HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-15, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
Ate AL.." -es-eee eets steeraeateeeere efeteetite eF.---fer "see- eeteeeis "fee^ eeereete
LADIES LOW SITOES in Viet and Dongola
4 Kid at $1.00,$1.10 $1.25,$1 50, $1.175.„ These
4 goods are made by MARSIT, MAN ITFAOTTIR-
4 MG. 00., of (4uebec, are stylisJa and up-to-date
4 and connot be ezcelled in price and quality.
1 LADIES" BALL SHOES -We have a great
variety and prices to suit all. In these lines of
shoes we beglit our prices at $1.25 up to 8.00.
Our PeerlesS Shoes sell on sight, are made from
' American lasts, giving the latest new Yor
effects in the shoe line,
See our Men's Boot Wear made by Ohotea
4 of Quebec, beginning m heavy stock at $1 an
running a full range to $8,50
( Ottr prices Cennot be beaten Mid every pair IS ou
t cries a Speeielty. Poet c
WAR, AirrsEfs-el7-410 2ac'-'3V.706-$9c7f/F7Vc"ifc mitrmzrzarsur
X{OesigY 1"0- r4o4vs. 'Court a Revision.
Nevc, is "iteres.ty given eltuf.' the Coln 44 ffevitita
Nlirebaroualleeltea Private tunae for tel ter ite 44.sata:;greor. PrIl al tic.. Village et EN. pkr wilt
veetioeuteereu fAnit 01` Villa.111A rye:torte's A , het its 1"141 tretieee ter oe, eseeese 4C.r.".1, r iitl :ale
lowest ir4t1c0 of 14.1110reSt. . ' . ; t^,7rlez..,,41143p,Anzt32t. at Tdaxo lit1.0, W3 IIPE43,..V., .1P,Iftlr
DIC.454IN ke,NIVLINC. 1 lutt„ ip.i.d., m 1',..p.itt'efoli ilt„ Att. .r;4443. -s 4 43iing S1444i,
Darrititter3,04,,Exoter.re-g uitia 1ite CAM 414;114-; 4141 0-04 .74.4 ewes,
1, Lave A large amount rrivate fa
lean en term valege eve; ertice
mice el riuteresr,
elev. 1114Arrl.hri.
Berrieter. Main Street
- -
7:-.4cAt' nut fuslurattre,4144eart
ral,,110 seese,resesnits teeett met oele clra
S41,,i. col k11-42::.1
F.:44; P (VSIT.V.,1654Ara,A414 tiav fitItiewts,,t
Ptelm, 14114,
Kirkton vet, allitoregh las le eettiesalled to ear -
Ruler Mr, Jelin Moffat !melee( eor England, ey (air arm VA At slineehe ims nee of
on a hastnees top„..The, Arehte, Rah,. his Ingle hand mid mini. The break is
1)1441%10E Ui.oii Coraetn.-It is with
feelings of deep regret we chronicle
tbe death, of another old settler of this
township, bi the pers. cm a Mr. Hugh
Currie, who departed this life ou Fri-
day. Deceased has been in failing
health for over a year, being hedfase
most of the time, but bore his Rh:less
and suffeenigs wit1&. rnireh paelence,
I1& was a Presbyterian in religion be-
ing a member of the inanaginy, cow-
mittee for years, and At Liberal in poll -
tics. Ile Waves to mourn his demise
‘, wife and family of three girls Mrs.
•Rxissell, of Carlingford: Mrs. (Dee) Tuf-
ford, of Toronto; and Mary at home,
' all of whom have the deepest sysupa.
• thy a the community, The funeral
took place ou Sonday 'nominee." his re-
mains heing lead to rest in the Crone=
irty burying ground, and WAS very
rgely attended.
Mrs. Rat. Thompson, Nth° has been
Mined 41 the Woofs for sume time,
aftr her operation in the hospital, is,
'e pleased to state, greatly line
(.'kr, of __Grand
lend, conducted the services in litAne
drew's church int Soudan, while Rave
•,:delo•utesii tonk the eervices Grand
hnunn- plans and s iecifions catiare
low m the bands of t budding, COM'
Illittee of the neW vehool room in CO)-
neetion with St. Andrew's ehurch. so
thet terdere for the erection a noi
same will he asked for at once in order
to push the thing along.---Mte Hugh
Melittosh has stewed txt Brewelield,
. ThosSivillingiew,of
Txtekeremith. t with a. peinfod cals.
hop one iiight recently, Relied gime
toat of the WOW %tett brr, esepped Ott a
4-'4,C141, frosty 1flU fell. Watkins% his left
Ar111, Although Ireland it was forttito.
445 10 _ uto for lain tied it Watti left 441111.$14
1.S non su1.
Large tingt.sli Au iyrlre 07,4444144
yotuoj vAAA4.4.til 1444314,04•r.it Nqtri's
Cion i011401, eVh4 r' t eee ever al. role.
were tarreeeet.
wen ()aerie ereoratte Root
Gault of Revision,
is hereby given that the Cann of fit tisinn
theAsoment noll of the township t_f Stetter/.
y111101111 ills first 10I4'f lin4 for the present vear.in the
T-P'rt *fall, (tg,011 rtg.)l ..Mh„ at the
hour 4$ 414 liNt
heae son hcommenced operations fr
'tte Ol'Pef 1011 of hie DPW houFe.-Mr. J.
6 new residence is fast netting
emnpletion.--Mr. Fleteheriewitzer has
had the foundations and cellar for hie
new home excavated, and will soen
eOrnfliettee the ereetiOn.-411% OM%
Duffield is ree0Velang IrOM breet402,
is visiting her pawnts, Mr. 4014 Alrg,
This. Elliott.-Mre. J. C. Tufts still
continues ill.
i•rettlea, nee 'zee. roe
tames Nature lariS9
Tato aati,e that I have applied to tile Lisense
011111ars0;101111•41 for Sunlit fluron. kr the prailro of
transit:4u.: 3112." 11111441 111'4 11'41‘ in the Of ShiplAu .
to 'lames P. Emma td the same Pla'Ve Nuy
r!tiagainst the said transfer 1441114 111.S Mkt d with
the iftsptetor tin or before tho sth day 4 next.
Dahlia bitipta this:bat day of April, 1902,
FARM E011. sus
Ttieulidt1.4.11INI 19 offering fer sale that disiratle
Phi aere farm situated in the tounnhip of Stephen.
being Luta eon. 4. Tha land Is alleleanal, well
(11:41111.11, Allifenoeil and in tut owellent guilt statai
of etilthatiiiii. There 114 011 the premises a Janie
flue briek bowie, gond barn, and other
and a good oung, 11/Whail1. tht i a first.elas,"
Ann and ill lie told remenably. Tends to &tit
purchaser. Apply to
Musa %wimp,
Cretliton East, P.O.
Notice is hereby given that the itartnership her. .
tofore subsisting between us the undersiguel,ai
satroalikra and lumber merehants. M the township
of Stephen, in the County of norm, has this date
been tlissolted by mutual consent, t1.11 debts owing
to said lartnership are to M. ILIA to Valontlim 11.de
at Milt. Ont., and all elaine, against the said. 'mt.
nership are to he resented to the said V. Ratn by
whom 'the same will be settled.
Dated at the township of Stephen this 18th tlav of
April, A. D. Die
J. 0, Srananw, VALRICTIZ4E RAU,
Witness. Joits Eau.
You can save money, time and feed by keeping
your pigs dry and clean. They will thrive better
and keep healthy, Make the hog comfortable anti
he will put on 'flesh. You can do so with A very little
expense by erecting (Pedler's Patent). The Elevated
Moveable Pigs Bed. Simple of construction, make
it yourselves. Send $'4.00 in registered letter for
farm right certificate and plan of construction to
Join : Putnam, Exeter, Ont.
Patent applied for.
Have What You
• Want.
A nice Stylish. lot
- of
You can get thern
at our store at
'almost any
Every Harness
t Treble's Old Stand
mid mrs, osear thlbert spent
Sa day, at Whalen Corner, visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Millson.--Mioner 'Vidor nod decided to Wise** free-wfll arming
Souders, and some of his Mends, of by the people. They are asking for
Makin wen- the goints of ;lir. end •- $10, to be given on Jinn- 15. Or
:Nit% Oscar Gilbert on Sunday. --Mr. annivemary service will be held. ---Mr.
Geo. Brown has heen visiting friends John Ilern lost a colt on Tuesday. -
in thi kiiiicy.. Mi,ss Mabel Gilbert, !Messrs. J. Squires iind II. Taylor have
spent a few days at her home here.- purehased 41 new buggy each. Times
We are sore, to hear or the death of an looking up boys. GI...intim is thr
dnY 111143 Mid WaS ilnrk'd in St. Mary's J. Taylor and. danghtins, or Exeter,.
Ziliss Annie (iihtiOnt who died on '..)lon-1 place to go to /my a buy or bike.
cemetery, Minsky, yesterday IWO./ were the guest s of Robt. Taylor on
John ()inert spent it few days, Sunday„ ---Mr, P. Broek and wife spent
visiting friends in Parkhill. Sunday at home.- -Messrs. Ilissett
Bissett, of Exeter, have recently sup.
Grand Benet plied Mr, Solomon Jacques with a
Messrs,Sparkman awl Christiespent windmill and force pump. putting the
Tue.,day hem_me. omen, tif rt water into the barn and rompleting
Frank, event sundau here._me. „.• an automatic waterservice throughont
' his stables. Mr. Jacques is highly
pleased witlt the WOrk and advises kis
eeighbors to do likewise. Who will
be next?
mending nicely, and in the contne of a
few wt.elni he will be alright again.
The weather still keeps cool and
ring grain and grass am making
s owgrowth.---Wol. Brock. spent Sun -
day n Brio Acid Meet tensed
hie barn bet week. while Wilh raises
his thie.---Mte John Peart is laid up
with rheumatism In his feet and is not
recovering very fasit.-Mr. Wni.Droch
had the misfortune of getting his leg
jammed the other dav. Ile Was laid
UJ) for some time.--TheSoodav School
had their meeting on :Monday evening
vitt and family, of Exeter, ertived
here Thursday and is DOW bney cleau-
ing up the park. -Mr. W. Zappe, spent
a week here, under the parental roof.
.1.1r. Shaw, of Dashwood, spent a few
days here last week. --„Mr. Ed. Disjar-
dine spent Sunday at home. -Mrs.
Mollatel is visiting friends in Ansa
Craiese--Messrs. A. Gmnbol, VI. Hag-
gart, Haggett and Jos. Mark, have
gone to New Ontetrinee-Mr. .T. Speak-
man passed through here Monday. -
Rev. :McMillan. of Kippen, preached
here Sunday its the absence of Rev. S.
A. Carriere, who was in Forest. -Mrs.
James Hickey, who -died Tuesday, was
buried here Thursday. A large crowd
was in attendance, showing the esteem
in which the deceased was held. The
sorrowing family have the sympathy
of a large circle of friends. -Don't for-
get the 20th at Grand Bend. Horse
racing, dancing ited boating. Every-
body welcome. Come early. -The
fishermen are all busy fixing their nets
after the blow of last week. Stakes,
nets, etc., were strewn along the beach
for mile. We wish thena better luck
in the futore.-Mr. M. Brenner, who
has beee in Shipka for the past winter,
returned home Sunday.- Mr. M. Vin-
cent is engaged with Mr. Levitt for the
season. We are glad to see Mac. back
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in Town Hall, IViey 5th and. 6th.
Present, J. D. Drummond, Reeve; A.
11. Hodgins, D. Dorman, S. McGregor,
and W. Mawson, Councillors. Minutes
of last meeting read, approved of and
signed. Mawson-Hodgins-that this
council will pay pit owners their gravel
accounts at Jelly and October meetings.
--Carried. Hod gin s -M awson-that
F. D. Drummond is hereby appointed
to attend the water course friendly
meeting at the, requisition of Gordon
McKay. -Carried. Mawson-Dorman
-that John McGregor is hereby ap-
pointed commissioner to oversee the
building of bridge on the 28th conces-
sion. -Carried. Mawson--Dorrnan-
that by-law No. 1, of 1902, regulating
road divisions and appointing path -
masters as read a first and second time
be now read a third time and passed. -
Carried. McGregor --Hod gins -that
orders be drawn on Treasurer for ac-
counts amounting in all to $52.73. --
Dorman -Hodgins -that the gravel
contracts as read be accepted a,nd the
commissioners as read appointed to
oversee the laying on of same. -Carried
Dorman-McGregor--thet this coun-
cil adjourn to meet in the Town Hall,
the first Monday in June, at one o'clock
p. m., and the Court of Revision open
at 4 o'clock p.
Wie. FRASER, Clerk.
Miss Edith Johneton is visiting her
uncle in Detroit, Weide Sparks
left last week for a visit with friends
in Port Stanley. -Mrs. Blair, lifter a
pima& visit with Kippen friends., lme
returned.- Mise Short is visiting ;via-
tives and friends in Thorndale.-Mrs.
W. Elder has retnrned,after a pleileatit
visit with friends in the east. -Charles
Heels, of ;Mitchell, spent Wednesday
in toem.-Miss Bessie Kemp has ac-
cepted a situation in London, and left
for that place last week. -Robert Bon-
thron, who bas been in the Northwest
for some months, assisting his sister
in her newlsoine, returned home last
week. -James W. Bell has returned
from Philitclelphitawhere he has been
attending the Dental Oollgge. He in-
tends spending the sunimer vacation
here. Ile passed a very successful ex-
amination. -Mr. James Carlisle spent
a few days in London during the week
with friends. -The recent rains have
done much for the vegetation here. -
Cooper Forrest spent Wednesday in
Brucefield, with his brother, who is
Ethel Murdock, who has
been on It short visit with friends in
Mount Forest, has returned. -James
Johnston, of Willow Hall, who went
to Alberta, a couple of mouths ago,
has returned home again. While
there parchased a lame tract of
land for ranching purposes. -To -day
(Thursday) being Ascension Day there
will be divine service in St.. Penis
church at 7.30 p.m. -Miss Mable Mc-
Lean left on Saturday for Winnipeg,
where she will takea situation as
book -keeper. -Mrs. Robt. 13onthron
is rapidly recovering from her opera-
tion and illness. --A temperance con-
vention will be held here on May 16. -
Wilber Phillips has taken a situation
in J. C. Stoneman's store to learn the
jewelry and watchmaking business. -
Fred lelcDonell sold his pony and 'rig
last ,week to Richard • Blatchford, of
Exeter. -Special sermons will be Con-
ducted in the Methodist church on
Sunday. -On Friday last Rev. Mr.
Stewart, of Clinton,preached a prepar-
atory sermon in Carmel Presbyterian
Church and the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was administered on
AtiCIDENT.,-A few days ago True-
man Brintnell, of Chiselhurst, was un-
loading a three-piece set iron 'barrows
onto a wagon, at one lift, one of the
teeth struck a Wheel, throwing True-
man down vvith the harrows on top
of him. Although not seriously hurt,
he received injury enough to lay eilin
up for some days.
Mr. Wm. Boyle iltsprowly •escaped
serious isajury by falling from the hay
WOW 0 Moilatt's Hotel stables on
aescadity. His aria eves betels,. injered
gold be was otherwise severely shaken
op„ but luckily his injandesare not ser-
ious, althongh he will he obliged to
earro hie arm in a eling for at least a
Mr, Jahn English, was around last
Mouday Wilding his many friends good. teaehitee staff of Aurora High, Schen!.
bye. Ile mid Mi 4i sicartt,'d _The Leeoas
., eateoo taat
eeg theta
for Nt-w Ontario Teesdale, C. H. Wile annieereary rainy in asecan Ledge on
soh left. here Monday with Mr. Eng. 3Lity.
lieh's household ell'ects for the C. RR.
station,Loaden,-Miss Leura Steward -
son is confined to her roam withan ats
Mr, Robt St. Jaya spent 1.Vetinee
day in Isondon.-Court Lucen, No.eite
Canadian Order Foresters,intend hold
lug service here on Sunday. Juries Se --
Miss Mira. 3feFal1s left last week to
take a. short course in the Toronto
Cemservetory of Mnsie. prior to writ
ing upon the second year examhustion
in June----31iss Teen:main has arrived
in our village and as.suneed be.r •duties
at the High School. Miss Trranumain
is an Honor graduate of Toronto Vila
versity and has latteri:).,- been on th
efr. Little has moved into the Amer.
, hem house. Ile has had it renovated
- and hoproved.-Mr. Robt. Murdock
left last- week for Sta0a, where be will
be in the employ of Mr. Coypehoun.
Mr, liirdock has beets thirteen years
- with Mr. P. McGregor working on his
farm ,irel in his sale stables-Mre. P.,
Campbell, who bus leen attending the
gendeation of her eon, Peter CaMP-
Ceareebell, at the Chieego Dental Col-
- it ge, hes retrerned 10 b."14114. He is now
full fledde
ged ntist And Wilt tleactice
Xlilwankee.--Mr., D. R. Higgins bits
sold lile drivers Bleak Diamond, mad
pinaliastel R )1eGiagetiee grey male.-
-Mr, James ROSS is rebuilding his barn.
-Me„ Baird hes taken a posi-
tion in the leiggeoze department of the
te.T.E. at Clinton. Mr. John Eattens
bury has taken a position its the Bent
IlIotollf oft, WiUgh4410, tioth
Wok of in grippe, and under the dactor's Settoots RE' PM -U. -The following
Aliee and C4trIrie 1 tloi the 'Carr ect relent for Sa 5 f4
reeeived DM Gerherd Wildman the Ilinnth 441.1811, Cola Short
p1gko0 oo ns,o,it 4F. It wa:i prt.sented 'Sr; IVr-^-1141/S4' 144r1t f11101, lq.4y elrary
to Melo by their meat, mese 31, nsswin, Edward Faultier, 140 C°4)I41111-N,
' clever vellu'men and will no doubt
son, of Boston, MitS.C•4 and the yoving IY.-levine Scott, Pearl Slue aNellie
ladies ere highly pleaecil witit thew Lewis. Jima M.oeiiirse if 1.--„t,,delio4
gift, eke Mr. Wilson was driving home Hoffmann, Arnold Coughlim Allet
With th-s piano, ID taltDing olY the road i Wil'$°n. RA'FlUols4 VoiliMiti, Adrian
tO his home., one wheel cut down in j'oughlin. tir. IL -Cleat Len ie. Ed -
do well in tiaeir psielitnee-Mea,
ttlea. Baird has etdd ber house to L
• Meexinnell foe SOO, -31r. Ifogh Mein-
„litosit, cif .1i.ippen. is MOVIng Into tut”
iirsrli eutte he pliteltasill ftalni
Peter 3IeGreg4)a--4r. Shilliegbiw, of
Mitehelli h meting- the station Wei.
neee wilh oer eta t id m AWOL, Me. J. ill,
niciy.-13.11. 1gll3s. aftve a pleavant
v:- it with hie eietee in Tot inittnreturin
home lag week.
the soft, mud and pset it. bait when ward Jones, (*heeler Motley, Aron
taken out of the box wile found to lie Seotf. Fred Lea is, Ellie Hoag -hie. Jr.
all eight and not a serateh or plaything, • IL -Vial Short, Ella Theleine,Chele.
out of plitee.--The arbitattora 'appoints tine Holfitiana, nly eet nee% Willie
est to cutroder tbe formation of at, oew Mrtgalirts, Pt, IL-Philomeue eemgh.
lin, Lorne Sliallee,
ANT A. PleatcR„ Teueher,
411140411 S1'1111101 10001,14011, west of
way will meet in Wilson's hall. Thurs.
day, gay lee 01 11.39 a.m. There will L
he tire arbitrators. Judge Elliott. of
London; MteThompson, b.Mr. Gil.
talon, Heaton. mad John E. Toni,
LP.Se.-Meesre, R. 'Web& ural Terns
et' were appeinted to atIond Ow Pro.
lzbititto Vinanva1t1al5, taA bv, held bn
UMW.% Friday. Moy1.
Ilay Connell
I '
--u Or 44. .01- 1i. -There
ZIllich peno- 4 itwav on the nisi con. of Nay.
;inks n here lvtve .24=Int6.41 ;NX41114:1Iiiill,a5);;,tie‘Nrildthic41t.";;;1133!"StritI4eoltS11.14i1 SM1 1 tes.
trevs ¥I 00 1l5M304th*pl410, isolute40.444 fat Iowa, and a ?facto noted tor his
ing the p ennible of van liv•-•- jIa. i.t4s t iiitegrity. Mr. elleMalion bind
lartple makes Onts Of ths" h't eesehte ae,ei ailCiees cahoot 14 ;11trzlir Of lhiglire
- tram e :het, mows, atoll if p. prly 4isd. ilieeseee, aial hils iu 8 vezee enfeelded
it'd end
: ctsaYC.-744s N:241rgibajlitlislel118ar,x11o0o1, .,„pa,rt of tchte ItttmliY4e
1,:1 itia1:4„'44”T,t t 4itlii131Ia048 ,00:711.11 13141 Ito 03ttok:1b
Coil wee 101411y theZth iy ,etePeals 101;14 1. -411`0 44;141F .1. .1
M;ly. Pre. -4111:. WIWI. ;J.; 4214--114471t°„_mr ,41°""'"r,Est4 Pnivatir ;1-; .3J10,4-1, r.t.14141.1. 1/4swastIll !nos ;a 11414-
g,ave. t.ti (r' 134411 t414 0:0111° UP' 3441145 4331414411:111 -ti vetn !ter aterrasi !rm. a. s4,30, Is :nue
zwriet. 44414 norith (111011 mot. Tho roalpla. taV41.34 b. - The eee $ Aeilieetve oe, e441,:,,I4130 ati . iraft;,, ju 1 1he
enameil bv dreidoil to in spent 841,1fign:rwitlt °le eu344344, 33 0siesi mh,s 1;10, 0:40 1%14'. Vt1t,11 they
etruct Euravalo, wettable tette' Nellie:1.e Jhn „
wr.14 t on 1'4 4; t*ton, 7,,7, Hat. 1141 551
di urs nun report to the vontavii. elm In'it Week; IA nit 1341135300310144 Mr.
copy 10tleele
si5ierevoaleaue. Ili:was anent emtmeaesrepulse waieh teeirethhl
wee eidled in MEI lane a gangs pua ,ettpug:11 matico„ coup.
been eeevi al on the Melee, regerilini on feter reenvett'YeseMer. aml tainting ineie ((Ler, the iAiorwierharts
Stanton-. nod in which report certain home on Titeeday. tudgylei ifohrzs hito Noah d teed ,,, whop
hind% -Lima in the township of Hay T. Man hato rtItta-11 the land while '51 11 h tot II ang diepraitem, tower ipvit,ing. to
ore a4 ....0 -n faxe Infiltit ii:t. litOV:1141 11:1:t rented the boost.. taking NIg hop.. Ikg Lts o mee
bilitytto the Petted $ was reed Poe -session lag WS eLi. k -s intteini en WIlahiin Irol few ript-sk
to the narthis intet-estetl who bad been Ars. and her thrc:e ehiltitip n;titt.,04.,0„tou. AIN ns 4tu
prefieht, eoutiell after full consid• heartY sveleornw•---311". smrad 14111 eulturit.t. livsides a sornawin wife
the Litqa.in drain in the townehip Al Mrs. Golster will leave ter their new tfmntnini tnitnni ming tit,. intinown
eration tellipted the report. ily-law
No. 5 regaill mg the drainage. WOO:, Arai
provisionally adopted and *heeler!: in-
•structelto have the teces,sory copies
• of the:same ininting :and served in ev-
ened:Tee with seetion 41.of the (Wain -
MIT 1A. 1.4 15 nni 3 11O33 eow nom . 1.153 34-11Z% ‚.t by two sons 34534T three
tioIsterti I'.III.. the stun of n"2-1 -Mon ilanglitenn John 00 the homestead.
Sann flodesiliehl. f4enfortb.wose3,11•1.1strues. flotTalo, N. Y.; mrs. Moon,
eti to the bedside of hen folio% 31 - 11 it ay, and Mrs. Aldwortin Minneapolis'.
Levi Iliontrielter, ke.1 s'. 04 NV" 3.1*.liabon WAS A Reformer in poll-
. . t •
at e• s - • tics and a ( bristle** in the true sense
40 vi f 1,1/0www; af,",vountz) won. dotibtra 'A Is In twre to bear an change of tho word; n. toying husband, An 01-
(1! einuoni tin% .4011; Herald p; fitting, front here. mi the Goshen neighbor respected by 4:f. th, to. or,
order; to 1,,,„o, eee, Kfnillo, ;Join for the het ter. UV IT6teloti FMB!" MEWS' !eat/sena ecoe,,,e ;IA 41% .0 ft,iond
gesint Ntemo gpiohtp ()„, it. Lentz, who with dm:glace uatos to„thnt row. neridayllto
owlaitehhear nebwrigehemtitnn*ofgpaint. thuS 1 •
" rew dalsIIZI1wo 1ettlieraderandiinDetroit.washre thitanghandslrAPOr Ceingne13.
m(. ii l.2; I lea. tI*
his old fibriahs last welt . -in
mu. it115tn Thonivon, tortied loom. livesdav. -Mr. !Pinto* 344) 1111 we null to lutve another
C. pipe, $4,00; reasurer of Stanley,
assessment of Zurith drain not th.
$37i.75; John Thii sin hauling lumber,
$1.39. Council will Meet awl') on
Monday the 5nd, day of June itt, 10
o'clock as a court of revon of the n
assessment roll and drainage asFesS•
ilripeirrila& I be appeaVallee loeti,Ift;,/1:01:441 44. Ijr* .1" J. 134"wn'
fine front his brot ler in vs. .tioderhin :\ri,.9 Shannon, organist
. , Itieharson has intreluts.vd '
borne....mv. cave? miller d and thoir lead. r St. Peter's ebureh.
his matehed givy team to 3Ir. I.et.y. "s114:11"1 °IP Duse
unlit and for general lteemees. ot 5011101 Ib, for the SUM of $20.- Mr. 4 tworeetliug **nth her mother to
ynni, Hnsn, iin„innuk. Ham Yougblut, who has been en- , l'""n vitY II"' InI1H.Ititttut:itil.ti
• tu'
.......-- -4-...- - ---gagell US butcher with John Schafr
e, °et." Preseated Ly Ink t
elnn en Is ith a gold etiek pin and a
J. o. se,anntritjtinren4.1!°(1t414-1 Illr edung ,a was m'IS 'me ease un tile:slia.%.1:',1'.1114:v11,;t la:fl'IlitiiightiltiniTet;tisli't nnts lis1-4.-;:cilit:LirilnIrir co;
inwnils leaving town *bortly.-There
•' 05) unenter.sototior. Xetare, roeceau, er docket here last WePk.
Monte to Li3311-Extta. Init. i Balkwill; judgineut for tilahitiff for. lead(' and °mil.*
Mr. R. F. Either received a carload amountand costs, defeutnuit not ap- Goderiein A M.D. Allan left on
of cedar posts from Walkerton last. imam*
Thorinlay. Rarry is kept busy driving
posts and building feuces.-Th.s. Mr- St. Joseph
Murray is utak-lug some impnwements
Mr. R. O'Brien had the misfortune
to the interior of her dwelling. --Mr.
Joseph Mast has been grading in the °11 faiwsd:** on kle NvaY to
Rens;d1 :with a load of bogs, to have
back, part of the township the past
one of Ins driving le irses drop dead on
week. -Miss Elsie McCallum spent last
the road, thereby breaking' up one of
Sunday in Exeter with her parents.-
Two of our brick pod boys drove the best, Olivine, teams hi these parts.
-Mr. T. McGladery, of Perkhill, at-
throngh town last Weduesday evening
at a good gait, and on coming to the tended the test of the Empire and De-
cbarch gate, the horse could not be
Lave! cream separators, on Monday
evemne last, held at Mr. A. Rend -
stopped, as there were no hole -backs
on the harness, with the result that
the horse jumped over the gate and
caused a general smash -up. -Mrs.
A. Slater and son, of Vancouver, B. C.,
are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Rivers.
-Master Bert Clark, has the agency
to sell "The Life and Work of the late
Dr. Talnaage," Give him a call. -Mr.
Jim. Laporte, of Drysdale, the return-
ing officer for South HUVOD,WAS in the
village last Friday in connection with
the coming provincial elections. -Mr.
James Clark has erected a verandah in
front of his harness shop.-Mes. Mat-
thew Winer attended the funeral of
of her brother in Morriston this week.
-Mr. Walter Clark is busy getting his
ice cream parlors ready for the Coming
season. -Dr. Ezra Haist, late of Toronto
was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Jacob
Heist, last week. The Dr. was also
here With the view of startinga prac-
tice in town. -Postmaster Christie, of
Exeter, and a representative of the
Sovereign Bank, were in the village
last Monday, in the interests of the
Bank. -Mr. August Hill has made ex-
tensive improvements to the interior
of his botel.-We weee sorry to hear
of the death of Mr. M. J. White, late
Editor of the Exeter Times. Miller
had a large number of friends here. -
Mr. John Hauch has returned from
Blenheim after a very pleasact visit. -
A darkey chimney sweep struck town
last Monday. -Messrs. John Wind and
Sohn Klump are having their dwell-
ings reshiugled.--The bare -foot boy
has made his appearance. -The Rev.
Knowles preached an excellent prohi-
bition sermon in the Methodist church
last Sunday evening. -Mr. WM. Brown
has returned from Kincardine, where
he haseieeo ivorking for some tim e. -
Next Sunday will be. the Y. P. A. Ral-
ly Day in the Evangelical church. The
members of the „Alliance will take
charge of the evening service. -A num-
ber froth here went to Ailsa Craig on
Tuesday toe hear the Heti. G. W. Ross.
,--ite17. J. C. Morlock, of Dashwood,
was ifi the village Tuesday.: --The mes-
ons have finished the foundation of
Mn John. Sweitzer's new dwelling. .
rieles.-Mr. Mills, of London, general
agent for the DeLavell Separators,was
in these parts Monday on business. -
J. E. Tom, 1.1'.S., of Goderich visited
the school here on Wednesday ot last
Cnn.nn SEP -A -TUTOR TEST. --.A. very
interesting cream separator contest
took place here Monday uight at Mr.
Albert Hendrick's, between the Em-
pire Cream Separator, which was look-
ed after by Mr. Bobier, of Exeter, and
the DeLavell Separator, which was ye -
presented by Mr. Mills, of London, and
his loyal agent, Mr, Wilson. There
was $25 aside at stake, the losing
party to forfeit his money for the ben-
efit of the poor of the neighborhood.
The DeLavell men spent most of the
afternoon in preparing their separator
for the test, expecting to sweep the
Empire off the face of the earth. Mr.
Boleer did not arrive until the hour
set for the test, 7 pan., and never
touched his separator until the test be-
gan. There were 150 lbs. of milk run
through each machine, both finishing
about the same time. Then commenc-
ed the Babcock test of the skim milk
and cream, which was conducted en-
tirely by Mr. Mills, but the results
weire decidedly in favor of the Empire,
the DeLavell leavings five times the
amount of butter fat in the Skim milk
that did the Empire arid the cream
from the Empire was thirty-three per
cent. richer than the cream from the
DeLavell There being 125 people'
present the contest was very keen. Af-
ter the contest was over Mr. Bobier
entertained the audience until a late
hour with speeches, songs and recita-
tions from his Graphaphone ancl 31
short address by himself, after , which
all departed for their several homes,
feeling satisfied that the Empire Sep-
arator was by far the best machine.
Seaforthi While working in the
garden on Tuesday evening, Mrs. John
Smith, of High street-, was stricken
with paralysis. All one side was para-
lyzed, and at present she is in a very
r&arious condition
Thureday for Montreal, henee he
sailed tin Saturnay. by steamer Paris -
ate for Livezpool, Eng. on his avriv-
al be will immediatAy take up his dut-
ies asCanadian Government 00401*315-
:400 in etuttleetioll With the Canadian
fruit exhibits at the Cork and "%Velvet.-
hionnton exhibitions, lie will he away
until about Christmas time.
HEDDES.-In Crediton, on May 10, to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Redden, a son. ,
ITEDDEN.-In Crediton, on May 10, to
Mr. and Mrs. T.1I. 'leaden, a daugh-
WHITE -In Exeter, on May 10th3 Mil-
ler Jackson White, aged 38 years, 6
Jorrxsox-Iii Tishorne, London Road,
on May Oth, Albert E. Johnson, aged
37 years, 6 months.
R073B-In Mitchell, on May 6th, John
Robb, aged 82 years and 6 months.
Dow -In Hibbert, on May 7113, Mary
Watt, relict of the late Wm, Dow,
aged 79 years and 11 months.
oetneo-In Hibbert, on May 2n11.
Hugh Currie, aged 75 years.
-MoMAHoN-In Hay, on May 14113,
- John Nialathon, aged 76 years, 6
months and 5days.
little tickling spot in your
Did you ever have that
throat? Felt as if you
could almost touch it with
your finger, didn't it? Haw
hard you tried to reach it,
but couldn't! It's easy with Vapo-
Cresolene, for you breathe it. There's
nothing in the world equal to it for
stopping these tickling coughs; and
it's so pleasant, too. For asthma,
croup,' ,bronchitis, catarrh, and
whooping -cough, it's the great ,
remedy. „
Vapo-Cresolene is sold by "druggists everywhere.
A VapcsCresolene outfit, inchIcliN; the Vaporizer and
Lamp, tvhich should last a llfe-tirne, and a bottle of
Cresoiene, complete, $1.5t, ; extra supplies Of CreS0-
lex4ez5cents and 5ocents Illustrated nockletcontain-
ing pbysicia.ns' tesdinonials frue ;mob request, VAPO-
CRESOLENE CO., I:it) 1at= Si, New Yoiki UiSt.k•