HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-5, Page 4r 0.
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ViLiSER4 IrliVX.E.0„
t's Vire dary Ma: est:
of zlwileuseof Ci,makaws
Nyer,• TWO iteles 4or see
• ; tionersch- etl0 .0 nes' he el eti11ng 4
• the Comma -pee where and :Oettett foe tt
' harbor dredgittee An item ef eflevo
lutroduerti its the 11011;SP the previous
sveek was fa pay for dredging already
• f Ot-10-Was thole 2. --Tee Governor -Gen.
1111)!Itti6 n A r
0111. k.
The political battle has been fought puke to p4q• and dreilesing, ; end today forwaree41 the followiue arcs.
wae-,ed hot mai was probably the The Oakville Star says that the rose f: "`;Nly eIinisters isesteu to offer to his
bottest fought contest ever experienced ter is greerally regarded a$ a careless elajcsty the le-ing the bumble asul loyal
llaVe demonstrated through the ballot 'Whea 1.enneh of chickens wale. olely ' "Is ou the restoration a pcvme
nee a, most worthy ettoice mad the re- few titter= old the hen died, The roo- SOnth Africa, and• they regard the an -
most gratng oue ster develstped an affection for the , nouncement on the eve of the appreacts-
. proteserste aed greatnees of
e s the duties of the hen. his Maeetfe edell;"
14:ur'eclilettPio,)1..\t6lIn.tft rkiss ziklualetxecit',11taisolla eongratulations a the peo10
ple of Can-
iu the riding, However, tiA. ei1,K;tors
ifirocel.aud carefully gethers them un- , big solemuities of the colnuation ns
both to the electors an --------------------------- didate.
In emn,kiering tile merits Qf ale num, ...ee,11;:phIse,.7•4inin eyeti?' Digit lie forneinr; eappe tiorgury for the twig
W110111 the electors of Sewall liuroa Inn xen) 411' tV"er4-1' °11u.'"Aeti
pliteee their confttlence, we insis * *
coneratulation to Lord leitelseuer was
Lord" Alsato's yereonal snessage of
that the best interests a the riding It is reported that two earest Polar t woaled as follows s-"Cauada. rejoices
expeditions set out on the first week- , end cougratulatcs you and the army on
will be subserved and c6uld uot be
committed to eafer or more capable of April for' the north pole, ..Lieu.t, the conelusion of what all feel ,will
parry WaS to leave Cap • I t
e Sabine an
. prole a as ing and ho b "
Dora le peace.
n of stature's. prinel .
keepiug. -sse nla Greenlaud for a dash to the pole and
steady downpour of rain prevented
Ples. Peesless lada led% Spotless E. B. Baldwiu was to leave Frill= any esgat'iize4 attempt, at a ate de,.
reeord, public "and private. 11H011111)3T" irSePil 141)4 th'e Salfie week ^ 1..*iv- mots-tration tallied; In spitee of the
tressed by ;my politteal ationtositlesaud ahlwin hilt' thela14'1; olfealY ep. Ned , buwethe reet westn,
ped extlethtition which has ever Leen erowile& arta waste a. bub,bub was Tali.,
W1111. 1104.-•11as. oreanized, a. Neu. 1.-ork. millionaire,
eounnanded eaateeerza cane:knee. 31;.,, Zeigler, having pntup $1,0001000 to ' :La laarrrtvlien5,,°/.,nI09nUtiSe'klItt) 4 t` rvicil
his stalwart ietegrite-
Noreoceolis wed ie with thepeeple, y the expenses of the expedition. It tui burns.. gre eraa, Ds 15,reane alsso ici-..
aillS to he neon whether the sclen. " r
He bates oppression in every swipe,tlLle resulte of these experlitions are Pl°41e4 w" T"'Vesa VQ41411.tY"
T..ong before he •ever entered polities oeut 10 jp,t.tv 111 , , lit f Najor.Oeueral 0 Grady pro Petted
- 1 . 0 emu tu. twe o -1, . r
bi$ friende !mew that iu disenssiou of e and life 1 ne tar,. f om paredi?g except is r
'clew order, and the tune was too eller
$oeitil aud economie problems .11r. E* e e , for thisthe propesed turnout of Ottawa
be was a nem of the people in ltS Tile following from the filenvoe i regimee'ts was abandonesi. At mid.day
highest sense; the sense that (listing- Transcript applies to more towns than a royal salute was Sred at Ns peen
niehes the patriot from the deo Menem': "Tho %legion is often ze,ked Point by the Ottawa Fiele Battery, and
what are you goang to have in the line the bells of all the city churches wero
gogue-- U autusetneuts this summer.? Onr mg, The ebildree 15 atteaulanee at
And now that the contest is over a young men must not pass their time in 1 the schools were giveu a half Witty,
the vietory won we extend the goo
hand of fellowship Whim political op
portents who may have differed i
their views to those of ours and let n
again observe that good old motto
"peaee mad good will. to all ren." We
have no boasts to make over our oppon•
ads -indeed, we believe it is for thel
good,in short, for all parties -that Mr.
Either is elected and while We exult
'over the issue. we feel no inclination to
twit 1111r opponents with their defeat.
They brought iuto play all the resour-
ees of party strategy, and left nothing
undone that ingeunity and experience
could suggest as a probable or possible
-means of success, The weakness of
their cause, however, sees past all hol-
stering and we hove laid them otte et-
fectunlly. As they are notunderpres-
ent circumstances, in the temper to re-
joice for themselves, we rejoice for
them -believing honestly that it is for
their good as much as for our own,
that victory has perched on our ban-
ner. The greatest good of the great-
, est number should be the main object
of every patriot, and it is because we
believe that the principles or our par-
ty are best calculated to secure that
object that we work info]: and are grat-
ified when it triumphs. Three cheers
Lor Harry.
At the Kingston locomotive works
the machinists are out on strike.
'Their places have been filled by. men uing-process as resorted to. Put a man ty good animals sold at from 4160 to /$14•3
in the CentralPrison for six months if and the common stock at from. 31,1,0 to 4e
lb. Mr. A. Richard bouglIt two sute-
imported from the United States, he steals some scrap iron from the P"
the barroom or the•halliard pallor;
MeV are prearbed at if they play cards
hey are leastentng to dananatton, The Rag"' Jilue
Y11OOIIO 00014
dance, end if they walk the streetsi,
official but.
They are not all book worms; then , lean frora Loo Castle es, that Queen
vhot are you going to provide as a i Wilhtemina, will pa$s her peried ef con.
pastime? Even the beotin.ni flew : ralewace at Castle eohniourg, in the
sports,such as base ball and foothallsare ' ValleS Qf the 14/411.
&tweed down to such an extent that
it is imposeible to raise the expenses THE MARKET REPORT&
of a game with any merit in it, These
EiMer Again Win
South Huron,
I ERRS MOB 50; ousuraTivE& 47,
nts Ore Linely to Reverse 'the
Order of Thiugs and Whjutoy
PlaY Yet Lead.
• Toronto, June 4. --The general elee,
tious for the Onterio Legislature took
place throughout the province on
Thursday laSt and resulted in the prae.
Veal defeat or the Liberal Government
which has held power for more than
S ....Dow
..SSoleker . 1
-SSTS, John 9
Recounts will be asked for ist the fol-
lowing seats wliere the Liberals have
lifty or lees majority:
Bowe, S„ .........Troux ........ .42
Grey, McKay . 0
- ,ellarber ;..
Lennox , ;
E eltontledge... Kt
SIIIIcoe, pavidson
Weetwort lg... -Thompson- -
'Ma Baron... - -Cameron 23
Doubtless also the Liberals will aele
for recounts in the following eloee
c0/18erVative constituencies;
Bruce, • • .Clark.„ . 4
Frontenae.. Malleghar
Norfolk, N., -Snider ...... *-
Perth, -3Ionteith
30 years. The contest has eeen very tat ..... 98
mating in many eonstitneueles.„ while Less Speaker.. .... .. .. - 1
to others tt was cosuparattvelyntelet.
Tile returns up to the present. indicate
.great revelsion of feeling. Of the
9 seats Liberalshave eleeted 51, mut
he Conservatives 47. Since the elec.
" Munro, Libeled member elected
n. North Renfrew has died, thus mak-
lug one less in the Liberal rank%
The TOVOilt0 World, of llonday,
commenting ell the situation, gays: -
Buying the past twenty-four hout-$
news of the 1119$t startling and rellahle
character has been received by The
World from nearly alt the ritling$
which a recount Is certain to be de-
Ileports are in the hands et
he °Jabal(' LiberabOonservative As -
&Deletion for the provineeolwwing the
number and charaeter of the rejected
hallots lialtou, North Grey, Centre
Bruce, North Wentworth, Not•th and
South Perth, with diagrams of the
me and affidavits. These reports
ve been examined in a most 'careful
armee by legal experts.
The World Is assured by att eminent
jurist, who went over the evidence,
that not a shadow of doubt now re-
tains as to the result. a the election.
str. Whitney will have a clear major -
y of at least three (with one seat su-
e t) and the probability is that when
the recounte are over it will he increas-
ed to four.
Any attempt upon the part of the
machine to stifle or alter the verdict.
will be frustrated, as the most careful
Straw -Was steed'', ono teed prepaentions were long since made for
There is a strike on in the printing *8 P" 1011he wenn* Supply. 1 JIISt iamb a contingency by the Con -
department of the T.Eaton Company's valves.'
lune 2;02 xune 3:04 quee. %.00 Foliowing are the corrected returns
meat .. ..28.1°4,000 3°,040°0 44,701,09U to dut0;--
Sera 4,:r4,000 10,413,0un 12,ups,u00
leneass to be too much fogyism in the tin ntve stock Tratlev-Whont 3
Ott town, and the result -will be that aily.-.Tito Latest 0untatleue,
n place of bright 'young meat we will Monday &ming, Jane 2.
develope a community of two extremes 'I'oro t , Lawrence Market.
-the sad eyed dyspeptic saint 011
Int Ot grain were ve light est tire
the one hand and the liherty-loving, Arias -hes sios melees, gir eye lessees*
devil -the -care siniter on the other. ortodox, ewes were tummy
our amusement, which s just us much eta nor per hroibel.
ilegg-were made. WA bushels selling ot,
a necessity in every up.to.date town a$ eee so eee tor beolet,
good streets and sidewalks." Ilay-Was about steady, 10 Wads Selling
t $12 to $15 per ton for titeettly tad ;UM
* *
ts per A
Let u$ devise the hapity medium in Wheat-Wa9 $te445; 100 hum eti QC X90
departmentol store, Toronto, and not
only have the members of "Ohl 01"
gone out on strike, but the Pressmen,
Pressfeeders and Bookfolders have as
well, and there are others of the em-
ployes that may follow suit, We pre-
sume it is faiely understooe that
the average wage in this deportmental
store to -day is very small -a mere pit-
tance. Tbink of asking a man with a
family to provide for and house rent to
pay, ete., to work for $10 a week, and
nine home o. day at that, with high
rents and the price of necessaries of
life advanced from 40 to 50 per cent.
higher than they have ever been! It
is a burning tharae-we were going to
say monstrous crime: There is no
doubt but that this depart mental awe
and its factories attempts to set the
Standard of wages, tend thus the skin.
eta a,osnoett 11.218,0110 7,01.00‘J
Rye .. /52,000 743,000 1, 1.000
UudeY ... 551000 Salz,IX10 • 81000 Brant, N• • • tea • • • • BUrt• • • • 4 • • • • reS
Wheei. decreased 2,44090 biolbelg 'ea Brant, ..... Preston-. .... 840
past week. A. rear ago wilent deeris
31432,00° 'bushels,
Bence, N..........Bowman...... 280
zettisb cattte illarketo.
Loudon, June 2.--Er1ted States cattle. I)13rultitea‘ntSii".: :::RTireuknorsel....... 8871
Wed: ebeep 7+14;.eauudian Cottle, ilia. Ecsex, s Auld. ..... 562
blverpop4; June 2.--Canutilatt cettle, 71i,t11 n. -
tattle firmer. rt. v. 111.4X)..r.Ot V011101.0 • • •••• Mu,
Grey, N..MeKay
Montreal I.3ve ,Stoelt.
Iiohnes... 178
SA of butchers' 7attle 500 calves oud 400 Barber.. . • 19 • • 10
Montreal, .3une "-There vms ebout,400 111"111)".(1:
sheep and lambs offerciefor sale at the East 11111331°K5, B. • • • ...Russell 100
End Abattoir to•day. The butchers were BilrOn, E• • .f • ..... • 4 • • • • • • 4CSi
present in large numbers, but trade was Huron. w Cameron
rather stow and prices continue about the
same rates as ou Thursday's market. Mr. ;5enty .......Lee •• .
0. Martel bought eve very choice W • • .f • „Pardo- •••••••
sized cattle at sae per lb, and ether prime Kingston..........Pense
beeves sote at from rere to 0e per E Pettypiece
. 101
notwithstanding the feet that the
Canadian Alien Labor Law prohibits
the bringing in of foreign workmen,
'The Americans are engaged in build-
ing locomotives for the IntereOlonial.
railway, the contract for which was
awardedevithout tender to Hon. Wm.
Hardy and his associates on the eve
of the general elections ot 1900. The
Conservatives made a demand in the
Commons for the enforcem.ent of the
Ia.w. Hon. Wm. Mnlock,) Minister of
Labor, stated that he knew nothing
• about the matter. This is somewhat
-peculiar iti view of the face that Mr.
Ralph Smith, M. P., was appointed in
arbitrator but the company refused to.
accept him. Then Hon. Frank leach -
ford sent down Mr. GloOkbeig of the
'Ontario labor burette, who reported
that unless the aliens were 'removed
-the Liberal candidate, E. J. B. Pease
'would be defeated in the coming elec-
tions. It will be noticed that Mr.
GlocKing was enot at all concerned
• With the rights of the men -but was
. greatly movesi by the possible loss of
-voters for the Grit party. Mr Mu-
tiock's Labor Bureau is getting to be
-more useless as it increases in yeath
'and its tacit agreement to the princi-
ple of employing foreigners to do gov-
ernment work and take the bread out
of the mouths oi Canadians is almost
• The Orange Grand Lodge of British
America well be opened at Niagara
Falls 'on Wednescley, June41b, 1902.
* 'I'
• Premier Ross Friday announced his
early departure for the coronation in
accordance with the invitation receiv-
ed some months ago. He will sail from
New York on June 11 by the steamer
• *
The Toronto World says 20,000 acres
of -North-West lands are being sold in
St. Paul daily. One American syndi-
cate has taken up aemillion acres. •It
predicts that 200,000 Americans will
settle in the Canadian West this year.
Grand Trunk Railway, but lionize and ,. other sales oecalves were made at frin414*44140 1.414 i
idolise him if he has the ability to skin 42 to 87 each. Shippers paid 4e per Ib for
his fellownten out of a thousand dollars'fgr0ana 13(Wee 08113074e% uplledr
in hard-earned wages. Let us oPPeal Yearlings sold at from 41,±4, to 4%c per elb.
to our tonstttnents. Instead of bny-
ing through the Mail Order system of
the Eaton Company patronize the ram.-
chandin your own vicinity and keep
the cash in your own neighborhood.
They can give you as good bargains,
arid naueb. better for that matter, than
"Mr. Henry Wane was out aseusual
oe elect ion day to east his ballot. Mr.
Wurns is in bis 93rd year, haying been
born at Homburg an der Ohm, Hesse
Darmstadt, on the 20th of 'Noveznber
1809. Ile 'came to -Canada in the year
1837 and lived in Berlin and 13reslau tilt
the spring of 1855 whets he came to
this tOwnslaip and has been a resident
here con tionotv,ly since "•--Zut
, • -
Lambs sold at from $2.30 to 54.50 each.
Mr. J. Levesque bought #1IX good iambs for
825. Fat hogs sold at from 70 to 7Y0 per
Ib, weighed off the ear&
Chicago Live Stook.
Chicago Jane 2.-Cattle-itecelpts, 7,500:
good to Prime steers. $7 to $7 5,1* poor to
you can obtain in this store. Ana emrtssligizioft-37;5.t0 :7-65; flotherspid teed-
many so-called "bargains" nre not bar- ers; ee to $13;elincnewrss` $.$1 iietto°,s.*:).,17011-;
gains at all. The naost gullible animal 82.50 to 85.80; cuives...$2 56.50;-Telastifed
steers, $5,25 to $6.40. Hogs-Iteceipts
in the world is ellen, and there is no 000: mixed and butchers'L 50.05 to 0.34
good to choice heavy. U2,, to 54.40; rough
heavy, $0.95 to $7.25; light, 56.70 to 37.15;
bulk of sales, 50.75 to $7.30. Sheep - Re-
ceipts, 12,000; sheep steady; lambs, good,
10e to 15e higher; good to choke wether.
55.50 to 0.25, western sheep, $5,2,5 to
$6.25; native lambs,$5 to $7; westerti lambs,
85.25 to $7.
gullibility equal to that enyolved in
the bargain hunting humbug. Then
quit the exhibition of your gulln,bility
and patronize your "home stores,"
Clinton: The storm which passed
over this neighborhood last Thursday
was destructive, and in fact, one of
the fiercest ever experienced around
here for years; some of the oldest in-
habitants so expressed themselves.
Not only did torrents of rain fall, but
fierce and heavy winds prevailed for
several hours. Its injurious effects
were severely felt all around this dis-
trict and damages of some sort are
reported. Trees were prooted, poles
blown down and fruit trees Mime suf-
fered. A number of horses and cat-
tle up near Dungannon were killed by
lightning. In town the front plate
glass window in .T. Irwin's grocery and
in the town hall (occupied by Mr. Win
ken) were blown in, doing damage
otherwise. The sign and front of .T.
Flynn's blacksmith Whop .were blown
off, a tree blown down on Gibbings
street, thirteen -trees in Andrew's bush
were toppled over and one a D.A.For-
rester's silos went over. The storm
seems to have been general ad did
considerable damage all over.
Banish Sunimer
Dyspepsia! •
alt • Breakfast
Is doing the good
•work for thousands.
The Ideal Food For Weak Mid
Weary Stomachs.
Summer dyspepsia and stomach
troubles so common with voting and
old are quickly banished when a diet
of delicious Malt Breakfast Food 18
adoptedfor a few weeks. Weak.- and
weary etornachs will find Malt Break-
fast Food soothing and comforting.
This true health food is a grand pro -
Motet' of physical st,reentla. • It nour-
ishes the netves, tissues and blond.
The best physicians recommend it.
• ee 'our Creor,
Montreal Grain and ProduCe.
Montreal, June 2,---Grain-The market is
quiet, but prices are steady. Ontario No. 1
spring wheat afloat, 78e; No. • 2 spring
wheat, 76e; peas, 853,60 to See; rye, 03e; bar-
ley, o9e; oats, 49e; buckwheat, 6811e to 60o.
Flour -Business is light, but prices are
firm. We quote: -Manitoba spring 'wheat
patents, 54 to 54.30; Manitoba strong bak-
ers', 53.80 to 414: -winter wheat patents,
13.90 to $4.10; straight rollers, $3.65to
3.75; do in bags, 51.75 to $1.80, and extras
1.50 to $1.60. • -
Meal -The dernand le chiefly for name-
diate requirements.
Feed -The -tone of thg market is very erre
owing to scarcity of supplies. Ontario bran
In bum 520 to 520.50 and shorts $22 to
522.50- per ton; Manitoba bran 519' to. $20
and shorts $22 per ton, Including bags. .
Eggs -The market 'was fairly active and
firm at 14e to 141/4.c..for round. lots of
Straight fecelpts and at 1214.c. to 13e for No.
2 per dozen.
Provisions -There is a fair amount of
trade at steady prices. We quote:-Ifeavy
Canadian short cat . mess pork,. $23 to
$23.50; Canada short cut 'back, $22 ta
-$22.50; heavy Canada mess long .cut clear
pork, $21.50 to $22; .compound refined lard,
• Ip wood pails, 20 ,lbs, 91/2e to 10c; Boar.e
Head brand, in 20 -lb wood pails, $2.0711 to
-52.15, and Globe at $1.80 to $1.90; 20 -lb tin
pans 4.ic per lb less; hams 1211e to 141he and,
bacon 14e to 15e per lb.
Cheese -A Jew thousand boxes of ,.Quebee
sold around 9%e to Olhe at the wharf this
morning. The market is steady and -finest
Western 114 quoted on ,this Market- at 914,o
to 10e, inferior ,tiiialitlea and makes selling
as low es 91/4e. •' • '
Butter -At the wharf this morning the of-
ferings sold at. about 19%e to 19y2c, some
bringing, a fraction less. Quotations on the
local tliiirket 'range from 1.01/20 to 19%c for
Sliest full grass salted creameries, the mar-
ket being tether stronger.
• 'Leading; Wheat Markets.
Closing previous .day. Closing to -day.
• Cash. -Sept. Cash. Sept.
Chicago 70% •
Toledo .... . . . 80 . 74 ' 79% 741/2
nuluth .
Minneapolis . 091ye01)14Milwaukee, ...„9 iMr 7011 7f;
Detroit, 2 red .. 80 74.
St Louis ' 76 69%
British Markets. ,
London, ;Time 2.--Clese-Wheat, on pas-
sage, quiet and steady; maize, on passage,
quiet and steady. Wheat English coim try
markets- of yesterday dull at a decline of
, esi; French ..country markets quiet out
.ParIS June 2.-Whost, tone ulet-,-
22f;. September und December, .-Of 40e.
Lzsnark, N Celdwell
Lennox.. .....
2tliddlese, 912
Middlesex, E..... „Routledge• 31
'Middlesex W.....Ross 001
111 oncke Harcoure ...... 350
uskoka 80
Nipissieg James.- ... . . 800
.. 130
Norfolk, S Charlton 70
Northumberrcl,W.Clark.- ....... 203
Ontario, S. - Dryden 132
Oxford. N........Pottullo
Parry Sound.......0arr
Peel Smith
Perth, S. - Stock .. -69
Peterboro, E... -Anderson 450
Peterboro, W....Stratton. ..... . 1101
Pe.Arthur R.Conntee . 554
Preseott.... . . .... Evanturel 662
Prince Edward.. .Currie, 123
Renfrew, N. .Munro 465
Renfrew, S. Latchford 834
Russell- , . ,......Guibord.. 784.
Simcoe, CI -Davidson .. 50
.Tudhope ..... 459
.111.1cCart . 378
Welland .Gross, 121
Wellington, E. -Gibson 500
Wentworth, N..Thompson 29
Wentworth, 3..Dicketson ........308
York, E ...... ...Richardson ... 317
Total Liberals (lens Speaker) 50
Ttotal Coueervatives„ . - 47
here). maj on division.
• )00 FIRE.
1-.011t1011, 011i., May 30. --The stos
d tinware establishment, of Willie».
Steveley Sons, sua Richmond street,
was wrecked by fire this morning,
Part of the stock was saved, and the
contents of the adjoining store (also
used by the firm) Wa'S damaged hy
ter. The stock of the Camula Cycle
Meter Company, next door south, was
insured by at falling wall. Fireman
Draaler of South London and Driver
Aititeris of the central Ate stotion had
narrow esrepes from being buried by
the failing floors. The bad barely
tittle to get out when t floors fell
through. Firetnan Jack Smart was
etruek, by a heavy oil eau while in the
thick of the tight, and Fireman Frauk
Robertson. of South Lontlou had an
artery cut, lot his right Itand. Loes on
Steveley Sons' buildiug and stock is
Placed at $29.1X10; Canada, Crele tt- Mo-
tor Contpany,S1,54)0;Taekaberry & Co.,
leather Inerthantesalso sustained some
loss by waiter. *,,The loss is partially
covered by insurance in the Britieh
Americen, London,Liverpool Globe,
Queen, Sun and Phoenix companies.
William Smith, of Peterhorce *vas
tarative theino•Quinine Tablets. throe cold in one
der. No Euro No inn Nee 23 caste
The span of a bridge on the New
Brunswick Central Railway gave way,
lett-hag an englna And two cars of huu-
bee PM into the Woshademooek River.
'Fireman Rand was drowned.:
York, N .Davis
Algoma Smyth 169
.Addington Reid 623
13ruce, .... .Clarke .........-4
Cardwell... - :Little 800
Carleton ... ... . . 221
Duffetin • Berr. 1344
Dundas ,' Whitney ..... , 413
Durham, E.:. .Preston„995
Elgin, E..... ..... Brower112
W....... .Mecdiarnaid508
Essex. N - 328
Frontenac .... -Gallagher...-. 81
Glengarry McLeod., 460
Grenville Joynt . ... . 863
Grey . . . accl.
Grey . ,438
Hamilton, E.....Cerscallen...... 143
Hamilton We „Hendrie........• 152
Hastings, ,..Pearce .. 200
Hastings, W.....IVIorrison . 322
.. . 53
Lambton, W.....Hanna .. 151
Lanark, S.... ,...Matheson 392
Leeds............ Beattie509
Lincoln Jessop.. .. . . 713
London Beck... ..... 131
Manitoulin.. . . -Gamey ..... 350
Norfolk, N.......Snider.......... 23
North sonberrd, E. Willoughby. .. .. 319
;Ontario, 156
Ottawa. . . .Powell 483
Ottawa...........Murphy . 66-1
Oxford, S . Sutherland .. .. 141
Perth, N.........Monteith....... 2
Sa nit Ste. Marie . .1Vliscarnpbell .... 275
Simcoe, W -Duff ................576
Tordiato, ....Pyne ..... 888
Toronto, N...% ...Nesbitt. 278
Toronto, S . . ...Foy.. 755
Toronto, W --Crawford ... 1545
Victoria, F......Carnegie.... , 573
W Fox , , ... 110
Waterloo, N......Larkner...... 266
Antwerp,June 2 2' red winter, 17t. ,Water100• S . • .e.Krib3. .
Rain end swen S. %
btia;:e.ff.:cro; \e‘kit
airencapcs:ct leTautch.
cr sea uu 4 pit- Ar..c
I.. 47:::„u x \LN , ‘
looking M•ef
NY:se:a fi:teels t ; \
VS Icnzby the
Haniess 03.
In enn$,--
Made by
Imperlal 011
.111ss Sarah Grey of South Norwiek
Committed suicide by takieg carbolic
TO PERE A c01,1) IN on DAT
Take Laxative Broinci Quinine Tab-
lets. All drug'gisc$ refund the looney
if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Groves'
isgnature 15 00 eneh box.
Rev. E. W. Woad, Slethodiet
lottery at Caesteirs, N. W. T, was
drowned erossine a creek swollen by
You are invited to call and inspect my
larR assortment of Fluniture and
furmehiugs which I will offer at
very close pricee. My stock, eon -
Mete of the followleg:-
Parlor suites, Bedroom suites,
Spring Mattresses, Bed-
steads, Couches, Lounges,
Tables, Chairs of all deserip.
tions, Sideboards, Rockers,
Fancy Rockers, Curtain
Poles and Trimmings,
Shades, Mouldings, 31irrors,
Pilow Sham Holders, Hat
Backs, Towel Rollers, &Q.,
Picttne Framing a epecialty
Batty Carriages,GtecartsExpress ware
ons, Carts, Rocking horses. etc,
1 carry a large and well assort-
ed stock in this line. 13. time of need
do not fail to call.
The above stock is bought from the
leading Manufacturers of Canada
and bought at the closest prices
and our expenses are low thew -
fore we can sell it at prices which
will surprise you. Give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
P. MeIsaac.
K&K Ki5c.K
K 13(
.21011SANIIII of non are prisoners of (license as securely
as thoughthey were confined behind the bars. Many
haveforged their own chains by the( vices of early youth,
exposer°. to contagious disease, or the excesses of manhood.
They feelthey aro not the men toy ought to be er Med, to be.
Thevim, vigor, aud •eltailly of tnaultood aro lacking. Aro
TIM 110CV0113 and despondent? tir..4 the morning? Itaveyou
to forte yourself through the day's work? have you little am-
bition and., energy? aro yon irritable and excitable? oyes
ounken,depressed aud haggardlooking? memory poor 2.nd
brain fagged? have you Weak back 'with dreams and losses at
right? deposit lu urine? weak sexual,' 7 -YOU bomb
Nervous Debility end Seminal Weakness.
Oar NEW IhIBTIZOD TIREAT*SENT le guaranteed to
Core ea Ne Pay. 25 yours in Detroit. BAWL
• eleCellati. Beware of quaelts--Consult old established,
*, reliable _physicians. Consultation Free. Beoire
Free. Wrde for Diestion Blank for Home Treatment.
Ors. Kennedy & Morgan,
KKK 6.< K6tK KtuPt
For Torpid Liver, Flatulence,
Constipation. Biliousness and
Sick Headache, TAKE
'5 Pills
Safe, Mild, Quick -acting,
Painless, do not weaken,
and always give satisfaction.
A vest reliable Household Medicinealciaidnrebne. taken at any season, by Adults or
All druggists sell “BRISTOL'S."
Intending Purchasers.
Farmers intending to purchase
anything in the line of Machinery
should call and examine our dis-
• play.in fact if they consult their
• interests they can't afford to pass us.
We sell the Ideal Binder, Ideal
Mower, Rakes, Windmills, Etc., Etc.
Rooms opposite Dr. Browning's 'Drug Store.