HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-6-5, Page 3TIE FATAL TiARK In An Earthly Sense We Cannot Obliterate the Tell-tale Signs of the Past. Igaski.44 Atm -4w' r.9 . An naR et:menet eere you' a lilt- When the poor wo- ols. la 0o -1w 01401'0%45AI laqq wle man boa -unong the hille was luete) youmottier suede up a page Sleke Arad eeeTwa. bir Wami.P*117*Q"'" - CIA/ '4 Pelpigitera eniteense er bane you early it to tbe house. That nespatch from cbteago saYs tn° poor woman inways greets yOu new Be'. Frank De Witt Talmage preana- with ensue. But, here in thie great be pleasant et we could go on ski- d from the following text n-Pree city you. do not. evea /glow the luau oing and then after awhile say, "I verbs i, 10, "nly sou, if sinners en- who livea aerose the hall. FerbanS geese e vnu stop mai, stnrt over thee thee, consent thou not," you say "Goegi Marniag" te litmo again." But we canoot say or do No cathedral, it reattere not bow but that is all. Wbell you eowe that. Wbatsoever V)all soviet's, lofty tho epircs -how viteoderful home at pion tricro in nothiog hat. that shell niso map. Uman the statuary or llow Mane And hh- the geld, mein:kiting beilroom. Yon eneke a bed ofroses, he sleeps wintering the arohitecture. awes the long again tor see farm, for filo dolma i.neenee, it he getheroth eourist into revereuce unless thee toatelied roof of the poi homeetead. orAly the thoros. he must be lecerato Ilea hallowed it. Then the eenturies for the eoriell of tbe mew mown hay ed by the moms. tutor you bave have covere4 up the crumbling walls and the sight of tbo eider Pintoes. once robbed tho firm will never iulny with moss aeal creeping ivy; then vehemently at vtiork equeezing the trust you. After you have once Westraineter abbeywith ite de& ouds blood Auto barrels and wreneed your wont you eon never dripsoing vaults. bas become the eases, St. John's wilder:lees or rock, eenuleher of dee4 nings an queena• is a ht. neer* for a *meet city. tbe Sarae way PO roan has a le wilderness. auethere are no right I,o give anvice or tell us what to do uulees gray hairs; Leen: to airon-'''e the forehead or be can wean eArt,bis own bitter exrerience. It. is aissurd for the ruddy faced lad to write an essay upon sorrow, when the only SalTOW be ever felt. was the fright from the dentist, polling ins first baby teeth, and What altdieuce does Pot entile when listeniug to the ethoolboyee bombastic gra duet kw oration upon "Ilow to Win Saes eees ?" No reformer eau hoee great influence in attacteng a. clubroom when be himself is so nueociable th• at tho bearers atslilte the l'eformer worn tbau tlie,y desplre bis teach- iugs. glen Solomon wrote with author - lie had drunk from the citaiires of pleasure. lie had quaffed to *le bitter dregs ovens, cup of woe. He bad feen the ups as well aa the doves of life. Ile Was PO ttealie or adventurer. He *vita the Lieu who sat Anion the riti:eet throve of tbe then known world. His pillared balls were lined wile' etativary.be fountaius which planed In his gars dens suoletceed tbe throats of birds 'SOWS° aracestora once eleaneed their plumage or sang their young to with others as they now do with you. and if neeessary and they coeld nnd no other place they weuld be willing to gamele at your grave. thee cloy a gentleman was tell:, ing to trey unele, aod one Said,. "IS it not strange how Willing the world is to Melt O. man whep he is down?" 44Ntes" eoewered. yA1ne1e, "I do not think the world Ifiehe a Man 50 mub when ho is down an lebert he is treleg to stand up." "My SOP. it SiaaerS eatiCe thee, ceneent thole not," XING SOLOAION'S WARNING- . King Solomon Verne the yolleig people net to consent to sdn beeause after we bave once yielded we will never be the same again. It would 1 he anythWg but n sunering invalid. ;After you have onco len an innuor-- ' tal men. astray and tbat soul bas 1 'Alder tweets of passion ireaMt9g , departod front earth to Meet its issosig forest* thee SOPIP 01 tbe juagnwat at the bar of God you cau Immo monsters wbieh live hero. uever theme its eternal destine% Perhaps your dimouragement cornea many a mon today would willingly from Injustice- Yon way have been out on Ins right arm if his could one living in the great city now for 1 itr change tho past. Ho cannot. The two years. You n'orhell, and worhon past is forever (lead unless that Pant ed hard- Then came a rONOPOY. in' can be chaugen ill a heavenly tienSe tne store. Of come you isepeeten through tho mercy and tile pardon of the promotion, but another 'clerk nod, moo not Imo misteto which ureter you wini was sot as bright , so maey older Melt MVO mane of nor as faithful as you had influence: having a bad record during the pee. o and ho waa pushed ahead. Then yell; Md of their youth and then having protested-ann. veLemently protesnd thee sword curse an the snitinoo ed. dal that the Inalleger did was and the twilight or your exietenc to laugh and Fay. "Well. if You ' and cane you down to the groxe. go. You suneuly went ban; to the , But the greatest leseon of this I don't lite it get out." You could youinn, nto.N.s mew. resueotn. not get. out. You bad so place to &se. awing. owaht, is eh.- --- ee tet IS yet to be epolten. Soloneau sie ine trying, i lisnesty is not the nonto Aetna as not, to, let evil companions , pollee." entice us away. But mon is a so- i a elal• tieing. Ile lougs for Moeda. Ile 'IP SINNERS ENTICE TUEt"" newt have friende who will ateowt- Perhars your diecourageerent came: oto with him when be weops as well in a eimel.way. You WWI Your foot as taunts. when be IS (Wag as well *Wan the lowent rung and were ie"n no When be is etrorg and well. As ginning to climb tbe ladder et SILO - cent, when soddenly the bard times Solomon bies you to beware of evil companions. I will introduce to you eoluee.,The firm dinsolved end non l. elle 'Vale Vall be the test ltrientl a were wecherged. You are ECAV liflot young mon neer bed, young mate only looting for a vew piece, but you Cantata afford to face tne tempt-;,ou haw to COMIllenCe all trier atoms of a great, city alone. Fer- vIceP ill foreign hinds. Ilis ceila" again. Now COMPS the warning haps you inraew about thie loving were filled with wine of choicest vint- aganot temptations, Now the ehi , Friend to wnom I want to iutroduco 2i41,go tone me to put tile hand of,- you. Ile wao with your sister when Tho throneroom and judgment hall lover upon yolly Shoulder and say • ; she died. Well, you remember how were circled by rooms aboVe rOvillS. "My eon. If sinners entice thee, colle.i she smiled up into Ws fare. Ile was Near by were his baremn, in winch sent thou not." I with your mother during all lier the tang gathered 4 thousand wii es I give you this warning. gladlen troubles in ine. The omt won', and concubines:. As the wit once and willingly, my brother, beeause : your father spoke on earth was his wrote of Brigbam 'Young. Kleg Nolo- these are the troubles which are fitri mon wee the most. suarriel man that ting you for the mighty successes,. 3=1 That name -shall 1 speak it? Jesnnl. Jesus! That is tho over lived. Not only vas he great wbich are to come. thellemiser Mei Frienil who will see you all the and increased mote than int tbees great leesore-anything which deel way through if you will only truet were before him in Jeruealem, but %violas quiekly dies quickly. The in-nerr You must mow make a ehoice 'Ids wisdom remainell with Wm. When sects are generated and grow to' a choice between this dear Friend two women claimed a little child, =Wily he a few hours, but they ^ and evil companions. Thig is a veil A Solomon ordered bis executioner to also die of old -age by night. nrehe' anxious moment for many of us. It out tho briber In twain and give half gourd Wiliell spread itself as an um- I is an to eagle The real mother fell on brella over the head of the prophet' welt as for you anxious moment for Christ as her knees and begged him to save the child and if necessary to • give it tO her enemy. Then said Solo- mon Is the true mother. Give her the thild." As a gardener, he knew all about flowers; as an etilleS- trio% alt about berme; as an archi- tect, all about buildings. He made the ant our teethes'. As a merchant Le lingered in tbe busy marts to tell us how to trade. To-duy, amid wealth arid power, within sound of clinhing tankards of gold end rumbl- ing chariot wheels. the Old Sage w rites an eternal protest :Against BM, "'My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not." START RIGHT. Young own dislike to be patroniz- ed. Although williug to accost each other in terms of familiarity, we dis- like older people to pat us condes- cendingly upon the bo.ek. So to- day, as a young man. I thought you young people would lot me try to interpret these Words of the Bible. / would especially interpret thera now, ber.a.use many ef you who have tome from far away are for the first • time living in a great city. You are away from home, away from father and mother. Unle you start right you will never end right. "The glory of young ,,men Is their strength."' The way to keep that strength is to refuse to allow the sinful dissipations to sap the virility of youth. King Solomon warns the young people against sin, because young folks are apt to be thoughtlessly reckless. They do not want to- be bad ; they bave no intention. of throwing overboard all the past teachings of probity and right ; they are naturally religious; they say their prayers when they arise in the mornieg; they say their prayers again before going to bed at night. But they aro full of fun and animal spirit's. They laugh and sing and frolic jest as a colt capers; a kitten plays with her tail and a bird flies hither and thither for the mere pleasure of flying. A full blooded lad cannot keep still.. He squirms and twiits and -whispers and passes' noted in the schooleooni. Efe does about , eeerytning„ that the teacher tells. him S' not t'6,' do. If yhtr aek him 'Why he do'es thus, he could riot- aeswer. , What schoolboy when out 'in the country Mee not' tried to see how near he could skate to ehe air- , hole in the ice ? What boy has not fished when standing upon' a rolling log or has not tried to walk across a dangerous . trestle or has not clinabed a steep precipice -math his • brain was dizzy with vertigo ? What • boy has not hried to swim across a river merely becanse the other boys said he collie not ? King Solomon warns against sin because young peOple are ant to be- come despondeet. Perhaps this dis- couragement will be caused by:home- siekness. The loneliest . place on earth' -is a great city. In the coun- try town you knew everybody, and everybody knew you. While, the village minister was preaching you would be watching the neighbor's daughter, evhom you expected 5, ‘ )111 e day, tp, make. e -our wife. When, you Uncle -en_ away to school, every farm wagon which went by -ras reaey to reckleesly and laugh just as loud our beloved . Darnabas and Peed" becanee of their Sufferings for Cbrist's eels% some of which were reentioeed in last lessonbut for a fuller list of Paul's- suilerings see 11 Cer- xi, 23-28. And eel hear Poul say, "None of thew tblege MOve tee," and "the oufferinge of tine present time are pet worthy t be eonlantred Wiefe the glory whith, ellen 1» reveled u as," and "Der light affliction wbiels le but ler o remold," ete. (Acts ene, 241 Rom. le; 4 Col". Fn. 17I. bevauee believed Ged. 2/7%. 28. It seemed good to •ties Holy Ghost and to us. Oissertst the partnership of the Holy Smolt and the cburch and eon -mitre chapter q.0 2. Etery one who receives Jesus Christ Ogee -Ives ZOSOSSZZ4 1111USE110104 wmazzosasles ts, ALL WORK. ANTI) NO FLAY., It slieuld be Pert- Of a itValarl'a ree 'Union to do something every day Oat She likes to doneseMething "theet &ea clOt beloug b the diurnal rousete. No spotter how fooh or inconsistent it may epeeer to other's. ehe should boon the pronlege of do- eg witheut note or comment. Housework even witt the help of alsoeolutchsThs t e Senciptpritie: .:vrywhit nedthe body of atteleart.a hest ° f b grind where th.ro 15 but WHOOPING COUGII which Ile jealously eleeiretis for the 99e pair ed' hauds to do it °'"d y glory of God (I or. 19. 19 ;Pink! diverioh which MIA be made itathUUa Wheeler, AiliPerintendealt1 Jas. iv, e. er., margin). Jobe A to iigilteh tbe burden ehould eot Ise 9 °a 13ab/cS11999ital at Ne17 .V°c1 Lord Jeses said to Illo e.pootles a matter of sebilee or tnhen with a, saYa vamaPillg cough is almost 11 when Ife sent them forth. "It is not Penee •of stolen sweets, bet ehould it quite as coutagione on trieneleas Ye that speak, but the spirit be as mach 4 duty as wathing dishes 41.1°St trying Qf the c°12," A tagiotls 'Legal:Se of the clurae Put In the wasidub. Pour bollieg weer through fruit stains. When ,obetioate, soak in a, solutionsolutionof me- ackl. Wash. vaseline stains in aleohol, paint in turpentine or fa - 00101L varnish in Alcohol. gross or Other green vegetable etains eine, hol, keroteue or snolaseee; use einto ef egg Jo cold water water, in the eaSe OS Wilk, cream. Sugar or syrup etains Amen in eine& water ;Ain Wash in soap and essid woter; tar., wiled r m grease eachine oil atains, should be rubbed with lard and allowed th stand a few Minutes,. then they sbould bo washed witinnoaP and gold water; tee. ceffee, or cocoa Stefan should he removed with boiling Wan ter; if obetinate. With, a. Weak Amine Oen .of lexalie ecicl. year rather which weal:elle in you" orlontetvic:anotghsdiSeatea (41att- 24). See alsotastes (hum awl /coat' tient of trot tneenee, throe to ionn n. Actes v 31:1:_ve.:01, 7,frfroolunizolauata.4 rv(firot law404auteedp.,beforb:ureettlacgm° wmireti '5' a: Thcfollettbd;be"iLluiegtedwirhi:mh ottle4erP"teth°11iltl- 29. Abstain - is e gooa dren, the practical isolation cover - strangled and keep frone ' aS a change of work, the dish -cloth ing a Period of from sewa to ten forincatien, from which if ve limo is extherged for 4 bit of embroidery wee''s' The axera (1113ra'"°/1 91 th5 youreelves ye sbull do wile 1^^ oro or crothet, tile foar WaliS Of .tien aehle Stage Is roma four to sire It -*lets loti er ye well. ... houee for a, race In doeble quick wee.419' 11 a fir95h "4 is Caatl'attaCi i.1.11,4e,intailith4.catwuulateldimconnxe.erae: unececees.n. tsges down to the stos or Anne ttsi ciro ,oraplivation with nalionon4 the neighbor's. ;so salvation by worke revealed in se'ss neer."' ""tne, --- ---- - .- -. I' There lbe lat,,e,sit.maghenzate bitynttlihnusiweormimaiisnedf infants. This aompileatam is most, esFari Tbe cook book Is superseded by Cough • is Pneumonia, and it is tine monies It so dengerous lift the ease Of .1741:oeiPVITell1Ner 0°P.Sarlavtalt4eiron, ie word of God, but only salvation While to etenne Women tbe utter for- -requent in winter' In swinger the by the great end maisbee wore oi gettuluess of eelt and overytbing env nrst seritlus euniniientinn in (liar* the Lord Jessie. -which tbe sinner in a short eieep is tile greatest roaune luseury. Tho care ..of to some tho tape :Mins Wheeler says medicine is at must receive as Gore free gift, pur- dolittfot entre in whooping cougb rea for him by the precious blond mite plants Is ' - 4 ' t (Acta iv. 12; Mil, as, 80l uneenen „„a. Where aro one en' two drugs .*Icle v, 5; v, 1; Eph. ii. 8. 9; Tit. nt"“"in . "nn May be Awed to control tbo *amuse, nut being seved by With in hat is, by accepting Christ. !)ft HMI (John 1, 12; I John 12) -then the good erodes are necessary as all eVidenee to Men. Janats 'withered as soon as it wasl One dark night a watchman fell touched ot the east wind. The 110111... asleep at his post and failed to sig- er which blossoms in the spring nal the lightning express. Leaping goes to seed before the fall. It, to Ins feet when the flying eugine. ae takes years arid years to develop ft it shrieking monster, shot by, 114.1 cedar of Isebanon. It takes centur-d saw the train disappear and realized ins trpon centuries to bury a coal: that the, draw -bridge was open and mine. It takes at least tine monorail tho passengers were lost. It was years to snake a, man, and the morel too much for human brain. The smut obstacles you can overcome the went stark mad. Friends found him more of a giant you will be. Only shivering and cowering in the cor- ner of his room a raving maniac. muttering to himself. "Oh, if I only had; if I only hadl" Here comes thundering along tbe limited ex- press full of gosf el invitation, 'the the gods can reach the stars. Man can become like unto it gad if God Is with him and he linos on stretch- ing. King 8010111011 WarlIS the young folks Atgainst mn because evil coin- train is flying with the speed of the passions tire Idways the Orel, to ex- lightning. Inset are you going to do tend the right hand of welcome. The in reference to Christ before it is good young num says: "I cannot too late? Over the dark abyss of afrord to associate with every one. sin will you throw the strong, I cannot go with every stray 41A- straight beant of the -cross, or will Oultintalice whom 1 meet 111100 the you let evil companions crush your street. 1 should live in the city as hopes into ruins? Shallyou be I live at home. I ought not to con- smiled at by the angel of hope 00 sort, with any coMPanion wholn 1 hissed at by the voice of denude? would be ashamed to introduce to Will you accept tlxisJesus as your tny mother. or sisters." NVIten enter the store as a fellow clerk, he you Friend? Your loved ones, your Heavenly Father, your Saviour and watches you. By conversation he finds the Iloly Spirit await the ausever. out *whether or 210 Yon are tt'abizrch eery son, if sinners entice thee, con - 2808111001 Re is too busy to gossip sent thou note' during business hours, and so it, + will take some time for him and you to become , fast friends. After awhile he wili invite you to attend THE SUNDAY ,SCHOOL. a, eight school or go to some lecture or meeting. He aslin you whet INTERNA.TION.AL LESSON', books you read and then offers to • JUNE 8. lend you one of the classics. By and by You arrange to take Your vaoceoti Text of the Lesson, Aets xv., 22- lions together. Then the g young man gives to e'en the highest 33Golden Text, Gal. . • v" 1. compliment of his life -he asks you to come home with him and visit his 22. Then pleased it the apostles mother._ That dear old lady wel- and elders, with the whole church, comes you 08 only his mother can. to. send chosen men of their own She knows your own home is so far company to Antioch with Paul and away lhat it is imliossible foryou Btuembas: to go there mid get back to , the Paul and Barnabas, having return - store when the two holidays „ea ed to -Antioch, after, their first mis- over• sionary tour, continued there a long . - • SOME FALSE FRIENDS. time withhhe disciples, teaching the -Word (xiv, 28). While there teach - But the bad young man ta never ere - came from Judaea, who said that hard to become ahquainted with. He the gentiles could not be saved by will slap you upon the back ns soon faith in Christ unless they were also ns you enter the store, He offers circumcised. There was so Much you. a cigarette or invites you later dissension and diseutation about it to, teen a drink. He stoics' Yon that • the cherch at Antioch sent the hain and -nein -its -to have n. long Paul' and Barnabas and others to talk'. He is aneays loafing when the eTerusaleni to theapostles and eld- head oi the department .is, awey. Af- ers td lay the matter before them. ter a little while he begins to make The council, having heard the Whole fun of your Bible, Ire ridicules- you story and discussed it, came to it as stingybecause you seed most of decision which they now send to An your money home • to support a tiled' with these brethren. widowed mother • and five 22, 24. Forasmuch as we have fatherless children, and then, heard that certain which went out if you have money to from no have troubled you with spend, he and his evil companions words, sfubverting your souls. will gather around you to help you Behold the grace ' of our Lord spend it if you will let them, as a jesus Christ and the love of God field of clover tops will empty all and the fellowship of the Spirit in the bee -hives from far and near. But this greeting from the believing after your money is -gone and pos- Jews, at Jerusalem, the apostles, ition gone and health gone and hen- the rulers in the church, to the or gone they will care no more for 'gentile belie -curs, the -uncircumcised you than for a dead cur in -the at Antioch. Notite that the Jewish street.- The night you die the sa.- 'brethren send greeting into the loons will be as crowded, the glasses gentile brethren. Tney are all will click just as merrily as ever. 'At 'beetiaren in Christ and acknowledge that bar which eon now frequent it. there will not be a tear shed over25, 26. Alen that have hazarded you. The day your body is buvied their livee for the name of our Lord the very friends who are now Jesus Christ. ' ing eou C1W:ly will just as 'rhus honorably do they mentine "Muble °1 thu t ugs '^e^Y ° °. but they should be given under do-stastes. as we said Lennie. diger; rection of a physulan only, areckt. rummeglog In the attic or eleauieg cines do more berm. than good. be. 14) the "line wunt to euntnin tho couee they upset the etemach. mot °erne" or recreation fur 'B°Ine we" the stomecli above aSl. should bo men. The opposite tes3aperatneet fa opt in good coeditioto onto it, es that Tre are new creatures in Chriet coutent if allowed to do absolutely woo too strength derived from, Its mph, ilk Tit. iii„ S; Matt. v, nothing. in WAD -tarred Oilliet for a nourishment that the baby must dee 10; vi. 15). The believer is litnn while. lint the point We WiSit Rod to carry it through the an exeeeted be an epietle keown and to Is teat whatever a wo- taco. read oft ell znea to the Slone of God Inen'o tranrersorieut, surroendiugs or Rood row be own by the bootee 01 Con 15. ", 31. There is circumotalicen Mae Pleagarea14° and tiOU Of Pletn or vaccinated eteam, by beef:Omelets+ i; the cervice of Christ. reetful to ter. she simuld Le allowed, =ewes of an ordinary inhaler or IlIs counnaudmente are oot griev- the undisturbed enjoyment of it for Lowe kept boolog in the room at aim ins Peke is easy, and His a. brief reriod every day -without cqtton beaten W light (I John v, 3: Matt. let or illtairalteO from apy other ohrItZ.714tilst4e. pAlacheidt (444tblzeFersltpeolltatt -of tho They delivered the epistle temperamentally her oppoelle end rated vapor, ern -note and easiolene mender of Ike family. Nebo may to e;ettle Forme:nee tte air with znedi- whicla when they had read, they re- who. therefore- Can NM, r30 .5;911' are the best substances for tins Fars joked for the contestation. pathy with her pecutier fancies. I rose. 'Mete words of comfort Instead The ali work and no play women , Iltit the best remedy of &I, accord - Use words which bad troubled them soon becomes ecercely more than a. ing to the writer. Is fresh air. InceP (seven 24). The Holy Spirit IAA a enachine, a machine that too often the little patient out of doors eon-, Comforter, and. when Ifs speaks He runs without the wheels being greas-' etantly during pleantut weather. Tho bringo comfort to the people of God. ed in a bard, grinding, squealing child will have fewer and less violent "Comfort sse, comfort iye. Pete- way, requiring' much. moro strength pare:gems than when .silut up in ple, otitis your node• ee thou that rind time than if a. little lubrication, the house. At. night the eleepinn teiht5t good tidings to Zion. * * '0 had been given in the share of oe- room Offend be thoroughly wallet" thou that tellest good tidings to cordon:11 rAleasant moments snatched ed, bet care talon to avoid Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with by the Way. Strength; lift it up. Do not Arra... There is one thing certain : it is: draughts.Tlieease is not otspposed to be Say unto the elites of Judah, Deltoid tetter to try to be content with infectious exrept during the spo.sins your God:" (Ise. 1, 9, margin). iittio doing without come thlugo or when coughing. The mother or .4%11 e d' I 1 1 i that we may have a great desire nurse of 4 Child not (tffected eboultl at thoughts 01 pease and 1 ° 41005 not for, tban to wear ourselves out, once cover tbo head of her chargo want llis obetlieat people troubled body and spirit, in tbeir attainment, 'teats a handkerchief, Apron or any - or Aeon III* words are intended to that we tote tbe power of enjoyment. thing at heed, 1.0 protect the none, It (jer. xxix. 11; Joh. al, 1, 27; l's.too tired to care for anyttithg. $o the Wise woman. though like and mouth, on heating the charao• tl:e woman in the llible. she rises at some distance, and then hurry the Ismer. 8). teris 82. Judas and Silas, being pro- Phets also themselves. eeliorted tho "when it is yet night," she yet, child away- This 'will Often prevent ' brethren with many words and con - :noises sure of 4 little time etereethe transmission of tem disease. firmed them. day--rerhaps not more than a ban- 1 The diet shouldhe carefully at - A true prophet is one who Is oe AztIs r -w deli is lies eery own, and - . 11. y - 3' ieh Aran th er or friend to peptontse the Infant's food for 4 VII, and iv, 16. Ged is tbe Fa- spOltesman for (led. Compare Ex. nsha,el aned% methnot.to g time that it May be Melly as- ther Of Morelos and the God of all fthnilated. Foon sifoUld mot be heatye but light and nourithing, for, comfort, and Lie comforts us in all DOMESTIC, RECIPES. any eltilt1 with the disease. our tribulation that we may cons- Sour Cream Cnke.--One cup sugar fort others in then troubles, by Ile and one of sour milk; two eggs; At 4 comfort wherewith we OurSeives aropinch of Salt; 011e and one-half cups A POOR IGND OF Prtor Esson, eondorted of God (II Car. 1, 8, 4). of flour; one level tea -spoonful soda; The train was about to leave the • 33. And after they had tarried station, and a young man leaned flavor to suit the taste and do not there it space they were let go in over hake. through the window, shook bends peace from tho brethren unto the Johnny Cake. -One cup sour milk; with the middle-agg ed entleman, and apostles. one egg; ono-balf cup sugar; a table- said: It is our privilege to live in peace, spoonful butter; one cup sweet milk "Good-bye, professor." intheppercee7 toof God; to tpoeaccoeaymele wands eho and OHO of flour, with one and one- A man With wide stripes in his by, ball cups nice fine cornmeal; one tea- shirt front looked at him narrowly, Mild* spoonful soda. Melt the butter in a„l1 means, even pennee. t p.eo.ce and after the train bad started said: ess. 311, J.42 ,i. - • the pan it is to be baked zu and 3). Our God and Father is the G.,hd : turn the cake on the butter and the of Pounce the Lord ^‘Tentis is 'de Cup of sweet milk on the jobnny Prince of Peace, and if we are not cake. Do not stir. Bake in a ebnejobyeigmwethepeaarceo notof OinodeiiitowMenblot quick Aw ovenabout of room in the pan for about twenty minutes. it to rise. Roast Beein.-To have the roast heerbrown on tbe outside and juicy and rare within it should be put in a very hot oven *at first, then reduc- ing the heat. The great heat at Paper Speaes ofer 'fret hardens and also browns the An Anweican. snr shipping. surface, keeping the juices. The meat should be basted often. In A good many of the American pa- pers remind us of a big bumptious roasting meat or frying steak tune schoolboy. No sooner has he made with a spoon; a fork rk ptercesthe a good strike at baseball than he meat, letting out he juice. MgPour- raises a shout, as if the like had in the thickening while the pan is over the fire is apt to make the never been done before, and never gravy lumpy; the better way is to would be done again. :The Morgan- remove the pan until the thickening ization of the world, especially of is well stirred in, then reture to the the British shipping, is not accom- plished yet, nor likely to be. Tho fire and cook thoroughly. Mince Puff. -Wash and boil Small Scientific American of April 26 prints the following: Great Britain and her colonies, out of a total of the whole world of 29,091.ships, aggregating 30,600,510 gross tons, possesses 10,860, with a total tonnage of 14,708,206 tons, one-seventh of which is composed of sailing ships. The United, States own'3.286 vessels, witb a gross ton- nage of 3,077,3e4; -tons, of which two-fifths are sailing vessels; and then follow Germany ,with..en905,782; of which eone-sixth are sailing Yes- le_ Garnish' with. toast points. sels; Norway, with 1,627,220 tons, jahhah must be cut itt shape hefpre one-half:of which are sailing vessels; roastieg as when brittle and dry it France, with 1,406,833 tons,aim must be bandied with care. For a aenocairtIetta^ Italy, 1of11vArle775a3i18i 701vessels,wshiei popover pans and turn onto a hot bake this mince in butt,ered two-fifths are sailing vessels, There is much food for thought in roltahtetrei:,,vbtttlyt bise tsouroemtoitsethrveeelgiogaAfroine; the fact that about the year 1840, the mixture, form a mound on a Great Britain possessed under 800 baking dish, make three or four de - vessels, whose aggregate registered Pressions in the top and drop an egg tonnage was less than 150,000 tons, into each. Set in the oven long en - and' that dhring this period the an- ough to ,cook the dielThe cook gregate 'tonnage of the eteamelna. who serves this dishepalls it "ideal - owned by the United Stetes ized hash" and it Merits the name. about 155,000 tons, or 5,000 tons Still another wee is to cook it like more than that oWned by Great Bri- an Omelet, fold (neer and garnish tain. That was in tlae days of wood- with bers of toast and parsley. Meat en shipbuildieg, and before the ad- is too „costly to be wasted and there t-ent of steel, and more particularly is no exceen for small bite spoiling before 13esseiner steel, had given time when a choice exists of so many wonderful impetus to 13ritish • nee- good ways of serving it in a new buildiege the influence Of which still guise. . enalnee her to 10.11,111tai11 Such a com- Stained articles -All stains should m • or in some sense unbelieving, for the God of hope loves to His child- ren with all joy and peace in Wien -- nig (Rota. xv, 18). BRITAIN LEADS THE WORLD. or misshapen potatoes that will not look well whole. Peel, mash or put through a ricer, add one-third • as much cold meat of any kind. Season with salt and butter, add 1.0 one pint, enough 11211k to give a creamy consistency and one beaten egg. Beat all 'with a silver fork until light and feathery. Butter a. fiat baking dish. and pile the mince in a high round mound. Set in the oven long en- oegh to heat through, cook the egg and brown the rough surface slight- , • , • ben ye do any tricks with cards?" I never touched a card." "lefebbe ye play the pianny?" "I know nothing of music, except- ing as a mathema.tic,a1 science." "Well, ye ain't no boxer. X kin see that by yer build. llfebte ye play billiards?" "Well, I've guessed ye this time. It's funny I didn't think of it be- fore. You're a, mesmerist." • "I am nothing or tile kind." "Well, give up. What is your line? I know you're in the biz, 'cause 1 hewed that young feller call ye perfesser." "Inn air instructor in Greek rhe- toric and ancient history." 'An' ye can't do no tricks, ner play musie, ner hypnotize?" "Of course not." The man turned and gazed out of the window on the opposite side of the carriage. "An' he calls hisself perfesser!" he said.' THE AMERICAN LADY'S PRO- POSAL. At dinner on the yacht of a prom- inent member of New York society, an Englishman, who was present- on Sir Thomas Lipton's yacht, when he was entertaining King Edward, was discus- sing the accitlent which on that occa- sion seriously threatened the lives of all on board. " "People little know," he said, "how nearly England came to losing her King. It would have been impossible, had it come to the worst, to have sav- ed all, and if it had become necessary to make is choice, whom should we have saved, the ladies of Ile party or the King?" All were silent pondering the ethics and morals of the question. Nu one ventured to offer a solution of the dif- ficulty. The continued silence began to be embarrassing, when a young American -woman relieved the situation by proposing:- • "Wby not let Goa save the Icing?" 4 1,000113 of dough for breao ean bo rolled out and prepared by machin- ery ite 3 hours 51 minutes. 13y hand the same, work woven lane l hum's' be removed before the articles arelithor.