunity to here your eyes properly
tested free of charge, No guess work,
but a sctentrfie certainty. Dieleult
tam necaxn itely luted. A1.11. WO=
att�€r tue►t4-TMM3).
$4. Tran ltixaa et Artificial Eyes aardcd
to toric stock. -
=a ±ait)g
,n,Catt a'la tlw3nnintinent, BNCt
Blank note and receipt forms at the
• , la,.y,nxtaaix s heaviestburdens rest
+tx hisxnind.
A. dude is like a muslu!oorn..ot gnlek
growth and top-tender-
Iaove is the angel that rolls the stones
out of the p.tthwat} of duty.
For promise note and receipt
norms call at the Advocate cafilcc,
Frost bas done considerable damage
Co vegetables in Z't'eetern Unnu!o.
The Grand Trunk will balild new sta-
tions at Goilerich, Olen.eoe end Petrolla
trod at Portland, Me.
:Bain street has undergone a thole
wish scraping and, it loos certainly
made :ra decided d improvement.
The forty-seronth annual meeting
af'the Masonic Grand bodge of Cana-
da *will mea t iu Windsor this year, on
•1i,tednesday. July 16th,
Mr. Crawley, of the firm of Crawley
s Ogden, liverymen, bas moved with
Zeis family into :lir, John Cudinove's
?(louse on Huron street.
Mi. and Mrs. Richard 3Iurpby, town
have the sympathy of their friends in
tba Ion of their infant son whodied on
Tlzu salay at the age of 27 days..
1k%iss Pringle, who was called to her
home near Stalfa last week owing to
the illness of her inother, resumed her
duties in the Public School here on
Mr. Geo. :inners, hardware clerk for
W. J. Beaman, was united in mar-
gra ge eat Hensel!, yesterday, (Wed.) to
Miss Kate Pair]tner, of that place. We
extend congratulations.
The pulpit of the James street Meth-
odist church will be occupied by Mr.
Geo, Down, on Sunday next, in the
absence of Rev. Brown, wbo is attend-
ing; conference at London.
Mr.. Arthur Taylor, who sustained
serions injuries in Toronto some time
ago, necessitating him to get around
by the aid of crutches, is visiting athis
home here, Exeter North.
D. V., His Lordship Bishop Baldwin
will administer the rite of Confirma-
tion in. Trivitt Memorial Church, on
Thursday evening, June 12th, at S
o'clock. All are cordially invited to at
Those who go out fishing should
remember that bass fishing does not
open until June 15th and if any bass
should be might, by accident while
fiehing in the streams they thank] be
carefolly removed from the book with-
out injury and immediatelly replaced
in the Coater. We have heard govern!,
004mph:filing that the game laws in re-
gand to fisbiug is not observed by
some wino go out. There isa,lreavy; One
for wrong doers and those who have
done so should take heed or there niay
lie troulne.
Dr. Sweet of town received word
het..vett: that bis father, :lir, Rich.
Sweet, of ;►toxden, Stan., formed a
resident of Stephen. had met with a
very peinful aaceident and as a result
is naw confined to the hospital.
While walking on the sidewalk recent-
lv be slipped andfell, breaking his
thigh tion and dislocating the hip
joint. 31r. Sweet being an old man of
over t;, years of age it is feared that
his injuries may result seriously. ;11x:
Sweet left these parts about 23 years
ago and has been in the West ever
A convention of the Women's Aux -
Mary Missionary. of the Exeter dis-
trlet of the Methodist therein was
held in Herman on Tuesday week and
although the day was very xanfaaverS-
able. there was a good attendance and
much interest was manifested in the
proceedings throughout- Three ses-
sions were herd, morning, afternoon,
and evening. Attbe last, session
n th
was aterY interinting programme.
which tended to relieve the strain and
round of duties especially connect-
onnected *with such conventions and at the
same time gave evidenceof good. talent
amongst those in attendance.
D.V., a Peace Thanksgiving service
will be held in Trivitt Memorial
church on Sunday morning next, Jane
8th, nt 11 o'clock. At the seven o'clock
service Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck will
preach upon the subject of Con6rma-
While ploughing on his farm last
week Mr. Robt. Mutton, of Fullarton,
turned oyer a wild rabbit's nest, in
which were six young rabbits. They
were put antler a cat and are doing
nicely .• with their foster mother.
Mitchell Advocate.:
The Independent Order of Foresters
and Canadian Order Foresters will
unite in attending divine worship in
She James street Methodist church on
Sundt-,, June 15th. The Rev. C. W.
Brown, B. D., will officiate. Members
of either society are cordially invited
to attend.
The eleven year old daughter of Mr.
Nelson Kestle of the Sth concession
Stephen,is suffering from an acute at-
tack of appenchoitis. -Mrs. Jas. Har-
vey, ot the same township and sa+•me,
concession, who has:. been suffering
from'. severe attack of'.erysipelat,s is
slowly improring,.
The members of ye Isaalr Walton
i first
Fishing Club wilt take their est u out-
ing,_ weather.,p:rrnitting, at Grand
Bend, on Saturday, afternoon next.
ll�large number of ye bonorale and
st`au august body are - expected to. he
most g y
in attendaence, and ye'grand prey tr•ica- OATE extends congratulations for their a.ge ao,
tor will doubtless be quite in evidence, ' future happiness. I
The White Star line steamer Grey-
hound will rim au excursion from God-
erich to Detroit on Wednesday, 31rue
18th. The fare for the ronnd trip will
be Sl. And the bot will leave Goillerich
nt 8.30 a. me arriving at Detroit at
4';111 p.m. The return trip will be
mud from Detroit on Thursday at
one pan,, arriving at Goderich at 0.30
p.nx. The Greyhound is a new steel
steamer just completed and has a cap-
acity for MOO people. She is ODD of
tho largest, speediest and most mag-
nificently equipped day boats afloat
and is nue of the staunchest and hand-
somest passenger steamers on the
great lakes.
Apprentice Barber Wautod.
A young man to learn barbering, ap-
ply to A. H.asnxaS, Exeter.
To 33rd Regiment.
All members of No 6 Co.. 33rd Huron
Regiment are requested to report at
the Armory on Thursday; at 7.30 p.m.,
for drill and to get clothing and equip-
ment for Friday's parade. By order.
W. J. HEA3iAv, Lieut.
No. 9 Co., 33rd Huron Reg,
Dr. Ovens.
Specialist eye, ear, nose and throat,
will' be at the Commercial Hotel, on
theist and 3rd Fridays of each month.
Spectacles and eyeglasses fitted. Many
derangements of the nervous and di-
gestive systems are due to errors of re-
3r. McLean, cif Se-rforth, hare consent-
ed to he present, and %v-itt'the resident
ministers, Dr. Rollins and other influ.
(� T
nti ►1 townsmen, n, t i11 deliver Saddle,,
es. The school children will smog pat-
riotic song-. and !:any other interest-
ing features will be Indies -led in the
progr;aux.. A isnot eordi;il invitation
is extended to our. friends in the Coun-
try, and we trust they will gather in
yoadly numbers to manifest their pat
riotiem alad Help celehrote this most
worthy occursion. A big bonfire unci
fireworks will wind up the day. Every-
body welcome.
Farceurs` sxcoreionn
The South .Huron Paraders' l;►►sti
tate has euifpieted aannange ents for
running:a big excursion to the Model
Farm, at IGoelph,on Frialaa June, 20th.
Vie committee, who have had the ar-
rangement of the excursion, have been
able to make most liberal terms with
the railway company, so that the 't
Incahas been placed at the lowest pos.
siblte match, while a stop over privit
ege has Well secured, which makes the
tickets gnaod for tine following dray
should any wish to : morin over. .t
specie! renarran arranged tax
to Clinton on the morning
of the excursion to connect with the
excursion twin at Clinton, while spec-
iaal trains will return the rxeUrsiouists
to Centralia, and than south, and Bel -i
!agave on the north the $aute night.
This will give all those going a goaacl,
long day in Guelph. These encore
sinus are becoming more popular each';
year and no doubt tbea exuiu'ion this
year will he more largely patrnnized
than ever before.. Ser aoin another
life, T.. t. Russell, son of Mr. Thos.
Russell, of ('sbornc, Is another lbw=
boy who has clone the old county
proud in aa. wider sphere, For-sonine
time Mr. Russell has been secretary of
the Canadian :I15nUfaietixrers' :1.ssoeiaa-
tion, g and tlnv°ou li his elf! its the tissue,
halm was Made One of the roost Mika
entiaal organizations in the Dominion.
."Jr Russell bas severed bis connection
with the association to accept as more
lucrative position, and on the occasion
of a banquet held in Toronto recently,
themenxbera of the assoaciaationsbow'a'd
their appreciation of Mr. Russell's seta
vices in a most stibstontiel Taixlner.
In Speaking of 'the affair, the Monetary
Times says: ,"Honor WAS paid to the
former secretary of the aassnriaitinn,
Mr. T. A.Itaievall, by presenting to him
u gold tvatelt and, ch:An and an illum-
inated address.. Tixtclligent and faith-
ful work r relyfails of appreciation by
a, shrewd bllS3tnesscomnnnnity, and the
body rvhoin he served so well were not
backward in &witting that they valued
Mr. Russell's . services."--Seaforth Ex-
Girls Wanted,
Three girls wanted by -the 25th day
of „pine to go to ';:1 anaobta,for kiteheu,
aloha: room 4040 caa,,k.
lsit, ii(>ri, ;~~I2: dining room. 815; cool:,
tR' i per mouth. dust bo= healthy and
strong. I -e lrly (so that arrange.,
meals a an be nude)
to C, IL Sanders,
' AzxVDeATB °Mee, Exeter,
a ?raw arous-►7sa a.
mann o? . _
Mr: A, E. ilodgert is in '1'4ronto onl
Mas. Trait, .of Neustndt, is visiting
ler sister, Airs, Cha;:. Cann,
Airs, AVm,Aaasis, of is milton, is vis -
nine her mother, Airs. c Fidler.
:ire. L. Howard of Liman. Ives in
town Thirrsdaay exercising hi ftemecbise,
:1tt. Wm. Sussex, of Lenclon, spent
a few clays in town daring the week.
Mrs. atm) iclolmes, of Brn cels is
the gnest of her sister, :.Urs, flea Ron
Miss Talwin, who was visiting her
, beneSund. re, turned to her boxue in
Mr. Wm. Westcntt and wife and
Alitd. of Seaforth, spent Sunday with
relatives in town.
Mt -s. A. E. Bennett and. daughter,
T. P. Sitoith Coming.
If you have defective eyesight don't
fail to consult with T. P. Smith, the
Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who
will be at the Commercial House,
Exeter, on June 20th and 21st. See
"ad" in another column.
Feathers Cleaned.
Mr. Holstead, the experienced feath-
er cleaner, of Goderich, is in town and
will remain for a few weeks to clean
and renovate feathers. The citizens of
Exetersbould take advantage of this
opportunity if they have anything in
his line. Satisfaction guaranteed.
To the Shareholders of the Exeter
Sait. Works Co,
Gentleman. -Please take notice -that
the 'annual meetingof the Sharehold-
ers'of the Exeter Salt Works Co. will
be held Monday, June 9,at Town Hall,
2 o'clock p.m. By order of the Board.
T. B.CAitLING, Sec'y-Treas.
A quiet house wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Willis,
Main street,at about 7 o'clock on Tues-
day morning last,odien their youngest
daughter, Ida, was married to Mr.
Percy Luxton, of Sonth'Bend, Ind.,
formerly of Exeter. Re' .C.'W.4Brown,.
E. D., conducted the ceremony, which
was witnessed only by the home circle.
The bride wore a travelling gown of
fawn Ladies' cloUi with old rose silk
waist and a large black "picture hat,
Theceremony over the happy young,
couple were driven to the depot and
amid sh
owers of rice l
eft for their fu-
ture home inSouth end.
" The AD -4'0 -
To Celebrate.
A• public meeting of the citizens of
Exeter was held in the Town Rall, on
Monday night last to discuss ways and
means of celebrating the declaration
of peace and ending of the war in
South African. Reeve Levett was as-
signed to the cbair and after stating
the object of the meeting asked for a.
free discussion. Several very inter-
esting and enthusiastic addresses were
delivered and the meeting was unnni-
mons in having the occasion celebrat-
ed. After the matter had been felly
discussed an open rote was taken and
unanimously carried that the town
council be asked for $25 to defray the
expenses of the celebration. - It was :al-
so adopted that the Reeve be asked to
proclaim Friday afternoon, June 0th,
as a public half holiday for celebrat-
ing the occasion and the Reeve being
present granted the request. The fol-
lowing committee was apppointea.. to
arrange a program, viz: --N. D. FXur-
don, L. H. Dickson, A. Walters, 0. H.
Sanders, Jos. Senior and Rich. Davis.
The meeting was dispersed -by all join-
ing in singing God Save the King.
Exeter School Report
Sr. IV. -Hazel Browning,Mary Mur-
ray, Tom Carling. Jr. IV. -Ida Arm-
strong, Lily Acheson. No. on roll 49,
average 44.
C. Vesper, teacher.
Sr. III.=Dolly Werry, Olive Gould)
Fred Smith, Hugh McKay, Leah Rem
mer. Jr.IL-Nora Harton, Ethel Vos-
per, Blanche Sheere, Nellie Hatter.
No. on roll 47, average attendancer82.
M. E. Gill, teacher.
Sr. II1.-Willie Bissett, Tohn Trott,
Chesley Evans, Charlie Long, .Howard
Powell. Jr III. -Lilian Amos, Lula
Martin, Maggie Carling, May Rowe,
.Margaret Makins, Edgar Smith, Doug-
las Stewart, Beatrice Howey, . Frankie
Davis. No. on roll 45; average34.5.;
H. E. Walrond, teacher.
Sr. II. -L. Hodgert, V, Welsh, . W.
Bradt, R. Brintnell, A. Dow, K. Collins
and J. Manson equal, E. Faruier,'-A.
Bartner, L. Birney, G. Bissett, J. Bar-
ton, L. Wilson,' H.Da'vidson, C. Welshi
L. Gould. Jr. H.-W.Amos, K. Steiv
art, C. Pickard, H. Gardner, F. Flynn.
No, on roll 19, average 42, , -;a
H: D. Pringle, teacher.
IL -George Brown, Harry Carling.
Sr. Part II. -Ida Welsh. ,'Mid, Part
II. -Clarence Heywood, Eddie ;Ander-
son. Jr. Part II.-M.cbel Sutton. No.
on roll 58, average 37.
S. J. Irwin, teacher.
IT: -L
ottie`Wal e
p r, Laura, Mc -
Falls, Birdie Boyle. Jr. IL-Deali
Isaac, Jack Buckingham Sr. Part II.
Harry Sweet. Mid. Part ;II. -Harry
Fukc Elgar Ford.` No. on roll :55;'ay>er=
F. E. Carling, teacher
c acl.er
Why is it that some dealers tvilfailly Boake
false statements in their advertisement? It can-
not be because they find it pays; for it certainly
does not, We believe it is best to tell the troth
about what we have and conceal nothing. When
we say our stock of IARDW ARE is complete we
say so without the least exaggeration.To in-
spect env stock is to verify' what .we say. We
here quote a few lines of seasonable goods,
.Non, is the time to prepare for the flyseason, by procuring your
Screens. We hare as supply of either doors or windows, and. at right prices,
We luau'ejust lxrkt lo a large supply of i3:u-h, Well :and Spring
wires, Fonitry Netting, Etc
Sprayers, Primers, Garden Shears, Lawn :flowers, Paris Creep,
Tborald and .Portland Cements.
Greta, of London, spent a fete days Successors to , Bishop £ Soil,
iu town last week. -
4r. N. Monson of liineardine,
spent a few days last week at bis home
here, returniugcin Saturday.
Mrs.. Swartz returned to bee home in
i=oderkh, after o. _pleasant visit with
her sister, Mrs. W C. Hasten.
Mr. 11, S. Ettzeringtou, i who has
Wen ;attending college at Toronto, is
visiting a a ,t his honle iu Ushorne.
Mr. Donald McInnes spent a few
days in Purbaw on business the latter
part of the week, retnrnitng on Satur-
Mta. tDr.l Nesmith has returned to
her home in Milvertona after spending
a few days here visiting bet' sister,
Mrs. A, E. Bodged.
Miss :Lillie Nixon. who has been the
gneat of iter mint, firs. C. Dirney, for
the past th evctas, returned to
home in Wtwili:tut, Monday.
31r. Frank Sweet, of Toronto came
home to vote 00 Thursday, leaving
again on Sunday for Luean and from
thele took the train for that city.
Miss .Annie Greenway,• who has been
in Muskoka for the past: year for the
benefit of her health, is at present,
visiting her aunt, Mrs, (Dr.) Rollins,
Mr..T. T. \ 'estcott left on Thursclaay
evening last viat3aoderieh for Levis.
Quebec, *mu which place he will snit
cur June 7th for England where he will
represent tixe 33rd Huron Regiment at
the coronation of Ring Edward yard VII.
Ile expects to return, about tine middle
of July.
Around About lJ;
Baaydeldh While Flossie: Martin.
aged {I years, teas crossing the street,
51Ae was struck by as high speeded..
bicycle Anil VMS carried Immo senseless;
one of her ribs was broken and also
her collar bone hut we are pleased to
say she is speedily recoveriug.
.'Blyth; The Commercial hotel will
ebauge hands on ,Aiondaay. Mr. Henry
James, who bas had 1t leased for the.
Toast three years and a half is nixing up
And Mn J. G. ]nigh, the owner of the
building, tvili again assume ebarge.
Mr. James' lease does not expire for a
year and a half yet, but its he got a
chance to purchase the American hotel
in Brussels at a reasonable figure Mr.
Enaigla agreed to the change.
Wing�bnm: A very happy event
took phare at the horns of Alt, and Mrs.
Carr, Catharine street, on Wednesday
of last week, when Mss Maude, their
eldest daughter, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. A, C. Chapman. The cere-
mony WAS performed at high noon by
Rey, J. J. Patterson, B. A., pastor of
the'Wingbnin Baptist Church, in the
presence of a few invited relatives and
friends. They were unattended.
Seaafortlh: , Mr. J 0. Ross, who bas
been acting as buyer for the Canadian
Furniture Manufacturers, has been
promoted to the position of manager
of the company's factories in Wing -
ham. The company has made no mis-
take in placing Mr. Rose in this pos1-
tion as he is a capable business mail
and thoroughly understands all
branches of the work. It is probable
that Mr. Rose will move his family to
Winghani before long.
Stanley: One of the horses of Mr.
Elliott of the Goshen. met with a bad
accident last week. It appears that
the animal had been frightened by
some of the others and in attempting
to escape it attempted to jump a
woven wire fence and got its) foot
cap ht in the wire. The animal hung
over the fence most of the night by
the -footwhich was cut badly, the
vet. was ca.IIed in in the morning and
stated that in a short time the injnr-
ies will be remedied andthe horse not
any the worse for the mishap:
Seaforth: One of the early settlers
of the township of Morris departed
this life on Monday, in the person of
IsabellaMcCutcheoaz,wife of Mr. Robt.
Armstrong, of the 4th concession of
that township. The said event occurred
at the home of her son-in=Iaw, Mr. Wrn,
• Hartry, of this town, Where Or. and:.
Mrs. Armstrong hail been ;for some
time. The deceased teas boFu . in the
county of Fermanagh, Ireland, and
was 74 years and 4 months old. In
1310 she ,carne: to this .coaantry, with
the other members Of her family, and
settled -in the county of Siwcoe. - In
1553 she w;is married to Mr. Armstrong
and came directly to Morris township.
where her husband had located two
years previously. -Since that time Mr.,
arid Mrs. Armstrong have been resi-
dents of Morris, and many . friends in
•tlirat township will regret to learn of
her death. Mrs. Armstrong had been
in poor health for some time, and
abont ai year ago they took a trip
through North and Sout,h- Dakota, on.a
visit to their children, in' the hop+e that
the change would be of benefit to .her.
ft seemed -however, that she was be-
yond htrrnan `arid, Since their return
they have been making their home
with \Ir. and \Ire. I3airtry; and it was
there her spirit took its flight to. the
`better land. The .leceirsed was a good
Christian woman, and a consistent
member of the Methodist church. Be -
Sides her sorrowing' husband,' -she
leaves ai family of five sons and three
(laugh tern.
Shoes at Spackman s
To hand this week a large consignment
of the latest in Ladies toe slippers, Strap
Oxfords, Meed Oxfords, Button Oxfords,
Also the newest productions in laced and
buttoned shoes.
of meu s odd pants- Good value at $2,00,
$3.00. Jobbing at the very special price
of 81.50.
eadquarters for tbo C'eIebrated IK, E. Sandford Ready Mauk' Clothing.
Now is the time to beautify your
selecting• some of our
homes by
handsome Furniture.
Do you want a nice
Bedroom sett for...» $10
Sideboard, ... ...... , 8
Cool Sweet Mattresses. 3
Bed Springs 2
Couches and. Easy Chairs at easy prices.
Curtain poles and trimmings.
We have several sets of beautiful chairs just m
Give us a call and if we have not got what you
want we will soon get it for you.
Wes. Ce Huston,
Furniture and undertaking rooms..
Gidiey's Block, Exeter.
26 Ms
,: of, granulated sugar for
S 1 100 with every
dred of flourl
ou purchase
from us
W . T revethick.
10110ALTON & 111E1101
Login: A very "serious accident oc-
curred in this township .. last week.
Chas. Rudolph, son .of the Reeve, and
Wm. Wolf` were out shooting, with
rifles. The letter's gun went off and the
,bullet struck Wolf in the back of the
heard, sh,rtteiing the skull and expos-
ing the bi 11 a. Drs.' Smith' and Hurl -
butt W
url-.butte ere quickly summoned, and the
huller nue located. and extracted.
Although the wound is serious it is
thought, if comphcations do not set in,
that the young man will recover.
Supplied with either the
Angle -Iron, Round •
Rod or Wood.
These are without a
doubt the best ma
• chines obtainable
at any price.
Was awarded the only
medalnd diploma
a p
given on Hay Forks
at the �T�. olds
Fair Chicago.
Supplies -at Russell's Blac,lwsxmtli .shop.: