HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-15, Page 8eO rtd6aGx D3 bJ3a' tilcfa .?a inch Meek Jap Tatieta, Silk, soft bright finish, guaranteed nos to cut. a. A. steep. Stewart's. } Couseryalfixo committee Rooms. miss C'laraa Cu 1 ore spent Sundae 'ill. I:illaei's Committee I" ooin will in Crediton, the graest of Mrs, ''i: ihh. be open (etch night (except Sundays) Meader).. 4 from tate) to 10.30 p nh, till after elate- Mr, (it°ti. Henley,o London, former . wa . C F. n .maFws-.—;° s ' 1 ly" or Exeter, is calling on friends in For 1Drtanrastary note and z,eeeilat trc)n, hoops lIa ':Al1St?ne Block. ' g., a o fomes eat at the Adrokate office. second st•ahas, IN ell lighted plenty, of towel this Wee& a ei t o invited. E hCharles, aaior of Toronto, is at ' as In the South Huron Election realms Everybody made welcome. 14riends 1't a t al e, p•apere, etc, A11 't rd, M ,` • SA of 1lenry neer. M n net, partacniox present the guest of his sola, Ma Jos. Call and , see us at our new quarters, NORTH OF DR. WITH DRUG STORE, \Ve have greatly enlarged oin stock of aim*, fi ':, `.Thitin9s,, Coatings, ?aft fl9$, itc. BO that ti3 e have now some natty and 4-to-dRlte line to choose • from. % e can satisfythe cosi c1 itietlit for 1S41ain last week's issue two ob- vious errors crept into the totals. In the Exeter divisions the total for Mr,; Either should halveread 2if6 insteaael of '.'2l and in the Tuckersmith divisions'. for McLean I instead of -495, The Exeter baseball team was de- tented in a game by the Clinton team. here on Friday afternoon last by a score of 33-14. The score rain high but. it was nevertheless an interesting game, The hometeaul put up a good fight but they ceitaiinly lack practice. Our thanks are due Mr, Joseph Cob- blediek. for at copy .of the Los Angeles Herald, containing, an account. of the first Fiesta floral parade in that city. ,Ridging from the account it would be at Magnificent affair and Mr. Cobble - a' x dick. being present would doebtless en- joy it very much. An ndiatnaa, paper publishes the fol- lowing notice; For sale at my home one mile north of town, one coir and calf giving intik, a, ton of hay, WO li hitt IS of oats. a quantity- of cut cern and ete► (rat farming teeplements. Such a sort :ante Calf as Haat taalgilt to Latin; a handsome emu. EMBER THE STAND W. "AMA ' Merchant Tailor, LOCAL DOINGS. I',hose itlb Wall VAber arae; gteng t ff. tat a:. quick pace at Stewart's ly requested to intend as ften as pos- Senior, toavn. ;Jibe(, Mrs, James Gould rettarn?ed Satur- G. H, Sanders, J, A, Rollins, dhey, after a? pleasant visit with her Secy, Pres. sister in Loudon, wanted Before the xst Day of June, lir, Wni, Ross, of Clinton, spent Three girls to go to JT;t1liGtlba, for Thursday last with his parents, Mr. kitchen, dining roomand cook. Wages and Mrs, D. A, Ross, to good girls''---Kiteheu, $,12; dining Miss (erne Anderson left Monday room $15; coot, $2S per month. :hast morning to visit friends an London, be healthy and strong. Apply early St, Thomas and other places, (so that arrangements cannd be made) Jr.neand airs, S. Adamson .and family^, to Ca Ii. $omelets, of wiudstia•, returned laonne after family ADVQCATB Office, Exeter, short visit to Mr, Chas, Birney, 3ivo:4a Day celebration, Miss Austin and Miss Beady and Dr, An active cothluhittee is plep.iring I,, L. Follick and sister, MissMahel, of for as grand half day of sports in Exe- fiat Haemes spent Sunday en sawn, ter eta ;Vlaiy t'n neat, Caatlie wp- feat. l\ ala" lfugues, who was attend- ia111 proaaessioaa 'trill fetid a t elle drill ins• the funeral of his brother-in-iaw, shed on the Fair txrontals and march Mr. Walter 1Gralns, of Ai1s.t Craig, re around the track, ended by the Ext?- turned to his home in St. Louis, Mo,. ter BLASS Band, This will be followed. Thursday.by a baseball naaatcle in erhich it hs ey:- laeeted Lateen, Brussels and Exeter ;lir. Philip Johnston, Mr. Edward teams wall take part; at, football aaaaitch, Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Bissett, between the liippenataad Exeter, teams; of London, also Mr. "Williaan Johnson, a game of basket ball between vt.en the re- ofTorornto,attetatled tlterimeral of their taa(sentative to Inns of Exeter pane brother, the late MI. B. Johnston on L;a k.t 1x111 anatteli'will take place a1 school Rata' t ee,haali glilt•,by teams .:`shoo] and town and aanv lather teauu; Monday, Mr. Norman Creech, a foraaaea* Bee. ter young abeam, has resigned his posi- tion as hook keeper with the Crucible Steal Co„ Toronto, and will again ac- etpt his oldosition at the Verity Plow Works, Brantford, wafter as short holiday, Miss 11, Mathews. who has been her visiting her sister, Mrs, :S, Fitton, renes called home to Toronto on Thursday, owing to the serious illness of her brother, Alfred. Mrs. Fitton amine lel her,. We have since learned sed that the young plan has died, having passed away on jt Lr1a i Ilea. the I'aablie sehotal g restate(, at i of four Ilan: dog race, quarter alule.hy reelta;k, tta•niteraxaw Fr as) evening'; dere hitched to a (zein all dri en lay between the "ll;tplea and "Sham hoe', and ;a lncyele race. The admit: - rocks," The rouug ladies will be Ston fee will be 13e., children 10e, pleased to see a good attendance and In retnu1 they promise a fast and ex- citing gauge. Let everyone #earn out and encourage the young people. 'tiessrs..11antlforti & Elliott snapped; a carload of exceedingly line horsey to; lntaitet'g on ttItancl.iy°. They were 1piobably the best averaged load that! plias ever been shipped. Among the. eta] and rece*ipt farads t;t tl3t° • nllunleewas a spanking team of twin mares purchased from Mr.1ethereott, astmester C1.:...ie leas laall•Cb'hsetl '`of lllanslla rd, for the Ogilvie Milling it alnac• driver, Co. It ]nay be safely said that no h:ai l' ro a tl n wtrod file att^e ai more handeonle, evenly loathed, or "g a n P better team never left this depot. The ;Est eRie°11aie, twice renamed wag as handsome one \II the 4•t a=talo of the wheat is con- ! avith la cleataon txaatee the f.tc t that there teitee.l an Exeter Sear Flour. ia• still tacaa7ae°a• in r.lising star: es of the :it le latter ice thins~ without talking right kind. Fa'.S1a to eaten without thinking. The 'o wanted. fulltira intfro;u tbeClinton New, -. 2'el+ DewedDewed1x.9:`1 ra a4`'ne°a• tea a $lei'a:ae"t• rest epee h]t The S:. of wheat nt klu;.;lac et pa ate paid foe wheat, et the Ilettneent Mate. New la .t •a Ii° resp eTaslialee iaa a ;resat: Ialee:t54arejvaa° 1.7II"ge eeAas regatiaann City left' lrl•a'e (till Mel it tie eeeealry to bread their eansage °•.ell hog." If y ora have alileulty in get ting i e.d hi:l conne°cti4tn therewith and wall in Exeter when quite young, entered lair: Iy g.saztl ilaea99. try Exeter tine' Flour. ! elle c e)PU t• of a few days leave` the pi. ,tuber'. Il` 1 l ' 'tel Every parson tern out and, spent a ple'atsant afternnen. Editor Exeter Times Dead. Mr. M J. White. Editor :of the Exe- ter Times died at his home here at nixed tight o'clock on Saturday dight last, after a long, tedious and emit:till. 1 ' . es a December spat asst the l tt •a .+'tl anti s, it (iaa last, 4 e while on his way to thumb one Sun- day ereniiag, slipped on some lee and sustained at broken leg. It was thought at flint that the inured member was progressing favorably but when tested it proved otherwise, the hone had not netted in the least. Dr. Wishart. of London, nats then consulted and an operation (wale performed to brjhag await tit tht &eked, d 1't , ult hat all seemed to be sof no atrai1,11is already weaken - 1 ronstittaticln could mat avith:4.4ml alae trying strain :end gradually w.m- iup, in strength the" vital cord Twee dent o Exeter. 'who has hr4'n ha mill snapped. Strange to Fay i• few days 11 and bis fellow c°nanl1 ye(s:--11II: 114, «S, Manning: who for over fourteen years has been identified with the I)+llaerty own intdaistry as a eeistaant Weak -keep. and business manager, has severed iam9t"1•.^ la",nr9iha-a°d lay' his e'n3lyl,eye'r f Istel i after' the operation a9a bel was taken twine at severe creep In the renin jured leg. caused by his long confinement. in our position in heal! and as a retnitthe fail( of than leg Wasatlsta I1t4)ke n. Dtrct.a :t'ei was bean near Toronto and coming to a1 th 1Ce ah11t wear Clap" kap wi It leya►aar. t•lf that anal estlaeairist:rl 4?.q flee Where he has spent so many years ! the business finally ' hemline ruiner met the, oche •;telitltw n: ears the blued- la faithful and e114+rgetteservice for hie and editor. The ftnitral took place on ere.. eauplo; •r, rafter ependhng altnnt a Tnestlaty, at huge number of narrowing it i, s a ri that the ra,ld telt y teem ;. atauntla an town 11x, :111a1nning will take ! friend. being iii aattenIlatuee, aiming Thas•.1.'4'Ciaant'. fRtrFaa3lt;tny adults l:eiatg 1111 extended ntictl trip Ivo at. T1s l.t tt tl twhom were his brothers, 'S" 1111'1%111 J. of still with ilea, through by the t=.1.1 ., he will visit C)ttawn,I'hoanas,of sa inIisor,nnd Jahn, cl a the nr1hclpal places in lianitobe anti of I)etrnit; lain Icicle. Col. Il A. 1, R e . inane twine Edith Intl rti Minel.a at : the .'earth tl 1 th R k fey and onto the Coast ;tnd after spend - mg some limo in B.C. he will take la Pacifica Coast steamer for San Francis- co. '.Ir. Maanning's return trip will be by Denver. Omaha end Chicago. lir: Manning's genial, open hearted way of tltediit g with the o. f. employees Inas won for hire the friendship and esteem of the entire staff of workmen and it was with regret that they learned of his intention of discontinuing his ser- a re'1"s. Ills many frienhle all wish him a pleasant and enjoyable trip. On Sat - Inlay evening last the° proprietor and employees took a ztate 1 to presen . him with a, handsome gold headed cane and travelling comp:mime acctampan- 1et11oy an address, as at Slight token of the esteem in. which he is ]held lay then( and 1hy way" of expressing their regret at Ibis departure from their nutlet. Tiio:d(1V(" 1 •Wats read by Mae G. 1.. Itaerke, fi (glans of the niateihira(ry de- trtlnt•nt. anal the presentation made by Mr. W. 3Iennel. lira Manning, though taken by surprise and some- what overcome by emotion, made at neat and suitable reply, expressing in well-chosen sentences his heartfelt thanks for their kindness. His re- marks elicited hearty applause from the assembled staff. Apprentice Barber Wanted. t young num to learn barbering, ap- ply to A. HASTINGS, Exeter. Card of Thanks. I desire to tender my sincere thanks to the management of the Canada Life Assurance Co., and its local agent, Mr. C. H. Sanders for the prompt mran- ner in which they have settled the claiin of insurance on the life of my late husband. `Fishing this excellent nnullct°r of her frientle very pie.tsentiy on :liotolay night, The day; when a woantan's face was her fortuue Woaep.tssed. Nothing hilt colt] cash Brice now. "The smallest hair throws a shaul- ow"--across a man's appetite when he fluds it. in the bates. A woman can make 0. feral of most a any leash, hitt ' in many cases nature has gotten the start of her. Jnclgiiig from the reports a+f the weather lira opheta, the conning:imminer Will lir warinor than the pater winter,. Hob Communion will be adminis- tered in the Trivitt Memorial church at the morning service on Sunday next. Mt. S. II. Gidley- has disposed of his read °tat.e iu Blyth to Mr. John T. B,aulilten, eel; the same town, for $1,3ae t. Nothing ene0(eeds like succeeS.. 'If you weld', to have a nice flavored loaf of Wyatt you should use • Exeter Stan Flour. Minolta' Bites, The Sattherland-Innes stave works started operations again on Monday after being (lint down for the paasttwo weeks. A g, m1 wife is one who loves her haisbaurd aii.i her cnnutry but don't want to ran ether. Mr. W. W. Taman moved to his new gnnrter not tit of Dr. Lut s drugstore on Monday, thus affording much bet- ter accommodation. The foundation for the new Molson's B ink has Leen commenced, the exca- vation beim finished and the stone work started. A case of genuine misery is experi- enced by a girl who purchases a new hat on Saturday and then have it raid company every success I remain yours - all day Sunday. sincerely ADA 'Veto. It is evident that some of the old Teeny closing. bachelors think it a greater pleasure The town barbers have agreed to to die for some women than it is to close their respective places of business live with them, during the months of June, July and Iwest,p ass wong 1 e oe White, of St. Marys, y 1, and Miss Clarke, of California. Ila leaves to mourn his demise a wife and Six small children.. Died in London. The London Free Press of yesterday (Wed.) contains the pnrticulalrs of the death of .Mr. James Milne, a former storekeeper of Exeter North:—Mr. .Tames Milne the well-known broker, dropped dead in Morton's bicycle store tin Dundas street, about nine o'clock last night. The end earle with awful suddenness. Mr. Milne had come in front as walk in the perk to have a talk with his old friend, Mr. F. W. Fawkes, jeweller. The two ellen en gaged in conversation, Mr. ,Milne complained of feeling fatigued., but ap- peared in usual health, Mr. Fawkes continued at his work. Suddenly Mr. Milne fell to the floor, his feet crash- ing through a show -(nee and his heard striking heavily against a show -case on the opposite side of the store aisle. Assistance was at once at hand, but to no purpose. Deceased never spoke and passed away in a few minutes Dr, Geo. Wilson and Dr. MacLaren, coroner, pronounced it a ease of ap- oplexy. The late Mr.Milne was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, sixty-four years ago. In 1.851 he Caine to London, and after remaining here two years re- moved to Exeter, where for ten or twelve:years he conducted a. grocery. Then Ire returned to London, and had resided here continuously since. He was a broker and financial agent. He organized and was president and manager of the Superior Loan and Saving Society, and had been a mov- ing spirit in various financial enter- prises. He was a Liberal, but took no prominent part. Since coating to London he had attended the First Presbyterian church. A. widow, three daughters and three sons survive. The farmer are Misses Helen (Chicago), Janet and Annie at home, and the latter are Messrs. Alexander, plumber, of this city; J. R. and John H., of Chi- cago. The members of the family in Chicago were apprised of the sad event last night, and funeral arrange- ments are withheld pending their ar- rival. Farmers and horseman should try our rolled oats. It is the best food for horses that has been offered for some time. H&RVEYBnos. same.. The general public are asked There are two things that will make to kindlygovern themselves according - you happy for life if you will only take our advice and do them; one is to mar- ry for love the other to subscribe for this paper. August at 8 o'clock p. m., excepting Wednesday and Saturday nights eef each week and excepting also the night of any holiday and the nightprecedin While playing ball on Friday last Mr. Frank Snell met with a painful ac- cident, the ball striking him on the end of the thumb of the right hand and completely severing the nail. We suggest that the Exeter girls _stem. Rescue the perishing club" the object of which should be to rescue the young nlenwho are becoming bachelors by marrying them off. Exeter Star Flour is made of select- ed hurne grown wheat' wind No. 1 Hard, Manitoba for stile by leading dealers and at the mill. Flour and feed de - 1: vered e1:vered to any part of the town. HARVEY BROs. The Rev. j. G. Shearer, secretary of the Lord's Day Allianee, will address ar Union Mass Meeting in the Main street Methodist church, on next Sun- day at 8.15 p.m. Subject, The battle for the Christian Sabbath," - A game of base ball was played on the school grounds Thursday, After- noon last, between the boys` of the school and a picked nine from town. As in, the previous game the laurels f 11 to the former by a score of 13-11. and. braes t • Cl:am ms y New Gingha Mullins, very swell at Stewart's, - ly. A Vali Camp There will be no annual military Camp until September. What with the fourth African drafts and the men who will go to the coronation, theper- manent corps will be sadly depleted of instructors. Moreover, there will be no major -general commanding to do the inspecting. Gen. O'Grady-Haly leaves Canada early in the month, and Lord. Dundouald does not take com- mand until the beginning of July. Death of Mr. ;Toltuson. Mr. Albert E. Johnson, who moved here from London last fall to the Balkwill farm, a little south of town, passed away on Friday last, at the age of 37 years. and 6 months. The de- ceased has been suffering for nearly four years from pulmonary trouble but was able to be out around until about ten weeks ago when he was con- fined to his bed and sinking gradually passed away at the time above stated. Mr. Johnson was brakeman for a num- ber of years on the G. T. R. before corning here. The deceased leaves a sorrowing widow, and three young daughters, who have the sympathy of the community. The funeral took place on Monday to the Exeter ceme- tery and was largely attended. Around About Us, Clinton; Mrs. Challenger, of the base line, , experienced as paralytic stroke the other day wliiell affected the right, side; while she is now slight- ly better, she is still suffering. bait is doing as well as a woman of 73 can dei under these circumstances. Got:Welch: On Thursday nlgbt Wm. :Maier passed away after an illness of sev ca.a1 in4)IIths. Vie decreased had 'wen for .Seat an year the proprietor of the Montreal street barber shop. lice was formerly" a resident of Kincar- dine t:larr1s11ipl, Haat came here from London, where be haat] been in bush 11ess fora number of years.. His illness started from as cold which 1te contract- ed in the winter and from width he never recovered. Mr. Shier was thin- years ay -eight x of age and 'eaves as wid- ow 3 4)Ih" and two volahlg sons. PERSONAL. 1 h Caderieh: Rubel, widow of the late Johan McLeod, passed away 1111 Tuesday at the advanced age of 111 years' air+ after ai long Illness. Forr a. con- siderable period she* (8S Unable 11) leave her bed, lent wit the last she pass- ed peacefully at'1}•aty. ".fhe deceased lardy lived in ,Seaaforth for malty years, but about ten years sinee moved to Goderich, where she remained till death came. Tho late Mils. McLeod leaves a large lumber of decoinlaants to nmtirn her :nut many old 'friends. Witte will sorrow at her di°p:tenure. Mitchell: Wednesday lin. C'ephas .T. Moore, one of Mitchell's most re- spected young metaled to thehylnenal ailter,Liliy Maud, the estimable (laugh ter of 311', and Mrs. Thomas Pr'itllnun, unleash ton. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's parents, and was performed by Rev, Mr. Ferguson, in the 'presence of Obout fifty guests. The wedding march was played by :Suss Moore, tester of the groom. The bride was attired 'inn a a'handsomeWhite organdie dress, and carried a large bo- gaaet of white carnations. The pree- eilts were numerous and costly. Goderich: That well-known old res- ident of Goderich til., in the person of. Mr. Alexander Taylor, is dead, having passed away full of years and honors on Thursday evening at the advanced age of 01 years. Until enfeebled by old age the deceased gentleman was always nrthtlncl, and though for many years be hard led at retired life,hismem- ory was particularly active, especially when triads and. hardships of the early settlers was the subject of dis- cussion. Deceased was born in the county Down, Ireland, in the year 1511 and emigrated to the new world with. his parents when quite young. Paints, Garden Tools, Garden and Field Seeds Churns, Washers, Wringers, Cistern and Spray Pumps, Thorald and Portland Cements. Ti A KIN$ & SON, Successors to It Bishop & Son. Mrs. Sid. Sanders is recovering from her recent illness. Miss Grigg is at present visiting her. brother in Montreal. Miss Polly Bawden spent Sunday with friends in Lucan. Miss Jennie Taylor, of Brewster, is yisiting friends in town. Miss Ada Moilock, of Mitchell, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. 3. Trull, of Solina, is yisiting her father, Mr. Thos. Clark. Miss Elsie McCallum, of Crediton, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr..A. E. Bennett, of London, is vis- iting friends in town this week. Miss F. Macray, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Birney. Miss L. Nixon, of Win g bam, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mr. J. P. Ross, of Chatham, was re- newing acquaintances in town yester- day. Mr. J. E, Tom, I. R S,, Godericb, was in town Friday in his official.capa- city. Mr. and Mrs, Hector Munroe, of Lon- don spent Sunda in town, returning to. the city Monday and from there ow about Carpets, Linolumns y I p . dein the •art is d arta ns . p`Steat an C g • willoto. Detroit,wherewill e th g Y tie..e trade, pink res make their future home one ofs 3 NEW LINES This week for ladies summer waists, proper goods for the purpose Friestleys create Crysta14otte Lustre, very fine silk finish. Black Voile fine even light weight texture, rich black, pure wool. Black near silk, a new production in cotton dress fatale. 'very suitable for Sunlnher da"esses and waists. Skirts. T,.ttlies Black Satana skirts, made with full floiu*eo $1,50 Black and white stripe effects in Satanaa skirts with deep flounce and. d pleated frill, very handsome $=•' Rich ell Week. Satanaa Skirts with.deel r corded flc►unee, ruching; ' trina- ,, naed,fcaa , - 30 E. J. SPACKMVI A N. Headquarters for Che Cel, ebraated W, P,. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. pU Ri1ITU Goderich: The death of Thomas Belly, which occurred on Sunday, re- moved an old resident of this district, Mr, Kelly was born in Ireland seventy. three years ago, carne to this • country when a young man, and had lived in Goderich or vicinity for forty years past. For thirty years he was an em- ployee of the G. T. R. and was for a long period section foreman at Holmes- viile. He retired about ten years ago and had been living with his daughter, Mrs. John Hurley, in Goderich. He was a quiet, estimable citizen, highly regarded by those who knew him. He leaves •a widow and three daughters. Mitchell: During the heavy thunder storm of Tuesday evening lightning struck the barn of Mr. W n.Leake. Lo- gan, two and a half miles directly north of Mitchell. The building, bind- er, mower and horse rake, were total- ly destroyed. .The adjoining bank sta- ble, in which were twelve tons of hay.: also fell a prey to the flames. A great crowd of neighbors gathered and help- ed to get out the live stock. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Leake as this is the second tune he has been burned out in a short, time. He was insured in the Farmers' Central Mutual for $875, but this will come a long way from covering his loss. Goderich: The residence of Mrs. MacSween was the scene of a _ pretty wedding on Wednesday, the contrac- ting parties being her daughter, Miss Christina D. and Mr. Harry Bell, of Sault Ste Marie, 1Vlich. The ceremony took place at noon, the officiating min- ister being Rev. J. A. Anderson, B.A., the bridesmaid, the bride's sister, Miss Maria, and the best man, the bride's brother, William. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Bert, was attired in a charming travelling suit of brown ladies' cloth with chapeau to match, and Miss Maria wore a charm- ing gown of pink organdie, prettily trimmed. ' The bride carried a bridal boquet of white roses, and the maid A]4lD -UNnERTAK1NG_. Now is the time to beautify your homes by selecting some of our J handsome Sq • a^ -E 1p ry-a Furniture. Do you want a nice Bedroom sett for ... $10 Sideboard.... ...... 8 es. .. 3 COOL Sweet Mattress Bed s rin s .. , .... ..... . 2 Couches and Easy Chairs at prices. Easy easy p Curtain poles and trimmings. We have several sets of beautiful chairs just in. a call and if we have notgot what you Give us want we will soon get it for you. Wese Oe9 Huston, Furniture and undertaking rooms. Gidley's Block, Exeter. FIELD AND I1ARDER E1DS We have just received a nicely as- sorted lot of, FIELD and GAR- DEN Seeds from the D.M.Fer- ry and the Steele Briggs seed houses. These are fresh, new goods, to us at least, and lower in price than last year. We think these people offer .seed true to name and excellent in quality.. ' . We will be pleased to have a part of your trade and will appre- ciate your good will. , . We shall shortly have a quantity. of seed corn to offer. . We are selling Canned Peas, Corn and Tomatoes at 7c. each just now. I W. Trevethick. Clinton: Mrs, Ed. Dinsley, who is about 80 years of age and feeble in health, fell down on the side walk the otherday, injuring her twin, and was unable to rise without assistance. She her bed, `t take has been compelled o, but we are glacthat no serious injury • CHARLTON & PURDON EXETER, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS FORKS AND SLINGS. Supplied: with ;either the Angle- Iron., Round Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price. Was awarded the only medal and .diploma given on Hay Forks at the World's Fair g Chicago. SuppIiee at Itussell s Blacksmith sho'. EXETER, .ONTARIO, ,