HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-29, Page 3ileSara,emi.e.4 WORDS OF 110PE, tf.1 ATel• WHO SlirPEP, VROlil, A XXIX DOWN SYSTEM. gas, Haariet A, ;Pena Pausal nice Oat., Tetle Hew She Obtain- od. a Burn After Suffering, far Two Years. Taceeetuals thrOugliout eoute try suer SeriOusly ftenn gtmeral biiitY-ettle resalt of inepoeerished Mood and eliottered Penes-. To such the story et MrS.Ja rriet Pane *widow of the late Rev., Richard Feel-, Peneviela Out, a, MAI' well knOlval teirongt out the a,iagara district, will point the mem* of renewed • prevent a. 'bay witelow" below the ribs is this:. Lie fiat on your back, raise one fool and leg to its full height wittrout bending the knee, then the other, alternating the mee tions. or 'Vary ehe exercise by putting the toes under the bed clothes, rote, lug the bedy to the sitting posture several times. This exercises the mueelee of the abdomen and prevente the acearnelation of fat. TO OBVIATE COLD PENIS "Cold feete ea often, found among twain woricers„ eau be obvioted by IsrOneetleg a vigorous circulation. Inimediete relief can be hod by standing itt abcatt ape inch of cold water in a bath tub. Stand ou one foot and rule it with the other. al- ternately, o umber of times for not more than three or four lleinntes. Follow this up by vigorous rehleing . health.. Mee. Sam reeee er a with a, crash towel, and the goted temple .of as prior to 1809 1 was, re great so4erer fi�i a ruie dewe gystcm. ¥y diSO.44 Wan .batt ; had little or no aapetito an WAS aevery poor steal aufferea from hoert Palpitation and afeeileg of centinitel eXhattStiall.. .1.40Cters, treatment failed to teneila roe end greditelly grew \cease until 1wa.0 'rutally tumble to do Etat le.e.et, work. then begen, uelog /tr. Winton*" Pittik Ville4 end from the very OM I noted an improvemeet itt my .C911, dltion. The tIeVerity of toy trooble. gradually leesened end by the time effects are almost equal to weiktng in dew, recommended ley Pother 41.1413Plii of blues is a bebit that grows upon One so rapidly that a. short time it becernee diseese. Witenever I feel an attack coming on I put on stout walking boots and tramp till I Can go no further,. This effeetnolly dispels melancholia. "An Oriental philosopher says St, breathe, and exercise and you wiU eeeer 50 WO Allight. well wept the situation that dee- 1 had taken eight tons I wan again twa n" 1•13"g" n"dedT" enjoyieg the nest. of With desAie COgRANIES LOSE NOTEING. ivy sixty years. I bellow that Dr. ' Williams' /Ink FiEs sated nly life clause Exempts Timm em oust would strongly 'urge all surra to glee them a trial. believing tbeS Will be of greet. , leihan emir 'peetl. is poor an Waterywhen your Demo are um Otrueg, whert yon fona achea and dizzirieeff, when you ore pgle.nId and completely run down, Dr. •Willianis" Pink Pine will prone Uy restore your health by re - vowing and. ottrieitieg the blood. They ore a promot mid cettaln cure nor all tretibles hoolog their origin in a poor Will waterY condition el the blood. But ooly the. gentice Cure ard thea tear the tun naMet • . "Fr.1.InTZ Pris for rale Teeple." on tie., vz.roaper ground *v- ery box. 'Soli: by .all dealera in Medicine or Een t pmt peld at Zt1 cent,e a box or qv boxes for 32.r.O. by andreteele,,g the Dr. rilllarea"Aet eine Co., Ilro.O4ville, Out. OBES WITHOUT MEDIOINE 339W EVERY ATAN NAT BE BIS OWN DOCTOR, :Phyvidan Tells Mow to Tre Yourself for Different Diseases. "Nave you noticed," said the phy- Melon. "what a tidal wave of 'Every man his own fleeter' is sweeping over the land?" "I suppose yea meare" said the other num. who had come to him for a little friendly advice about spring fever. "Christian Scientists and the other cults?" "Not alone that, but tbe growing tendency to keep well instead of be- ing cued is fast relegating medicine to the dead tole. "We must keep up with the pro- ceesion, oven if It robs US of occupa- tion, and I'll wawa you, if every num uuderstood giving himself Inas- cage he :might practieany be lea own proved. the value of this medicine is doctor. For iestance, half the world Mrs. J. V. Booth, Bar River, Ont. either has, or chants to hove. liver She SOS y baby suffered, great- trotiblee. A spare eve minutes can /41 fr°1°. Sore mouth and bad he turned to excellent account by stontath. Seeeral doetorn preselebed giving your liver a lift. Place one for her, but, nothiug seemed to bane - hand heavily on the right side at the fit her in the least till I began giv- lower border of the ribs and rub it ing her 'Baby's Own Tablets, and down slowly four Or five inches. Do ,,,, then g, an inila short time my little one this a. dozen times, and you will e-- -.1,y restored to health. I empty the °wantl liver of its super,. would not be without the Tablets in the house, and would advise all abundant contents. This cures heart- burn and remedies cramps by remove Inee°etellr: atrauisee. them when their Well as relieving the liver. ---B-ab:y-ni--0-wiii-'11111a-aets are used in ing the oddity front the stomach as thousands of homes in Canada, and CAUSE OP DYSPEPTICSWOES. always With beneficial results. They "Tho food of a dyspeptic remains contain obsoletely no opiate or too long in his stomach, fermenting other harmful drug ; are mild, but and causing inflammation. Try sure in their action and pleasant to helping the stomach eat, rid of its take. The very aest medicine for all contents. Place one liand at tee ex_ troebles of the storaach and bowels, treme edge of the left sale human_ curing colic, indigestion, coned -pa- ne ely under the ribs and slightly tion diarrboea and simple fever. overlapping them. Then work it They give relief in teething troubles, arbund to the right by pressing the dispel worms, promote healthful fingers in as bard as you can, draw- sleep and cure all the minor ailments ing the hand across to the right with of chikken. Price 25 cents a box at the other hand, at the same time all druggists, or sent by mail post swinging the body to the right, then paid, by writing direct to The Dr. to the left. Practice this daily be- Williams' Medicine Co. Brecksville, - fore meals and reasonable food will Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. never 'set like lead' on your stom- ach. PARLIAMENTARY SHEDS. • "Here is a good suggestion for a .plethoric, or full-bkooded man. When An Australian correspondent writes waiting for the fellow that doesn't concerning the flimsy construe - keep his a.pp oitetment, place your tion of Sydney Parliaments- House band at the back of your neck where that he bas repeatedly seen scores of the hair joins - it and rub - down- interested politicians seated on the Wards. - You will thus open the kerbstone outside on summer even - glands and prevent their turning M- ings smoking their Pipes, listening to to bells. Or put your fingers on the the speeches, and expressing applause neck at the angle of the jaw and or dissent. The voices of the speak - draw them firmly downWard over the ere. „were, almost as audible without course of the jughte vein. This will as within, and the Labor member* • remove the used -op 'blood from . the being Particularly sturdy • of lung, brain and make that organ . feel could be clearly followed on the op - light ,ancl eleer,..helping you to 'keep peSite Side ef Macquarie street. Sycl- from gettieg 'hot' tinder your SiX col- ney_ has the advantage of Arelbourne PPM One cent wise One dollar foolish To use any but the best CanlO DisasterS. A strange feet in conneetion wt . lie tweet. 41154Ster at St. Pierre and t. Vincent is 'that very few. •1.1 any, f the Vire Insurance Cotrip.anies wifl stain any les -sea whateeever. Tho reason for this is that the foie, lowing douse eppeors.in the form of a policy in .coutenon use by the tish <Allege for risks in South Amer - lea and the celeillefi. "Not Will the company be held ree epousible for any loes or damage by fire OCraSiOned by .eartliqoakee, hure ric,anes„ o.r 'volcanic eruptions. Or from the Minting of forests. or 'the clearing of landsz 04W volicar hellremain suspended and be of no elect in rtopet to any less or dam- age which shall happen or arise der- ing the existence of any of the eald contingencies, tonlees satisfactory proof be given that such loss o damage WAS not occashmed thereby or connected therewith." A, prominent Toronto insurance Man. in explaining the reason of the REir,,rcEs EXPEN44, aidetor the Oetagen. Dar see FEE BONNIE 8COTLAND, NOTES DY aimaL FROK EER BANITS AND ERAS. Arany Things 1Taupening to lintex- est the IglindS of Auld SeSotia'e Sons. The death of Prof. J. Id. D. Afelicle- John. St. Andrews University, is an- nounced, 1-awrence Murphy, wbo iMeech Attained the age of 101 yop,m, in Damfries werlthouse. Within a, few days of hie 102n4 birthday Ur. William Miller has died Cattoneide. near Melrose. Over one million bales of jute have been tended from forty-eight steam- ers at ritedge since the season ieta gen. Lord litemyss bas inV011ted a orn- bhatwn pi svftde, chop- per and saw, ee.11ed raultimpleo /neut." AN ERRONEOUS CONCLUSION. A fashionable you lady who was recently married was visited the otlx- er day by an old leely friend, who was saocked to see the yeuthful wife with "two lovely black eyes." "Oh, deer, Matilda," exclaimed the xcited old lady, "bavo yqn, and Toni rmarrelled already?" "Oh, Mrs. B.—, we were Juet, Itev- 'Who would have thought that Tom was Stich a Yilloinl" retorted the eonfased visitor, interrupting the ex: enotion. "fala no the young wife venteired to explain agaba 40Tom, 14 not eo bad as that, We. B.—. It woe Day dom thtv—z "I can't forgive him. The wretch, to strike any defenceless woman!" interrupted the excited old ledy once more. The Amused young 'women tried again tn exelain, and exultingly re- sponded: "Tom didn't etrike me, Mrs, B---" "Be didn't strike„orou? Then how did he blacken your eyes?" inquired the curlew matron. "Oh," iaugheel the young lady, "you've been entirely mistaken. It was simply an accident. 'Tom and I were only playing at ping-pong," The London Inverness-shire Asso- ciation will held a Scottish concert at the Queen's Eall„ Laughren pace. Q13 duly 3. The new turbine eteaeuer Queen Alexandra, Wee launeheil from the yard of Denny & Brea, Duzabartana recently. °law' or Ar8Z+li sentieavorina te acclimatize wild CoMadian tur- keys and eeesei On the shores of Lech Vyee, Argyllshire. TWO LUTES, rnovg ox-gg 'PERAT .Y Q CURES EY DODDS EIDNEY ereesseeitseremeaggeseees• Over Six Years Ilex* -Gone by. and This Cure 'Still Stands -Only OM) 91 Iffaity Stich. aseS. $t. Ferry, N. U. Afay 19 -(Speelail-Air. Thomas lia.rrison af this Knee hos addressed two signia- cant . letters to The Dodds Medicine •Co.. Toronto. The First One. $t. Illertra Ferry, Doe. 184 1895. Gentlemen; I feel it my duty to yen and to the publie at large to tell what Dedd's Glasgow's municipal tramway sys- tem is now Of Crated eiltitely by electricity. The NM, liefSfeear ices withdrawn the other day. Air. a Olin elliSi101111, assistant - governor of Barnhill Poorhoese, has been appointed gotersier of the East PoorhOUSO, Dunt:ee. The town of Lottuhead, in Midloth- ian,. has refus.ul to adopt tl:o Librar- iee Act, and conhequently loses Alr. clause, stated that a company could ‘acncgia gift, Of 4,42.(100,, he Clesgew 1,iceusing Court c4-01 a physician. Kidney Pills have dorm for me. About one year ago 1 began to der with severe poles over the ce on of my kidneys, followed by cry tetbargie feeling. When I Jay down it was torture to get up again. This state continued for sem time. and all the While was still getting weaker and losing flesh rapidly. 4,40t.tedit 24491MC,CM1r0....,0,:pewlaiviai Of0r43310',. Providing We have your order at once. namingquantity requireil each month, we Will guarantee to supply you with geed sound leenions of good quality. during the neenth of May 30.00 per boa during June 61.24 per box, durbeg July S3.00 per box no matter how touch price advances. Ship them as you went them, One Or more boxee at a time. TMs offer only open for few days. The Daxson, Cfmnraission go Isimitea Toronto 4.4 Nan' eulphurouc. ,e4 4414-114+4.44•144÷1171-1414*******, Thellneetetatabeele the worei, made from: 14ft-eerie? eine, .artd. eetteelelly eititeele fer deneeitle eei- eutop in nut Wing :Infieelemetfal Were inkab Otintalning about PO matehes,... three boxeslitepeeli. ery E, EL Eddy's Odorless, Headlight Everi Stick - A Match Parlour EveryM- Lighter Matches 7444 alSe. For UT* by MJ Fira4 Claire Onalcria, kr .96.090•00,0•060.0•0•0* 8•0•41***4101190010•111•10.0tv THIS aa stood the test ef years and 7, 0 tood p..4t >343 a paint should & stand that has proved itself the T, 0 PAINT ef all the paints. it 0 Ranisay's Paint My appetite Was Very Mid% WI - paired. and at last was obliged te not take a, risk against the Provi- T t deuce of God, and all the disasters agreed, recently to the proposal te Ile gave my sufferings a very learn - referred to in the clause could be close tem Wine ho"hes in 00 ea name, mid doctored me for wine alasSed aS arts of sPeeifil Providenve. tiroomitlaw and south suburban dis.. time, hut I got no better. The risks of the life inreirauce come toots at 10 0.000k. I called in several other physicinns, parties wilt remain NItifd, The Registrar -General's report, but. it was all no use; my sufferings just teemed, shows that in Scotland got worse all the time until I began DARY'S DIR,TERIGIAT 1ast year the births, deaths and to despair of life, uminges were below the usual ai A friend advised me to use Dodd's mil atorage. Kidney Pills. I was very skeptical Wheeler, 14. Johnstone, a Glasgow but was prevailed on to commence a jeweller, was Sound dead recently on treatment; the Mat box made rue feel the road between Duntocher and some better. Kilpatrick. A horeo which Mr. John- I passed a stone that lutd formed stone had beea ridtug had, thrown in the bladder. him. I continued the use of Doild's Kid - Eight young stowaWnyS were ells- ney Pills until I had used three co‘ered and put ashore from the 1 boxes, and now believe that 1 balm Dundee whalers Diana, and feclipee a radical and coumlete cure, as it is just before the vessels sailed for the six months since I used any of the Arctic fishery. Pills, and have had no symptoms or On a recent Saturday night the 1 return of the. malady. public houses in the Lochee distrlCt 1 I know that my cure is due to near Dundee, were visited by 2.738 Dudd's Kidney Pills, as I used no persona, or 18a per cent. of the other medicine after commencing whole population. - their use. When charged with firing some Yours truly, ricks near Renfrew, a tramp coolly 1 THOMAS HARDISON. replied he had done so in order to 1 The Second One. be sent to prison, where he would St. Mary's Ferry, N.B., Mar. 24, get a rest, food, and other com- forts. 3Efor1th and Happiness. -How Mothers Can Keop Their Lit- tle Ones Well. Nealth is the birthright of all lit- tle ones. It is a mother's duty to see that. her baby enjoys It, Moth- er's greateet aid In guarding child - rode health is Baby's Own Tablets - a medicine which can be given with perfect safety to the yoangest baby. Arnong the many mothers who have jars,' like Kipiing's engine. •in point of natural beauty, but. Mel - TO AVOID VARICOSE VEIL,IS. , bourno:s c,ostly piles of Parliament - 'If you have a, tendency t ' ^ , vari- , ary buildings and law courts emPha- O cose veins when you sit down ele.. size the poverty of the primitive vain your feet, The blood will flow shedsthat serve tile like purpose in out of the turgid veins and giv° Ynn Sydney. •, 1902. During the play in the draughts English championship at Leeds, Mr. What I said in 1895 I can at this Alexander Edinburgh, who was Gentlemen: moment most emphatically substan- greatly fancied by Many, was de- tiate. tented by the local chainpion, Mr. 110X0 never had the slightest great relief. By tleep friction from CCY the fleet upward you can encourage SHE ULDN'T SEE IT; tbe return of the blood to the heart A certain prosperous personage . well as give, tone to the eeoble ,whoeenjoys a good story.as inocle as veins. •any Man; - particularly , ,if it be 'on If you have a red nose it ie be- himself, tells the following: Cause the' blood entbrs the seeeefi- • "My grandmother is a ,dear, inno- dal vessels, -of. the skilisand does ,not ,cent lady, who lives far -awaY„,io1 a • return from- it. If you. would reniee little country village:' She was tell - 1y this condition perform reg.ularlY ing a Visitor all about the efamily thns. little feat: Grasp the tips of one day, 'un4 ' When MY, tmer came the, 'noee: between the thumb and ,fin- ene said• , gere and massage upwardsto the Now, 'there's jeelt, you know; root. This method empties the vese he' S doing Uncomtnenly 'and sole of lisred,une 13lood, Paid allows. her voce sank ; impressively - 'Why, fresh:bleed to now; Besides„ you they,..do getting as enueli 1.5 '• are, apt halt, as dikely to be 'afflicted a thousand, a year, 'though 1, ,don't with told areehe heed. • , ' Oee. hew, ho can earn,' all thaaa hoie "One, eliereise'sPeeially 'designed to •eatlynne ' • Gardner. symptom of a, return of my old troto An easy chair has been presented to Thomas Dewar, a rural postman at Kircaldea who has just retired after thirty-four years' service, dur- ing which he tramped over 150,000 miles. At Glasgow Edward Payne was sentenced to six months' imprison- ment for embezzling moneys belong- ing to the Glasgow branch of the Operative Bakers' National Federal Union pf Scotland, while acting as secretary. • Z21,000 worth of articles are left In London cabs -in a year. A Life Saved. -Mr. James Bryson Cameron, states: "I was confined to my bed with Inflammation of the lungs, and was given up by the physicians. A neigh- bor advised Inc to try Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil, stating that his wife bad used it for a throat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a half bottle cured me; I certainly believe it saved my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to a trialsas I was, reduced to such a state that I doubted the power 9f anyeremedy, to do me any good.'? Woman's love is like an ill -spent fortune -we never know its value till we lose it. They Drove Pimples Away. -A face 'covered with pimples is unsightly. It tells of internal . irregularities which shonld long ,since have been corrected. The liver aud the kidneys are not per- forming their functions in,he healthy s -ay they should, and these' pimples are to let you know that the blood protests. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills' will drive them all ' away,, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them,and there will be anteher witness to their excel- , lence. • ble. Yours truly, THOMAS HARRISON. Free electaicity travels at the same rate as light -186,000 miles a sec- ond. Through wire, electricity moves at only 16,000 miles a second. England sp.ends 28,400,000 a year on her paupers; Scotland, £900,000; Ireland, £1,400,000. France spends altogether less than £1,500,000. The great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as Bickle's Anti Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di- minishes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages, and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has (aired many when supposed to be Ler advanced in consump- sion. A peat bog 12 feet deep yields 12,- 000 tons an acre of dried turf. Ti) CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine 'tablets. AI droggists refund the money if it fails to cure. II W. Grove's signature is on each bee. We. d no other, for no other has eh a record for durability, tea- 0 tunny, beauty, elasticity. easy to • 14, beautlial in tone, and at it proper price tee the test " • p us a card alai auk for 0 DOOR:LET "R"." VREE. showing bow eontei horees are e eatinterl. A. RAMSAY & SON, E".1$42 MONTREiL Paint Makers to, eocoegovzosooecte.coseeceose*ocooeeemd•••9 .1•14.a.•.•••••• ifrss Pearl -White: "1 wish you paint my portrait." Dobbins: "I' sorry, =clam, but I can't do Miss Dear! White: "Why not'?" Dob- bins: "I never copy other paint- ings." Lever's (Wise Head) Disinfect, - ant Soap Powder is better than other Soap powders, as it also acts as a disinfectent. It, Is a thankless world. A man gets no credit when he pays cash. 73 per cent. Of phis entering Bri- tish ports fly the national flag.' Minard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia,. Switzerland has 1,700 hotels seven times as many for its size as England. bares They are a Powerful Nervine.-Dyspep sin clauses deransemout of the nervous system, and nervous debility once engen- dered is aillicult to deal with. There are many testlmoniels as to the efficacy of Parmelee's 'Vegetable Pills in treating this disorder, showing that they never fail to produce good mutts. By glviug proper tone to the ingestive organs, they restore equilibrium to the nerve centres. Oldbeau (growing romantic): "Alit how I wish I had lived in the knight- ly days of old!" Miss Youogthing (growing weary): "Didn't you?" •••••••• C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gen tlemen,-I have used MIN, ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in nay family for years, and for every day ills and accidents of Life ,consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Ka- mouraska. London covers 75,000 acres; Leeds is next, with 21,500; and Sheffield third, with 9,650 acres. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant to take; sure and eilectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best results. Great Britain has 1,600 steamers of over 3,000 tons; Germany, 127; America, 120; and France, 60. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that eantain illereUry as mercury will rurely destroy the sense of smell ana completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such artmles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is tort fold to the good you eon pOsSibly derive from them. Hale Catarrh CVO, manufactured by F.J. Cheney &Co.. To- ledo, O„ contains no 1116TOIII y, and le taken in. terfailly. acting directly open the blood and Ipncous eurtsces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sureyon get the genii ine. It is taken internal' y,and. made in Toledo Ohio, by 11% J. Cheney Se Co. Toetimonines Sold by. Druggist% price 7iie per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. FOREIGN Docrons IN LONDON. rritable Old Gentleman: sVhat ou. arth do they atop at a station like this 'for?" Objectionable Passenger (alighting): "To allow rne to get off." IrritalOe Old Gentleman; "AU I sec it has its advantages. then." Aceerding to the recently issued Liniment Cure$ Uandruff, census returns there are 169 male . . . a,nd 6 fort -late foreigei 'physicians, Guy's Ilospit'al, with 620 bewls, 4E.; surgeons, and general practitioners Stops the CocAls Anil work' off the eyed. 'amity') Broom -Quinine Tablets cure s. cold la vuodny, o‘..use. No Per. Price Ibeents. Ships built to -day average 3a times the size of those built in 1875. Minard's Liniment for salt everphere Spain and Russia are the only Illuropean countries which produce more wool than they consume. 'Where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely ,eured of my corns by this remedy and I WiSh esnno more of it for my friends. So writes Mn. J. W. I3nows, Cede:fee. A rubber tree four ieet in diameter yields twenty gallons of sap, making 40 pounds of dry indiarubber: $10 BOSTON AND RETURN 810.. Do not forget tbat Friday, May 23rd, is the date for the excursion to Boston by regular trains of tbe West Shore Railroad. The fare is only ten dollars (810.00) for the round trip and tbe tickets are good for return until and including June 2nd. Just think 1 Over a thousand miles for ten dollars. Get tickets and further particulars from West Shore Agents. ITAPPY WOMAN. "Is she happy?" "0, perfectly ! Her husband's the meekest little creature that ever breathed." Eight out of every 10 000 English the biggest in England located in London. Of these there Glasgow' people emigrate every year. TIospital has 630 beds. PAGE METAL GATES are so low in pine to use wooden mos.Light, and yet strong enough to sup- port a heavy manna the end while ha swings around th circle without causing thorn to sagr They, are neat in that is' Tow womb. in price for general farm purPcSes Weise make Varna and Orinimenthl Fence, Pottltry 1:TetibP, :Nails and Stopli.O.' Tho Puffs Wire Pence 00..Limilsel, Ont.„1 ^ 414' ed either way a (3. oneself set g The only good Metal gat they aeareeeratialzm ieswt ilitettinnanotoswegtnhoortagtetbriArpeen. Ira lied with latch 17. are 0 male and 1 female Russian; 1 male ,Russian Pole; 7 -male, 3 ' fe- male Swedes; 2 male Norwegians 3 Male Danes; 4 mate Dutch; 1 male 'Belgian; 12 male French; 32 male, 1 female Gernmes; 8 male Austriane ; male Swles; '3 Male Domains, male Portuguese; 12 male and 1 fe- male ItEtliansO 2 male Greeks; 3 male Tea's; 2 male Janallesee 1 male Asiatic; and 63 ,maIe AmeritanS.' For Over Sixty Years bliss.. WINSLOW'S Soorurse Slaws has been need by yahoos of mothers tor their children utile teething. Itsoothos the child, softens the gums. al.sys pain. cures %intt cone, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhem. Twenty -Svc cents a loctae. Sold b7 druggists throughout the world. /....enre and ask fur MNS. W/NSLOW S Soorsase 3ynus. ' The world's coffee crop is 800,000 tons. America drinks one-third of this. iviinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, 377 RELIAOL_ • AGENTS W ANTED We wont at once trnatworthy men mul women in -verr locality, local ,or traveling, to ink "mincer a new lisolivery end keep our show cards and mire) matter tricked up m cdnaptortons places throughout, the town mil. country. Moody employment year round, commission or ealary, $6s.00 per fionth and Expenses, not to exceed $2.GO per day. Write for pan Millers, restoiiice box 337, INTERNATtONAL fitEDICINS. CO,LONDON ONT. 6 g RE Lp ta SIAINIAISS ' Endorsed by'best English Med lealjeursia Is. *-Supplied to British soldiers in South Africa. For all Throat and Gland Troubles, Lumps, abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Shin Diseases, Eczema, Piniplas, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, Plies, Onts.,' Sore reot. Pleurisy 'Soldgsts, ase. Try it onoo. 13 THE ONLY' ABSOLUTE GIME for Consnmp- ' tion and all hroat and lung troubles, One dose gives relief One bottle ofteo ohms. A FRED SAMPLE Betett to every reader of this paper. Pin. -Mo is for sale by all druggists at $1o� per large bottle -15 COnt,STok serail eiza or it may be ordered direct from THE PUL -1110 CO,, TORONTO:, ONT.-