HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-8, Page 6,
Son of Late Celebrated Minister Preaches
Memorial Sermon.
Act et 144 Parnwent, innthuSiasita atat interetity with whhieh
'''n:relt4144eigt,ze 'Ace uo"...w,..4, hies nue- .tite itewaer could plead for 11ft lue of
41 -tea ee4 tz Vienoe, Uglx.ef, Twee% fte •• t fah iv charged with
onnetler. lie proved. to the religious
A despate% frent Chicago saYs.:---Olt ow..viti that it WaS liot So important
213'"'n'k* Ini)rning in the Jelersurt' what kind of a white lineu operating
Par% Pretbyterian Church the Ilev.- gown toe gospel surgeon wore as it
• Tabentoe, glelirerecUlt. was that the nerve of the operator
eteleor4 in whielt he paid a touching be l'Arto and the band steady that death chamber ? passing away • the
mot timely tribute to his late dis-lood tee iteetn world couot the believer mad until twice its ooigioni sloe. stir
t..elta an
vta ntoonmpt agetootow. quoin.;
to find comfort in him. Whenever lie
WOuld take lecture trip the people
would crowd above him by the thou-
sands. atterieg seen greetiegs as -te
LU your seruion upon tilecognition
the Inother ot John, whose surname
IVOs Mork, where many were gather,
ed together prayieg.
This he did as sooa as, having
c me to himself, he eousitiered ehe
40•1:* 4,4 1:4 itt* 41. 41 441 •:* 1.1:4 401 +:4 1:1111
•••:: 11.011SE
0 A
of Frienne trt Ileavell to MY mother ;matter. He Imew 'just where to go, , .1', = , , : • , s Z
when she nos dying;" *1 read this floe' on a peeinous oecesien when be ii ***
or that when I was Mat mann:. etna John had beeu released, from. ..:*******.:******.o'.o.....;.o.o.o.*:,...o..e.4...00se •
, . .. .
trouble. and tbe sermou brought ;prison And from the power of the
light to InY soul.- Let no hearer or irulers, it is written that "'being let
reader of this serenon tliink for one go they went to their own corn-
imstant that my father's work V:as a!pany" (Acts iv, all),
man made work. father's workl 13-15. Thou art mad. Lt is his
Was a dnely inspired NVOM. angel,
was called as certainly to do hisj What strange words for
work As Vaut and Iter and Johnipany of praying believers when they
were called to do theirs, lie was lure told that their prayers are An-
insPired 1,)y Prayer and commuoioniswered and Peter is at the door
with Go& and iust vertainlY nay !tweeting for admissiote Ilhoda was
we in our work he tnspfred it we glad that she forgot to open the
plead for the gift of 'the. Holy door for leirm and they were 50
amazed that they could not believe
Would you go with rue into the her. We might not wonder to have
11read with Some "Staff" ---Why will
so many people always tnake white
bread, when. a loaf of SO much more
genuine substance might sometimes
take its place? This is one we line;
Teke cup rolled eats, cover well
with boiling water and boil four 0
live /ninnies. Add 1 cup cold milk,
-1. cup sugar, 1 even teaspoon salt.
IA yeast cake dissolved in cup
tepid water, I euhle inch shortening,
it desired, MIX Stilf with a spoon.
using entire wheat dour. Let rise
sacred blade with era,a himseit would have had it gisa,bz 15, Tfos. j.x. 7; down thoroughey, put in a welt-
tieguished father. The text was I. ettiotte tee cut out. the cancer of sin. it his-'0ws`o wTsh had been eo„si3ted..;50ho x. 20). but for believers, mu" greAsed baking pan, riSe to the 'top
2t),'Lt nie• PraF thee1.te dispensed with the miuisterial
..4.e practically died in the barnesso"such as these, to eennt each other and hake one hour. Be sure not to
„7.12U:ali.?-22.7,:,•'s't sacred forme sil ftr.71:014 alft4ttdslootraledpulfir)oftn.1 titulte beehtslireillt one Sunday he was preaching in mad is more strange. /day we not let it rise t°° 1°41g at' fsrSt.
itexico t.b t deltw e 1 h. stow to aet. woo ;ter etteeit hi 134;:tnselileonutldrahreoloOenfooefirogli. This
4;t so . A
" We bow to z" ac."' clung t° the °id tt'uthseUes,P;°he the For Ave long weeks lee lingered. but 0, Or tO live in ixo. 5,
auttithance, we shake hands with aghsi"el message *It Its *`411)"eAtY"' God mercifully benumbed the worn -r- 16, 17, Go show these things len- CO* GhOwder-One can corn. 1
• butwe rsthe UP ag4tu51 c"'z'''`Ie' the storywass° sIntPlY 1°Idt out, and ttred brain. Bre Suffered not to James and to the brethren.
'tall onion, 4 potatoes, cuPs
the lip of one wbotu we love. This, it 1..„ -As told with originality.
fat all. He awoke long enough t o Peter VOUtiltUed knockleg. the WI- teaspoon salt.
statement is esneniaBY true when "Ph, lle Was a genius .but be develoPed , recognize nod at times call ter his' at thing he couldlt tablespoons but-
1311ed to Ellsha.• the son of everY °Ix' Of hits ten talents .h:17 ,,then, acBes prison gates to It onion flue' and br°wa
a I not on to ihn nat°es• ea
pado for doors did (Cr,tor. 4' teaspoon Pepper, can to -
who wos about to leave home and hardest Wad of laentol and PuYs'eatwife nd hildren. ut cowers Con a was an imPosslbilithr between
11114-n: the angel. and in dile time they op- la the butter. Slice potatoes and
lisha was sonooed to care,y ottat
go forth into the great wide world. Application. No labor for hini was and the. members of his family dur-' ert el to hint -red were astonielted to Place alternate laYers of eern and
w000 fon of drudgery, Morning, noon
the w0r1t.'-t•Ilhab- Alread the and night found hint in hie study,
bosses were heneet• hallies.sed to thei.lje WW1; physical reereise not f
tboriot for the Ohl prophet's pleasure. but to lit himself tor t
lotootts $ottirveN from earthlY Struge pulpit. Ile lived not to eatbut h
gle to heavenly eritmade• Ilistsucet.s-,ateso thet he comae jive. eat pieced
foe, etarttiett tint on Ids arduous, his standard very high, and Into ev-
leeh, tleethes first to iptpritat hin'ere° eteattent he put his best thougt4t.
totaer'sl'are tbe hiss of fareWeli. Ile used to soy to 34444: "Vrauli. do
phe solotation of the liss is even 'not otake the mistake of tuanY
ig the weary days and atg,llts hersee hhn. Tie. ouletiog them tOld potatoes In liettle, add seattellungn.
sick. We Were all there ; all. thorn U that the Lord had done for 1 c..over with water and shunter till ten-
escept those Of the family who hod gllim and bade them tell „jaws end tier, Then add mint to which hos
receded him to the other side and ;r`tin. others, This is the, James or beep added 1 tablespoon flour. Cook
who were waiting to give hint ehapter xv, 18, who seems to hate rntil slightly thickened, then add
welcome': We rePeOted tho tdd verse- hetet president of the council at neaeted I.0814loes;
so often* spoken by h'J
is OWO lips : erusalem, James the brother of t‘*°...1nat° ,,-hoe(9111°n
when round nly dying bed. assemble Jaw hating been stein teete, 2). save tomatoes. One 44 Walt 01414411S.
040.50 1 101:04 F.:4.4•IrV redefllied X0441 has been deliv” sliced dne, tOP three quarters of an
A dear old family friend uttered a "ered from prison and death for worm) iniOniir.pDreatilasatthethe teautsie,8
room" sacred wove used tov on" who „ors' men. TheY eitN dloowl"s, . sweet prtteer. Tee That wall, We than any Herod could afflict with. dwprloni
is stonding by the open restiet of a will save that thought and pt h
watched and waited until his mortal' and how gladly we should tell of the 0of tweet Ui1J er Vacant. and It Were
*tante' whose ettoteeet teign`-' hos of-;:iuto 44710'11er specent or article. Give lire was lilted ioto the heamiy deliveranee ciod has wrought for us of butter the size of an egg. liteve
len spas% the golden words of- theto the world 1 There were a few tears. a few call- fps i, 1 -an bet how few eeem glad ready "me pi"ea Qt tQnsted bread
gospet to countless tbrougs - who Tule DERT 11A,VE. ' ings of goodly% ne sUPPed awtKirto 4.‘ M' lilt to s glory that Ile may and pour the tomatoes" aver 1f.
Wilrh o pen goaded y spirit spritil
led with the wood ot the Lamb. lats Crowd ever,“laing in that strength- Fa quietly we could not tell when be •
Plain Beef Stow -Put a generous
%vraoattr,,1 tht. er.S an orgnment. but alsvii,Ve strfNe 'was gone- Ile was asleell. The ls. 19. 1rerod's soldiers pnt to fltiOlititY Of drippings into the fryin
et.% rg
'ale to oomoos upon slovens of for Wndit..5' and out for quantity.441 tweet. ceased to beat. The old cootie and Heron mu -me( ening such panthen elite several onions very
s who were wearile.4,i with mn. wilt%a theologieal etudeta, 1 wantel enteet restful loon evone been' to the an awful death (verse oo). while Abill and fry them a delicate brown-
ie,o v alai woulree,, MN. fwhees ea to OCcuilY in some the' losing face- We /aid hint away for pher woo delivered from -tilde band(g. They must be watched that they do
Itc,o= t'.:P pillar of clout] let dev teed ile Illtteved bit; Prote'o, FaYinah You ;keantlful Greenwood, As I lifted 4'.0.14.1 came forth from the deo of ,..Salle°'Pati or kettle with i or 2
I/ a" Bill-ae eci7 fire bv nigrld to'go.icie. i'lKot to nnend at hetet three. montlaa *at bavd owr tile open grate to .ocepS, but his effeenien were put ludo 1.10ilitig water. according to cmauti-
c;.4,.,...A ortnittativil thrht_igh ittoe do 41; rpon ',:i.-uue tern terenton. writing : pronounce the benediction. 1 Mid to ' Ow tiauce den never to come forth. t,),• desired. Then eut carrots. par-
tv.;lil"moss of eac.th toward the' titt'ut lt ..fr"r4 tbt, to te° hof ;t's tt 1 1-44v.'44ft. -8" 11141Y v4IN an .,,n1! 111"1 lt Makes us think of tlee glorious snins alld ttirnips into inch cubes
luevineeee of . day.'" Woat e• eestotenny is this totl labor. thet wben our Worst 4$ MO" .4994-911417g* 9t ottr Lord's appearing and fry in the same fat. Cot the
hie own cellist went, coining from, we may go to our rest in the Pall act, % -civ. 14 xvc. ,51 Nivi. r i ..aueat into pieees 'About two inches
* loam n. 1 • '
TUE PlitIlliSPID 1,ANII, :, the cold lips whieh ore now closed; e0III‘le'1hiqi that When we awake it ex.x.c. 6. etc.) tor utt, deliverance a square and 1 inch thick. dredge with
g4- pins ore •wriam zzogies ua*.': In tLe ca,sket. 1Vit0t a homiletic Zee.' whit he iiiie thls gloflfted ksill'irit illa lliF. teeiode and of the unbelievers salt. Penner and flour and fry last to
0*1 OW ltitnrerfi of lRett, T. lile Willt ' Vilmt st In for the Young ininietere. ; the lihrteee of his Lord."
4-- len ottiv• the outer darkness forever liQnrS very tdowlY" after it 11053 once
foine 11:,-.ona hin son. 1 :pewit as: at:ate-NOM who inaintain that Inc i ;Usa. yin. l.10„ ll.17.). Caine tO a boil. The longer it cooks
„,ou,g mnuorn7,;,. Vol' ovvr tweee oraterical art is a dilane °" Ivid°4 1111E SUNDAY SGROOL ,,
., ...._+,....,_ the better. „Add potatoes ent itt the
1Wa4-11F twehtY .7.74Net-S "444' of 4- mna5t com,tr.y church- a little while. in lite family plot in 1...eatinds us of Mat morning when ncit hum Mee them in a larse
fAr eatont ibe4.0 stem be no nent,ning, o goon brown. Simmer several
lgth Vetilmen 0 few words may 'ler the yonug lawyers ond budding !
1 was We corstent 4'oin-:; has too :wed ter straggling upon the
,,co Win% be woe at notee, 11rtrielt mountain title of drudger,v.
II* hiti St4tly until ofter tlao What o elation note it
4.ht hour. ',Mice tenth hint 1 hg dia men and women to 40 0101'
h'ed the r.crovara ttave vve;i be.t under all cauditioes The les.
:f the wow, Together up R0'094' 54114 I44 P0W4.11441 for the merchant
PAPER SAFES. Mlle way as tho other vegetables
;about an hour and a half or two
itoura before serving Utile. It takes
.• I I 4411.•
by Struggling' "'ten Of ,them longer Ook where ct is done
NAY 11. 11 leen tO MAIM it ShOIRe. '$o slowly. A large spoon of rice or
The comlitious of ittUdettl improVeS it. I:arleV should be
forth hone the Golden Cat' of the. of ten talents on for the clerk of two [1 Text of the Lesson, Acts mit.; hal& go. -en rcse to a Curious oecupa- enaoed over eight one needs to cook
tion-thet of the man who sells hale! long time. ICeep the witolo cover.
111,0 e Side ley Nth. we Latta, et -en hint that bath not 1-19. Golden, Text, 1)te.
Nein Ot clitronee of New Shall lke taken etway vete§ that whiclia• xxxiv, 7. ootion "tee." ,Lit,,e other oceopa-;eti with water, and if it nee& thick -
Vol h narbor bechoo in10 the Nes- ha bath' I 1. Now, about thiti time Herod, tions io Must brisk' Ill tlit'so Pros- ening at the last. do so whit tile
• Weliel'141{4t0 Pci wee the Star There ts. howo,ver. a w•trning thet 1, the htug stretrbed forth hie hands to herons tinge* anti galoIag briSt- either relined into butter or
tuotttrhena to the tbreo ot,trolotterr, comes from ta:„. tather.6 iIlteI*' un vex certain of the chtly04 and he. urss ae the limes gain lu proeperily,*stIrred jute cold water slowly.
w „mferirg ov,,,,r the &tuft pheiltion to nori: Whitt dirser‘v,,S.L.11,1 )f job Fireproof his srtfes ore not, nor poniptioetoehhete alto the halt/idyl;
so* seere v:e Levi. 447•ert: compote- the attt ation 01 'art Most" who are., vith word banglatoproot. and a sharp hatcl'et toneit to a stew* They may Imp made
ienship. Tbio world berolues leetante 1 etnrnit their I Inez' mental 1-111" et le ti ti t ti e tho '‘rurld wal'e "1°.Qrt wurls Pt. them, tar of entire wheat flour. 'ratite 1 14 the
rom the me e
ty 11.,Itged it) two con tehn cont.. stelateual entente s to eve-emelt:et mord,reee tow ime t Jowl „do, 4n. they arc 143O0 Of 1110thlOg Iluire or /lour. .1 teaspoon holt. heaphe.,,,, tea_
aeled to let bio promo atnong Sinne:laing i,treh. men:res% ,Nicant rim it ion ow heart. of tt ain to mu. lees thao paper -macho. •
!spoon baking powder. 1.7se setnieient
'Me thine;S and Wini Is‘..M, a WOO- Mia:":1"' Years ago the tirst dun%Abel ite a., ever qhis holed The ilulteli°u :mf". ""Pli°c the milk tn ndx stilt °laugh te rull trll•
32 mere etrenimen sertice n, 1;er "-Ulna% Ives Hatt' when itestmeteht. t t. , , oovie
„. 1„%. wantsmn•Y el
of I'i•.-Ablrilintents wIte Handle as little as possible Poll
work 1 would. with 111* *1 ono- hug of his bed and to leV and ume.
141.e z'larl furth 1111CW fur 3* Ill" a Inden" ntte4410. " lite? teliter his worst weapon, deNth
Pla4.4* tit 4"iiii". fn eNler39.1 cookie cutter. Mete. ou to( 01 *th
• 414P1'44VIII•C414 144.1.S..41.4"4. 414 take
. • • • • about it inch thit•k and eut with 44
twil, ask a moment for the tootle 4)• .14.34t Sleq,10, ;Stela ant...* night Flo. sou ot uo-ti Hfrows.i, '/I''''‘;,40au 1.4.10isi and inteilial inakit-ap they are lihe stew anti non hard for 12 inntotm
14.'"u4;41 aneethin aS 1.1111"la hlutke W°111d n11 f°14. thneh dav for tIantee. for he wee inetaully the real article' In" 1"stena of ohm- Or then Inner be steamed over a. leen-
to Ewalt in reo.00tee sh„,nitiot,„ „ welting the door. Aqui' awhile 1 ; oath the tiorn le the clout tenet of ed steel totti huge iron bolts CONN th, of hot water. The stew ttito.s
noon" avor. or ete rea-
er, ellen vein fellow theft," ;Foltiti greet him 411. brealtenee Gate. Plano flash' dr- son is the better way of cooking
My father was Ate. -Father. bow ;‘,011 spell ?*, :111:t1.4!1.04.T‘:inthebeelaitult7i:eleldeesd1170ii.tlij:11,eatroti 11-11418dIetselelitillot4t;., tt(1)11131.i:sl's' they become ex- them.
alai yet the most natural 1 eVer4411411 .WhVIT1 12(‘ "."‘T;"rell• “N4/1 WV"' tete peter Anzio. posed to atetnal tom+. or to tire or Lemon pohninweapile home er 4
Iowa,. original in tit,. ealrie tivi-1 hp Wen. Wilitid 1001. SO fre,11 nom rassoNer time. 110 Lehi root. ,to some aecident-ewhielt does not of- (tens, cap 5tigite, mint. pt
taw ays vipirthirg woy igoroos that we, too. were decei v.. i in ni,..on tower the care of four come ilOPPOls -""
"Let me. 1 pray thee. kiss my toile- :.ebildrrn "ed t° it' the eery. Sur better. n`tal P°11shed 4nid //fg"Qn b°118 them 11 d f tl t
bread crumbs, 3. teaspoon butter,
and the grated rind of I. lemon. Al-
low half an hour for baking. When
well done, spread ol.er the top a ley-
• tr of holy, and add the whites of the
ter, his marriage ceremony v..1%5 un. Ids reserve of strength. ?dry father; pleased to crucify the Lord jesos '121"A corporations are ornamented • '
. eggs whipped to a stiff froth. sweet-
Ifine. It was impeesible so comparto oneht to have theft with that meg l them.
he eeoomofrett ,"ahli; I profess to be doing God sevvice. w'llelblud 4. relied P 'with the juice of the lemon. Then
_,__ ancl stone Stephen and n.11 the while
Min to anyone else. The tnold used Weent hoiW at least fifteen partition the hire ened with 1 eup sugar, and flavored
Tor the formation or hr.i etutrueter. :finger. Mid would demise an expert,bet in get-
riff I Vet God Bees, the only lieing and ting 't bet '' d ' 1daha.e set iu the oven to brown slightly.
s a epeeial one, There lia9 never: strength the bost years of his
Sopa another like unto it sinee he lay might 'lave 300.24 those last line + l l . ' God,and nll power is Ins d - 71' lin is Iv there
the - --e
et 4 He permits these 'thines to be, and lies" lot prying eyes w°1°1d soon no -
lis humble eradie in the i en•ere. .• that it, was by no means the
!Ile is not, discouraged, aid the king- 'tlee
BOUND Bitoox. EmourousE. ', 1 , 1 u.n i Lo. . at. Llx.m.K. ,,doms of this world shall v 1011d
t et be the °' . ' '
•Ittair it purported to be.
Domestic bereatement fell intuit :I. kingdom of our Lord and of Ilis S° it 18 deliVered with all the
'Vet my father VAIS natural in the
hina and people who saw only his1Chrtst (Rev. xi, 15). We ean do pant leg io rm a lit y the t attends the
seuse that he inner strove to be ori- outward cheerfulness had' no eon ' what the church did for Peter, earn- 'real safe on its travels. Great
tinel and different from every one .ception how deeply the won hod eu-,estly and unceasingly cry Unto God planns guide it to its resiiug-place
Plso. It waS in his personality that
, tered his soul. Wizen no; father was and be reach- to lay down our iives ane huge ropes and blocks and tackle etoth-is ready for the irons A is
ne was different. Ile was the same in • . • •
are actitiously strained and tugged dipped in boding water and partial -
dying he continually talked ab011i for Christ. the home as in the pulpit, on the br wrung out between two clothe.
the boy who had betm his pride, hie. ii. Peter was eleeping between two at by real workmen. in greasy blue
!Areet as upon the lecture platform.
‘ le was the same original and yet so,epolg by soldiers hound with Iwo chains. blouses and overalls before it passes il;lolenY a.asr. eh iXansracpaindliermizaiedil
eldest son. who 18 1401V 1 i
his side as he once sat at his feet. I A double guard, a strong prison, from the truck to the corner where
iiatural character when writing to The,y are beauti-
He was a noble lad, a brilliant Chains., gates, and, as far as human it is to stay. All this is part of the without scorching.
oue of his children as he was when carried fully glossy aud stiff, as if starched.
young lawyer. We carried idm ont vision could eee, death for Peter on contract, and is religiously
penning an article for the press. Ile Now that the refrigero tor will
one cold winter day and laid him the tnorrow, yet Peter elept, and out•
uttered the message which was gi‘en soon be an important factor in the
away to rest under a s4)ft , 1 lint of doubtless quietly, for he was in Pelt the workmen are part and par-
-to him as naturally and yet with housekeeping again, remember it is
the dissimilarity that characterizes nuaw' My father went back to his Ohribt and Christ in God. tree wall cel of the conspiracy. which Mater is
work. Be said, "I dare not lay it of Ilre wee round atboet aim, and generallY innocent. The deception is : economy to use plenty ol ice. The
the notes of the birds .of the forest. colder ;the refrigerator the less the
down even for an hour lest the elTort with him all was well whether he re- harmless, for neither mouey nor I -411 -
.es the brown winged thrush lifts end ice will melt. ,One bundred pounds
to take it, up again should be too maimed in the mortal body or uot uableS is long left in the safe;
his treble note when he is awakened i put in twice a, week will keep it al -
great . for Me." lhe took ep his (COL iii, -3; Zen. ii, 5, 8: Isa. len as for books, papers, afid the like,
by the rising sun, as a goldfinch ehir- ways cold. A small piece put in
• • • , . the tame cheerful, hopeful 10). It is grand to see God and they remain in these wooden contra-,
. erase m s•
h'rent from 4"1""1" 4.4(' Ile wet" (44 nnd tce w°11141 1mile that 110 bud:patties of soldiers, inteuding utter Who buys them? Well. the young
ieetured doierently, he elent better than lie the...ght he did.
.that season to kill hint also to still and struggling latvVert 1110 preten-
preached eieerentitte two perm", , But he rould net he !mimeo tc, , Ler plea,se the Jea,4-some the lions real estate agent, anti Oren of -
stood before him at the telptial al- "Pan' er-rstimated !slim uo doubt who were ; flees of •loolden" and highly-capital-
Itisnrs TO 11011$1KEEPERS,
The Prench know how to make ev-
en an inferior quality of table linen
look well without the aid of starch.
'When the lineu-napkine or table -.
PP . • h
den rows, as a Baltimore oriole sings spirit as before, though the wound not, circumstances nor people ; to see
when he swings backward and for-
ward dpon the tree branch which
overhangs the brook, each bird is
melodious in his own way, yet each
singing a different song. He was so
different from other men that for
many years the American pulpit
could not onderstand him. Under
the scrutinizing eye of the theologi-
cal critic there • could be found no
heretical flaw in his sermons. When
he arose to preach, a solemn still-
ness like the expectant hush of the
coming judgment day silenced his
auditors. Every eye was focused up-
on that straight form and
bread, maeolve bre*. Eadh ear was
alert to eatUi. the first word which
fell front thoee wondering lips.. But
In Ins heart never healed. He always circumstances and people only
carried a scar which was cut by the through God and be still and know
gratettligger's spade. Yes, he had that He is God (Ps. taxi, 10; Rom.
his tro)4bles, but he always. main- viii, 28, 20.)
tabled a brave heart and made the 7-0. And, behold, the oegel o the
most out. of life by being cheerful. Lord came upon him, and a right
My father's best sermon was tha shined in the prison.
daily life which he lived in his own Before Peter could realize it his
home I bear my testimony to the chains were off, his sandals Were an,
fact that from my boyhood Until the his garment about him, and he was
time that I entered my own parkin- following the angel out of the pris-
age and was ordained by hrtn for on, the soldiers still soundly sieep
my own pulpit I had before me the. ing, but Peter thought it was all a
example and upon 'me the sweet in- beautiful ...yision Which God had
fluence of a Christiaii home. There graeten him 'How great and glor-
never was in America a happier or ious is the ministry of angels who.'
more prayerful home than that Of mirister Onto the heirs .of-solvationi -
which he was the head.' The child.- .i, 14,)
ren idolized hint. The example he 10, 11. When Peter n'as COPM to
hithselfe he said, Now I know Of a
set before them was that cf a con -
though the bitOldings in which he secreted Christian gentleman always
preached in our -own and other lands anxious to do what c.lerist would
were alwaye. ceowded to hear him, have him do, Then?, WZI 110 bitter-
thoue'll great multitudes were ness in the nursery. From him we
learneo how to forget as Well as to
forgive. Anineg- all the nem 3 have
known in various walks of life
never knew a human being who woe
like him ie the eloiracteristic that he
could never 'hear a grudge egainst
any one. An enemy might do every-
thing in his power to destroy him,
but my fa.ther never struck back. If
he could, he would not only for-
give, but he 1.voulel go any distance
brought to decision Sor Christ under
his preaching in the Brooklyn Taber-
nacle, where he passed the most ac-
tive years of his lii'e's ministry, yet
tor years he was a misunderstood
111118 '1
he swept away all the cobwebs which
hod accumulated around the tra.di-
‘;lonal methods of sermonic oratory.
I47,1 (.11 h ts Might y original personality
be broke the shackles or ecclesiasti-
cal Sin.very. .1 re proved to the world
tliat, the mile -eters oC the, twentieth
It was bee:mese my feeher's se rt
century conia plead ter Id ;inners to mons Isere t ho 'Products of- a i
00010 to Chriet with the 03,ergY and Jailed lite that the millions were" able
valleys Only long enough to give the
proprietor an opportunity to take
thexa elsewhere.
Advertising helps the business man
daily is of little use. Keep it
strictly clean, but do not scald it.
After a scalding it takes twenty-four
hours to lower the temperature to
the point of refrigeration.
In washing the woolens, blankets,
'Tablecloths and napery of all kind
when removed front the table shoulth
bheavcearebfueelll e:;Qintitneed,d, two seaenyif
Stable that have been. made by kohl
Of vorimis kinds should be retneved°
at once. It grease spots are snowed.
otodorreall'ittaralletsilinenYees•Pre4dilvaellnd wtahteeivi;
spots do serious demege to, teble-
edIrleTbieffotey thaely‘e cnoomte tinh°pr°os":111)11Ye "
contact with Seine article that nta7
rust them. Medicine is alweys a
Meneee to linen. Different kinds of
stains require different kinds of
treatment, and when fresh tnost.
them, may be removed by simple and
harmless meosures. Many stains will
mildew and they connot be renteXed
without An acid or au alkali, which
injures the linen.
A spot of coffee, fruit ink°, or red
wine may be removed at once if it
A not nitowed to set, by stretelting
the cloth or napkin, as the case may
be. OVer 41. howl and Pouring boding
hot water through the discoloration.
In case of wine stain, it is often wise
to cever it with sett before scalding.
When the wet spot is bait doy it
611,4:41a shtezeciesrosnfuedn. Orrecainseals,epdotawaig
1.7rencia, chalk.. Ir these spots are not
removed. strong salts of lemon hos
to be resorted to or SCRIO stroog
bleaching powder. which eats the
fhalte of lemon. however. 11
used corefully, will not inittre 0
tablecloth. if it is rinsed out hunted-
itttely after being applied with hot
water. in the case of fruit stable 11
it. PaIt•ltilltbftrInitilelretesi slai7ens tpelle'oesoliclet' 07,
ways be iroue41 on the wrong side to
throw the pattern in relief. Liven
embroidered in colors $110111(.1 be dip',
ped nsud down in tepid seapande.
awl. when hale dry. ironed. All
tattle Men should be ironed when
half dried, as it gives it the desir-
able stiffm5s. 11 starch is Used Only
what is known es handliercidel
starch shouln he resorted to,
to reach out for others to swell the etc., preparatory to putting them
volnioe of his Present transactions away, rolnelnber that soap makes
and to help to make the esteinish- flannel yellow, that hot water
meet, lively arid trade 1 interesting, shrinks it, and cold water Makes it
harsh. Ne.ver pass flannel from hot
There are those' who do not now
to eold water, or vice versa. Do not
trade at a certain .place who might
do :so -if the matter were Presented wring flannel hard, and do hang it
to them in the proper way. The
best thing is to study how Alta pro-
per way eaa be. hitudy how the
where it will dry quickly.
Grass stains on white goods can
generally be removed by the use of
largest nnreher eau he tzoneflted cream of tartar and water, or aleot
what you have to offer. The havin,g• 1101.
of things which. woold be desired by Bureau drawers that stick are of -
the average person, one the selling of ten more difficult to endure than a
them at a price whieh will be appre- serious troubleit is worth while
surety that the I.ord beth sent His elated by the averege buyer, will to stop an(1 remember that to rub
angel and Mali delivered me out of give to the merchant standing in the the offending edges With a cake ef
the hand of 1 ferod nnci from all the community, But to depend on peo- hard Soap; a bit of stove blacking
expectation of the people of the ple ending out meeely by the memo,- or even a soft lead peretil will make
jews, metelatioe of friends that thie mer- life world living again.
On they went past the first watch chant is giving better value than 11 the windows of Ota.' poorly built
and the second, and the iron gato others is a slow way of advancing. hoilseS rattle at night aggravatingly
NEWS ..64.1101.1T
ceurrences in the Laati, %bat
Reigns Supreme in the Com-
A motor (WO engine bas been order.
d by the Town Council of Metes.
A Sittinghourne fishmonger Is rep
:ported to have found 25 pearls in.
side a mussel
The Withdrawal of the half-
penny buses throw 300 nten out al
wet* in London.
Coronation handherchieft, ha‘e Wee
placed on the requisition list of tint
London School
For the seventh year in suecession
Lord Salisbury has been elerted prop.
ident of the United Club.
At the Board of Trade during Feb -
miry reportn NNW° reCCIVed of the
loss of British vessels and 88
Foneoven oetogenarians ore to be
found OltiOng the inhabitants of Chit-
tlehandiolt, a small hamlet mar
Pive chaploins° tommiesions have
been placed at the dispoeal of the
Wee:lee-an Army and Navy Commit-
tee .by t„he Wor
Beautifully grained beg-ente is now
Mame dug up from Yuttley Von. near
Peterborough, where it has been em-
bedded for centuries.
An English veglateering .firtn has
Just secured the contract for the
supply And erection in Northern
China of a large limn' MM.
Lambeth guardians have decided to
provide the nurses at the work-
house infirmtvy with a free library
of works of light literature and book
of reference.
At Greenwich hospital the Painted
Hall, from which the hheleon relics
were stolen, has now been converted
by the authorities into what is prac-
tically a strong room.
The Duke of Cambridge will eut the
first sod of the Itlid-Suffolk Light
Railway at Westerfield Ju,mtion,
Ipswich on May tird. The new line
will be forty-two mites tong.
Two life -buoys carrying food and
Water, aS well as lights which appear
autoulaticall3r the moment the buoy
touches the water. are now being
fitted on eaeh of the British war-
The provision of open spaces
throughout the country and the gen-
eral planting of trees are advocated
as appropriate forms of memorial
in connection with the coronation.
William Roberts. of .rolkestene,
threw. himself in Croat of the.Loodon
mail express as it Was runitino
through Dover Herber Station to
the Admiralty pier, Ile Was iustant-
l3r killed.
Monty -five thOusand bulbs of :.e11 -
low' and white narcissus have been
Planted in the floiver beds of the L. •
C. C. gtu'dens on the Victoria ein-
bankment and in Leicester Square,
The Liverpool pollee ore invepti-
oeating the death of a WOMEM 11,110Se.
body Was found. in On asbpit in. a
street off Seotland Road: it is sup-
posed that she was searching' for roL
fuse. fell into the pit and was un-
able to extricate 'herself.
• In order to preOent suicides on the
London -Central Railway, the com-
pany has removed. the planking' at •
its various'stations between the cen-
tral rail and •the line next the' plat-
form. _A 11 yo nolivho jmnps front
of a train, must; it, is stated, fall
to the recess thus formeO.:
It is likely that the price of mistle-
toe will be considerably inereaSed
next Chrietmes. A large quantitY is
importea hit° England from. Nor -
Mandy tied Brittany, and under A
new law all landOWners :France
are forced to deStroy any Mistletoe
growing on their trees..
opened. of its own. nocord---perhaps The oilost' desirable way ie tell„a in these sprieg winds, a few slips of
otherangels swung it open at teu
e lerge number in a stw
raightforar4 folded Pn
alter will stop the oise and
epproach of the angel TolloWed ''.1y of the large oneviegs wh 1148)7Peter - and still on they went lie expected to interest the average
through one street, well away from buyer and those offeriogs e) -
the prison, herore the angel left Pea1 to that person who can be Oa -
Peter. Then., being left alone aed terested. Tell a story of goods and
finding himself 10 the night out on a worth nod economy'. Keep at the in-
etreet of the city. he began to real-
ize that it was no (benne' bet that
he was aethally a free man by the
m pOW er ; of an angel of God.
12. He caine to the hoose of Mary
bring peace and slumbc.r.
Few housewives WhO,poshess flee
table 111100 know how to instruct set.-
dividnal, the average man, iitttil you vants to care for it. It is one of
000 ralirt18 coming, then 11 you want the most delicate of 'household ac -
to keep things eomieg your way cessories. It eneounterS nine times
keep up the fight in a way which out of ten after it is removed from
will keep thwa coining. the table, harmful ,Mishaaelling.
Old Mr.. Pacileins-''Ar-r-r 1 So I
have caught you kissing naY daugh-
ter, have 1 ?" Yotieg Mr. Cooley -f
"1 trust there is no doubt about it,
sir. The light is quite dim, and I
Ishould feel vastly tenniliateel if it
should lanai (flit that I had beet/
kissing the cool*,'