Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-15, Page 6k++4++++++++44+++++++t Ballaine's Bank Balance. 1. There was a crowd blocking the pevement, and gazing with evideat interest one of the greet plate - glees 'windows of the Lombard n'a- tioeal 13Ank. At a, distence j1look-, ed like a "run," but a. closer view showed the cutrances of the bank an- obetriteted. A uotiee. written it ai bold hand, mai ?lung inside the g dewwas the stbiect Q the CrOwd'S CurloSity. It read ; "At the event:1g o this Bean tee day. idr, T. Fillmore Ballaine'e Bascom° was 142.1.17 10s. ted." For twe resselis a similar uotice bad appeared regularly epeethe vindau, a the bean, It began on a Monday looming. and the few %bet glanced at it. leerned that T. rat - =ore Meltable ha4 £660 25 ld there- in. Who M. T„ Fillmore llailaine was no one seemed to nnow, and whY the been should make public- a PenUY heard a ringing tangle come *0-dinte+igeet.-*.t-4.-Aetih-dedtidlteettettedt- back througn the loug ball, for the lover had been struck with a. gedden iuspiretion. That week, Ball:eine gathered a dozen young mem personal friemin leaders. in the city's commercial lile. at a. dinner. At the proper moment ha told them his plea and they cittesiddrer"Ov4117,4feWitiii71/4W+4 helped him to win the manager of the Lombard Netionel te hie aid. A, telegram to the Great Eateru heAdquarters, offering the pewee lands. under Bailable's ermined, ep- le,. and the heretofore unpurchase ble strip with it, brought a prompt eseeptenee ; AAA tor tsvo weeks tee young Man sold his prorerty right and left to secure the required Rene 1000, while the etotice in the window hePt Nie Penny'. and beef the town, oleo. Posted en to hie f,71115',, He could bare borrewed that amount, but be had a larger game on foot that spurred hint to 'wee his own laterite. His °Mee became crowed with ewe who desired to I buy or sell eome bit. of real property he Worse. ' " Y—yes; I suppose tbey might," and do it quialy. aen WiA0 wanted it certain bit. a tho gEo adini"ed'' th"sh in a Ipartotperefirts tworobt:y33tattlelaroovecte7ncdoernotek:.: which. betel -toned that she doubted in but 1 don't want a fortune; 1 for theu. llo prompt bueing and onlY want you. Sleuth Afidea is se milliner Bellaire took comaniesions Ler oil owl se leaner Valles Might. front both sidee, goad the balance on liaPPeo to you. Must you molly the window climbed. When it reach- leave England?'" matter usually regarded as a bust- RENO wmsT. 4 °la t el?' eg0315W44;;;Ci WilillfirVilPhe047it e'aarittinu-ihlw:striltr:bItt;i5:1'It'F'17' is't'airs;aelli.nt' U." nese secret ane could gue&g. Buts Tide waist le 0, oimple blouse Made :bPaili that Monday member, brought i au otieilieg alltiwiiero we; but 1 olit ever,t•Orie who read it mareled over over a fitted lining. 'rho vollar ef , Bantam promptly to his o ce, Theiehillfdti, that guegg eferddi !Pik OM igi and locative' up at the Palo> the lace is extended into thevelvet young mart caned a elerateill chetteg rtediritIt gequigud ult tigile• i , 1 elector Jaen," seed the girl, einne PC' t time they paseed ate Lombnrd etrape that are laced over and under 'for 42.100. . Notional Battle. mach other. and eaught to position "I don't. want your cheque," sem netenetically, "I will Le lereve tout On 'I'llesdair the uatice read 1-1600 by frequent thing. Old rose, pas- the elder man, "1 want you to tele Patient for Pane lollies" 12s. thi.. Anci on Wednesday it read tel blue„ or leer green cloth will tit notico out of tho bank wine itStledont into a true Esedlisil girls.. 4876 95. 54. in the rimming, but develop te charming winst wtth trued dew." be replied. "I lat proud tit illeeriee woe replaced et the hour of closing raing oe buten eitaton mid cream! *'Nlit Oat yen': said Bailable, Who on earth is 'Oust?" he ashes!, in by a not notice winch reed eti7110 lace. i "Not. till ew conamiesion for netting eitteirise, oe iteeery. laboriegi toot - Vies dd. 11y Titurstlite- the taffeir was' quantities of material requited.— i yonr land to the fereat Inistern ha5 sides wero heard Orwell/beg au; i fu the Paint's, end on Frideet thrt:The aim for 10 yeere will requirei tee n paid to teed , daily balance was the topic of the' one and three-fourths eeirds of goods s "Ito You wont to ruin me e" eel The giti waited tan II she heard the ti3scn• All day twig on Saturtley It:tUrtYgolh. inehtql wide, oue-baor lf '„Vd,;, mended Mr. Penny in welitessumed front door alarmed befoce replying. i crowd stood at the big window and' at alhover lace aud his: y -Ards Of Ve1,4 alarm. "thily Mr. loonier." discussed Mr. liallainehe halanee oft vet ribbon. The size for 16 tieate r., “A nutmeat ago," said Banana.. "Fowler! Wiliatta he doing Imre a 241) 7s. Sae and Pasted sioni-o' will reattir0 two yards ot goodeo "Yeti declared that 1 coadd not this time of the clay Mem he ought melds thereon. 1 forty-four Lathes wide. with one -belt ' sell. Now you are epee e nue to ho lie the "moos At tie hour of dosing a pew no- i yerel of lace and seven yerde ef vele Your change of sentiment le n. come "Oh. ho comes in 10 the hank 0 • thy proclaimed that Afte Balleinei vet ribbort. pliment. Fir." Aud the yourtg nine ere' Friday raoreing to get the mows to pay the woremen." SOIr0 wag 10 the crowdgravely pasea als, . mme, 0 .S—...,S. "1,111,,,I.M. "After that optien hos eepiree." "Yes; hut wilier deco he come here id eJt'. pow. "eon can frame 1/, 'teemed of gettittei beet to MO offiWOrlia ;I hang it in your ce. Ideepiiattnediately?" r cheque. Yoe will mod it," 1,"Why. beresuse he has to get Ini,1 aides) raced beck to iii6 niliea, , ,sere bY 00 MO train, and After he them with the optiou and Bedtoni hiI1SlineS4 at the tain abstraete and title. went to tite; the first *relit be cen return byl cote; te e IV,bank generai nranago of the conwny he:1410?in't lifsaNe, did 11,47, which rfki"aIDS had LIM% in treaty with to report i tore on hoar to wail. $o he said if t jack'S: • Discovery. lei ' "You will be away two wilote. long weary years? Ob. dace:, what an awful time' to witite And to think this is the last time I shall see you uutil then; quknot realize it. It is cruel, cruel, that we shoeld nave to wait ior slab an eternity, when WO were so needy eaosagied, toot" "Don't ere'. dettr." pietteed the Young fellow. "The time will soon by. and I ellen be been again withiyou. Perhaps"—he added, With a pear atteloPt "1 shall shall discover a gold mine. or sometbing of that. sort Mut make my fortune. in a, itionth, or two. One Vet' ii:1101373. Any way, Village might bad X.1.4.99 10s, ad. theeein, aud beWsel. ed bis hat. sarug : "Letda matzo peeselattan, and arrived eefely ewen money 1 011 MOnday norn111g ttle wen hfr. Ballaine was surprised to Gude11. *tan saakeCIM bad left a depoelit ot one penuy for hint. and that Isis The istory toW in were Rood at an even Zt.500. was wieely read. During the earond reek Bat- u related the co leireds halide balance ctimlied moral laine to town, ester 110 opened an Slowly ; but every increase wee effiee us A 5011(11.0r. end Proeeeded1ProgreS9. The manager, when Ito ease, we didn't mind he Haight ettet as welt ed with delight by the crowd 11 o get himself' "mown. Without wait-, the 1'4P0r 81 all their detightfull ciente back to his rooms atul do completion. pounded on the table.11 Go to LIS plIoLogmplolo Mato as front f the winiloW, Who hum !Ina for beeline -tee to come to him, Ise teether Mr. Mailable nor the eeriest: went about loaning toesimosi ane L and called pall,tivo Nick. Tbell,4ay abanit at the Maiden." of his peculiar advertieement, yet with the small capital given hint bye business Fettled, the 'young num re- "1 !zeo„ So he goes in for photo - who thoroughller enioyed both. his father on which to blight life lie:: turned with vouchere and documentitigeapby, does bee outgoes for e he 'Record" of Mr. Bat - "Ah, thie is what I have been look- ing for," he eitid. "New, Ethel, I want to; take the tiniest drop ot this liquid with ine. Vfave you a small bottle I could put sone in?" "Yes I think so; go and see... How wall this do?" she inquired, re- turning with g1aSS-StOPP0re4 bot- tle., "Splendidly. The very thing. thanks." said Jack, tilling it freine one of the large bottles. "But what are yoa doing this for; whet is the good -et this stuft to ynn just as you arra starting for South Africe?" "All the good in the world, for un' leas Fla greatly naistaten it will prove a fortune to nue sheen't go to South. Africa at All—at any rate, not. this week." "Illiat do you Mean? Oh. that is too good. to be true. You must be joisitig. sleek!" "1 was lamer more serious, But I want you to promise -not to say a single word an,yone About my baling been in this room or taking tine stuff—met even to your mother. It tints,y make the digerence of 4 thousand pounds to me—to you do, and delaY inaleing you thee. Hornsby for two or three years instead of as malty wee/is, t sired do if this turns out ins t expect. Don't be surprised if I bring in a friend neat Idittlay Mornime, when shall 'want you to let; ma eeerete ours selvee an Mr, 1r ortieris room before he reaurus frOfil the bank. so that. wt, May See esactly what he does. un- hnowit to Ulm. Mind. Ethel, not a whisper of thle to anyone. 1 nhall not attention it again till next Friday though I glieSS $So elanigh of Me before them' Haring made a few arrangements In connection with the pontponement r abaridonment of Itis voyage, Hornsby next visited the eteperin- tendent of the police ttf Northerton. and at the coueluelon of a leedthy private interview with that ofiteent left in his charge the bottle of fluid he hed taken from Forth -edit rooms and made an oppointment, fielded, to certain events trauepiring, tor that day week. So the nee% Friday utornieg, abeut eei„ dry the emit irtitiiiy. It, vitt i ' limin settl in t nd I ' li • • , planted the papers down for Mit. 1 coins, which are then put Into circa latiou again, "Now the annual wear on, ^ov. ereig,a averages less the* ceeeetwens tietb of a grain, which fait offordi =pie proof that these light coins haere been treated with acid by some daring criminals, “A big reward. no les e then Zle 00e, is now 011ered for information which will lead to the west, amt. conviction of tbe person or pereone. etigaged in tide occepetien, which, tiet low ineeisnee with Sbleh oeVerity. rralls, should serve to etimulete the amateur - detectives, particularly in the big northero tuantafiecturing towns where much ot the light gold is be (emulation," "YOU. dQ4't Mean to say"---eald Ethel, in an awetstrucle tone, wheat Jade had finished reeding, "yore can't for oue moment suppose timing "That this man Feeder is at the hettom of the affair?" Jateig added. "Indeed, do. Bre is the rogue who is doing it, anal be alorie After what yon said Aboat hie 'Washing' tho coins (to guard against infeetiom indeed). and having so much et those two amide, whieb, combineds diei solve gold, tumbleel to it tilreetlyi and only hed to inform the Po115e4 giving them the liquid that toed front Fortier's bottle (which, thee found to Ise gold in soletloon end this is the re,selt-eploe thoiteette pomade for you ttlid me, dem'. OM the butteretle of pounds in gold For dee had vontrot of emit week: what Was easier, when be cent° here from the bank will* it until hie train etarted„ thou to tip the lot into Mt avid bath for a while. and then wash them and Make them dirty again 04 though they hail never been tamper. ell with? "The blue-green fluid I look some le the gold in holtatiem the meta des:to-teed by the avides and it wottld be sintple enough for Vorder to 401 te as eitioride of gold or briatir back to the met -odic state agent. My, the mewl must liftVe made geld to dend a Week out of the game!" So that ware what all that acid stuff Wa'i fort But what use was All the steadied, in that leather bag?" 9,30. Mee Cletrettill eihnitied her illotevood lewdest, lite jewellers toste treeurt nor thiPliet;ourndlerrr"elt40%3111.1tdhleeraeditTIVi .74;;IpliteVi'diebt*iocieritedinpol. itabrin "dteryrti! theme though not without some Wel swath atter ritteing off the acid he, givilegs as to What it alt meant and tiviimmi twat into the swiptiast, hag. WI" resull WM/4 l'We shook them tip. and there they were( rlusteeeva sskvin"ttlet4i: sivbe711171dseijill :ifej"r•drgeedd44tlir:Ventanlodokre4:11Fti:M7V: Wdiiir: to wrli: cupboard orcelleding 11140 Ve"le 04 ft entestred in the lettering to make them auntie roam find evert "irttelti rtauning rogue; be had very little meat behind the clothes hatif; thue,. anti so tv,thgvhd tan wedeln (0 a it ill t 40 wont of t t (tore " -51g tine awe 1 opened. Tito superintendent boredi At ibis nialiatin etionetin, Isoveral thitY boles bi the weed, having learnt, what had happrindi Not till NVednesday of tho email! bought aud sold and at the same l Pro g lie arY s 6- gen S. gg so% is hint to hate such a halite— to command a view of tho room and , , gi % 'I I 4° I i week did. the notice in tbe window time made friends, and etudied men I credit Balleine with Z1,000. neat and things. a man in the crowd offered to bets a . Then he met the cherming Miss hundred that it would touch 42,00d i Penny. only child tti Penny the pro - by Saturday. For a Moment the i motor. Pettey the owner of shares crowd thought he soust he Tiallaine, ' and dna:trial Interests galore, a man end guyed him unreereifully; butn of quid; temper, who took delight in someone recognieed him as o city , o business encounter with 0. geeing eporting man, end his bet was not. mind, With Miss Penny the „youott itinen. , i solicitor prospered ; lint with Ala Thursday eats the tenth of tbel Penny the sign never StVilleli to be wroth, and Mr. Ilallaine evidently! right. paid a, few bills, for on lerithey the In the quiet. of his office the young blare in the window went down : solicit or planned assaults on the IPPote intin a hit of a faddists itut lull going int itiSide it. 446180 11110 te room, ea lig 130 It" hands ort. the &elevates that load come you rover iold no of thin lieforer They had not long completed theirl upon her house. and niternatos to 4.1.41,0, where it June; till the 'father, hoeing uheady went the elnee of businers of Saturday. Then daughter's blushing permissiou to do the clerk put up a new notice, and so. He linew that the beetle must he eager crowd cheered when it be a eelannerdal oust but as the idhenever a new soldier appeared reed—Z2,200 1t3s. ed.weapons were all on ids adeerearyra In the Guards of Frederick the Great On Monday morning a portly man, side he figured that lw must cap- of Prussia it was the habit of tho ruddy of face, grizzled aad gramma Lem ene reeny with err. renny s ing to us, bum thu t ate loflowlng tee, pushed Jute the trowd aud read own ammunition. Tbat 10011 nem, questions :— the notice. With a grunt of disguet but. eerie was uothiug to young "How aid are You ? Row long he entered the bank. The cashier re- Ballaine. baste vote been In iny service ? Aro cognized him as one of his heavlest The scene between Mr. Penny and: you satisfied with Your PaY ttad depositorS, aud greeted itim plea- the young Indistinct wben the latter treatment '?" delood morning. life. Penny." risked for Miss Penny, was one of It once happened that a young the most delightful conflicts of the. French soldier, who had served in est tly. markable window, and came heaped up conditions which 210 felt join the Prussian army, tied bee "Good morning. I heard about former's bh-iness career. Mr. Penny I his own couritrY. •sspressed a wish your re to have a look. Strikes me as be- sure the young man could not sates- eause of his splendid pile -Ace]. de - e mg ridiculous. I don't see how you fy, and as Ballaine met them one by ' velopment he was at once accepted. came to allow it," said Mr. Penny, one the elder man warmed to the , He was unable to speak a single removing bis silk hat and wiping a. toutest. lie rather enjoyed being word of the German language, but moist brow. bested in the preliminaries. as he his captain told hint that the King was certain to ask hint. questions in "Mr. Ballaine obtained permission fellt sure of the main issue. from the manager," replied the Chancier ? The young man netts- that language the first time he saw cashier, smiling, ed the best men ia town as bis as- i him, and advised him, therefore, to' 'Ile cIul, ek ? Who is this man sedates. Family ? The Ballaines learn by heart the proper replies to Ballaine were known la Yorkshire before the usual three questions of Ills "A young solicitor. Very bright Pennys were coined. Prospects ? The Majesty. The soldier lost no time in feliow, quite original in his methods. young man had his profession, some This plan was his own. He brought real estate, nailing stocks enough to enough influence to bear through his paper a boarding-house, three thou - friends to obtain the necessary per- sand in the bank, and a nerve that mission from the powers that be. was worth fifteenpenCo to the shit - It has proved a remarkable attrac- ling. Out of the question ? Not at tion to the public." tall ; the girl loved him, and he was "Friends, eh 9 Who were they 9" merely calling on her father to ar- The cashier enumerated some of rang -o matters. the most prominent of the young "No young ma.n can marry my business men of the city. daughter till he has £10,000 of his "All right," interrupted the eapi- own in the bank." talist, with the air of a man who "That's. easy. What will you take had heard displeasing new. "When for your building lands, Mr. Penny?" the young man comes in tell him he Building lands were Mr. Penny's wins." Then he left the bank. proud distinction. Ho had the bulk The cashier smiled, for he knew of the best acres in Essex. Bal - what Ballaine's "winning" meant, laine was striking at the very pearl and he reported the conversation to of the elder man's possessions. No the manager. one had ever succeeded in getting But the crowd outside knew no- him to put a price on them, thing of this, and only gaped as "No joking," said the young man. usual at the sign. That day it "How much ?" dropped to 1-I.,920 9s. 54., and re- Mr. Penny'soul expanded in an mained there for ten days, when it ecstasy as he named a price. jumped to £10400 las. ed. That "I told you not to joke," said night the evening papers proclaimed the young man severely. "I want a the Rale of Mr. Penny's faxdous thirty -day option on that property. riverside mansion for a fabulous Name a Teasonable cash price." sum. and conveyed the interesting Min Penny knew that the Great information : Eastern wanted the laud, but would "The deal was consummated by not buy because SOMO011e, who held Mr. T. Fillmore Ballaine, solicitor a bit between the Penny acres and in Essex Chambers, 'whose commis- the railway company's proposed sion on this deal alone was LS,- station at Danville., would not sell. 480." But Fenny did not know that the young man facing him had secured an option 'on the much-disaussed .strip. The option had cost him dear, but it was. the key to the whole battlefield. So' Mr. Penny, thinking to tantalize the young man, named a very reasonable figure. "I'll take an option at that price for ten clays," said Ballaine. "I want £2 ,000 for the option," replied Mr. Penny, "I'll give you a month to get that sum. When you bring the cash give you the option." '`That is fair,'' said Baliaine, ris- ing to leave the room. "ICeep me posted," shouted Mr. Pointy, as the youager man disap- peared through the cloor. Penny's inspection. The old gentleman was much sur -11 - prised, lett be signed hie deeds areli accepted Ma price without a murmur, "Miro Penny's dower," said thin I "Record,' in conehtsion. "ii; sided 1 on good Authority to he a quarter! Itallaine Bank littlaneo will Shortlyd Ot a million. That MMUS that OM:, take another jump." I But the public uever again, saw! " that balauce On the WiltdoW.—LOO-:' din* Answers. TALE OV LONG AtiOi Next day many people looked tip at the big window of the Lombaid National, but -there was no trace of Mr. Ballaine's balance, In its accus- tomed place hung a sigo, which read : "Assay Office. Values Paid for Gold , DustandNuggets." . But the public had bec.ome carious, and' the newspapers were worried into doubling their eilortS at solving the puzzle; to no purpose, however, as Mr. Bailable frankly told the re- presentatives of the press to "go to Jericho," and Mr. Penny was the most silent man in Richmond. There matters rested for a time ; but when certain scstiety leaders began giving recherche lave o'clasek teas for Miss Penny, the Society Cirl oil the "I will," shouted, the retreating "Daily Titaard" added SlISPiClOn to voice pleaaaptly. Atid then Mr., It out through the spout., learning them, and on the first day that he made his appearance in ithe ranks Frederick approached him to interrogate him. It so happened, however, that the ICing began with the second queStion first, and asked litie—w long have you been izt my service ?" "Twenty-one years," answered the young man. His youth sufficiently indicated that he had not. carried a gun for any such \ length of time as that, and Hie Majesty, greatly astonished, said "How old are you ?" "One year, tort please your Ma- jesty." The King, still further amazed, ex- claimed "You or I must certainly be bereft of our senses !" The soldier, of course, taking this for the third question, and glad that the ordeal was over so easily, re- plied :— "Both, an't please your Majesty "This is the first time 1 was ever treated as a madman at the head Of my army," replied Frederick, great- ly puzzled. The Frenchman, whose stock of German was ,now used up, stood quiet. Presently the King spoke to him again, whereupon the Soldier blurted out in French that be aid not understand a single word .of Gorman.. The King, whit ead been natieh annoyed, . wen noW greatly amused, .and, after urging imon him the necessity of doing his duty, 101 him. :KETTLE OUT OF A FARTHING. A Biemingimm, England, workman has produced a novelty in the Shape of a kettle Made out of a ferehieg. Ile hammered the:bronze coin till he bad:obtained 11 very thin sheet, of Metal, from which he fashioned :6 =pie le • anc] Workable kettle, with a swing latic1Ic, reinoyable lid,„ and water -tight bodY. He can heir: wa- in the miniature el:ellen and pour . ; Of altoF0nO or anything else but ouij when eau, aro with me, slack dear. Y1.1: Me. Feeder Armen as you say, Ise a, .Itit of a. Waist; for whet do yont think he did one day, a„ few %was ago. When tile tallaiiPDX Mate W411 about?" "1 can't guess. Something won- derful?" "Why. ho disinfeeled nil the money he bad to tune back to the works, I had to give him a message, and as ho didn't respond when I knocked 1 °petted the dour, and there he was, washing melt a huge pile 01 gold veins in a black tray. rho smell of the stuff he washed them lit WAS hor- red—it made me tough." "What au extraordinary thing for hint to dol" "Yrs, he seid that no doubt ehould, think it so, but that ho. dreaded snattilpox, raid as one ueveri knew WilOre money had been be couldn't rest until he had disinfected it, because he had to handle it all at the works, and it bad been proved that coins will readily transmit dis- ease germs from. one person to an- other." "But does he do much photogra- PhYd" "Yes, 1 should OIL* be must, judging front the amount of cholas cals and things he uses. You ought to see his 'dark room,' with all the big bottles and that in it. Mother Is afraid of them, especially two big ones, holding a gallon each, I should think, one Marked 'nitric acid' and the other—oh, 1 almost forget—'hy- dro' something." "IfydrocMorie acid?" Jack sug- gested. "Yes, that's it," the girl cried; "but how did you know what it was?" "I guessed. 1 used to dabble a bit at chemistry in the science class dim- ing my school days. But what a funny thing for an amateur photo- grapher to have large quantities of chemicals like that, which are prac- tically unused in photography. Very powerful acids, too—mind you don't touch them, deatie—for combined they forin—Pliew!" and, as a sudden thought struck him, Jack gave vent to a long whistle of surprise. "Have you got to -day's 'Daily Press' in the house?" "Perhaps Ma Folder has loft his: 1,11 go and see. Oh, yes; here it is," and she handed it to her lover, who, turning the paper about until he Sound a particular paragraph, com- menced to rend it with the greatest interest. Ethel Churchill waited patiently until her lover had finished reading the paragraph, and then With par- donable curiosity, asked fin* au ex- planation. "1 can't explain any -thins for a tie while, Ethel; not until I'm more sura' of my ground. Now, I want you to let me have a look at Mr. Folders 'dark room' as you call it. It is of extreme importance toyou and me, this matter. You can come, too anci see that I do no barm." "Of Course you ca.n see it if you wish,". and she led the now excited Jack upstairs to a spare room in which a water supply was laid on, while a number .of dishes, large black trays, and bottles containing liquids were en the floor and shelves; togeth- er -with a wash -leather bag of saw- dust. These Jack 'ignored, paying all his attention to two Very large bottles which were nearly Ailed With a pale blue-green fluid of a peculiarly pungent and offensive acid odori net arat one a ore ort Ogg g rioughing front (he fumes of the acid wedeln under his preeioue bordered wheel permeated the rooms end re. and entering thee room loched 1130 .0tog rennet bemoaning 3 mesa", corul interruption from ids landeady's. for the upurtmente and the ruilletioe door-ehe did toot, intend riehlog a. se- laa,atn tho loss of I ho maw ho paid pretty daughter. Placing his bag 00 of bee lenieteeei chair hp unloched IL and 'weeltdrewl ...A pretty pa:me tetie eau cost ;nasia t large and wellefillee pocket -bag. she wailed 44 -to say nothing of h from Which he poured literally ;visual a goo d.pa.yi ludgire, It; Um, S1i0Wer of gold coins. „ )1ever W0 shalt do now I don't, Imows" triNoncelbepottowlet 1:11a1111.04 edi°t(d toilloeicl,UdWralWlititghelrkiltittgsal411'1 from one of the bottles, put in as' many coins us woul11 cover the surai face Of the tray. Then taking axed other tray, and yet another, he tiertoi eel them in the same Mamior until no more gold, was left. Ile then sat on the table beside the trays and whist- led a tune, kicking his heels against the table leg the while, and emotion- ally gave the eoins In the tray it shalteeup. For a eonsiderable time he allowed tbent to remain in the liquid; then, taking the first trays he bud filled, he poured the fluid it cone tabled into a large bottle, similar to those which had so attreerted Horns- by's attentiou. This was enough 16r the euperin- tenderit, and, giving a. nudge to Hornsby, he stepped out of the cup- board up to Fortier and said:— "1 arrest you for--" Before he could say more Fortier snatched up one of the trays contain- ing biting, blinding, deadly acid, iend was about to hurl the contents in the policeman's face when a side blow from tiornsby felled him to the ground. The acid fell sizzling on the floor, burning and eating its way in- to everything, wbile the gold coins rolled in all directions. Rushing for- ward before the prostrate man In -d time to rise the superintendent snap, ped handcuffs on his wrists. and thus keeping guard directed Hornsby to Wash the coins to prevent further chemical action taking place on them and put them back in the bag. Jack Ara9 next despatched for the nearest constable and a cab. -When. the latter arrived the superintendent unceremoniously bundled his prisoner into it and so conveyed hine to the police-statioh, assisted by the con- stable, who took charge of the bag of money containing the liquid that Forder had poured into it. Meanwhile Jack tore up the ruined carpets into which the acid had soak- ed and threw theiu out of the win- dow, just as Ethel Clinrchill—aniazed and thoroughly frightened at the turn events had taken, and horrified at Forder's dyeadita oaths as he vainly tried to escape from his cap- tors—rushed into the room crying:— ''Jack, oh, Jack, Whatever is 7the matter? What is rthe meaning of it all? Why have those policemen tak- en Oft .„Mr. Forder?" . "Oonee downstairs and I'll explain" ieaid Jack, leading, her downs "Now listen to this," and. taken from :his pocket the cut-out paragraph whitta had so interested him previously 10 the .`Dally Press,' he read alotidt— 'Sothetting akin to consternation reigns: in banking circles end; in a .smaller degree, at the Mint,- on ac- count bf the enterinons quantity of gold coinage ie circulation 'which has been 'sweated'; that isi some of the metal . taken from the coine; .which aro thereby made lighter and of cor- respondingly less value. , The serious - 8055 of the matter May be realized when it is stated that as teeny .as ten grains of gold—which is roughly one -twelfth of a Sovereign by weight !—worth nearly • two shillings, have been chendeally • elietrected teoin' thousands of sOvereerene„ ceietle pe -iv through bis own and going over te the old. lady. "You will come Mild 1110 With us. lutq and free *OM lodgers and all their worry. "Thanks to Ethel, I'm richer by a thousand pounds 'for this mornineret work; so the 'Atrium, Castle will sail to South Africft without nee and Ethel and 1 will he 'married in—oh. I should think ,you could manage to be reader Monday fortnight, rouldn't you, deer?" Yes, Ethel thought she could—alld did!—London Tit-ltits. LONDON'S Ix/ANY CL1313S. Some of Them are Fa2nows All Over the World. London. is the paradise of clubs. There are hundreds oi them, and some of theut aro famous the world over. The Carlton Club, which has its headquarters at 9-1 Pull Mall, re sericts its members to 1,800. Tin entrance fee is £30, and the annual subscription is 10 guineas. The form Club, located at 101 Pall Mall, $.W., takes 1,4.00 members who p113 an entrance fce of Zee and an ate nual mabscription of 10 guineas. The Carlton, of course, is conservative and the Reform is entered at "strictly liberal." The Constitution- al Club, -in Northumberland avenee. opposites Hotel Victoria, takes 0,00(1 members, has an entrauce fee of 15 guiemis or 7 geineas, clad an anima subscription of 7 guineas or 3 guineas. It le described as "politi- cally constitatioaal." Then there is the Junior Constitutional, at 101. Piccadilly, which takes 5,500 mem- ber, and requires- an entrance fee of 6 guineas, with an animal subscrip- tion of 3 guineas or 5 guineas. The National Liberal Club at - Whitehall place, S.W., takes 6,500 members, who pay 6 guineas an- nually, but there is no entrance ice. It is "Strictly lifieral," and is the cheapest club in London. Its home', is a palace on the embankment Beall thc Hotel Metropole. well known to. all American eavvelleis. There are many ether: political clubs, Snell as. the Cily Carlton, the City Liberal and City Conservative, the Jimior • ConserVative, the Primrose, St. Stephens, the Eighty Club, eta Ex- cluding cartein clubs, such tis: the Colonial,' which have no limit to .their ineMbership, -the ,NatiOnal Lib- eral takes the largest number:The heaviest:fees are those eh:it:gee by the Naval and Military, :Oxford end Cambridge, -United University,. cacti add; the Reform at ZIG,. and Oil Junior OrtritOa at £38 17s. Mrs. Benham—"Not one NV03110.11 a thousand marries the mansht wants.'' Ida Benham.—"She doesn't want to Marry the Man she wants she wants to marry the mau sons other woman wants." i'tiosl.lelctoll ni a vb-ei ' civraaci, , cl that of