HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-8, Page 1.7, na .1,,orre FIFTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY8, '....cccactoscc(90(=accse1.1111.1.0«r. 1902. C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR. .A1 FEW LEADERS! . I'St. Joseph N., M. Contioe, Mayor, of St Joseph, who has been twer prospecting since before the New "tear, has returned with his usual amount of brass, but nO gold. He has however, an unusual Itmount of promises .(even for bbri.)- 4adies COMM Night g'bums Rev. E. Jennings and family, of Bay- field, visited at Mr. Robt. Taylor's on Friday and Saturday of last Nreelt•- itaving hemstitched twice(' yolkes; embr.iklery yokes,low neek Mr. N. Masse has been appointed chief trimmed_ with, embroidery and insertions, high neck triihmed with lace insertions and finished with. Sevilla; yokes of blind embroidery 1 of police for our flourishing burg.- Messre. S'. Taylor and J. O'Brien, fence with hemstitched tucke. Priices ranging from • ."•ee„•*4''' „ ceen * "•''.i "°" contractors, are this week working in the vicinity of „Parkhill, where they , have received a large fence contract. -Mr. R. O'Brien, sr., visited his son at Brncefteld. on Sunday- Ravine- deep embroidery ruffles and insertion to raateh with (Milo tinder fatorts. —ete---- cluster of helatiehed twice; licenstiehed frill with insertion and tocles; Grand. Dena lace ilia and insertion to mateh with fine liemetiched tuchs; two rows _„. of Very Wide embeollery railed. Ali haivi doer frills combined. Each Mrs'. Dielcson, of Parkhill, spent a - ' - - - - - -" -- - efelionf blabeeteri,assptewnra,.4.4. Iere fassti line good value, Our prices from.. _ , _ _ .... . . _ . „ , , „ , , _,se Go to s2 no v. 3":,_ weeks- Me, A. Maud was in Parkhill White ;Cantlwie Drawers in Lin -elate cambric'. hemstitched on the 5th. -Mr. Hilinilton has finish - and 1tmbzo1ey ruffile at .... . . ..... „......... - ................60e. a pQ11 ed stewing and is now busy Planing.- Mis.s Shettler, of Daettwootl, passed through here oneday last week. --Otte See our Leilies Blouses in linenhitet4 colored. Reeve, Ur. Willed spent Friday hem. -Mr. Ed. Gill bas added two new V Corset et'... 15. 25, 3is mid finets, Ix nbitrett-ifitatiS'etili7haellITIV:MTIgh4".111110%, Eoef %Pt. Frania-Everebiely ehould come to the Bend sin Mav 25th. Racing. POPLESTONE & CIARDINER. (laminae end beittbq will be the paste • titne.-!'31r. and Aire. Wilson. spent aro ries a eeudtsl Poet Offiee Block Situdey with Mr. and Mre. Smith. _ 1 Mt. 13et Ibidt spont Stuttlay in Dash ... XIONEY TO O4041iTt : WOO(.1. -3h.. Jos. Brenner is erecting a ranton f model pig pen. -Mr. Jos. Ravellespent we beve manepmerseee e:Med extrate fmadn for lye: Mrs. Robson, of liclertou, is Win", Sinfday nt S. Joseph. vestmeet aeon name er valiena icrilrertY' 4' ,:i very ill at the home tlf hr bro ether, ci loweet rotes of interest. • .e% i Drosson & CAnt•INO% -I Wellington Direnuele.-Mr. H. ItL I Da4.4.1e.404.4.0te,„Eeetee,4,ee. %wove, oe petrolea, WaS the gneet r mte weree:glilitelealltee, WbiCii?tglping to the . , • sON'XY.' TO WAN. of Itie brother last week.-- Anatlaanntml, new snennme agm, ten air tee Fee, °canton boy IllSgfmn to inin the ranks sanasedn, 't. •14) hie bead against a Lave a Urge ;menet et' erivate fussed to of the brave lighters at Senith A frit% ' Ii 1 rn,eiden !muting inn hetid loon on tam sed villase evapertits at Jew !Mr. le White eidieted at Woleley Rate F. W. (Mamma. 'Not s lenteon to join thofnm,th con. reeelved evveral other linalsee.--.11n. pito %Ala terest, hee. Dime proprlieer of tie' Victor= tareleter.Main Street Enter et,ire'roln„--Minscs 414 Heuee te 1,4 — risAnrolari. where they intend to rte "pee- "%"13''''Fnila "It I." Mr•retnam, side in fature.-Mr. S Meltenzie left C.4414 4,7nlitil;,.1.1:.e. ent.4'sn'tristegelike,' prmeaaene EV.14:•%-r Etal relalealtiformaiz\ e VIM !hist. week for Manitoba. 1 eel a euertse in the roe. -Vi,ork has raze nee %anew pall -KW( rrtz ardil cti ' re-rA,nallo tem-, •rw-rraldwel.(k4laNira far Ealr, Started OD tlle leW lMethOtliht, ehureh brats in parlh el Mate'llo'ha razi lictlfel4i Centralia in Ude place. When onopleted it will t r $C11001. REPORT,. -.The fullowinx are he quite an addition to the village. • * 0 Renate Illt• nallaVS of the pupils in ffi. S. N. 1 Rev. Mr. Jotter% IS going to take charge Stephen, who have taken the highest of St. James Paiglish church hi this va, 444, 4..4z444.4 ,,e4,4„,e:.044nn.2n2 auF, Innnn ' minks in their respeettel classee, for plitee. A former pestor 'was Rev. :i i. velem peg rat eeen nee ven teetieeeeeereeng 611, Mniith of Apeii. The names ate% , Brom, :dee, now of Ilidgetowin -Mr. in order of merit. V.-- Fleella Raker, Geo. Lewie, wed:tering from an :Week Clinton Hogarth, P. Windsor, A. Hen- of typhoid fever.. -We are Out to hear bum. Sr. IV - Edna MeNgtoghton, • Mat Mrs. Leopold llodgins ts recover - Rose V% ilsinn Warren Mitehellaleetor ing froin an attack of typhoid fever.- 311tetwil. Jr. IV. -Flora Hepburn, Mr. Richard Canning has moved from Clarenee fluidal), W.J.1104;1118, BOOR the Johnson idoek to Mr. Clerk's ter - Windsor. Si:TM-Joseph Hearnan, raet.-Mr. Geo. Andrews was in Hen - Harold Dupla% Frank Mitchell, S. last week.- Miss Hail, of Ildertonovits McCoy. Jr. III. -.Toe White, Charlie the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Citneting- Grafton, Mierray Elliott, Czar Wilson. ham, here, Met week. * Sr. u.—wimit sims. John Demneter* "...Velvet) Celifits, Gordon 'Wilson. Jr. II. -John 'White, Lily Robinson, Nor- man Wanton, Alone)) Elston. Part 11. -Archie Robinson, Flossie 3Iorti. mete 3fargery Hepburn, .(Instin Du- nhill. Part Morrie freeman, Ed- die Sluts, Hazel Hicks, Flossie Davy. est;t1.3TnieN:eronTeXL. ), Trachms. tt „en t; icirto,•nto%he,er iturene,h the mat Teat es laza nee a Verprne. Wm. Qz-ssrus. meneeee.weiseeweveimme11150140/ p 1GS }Int 5U.44. Leine Enna% acreeere, front pi= winning neelo going won o and Loam fur tale. Order quirk. inqvil!. uen invitee. Alto one how, one p.m* •ehl. Polt- %Reit hi/rd.:telt Worm otn-cn, erooraee land. Oogirt of lIevidort, gitta that. the Court at Ree41-11 Pr ow aven%oncot %Rot the township ot Stephen, r.:41 hold 24)44e81 meeti4g. for tee me -eat e tar, in Um t.,4%n JiuIl, t•redit al, en Friday, May ;Pith, al, the ht ur of riefebek 8. to, Crediten. Noy zee, Ube, Enzbut, Clerk. preete NruTICE. ....- Take notice that 1 havo applied to the Liernse Connui.41oner. for Smith littnin, fertile rriviiree et tratedetinit Inv hotel lieeme in the village of Shipha to Auto 14.1fanum of the came plate. Any ob- hytion against the maid transfer 18944. 181 lodged _with the Inspertor on or before the sth day of May, nest. liated at 1.41tiplia, this 2.1111, day of April. Hee. Janse ifszoN. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notiee is hereby given that the partner.* here- tofore sub.isting between II% the undersigned, Al saw.millers and lumber intrehonts, in the township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, has this (late been 41/4501VOti 45'11111tUai eonsent.All debts (ming, to said partnership are to be paid to Valentine Hain at Ithiva. Ont.. and all elaints against the said part- ner*ltip are to be presented to the said V. Bata by whom the $ame will he settled. Dated at the township of Stephen thii inth day of April, A. D. Intel J. G. Sunsenv, VALnTEVE PAT; Witness. .tons Just Arrived THE New Soverign Shoes —FOR— spring and Sifinmer. The Latest Styles of Last and Toe. Also a choice lot ol Men' s and. Boy's Heavy Work shoes, at prices that will surprise cus- tomers. • Eggs taken in exchange, or 5 per cent. off for cash on •Boots and Shoes. 'Jaimes.: ofadl deoriptions always on. hand. R . SWEET, Treble's Old Sta,nd -Stanley 1V1aeanieoeleele-A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at the resi- dence of Mr. John Watson, on Tuesday, April 29th, when his second daughter, Ada, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. David Dewar, a prosperous young farmer, of the same township. The interesting ceremony was performed by Rev. 1. G. Yelland, of Bayfielcl, in the pregence of only the immediate friend e of the contracting parties. T1A1 bride was becomingly wned in white organdie, trimmed ith lace and chiffon. Miss Lily Mil- ler, of Clinton, assisted the bride, Mr. Joseph Mossop being groomsman. The young cormle are well known and highly esteemed, and their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy life., . Ilensall Chas, Chapman, Mrs. E. Ronnie and 'Miss Kate Chapman, who were attend - mg the ma rriage of their brother, John, to Miss Gannuage. at Chatham last 'Wednesday have returned. -Mt', J. C. Stonetnan is putting an addition to his house and also erecting a veranda, Mies Ethel Murdock has given ttp her position at J. O. Stoneman's store and .Miss Blanche Petty has taken the situ- ation. -Fred Pile has recovered from his ecent illness. --'Joe Gibson, who re- ceived an injury to his Inuit, while working at Air. Thompson's last, week, is cm the mend. -Rev. Oliver Coleman, who went to Manitob44 three years ago, is expected hoine next week. -George E. Greenslade, acconipanied by his grandparents and Miss Greenslade has left for Bayfield where be has rent- ed the River House. -Geo. Ingram and wife, who have been residents of our town for some months, left for the coast. They will visit in Seattle with their daughter, who is ill with con- sumption, and whom if berstrength is sufficient, will accompany them. to Vancouver or up the mountains with the hope that the change may prove benefinial. -Messrs. Geo. Trott and James Petty left last week for the Old Coinitry, the lend of their birth, They win remeln. till after the coronation, and will likely return about the middle of July. Their many friends wish them bon voyage. -Mr. Dan. Bennett, of Zurich, has accepted a position with Mr: W. Welsh, and will in future re- side here. • • DIED.-Mugh sympathyis felt for Mr. and. Mrs. .Jno. Cetrinicleaei over the death of their little ehild,Georgina,. aged 18 months,5 days,which sad. event occurred on Saturday. The little one had beeu ailing for some time, but was not thought to be in any particular danger till within a. short time before her. clee,ease.. The funeral took place to Rodgerville cemetery Monday. PRESENTATION- AND ADDRESS. -On Friday evening the good people of St. Paul's congregation held iesocial gath- ering at the residence of Mr. Ben Ken zer for the double purpose of welcolne ing their pastor and his bride and of giving tangible evidence of their ap- preciation of the earnestness and zeal of Mrs. Doherty in connection with the church. This took the forrn of a beautiful Onyx table, which was pre- sented by Mr. Wm. White, and the address wasread by Miss LaTousel. Rev. Mr: Doherty replied in behalf of Mrs. Doherty and thanked the donors for their handsome present, assuring them of the unexpected pleasure it had given .both Mrs: Doherty • -c-ind himself to be present with their friends on this occasion, and to receive such a vain: able token of their kindness and es- teem, and that it would .be a source of great encouragement to them in the Master's work. The remainder of the evening Was "pleaSan fly spent and af- ter refreshments had been served all repaired to their respective homes, Stephen The following 144 14. correct report of the standing of the pupils of S.S.No. 3, for the nmeth of April, in the lienitn• classes the report is based on the ex- aminntion held during the month anti themimes of the four pupils 5V110 ob- tained 'the highest standing in each elass published. In the junior classes the smutting of the pupils is deteetnin- ed film the seat and class work. The names are ;twanged in order of merit; V.-Litura Airy. $te IV. -Asn. Pen - hale. Chas. Sanders, Homer Bagshaw; Jr. IV. -Clara, Beaver,Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis and Willie Triebner, equal. Sr. III.-Herbie Beaver, Edith Parsons Minnie Sanders,Eddie Willis. Inter. Hicks, Tommy Sen- ders, Violet Woods, Earl Box., Jr.III. Harry PArtiOnS, Ralph Willis, Annie Hicks, Harry Widmer. Sr. 11. -Lillie Woods, Cecelia Ford. Fred Beaver, Tommy Penhaie. Tele): per, Geote Hicks, Gladys Dearing, Sherman Willis, 'Nelson Stacey. Sam Stanlake, Geo. Whittaker, Fred Pres', cator. Sr.Part L-Johunie Willis and Earl Shantou, equal, Preston Dearing, Chester Parsons. Jr. Part L-Ena Box, Fern Dix, Florence Triebner and Edgar Weurth equal, Olive Preszcator and Ada Willis equal, Garfield Stan - lake, Almer Willis, Gordon Sanders., No. ou roll 55, average attendance 51.5. FRED SANDERS, Teacher. Dashwood The fine weather during the past week has enabled the farmers to push on with their work. -Mr. Fried, of Parkhill, was in the village last week taking orders for the life and works of the late Dr.T. De Witt Talmage. -Mr. Henry Eclighoffer, of Zurich, was in the village Sunday. -The Richard Pickard Co. opened up their new store ,here on Satuaday.-Mr. .Alex Zimmer underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hospital, London, on Wednesday last and since which time be has been doing well. -Mr. W.-Eidt, of Elkton, accom- panied by Miss Alma Eidt of town were visiting at the home of .the forraer the past week. -The home of Mr. D. Hart- leib was gladdened on Saturday by the birth of a baby girl. Mother and child are doing nicelv.-Beware of all kinds of fraudulent fellows and also of the Pharisee whet slandere his neighbors without a cause. -Our librsemen all started out on their rounds this past week and all report things looking bright for a good season. We could almost have a horse show in town as there is quite a number of horses own- ed here; no less than seven, four of which are roadsters and three draughts and all very good specimens. -It is thought and almost assured that Rev. Henderson will give °lie of his lectures in the Evangelical church here in the near future under the auspices of the Y. P. A. If the young people here are fortunate enough to secure Mr. Hen- derson those who attend will net go away disappointed,as he is a noted lec- turer, an eloquent speaker. and with all a fine man. More particulars later. -Mr. John Hall was in London Satur- day and Sunday, returning Monday. - Mt Bernie Cunningham, of Khiva, was in the village Saturday evening. -Messrs. Louis Adams and James Baxter, Jr., leave on Tuesday' for New - Ontario. --Miss Bagshaw was in the village over Sunday. Zurich Ushorne Mr. J. G. Stanlinry, of Exeter, was The following is the report of S.S. jn L°" Wednesday eyening.---Xiss -.'eZcs, 6, for the month of Aprit, Names Catharine Bill, who has been absent iu order of merit: -V. ---May Jones, Ila from town for about three years has Delbridge, Gertia Miller. Jr. IV. - retuned agaiu.-Messrs. 0. Hartleih., Flossie Francis, Olive Berrylrith Willie awl O. GRA intend netting Peddling Veal. Sr. Elford, Vera rigs on t he medthis sunirner.-Miss Washlewn, Othella Heywood. Jr.II1. clam Sararee, who has been residing antes Coven, Laura Godholt, Vera in Michigan for over a, year. has re- , emery, Sr. en-Nena 10)r-woos:1,ewin tureett.-Mr. C. Fritz IS busily engaged Keliet, Annie Elford. Jr. II.-Lillu 111 the erection of Ids Heywood, Jack ZiES011s Oeorge EL'S' PoilVf 11 party was tendered to Miss eon, part IL -Annie Wasn't, Ella John Creery, Jennie Camphell. Clara Waeleburtenx;a.crvil Ji,jorLhztvLs.tlITmeatetief.r-s. Kellett. Nakbeiner at the home of Mrs. Pritz, prior to leaving for her new home Sebringville. ReieFinkbeirter was presented with a watch van], from sevenal of his congregation. - Court was held in the town 13311 on Monday aftemoon.--TbeW. C. T. IL met at, Mrs Jake Mernee'S On MODJay eveninte-Miss Simla Seaitleof Detroit, Mr. Ilaiew asoori and Mr. Portiee, is vieitinglier parents and otherfriends 401 •Strathnti. were vieitiug Mr. and on tbe 14th cou.--Mies Petrie, of Lon. Mrs. Geo. Easson on Senday.---Mrs. don is be littlest of Mie,s L Willbuus. Easson and Mree Portiee returned to -Mies Demme Doan is again able to their homes in Strgtt ford Totesday, littera to her ditties a teacher.---Itev. after spending a few *bye with Mrs. Mr, Yaeger moved to town last week Eassop bere- 7 Mr- Ed. Clark bus pr e' and preached his first sermon on chosen a kaninsomo new buggY---Air. (lay morning in German and English Peter Gardener. our former eeacher, in the evening, Large congregations paid our borg a flying visit, on Smelt y. were present at both set vices and the -Mr. II. Brown was in feention Toes- discotwees were eery MIMI appreelat- day. -There is le big rash on in wire ed. 'We trust the tea* of this elturch these davs. Our inerehants can't net will Woke Ain in4 Mrs. Yaeger fed at It fast enough. -Me. lien tfl4fl l484s(44 hOlne 444 Melt' new Held of lebor.- on Titeiday next for the prairie pro. ezre,,lohn *IMO% who tete been on vince, with a carload lenees for M*. the sick lie, we are glad to say, is bet- T. Handfeed. of Exeter. ter aeatin. -The farmers are hese-prun- ing their fruit tree*. The trees are huddiug fast. ;)low 144 4110 time to way your fruit trees. Winchelsea DrillSieYe Alr. janees Weir ate ived home from Popular 1 1141 last Wednesday. ---The Masons started Mr. John Lewis' house lase week. -Me. Fred Harris bas gone to Louden to learn the painting. - Qum terly meeting was held at Westea chin -eh Sunday morning, and go the wet -Ring was not, very favorable, the congregation was not els large as en- peeted. Rev. S. Knott preached * splendid sermon. -We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr.WillterEvanse of Aliso, Craig. veho died on Moodaye 'May 5th, aged 29 years, 21 days. He leaves to mouru his loss, a wife and two children. Mrs. Evans ligte the sympathy of all the friends. -Miss Hudgins was the guest in. Miss Lizzie Seell Oft Alonday.-Mr. J. MOirgan, has moved into Mr,. Gem Faualer's house, awl he intends building a, Wick hoitee on his farm. 11e511. --This week it hemlines or: sect thoty to reeord the death of Mr. P. Bitekley, of the lath concession, of Meliillivray, who tiled On aisnniaY, May 5th. Ile leayes a wife and family who heve the sympathy of a large circle of friende. Clinton; On Virednesdity a pretty home wedding oveurred at tin) 110IT448 a the bride's parents. when Miss Mar- garet Flialier. wae joined in wertloele fee E. 31eleaughlin. of Ooderich. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. A.Stmee 14441 445 the preseztee of it few friends of the contraeterne parties. The m li Vsborne Council. e Omitted pretty in ri• dreSs Of White teak - cannon met may 344. .01 the mem.. mere. carrying a white bouquet, knee _ tele Were preseu t. 'rho minutes it the §, tese:s lateilst.tedwiltise 1 d.. 244544 asidimhzirliyer es,:t l'ellint011 last zateethea were reed and approved. ,„`‘,„*A '''.1 «le toXzelA)34,1:i::tli*i'elele4flt lisit.--'MQ 'r. Yame:i `711?:44:1:141r tunt'ItT:4B411'4'Ill'iliral:'ltsw;'illl;tit'It 1 "*Ilw'4; "'v. g"iii""tn W." (14.1.). TaF• te. 84 ilit AI ..oril .4 . , 1 0 , le . 0 en g ie. ' ' lor, of town. Einttry ii;:e PVT•rtefl a flue large $11ttee- 3! ,eenrtie'netr ,i 2te, rIfeo% DI ti Wrrd 2anti ibylaw NoClin'tonFrrday there WnS a m t1eTaTiors1411bis dswmobwmgthmtmmooft4,gsmaulheeded* eese44 aelgauess. LII 31m21 40 14 11-554 o„„.*i„nert" eor pathuresWi passedegniel nd eileablenteetTheniht preeo- ttlaitki6n1a0/' 14 ti1111n-3/4•;/41111:1,44/.1: bg,llemVt (Setehectti.ftiTee Cootim of Re Vitsiiin 4Ow ,a midaegr5.n1(UeAdlar g1.""';"2ve 1I"41.enelfeUeMin lheld wah a loneed bggy.trek towain a 1-3%Tm8"Twelidn‘lieoitandAttutyafter ne%Offebog the mute,,, Net melee' •111110 Ali at ItI 0 %gawk ra. in. lilt ter elle to II. Das le. and, atterwards foemeely %1 this place. Iris limn engage The touter of the Sttatfoed lb itigtel tO JthillizAttli k iiit•ii. $125 was the price a br 'hi.'" 14g1IP: 141 make clit'°43e 1.111r" and bon Wortte Co., to build on (*on. 1 untried. but On was moved tirom and 184 the ""n5/141. s°198111" at et1"11"k" 34er"8t34117.;111:4uf4tngevt,t1.r,11a'n4, ytea nWta'r.ren Truse rvetedillleibaru.lge. ate 2 iel peid 1t411 the deal i1d+1Mr. Joh.ns((ste.m4eg, re43„e7k1)i‘14441t etlit,ippendspeXtitineal. thebelateto i44next*lybein dayfor wirdhrape.wherehehaseito,,et,ptte '-'4.111 "1 ,s wwtesitsplis hnetl4411 44 in the eneaarmeremeeyforarea.eeptedTlw bridge to Ie conipletetueantimeand fotal Met t bhund mu,winJ.twallay.left fdrvAuguset, 41''. II aecounts to Itainilten 4: Ilailday'sliVery coover,itt...last week,uhere 4e,i.wv444)14.% .1 AM 4.4) {1l'4? in pa3'.1elicit. Olt the arrival ofMr. Ilaninten, wawamalzathstma,aswatt. Conneltheadjourned toSdlnwerreteulnext morn tonittneve.14a3(%3(%;'4144has dnwth,r- %mt. of Revieion. • ing brought up for tad before Mayor the railk drawing 45( 110' 12th and IlthF. Monet= (lege Itekeon. The eyitlettee WWI taken; concessions of Ushorne to Station A ., the Mityar committed him and he WaS here and has commenced his ditties. - Farquhar. taken to (lotto ich for sentence. Mr. Wrn. J. liazziewood leftlast week it .....- --.........--- Tl ere has been a mei deal of oreh- for Linea% wheve he has accepted a sit- awl hinting m this fatality thisspring. IT eh. ,. We wee) Will tee SOON TASTBS STRONG. mum with .11r. Parks, general Men- ,--elli , Menem) 110W resides In our vil- , ery sneeese log.'.l -D. Walker. of Rueseidele, who as he has levn a general favorite here. IA he contract for J. Thumb; ntlw When Intetermaleen, unfortunately - Mr. Clate. Duffield happened with a nom , blig; hvoMM WM* (nt 14.,,,1-iitn011/ WO nay of thte'etennion butter colon; an Switzer's where he was assist- • now on tile market. they soon lind out Nase bad accident a. few days ago at Mr. Cam bell had his ham raised on Fri- day eel ineloriand id's on Saturday.- fllitf their butter lesemues rancid and ing Mr. Will IMPS= in taking CM Mrs. John Hewitt is bark agvan from 1 strong. Win gutin fee the etumner.-Jas.Gard- WELLS. RICHARDSON G CO'S iner bus had a Ilne fence erected iu hunt of his plare.-The Templar: Will IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR* g never causes the butter to become van - hold enopen meetinthe third Tues.ied. On the tontrary, it =luminaday night in _'141V', -.-'.I. great manearldei4140Ia1445.444)1'4)1'athebutter fordivappointediett• heprachng matte, and gives thegolenJune ed. VIM 1111V0 been discontinued here.- Mr. John Pollen, our old mail carrier. tir.oilIstt211„%1,11tte. Druggists an& is in 1 very critical condition,although "v""'''" ` A-7- ''''''''' at tit ee of wilting is somewhat better. - -Mrs. Peter Cooper ien. Tuesday for enerns. her n eiv lunne in Regina. Mr. Cooper win 1 wet her at Winnipeg.where they .Tenene-In Exeter, on :kraF 2nd, to will :spend several days. Mrs. Cooper's Mr.j'and Mrs. Geo. Jewel, a daughter, sister, Miss Naney McCurdy, accom- 4 afrailiev-In Exeter, on May 2ud, to panied her. -'-Mr. George Pollen, of St. 4 Min cold 31rs.Riel a d 11 h - i r ... urp 1, 14s044. Marye, drove up Sunday to see his neneesie,E/B,_en Dasnweee, on May fartii..:ra or MRS. GARDINER.-Orre "in ,i411,,,, ' ' - ' e e a 3rdi to Mr. end Mee D 1.1 re ib, by one the pioneer settlers of this sec- - - n- --`• . tion are being called to their reward.o MARRIA.GES. This week another has been added to li — the listof thoee who are only gone be- fore. 'We refer to the death of Ann McDtleeten-Cunecie-In Exeter, on 3I14 ' 7th, nt the James( street parson- Battison, relict of the late Peter Gar- a_ge Miss Kate McDonald, of Essex diner. aged 81 years, 8 mouths, who Ce Ira, to Mr. Thos. Creech, of Exe- died OD Tuesday of this week. She with the infirmities of old age. The DEteLm April 29, Mr. Frank Denorny,to Anse had been in poor health for some time, suffering from heart trouble, coupled v-Banorn-A t St. Joieph, oz - deceased was highly respected as a Annie Badonr, both of the Saule. friend and neighbor and the deepest line, Hay. a sympathy goes out for theDecaes_AVATsces-At the residence th famil bereaved , of e brid , ee ye s parents, Stanley, l , . April 20, Mr. David Dewar, to Itfis Ada Watsou, both of Stanley tp. Coeetneoux-Hrecensox-In Bib-he:An on Aril 80, by Rev. Robt. Rogeiss,eit' Newmarket, Mary M., eldest daugh- ter of the late James Colquhoun, te Mr. Foster Hutchison, of Chicagee timber from a driving shed. IN Inle 11511144114 wroug banded axe he missed the timber and cat his foot lutilly,split- ting two of the toes whiehneressitated (bight htitelies, and it will be sometime before he will be out agein.--MieDavid Hemp met with a serious accident last week near the long eroeeinglq. Marys. The 1101 848 shied at a whirlwind of (hist mut ditched the buggy, throwing the occupant out and injnring his arm. Ferguson dressed the ann and Dave will carry it in a sling for ashort time. Crediton J. 0. STANIICILY, 11. at., (formerly Collins &I 54a )or) Barrister, Solleitor, Notary, 4"08rc31.nevr Hem to Loan -Exeter. Ont. Lila Friday was Arbor Day. The scholars were busy cleaning the sehool yard. In the afternoon a game of base- ball VMS Oare11 between the principal's and Mies Dow's rooms, which resulted in a ;wore of 35-15, in favor of the prin- cipars scholars. -We are glad to -hear that Mr. Levi Stahl is recovering from his recent illeess.-Miss John Evans and men, of Exeter, have commenced the brick work of Mr. .Tno: Sweitzer's new develling.-Beelsteak is away up hi price andthis will have a, tendency of making us eat less meat. -Miss Laura Rau, of London, :spent lb few days with her parents during the week. -31essrs.Geo.AlantIe and Henry Kuhn have each erected new kilns for burn- ing brick and tile. -Fishing season has opened again. Bert and Trick are kept busy looking for pike and suck- ers. -The Misses Dow and McCallum spent Sunday in Exeter. -Mrs. Her - 4441/1U Oestreicher is visiting relatives in Howell, Mich. -Messrs. Henry Motz, Finkbeiner and Nelson Winer left for Senelac, Mich, last vveek, where they will woek on the brick yards this summer.-Murnps are quite fashion- able around.. here. -Rev. Geo. D. Dam te, the new pastor of the Evangelical Clhurch, preached his firstsermon on Sunday. The Rev. gentleman is a fin - entail& powerful speaker and we feel satisfied that the congregation will he well pleased with him. -Rev. Mr. Litt moved his household goods and effects to Waterloo last Tuesday. We trust Rev. Litt and family will enjoy their 11°moeu.o. ' P REon.a.-The f Sollow.ing pu- pils obtained 60% of the marks given in the examinations held in April: Names in order -of merit. -Division I. Class '7. -Edna Pack, Pearl Geiser, .William Finkbeiner. Class 4. -Edith Hill, Carry Wein. Class C. -Elsie Geiser. Almeda Finkb einer,Lilly Fink- beiner, Harry 1VIttnenus, Matilda Oes- treicher, Hugo Shenk, Alice 1V1elin, Clifford Huilils.ie A. M cCallum, Teacher. Division IL --Sr. III.-Melvine Bea. ver, Waffle Ilill,Bessie Wray. Jr., III. Laura Heist,' Frank Finkbeiner, Clara Ran, Garnet Sweitzer. Sr. II. -Ida Ewald. Int. Geiser, Ade- leine Finkbeiner, Ethel Wfay. Jr. II. Hilda Shenk, Edith 1V_Ittiagnus, Roy Fahner. ,isabelle., 0.Dow,Teacl•ter. Division III.-V.-Edu a, Eilber. Sr, 'V. -Ezra Oestreichern Emma Hill, Melinda Trick, Olivia Holtzmaen. Jr. il Mr. Mille. Hazilli°aewnnod, of Kirkton, has accepted a, situation as clerk with Mr, James Park. -Mr. Thos. Kelly has repaired his cottage and has also had the lot enclosed by a substantial fence. -Mrs. W. H. Stewart left for Mitchell Friday. Mr. A. L. Shipley, G.T.R. agent has nioved into the house va- eated by Mrs. Stewart. -Wednesday evening Rev. Mr. Haslam B. A., of Toronto, who is preparing to go as a EVANS-In Alba, Craig, on May 5th, missionary to China, and Miss Etches, Walter Evans, a ged 29 years, 20 days. of London, Eng., gave interesting ad- dresses in Holy Trinity church, Lucan. -Mr. R. St. John, who has purchased an hotel in Uxbridge, is moving his family there at once. The queen's ho- tel here will hereafter be owned by Mr. R. Ootirsey, who has been on the Loo - don police for some years, hut belongs to this vicinity. -This week we again record the death of an old settler in person of Frau cis Sacllier,aged '79 years and 7 months, the.sad event °miring at the family residence, Con. 4, Bid- dulph, on April 29. The funeral took place from his late residence ou Friday to St James cemetery. -Mr. Robert McFalls has gone to -Uxbridge, where he has accepted a position with Mr. R. St. Johns. -The following are the new officers of the EpworthLeague:-Pres- ident, Mrs.S.W.Gabson; lst Vice -Pres., Miss Maud Fair; 2nd Vice -Pres, Miss Cranston; 3rd Vice -Pres., Miss Maud WilliseSec'y, IC. Taylor, organist, Miss Fair.-- One of the most enthusiastic baseball meetings ever helcl here, took place at the Central Hotel on April 30, when the following officers were °hos- en:-Hon. Presidents, A. M. Campbell, John Fox; Pres., J.W.Anderson; Vice - Pres., Wm.Ward; Manager and Sec'y- Treas., 0, W. Hawkshaw; Captain, U. J. Murdy; Scorer, W. J. Braunton; Umpire, F. W. Porte; Connnittee, W. DEATHS Essox- At the manse, Nairn, on April 26th, John Esson, aged 81 years. Ge.anneEn-In Usborne, on May 6,AI:1m 13attison, relict of the late Peter Gardiner, aged 81 years and 8 mottles. Clennsw-In St. Marys, on April 21, Elizabeth Creighton, relict of the late:George Carter, aged. 71 years, 4 months. The Baby Sick? ., Then probably it's a cold Babies catch cold so easily and recover so slowly. Not slowly, however, when you, use Vapo-Cresolene. Then a single night is all that is necessary for a cure. You just put some Cresolene in the vaporizer,light the lamp beneath, and place near the crib. While baby sleeps he breathes - in the healing vapor. Cold loosens inflamed membranes heal., and all trouble ceases. It's a perfect specift,c for whooping -cough and croup. S Vapo.Cretolene is sold by druggists everywhear- A. Vapo-Cresolene outfit, Including the Vaparizeralt-i Lamp, which should last a life -time, and a boulea Cresolene, complete $r.,5o; extra supplies of Cro- Finkbemer Myrtle Hirt- Gibson, H. McFalls, O. Lang, F. M. .ene 25 dents and So Ants Illustrated booklet contaio- inephySicians' testimonials free upon request, Varc. Cassozzau Co., Tao Fulton St., New York, u.-s.a. zel. Claude Bluett Teacher. Smith and Wm. F. Ilawleshaw. „: