HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-29, Page 8Shoes at Spaekm�,ns To Mand this week a largo consignment of the latest iA, Ladies toe sli :_ �.r, Strap Oxfords, Laced Oxfords, Button Oxfords. Also the xleWest productions in laced and buttoned shoes. 500 PAIRS of men's odd pmts Gil value at $2„00, $3,00. Jobbing at the Very special price of $140. E. J, SPACK a , Wachtuaa'texs'f(orIlse Celebs ated. l . E. Suxftitor(i Ready llaa(lt* Clothi ng. IEP IVEI IVE: r, '.eeIa• e-- a 4_ s . , Apprentice Barber Wanted t ad aane;, a« wdat� styles tewart's.ell bats ties; beautiful1 ply to A. Ile rise e Ea e , y'� Con gr attilatiuns awe clue Mr. IL: ,J. lereweie6, inion his samccess in passing his first-year medical. aexarainaation a Trinity College, Toronto. Shake Har- ry, CallThe new five and ten dollar bills is- dllt� ,See fes at oiu" ne sued by the Sovereign 1 sanle of Ca,na,da quarters, are ale eidedlr as work of art. Th 4N. yotaug twain to learn baaaoeeing,a e, 'e < '-lir. and Mrs. Jos. Peart spent the p• holiday in London. ' firs. Jas Walters returmm(el from a visit in Tor onto Monday G e ;Hiss :4I, Zi''lrike. was in 'Windsor as ea few daasduring the week. Mrs. J. Grieve and Miss Wood visit- ed fiends in Loudon 24th, er urs. King, of Toronto, is the guest y, of her mother. Mrs, Elliot. friends e. endMrs, Joe Harvey visited t- in St. Thomas 224th, d Miss Nand Teyler spent a few days New (i. •. R. Trains. 'G �r �. G. T. R. timetable ale c It az t l c lees into for t about Jnne let it is officially stat i that several new trains will be adde to the London, Huron and Brace divi ion. Numerous other ;importaa changes will be made, which, will au the present timetable c oasa detabl Yiaatorl:R qa}: Satan-day`Last was fittingly celebraa ed here As Victoria. Day with vArie E RR, UJTZe3 DRUG STORE. >! e -e stook o :Tweeds. Jtlamgs, a S, antro s, &tt. tiring is baranonious:,and the conabinaa. tion entirely new in Canada. The five dollar bill hats one of the finest cants of the king yet prodneed,. The ten dollar note has a vignette of Brittania, seated C'ultrged Ql r with spear ;and shield,uarding Agri- cultaare, commerce ui4 manufactu ee. typified and factories. . lou eteps a theoses at her feet. The issue is Modeled after the notes of the hack of France, A very pretty wedding tookplace lac on Thursday aifternooxat the resi- dence of Mrs. E. Smith, St, Marys, when Iles• siamegllter, Miss Lottie T. Jefferson, was married, to ear. W. J. lilies, of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Bev. G. W, Hender- son, !miles Lena Howard, cousin of the bride, resided at the piano, Little Launeuc-e Williams, of this city, ;took the part of flower girl and carried ai i esket of pink ;and white coma.. done. na- dons. !Baster Howard ?torthgreases WTAAI actedas pate and the bride ,avas given * I away by her brother, Mr. Wesley Jeb .Sic: la snit T`ailarr , fereen. of Eingsstou. After time wed - 11 ding dinner :the bridal couple left on as honeymoon tome to Toronto, Kluge. on and anther eastern eities.. Guests were present at the interesting cere• moray from London, St. Thomas, In- a;ersxlll, H-mu►llton, Exeter Stratford, agston and other places. The bride (ved many baimdeonee presents, Mr. is in the employ of the G. T. R. s pleatnber with headquarters here. e he and his bride will live. Ile merle- lived int fit, Marys, and has ;e n('> aaA 1*raevamiemmt ima t(axw ml. many friends there. 3liss Jefferson aatl( rest ipt fiAt"1mis.at the is one of St. Marys most estimable In ladies, says the Journal. - so tue.t 'e hare now some natty and up-to-date likes to choose from. We eau sattsfv the most e?itieal, th'ER THE STAND. 1 as ss in yoamth is pre(tnetive of a'toticc. in oink Kee. Tea the Shareholders of the Et!.eter 'tent to live happy keep of Salt \i ess Co.. at emelt of jell. «entirman.—Please take notice that tC'4wmlaacil will tba t.* aw the annual meeting of the Slaaerebold- . am nneit will, t•ne of the Exeter Salt Works e4 I, will , t, .. . . •s et held ritl,a a fr cat Tanen m l; sal June m 'Hail. age.a men $e. thea ww:a m m° e e ,. : a e.o:�i* p.m. By order of the i3tmlrai. 1� , l l„ Wily ia. ,a liar. T.R.(" ,wtAl,1 tt, Say-Treae. t1 Opt :a n a4Aala1ove+ lleitlb`a, Dr- Ovette. 4ium°a lltl a° e wain a a"- • ., ++ ,..+raala�t eye, ear, nose 1i1 throat, , x4 1 :at, t�,mae a, aaars'a;gl4 A. not' -s* had uff the will lie Not the Conantercial Hotel, on eem slim. 't get lamest its it. the 1st. and Sal Fridays of each ane:ntb, ffhar aaaaseaeaaua' of mesa zaaq >a ,aba.aca°i:mge a Spectacle $ and eyt'gl:asses fitted" dean, petals ea. aniteamin eaia the ann•aeanm(x, amusements of the nervous and (lb- ? "e'e+tike syt+tt'u s ate due to errors tare.F Feline •Inlets teeth tea are like. veils'. s faa:m6!titen, ri,t aa131-• mrregelee 1t thane a r•+ave. tKantx at do oro tlz©1 t I ay of ..inn a. a➢ ae• irtlIn.i o^ aaeI° "Wit se tll►t,, •:glare(girls to gt, to Manitoba. f(a1• f rA.b. eau sat ¢Gti ,1,lwaes at(e owe. aliitcheen. dining room and cook. ''Wageses;J4? naa-i-W, ii:re seetiouentel taItam geed 1lals•ltclen, �12; l`mng foannaletie,n +,f t:a a new Maisons Bank.ii 'remain S1 m; conk, $.til per anuntle, Must ',fire , lad 4 aa.i:t t law ever r aame•b'it('.l li he 1" ' 41tlay 'and strong'. APPLY ly early er... An' telling :i lie the a - U84 way, s ."yam Chet anra�ny emnent5 can u(e nladtel twice. " long as.4 V. arae taeeplo: lanrlaea+b anal .9 ;a i,',`t'k.i 41'arnod anaaat tiage me not whelly a itlo3t+to Ranmt failure. Ph tiantenlr' will t is her visiting to ca ,oatrx loam the undersigned if desirous of pro. �¢ 1 e?ageing boats forrowwing on the lake or The trade ca tramp wants to �� •1. i': �. AVM Charges eTery reasonable. �, ant as o ;;. s m, ening tax k1[, sal . P,ied en the. beach. 4„ ial,', r riH,• ,c,q.,, f(? r ,.d,:r,.. 4 a.t p,.. .,. ', N r all Vo , a ml ill einem-my. my. 1 gro nads. Il. GILL, mnanager.. i (mein can't joatl ;e a, men lay his elotheee 1 Grand Bend, Cent. haat yin (•an in otter near jaattgt' him by i seeea ' ne1toat ,tsselearearee We wifaas. st 4 Tuesday to ('. It Sanders, .dlnvcrc:txt Office. Exeter. L in"t nam aa'Ley for moron', love. and it the girl has nla,n,'y love her. Me. are. liem:df'ord&Elfl 4 hi x .cd a cello: el tinge bornee to 'Winnipeg yes. tc'a•d:zy t Wed. a Tbere are so um any more mean mew tlbsn peel gee-. sliet the hatter are al- ways un(1.•r• Maralmit'ilell. ogii en, who, p(rr- cima rd Mt.Waaa.Muel ' v. a ';v 1 livery ini..aur,.., ^'- m:00% possaes,ion nu Monday. The and ati„oi toning nmaan who is ml,.t ash 'moll to confess his ignorant. will reach the pinnacle of wisdom stun(e eBay. The Sunday school ,anniversazy of the M:sin street Methodist church will be held on Sunday, June 1st. Rev. E. .Y Mine -aril, of ;1Salabidee, on of Rev. R. Millynrd, will he present at the thee a serwicey nn Sunday. In the umorning the sermon will be more es - vitally directed to the Epworth Leag- tae'rs and Sunday school teachers. In the evening to the you ine people gener- ally. A. amass meeting in the afternoon, :et which the infant class will occupy time choir stand. Ft iends are cordially y Collided. What is tlee use of men worrying On Saturday night last while John melt` the felt' ue dying in p<everty; it John 13. tner, of t,Tsborne, accompan- is living in 1r.everty that bothers was led by Miss Annie Reid and another most. young lady, was driving home from The proper• time to spray apple trees town, he was um::+t on the bridge by is More toad, heals start. or after the Gavin Russell, who was driving in the cappositedirection at a yery rapldratte. The two rigs collided, the front wheels locking and Mr. Gartner's horse mak- ing a sudden jump broke from the rig,eonsequentiy lir. Butner who had the lines and Miss Reid, who was seat- ed on his knee were e both pulled out over the dashbr. oard and thehorse ran away. Fortunately none were serious- ly hurt but the mix-np was a very un- pleasant one. Mr.Bartner's buggy was somewhat broken but otherwise no damage was done. Advice to Wool Raisers. As shearing time approaches it will he to the interest of farmers to pay at- tention to the following points before putting their new clip of wool en the mnarket, A prominent firm of wool binders to Hamilton, whose name we give below, advise all to wash their wool on the sheep's back if they wish the top price, and not tie up the fleeces with binder twine, as buyers object to ie owing to the fibre getting mixed up with the wool and damaging mnanufae- tured:goods. Messrs. Long & Bisby, who are the leading wholesale men in Canada, quote prices as follows : Wash- ec1 12 cts. per Ib. and unwashed 8 cts. We give this notice as it will be to the interest of farmers to follow above insti'aetions. 'laln:..w amaams .a.ave farmed, haat before they open or within a week after blossemns have fallen, nsing copper sulphate, sem, ution The severe wind storm on Thursday last did t•amsiderabie daznage to proper.. ty in the immediate vicinity, ifences were blown down, silos blown over, berm unroofed and things generally destroyed_ arr. Frank Willis, a forager and pop- ular young man of this place, was Wednesday married in Forest to Miss May Morgan, an estimable young lady of that town. The Ab`oc:wrn jnins with Frank's Exeter friends in wishing him and bride health, wealth and hap- pirmess. One of Messrs. HCarveyBros.'delivery ger ses while ageing driven near the ex - aeration made for the foundation of the new %folsons Bank, accidently fell in and it was with considerable diffi- culty the •animal was gotten out. Luckily, however, it was none the worse for l.he tumble. A meeting girl the Presbytery of Hur- on was held lir Goderich on Tuesday. at which the principal business was to consider a call from Auburn and Smith's; 14111 .eongregations to Rev. Mr. Small, of :lather. The usual for- mnalities were gene. through with so that in due course themes, pastor will he inducted. The quail shootitng season which was formerly fromn October 15th., to December 15th has been cut in two and will now be confined to the month of November only. This will comply with the wishes of 2,500 persons, residents of South Essen, who peti- tioned for a reductiot;i of the ,cleail shooting season. Wingharn 1. 0. 0. ,1+'. hae made ar- rangements to run their bib annual popular excursion to Sarnia and De - trent on Saturday, June 21, froin Kin- cairdiue and points along the line. Returning; a. train leaves Sar- nia at 1.0 p. m., on Jane 23, running through to Kincardine. The fare from. 13rucefineld'and Iippen is $1.20; chil- dren half faire. ,The train leaves the points along the line abort the time of theregnlar:early meal -ling trai n. Pearl .finished cream lustre and lovely range eofL1 e ltl§tr . All scarce gcods .Ste,wart has them. ie�ei',,, e�,e¢r,,ge! S�Ae¢➢Nws�P 444,+.f•------ *,..e1 as Golden Wedding. A very enjoyable time was spent • at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thos. Dear- ing, Andrew street, on May 24th, the occasion being the cehbration of their golden wedding.” Quitea number of friends were present and presented the host and hostess with, several useful and costly articles ofgold. The after- noon was spent in social intercourse, after which all partoole of a t epast in keeping with the occasion and each went their way after having revivified the scenes of the springtime of life. Mr. Dearing was born in Devonshire, England, in the year 1826, being about 76 years ago and einigrated to this coun try in 1849, living in Scarborough, Hamilton and London for a few years, after which he took up land in,the 4th concession of Stephen ;township.• • In 18521neniarried Miss Hannah Harrell and followed •farmin g - for .twenty-one years, moving to Exeter twenty-nine years ago where be has since resided. swell l ot f newW.art tapestry to �r cu r-. train P, s. Just 'op awed at te S wart a and interesting pro;;raul of sperf s eo e of Caalitisatm... foot ball, basket ball, races, etc, Th weather was all could be desired and a large mnuuberfrona tkes(arroen ing townships gathered to do hen on the oceasiau. Shortly' after a o'clock the band struck up: a lively l u- in Lon(lon, (Intent;(Intent;the week. la Miss Tillie Yager spent a few days Sistin on >, plaws base bal e in Olendeboye during tie week; Mess Cora and Herman Prior spent or Saturday and Sunday in Seaforth, air spent Saturday and Sunday iii tncae Now is the p y p time to prepare for the fir tieasan, b - rocuriio alx, Ross, .clerk ab :,lir, spaclfman's, `.fGreen goods. :Ta TH TRUTH. Why is it that some dealers wilfully make false statements in their advertisement.? It can- not be because they And it pays; for it certainly cues not, . We believe it is best to tell the truth. about what we have and conceal nothing, Wheza we say our stock of HARDWARE is complete we say • so without the least exaggeration, To axr. sped our stock is to verify what we say. We here quote a few lines of seasonable goods sand mai-chine to the ;ricultaar• crow guest: of her aunt, firs. (Dr.) ,Rollins, grouuds were followed by the Following is a list . of the events an. prizes awarded: C. 4mettex eia.";s,--"De Old Plant tion,";� mtm, Iioward and others is "Chinese Band," ,Bissett, klnrdon an others 2nd. .B �,ssla �.u..---Competing teams,Exe er Public School, Victors and Orecleto The first gaane was between the sebo team and Vietor ., resulting' in a vi tory for the former- by a score of 12. The winning team then playing wit erediton, won out by a score 1 7.c, the former having three inning $ and time latter five. • Four rs:aata..---Rippen vs Exeter, r salting in favor of the former by sabre of 41.0, B-ee,t:nr 1341',1..*--„ SlialnroelbS" v "Maples" the honors going to the la ter by 4.2, Rlti..V RACE.—won by school, IT Powell, W. Miiyard, D. Sanders an A. Evans. Poo zz�.m, —J. Blair, est. Ilicvera , .neve--Jolbn Marton, lit. PRrcosts for ,lusts, The regular Vaalran stones period • central on the let, extending to rAth The presence of the Merenaty distnn banee will prolong the Vulcan period causing cloudy. threateningand rain weather, perhaps, into the rcaetionaer storms central on the fith and 7th The Moon will be in perigee or neat est Earth, on the tea. and atits north h New e , extremeaced . t w, Moon on e the tit , These facts are sure to inereaaso the tendency to high, temperatures, fluc- tuating "tmar(auwt trie aressanres, storms anal veb y likely 5(eisln1e anurest in many worts of the Raab. Not Only June haat the whale sillower of 1(1)2 will be a'loai eterzed by a aitero;atiemrms of great warmth and p�mhenomenally` cool, in- t(ernmingleel wwaith many more electrical et0lenns. and attended with inure pre. eipitaation than last sunnnier. The an. naiad tendency to electrical and seis- mic distaarbanees from about this lOth neer the end of June will he increased this month by the eau ees enumerated above. At time Vulcan storm period, central on the 13th, and covering the i►th to lett, an excess of lightning, with m inty thunder squalls, soistiee downpours of rain in many linmlto(1 localities, with scattering tornedin aortas autl seismic disturbauwes, will be mast natural. 'We caution our reader:, against taking refuge from thunderstorms under trees and simi- lar places at this and all (miler laerioels, al Mass Lou Holmes. of 33russel% is the Screens. We have .�, supply of either doors or windows, and at right d . miss V. Crewes, of Bxeter North, 'jOi!' oto. a, spent Saturday and Sunday in Loudon, Saanxnel. Thomas, of St. Marys. is , We have 'nest nut in a liar e t' visiting, friends and relatives in town, wires, Poultry Netting, Etc, g Mrs. Inksater,. of Paris, is visiting tr. ` her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh. n. :!hiss Annie Br imacaalllbe. of London, 01 is visiting at her nnels, Mr. Row- a- ow - e , Cliffe. errs E. J. Spackman and slaughter. me 01 Stella. rere in T wonta spending the Mr. 0» W. Sanders, of Huron Col. e lege. London, visited at his home here ae yesterday. Mrs. W. G Bissett spent a few days ism Wyoming during time week, retur.m- ing Monday. Mm's. Ruston returned Saturday a after . a pleasant visit with her daughter, VI. Mrs, Fssery, Mies Vera Cobbled ick• returned. Mon, tiaev from a short visit with her broth. lime Braantfor'l Mrs. ta,J,1'anglish. and Miss Waite, tar' Is .St. Thomas, are visiting their sister, ur's. N. Reddy. Ml's. S. Fitton has returned from Toronto where she has been for the T past three weeks. . hiss Ida Cottle returned from as near short visit to Londan, Ilalnxley, , aaeeuin- pcaner 1 Miss , e d vTx, vat. Mies Jennie Qalaatace a+pent a few (hays claiming the week in Ailsat, Craig, the gabeet of her aunt. ,Mrs, W. Beane, upply Q Your rices. aarlb, Web acid Spring Coil +�"peCia s, Sprayers. Pruners, Garden Shears, Law Mowers, Ir'aris Green, Thor -aid and Portland Cements. T. 1.71A �iiF K I N S ,,: uceessors tt , Bishop especially in June. Heavy hail stain t. -'-- enarl:n(1. sudden ehoesen,.,.to ve,, cool, may be a•eg:truext as eertnanutse 1: many sections, especially in the Eco trail" western and northwestern poet of the country. from .about the "t.lth to e� lu"tii.c (rikcain on and cleat to the 34t1a the date of the :Moon's passage twe the celestial equator. A few days am nights of Much cooler wveatbeer evil follow* the storms of this centre' Vad Baan period, During the Itith to 21s ;mime, B. S. O'Neil spent a few days In 'I'aaioibto damming time week. while 1Srs.' O'Neil and (laughter, Irene, visited in: Limn. Mee Pringle. teacher,to her home in Ribbert t stere. day, owing to the serf f her motheer. Mm. Peter McDonaldfiner Jinni visited theirs ria lser, wlso aw very ill of mins raring the week. was called (ownshilm. ye cmtIS illness o and brother ter In �V in( auuptluu, tin Mr. Wellington Johns. who has been in the .orth West on a prospecting tour for the past few weeks, returned home an Tuesday. Mrs. (Ib.) Anderson and children at- ter aPt(er a few weeks' visit with Mends in Mitrhrll and els(ewwhere returned hone yesterday, t Weed.) Mr. W. A. Cook, who has been en- g;ts:aed ; ecierk with Mr. llarltou, left I. .la.n ion ro„i,ii f!Y "ect rt n • - u jpo taus in Staayner, -, ..e mer :.itlt `toy Visitors. n` The followingspent2ltlm. cif May in 4 townie -Mr. and. Mrs. . 1 McTavish, Mr. Frank Hunt, :mer. Bert ltoss, Mr. Frank Bissett, Miss E. Jolliffe, Ernest Hill, Miss Fannie flatter, Mrs, ("amllitas. ▪ Chester Sheere, Miss M. Taylor. r°iliss Mabe& Welters, Mr. Thomas Brown and daughter, Minnie, Mr. SVUI.Grigg tt and daughter, Me. .l'» W. Broderick, inclusive, marked stoi•m condition will return. The temperature wwil rise to high reading, the b;aromuet will fluctuate and fall, cloudiness ant humidity will increase, and mor storms of rain, thunder and wind wil through eastward over of the continent. Al an abnormal tendency to constant and startling displays of lightning.As evenings come on great banks and comes of summer clouds, blaek,brassy. leaden and snowy, will hangall round the horizon, each point of the compass being a regular magazine of nervous lightning, far into and through the nights.. et no one conclude that all this beautiful display portends danger and disaster. As a rule these solstice displays of electricty are harmless. Under the c robin ri. o P in�nnenc es of The Venus equinox and the June sol- stice, thunder showers and hail storms will most likely repeat themselves for several days in succession, so that the reactionary storms beginning about the 19th, will most probably run into the regular Vulcan storm period cov- ering the 22nd to the 27th. This 'Vul- can period, which is central on the 24th, promises to be one of the most active, if not violeut periods in the month. We name Monday the 23rd, to Friday the 27th, as a period of sev- ere and prolonged perturbations, dur- ing which days the daily.. thunder storms, beginning about the 20th in most parts of the country, will reach their culminating stages ite many storms of rain, hail, wind and thunder.. Some of the greatest downpours cif. rain for the summer, amounting to cloudbursts in many quarters, .may be reasonably looked for about this time. Continued showers, with local waterspouts probable here and there will entail treat inconvenience. and: loss upon harvesters, while' exposed. structures and properties along nar- row defiles and valleys are liable to se- vere loss and damage. `' moss Nettie Fulton Miss Alice Welsh rex 31ve..el.uios I3tarlow, Fulton. Eva and Lou • Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot, London; gib .Mr. 'Tung, Clinton; .:fir. Ceittenden, a Miss Jamieson, Myth; Mrs, Chas, Bee - tett and Mrs. Brown, Sarnia; Nelson ( Cobbledick, Brantford; Mr. Geo. Vos- per, Toronto; Mervyn Huston, Peek - thin; lir. Reginald Elliott, and daaigh- ter, Ethel, of Norwich; Miss B. Robin- son and Miss Stewart, Mr. and Miss • ; Gidley, Blyth; Miss Ada Treble, Dor- ; obester; lM.r, J. R. Inksater, Paris; Miss Lyda Oke and Sr. Bright* Sea - forth;Mrs, 13. Mills, Centralia; Miss. Kitty Dearing,Hensall; Miss :Harrison, Forest; Miss Laura Gregory, Goderich; Mrs. Robson. and Miss Nellie Crews, Benmiller; Mrs. Broderick and Miss Bruce, Rensall; The Misses Burus, Detroit; Mr. J. J. Crocker, Buffalo, Mrs. Fincham, London; Mr. Goodison, Sarnia; Mr. Wm. Moser, Blyth. v, a PERSONAL. teesetteneffieenvereasesei oah0�4�° Mrs. Hyndmati was in London over S undaa;y. Miss Polly Bawden spent 24th in London. Dr. Anderson spent the holiday in Mitchell. Miss Taman, of Blyth, is visiting her brother here. Mr. L. Stanley, of Ltican, was in town Monday. -Miss Fanny Bissett was in London over Sunday. Miss Muir returned from a visit in London Monday. Mr. Frank Case spent Saturday and Sunday in London. Mr, R. B Samueluelwas in Windsor a few days lees week, [Clinton: Our readers will remember the alleged assault that was committ- ed on the late Mrs. C. Carline, • about two years ago, while she was confined to her room by illness, by someone who was supposed to have beaten her cruelly with a stick. The matter re- mained a mystery 'until a short time before her death last week, -when she confessed to her.'daughter that the in- juries were seif"inflicted-clone to arouse greater sympathy than she thought she was receiving. Nominations at Hensall, Thursday last was a busy •day throughout the province for politic- ians. On that day the electors of South Huron met'atHensail to nominate can- didates for the election now pending to the Legislative Assembly. Never in any former contestof this riding has so keen sninterestbeen taken 'hYthepublic in :the affairs of Provincial Government and never before were gathered at our. nomination such an immense crowd. The nominations took place 'in a hall in the village while the after meeting took place in, the: skating rink which was pretty well packed from one end toahe other. The nominations were as follows:— Mr. McLean was nominated by Mr. Mustard, seconded by Mr. Hess. Mr. Either by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. John Middleton. The speakers at` the meeting in. the skating rink were Dr. Rollins; Mr. Mustard, Mr. John Mid- dleton, 'Mr. Fred Hess, Mr. Henry Eil- ber, Mr. M.Y. McLean. Mr. Carroth ers and Dr. MeDonell. The first four were allowed ten minutes each, the nemttfour forty-fiveminutes and ,Mr. Eil- ber fifteen °minutes -in which to reply. Judging from the tone of the meeting there Was about two to one present in, favor of Mr.a Eilber and if this is any indication of success, .which, it is with- out a doubt, Mr. Either will be elected with a larger m.ajority than ever, IT TFIKIDtG Now is the time ham s by selecting some of our handsome urs Do you want a nice Bedroom sett for......... , .. $10. .Sideboard.. .... , ...... 8 Cool Sweet Mattresses. * . 3 Bed Springs ,..".,,,...,. 2 Couches andas E y Chairs at easy prices. Curtain poles and trimmings. We haveseveral s verse sets ofe;�,uti b fu1, chairs just in» Give us a call and if we have notg ��ot what you want we will soon. get it for you. Wes. C. Furniture and tmdextaki er rooms. Gidley's Bloch, Exeter. 26 lbs ofgranulated sugar for -withS Lod e:..ex hun- dred of dour you purchase Brom us. W. "revethick. Brussels: A,b barn owned y Thos, Forbes of the 3rd, con. of Morris, near Bliievaale, was struck by lighthing dur- ing a heavy thunderstorm Thursday afternoon." The estimated loss is over $2,000,_partly covered by insurance in the Howick Insurance Co, . 10110111:FON & !!J1llJOl( EXETER, AGENT FOR' PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS FORKS AND SLINGS. Supplied with either the Angle Iron, Round Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price. Was awarded the only medal and di Loma a p. given on Hay Forks at the World's Fair Chic ago. Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith' shop. EXETER, ONTARIO.