HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-15, Page 4eNens.IL Saxe:lets, Fedi-tor need Prop
TUURSDAY, Nay 15, 1902
On the stehject of the fie -71;1A rates
imon farm products sent to the mar-
kets of the world Mr. Whitney and
the Ontnrio Opposition have taken
"ovara. Starlet Nneleetion he of ,
greeter latereet to the farmers of this:
icrtA,Z1-14,",, s*.4! C:" CIVidrac3,
• .. • . • .4.1 • 4'.nt rr-01 nee
and ;t preoen tionete IL- eeeee in tine
etedse ; =
VF,Int'',..7 • 116.:In Fe docable for t1e.
dietenee-sehe eneeloet
gettion tin, lower /eve,
iltinago te :140:areal 8 cents
$teatived to Sleen..nee 12S
in this teed* the eltorter the haul the
Teligher floe ,pricee.,
zrAisiNG TIM !UC!.'CAI%
VOrteariec Frolueetis is the ANIIM u
new Liberal newspaper. the lirece
whielt was published in Ottenet
May fird, It lie diligently engaged In
eethcing the t r1 the loteio e 4,k."
the htri..4 got- The „
cgutotiat • tee flef,aere; gcrp to 114e'
"11,1 • 0r.al t:y hns
t -wenn, re e. •
. .
sc brow-, BOOK JJ\ orthn Geo. Reeves met with
T)Lh1fU1 oeeident on Tueeday.
kthOne of the evils of the oueeeeede rule hieYsiect the front tive came
• b
the establishmeut of tnelth the esehool nook e resu that t br°aklainst a fence
... 7 fines's
Ighi n
. 'lls wae the orl
we of Mr. Ross. his right band was broken, it was a
Tie thing 9011AMenetql Nvith the loner- PartimiarlY bad, break. Ai.s. the bone
protiettled *through the skin, and it
tion in the school law of the following Was WItil ill,fiaeldty the doetnnwasoine
clause; to eet it properiv.
-In ease any teachershall negligent- John IT, Storev, traveller for the
- or wilfully permit emy mutothorieed rialute Brewery, Stratford, wits thrown
ing te
his school, he ehell fo‘e el If o
ing underneoth his agou in tice
ditch. The accident likely happened
late Friday night. The lwrses esete
anng wit b the wagon.
. • -.0...---
Another ridicadone good fad hes leeet
learned by the most competent author -
Mee. They bare dispelled the zeilly no.
tet book to be nsed by the pnfrom Tavistock tt Friday night
pils of ft1)111 1°3(1 of Icegs Isetnrn-
X a 1 0 enee 11
convieti)n thereof before a pollee mar,-
istrate or justice of the peace be liable!
to a penalty, payable to the munielpale
puldic eehool putposes, of 810
together with costs as Ow police mag-
i-et:este at: last ice lin te- think lit."
Armed with this penel lave Mo. Roes!
finened the ring, giving to three peb-
Ushers the exclusive eight to Eurnieb
receedennond to inhere a sit/shortie:tilt ta
print other text books. In ne other
tectreatty in the world is there soch
In no Gt1.1..r suAl ,
The tirst coutplaint areee on the sub-
j:ence fdrawing heats OW in WitS
enthenized to eeoure them 4a terg eente
eadin another offered to -sopply thens
at be cents, The blighter price pre-
lu the public wheels d', -.1d.00
nupilsn-e theceo &ening Ineeken T4 -'y
heel ftic IcIty $1710 C1501 -Z
them than was juqt, It gave the pub
IrAPr who wis favo,r0 a profit over,
.1;1;4 cAft** "Cl,h4it ei-64tqc 4.111,,‘ pal
and killed. Be was found Saturday
41 the cgl,t,,,,ve • in sit far 1».1.wr w„,t4t44 egl",:„Vect in tett years.
seeyros-xweioxers ovisiox ote serve
e stotne 1i4Ped Too ciette
tloo golloon,c-No. Seen 1teoolt Vos,
oittlofl Vtos OvrAt 4tomtnips--0t4ccs
Veeie, Mey lt,-(Speciel,)-e-The de,
strnetioti of the airsbip Paix and the.
deaths of Senator Seo and hiS asz‘st-
-.. get elicit from Santos Dumont, Col.
, itenard, Gaet4,1% de Eheyff and Fonda-
:tmenhers of the Aeronaut, Glob cm-
pbetie opinions. that 10 -des catastrophe
will in
waya I
- dscoan ge urtber experi-
tion that one kind of food is needed for 8 8.
brain, allot'," for masoes. arla gm 7 mons in trivientien 9f the air Santos
another for bones. coereet Met Dulmoit, who is sneering Irons insomnia,
not only nourish a particular part of ° received a few friends and journalist§ in
the body. but it will snstain every oth- • bed at 7 o'eleek this evening- After
eo port„ yet however gond Faun- Fusal retulinn• th.e deteile Seeker Severo's
may he, its nutriineut is 'destroyed by reneele& he eeid n-esThe eanee of the
uultge:Avolkov dypepsin You Mast . cideut was mapiestionabiy due to the
prePare for their aPPeuranee or pre- g motor being, altogether too near the bal.
vent their coming by taking regular, lioon. 8atcr,./8 on oceliott is hjoresogo
110Fc.,S 1.4 Oiecens' Aleenst Flower. the „ with one of tty-„F altehips, alweys
favorite medicine of the hen/thy have the intoter enMy.
d 'afetT valve
lions- e"k few doses a44 digest -1o%,, metres distant f"d0114 the balleole.0
stimutitale$ Ow liver to healI4 11'14'1141, 1 asked whether be felt 4151:owne4
intrifiee the bloed, and alleslie Fon fo,‘,!'. by the expetienee et Seams &Nero.
1.noyent Cand signvon9. Von eral ge°' .'Clat a bit ' was the prompt;
this wiliade teneeele
Col Related eeid Severn, la endeavor.
ing to eeetire unity of morczntent for blo
' atr-cloly. plaeed the motor eo near the
" hedy of the balloon thet igeition mad ex.
item inevitable. All proteeeiou-
, ecrouents lc,ere agree 1,104 the proxiae
ity ef the orrotor to the balloon eauscd
• the driinster, whieh, they ;Olen. by no
mons their er.otilohnee net derv-
IsleSn'es. I:settle
---- etc(
11%-.e.1 tho 034 ej. malter,,e, xotter mut contribudell
ga „Lie- .- v... ft.1 T1K**-,* 4lk'et LI, 71 *be Free, ContAttztptli,v, lees/vital,
".7; 1.or • ^r).= natcererealierg the
!1" whole W,t-a Tan" i T:- the
ImmysycN needle and vraetleally
fat lt.ttcy; aro tc
-17po1-te amen! to ftly
, tiv- '
f,...",:74.•';.7, 4.7.7;r V4.71:'"
; - tl`zy b •
,- 7; '
.7.,:, :: n „,,,- 4 -..g4n,
y.1 -. ,-,,, , "..--V..7. P,talc ".1, .
' - 1. m)., ; , i ,,nt - , , P. 'I,.
t. . c„. - ..4 '
Lal 1117.-c !E, '1,11-, 4,1-44:17 q
• 4-ni..1e41 .-',";',0 .I.
end .i .lis ee lh" r it'or;A:fig: 4'fileer: it Li jet et! e t▪ •ei I! neclei et, ,,a tied
eit st NS; steno w4.44.- t•,V4 tittle ecceneoll lor t;alealti :shit cco. *hens. a
;tree w, ee eater .1. 7 at tb,„ r al.i 11,, velth z.tour.ler. have atlElna0011,4 the mee
;101 211 Iiiit14.," ,App.ith,afori,41 for the
Threr iirl one hos were fomo 21f mow,. prysoaor.- 311„. knia,* en Johnston. IS. C.,
bollote than there were votere in thet ' h t ,Itsd the metter ostler voneidera-
r...tien: that il az.•!,• v.-,•rt•lort bo,,,.. • in lion Mt.ot• the last tti O. an,1 It, believed
n.,,,,, 24,t;•,I0c Irv,. 4, cieh cl tiro ttwte WW4 link
Cfs) c#* stewed even eltotald enevess at -
tit *t 13 b diot.4 11,.:4Cog no initi.414 were . tena me egert
found hi the Irtliot Ir Mtc+3; that 14 431.
klIg tliseaVered in the lcoXes 1131.°01. ..'1, FATAL SUOCK.
fOrged initkde. and tied the stailing! rirantirorel, .)7, lee teeilugh Hagerty,
ot I allot lune-% wee the work ger tergan- eu employe i if the eq, amble Iron
leed con,.pirat,u,,. Tis is Mutt Um, a Work$. was fouud deed in the works
er. W., Boss is setiefied to deeetibe as 5 nt on eartr hour this morning. ne
. + Awls one of the night men, and it is
"nothIn4 hut that tt &WPOrWIOS 10 ieuppased was moving an eleettle light
tiwir anietaken zeal for the p.tt ty neer- Wire, fiont whieh be got a shoelt that
.f..teppic4 the law and brought tliehoner 1 ploved fatal. .1. malt working along -
on t he metdve ... Tina "tuisndzi% ze,t1". 11;::1!:11,Ir'zitgaticlitfits triatilulrafoitil It;
. tb
n L1uP4Zb;meut Jfll1d0g3 In , erty 4.1,44. 00 the mound* ur sum.
Toronto; Ntnth Waterhen South On.; moned nenlie;11aid,'Init it =6' tOu late.
Uri*); West lineou; Wet. Eight; Lon- -.0--
don; Leamington, Out.; St, James Di-
vision, Montreal; Bimultarnols; Prince
Edward Island and Manitoba. In
every case it was manifested to benefit ,
Liberal Candid:aft. BOW long- is On-
tario going to stand for crime and coin,
ruption? Mr. Ross gave a. guarantee 1
to the criminal6 that they would not
be prosecuted. He is now asking On-.
tario to give him a full and free pardon
for his share in the disgraceful trans -
!et .111
ail ctd.-1
qtze.en. of
May 12.-Q4een We
a night. tieeordirif, to
1.17-c.4e 1., 4Jtta4s nn'ing.„
. .44:1‘ ttt-neoftTS,
: rtn.1. 17.t.tn.Vin qt -0... glee
,-. One '1'14444 IVO.
Fit '
a .a,k 114
One of the cases in Which the action
of the Government has been ill-advised
as well as slow, is that relating to beet
root sugar. For years pressure has
been brought to bear upon the Minis-
ters to give encouragement to the beet
sugar indnstry. As long ago as 1800
the Ministers bad reports on the sub-
ject. The Ottawa Government with-
drew the small bonus that was given
to the farmers for beet sugar growing.
That Government believes in bonnsing
the great iron industries ofova Sco-
tia, but not in honnsing any industry
in which the farmer is concerned. it
therefore declined to help the Ontario
beet sugar industry. An appeal was
'mule to the Ontario Government to do
what the Ottawa Government !refused.
to do. The Ontario Government re-
sisted the epplication for years, but
finally in 1901 it brooght in a bill giv.
ing a bonus of half a cent a pound to
replace the two cents a pound bounty
formerly given at Ottawa. This bon-
us is jest half what is paid by the,
State of New York. There a boinity
-of one cent is given. To the surprise
of the Legislature the measure pro-
posed to give the bonus only to the
companies which refine the sugar and
nothing at all to the farmer who
grows the beet, At mice Mr. Boyd, of
North Grey, moved, seconded by Mr,
Eilber of liaron, as follows
"And this House, while appreving
of the general Provisions of the bill,
regrets that it contains no provisions
securing dieectly to the farmers pro-
ducing sugar beets a reasonable bonus
or bounty an each ton of beets pro-
duced and sold by them."
The Government voted this down.
It insists upon confining, the banns to
the company.
si;e.4.,e IlifteszatQl, Z;.%•17
.nc1,411,1la,r fer each 411 the ti3tva
cur tlac) pi,vr;41114i;4 f4Ca'c11fl
ung h1 ap hy this territle
ttia thet these ;le
here lv.t. Inca ones eheellal eentrileete of
000ir mearte-umela or little -to leieg
n Le nv
0 • ; 4 Ciee Meca Let.
Or,,la r 0.-74* Pc VOTC.4 4;44:4 47,4
LC *^^ ll- ;.' r- 2 .47, th..,-- 11.1..e.c L.,..02a kc
t4..,1 •i', ll'i_
c3 h�,144, 411e 40.4 4
th 4, -U -cm T.: Th4.1;-.4.. 1:11511 r, Iwo 4.544
1-Pl. L 4 .14 f",:' - :I;
ic lax.- 04 -Vet; 4-, ere 1 e 4
. 114 ,4‘ :_itl;'Ill'A 4i1".', Pt• 4 1 «a a 'a c.al 11.?4 NI
to .. ..; c 1 tor 1•3 l' cr ti111.414F and e7 1
Plzow -Ws, e:e'ely. 4'144 1,? '4 tell Lag
pc..;' acan to: tlover.
.tJ t,W COI.
le pe and bc-ltla to (others who aro st.11'a. itet0474 Cate Marteets,
leg in this waYt turl wl.V-10 can lialY legedee. Mee 12 -iIploell ,14tat ,
twome bmicalefis if help des not eerie ' 74',c11 Coundidn.., itiad, 45 4ille't
,4 LIV4aPicol. 3lo' 42,---ttundlan cattle, s
quickly? ; Mew, near trade'.
Anotiter„ signior; herself 4, Let oc-t ", Xplatresti Live staelc,
, your left hand know -what the right hand " :dont:vat, Mos' Tttere were bo '
elt F.: A find $1.0 ter the Free Hoen;tal for Mil DeillittttraiveY.tall'ilnitiloAlr 11,•ii!ll
,,a,n,t4,141,sre, e ovum, nee.ii aloe if 1 flift Zit5rtaligtriiii tlere WaS a tcrlik 11(1=04
were ahle, would give yea $100, or common *Iiitea,14eii.lre Aleteliceettift tereligN rrt.
meerie of ten to giro $1,0au each, but I ;,,,e Ni°,:tel P3i'l Ole Per lb for aa extra' reds
rs Prime beeves sold at from lye
I at:1110T. Though very poor, however, / V,taze bp. lit; pretty good enlagate et trout
effallift resit your special apeeal, and az.1:3,4414ut;,M4ttlege,li.j,t,t itar,
. to 0 i caelt; three ot tte best were sold tor
earnestly desire that you will soon, bavo - '480, 5hIppers fire pay.104: 4e per lb tor goad
all tbe cash you require." 8 wee slavp Ana die ip.„'oliers pay trout ill." -O
The new buildings are completed, and ro irei,litr2e*rpt(1;14'."12;14;„;f3rXIIII,itil 41t
the trustees aro anxious that they should ,.e ,t41 eacit. l'.4 hos'. euld at trOm itrte
he furnithedwith the leastpoesible delay., 1 Ille Per IP, weighed Of Y the ears.
Chicago 1411•0 Stock.
cso that response le made to the daily
and 3)ressine• appeals eat Ar0 tenting tO 0071141i1,149im '1.sJ,gif t?g.;741',!;;;ret.'"' re'
May 13. -David Byers,a wid-
ower, front O'Connell, owl Mr& Jessie
McDonald, a widow residing in the
same neighborhood, came here on
Monday and were married. While
returning to their future home at
night the rig upset in the ditch about
two miles out on the Atherley road,
and the occupants were thrown out.
The rig was thrown over on top of Mr.
Byers, who had been pitched by- the
fall into the ditch, and Mrs. Byers and
daughter failed to find him. After
searching all around. the vehicle for
over an hour the body was finally
found, but life Was extinct,
doh," writee Nr. Govt.-1,Eu. heed gcr bintehers* cattle, i!.0 0114 %`4.2
Newbury, May 7.-A fatal accident
occurred here yesterday afternoon by
which Morley Archer lost his life. The
frame of a grist mill for Joseph Hethe-
rington was being raised and Mr. Arch-
er was one of the men who was assist-
ing. The chain holding the bottom of
the bent broke and it tell,crushingMr.
Archer to death. Two doctors were
at once summoned but life was extinct
before they arrived. The unfortunate
man was married and leaves a. widow
and three children.
St. Catharines, May U. -The peach
and grape crop of this portion of the
Niagara district was almost entirely
ruined by the heavy frost of last night.
The trees and vines were far advanced
and. had given every promise of a
heavy crop for the corning season.
Pears and pinata, being later, were not
so badly injured, hut this class of fruit
will also be very scarce. All tomato
and other plants that had been set out
were ruined,and in smile cases those in
cold frames were frozen. That portion
of the conntry along the lake shore did
not suffer so severely as farther inland
as the trees and vines were not so far
advanced. The loss to the fruit grow-
ers and market, gerdeuers will be very
Mitchell: After some months' illness
Mr. John Robb passed away ou Tues-
day in the 88 year of his age. He re-
tired from farming smite 15 years ago,
residing in Mitchell ever since. De-
ceased was a good citizen and a consis-
tent member of the Methodist church.
Clinton: Mr. Albert McBrien has
disposed of his harness making busi-
ness to Mr. A. McKown, whO is now
th possession. The former will 'how-
ever, sell the stock on hand. Mr. Mc -
Brien has not been long in business,
belt being a first-class workman he
built-up a large and growing trade.
lie has scarcely deeided yet where he
4911 lomite but v.• ill visit the west this
' sumMer.
there for aemittance, Contributione may steere. ethSe to 457.414' poet.' to meottlaill,q
be sent, to Sir Wen. R. :leredith, Chief itug,fiVitfig;
Justice, 4 Lampert Ave. Toronto W. 0.40; fantittrs, 51.50 to 52.50; Will4L.
Gage, Estee fil Front St. West, Toronto i :..e.4,5•1°0; Ira nt4.s(1"10:tettat.e43881,Ms'
or to The National Trust Co., LimiUIIU ted, to See,41.ower; elosed.lictive; mixeti
Treasurer, 22 Eing St. East, Toronto, eh:nce lteelgq, ifgegrate.r.
50.00 to '47.20:111t,:•;0,2,1 to 57.30; bulk
The Colors Produced By The gm,Vorti:ninttrIg'211134V:Zetilliir
lower; good to eholee %venters, $5.75 to
$0.3o; western. sheep, $3.23 to 50.30; natiVe
lambs, elipped, $3 to $0.30; western lambs,
$3.25 to $3.30.
Are Admired By All who Have
A Taste Por Color Beauty.
The colors produced by theDiamond
Dyes on all wool, mixed goods and all
cotton goods are admired by all ladies
who have a taste for color beauty.
There is a depth, fulness and richness
in Diamond Dye colors that inanufacte
nears of other home dyes have never
been able to prodnce.
Gammas and materials dyed with
the DiamondDyes show clear and per-
fect colors that stand fast as long- as
the goods hold together. Colors pro-
duced by the common package dyes
are dull, mnddy and streaked, giving
full proof of adulterations and worth-
less coloring ingredients. When it is
generally understood that Diamond
Dyes with all their superior qualities
and a guarantee of perfect work are
sold at same price as the poorly pre-
pared dyes, it will be a difficult under-
taking to find a woman Nebo will tisk
her goods with the dangerous adulter-
ations put up in imitation of the Dia-
mond Dyes.
Send your address on a Post Card to
The Wells & Richardson Co. Ltd„ 200
Moan lain St., Montreal, P. 4. and yen
will received post paid full range of de-
signs in the new Diamond Dye Mat
and Rug Patterns.
P. A. ,Minakoff has made an ex-
haustive study of the nails a the hand,
some of the results of which he re-
gards as of medico -legal importance,
Among other things, he asserts that
the nails 'a the right hand in a right-
handed person are wider by from one-
half to two millimetres than the corres-
ponding nails on the left hand; 'while
In left-handed persons the reverse bh-
tains, and in the ambidextrous the nallS
are of equal size on the two hands. The
thickness of the nails dimirtishes pro-
gressively from the thumb to the little
Walter Smith, the colorecl stablematt.
for Mr. Cyril Laurin, who was 'shot by
his son, Edward'neurin, ctering a scuffle
at hlentreal, is dead, and an inquest will
be held.
For twenty-four years Vepo-Crezolenehal
been extensively used for all fonts of throat and
bpnchial troubles. All Druggists,
""- Montreal Grain and Produce.
Montreal, May 12.-Gra1n-No. 2:Manitoba
oats sold at 48t to 4i311e anti Ontario NO. 2
at 4714c ex -store. Btivitivimat was in de-
mand and sold at eeeee in ear lots, We
onote:-Ontario NO. 1 spring wheat afloat,
78e; No. 2 spring wheat, see; Ilene, lassee;
rye, 0214tc: barley, 67e; oats, 4614c to 47e;
butikwheat. GSe.
Flour-Thre is a fair local and country
trade at steady prim& We quote: -Manito-
ba spring wheat patents, 13.00 to 4.2s;;
Manitoba strong bakers', /3.65 to 53.96;
winter wheat patents, 53.75 to 54; straight
rollers, 18.50 to 53.00: do in bags, 11.05 to
11.70, and extras 51.46' to $1.65.
Meal -Business was quiet at steady
prices. We quote: -/tolled oats In barrels,
54.05 to 54.70, and in bags 52.2214 tor, "c0
Feed -Supplies are scarce and prices very
firm. We 'motet -Ontario bran in bulk 510
510asuheori .0.12g.55202;. Manitoba bran in bags
Cheese -The tone of the market Is verY
strong. For new cheese 1114e was 405: fin-
est Ontario makes, 11140 to 320finest tONVII.
ships makes, 11%c to 1114e; finest Quebec
makes, 11.0 to 1114c; April makes. 11c to
Butter -The market Is irregular and In
some eases 20140 and 0, or was bid for town-
ships. We quote: -Finest townships cream-
ery, itehe to 10%e; finest western creamery,
100 to 1014e; seconds, 1814e to 1.9e.
Eggs -There is a go, .1 demand- at 12.31c to
13e for straight receilts and 1.1c to 1114e
ons -There is
P a fair trade in all
lines at firm prices. We quote:-seleeted
heavy Canada Short cut mess pork, 522 to
522.50; heavy Canada short cut mess pork,
521 to $21.50; Canada short cut batk, 521
to 521,60; heavy Canada mess, long cut
clear pork, 521; light Canada short clear
pork, 520.60 to 521.1 mire Canada lard, in
20 -lb pails, 111/20 to 12e; Boar's Idead brand,
in 20 -lb wood palls, 52,071/2 to 53.05, and
Globe at 51.72 to 51.30; 20 -lb tin pails lie
per lb less; hams 120 to 14c and bacon 14c
to 15c per lb.
Leasling Wheat Markets.
Closing previous day. Closing to -day.
Cash. auly, Cash. .raiy.
Chicago 7514 .. 7,7,16
ew York . 81
raledo 741/4 771/2 581/4. 7.51/4
r.M1uth, 1 hard Wiy8 „ gu1/2
Eigniirele 'OsA 77grOs
Detroit. 2 red 805
t L ---------Si 7814
British. Market's.
London, May 12.-Cioso-Wheat, on p313 -
sage rather firmer. Maize, on passage quiet
and steady,. Wheat -English country mar-
kets of yesterday fir",, reench country
markets quiet but E7,te.",17,
Paris,'May 12. -Close -Wheat, tone steady;
May 22f, September and 1)0ceinber 201: 400.
Antwerp, May 12, -No. 2 red winter, 11141:.
London, May 12.---C1ose--Mark Lane 1011103*
market -Wheat, loreign quiet but Iteady,
English nominally unchanged; maize, Anler-
Ivan nothing doing, tranubian firm; flour,
American firm with a fair business, paglish
1011 offering.
Dr. Porter!, of Not E ty, pelient
at the Oakville Senitarinno was drone,.
4 Wilde bathleg ,n tlw lake It eeday.
1V1li. rmtiori. a St. Catharines,
ho lute been tung from his hone
ince May 0, wae found drowned in the
Vpiland Canal Sunday mortdor,
Too con ro0o root lote
ge4 .41,1 WAV41
nd as tonsil almito by
4O311 u14. TOrt
tR.109 long Ica 1
or,PrArAY W9a10,
Harness 1N
We, the undersigned, do hereby
logree to reftnal the money on a 00 cent
bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup Of
Tarif it fails to cure your cough Or
cold. We also guarantee a 2 -.cent
bottle to prove satisfactory or money-
reftmded,O I.vw.
Eurglars entered the private hank
:of Mr, IA IL Collard, S. Catimoues,
;gtrgd stole three or foot dollars' worth
of stamps.
Tiros, Wood, of Woodstoa, took his
owe hye Wednesday night. Ile had
been in failing health and was suffer -
lug from lueloncholien
meiceeeneerleenme bine
neok nee seme, SW% et
ppe, 1.1egv1' 5-4 e1.'
Fetislist prev4mel. to W84,
11944 UP*. w9c014eP,
TNE %1.:417 TEt
41 FACE 70 VillY A
-x44 dazz-clos.trglat
r 51%hrcluselp.r.:7,lices
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ore, n nee5 resere. Vaez P0140 174111t ViGVnt 5.141.
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Core la11441ce
4 sizos-;.t ars ttlet 1zao praccri
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h eiroeeee tir. Liver.
elreelatien, Btrig1t4cne the cfcl.r:t
generally leereeeeee the lizteeet.
tle‘ tee; re".rege BLOOD paeger
Alt driegelets t.11••BRISTOVS."
Intending Purchasers.
Farmers intending to purchase
anything in the line of Machinery
should call and examine our dis-
play -in fact if they consult their
interests they can't afford to pass us.
We sell the Ideal Binder, Ideal
Mower, Rakes, Windmills, Etc., Etc.
how Rooms opposite Dr. 13rowning's Drug Store
Mr. Alfred Cumming, geuerel store-
keeper and postmaster at Arva.London
Township has been missing from his
home for weer three weeks. His friends
have made enquiries about him in all
quarters, but so fer they heve been
unable to obtain any clue to his where-
abouts. Mr. Cumming, wbo is 70 years
of age, lefthis borne on April 17, in-
tending to :go to London with some.
eggs and, other prod nee for the market.
He also bad about $80 in money with
which to pey eome bills at London
wh olesa les. Since then Mr. 0 niming's
whereabouts have not been aseerta m -
ed. Ale-* days • after her husband's
d isappearanco, Ales. 0 a m n wrote
to her stepson 13 Chico go,' asking him
uorn e to Ar va, iTut stutingno reason.
He arrived three or fonr days after,
wards, and made diligent search wh ere -
ever it ,was thought possible his father
night have gone, hot to no avail. De-
tective bureaus were notified, and they
have taken steps to locate' the missing
map. No possible vea.Soo can :110 ad-
duced for his disappearance, as he Was
' in good financial circumstances and
enjovedeood health. He, Was an old
resident of the township and highly
respected. :Mr.Oumminp• was Married
three times his present wife' having
been a Wee Be:relay, fortneely of Hyde
Park. Sle Wee.a well educated gentle-
man; and had qoite a literary repeta-
tion .
Nearly a foot of Snow fell at Father
Point, Quebec, Friday night.
The body a a male infant has been
foundin the Grand River at 'Brant-
You are invited to call and inspect iny
large aesortneent of Furniture and
furnishings whiph I will offer et
very close prices. My stock con-
sists of the following: --
Parlor suites, Bedroom sitites,
Spring IVIattreSSes, Bed-
steads, Couches, Lounges, •
Tables, Chairs of all descrip-
tions, Sideboards, 13,00lters,
Fancy Rockers, Curtain
Poles 'and Trimmings,
Shades'Mouldings, Blirrors,
Pillow Sham Holders, Hat
Baas, Towel Rollers, &a.,
Picture Framing a specialty
Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Express wog' -
ons, Oats, Reeking hoeses, etc.
I carry 0, large end well nssoit-
ecol sntootfail ekinto
ahiesliiii:e. In time of need
The above stock is bought from Ilir
leading Manufact aver s of Canada
and bought at the closest prices
and our expenses are low there-
fore we can sell it at prices which
will stipples° yon. Give us a call
before purchasing elsewhere.