HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-15, Page 2PALE AND LISTLE8131 A CONDITION THAT APPEGTS VERY MANY. WOXEIC 1••••••,. It is a. curious thing., hut until /10t. 80 very loug ago 011E1 of his ma- testy's faverite tastes in drinks was, glas,e a. her. Many years ago, when he was down with typboid fe- Ver. and fatal results were feared, the first thing he asked tor when, he Fee—Gratis—For Nothing roe Ceseoe lame Foca. Mauna 'Mem the white manwants the blaele netta'a land he aPproaches• 'the eantoceat blae.le with: 'presents" pr recbee, cooed clethat ailibons, and overed consetousaese aftee o. long . boad, The Appettte PaileaeStrength De- interval was . tetleee neeleee trinketa that catch the We of the peer black—but that are paets and the Sufferer Peels, A. CIASS OP BEEfft. I no earthly use to him, These ate That Tite i.s Really a Moreover, it is wen leuown thatl all "gifte—free—gratis—for noth- Bueden. when the King was Prince of Wales Deg! I l'" We all kllOW Wbo SQ°4 awl moderately youthful he was in ONVOS the blade Meal's laud. Pnor lie Topie. Petrolea, Ontthe halt when la town, of paying 'Yet Dela syetene of earteiliatieg ti It is impoesible that a medicine eau V1S4tS alOne. in strict ineognito, of iiracCent Is ea praCticed aloue Oa lee so widely anowu and, used els aro couree. to a small inn in the west " the riegrO, IIOW many womee. etentoo,s. rink, Rats without, Cd Of Louden. where he used to $it read that thee' eau get eertai tan etrileing reste ireatteotty becoming In the bar parlor and drink Ws glass " Preeith .seut" la certain pitecbase Mown and the merits of thia great acIf beer- The landlord, ttfter date, a4 forthwith. thole inake the pur rezeoedy tor the comnion aliments of -ha('W VA‘ry Wen who ens visitor was. atecaee to get thefor nothia"preeeet"—free1 ! 1, The pres--- - rb, !menden- storeys of a little pet le CONGO DIV.ARPS. The Carious Little' People of Cen- tral Africa,. in certain- reeTects the great COngo forest. of western Central Africa, is the most wonderful region in the world. There" are ape -like pegToes and curious little Corselet devarfs. These dwares etre less than five feet high, arid the. behavior is strangely like that of the brownies and got), Una found in fake- stories. Their re - e nattatable power of eeconting. 3. is- ible by adroit biding behind berbage and rocs ; their baba tir making '001110 in holes alld 11,. their laiS, 411i(nOtisllOSS a lad good nature. all Weal tO sugneet Halt it was einem euch race as this whiell inspired gg In.in ars, wouranIsind being published. but was not supposed to 1.now, and gat ame, or may not be oserni_bu 'Mts. 'Plate. Kettle, of Petrolitit, Ont., Ien one drat' len an intguareled mo- ts n. case in point. Mrs. Kettle is ISIS tI,Ifn,t be addressed Milt QS -Your tueglisenteweauetleletehe eetntteeiaenot .n ntreth ,reorte old resident of this distriet aud, is well ."-.1g"ness''. ilfn g"eting 14'418 act.ePteti in the purebaee paid for and often known. Chatting want 4, reporter of wail a eold stare, and the Priaco the dearly paid fee' the "peesent"? never went there agaiu. Tovie tile other day the convere _ When you waut a horse y•eet etan- easiest dzifted on the suantet oe media In these days the Kieg is preeludeo from. &hiking beert exeept very spar- met buy hie teeth at ten. cone a en*es, when alma Kettle spoke in the tooth, end gee tlie horse tbrOwn engleiest pewee of Dr. Williams' Pink lanlekY" lite ?flees gao,d, eicbmeeTagnet Into the bargain. rins, cb. sae said, had cured her e":"`' Inns' In"te ve17•Ir IIttIe III It* far When reit hue' a drees you do not of a iotat, illness. oor reporter. beitigli at* finds that Ids wine drinking *thin- liatiirally I ItI40•Y Itte ibun., ttora. and hel'e the dress int emitted. matie farther ren , tees are not what titter ink,..,,a t o ae, s"--tAs when Mrs. ettle for diet re 1' ads it aeressary t&' Apa no moethan you c.a the n thus ttairies„ Kgave hirei , ' ' ', ' following parteculm L am titte4f°te rego =IMF of e favorite tastes oill.; get the preeent 0 a home or a drees reenter of twelve children mid in apite„ bla 'Youth. and nowadees Dace naterel an 3'oll get a " present "----17•ets-- of ate constant strain and worry, tbta or /ess according to tneilieal Mille, as: gratis—for nothing—of iliaraorias, raising or so huge a faWE1Y eratailedllaiil down hy Sin Frareis. Ho has ea geld, emellers. and cutlery, witb tbe upon 34:et, ill. Uddlitie4I° MY house," healthy appetite. but alwae-s Leeps it i, phfase of a bar of colteltion evap. voila I was for Anany years bleseetlidaWn ta tbrIII Or fou e rotirsee at I Alain yon buy Stialight Reap yoll nide 6plenditi lemma However.. eateo dinner film' fat the /octet. ;mil it is' are Preaelated with PIM tillaiii:e ila nal1114-111 of my last datd guy streagt10 tbiS bala (q tin' Ninee" which lais'l tile eoas iteelf. You elie not pay for eeotted to tail nee. aud 1 telt that my ' Puede the short *limier eo popular int, iSail1Ple; Teluse at the prlee 01 soap, vaned a i doctor and continued under ,./V;Ien at!"14`11 wliat l'y'r"' tbe ''''N'rats': //a...if tile Jim'annil "1111 Yo"r hfnnli bealth was gradually going. 3, eon-, London sotletaa• , -Ion dont wear oat Peer clothe$ in litte treatment tor some montbs. batIn• tang lIfe :";';'r I''Iallivis enid theria lvt"4 e'an"g'a e•'t ".aa P• an "II 00341en the only result that I could see was*WPre threk" ef them' -T3ie first 4n" Wtryou want soap, hits Sl/alit ea that I grew steadilee worse. I could thent„e't:L/aw na.,41" ..in IP'', cansITI'al!an 4 nO1 tiante any partivelar ailment that et e***-ene. tne serrates m inoiewittaill ' Ft1:1,11-:Octagon Dar—Mid yea 'lave 1 sn,..fered from. but, i was ali, omit and ttlwiegt,1.11r,d4.:(st e:eyo::.1..otnuiltie::*;;;-: 1):::Itt't:1:11:401Enutc/i/g21:::tofirnt:Ffoto:', ariT: I down." Sfer appeute failed me, lay,' E'st ef tha three is the coweeeittiou '-f.v1 wnnt .5fIar-',1•MF tlao Caoa ENT. at reugth eeeined all golie and 1, lemma& ,43f en you know what It has eost y.. pale and listleaft. SCarCely Aide to drag! .4 4" IS "IL" oundand aala othe time °You may fool Paine peorle all the iiiyeelf ar. nr i in bed. I became alarmed at my long 4 WlIeleaNte TO VAN-. YOU illaY fool all the peaple eonte continued ill health arid os doctor's A sailor aoce et-ent liao a welch- you e0.1:1/13:1 treoel. all the people till 44.1:Lrlit!ier,iPetle llod td*I;PIturl.elenloiligftairtsd" lItrit7, 14;;Ltan..o's 4t-ohloiZI Viet °,.;4334t .5,e‘n.4,°,4,„'17.:,-, ,,.., .;,e.ittizt3r4;;; foal a wermIrt. 613 1. I purchased a 110X Clad 001104 .,,,.„. ;,,,,,„.. .„ „ 1 " 1 : 4..4, We some good. so 1 pig( siN Wm., 1 r A ,/^4.41,..s. , titst"4 now to. 4.), 0,,, 1.,,_ 4 a, MOi'o, alai reit-we I had einielted tale -1' 1 aartte" NI nu d 4 4444"' to. iiii,if, the •••,.?iiszoll 1 ii.,,D a pot better. and 4 it Ate Ma% Of lini• 4"1.111.-141, 5 ei ft, r.;,RiQl 11.,.:;; tho e nue 1 Zug 01,1414011 tit, seven ! it W0111111 c01.1 .140,1re tivr r..i..tir.tou 11 ' 1'vs'teq 11 had prilectly retaliate! nay ' tl'ul/n the tnrig411411 t haviing supernat Ural t:t Vribet OS. Thee d*.varfs are good or bad neighbors to the ordinary natives. *according to the treatment they re- ceive. If their depriedatious on the biju grovea. or their occasional thefts id tobtleco or maize atre janior- 'ed. or even if small gifts of field are /e(t where they mew easily tind -goon. limy will naive, in their eight,. tio tee visitations. retorn eitte n t t or sltius and ivorv. etonietinies they ita , win even ileal children. mod •leave teeir own tiny offspring the ;dace of those they have tahon. I Tbeee PeranellIce et:tiff-11y by imat although t 4'.14, "honey. as nee!' as meet. Tee*: live .; seperatiate n to lite elnitieen ere °ivtisolated lints as e..on tie Hay eon leate titeir i,ter• .l* 1 4411101 1).41," 1111, st1111 ra.q.erit: Igme-nk, strri ratl.S.A1,17. C4`44,7.141. 114 AGA 011. eliat is all I don't toilii tivq", A"0.0.1",,,110V, R, agiakl liati gaiaiel weight asial felt co* te. . 4W a,1Lti,levlt:l:t1 i t" .4!'‘":!.tog viated a:s,i1;o..-i.14e4l.c/ten1 id o 4104111iln'lh4*":111":i'";gt"-42eathepilsaspltedid needit'rne;,:r.ttiL,00tttt,i;r11;;oi , reagoised 1.wland t 11';1 awiunt 1511,43311 .1,, „,,,e 1,.1,, n„ii ,. „a, For 4'.10'14 d I ,11. ..1 a. 44 4o44 of at. v.. ii 414-14' 4"441 34 440 freqVAI-ttlY reeenl' the 414444 h ".4" i4epoi.e.1 tie 4. Win `111411'''''Il I' . I" " :-el ''''' "4 1* teteetted theta 444 4h *414 543 344141 ii1Fic,41' w0tea.notane rpoto -a,e,i,g i s 143 1 v4aril t44 1.-i, ti toga with, ray' children. 44w.rcri'II-pr.,. 4441 „I .,4e11.. 11,1, , , 61,;',1 .st 11,„ ; •.4.1,s'a A, 44.4 C.471,24 r to teallee o.... ..e... 4.4 tresn'its..liottlg,ing fronM t rs.' troae„re: of lane a le, ,,...i, it now 4 114 1.4' !,,ataN4 1'42 1 1 4d4.1 1. 41 1.3 `04.444 14E1 fleEn litaillIty a ppt•antittee ttailey 1 td,,w, (in law, he:ed ear la, 01,,1 *4 4- 4. of: -..n twolii allot .. ,1•4;,44 g4l4 g 1.11411e 44014141 ilallagillita 6140 11141 05I,T) zirmili relir it, 1.1! ,ti,..„ i„.13 Iv", .11 11110g 414 padli11.111: Olaf: i•Voe.1:41, 44. 1r.. ;4 174 1144%11 %bat a, day's ithe.sei I:leant. • Ile. iu„u„..trt. / ep 3,4.4 4,1 i 4. 4.44y 0,2 41,0 15 1 0 I"' ',iii,00'S.A1 440 tine CIIIIN/- Williams° Pink, Pills 446'a pied- a , : . , . („,,,1,44. v dit# pi 5 ..14 tee/ 4(4!.',14. L,8' Vin - Ore cure for all diseasee ar1S1 I 4g 11'051 t 144,4ri he e.tai 31 4418) III.: 1 h... I at. i:..-: intnoveritattel Idood, or a weak' eiri) 1111.....3.31.• , 1011041V41 !Le ligrain." lAi 1118' iihniyuc; ....r. 4.4 eitat tered condition of tbe nervous wee, /TING 111/z et eii ;teat,. ( ; i % 1 bo ri,he 1 1.,. laved et 5 ,, ,,,,,r ii. ..... 4 Q fte etent, such as epilepey. St . Vilits" !I' „ 1* (1*. ele *Sao protoetliter eteenal tee (feet's-. peralysis, rlieiontatiein. selats- • . A seltoolnove ter vats3 * lei 4.1 ji, iii 11/11,1•11114 VIA ICI •+: 141'1 4 ca. Iteart troublesanaelitia. ete.; Imillln in' tniel 3441 ;It thet h*:eal tl * 1 plared 4414 11.l. Vi i1111, 1 l'441114 41 14 1% 1r110.4. pills are oleo a cure for tile 1#3i 'S148/Q44:'''' 84"1' (44 4)443 4" I" *441. ilz noneetiet anti ti.dll'ea N, Ailments that nia'ke tie' lie es of so ' 41841 .,'1, 401(1 84 14 21(4* 44140•1044.3. ...A...L.... many W0442( *4 a constant inieery. ', lila:. IllaaV$41 'all arta or o lei., it w. s sod tr.,: druggists or m,nt, by v,' !it 3;tplatia*: to a 1110 pi* h ola. I la. 711)1) '."4'41 11,1/1,01 . ;11' ...nal ? "8". 1."g 11,1. at; t tali1f1.1 '1 Ana a11a.I. mail, postpaid, at 50 eents a box, or!! enwtal• ., feir $2 six 1)0"440.60. by achlreeeing/ . 'Atm *brain aliefta a '-i'i11 . . I, 3, 11.3„,, Vr, .4 MI.,. all 0 yoe thetd.fel (•ht. Dr. WililattiS' Niedieitte. Co.... I'age (WI" YIIIIr afin nr leg Wit. 34- -1.'lla! all n.i.. at.* ; 14 are nto 1%4 1, n in , , ' I 1 et. ii t. : ).,401. 13:vet:eine (Mt toer you wish lo nerte ila* pai :iv Ji • "kr """1"ill% KEEPING THE KING WELL. HUST ME IN GOOD HEALTH WHEN HE IS CROWNED. 01 • •••••••••,..1011.1....••••••01.0.••••••••••••• •••••mia••••••••••••,... ez taeia el)gmeosbesoemeogleeeeoce,0020a0spogace0 acsatmeesi_ 0 ft) pA 1 ,ae !alai, up your house, yotu• di 0 2 le I so a- buildings; yours barns, yoar 0 o faeces with paint that paints e 0 WELL. well and looks clan and brigat * to in spite of the hot sun and storm e et -,; a.."'-''Iti-, or rain, 0 e 11:teMt% 0 .. RAMSAY'S PAINTS & 0 quite i•teir the aree io their iilevaleal o . 1101.11e111111.,11M. 11.ey Vire. alore (lever! oleo the larger 1,..gl'oe rhey ival g ga.%1 44 hilt 1 law anrry. .sse dutiful wives. i re made from the best pigments. ure oil and turpoitine ; wear etter than white lead, more e economeettl. eaaier to work, beau- • tibil colors, handy packages, o.nd 43 at tine right price for the best palate. Drop US' a cord awl met for DOOKLET "N" FRE11. Ri,towitig how some homes Painted. RAMSAY $4 SON, WC ittri Reil 1,.. Paint Makers lizoiscAGeoe. 0 oeoso,eroe t umi vow evrA•nqi sett arnp,s t Ito.. Alother----ititi you thank 1 he gett•,, • ; If veal 114*(0 any to efl It ue have ne p ere itating quantity. st.le,e1„ Ticie DAWSON COMMISSION 00„ Limited, TORONTO t r to. WOO.' MOW Witttl t 0 I,O 1145 oe nowt Pee • 111.41,-, : .t , onstgruneuts Solicited. bow. bee ; h tab a *s ao etio _ _ h.„- 4141: v..;,41.4±:,,.43 R1-14. *. 4-4 1 11-1-1 t„. 4vicf,1. :VT 14411 of , .434 Luivi coo See IOfl- teptutrous• " Cdorloso. • SCOTIA NAN s net F01,11,71) A Sill"teal 4. Every Stick 44 'AMatch Claims That Itennotieso CanBe t a Cuted.—He Ht SI 'er-'11, cVerY rtlatCh.— ed. tor 25 Years.--IIope tor An- ../.; A lighter parottly Roreiess Caeee. p.m.. • 1:114. ehell oseci warfore was iev the Sullen Of Glitei. illaht. iu lealpieey l'oitit, alay 5.-- t; sporia tie()rt.to S. ekl.atigii- Ira. ist pho 5, 0:wan, 141 hate neoal a remedy %% Well 'a Vii) 1.; 1t11,y .- s .$.141111.1 4g(), ar. .1144.0 eglil 1,.1S I/0 11 '1 1.1 4'401 MEI 1.1 44(43* 44 (3444(. 4.341. r-4.4111 relief In %ere mats, twat - Motile Eillt1 144;3414Es. At lera looveees* einae aerate niedicil win* etnitilletely t*::rt 11.54 rota* NV:lie)] itc. 4.ai ti 11 114:1411` 1'114111 Linehan.) shotild lie told of. I It* Kee s • '1 %vas troubled With .1.4:1411. Davi, 7.Ir Or MOre. Noinsisitive it 4-1.4-1;44 k*.te•te114.14 The flevot reetetteole tho iterlikeeadetrom oeft Carlo WON Feld eittlaally suitable sismealle Met == 1.0141noltelleies sts,aftesrtei criers bee eentetelan 4 1510 10,11410t11... estrtarcealt. awe, d h riour Matches .4.101441AMIXOPAIIIII407144144.4tartnnAlIA41400. 01.414.• or erste by 11 rivet Claes ealoro. 1 '4,101,444440.1.4 Wily will you alma a c•raga le I:vegan! e throat mid blase awl run tee rade in Claus it ronsumptIve'a graVe. when. 111' the tuaely lite of lliekle's i*Cottetim tive teyrup the pain eau he allayed and the .langeravoliled. Thie wyrtip rieTstat to the mete. and uusurpeseed ter relteving. Ir•aling and miring all affeetiote. of the throat anti lungs, velth.. eutigIN, brot.• Ihitis, etc.. ote. mold" he explained. 4E 4`411111 11441.142'1 1 a14' .V.1 1 1• 14.41 PA! 1 could not turn my- ibitabes hop ,rop test lane wee • evil in heti. 11 • afield id ing OH 10,01111 :Mark and , ill 1.)03. 1.0 01.11,o0l) cwt. last • glee me ;tofu! pain. ' year. CALI- "I hail tried 'CM'S Itrid At length a iniseltiertme hoe 4 44-Q f48'.I8 4)4 (84 -11,4'0'4 1 0412. 43."0 siig111, vitt! or hard lifting 1118 ire by Ide apparesit teat teution 4104111 fm't, efoaelei 'itt to the lessini. --,—, "Ilold one your ham! e"' 4•4•44.11 1he sail.4 1 II(JUN1 1 Til I 1' I pt•daceogoe. le011:Slet. : imonsteits, het zieeo• foend one -- No respinise. ( L . s a, .,t,..1.„„.. e thinie to do me .171V good until 1 •"Why don't you hold Oat i Vt• '44e4"' ., . t .2 " ' ' ' . Ins•trd of Dorld's Kidney VMS, i t 4 - teen let* front ' -' ' . - , hand. ? a • Citie..!.10, Slaty n4'411340 S • 1 ht. NON ' . : . Sh Fem.:leis Taking is Said to be, "Pleinte. sir, lar widthog for a • ".‘,:e!1:1''.11" e.' ti*I ' "'t ; i ; " , ,, , „ ' groci•ry Store anti sold Seine inedi- i / hale i le . in ‘L.Leors vN. : My hrotber. a ho kept a small His Hajesty's Favorite ' reessuge from my bride." seld the I''.••'' 444. "it'll' .4•1'44.8 '''''''''''' '"4`. eilies, told Me that he had heard Playsician. I. hid, cootie: ; alai lie wae let cm for 1...1111 11)n3,,. ,t111.4!,,e, ih°,\!..1,i1.14i !"14'1(,'', U.141- that 1114.y had cured it 4'4 441. iminte i his sharpeess. irva et 't&14( . 0 a et. tel 4 .. • t1b11.0aSly it is of the that imporia, neople of 7 muting(' and lie aileieed ..NVW Drawieg Room Slaeping Cars " • luxe hat leing ledward should be ate 660 000 cwt. erzunny'e fe om and Compartniteit Cars, obeerviition 114 trY them' 3eaet tit told well for his coronation', comment.ed a treatment and in ceremonies. anti nobody is more unveil BABY'S OWN' TA73LETS. t4:11LILT,Lgtwilti.1102.ae.leleligleeel' lAilbt,,,2,1,1,yv a 1/.,Ig a short time all the pain left• to that fact than King Edward bine I ith bariler), meet tioted back anti it became ae stout and eau. 1,/,t, fa" is 13* ti. over sinee the li Nother's Best Help When Her Mit. 1.111.01104,ot. Two other fast (mins st r 01.1g lis ever. tleatit of Queen Victoria the effortei tle Ones Are Ailing. 10 00 Ilanmid 1 1 11,1 pmdailyWonderful to sayh I ave had no .. .:.. . :. , that the Ring has nutde to Levy him- E'very mother needs at some time aehe best of everYthing. Wile' and ratelleril a'• the terrible Lumbago self in first-rate health have been, tie) a medicate for 14Vr little (44 t1 and perermally conducted tourist. ear ex,- -•••••.,.'; , Fay the /east, elarliOUS :Old interest_ Baby's Own Tablets are the best cursions to California, Oregon and ...“ Is new smile "ars since I 'INS . . . A. tetseen Victoria had three priecipal iota lone in Ile world for cemetnia- nashingtom Apply to pan. nearest o mow!. and I have said nothing about tion,• eemr stomitcb, hernial -thin, tieket agent, or address II. TT. Ben- . it, for I woe afraid it would come doctors. One of them, and the chief, , ,o le„ . MP t!Cols and sett, Eam,, king st,.. Toronto. back, and that 3. would lame to was Sir James Reidher reeidenti the troubles 4 4 teethis g clinch en, Oetkeep on using the Pills in order to ph:et...hien; the others were Sir Inman; The 'Tablets hate been in use for be well. eas Powell mid Sir Francis Laking.i, years and thouselitts of mothers say EgYllt has a desert railway which -"lit new T am satisrled it is gone keener. and know that I am safe in departeu King Edward summoned fuel As soon as ev•er his royal mother had i that nothing (*lee acts eo quickly rime 4e miles in a straight line ; and relieves end cures little ones so but the loegteit straight piece of malting this public statemenf. last named to hii . and since then he i surelli• •f -l's• il- 3.I• LaRue* Mountain bas held the field neninet all comers} Ont.. simply eoices. the experience of to liont,ae, en New saute wales. cure any case of LIMIbago or Lame railtvay iit the world is from Nyrisan "T believe Bodd'e Kidney Pills ill as Ilis M'11 *424. ''llettal ph:sale/wt.( other mothers were* elie eays .:—"I This railwine runs 126 miles on a naelc" 401 °lel' belPed ine oilt tierd ()ail Tablets level, in tt clead straight line. nobody could have it much wore The Ring bits it tremendous liking! can recommend IIIIIIY's .e for Sir Francis, and, besides being: to all mothers who have cross or -___a__-___e , than I bad " net '4 ('*L ten corns from my feet with Dello way's Coin Cure." Reader, go thou 70,000 tons of corks ali;cepaitiseedd. yearly for 13ritish beer and Shis has been carried so free tbati them.'" and do likewise. royal appointnunit for the King has invented a. special Children take 1 hese Tablets as :eater bottles. young erte . readily as candy, rind if err:shed to a T1 ., li—,---- . , Guy Laking, the eldest son of Sir I Powder tile!' eon be given lvith was the first where church bells were Monkey Brand Soap cleans kit 1 i ie elt:y 01 0.EL, 111 aampania, , names, who was a partner in a , absolute safety to the tiniest, l!s.e.d. This was about the year 400 element,: steel, iron and t inweale•e1 pointed to advise the King in all business firm, and who lute been tenet eveakest babies. There is a cure in every Tablet arid they are guaran- it'LL knives and forks, and all kinds o'f matters pertaining to antiques. teed to contahe no opiate or other cutlery. 'The reason why Sir Francis has harmful .. drug. You can get the thus gained such an ascendancy is TabletS. front any tlettler in. medicine very simple. He is just the sort of or they will be sent post paicl at mall the King likes most. Ile is 25 cents a box by addressing the Dr. AFTER ITIS DIAJESTY'S HEART Willinms! Medicine Ont. Co., Brockville, in every respect arid. the Ring never , discovered this so well as just cater —4 — Queen Victoria's death, when he went to 0 f.T.rt) any for a short season and . took Sir _Francis with hint, feeling at that time Very much below, the mark. The King ancl his doctor are chults in the fullest sense of the term. ThiS is because the doctor, While giving the King the Very bat Medi- cal tips abOut his health and how to keep it, is not by any menus a fad- dist and never preaches, The gen- eral advice which he openly offers is, "Do 1,11 1 1 his patient, makes the closest and delicate children. do not. 1010W MON t intimate friend of him. how I could get. along without Trios SAMS'. of Eittington, says: "I. ACTIEICIAL 'PLOWER IlerDIJSTRY. svbat, noel Hite, drink Ithat you like, smoke What you like, but do the whole thing sensibly and then you will be all right." Latterly the King has felt the ne- cessity- of having Sir Vrancis in such close touch with him that he has even had' EL telephone line run be- tween Sir Francis' hotise in Pall Mall and the royal residence. Under his doctor's a.dvice the King keeps to all WS old la51e, but in- dulges in them very moderately. In these days of inneesty he is partici:- lot rv careful as to what he eats anO, 11'6:1%14, end especially' -theefatter. Pew people are perhaps aware ol the extent to which this industry is carried on in Saxony. 'Several large factories in Dresden produce a, con- siderable quantity, but the principal place of manufacture is at Sebnitz, a town of 8,500 inhabitants, close to the Bohemian boundary. At the preseut time there are some 480 manufactories of artificial flotvers, leaves, plante, and fruits in the dis- trict of .Dresden, of which 380 are lo- cated in Sebaitz and the neighbor- ing villages, caul 100 in Dresden and its suburbs. The total number of eerie:ins engaged in the teade is es- timated at 10,000, the larger pro- portion being females. For over Sixty Years Party, Witssurtv'n SooTarsa Sutu . 1ia3 been used by millions of mothers for their children whilo.leoLbIng. 11.4o0114e8 the child, 4'ofL4n4 41w gums. 411444 pain, cures wind colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, mud is the best remedy tor Diarrhies. Twenty -are cents it bottle. Sold by druggists tbroUghnot tho world. be sure anti ask 18) -")*18). WxliaLow'stinovirso 84144(4," The . birch grows farther north than any Other tree. Next comes the Siberian larch, and then the nr. The Most Popular Pill.—The pill is the most populae Of all fornis of medicine, end of pills the -most popular are P1141213 - lee's Vegetable Pills,beca,uie they do what !cis asserted they eau do, imd are not put forward on any flctitioue claims to excel. lence. They are compact and portable, they nre easily taken, they do nor, nauseate nor gripe, and they give Teller ia the most stubborn cases. . PaPa—"Nove, Johnny, I have whipped you but for your own good. I believe I have only done my duty. Tell me truly, , what do you think yourself ?" Joanny--`11 I told you what I think you'd give me another whipping.„, T is Is the Pare Otetenderd II Bar Penes, =do of 'Pose” wire whicli Is twice as streag as I 8o7e111011 wire. Th. continuous coil, nate wevya0peterance,a1laivs ror eertansIon end eon trattion vvhith to lainortent tiirlug te Canadian ellitIAM. Oiir_1/PrIght Wires ere in one pittee and have strength Of eboltappoonds. If road. 'etfapieolie 0 need et each horizontal, they ,pealt - .••••iieittin , nattiest'', Jiffs lea:- ' ,looklipa 4,1filia:PIri . (f.,., Limited tatelksivitice t. 13 woald' have,tieprensette Sal .040:4,trq,,atli .tht ,weia, ke gatelt,prnarcental fences.. _..., _ Polo is the oldest outdoor game played to -clay. The Persians' played it GOO B.C. The Palate should 'bear in mina that Dr. Thomas' Balearic Oil bas nothing in common with the impure, cleterioratinn class oC so.eallecl -medicinal oils. It is eminently pnre and really efficacious— relieving pain and lamellas, stiffness of the joints and. muscles, and sores oe bnrbs, besides being an excelleat specific for rheurnatisin, coughs and bronchial com- plaints. The French CI overnMent has 20 tobacco factories, of which three are in Paris. • Minard's Liniment Cures llijrns4 etc 41,000 Germaes live by toy -mak- ing. Their product sells for $14,- 000,000 a year. Stow the Cough and 'works off the told. Laxative Brome.Quin I tie Tablets cure a cold ID one day. ITO Cure. No Pay. Price set cent,. Sweden lias 2,300 miles of Govern- ment railway-, and 4,387 miles of private lines. Minard's Lliliffieflt CUrea/PifidrUffi' To (TUB A COLD IN DS11 DAV. Take laxative nrome Quinine, Taisho', etel dre_gglito refund. the money if it fails to care. E. W. arove's aleneture le on oach.box. Ma, Vesta is the only one of the smal- ler • planete which eon he seen with the naked eye. Its diameter is only 300 miles, and it whole surface but olicenhath that of Europe. itinard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia, London has 23 High .streets, 22 Church streets, 11 Duke streets, 10 New streets, and 6 Paradise streets. veal/less Cannot be Caned by local applications. as they cannot reach the diseased portien of the oar. There is only one War tO el140 degliekS, and that Is by °oiled**. tional remediee.. Deafness le oeused by az inflamed condition of the -moons lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube ia in- flamed you bave aril:tabling sound or imper feet hearing, and when 1( 1* ent'rely closed deafaess is the result, and unless the inflam coition can be taken 053 31411 this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be do. strayed forever: nine rases out of ten 4511 caused by catarrh, 'which is nothing but an in. darned condition of the mucous surface.. We will giro Ono Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) 1114411 61441 /In ba mired by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, free. F..7. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, Sold by Druggist.., 7.5e. Floni :y Pills are the best. A sea een salter than the Dead Sea has been discovered by Dr. Sven Rodin in Thibet. It covers some 400 square miles, and is not more than a foot deep for a mile out from the shores, not over 20 feet in any part. •••••••••••••••• Mmard s Liniment for sale everywhere Alcohol can be maaufactured 'from wood at a cost of 15 cents a gallon, lead has &Miele the leeating power They Are Not Violent In ACtien.,-Sonic persems, when they wish to cleanse the stomacb, resort to Epsom and other p tug stive salts. These are speedy in their as7 lion, hut 5(44470 1(0 permanent gocid. Their use produces incipient, Ghillie mid if per tasted:le they einem the stothaele Nor do they aiit upon:the in teetines in ti bene- ficed way. Parmelee's -Veg,etable Pills answerefi purposes in this respect, and have 1)0 3044(41307. COOKING MARVELS a, military exhibition noW being held in Paris there are on show paste° built of nougat, a wind -.mill of pie -crust en • a garden of sugar flowere, elle a basket of mareipan potatoes.Among. the dishes' dis- played • al se e are a draughtboard, with a game in progresS, the whole being entirely composed of sugar and LIAM on . ' Roller skates were introduced into ru.ja1()(1 by rYer8, a frifiterer;111 1823. A o Cure Any Sera: 11441 0111alins. This Balm ef aihrot properatten rely he greater!8 heating remody known. P. 13, Hureleya 4*.. Or usglato, Irtnials, ray " Citeaulino ts catileg well. A customer reeentlf 1 aurehescel five !texas at ewes. Sec our nom/ freely. W.thlighlyreeemrrandit.," . 20e. Orteritieto, or , attesting Oa, Toronto. BELIAEIVEN, s IfitfAill"51) We 8444.1 st Onto tr144trrerth3' 11144 tr,roEn 4(1 c,.ery 10.1444t2'. 3ceal er trotilog. 10 It 1.0a1;:n a err 11:0ON41T, 81114 hen our show cards ntil adri.014.ug Matter 1,4140111i 4O1414*1CUM4 kloaro 410 0301:ILL tTprsim,t:8tee4es:itieieeiet (41.41 maid;:nr o4lar0 Sttear nonth d exettse:excae,1l2arprzy. Write torrinerileTe. f3*teMe3 1148 4417, IliTERNAYIRMfL MEDIC:III et. LONDON ONT. IA ZTA1:41.111111 L1)1011" 04.114CILIT.) IIY,1145 Endorsed by best F.nal Ish medicallournols. Supplied to British soldiers In South Africa. For all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps, Abscesses, Old Sores. Ulcers, PU10;13, Skin 01561130S, Eczema, Pimples, Stiff Joints. Rheumatism, taurotage, Srirains, Drulsea, Piles, Cuta, Sore Foot, Pleurisy Sold by Druggists, 25o. Try It ortco. T IS, 17 375 • CORONATION ROSES. It bets been figured out that if one4 rattail ot the entire population of the United Ningdorn wear a rose each every day for a Week at Corone ation time, 60,000,000 blooms will 1111V0 to be provided by rose -growers. lf this number were, with- their stalks, placed end to end, they would foi•ni a lime of 10,000,000 yards long. Then, again, t•hese 60,000,000 bloom* will, on a fair average, have a total weight of 1,877,7771b—that te, equal to 16,765 cwt.; aud, if, loaded into railway trucks holding five tons each about 170 trucks would be needed to bring the 60,000,000 rose blooms to the Markets. There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, bat there is only one opin- ion as to the reliability of Mother G eaves, Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sere and effectual, If great cold turned our atines- plicate to liquid air, it wOuld make a, sea 85 feet deep over the surface of the whole globe. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,—I have used AfIN4 AR1YS LINIMENT on my 4 essel andi lin my family for years, and fon {every day ills and accidents of life 3. iconsedcr it has no equal,. 11 I would not • start on a voyage witbout it, if it cost ,a dollar a. bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN. Seine "Storke," St. Andre, Ka-- raouraska. •• London's buildings tire iiistired epeeist fire for ctliout 910 millione of pounds. The whole of Canada. and all its cities carried 150 'million pounds worth of insurance. WILL CURE, difficulty of breathing, tightner3s Of the chest, wasting away of flesh, throat. troubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh1. olds, pneumonia and pleurisy. &SAMPLE FREE BY MAIL to every sufferer. I Pun Mo is for sale by all druggists at $1.00 per large bottle, and 15 cents for, snialVhotde, or direct from , „ THE PUIeMO CO., TORONTO,,ONT.,