Exeter Advocate, 1902-6-5, Page 6NATURE'S FAWN
1$ '01,IND HEAL.1.-,
ift is at fer All ---On
appinees and. 'Usefulness
Of I.ife De,pend—leitleconS it
life is en Hxistence
nardo. ea Endure.
hipe ignominiously trout the prom-
"Old Biddy has perfect confidence
in Princess, but woe to any other
dog that tries to name near. said Area
Mr, Ulrich.. e'.1 have tried several `e"vkilne9.1 StaltikQT1
times to we ie r from the chichs by
keeping her in tbe house, but it Was
use, The moment I would let
Ie out be WQUd Intike O. dart. for
the heriheatee tend Whine MAU1 let
her ie. By and by the chicks will
• been to acre.teh for themselves, end
then I don't leticen that Prineess
will do."
Results from common soaps:
eczema,,coarse hands, ragged
14ealeh is sentnr°.° chi'gc'est" * t QIDItE,NraNv THL1 Nzw- oENTLy
ed. Tel lieeltla is a sure eign thatl 'What de you tvglat, little InVt"
ten biome its either insunietent, wa.-.1 "Is tine 'Where Mee t•Wettie lineet eee-
tete: or itaptare, fer attest, of the dis- ame
eiiseas that •atniet eeareeind are trace -
.o this cieuee. kner,y +argon of °Tim Mr. Upjohn thet Me the
tine eteny requiees rien, red blood to ita.ur
c,.....t.E,-,, it to nroperne perforei its "Ile is an officer in the battle
fife-sesentoleg fuitetions. and at tee °The. Mr. Upjobe that went down-
intiraetiou that atetere gieee tOwn ou a troll, car tbia kaca'alaZIr'*
;net eel is nee well, tee blood should 'I Presume be weet oo a treliey vac,
t" L.S-,---•'"
PITT"t1Ve 'aedul."Ces ii 9$ fe tbe Mr. Upjohn that Wea tll
vii:t teet do thie—it le a totem tient
is ;evened. totalth
Dr. Wieniaties" Plat; 1 14 Lt.;e7eittk,1: t:c!agre.,At Qvtrge
a52n, ht,ile:oert‘'as. auy
Pins neve teen proved, tie) woild ee, eeeceesee
e to sere -nen all otttee niedieines11"tlieder ei.--e ; t leed slitaximed wee
11 a at
ita vie:zit: toralee staetagthenliig, elan; 2:41...to, .beeeepne net ee tee
lientellerenewien aualaties. From eeee" nine; ;ale lute ler
etel tel Ine /area to ehe tithee will te ; ,..,:s.:0. way littic. tv,.,0,,. ;von ii.3,kenhtell me.
emea neeleee1 reopee 1414,1 elltedzilBIN i}: lit-t,g4 ims__....... to '
4C.440Wt,'OE:-..E° tr,:at tbe,Y t1;eill 61)111let 'lleelr LOW /40 run into a, drug
gown Zweite to this great teeettnen .:neeee for a piney o' cournelaster tte
11"4"29; Iltzt?;.'L' ''S 'Mr" "";:e'Ll. 114' , etiele tin a little eut he'd get over the
three. a low:nip-eat eeeeeg Men iess.",n• eyeee
at tet. enereiree (nee. Ile 11.14-b, :'""- ,` "Net at ail. For mestere m
"Ver Foree :nese I wos a greet. 0 elle /net, te. le bp. ma'am?"
, front dyseepsie. efy alee.etite exo3 bee,*
ill..t felt- 1, a aeielit on toy etoelecle ewe; tnetn ein naluee'
lenerne irregeler awl everetitieg i teeneente Jae tee upjabn. islet it'll
1 trien f.a‘ca:.-wil teirwilles road was,: teehen hes thy, sanly mete Re won't
'4 e vote ee tlectors nut to nit te here for an hour or two. I guess,
0'44'4 etea I /gri37 eeogne as tia;n 'eetiee Ti' steipplein to lame one e biti
1."114/ i''''4' / /ecar14'" v":.1.- 7.1.*"1/i* gr's"v•IIttetlit tighteeen that got Teneenate a lit -
Veen. sna'n-eal nn.:elt feeen Paine in Ile nit leeee when he was infer:Ili ant
IMIF S7ArraCIet; ;Ind 'tees fretpietitle eeie- le' danger. e
...d m-iti; dii,s;:-.if-..es, 4,,,,,,, aya friend j eleittie tees., tO1 me tbe whole story.
toni nee ef tne enee of a enenieg leiri 1.1 thin% 1 can hear it 'new.'
ra-.43 heel eeeeve,4 greenly fa-oet tine "Well, utakeet, lies la lite. noipieille
tettellee leit enne. tenreeteh tee Nee' with four rite trelee, ave esee Iteene in a
te: Vie Willneleess• nnitan riles bete funi::: rv,„ au' his re •e• is lateesse Sled as
ZFOL-T.•••r,•15 enr neialtia end eteenette,•eieenetes„ but nes e,ettia" ateue and
,,,,,td!, tslineagilF rit.'0.-il.eal .r.v. to 1117;k: itigtts Pt? Lielil t4,4 Celt ;Min in calillt
2 '.•••.- ,' l :12i- ll ''M'it "r4') eegee tii else; a eiteretit, arn Ill;Te$ tl litter Cat theeleee
4 '-z,^ tr,43. I ;;l41O-1 on 14', reelale ter taiga' r all ;Await. It, nieeine°
eeel neeeeresi es SI;a141r- Vroa, fol;0
c44:4;1014'0u itipTt-olCi I
4!led4i 169!,,--4,.,' 1lF1 di
4:4,,i,aple 44 44:.pcii4 5 4 witti folly ire.r., 4'1AC144.1 liZATted y011 itit I hat MO-
etewel to teeelte. ilit,,,r limn:flag Le.:44'• 9°" : ;346a ik ro);14e tri l'itr:ti police -
a eetiseent teteerer fer freer eeees: to two saielig taint Ttle0 were
14 iil 11-C-AtV trt-tt" a year etc- I neve leaning' atione tee 1/01349e:eerie(40
/tee rine etati iin tiaet litiNP 11 bean ;aline malt r ;a greet biarte n. na
even eel the 1,e‘t of eeelt/3. 11,ill I ale% tlie ;coulee men bled uto etnewer
sene 'ne :Not 4-.'weiVili".t tof ;all zeieene; ett Oleo. thee weee talent befere ;be
4.'17' t'''''„.,,101:' Melaierns° Pile% Pale. aeon; eiiiiiiiiise.iry of police, wlere the
I reten amities leave a semi vaiett to paenege wes ftretatit to Ctei.tteilt :it %IVA
'their eetale" ; aestortitaeut of wtaideat lege. etoten
Tiveoegli their aealtei op ate ;deed- frnin a te1"44!-1141.441 ,'''''.di'v Iiivde
sunear ll
ere; evince. ;beep pine cur,. ch dite ,,, the ilespita; tet- leo ie. It upe
er,;-)52,s ittl rheintetifeen. eciatiea. St- 13'0;gr'i tir.it tiain deeller hele Mr :entre'
via ea" eenene ienegeetion. weeny fl, been driving it Itrit,t1. traee in seeonde
trouble. partial paielyeis. ete, eiei Inlaid legs- %believe' a one -legged
eelre, teat noel get. the genuine venal MU died at the ilospitall hard lee
foil le,„kri-,e ..itp. Wilii;onttii pinen the dealer hougitt uto tee prop% stud
leille for Pale Iieeide" On every lime 1 crotelic's, frala the relatil" of tta}
,ii yonr deitler does not twee theme ilevea5ea.
ttee will be rent poet -Neel ;a mil
rente a box or eix boxee for Se...CiO! A I,* 14T it,A.Itle,'S illeaTinit.
Ine teadreeeitel tbe The Williams' I Iteetrallin has become an itupertant
treale ine fete,. lerockeille. Ont.
cer evnee tlle
AJAX rer
the 'Octagon Mee
enlittl,TST AND PARRY,
The friends of a popular traveller
tell a. story at his expense that is
worth repeeting. We eere Rot sere,
ii0treTere but it is at the expense of
tne other Person •concerned la O• M
Be atteeded a lerge party one eve-
eleg. •and, after the supper was ever
was promenading with •ape of •the
gueets, o youeg lady, to Wittnit tte
had just bon utioueed Ii the
eourse of the conversation the sute
jeet of businees callings came up. and
she Seld:
• "By the way, may1 es1.
u what sour ocCupation is?"
"Certuinly,"lie answereel. "I are
a corn-•met:dal trenellen"•
"IXONV 'Very interesting! Do yell
know313'that in the part ef the
country rrli.Cre I reside eommereial
travellers are not received ill• good
Rie educate:in wbooks 13a4 to be foreed ;sleek, as a gash he rejoined;
end pzacUeaUy finisbed before the age "They are not _here. ether
at w13ie13 ,yming, men are 'meetly fitted aa,"
to enter the 4.ryounase. Be rose at A
gach naornieg After coffee he was witin
s eerMail ROOD11bad TtuileAiD HAK.
military 4R and took daily rides com
horeehaele Ile was teaiuee espeelally
mathemeties. 'of far higher rangrei,,gzeieee IS ITEBY
el= Yainag leole are ruallenffirene and TTFARTY Hei HIS NNPRHSe
wae kept at etnieteete preetice in the spines QR1701)7,9
O&M id31Vit4ige5, 03 ORO oceasiee.
reeeptiOn to all the high Nee-
evcer. neve% clerical Mid elee
held at the Pelace. just be
'13 Lenten seaeen began, all the
ileetatle Coree were preeentt leehen
Herb is a *etch from the life
he young Ring of Spain, written by
a Wiener S, Minister to lefadrid ;
"We life was studione end his train-
ieg seveee. Be vas net spite twelve.
neeeennell %Nit/ en
zoo mrArares CHICKENS.
Xeepe Egge Warne, While He
Taltee a btroll.
rge Ind., is
of a dog that is, perimps,
Ibe zrost remarintble example of
brute Intelligente outside the fairy
books. nir. Ulriele wito is a poul-
try redeem on a. small eeale, noticed
•a few days ago that one of his set-
ting hens was in the habit of leav-
ing her nest frequently and remain-
ing away for a long time. Fearing
that he might lose a brood ef chick-
ens through the hen% neglect, he eet
ibetit to make arrangements for w
keeping the eggs arm during her
•absence, and to that end deeided to
transfer the fleet to the basement
aleugeside tbe furnate. lepou enter-
ing the henhouse. however. he dis-
covered that his. wisheS had been an-
ticipated by his pet dog Princess, a
female fox terrier, which be found
crouching • on the eggs. He en-
deavored • to induce the animal to
leave the nest, but she refused tp do
so until the hen returned to lief du-
This state of affairs continued un
111 the eggs were hatched. The me-.
/tient the hen would leave the nest
the dog would dash into the hen-
house and "sit" upon the eggs until
• the clucking biddy had finished her
• outing and was ready to assurneefier
rige ful place. As soon as the
chicks were oat of the shell Princess
. -asserted her right to share .with the
hen the care of the progeny.
When a reporter called at Mr. 'Ul-
rich's home, Princess was out in the
• yard with her adopted young about
her. A few yardsaway the hen
scratched and clucked, but the chicks
seemed to prefer the society of their
• foster mother. The day was damp
and cold and. "as a hen gathereth
her chicks under her wing" so Prin-
• cese, with gentle paw and persuasive
note was trying to cuddle the peep-
ing brood into the shelter of her ma-
• ternal breast.
"I put fifteen eggs under that
• hen,'' said Mr. Ulrich, "and every
one hatched out a chicken. A pet-
ty good record, WaSI1' 3, it Bat -that
wa,e dee to Princese. The eggs
didn't have a. chance to get eb:d oe
spoil. At first .f Was ;1,fraid the dog
waled brettlt them, but when I saw
• how carefully she 'set' upon them 3
decided to let her alone. In face
• she wag better •than the hen."
Just then one of the chicken,s at-
tempted to 3•1113 away, melee, quick
as a flash, Princess opened' her
month and for a brief space it look,
ed as though the clog had swallowed
"e„ warm bird," but in an instant
the chick was dropped to the ground
'tell flierted. The canine instinct
which prompts a mother dog to
carry her young in her /amnia had
momentarily asserted. itself.
;Just then a strange 'dog entered
the yard,
"Now We will see some fun," said
err Tlliieh
nut it was the hen that came to
the rescue. With outstretched wines
:she flel.v at the invader aad eh ased
ieteerter ;of butter 483)d other 'dairy
rtuluet. Tito Province of Victoria
Me exported to Omit. Britain in
189O-1900, 17,000 tone of butter,
representing O. value of $131100.001b
The butler .export of Victoria. vets
16 9 tons in 18S9 and 7e9 tons in
N90. For the lust ten years the
expert bus ban een not less th80.-
000 teens.
• .,••••N
learelagea between convicts con -
Ulnae to be permitted in the Anda-
man Islands. Lust year the superb'.
tendent receiix
ved sty-ele„lit appliene
titans for such unions. Of these, four
free and thirty-two contacts were
sanctioned, and the 13331331300abirty-
BABY1S OWN' TABLETS.The Best Medicine in the World
eor Children of All Ages.
Baby's Own Tablets are good for
children of all ages from the tiniest,
weakeet baby' to the well grown
child, • and are a certain cure for
indigestion, sour stomach, colic,
constipation, diarrhoea, teething
troubles and the other minor ail-
ments of children. There is no
other medicine acts se speedily, so
safely and so surely and they con-
tain not •one particle of the opi-
ates found in the so-called "sooth-
ing" medicines.• Mrs. R. M. Ness.
13arrie. Ont., says :—.01 first Vegan
usingBaby's Own Tablets when my
baby was teething. He was fever-
ish, sleepless and very cross, and
suffered• .from indigestien. After
using the Tablets he began to get.
better almost at once, and slept
better and was no longer cross. 1
think the Tablets a fine medicine for
children and keep them on hand all
the time." The Tablets are. readily
taken by all children, and crushed
to a powder car. be given to • the
very • youngest baby with a cer-
tainty of benefit. Sold by all drug-
gists or sent.postin 4.2n:eon-Vs a
box by writing direct to Dr. Wil-
liams, efedicine Co., Brocknille;
Ont., or Schenectady, NeY.
Wingle---`'Why call it a tooth-
brush 7 You should say teethbrush•
fatless you happen to heee: but one
tooth." Wengle—"Nonsonse ; one
does net say 'bootglertishe Wiegle
because he bruShes hilt one
boot at a time." Wangle—eBut how
t a habrush• ?"
73,000 out of every million deaths
in nengland are due to infectious
For the 0 verworked.—What are tha
causes of despondency and melancholy
A disordered liver is one cause and a, prime
one. A. disordered liver means a disor-
dered stomach, and a disordered stomach
meana disturbance of the nervous system.
This brings the whole hotly into subjec-
tion andthevictim feels sick all over.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are a recog-
nized remedy in this state anti relief wi I I
follow their use.
• Eight in every 1. 000 wounded' sol-
diers get locleja,w, tand 70 per cen1.
of lockjaw cases are fatal.
134E.'eutences HeRem,
'ides: of DocIden 10,41335
e WM-Way Which. Ho
Natal for
rad opposite the throne. Ile vat at e
mother's right upon the royal dais. . 4:1"" 11/41.4Y
Vitt long train of eilleiale Wept by, Cial/eelt is " wQU 143013711
verage eetela gentletuan.
tic et onr French Canaclian people,
that they are fearlemits
ss and entliu-
tic an their praise et anything ov
anyloody that has befriended them
l‘e One in more capeble ef grace-
fully pressing gratitude than the
tbleee preeeesent had passed, the Qtleen aA „,„,..„1.4t.C.350 inustxatw thip point.
came to the line of Audetssadare and iloeulle Jean pelvoe has for many
Minietere and ereeted them in slat
•Snag as they passed, be bore it pa-
tiently, and recoguired the ealutes with
sueh grave dkenity that I was heartily
glad when at last the hey grew tired
and miechievously kicked away the
ear -ideas placed for feet -rest. When
veremonions ett'ellion. The young, Re -I/07,31 et'uadlaInds hoot nthaotlxliewteudesV tie a terrible
tien to each of 45. I felled tliat be had1 • u 135q dieva,A) toreed mut to
ecamPanivil WI' awl ((:3113 bliet sablt4Ile suffered very great deal
raether'e rare gilt for laog.uago irrsomel4e;y 1 1;1
1;, 6;:ing the right. Nen
spelei eaturell,y and eaelly an Reecho, r,03,., advised to we pethpa Kid,. to
elaitiee, Italian awl Eteelleh. .1.:. r,03,.,
ney. 113433. grad rater tilling 4,4, alert
lieh preunneitellen was blitiply perfeete wean -Lean found waren completely
1:1:11-3raelegairtilP3-0. 2EL
Tile D4W801). Commission Co., Limited, Toronto,
Peignuce mente •et ProdSolicited.
e4D4PO4Petr 0,040
• 3EM3S'lV.
10 90* amg et 0 se, O.
t up • your houee, •yomr0
buildings, your :ono, eserythlog •
that should be painted4 and do ai
ie well. Pay a. fair price, hut eti
don't pay au' more. get
Ramsay' e Paints*
aad you get the best that goes 41;
in the world of paint making.*
You get pure colors, pure ell • at
totter than white lead or an; r
other mixture to preeerve, to le
beteutifee to last, and at the 117
right price.,
Drop us a card and as for •
sowa.,wr FREDI. ?
owing how some home are
ted. •
RAMSAY & SON, rit** 1841• t
Paint Makers 'Z
oillio34Oo.0830* 0
ind did great credit te the cultivated; caw.
relish lady 'Ode lead lag lion his pee Kin gratitude einw no bounds, and
341111 /..;"crenCee5n., Re 12okS4 t5,716'," III ever SiliCe /40 has recOunitereled to all
2,re, itsaLuerirlar''er:oldealle.4211 '4euas114, bite friends the wentierful remedy
whieh Cured him so promptly and
Maar(' s Liniment Rollers lieuregia v e 14 5 fillY°5° wil° bas 310
i .
lea**6-1:**. .1 ilins•••••:••••••••0
v 4 ;1 confidence in them, his first stet is to
•,, give them some Pills, and explain
?APEX:SIVE CARVED IVORY. 1 to them bow to use them, and he
• , . 4 , .., ,
The ethnic trade of ivory ear titer 4" '031334 "1" jueth" verY
the most s
keptical .of theDelhi is practiealy in the hands truth of he statement le notesof ;e faudy, the head of whih t-enudd s -Kidne%Pils are the
4) thcarersome of the latgreatest mediine in the woldter are paid ee337 highwae,.for
at the laet 317011WilL it Alp Liii`01:R11 •M°118* 1"V" 11aY13 lia 1
; site -S or want of shill might " ' . ' good.
(p011the work of months. ryiyyai "1 know this becauee 'while at One
41.03017 Ingle es. 33113043 es eai.2..7.elet 0341» I suffered very severely from
b.1% 1g been given mealy for — Kidney Bleease, now X am well.
pia of ear .ed ivory. "Not long ago I used to have to
. get up several times during. the night
•TIIE REVIVALt now I can sleep well all night with-
out rising.
"Von can believe me. I 8213 geed
to have regained my health, and 1
hay thanks a thousand times to
Dodd's Kidney Pills."
st izt the Catalogue of "ha
beens"—Now Popular
The varsing mood of the public,
innuenced as it is by fads and fash-
ions, is a ettliOUS study. In this re-
gard there is no mere interesting
history Mtn that of the bicycle.
From its crude introduction until
the pneumatic tire and eushion frame
were eetablislied its progress was
venarkable, and the climax was
reached three sears ago when wheel-
ing amounted to a positive craze.
Then there were beach day', but this
sear again Ards it in nuiversal fa-
vor. The truth is, there ,ever
be• anything to take the plata of
Ole bicycle as a convenience, espe-
cially in the country where one has
not city acennunodation for tra.vel.
The big revival is duo to this and
to the feet that a good bicycle is
now within easy reach of any pocket
• Thinking about a Wheel?
If ybu want to get one of the best
wheels made anywhere—wheels made
for comfort and wear—engeire abOnt
the "Massey -Harris," "Cleveland,"
"Brantford" and "Perfect" bieyeles.
Drop a card for a catalogue to Can-
ada Cycle & Motor Co., 84 Xing
St., 'West, Toronto.
100113. of wheat produce 82113. of
flour, but of barley 1001b. produce
only 781b. 'of malt. •
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury' will eurely destroythe sense or
smell and complatelyderange thewhelosystetn
when entering it through the inueous sertaces..
Such articles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians as the.
damage they will do eten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. lia're Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by P.J. Cheney & Co., To-
ledo, 0„ contains no meroury, and is taken in-
ternally, acting directly ,tipon .the blood and
mucous surfacez of the "'system. In buying
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the germ
Inc. Itls taken internal ly.and made in Toledo
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. TestinionialS
free. ."
Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
lialrs Family Pills are the beet.
1,010 million gallons of beer brew-
ed yearly in the United Iiine0dom
equals the total amount brewed by
America, France, and Austria.
Yon need not cough all night and clis
tnrb your friends; there is no occasion for
you running. the risk of contracting ill-
fianunati on of the 13 11S 01' 0011511011n 1011,
While y011can get Bicitle's Au 11-0011-
sumptive Syrup. This )1(11001 131 eiaree
coughs, eolds,inflanimatiou of the lunee
tin d all throat and oh ost trouble's!. it pro
motes A tree and easy expcietoration. whidi
immediately relieves the throat told 1 ti a•,s
from viscid phlegm.
that Friday, May
Do not forget
23ri1, is the date for the excursion
to Boston by regular trities of tho
West Shore Railroad. The fare is
only tett dollars ($10.00) for the
round trip and thertihkets are good
for return until and including June
2nd. Just think 1 Over a thousand
miles for ten dollars. Get tickets
and further particulars from West
Shore Agents.
France pays for ber paupers by
meaus of a. tax of 10 per eent, on
all theatre tickets sold.
Taho IdtXtteiVO Brame Quinine Tablets. AA
demists refund. the money It It faAle to onto.
10. W. erora'a signature is ark each bog. 25..
Forty million tons a year ef .coal
Is used in iron -making by England
and America, 20 inillion by Gere
many and Prence.
Monkey Brand Soap Makes copper
like gold, tin like silver, crockery'
like • marble, and windows like
In 1,766 murders temmitt,ed in the
United tringdortt in the ten years
ending 1888 there„,was no trace of
the criminal in 1,094 cases, and
only 151 were executed.
Tbereneyer was, and never will be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
Ws to which flesh is heir—the very nature
of many curatives being such that were
the gerinS' of other and differently seated
diseases rooted ‘in the system of the
patient—what would relieve one ill in
turn 'would ageravate the other. We
have, hOwever, in Quinine' 1,Vine. when
obtain able in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for Murgrevious
By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest system' are led info convalescence
and strength, by ehe influence which Qui-
nine eeerts onNature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
with wbom a chronic state of morbid des
pendency lied lack of interest in life is e,
disease, and, by trauquilizino, the. nerve5,
-disposes to sound, and refres hig sleep—
imparts vigor to the action Of the blood
which being stimulated, coursesth rough -
out tne veins, strengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary -result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs. which naturally
45010 nd Increased substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop tk. Lyman of
foronto, have ,giveri to the 'public their
superior Quinine Wine at the nsual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine a pproaelles nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
du': of every 100,000 of England's
population, 215.. are tried for variotcs
offences in a year, of Scotland's
805, and of Ireland's 4,40.
Stops the Cough
rind ',works off the Cold.
Laxative Broom -Quinine- Tablets cure a oold
In -one day. No Lure. No Fo.g. Price SIG oente.
The ,lenite,d Kingdom has 290 peo-
:pie to 111e sq are rilile, Delglnin. 480,
and' :1\Te1way Only 15,
The Frost 10 Wire and 6 *ay Fence
is the strongest and heaviest vrire fence 60.44 -good openings
for good agents; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog.
• Mr. Wredink (the old book -keep-
-mei "To -day marks my fortieth
year of service with you, sir." Mr.
Hidete "I was aware of it, Mr.
1Vredink, and I arranged a littlo sur-
prise • for you. Take this alarm
clock with nay best 'wishes for your
continued punctuality.:'
Itinard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Canadians drink but 4 gallons of
beer a head, while their neighbors in
the United States consume nearly
13 gallons a head a year.
Forleflammatien et the Bres.—Among
the malty geed qualities which Patine
lee's Vegetable Pills possess, besides rea
;dating the digestive organs, is their eft'
wee. in reducieg inflammation of tin
eyes. It hes-called forth many letters cr
recommendation from those who evert
afflicted with this complaint and found t
cure in Ole -pills. They nffect the nerw
centres and the blood n a surprisingle
active way, and the result is almost nee
mediatele seen.
, For Over Sixty Years
Mks. WnesLoves SOOVIrlla Stems hes been used bi-
ot mothers tor their chwh
ildren ile teething
leseothes the child, patens the gums, allays pain, cure.
wind collo, regulates the stomach else bowels, and 13 th,
bee remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty.lve cents a bottle.
Bold bp &Insists throughout the world. De nun haw
as/rfur"Mx.e.Tintszoolv's 500ittiNo tizstur."
The total of British shipping is
9,164,000 tons. That of the six
great powas is 9,070,000 tons.
"KELP11011 pp 11AcaGITNAeltil.Z80
Endorsed by best English Modica 'Journals.
Soliiilled to British soldiers in South Africa.
For all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps,
Abscesses, Old Soros, Ulcer, Foions, Skin
OlsoasesEczema, Pimples, Stiff Joints.
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains Bruisos,
Piles, Cuts, Sore Foot, Flourini•
Sold by Druggists, 25o. Try it once.
xxxs marimws DARLING..
There is pot a, More dangerous class o
disorders than those which Affect tbe,
breathing organs. Nullify this danger:
with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011—a pat.
tootle of acknowledged efficacy. It cures
lameness and soreness When applied ex-
ternally. as well as swelled neck and crick
in the brick; and, as an inward speciAc,
possesses most substantial claims to pub-
lic confidence.
"My niece Mary was always, a well-
meaning girl, but she would say the
wrong thMg almost every time,"
said One -old gentleman to another;
"and she's got a , boy that's going
to be her very counterpart
, ,.The old gentlerean'a eyes twinkled,
and his Waite good-natured face was
'puckered with enjoyment as he drew'
from his pocket -book a small sheet
of note paper. •.
"/ sent Hal a toymonkey, that
plays all kinds of pranks whenit's
wound- up,'' • said • he, chuckling.
"Sent' it; to him for his birthday.
Now you lieten , to this letter of
thanks I 'got frOm him ' to -day. He's.
just eight years, old: •
" 1.)eer Uncle am delited
with the munkey, thank youile
makes me think of you very offen.
And wheneker mamma winds him up
and he begins to jump, mamma and
feel as if we were back at your
house where all those toys are,,,,and
mamma will look at the munkey and
say, `That's your Uncle -Ned all
" 'Good-bye 'rota
" 'your greatfull Bale "
There aro 72 places na
ton in Blighted.
d Newe
Gentlemem—I have used MINI
!MD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and
lo my family for years, and fon
every day ills and accidents of life
!consider it has no equal.
I would not start on a voyage
'without it, if it cost a dollar a
Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, ICee
• Twenty-six per cent, of the entire
population of the world lives under
Ole 'Union Jack, 9 per cent. under
Russian rule, 6 under French, and
nearly 6 under American.
Minarti's Liniment Cures Burns, etc,
TN. II 378
We want nt once 'trustworthy mon and women. int
Aver lonetr, local or trarollny, to introduce 41 'illYfe
liseorerr and keep ear show cards, and advonlaing
:natter tacked up tri conspicuous pianos throntatcalt thql
:own and country. Steady emPloPuent Soar rentli
waniniselon or taut $6s.00- per 'loath an
Loxpeoses, net to exceed $330 per day.
Write for partieulars. Postoilice box 337,
Like any other form of Inflammation le
readlithealed by CILEANINE. Flo other
ointment relieves pain so qraiskly. It Is
not an anesthetic, but a hewer.
250, Drugglste or Citindine• Cop Taranto.
tc.oney refunded if not satisfactory.
Prey.ented and Cured.
Pour marvelous free retmedieafor
suffererS reading thispaper. New
• tion, 'Weak Limgs, Catarrh,
and a rundown system.
Do you cough ?
Do your lungs pain you?
Is your throat sore and inflamed?
Do you spit up ohiegm ?
Does your head ache.?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?
Are you losing flesh?
Are you pale and thin?
Do you lack stamina ?
• These symptonis are proof that you
have in your body the seeds of the mosl
dangerous malady that has ever devae
tated the earth—consumption.
You are invited to test what this system will do for
you, if you are sick, by writing for a
and the Four Pree Preparations will be forwarded yptt
at once. with complete directiono for use.
The Sled.= Sy.stern is a positive cure for Consumpt
tion, that mos+ ntsidiotts disease., and for all Lung
Troubles and Disorders, complicated by Loss of
Flesh, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis aad
-Heart Troubles.
Simply ',write to the T. A. Slocum .chemicat
Company, Limited, ton Xing 'Street West, Toronto,
post office and express address, and the fret
medicine (tito Slocum Cure) will bc.prumptly seat.
Persons inCanada seeing SinCUr•Americart papers will please 'send Or samples t
. ll free offer i;
Toronto. Mention dub paper.
lts:wow •