HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-8, Page 5gee•s•seeseemeeemer THE Ozeter oxio.cate, published. every Thursday Morning. at the Oftiee. Act.A.M.STREET, BXETBR. __By the-- AOYOOATff PUBLISH NG COMPANY TERMS SUSSORIPTION. Ono Dollar per 441,1MM if paid in advanee. $1.04 ft not so paid. z„azxrerts.oias.a. 7..?..tato oat, ,11.1:txpli=a, No ;),Iper dine:Matted until all arrearegesare paid. Advertisements without. epeeleeddireet.ons win. he ublished until forbid and charged aeeordingly, iberol diseount made for trenseient advertisements inserted Lor long periode. EAery description of JOR PRINTINO turned out in the nuest style, end at moderate mtgs. Cheques, money melees, &e., for adverthieg, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable Olias.U. Sanders, DITO11. AND PEOR rrofeSSional Cards. IL iiiNsliAN,LDS k DR. A. E. SINS.. MAN. ll.0.$„ Honor graduate of Torente TWISrTISTS* Te:th extracted without any pain. or any had effects eiti.eio &usenet; iveSt. bido Main street, Exeter. AL.T() ANDERSoN DENTIST Honor Graduate of Taranto Cniversyy and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago Sehool of Prosthetic Dentistery (oth honorable mention.) Allumlnam, Gold and Velcanite Platee made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly hinnie-s ai*. aesthetic used. for painless extrartion ofteeth. Office one doer Etatith of Carling Rms. store, lileeter. dice] Dn, T. IlatitER. GP THE College of rhysicians and Surgeons Ontario. rhysitian, Surgeon and Aecoucheur. Office, Pash- a -owl, Oat. rtr. Jolla D. Wilson. eilkv and ftec-klence. 29.1 queens Ave.. London oar. Silecial attention pald titils:asi,s wmaen. Office hems, l2441 to 4 CKSON 4 CAU41NO. EVERISTERS. LJ tam Notaries. Canveyaneere, Counelselonem $ eiters for Molsene Raul:, tee. 31ottey to loan at -st eetce of interest. Oillefe, Main st rect, egliasn. L if. 1)tessos W. tH,AOMAN, (Successor to Elliott Glad. plena Dar:ester, Foliehor, Notary Piddle Con. Ynn,er. rae. money to lOati atlowest:rates of 01111:.e. Main street, Exeter. oneerS BROWN. Winehelsea. Maned Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Sliddlesei4 also for the township of Csborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. $ales arranged at Post Office, Wincheisea, The Molsons Bank (Chartered by Parliament, 1S3S.) Paid up Capital. ..,$2,500,000 Reserve Fond- .. . ......2,150,000. . .ffeed0fIlee, Montreal; JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. Guna,r.. *MANAGER. limey advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per rent. per annum. -EXETER BRANCH - Open every lawful day froml 0 aao. to 3 pan; Sat- urdays 1.0 am, to 1 pan. .44- general banking business transacted CURRENT BATES allowed for money on Deposita Receipts. Savings Dank at 3 cents, Dicasoe &.Citniaso, N. 1), lirROON, Solleitors. Mannger. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. 1-/9 are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. SHORTS. A quantity of shorts A.. on hand. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SlAtEITZER Wore. Afit'r. Wooa's Phosiloaine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. $ix packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium. or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paokage 21, six, SS. One will please, 610wi etre. -Pamphlets free to any address. Tito Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. • Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning and .C. Lutz Druggists. EXETER - Real Estate Exchange, - The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, For Sale., Several Valuable Farn3s in IIAY, 17S.BORNE, STEPHEN end McGILL7 IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farras Watttoct. We have purchasers for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO David Mill, Wm. Bawden Valuator. Manager. OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New Block, Ex.eter. e: gr, rra - la a Constitutional disease. originateS in a scrofulous cor.dittor• the blood and depends on that condit:un. It often Melees headache az4 dizziness, impairs the taste, smell and bearing, ftiTee:s the vocal organs and diettirhs the et0Maelz. it afflicted Mrs.111rara Shires. Zatebellez- ville, N. Y., twenty consecutive yeaesie- rived her or the sense ot smell. made her breathing difBcalt, and greatly affected Ller general bealth. She testifies that atter she bad taken many other medicines tor it witheut lasting effect it was radically and permaueotly med. her sense ot smell restored, and her general health greatly improved, by Hood's Sarsaparilla This great medicine bas wrougbt the most wonderful cares or catarrh, aecording ta testinaouials volumfarity given. Try it. Children's Fertilize" That's a good name for Scott's Emulsion. Children are like young plants. Some will grow in ordinary soil. Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil- dren grow right if treated right. All they need is a little fel-- tilizer-a little extra richness, Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment, Fertilizers make things grow, That's just what Scott's Emul- sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow in mind, grow happy. That's what we make it for. Send for free sample. SCOTT & DOWNE, Toronto, Cana a. sec and $1.00; all &mots. Any YOr!if F-\ UnrS LIcatv a- TiTtvE. p g EXETER Ng ikETS. IA Li 4 FtEASON$ Ira Y cHANG.RD .ta-O.11 WEDNESDAY. .... Wheat.... '71 .SLIOULD SUPPORT THE EO MILL. THREE VIRUS rk!TE-rtr.,14Twor GAN-, '1144 °LItS.11 "et* rlsr^t31) *°T' " Barley- , ..... „ 47 IS BECAUSE -We bring the far - mem to your town and pay Oot. IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Soli a Fain IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sen. Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOTJ WANT Collections Made IF YOU WANT Your Life Insured IF OU WANT TO Ge to the Old Country BY ALLAN LINE CASH PAID FOR FURS. Gall at the Utidersigned JOHN SPAC EMAN, Office over H. Spackman's Hardware. Exeter. AititAx. p1top4uerves. (.1,1-att.X1:1. ORKS. HEAVY illtEAK DOM vta/prilES STOOK. The contract between the Govern- ment and the Ross Rifle ComPany has been signed and is now in force. Mr. Alfred Nevelle, of Hamilton, took a drink of carbolic acid by mis- taket but was saved from. death. SAD DROWNING ACCIDENT. ox SE. Tbe reeeess, Neatest ea Srieti to be OR Xo tire Most Moder» Standard, De, Wartime -Success or Um Virst Rola. ALL ST'OCKIS MOUE OM LESS Penihroke,May 5. -John Fitzpotriek his wife and his two sisters, Minnie and Fanny, were crossing the Ottawa River in a row -boat from Alinmette Island to Westineath yesterday, and were near Paquett Rapids, and .aboot ten feet from the Westmeath shoae, when Mts. Fitzpatrick became freight- ened and jainped out of the boat. Her buSband followed.to save her, and the two reached shore safely. In the mean- time the boat, with thatwo girls,drift- ed out into the rapids and upset, and, both occupants were drowned. The girls are daughters of Thomas Fitzpat- rick, and aged about :22 aud 17 respec- tively. True Economyin Well Regulat- ed Homes. ,,v41,-wmao .3alt Trip ffe"..r.nurws. Sanit Ste. Marie, May 5, Steel rand were made to -day in, Sault Ste. larie. file first rails ever made in a Canadan New York. May 3. -The developments mill were iqii.Ve.$:" fully run this aft-..-r- of the latter half of last wesNle in Wall , , , . noon. 1:te null will now run regaiurly. street, in, cOnnectien. with the stocks of _ The metal, aftrr banes biewn, is lam:tiled I lie Deesision Sceurities Company, the as* in the lie -t modern nettetiee b,y poems r,land Itaitroad Company and the lug tete metlide, the ings being etrip- . '-enseck ',Meadows Curapany result- ped sifter standing, a few minutes. Strip - 4 4 to -day in the announcement in l'aid ping is done by ware, a IT oreeirati ',11W.S,:ion. of the suspension. a three titilar n.g,et''"et Zrc'vt.d_e4 :Y14) ".. a'",,,I y tr,,Iloy, wittch /,, used to tnar,e stea. exchange brokerage houscs. The ' the lael-n. on the ladle crane. AO et' het,. iirm. to tlecUtl'e inability tO nied va,ssill.4 ozt.„-,,/,11, several 4,!..„, th?:-.- ere .bliglItions was Offenbach & 1.7)100re. tinuily wit. iiiiiied and coele7d, and Wad- tle•ary Drothers 13 -al Loekwood, Jinni 4 ed on ears :ier shipment. The plant is CL,3•„31.3v fellewch rarialy., . armee( a ea as tit) Landle a 30 or 69 Gii the curb, Nvlitere tame -stock exellanga foot reel, So.0 preende to tt,e yard. The securities are traded in there was 011 nua‹-bb:, ey ia sa!s,, eseeeesee leant is. all ''%(ts, il et -roup of traders'trying to make &kelt 1,..,... t„!.. ea:Ho. alai has beeu Ku. =4:Ics in NVebb-Meyer stocks. Dominion .nouueed f...,el.deeee. •.' Sem:lace, evIdele Feld last Friday at litiee, mad on 1-4t yddy t , .a.a_ fered to -day at 70,nbut thae ble0st bitlis 4. AP:CliftiSilli:' C011itIGAN Palm. iti'kfit,feidt roasvregic. -111!tn.a.1,1 Vta5 a . ows was offered at .10, wit/' 'Ile /lieu* ly 011 IN>refsezul:7Former. Frillay it .014 at 70 l' 1 o 14 . n Thj amount of the joint liabilities of 1.""'I'v_„Y4:12`e 11„41„7 5:7, rabi-'14,4/P ell!: the three firms that have suspended is 1 ngau 44'4 4L 44•"5 CI el'aCK 0'4104. 41" 1.lajui()Idlo81131'are:.tinTlabtreetle atthottIgntdo OT:c6 Ilinit i 1tVitiledUeilikli4::g It4(4141.11a, sge7rile t adr4tyY, rt:tdliter.1 Cat'ilr! 4/red and twenty-five shares of Itutlawl i ley, at iii,41 tectitrit, his heart gave way preferred were traded In during the daY 1 at n 0.,;,,,t;.. The ?,kiest Rev. .Michael from 86 to 05, closing at 05. For the 41.umh/ 42, on,,.k.,,,,,„, J) 1), was -i born at three firms four thousand shares of ac- I 7.,;5..warli, NA., la IB.44). His parents tiv° stook' wer6 '''e sold. -0"ring the ' came from Ireland. Ile was consecrated afternoon Mr. Meyer bad a long eon' Dislirp of the Dieee-e of Newark in 1473, ferenee with Mr. Creighton Webb, br.otle Ho wa ; later theses, coadjutor of (.'are er of Dr. Webb. dival 1101' '?we's pled when Cardinal Me - A Deputy Sheriff called at Pr. Webles . cue oivi Aeolpisi/op Corrigan sue - office in the afterneon, aceonmanied by l eeeded to ee See, of New York. i P. M. Ilrown, a lawyer, of be way. Tae The Deptity Sherif7 said he want. 141111 31Altli.T.T ItErGitTS. F.oe Dr, Webb on V,Velial ba-Ine3Q. e naive of wide% he refus.d to dia. ela=e, Ile deelined ti say whether or -nt lie had an ord:r of arrest for any - 01110, .31r. Meyce left Dr. Webb's olike early In the afternoon. I'pott his tarlval at his office down town Mr. Meyer Said that he bad. beeu unable to reach any agreement with Dr. Webb. Mr. Moyer smiled when aF•Iced whether an order for lii•s arreg had bten issued. but would Say nothing. Mr. Frail of the Stock Exchange limn of Webb 4 Wall, of which Dr. Webb's brother is senior partner, made this statement. on the Ranh(); ity of Dr. Webb, he said, shoat, before noon :-0,All. of the Rutland preferred stock sold by Dr. Webb last June, certificates of whfelt aro still in his name, and amounting to 12 - 500 shares, will be Eald for In cash n't 108 by J. W. Davis & Company of 100 Broadway." At the office of Davis & Company it was said that the stock was being bought in as fast as it was being presented. No further information was given out. Wall street conservative men were almost unanimous in the opinion that the day's happenings had d0110 much to clarify the Iluancial Atmosphere. The rally in Rutinud from the low point of the day followed the announce - spent that Vanderbilt interests had agreed to take up a block of those abares for account of some of the em- barrn.sed speculators. Until very late tuasight there was a secret conference golug on in tbe home of Dr. 'Webb between a number of ine.n who drove to the house in carriages. The identity of the callers could not be ascertained, except that of Creighton Webb, Es brother of Dr. Webb, who ar. rived at the house in a closed carriage at 11 o'clock. Dr. 'Webb was requested re- In well regulated hennes in city and country there are many avenues open for the practice of economy, but none so simple and satisfactory as the use of the Dianiond Dyes in renewing for wear old and faded dresses, skirts, blouses, capes, a ckets, ribbons, shawls, yarns and feathers. The husband's or boy's suit now off color and apparent- ly worthless can be dyed a rich and fast black, navy blue or dark seal brown, practically making new and stylish garments. The Diamond Dyes are the easiest to use; a child can dye successfully with them. No failures or disappointments when the very simple directions are followed. Thousands of ladies are now making up pretty Mats and Rugs from the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns. These patterns are favorites all over Canada. Sheets or designs ebowing the \anions sizes' made may be obte in - 'ed froin The Wells & Richardson Co., Ltd., 200 Morin tain,St., Montreal, P. Q. Send your add ess. R:oster-4:wittult Live Num .1.41 Lateskt Route, Moistly Evening, May 5. 'co:onto st.l.awrenoe Marl:mt. Tbo reeelptri wtve very light on the Stet 1 tai4thet this Invaang. Wives were Stle1,1141At-Ilras steady. 100 bushels ot white Elie: at 71e one load of rotor Iry I 'hoot at U7c iter bushel and one load ptott net wheat at Gnse•e per Lathe!. liay-Was limier. 10 loads selling' at $12 to Sia per ton for timetby and 41$.50 to .§11i per ton rim ciover. Straw-itorelpte were nil. The Visthle Sunntr. May '02 apr.S,' 01 Apr. 0, '00 Wheat .. ..89,328,000 53,S01),000 ss.412.ono Corn .. 0,422,00 21,000,000 :::3,0111.000 Oats 2,030.000 114100,000 7,174,000 Rye 1,011,0.4 1,112,000 1,2111,ou0 Earley 01/3.040 $410,0011 172,000 Wheat deercaeed 2.121,6e0 bintels the past week. Aeyeer ago wheat decreased 783,000 bushels,. 'toast:. Cottle Markets. Londe% way S. -American cattle, 7I4d; sheep, WA. Liverpool, May S. -Canadian, cattle, 714,d; trade slow, but Dm. Montreal Live Stock. Montreal, May 5. -There were about 70 head of butchers' cattle. SOO calves and 130 sheep anti lambs <Melva for sale at the east end abattoir ttetisty. Tbe butchers were out in largo numbers. and trade. was got)ti 14 stieht reoluellon In onAGN's alt round. Prltne hceves sold at trout Or to Olit per lb, pretty goad Pattie at front 4930 to alre, and the connuon stock at from S!,ie to 411te _per lb. Mr. U. 'Itirtel paid 7r per lb for nye very choke rattle on Saturday. Calves sold at from $1.:70 to $7 each. old sheep sold at front tele to 31.1c per lb. Spring lambs eold from $2.50 to $4.7o each. fat h .gs sod at fr...m qfie to 7c per lb, weighed off the cars. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 3.-Catt1e-1tece1pts, 10,500; exports, 10c higher; alters steady; 300d to prime steers, $6.10 to $1.11); pool; to peatedly throughout the night to make medium, 44.50 to $0.40; stockers and feed- ers, $2.-5t) to $.).2.4 tow, $1.40 to 85.50: helferst $2_ to $0; canners, $1.40 to $2.40; bulls, 2.2o to $5.75; talves. $1.0.0 to 0; Texas -fed steers, $5.25 to $0.25; western steers, fed, $4.80 to $5.75. Ilogs-Re- celpts to -day, 30,000; to -morrow, 17.000; left over4 2,500; strong; mixed anti butch- ers', $6.e0 to $7.25; ....cod to choice, heaN-7, 11.15 to $1-.3:1%; rough heavy, $11.110 to .10; light, $6.65 to $7; bulk of sales, $6.00 to $7.15. Sheep -Receipts, 13,000 ; sheep steady; Iambs, 10e to 15e lower; good to choice wethera, C5.150 e0.15; western sheep, $2.55 to $0:'15; native lambs, OUP - ped, $4.75 to $6.55; western lambs, $3.20 to 86.55. Montreal Grain and Produce. Montreal, May 5. -There is a fair local and export demend r oats, and it sold at 461et: to 47c; otherwiae tbe market was very quiet We quote I-Outttrio No. 1 spring wheat. afloat. 77e; No. 2 soling wheat, 70e; peas, 87c; rye. 62c to 621/.3e; barley, 57e; oats, 40pse to 47c; buckwheat, 671/2e bid. Flour -There Is a air demand. Cut prices have 'a wide range. We quote ---Manitoba spring wheat patents. $3.90 to 4.25; Mani- toba strong bakers'. $3.55 to $3.05; winter wheat patents, $3.75 to $3.85; straight rol- lers, 53.40 to 83.50; do In bags. 31.05 to $1.70, and extras, $1.45 to $1.55. Feed -Market quiet and unchanged: tee demand was limited and buainess quiet. Wo (1110te :-Rollcd oats. In barrels,14.65 to $4.70, and in bag4, 52.225 to 522,. We uuote :-Cntario bran, in bulk, 510, and shorts, $21.50: Manitoba bran,. in. bags, $19, and shorts. $22. .Cheese -The tone al the market is strong and prices are tending higher; finesf On- tario makes, 11e to 12c; finest townsalp makes 11%c to 11.1/2e; 5nest Quebec makes, 110 to '1.1V.j.c:t.9.pril makes. ifte to lie. Etter -Tho market was quiet and steady. Finest fresh creamery. 19c to 1042e; cream- ery seconds. 18c to 181/je. Provisions --There was a fair trade in bacon, hams and lard. but otherwise the market was quiet, We cenote :-Selectod 21 'to 5,21.00; Canada short cut back, $21. heavy Canada short cut mnessiessp,orlko,ng$22eut: 22.50; heavy Canada short cut' mess pork. The Elder-Dempstea Steemehip Coin to $21.50; heavy Canada pany complains that the Atlantic coin- deer Rork. e21; light Canada short eleer pork. $20.0 to $21: pure Canada lard, In 20 - 'bine lifts 'adopted it boycott against it. lb palls. 11,ke to 12e: Compound refined lard, till_ wood s, 20 -lb, 8:Xe to 9c; B •ar's It is reported at Coilinewood that Mr. cad. In 20 -lb wood palls, $2.9tya to $0.0a, Arch. Currie, the Independent . candi- and Globe. at $1.721A 16 $1.80; 20 -lb ,la date in West Simeoe, is about to re- pails; Yee per lb less; hams, 12c to 14e. tire. and bacon, 14c to 15c per Mr. D'Arey Scott, one of the Liberal Leading 'Wheat Markets. nomineca in Ottawa, has retired, and Closing previous day. Closing to -day. Messrs. Luinsden and Bingham will pro- Cash. July, Cash. July. habiy be the party candidates. Chicago , 701/8 .. 75 New lock 8"le Hon. James Sutherland is lnyine to Tel 85 -80, 84 arrange for a conference of Provincial Duluth, 1 hard_ 701/2 73% Premiers to discuss fisheries questions, Milinca-"Ii8 • " 75% Milwaukee 9 nor 761A 76 to take place in Ottawa oti May 20. neereae 2 're`d, , 87- a statement, but denied, himself to re- porters and would. answer no questions whatever. AN' IMPERIAL COVNCIL. Naval Experts Demand. a New Marino Polley for the Empire. London, May 0. --Some disap- pointtnent has been ceased by Mr. Balfour's refusal in the Commons to appoint a committee to consider all matters affecting Britieh mercantile marine as well as the question of sub- eidies. Naval experts, like Sir John Colomb, say an entire revision of the na- tion's policy is required in regard to the preparation of the mercantile marine for war; the Government should see how the position could be strengthened by means of reasonable subsidies on Imper- ial lines. The 'question was one affecting the affairs of the whole empire, and an Imperial council should. be formed to deal with it. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. The sewers Ly -law carried at Guelph. Fifteen cases of smallpox are reported at Westport. Listowel ratepayers have carried it by- law- to raise $7,000 for sewers. C'ol. Pelloat's offer to take the Q.O.R. .bugle band to the coronation has been accepted: An eight-year-old boy named Porter of Smith's Falls had his hands blown to pieees by a dynamite cartridge. Oats $7 73Potatoes, per bag, . .. 45 sei 700 • 11 00 50 7 60 1 16 100 4 75, 7 25 6 Hay, per ton............ Flour, per ewt., Batter.......... , , .... Hides, per 100 lbs Live hogs, per cwt. Dressed Ilogk:, • • • • Shorts per cwt..... .... Bran per cwt Clover. Red . Clover, .A.leyCe Dried Apples.. seses eese ;le 'aria TheGovernment, is not indisposed to St L ' St 741/2 80 72% male it grant to Captain Bei•nier to Dritt4h ilfar1 e±8 wards his north pole expeda'ti'uu b t . nothing Will be done this sessiouli'. London, Mayfirmer' 5. -Close---Wheat, on pas- sage, rather ou passage Mr. ArthurRobert Sweatman, eldest quiet and steady. %V b.eat, English aonetcy' San of the Bishop of Toronto, threw him- markets of yesterday generally dearer. , self in front of a 'Lyn in wn hile uder the Pl'euch country marketS quietbut influence of depressiou, caused. by tong 001 bad health; and was instantly killed. 0 00 1.70 10 400 7 00 1 0.5 SO 7s• 7 tiO -; e•-•• "I was very poorly and =Aid lardly get about the 1100.180. 1 WS$ 'zed out all the time. Then 1 Wed Snt'saparilia, and it only ..elt two bottles to make me feet well,"- Mrs, 1,S. Swin- 4 :eel', rad:4108, Mo. Tred when you go to bed tired when you get up, tired all the time. WIlf? Your blood is itn- that's the reason. Yeu are living on the bora/A' line of nerve ex- stion. Take Ayees Sarsaparilla and be c1,kly cured. sh.44142: .2,,,tor what bo thitigs et Ax 5 r IL Ai :7; 1, ile) liners all About Ihki 0% :444,P, ;,,k, &Maids aetnee alad te ne.n. ra Ctie.1.awell.1405S. ▪ -4-4417,7:744,1,W:ere%W4-.-e=, Ten ears on art eastinaltitil freight -ain on the Mivhigan Ventral the aek on the bon neer the rand River at Cayuga and wete hurl- od into the water 5I.1 feet below. STOPS TUE COCOU AND WORKS OFF. TUE COW 1.1Q%*1* Me meapieieeTeeleteaseres0 &lb14ene - Ime, Nu riat.l Nu Pr.. A fire occurred in the Union Stuck - yards, Tomtit() Junction, In which about WO tons of hay and several inuldings Wert, destroyed. The loss Is about $7,000. TO CURE A. COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggis.s refund the mope.). if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Oroves' isguature is on each box. The body of J. B. MeDonnough, a Montreal commercial traveller, who bas been missing for SOW months, was found in the river at Prescott. Express :Messenger Robert Murray was killed at the Stewart Street State ion at Hamilton, two trains wedging together an converging tracks. NATURE SMILING WHILE THOUSANDS SUFFER. Paine's Celery Compound them cash for their gram aud thl-y leayeagotal eleare of their tooney with the merchants of your town. B.E04.VSE-We have ii large silos inseet(4 in tbenuUhig business of your town, BECAUSE -We elltploy munber of enen who ail ht -e here, mall we pay alkali A good suu itt wages each weals, the lutist of their money being spent in your town. ; side mifls don'ts 0.atside fag: Izet. :eV* et ntirre+ der.Z BECAUSE -We live taere'and fr,r,!lt help support your churches d and schools. ECA:CSE- We have reduced the prives cif our goods considerably since starting blilbicess. BECAUSE -Exeter Ster ,F7oter is the roost reliable family Meer in towel. and will wake better bread and rialre to tile saefi 14111011 any other family flour in town, A trial will couvice any good leutt-ewife that what we say Is right. ECA.USE-Onr Pare :AlitnitobaFiour is the undivided product, of NO. 1.11ard Manitoba. Wheat and Con. tains all the nutritions substance of the wheat berry. put up in 100 pontal, bags and branded "Pure MallitOint." - E AUSE-Princess Flour iehoice pastryi bas no equal for floe pas. trycooking,one half L ss Alerting required. when using this nom; MIS 1110.1)18 3. Sfittg ha money. Earvey Bros. essors to j, Cobblediek & Son. The Great Spring Health Giver Makes Sick People Well. When spring comes with its gentle showers, its balmy air, its bright sun- shine and bursting buds, it too often brings to our homes scenes of suffering and physical decay. The seeds of disease which were bit - perceptibly germinating during the winter months, have developed. and planted in the system dangers that now demand our itiStant care and at- tention. Neglect and procrastination will only deepen existing perils and lead to death. Before the advent of spring, you must have noted symptoms, perhaps of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, kidney disease, liver complaint, func- ticTs. al irregularities of nervous disor- deIf you have experienced pains in the joints, muscles or limbs, lacerating pains in face or head, stomach derange- mi ents, bile, dislike of food, pains n back and loins, swelling of hands or feet, frequent urinating, with highly colored mine, loss of energy, toepid liver, vomiting, of impure blood -any ofthese are warnings of disease. Take warning, sufferers! Delaynot another day; hesitation and indecision on your part may forever seal your fate. If you have already made efforts to banish your troubles by the use of other medicines and the treatment of physicians, and these have failed, we counsel you to put your full trust in that never -failing disease banisher, Paine's Celery Compound. Its use for a week or two will cobvince you that you have truly commenced a new existence; it will assuredly give you the health you need for the enjoyment of true life. Mr. A. Daignault, St. Hy- acinthe, Que., writes as follows: "1 desire to say, that had it not been for Paine's Celery Compound I would not be living to -day. Five years ago I was taken sick, and suffered from dys- pepsia and catarrh. For three years I was unable to work, and would lose consciousness several times a day. I WAS tired of life, and could realize that death was my only deliverer from suf- fering. At that time one of my friends iii•ged me to use Paine's Celery Com- pound, as all °thee medicines had fell- ed. After the use of six bottles I tun LS well as ever Wove in my life, anc can do a full day's work. My friends Pianos and Organ ()PULAR PRICES A.).:D EASY TERMS Or PAY MENT. P MOS. We R.11 the celebrated Holtzman. & Co, Piano fThe Art Piano of Can- ada) the choice of Royalty for their tour of Canada. . If you want something cheaper we can show you MHOS of ether makes which will bo no disgrace to the Most elegant parlor. . Sewing MacItittes. In sewing machines we carry the New WilliamstRa5 mond and 'White also needles net/ sopplies for all unch hies. . Muslc The latest sheet MUSIC always in stock. CALL AND SEE I'S. S. MARTIN I'aris, May 5 ,---Close---Wheat, tone quest; eay eiere is a 'miracle, ies I es'as sure- . , MaY, 22f 80e; .eptember and Deeeleber, le- condemned to die, I thank vou for AaL n. red winter, IVA.f. your Fs On elf1.11 lifesgivsng me icine," OUR REW PREPhES. We have moved into our new pre wises opposite the Central Rotel and are now open for business. Our pre- mises are modern and we give you modern and up-to-date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally. . . . . . Cut Every Garment That's made tip at this establishment -as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are =oder- -ate. Gent's Furnishings . . . ....eane and see us in our new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings Bert. Kniceht, jGoolea Cotton Boot Compouna Is successfully used monthly'by over k 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cookie Cotton Root COM* pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger, 53 per box. No. 1 or 2,mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. or -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggiste in Canada. No. land No.2 are sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug- gists. The Whole Story In a letter: airt-XitIey (rxmaT From Ciapt, F. Loye, Polite Station No. 5, Montreal :-"We frequently flee Ponav DAVIS' PAIN-IKIT.i.nu for pkitts in the stom- act rheumatism, stiffness, frost bites, chit. blains, or antra, and all afilictioua which befall men in our position. I. have no hesi- tation in saying that Pars-Lenemn is the best remedy to have near ahead." Used Internally and lixternally. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. Alex. McDonald, accused of cbtelcing his mother to death in NoVemtheralII00 Was .1,c,cluittecl at the Ottawa Assizes. E. A. Cawsey, contractor of Stratford, ivas killed at Rerifresva srricl- cable breaking, and a heelvy timber falling. upon hun'