Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-1, Page 8SIRING GOODS Ideaaog is here, and the are showing "the tamest designs in lr 1<'> Ti6S, covri t6S and PA:aiTIN IS, aas#lviable prices. just received .lino. J. aliteheln"a new Fashion Plate for the present regi on, Hence I can give you the "test cuts for spring and: summer. W, TAMAN' ' ;tlaerclaaant Tailor. post Office. LOCAL DOING Mile idi pie is #►u the menu. Ili<its Exeter Star Flour its alrigl '[When 'palmy lmy Roar, boy good 'nonr, Tt's Fix. tee Star. \$help fortune turns a maiu dow otieple turn up their nose ;it time. Beauty is only Ain deep hut foram. tally it is,alwaays warn int the mashie. I There are always two sides toe allies• none -your 4:1wwu 'side and the *wrong; l :ale There- will lira n per'tiall a lipee of the 401 \ tealale'ib. . 1e "u ilelte Eau Canada. Spring; cenalld t illy lar milted She i ewerttaest ev ason ii: it 0",:4644"t for 1414e team'. II, #101'4111S. Mies Li y IIi<- tt, of Louden, has Sae. cepzt'sl as p o t:441 with:Tea - aglln44. a.oang CSdreamm.akvr. Ti l•fatting'ger etweRse'as (wed in GIe r- 11^'lal;y-, 'it nall+t take as relapse o"an the Wa1y. diver hale What a pity file main tbast, his friend* never 33nd out what a good fellow he is while be is living. John Iseppa►rte, of Drysdale, hes been inted Rettorning Officer for South In Vreviuclaal a leeetion. .it turd faeti g *Welt ;Meets ts se v people i, nudging; more than a developed ease of ]game es. ley would bac a creat deal more )le, if it tout; a nem as lung; to end it as it dart=s to make it. ©wing to the increasing deanand for Exeter Star Flour. we have been mom - pelted to run overtime to fill 4mi oe iters. 4.eenr]ina; to a statement in a hard- ware jnurnnl horse shoes are going at1l. When mule shoes stair to go up, ]Desk oat. W'bi key is ct loan's worst enemy and they all seers inclined to obey tbe scriptural command ••Love your ene- mies."' Thelost l] a ct andfrond purse ad- vertieed .ead- xertieed in la';t weevl sAnvoitea :lhaave been restored tee their owners. It pays to advertise. There is no better liniment for gen- eral household use than %Vivan s Lini- ment. Enquire about it. Sold by C. Lutz Exeter. Good housekeepers say that our Choice Pastry Flour besides being; the best, is by far the most economical. For sale at the mill. If worsen would always wear that happy eapressiun they do when they are having their photographs taken they would be angels. It may be true that some 'men are driven to drink by their wives, but there are plenty of men who would be glad to have such wires. Most of the fires now -a -days are caused by friction. That is by rubbing a, three thousand -dollar policy on a two -thousand dollar building. Advertising in one issue of a news- paper and waiting for results, is like planting aseed one mom entand dinging it up the next to see if it has sprouted. The season is now at hand when the bicyclist may be seen with bis nose on the handle bar incl. bis back curved Wee the spine of a tom cat on the war path. To-xuorrow (Friday) will be obrerved ocnterit Proceedins s,Mrs, H. Mills, Centralia, is visit - as Arbor Day in the l 'Exetereter Publis Council met pursuant to adjourn,-.� o£ ing friends in Exetez•. School,. went at•'1'#awn Ii#a13, April 2a, 4.11 pros- Miss Lottie M'IcFolls has gone to Sea- ' ve t has v i e est• llir4ratras of previous razeetin ; rend forth to aceept a situa><tion.' and cozafarined, larding--Muir--that The G#r rumen g;i e,3 notice that the Post otllce at Deven will be closed and cancelled from the list on nna after May 1Sth. Mr. Chas. Tom bas moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. Chas. Wilson; on Ann street, Mr. Wilson having moved into Mr, Allen's house on the South boundary, while M. Al- len has moved in with Mr. Geo. Hart ton. Mitchell will have horse races on May 24[b, whez3 $4;10 in purses will be offered, The program will be coln- prised of four events, a Free-for-all; .. 25 tent 2.30 pace; 2.33 trot, 2,40 pace; and runt -414g race. There will also he races in \Vaughan the save day, the tenderot Fred Gillespie, for street Mrs. F. W. Collins visited friends in watering and pumping water for all llen6,'allSunday and Monday. purposes, at 811.75, a week be accepted. Misse;Lizsie and Florence Carling Duties to commence by instruction of silent W. ednesday lo London. streetcomuaissionez Carried. Davis-- Mx, Wm. Pickle, of Forest, spent Wood -that C.,encil *goatee to Friday, Sunday with his p arents here. May 2, at i p,in,-Carried. Alps. Wur, hitt zkshaw is spending. Caro. H. I315ss,e-r, Clerk, a few days ill London this week. Reath oR Robert Spacer. 11a's, Ra1sk, o£ Qo lerici,i is the guest * .n old and well-known resident has of her daughter, 1tllse W. C, Ruston. been removed front our midst by the Mr. Wesle Sa eaarin, of St, Marys, is ueaath of Au.. Robert Spicer, at elle age ; •, ,� • y p of7tlyears and 4months. The deeeas• spending a fete days with friends .in ed has been in a very enfeebled condi- taw". tion for many months attrabnted to M. Chas. Liudenlield, of Dashwood, intirwities of old age. He was a roost is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas, xempliary and upright man in all bis Omni A Ranee of bei kali will be lalyed; ;dealings, an b and deep a the f fait b n sister Key, f nsz, $ricks visiting bis P deael'an high in the ezteeaaa of all his :the Ke �, o€ Mesiete, a. by the school boys vs. the town boyswood, F,.xeter on Friday afternoou at 2.30 .o'clock, iof his family and friends, He was la a North. being Arbor D h 1 Tl eing,ay atthe Se oo, 3'scense eenoreissioner for loony years Mz, F+, „�, 's acklq;an attended the being the first game of the season at anddisebiuged the dutiesappertailtiu ; I funeral of Mr, W. J, Boyd sit London' will doubtless revive the old owes en- • to the office with entire s.ttistaction, snows. thiesiaslnx that heretofore has existed. ill polities he wvas to staaunoll Retirrnaer 1 , P M1, F,. 3icFatll, of Seaforth, was the The Independent Order of O#Idfel-innd as cousistenG anriuber of .Tames 4e-•ieat o£ his dalrlghter, Miss Kaate, on ]saws aceona atnied by a timber of vis- istreet Methodist church. His remains !,;aWS0 - itis brethren, in all about forty at , were interred in the Exeter cemetery ! tended divine service in the James St. a on Sweaty, the Ret,. Brown conduct Mss Date McDonald, of Reeeeie Coo- :41ethodist church, the Rev. C. W. i fog tbefinzer al service. Ile leaves t#) the is *-,siting, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Iiob. Brown. preaching _anaappropriaate and sorrowing widow emote. over eloquent and luteresting sermon. h anal one a laughter who have the sy in- Mr. Wellington Clark. of Brussels, n emit gJ with The butchers of town gaud likewise paths of .nli, ra tent Monday night in Mown the n pr price townser of and nna alt A obbiliraised n ItIs eldom we are called upon to re. n Mr. i nd Mrs. Jos. Peart visited A 9 e it will go higher. Gboiee Bots bave cord the death of a yonang person that letter's sister le Seaforth last week, la''» ratted here front l:,o, to iacents ea has so profteandiy 4ai1r'eteti everyone i returning holm. Thursday. pouiaal, round steak 'ata 121g nod edgier d with sorrow as that of . Irs, a1 '. ,Li Miss Short, who has beers visitin. etas proportionately. If it eontinnes i llawksbaw, who died at St. Joseph's her tlatcle, .Mr. Frank Dill. leftTnesd ly. to go up beef will soon be as bigh as Hospital. Loudon, on Thursday ]last. morning for her home in Haaw tan. whelp the cow jumped over the moron. That one so young.. hal health to fall ap I3ere is A hit of weather lore thtat appeall,'luees, sail Id be suddenly called' erg front 1 rQceilit accidentey Oa a>e ar l3iers ay he useful, It is said that robins ;ewvaay fry the allg;el of death seems.;11. a,ree sure weather indlcaltors, and that punct incredible', iibo bad been ill scar- i ;1s to be ablae tai wiltk dotvai town if the robin slugs in the tops of the eely a month but her condition frons ,Ig lin, treeses eveningeloses in you Raw rely the start was so serious that it wag Mea atliser, who has been jiving tan fete weather the foliating dai'w', 11tD deemed advisable to remove her to the 'with 11f '.and fife's Theme Clarkg he+ro, uIatter what the as pearianees are, If, ; hospital to undergo all operation, The . len Saturday morning for British Co- on the other hand, be robins tosvartl u, operation wars��gaertornseii ►cath ►111 dtie 1 laltnliiaa, nightfall do not tiv to the tons s of trees Q Promotion and sltill;latal at [vias thought a1r. ;Vaal' Mrs. ildersata and Mr. Ed ti> sing an eveningson ,*you ma.- that her youthful energy and buoyant 4 w::rds, of Mitchell, spent Sunday in look for calming; lzsal weather. spi1its would assist nature in rrstormg i tow)] the guest of .the fot-nier's eon Dr her to her forme well-l;lana'n Ia1c,11:1p 1c buyer says formergoa"al health. but , a Anderson.[hat the Minae is taaaww= apple ww:hen i snbs#'draaexat :1tt:atl of Ile leaorrla;ige i'f lar. 3aiHmes ldonthron, after spending spraying shauld ate rrarnwenred, the the lunge prayedt4411 great for �k►c•R at wteb here with llissister, llrs. I£. H. as April,g . wad.,"wSt,l a real ea1aa11rla n :ont .atn#.ina., t „]liras. left yesterdayto resume his ww�hen ter he teal :literati 1 izu•liaa➢g, teeing nd tlul r°aalaa;alit a0➢t Pa. �,r;eal saw -il fat flee faille~ diaries as traveilur, tris cava proper time. As otic fruit g mesas act ,I ; A°►he �itret{ a . i #) '' "la}u h V ),l1Ast.ot ala•, Alt:. flim left here Monday, will b r3gal v ' 4►. - Year. • - v e ie Iatt ww 4 4.1: IIu ala ,4tln. ! ° iea,1. 4.41 ws,a City* t . 10 . ,� 1, a 11f r .Qal tlri„ ,, r. c a t, I td➢e- ieltld•t #l:anaglatt•a: aAf l�Qa•. ;arid 1�1a •�, f="a• t ay .t.a1 t 3 �, llatn, 110 will iacealrar- Fermin oath aaaa u hang *rill gulf] it . u , t,,.tus ;1 toed of horase-all=elain belittling to Ti. groe.atly to their0alvasaltaag;e total#aro'►eager• ,T DA1aa -la l.,1144” gala]] MN , f a ^5s,vga°.11 •r.l'aa„�*, lliaaallk#na'4l i:s far las t iaataap4;I. 1v spoke., il' the apple bu err a411a1 pieta j ` �titl,�a"1�int4 ntii ge nitro[ nein . heat" eta P res `lagan, +Olio h.41S been aaa:�wsdt not take inferior fesait, flier ekn voetomile »duelanbhglni; 0.!l`lbi si sa 404 1115 airmail ane ding eNaluhrlation Man mil Now is the time to get . tides will her many friends. Seemly h 11-Mt4114,4 , silent `i'auesllitia laa'iv rid o3 the rubbish, etc., that counts' two years aim she was mated In mar. = IAn gra ittel Eirents, One anal 'etre. Jas. faint 410 Me ever knows where. anti claage to Mr. li.awl;slaw to whom the T104aa. He 11401145 going west shortly. aseetimulaIItaes darling the winter season. lead 'i rreaavenuent is indexed a severe Mr item. Ilevwnird, of lesbdnaw. ue- Health #1iimaia1- the leua►w:41 awl tie -I! triad. as at likewise is to her parent% ,item oaniae4 bolds g 'and -flan •htor: left sOn etio n of 4111 primp e before the hot } who have the heartfelt sym aatlly of 1 1° elm .ries a - • e Clean ..,a. i g .l A wet htt a ;it 1 t t entire town anda 11➢t) ` 611 . t,a 11 it _ t. can e<tat h the lath t sa n . ng.l l llll t . 1.1na1 lin'at, tidy yards give a. favorable No written *words can convey to thein ➢Mata[:°- tam asci a town, anal Vieitote are Wiman's Cough Balsam can'tbesur- sed as a family remedy for Coughs, olds and Bronchitic troubles, espec- ially good for children, Sold by C. Lutz. A tramp of unsound mind was given a berth in the cooler Saturday and Sunday nights. and was removed to Godesrch jail by Detective Westcott Monday. The success of the day ` depends on the minning meal. Use our Wfeeattet. For sale by the leading dealers and at the mill, Flour and feed delivered to aneepart.of the town. Mr. W J. Sanders, of Killarney, Man., was united in marriage on Wed- nesday of blast week to a 16Iiss Powell. Mr. Sanders formerly resided here and was a son of the late John Sanders. During :the heavy wind storm on Saturday lasthe large windmill at the power house was badly wrecked. The iron frame abopt half way . down was so badly bent that the head of the mill •touched the grosead. During the hard work of the spring feed your horses Esaglish Stock Food. 111 will keep your barges right. Fox young pigs and calves it is the best andcheapest stock food in the market and is recomnlep>led and need by all the best stock raisers in, the country around. Weare receiving numerous orders for English `Stock Fond from stock raisers from d disthince, ,So14 by V, Yenta Bieeter, here Thanr'iiay last for 13rlghton, Iowa, where gat, Will v )sit his sister for sever- al weeks. the eomclalesl,:e cele"'[. in tht-ie he' Metter:, W. II. Durrett. 3..t. $tewilr. pr;n10 to think and speaak more highly half, me will words Miami them any i 1. !i. 't"ailan . Jos. Davis and (e. 11. a; town where they see streets neat meai.an'te #if ra'lact Irmo the sever]' , Sanders attended is Masonle gathering 1 where and china than i f a place Aced: / profound e el a as tartto 'c � . thing; h 1e asII111 r Y aln 1[11 i which ,#t Landsat 13n .�nesduy, the lathier fot►r•y. :tile strewed aaro;imlie lronsiseuous like.'" they have lost Walt 5ii)ie'etecl� no i tacking theeWettish Rite Degrees. It will b0 sad news to nli*Hy` here to 'etall litl►as frtt)er Ila took 1e14'rerre for $at ma 1 .' p' . Ilt•aar of the death of Mr. Win. 3. Boyd lar, autl ;terra. Win. Hale. [teeing .Ltt dont 1110 pale]][` x v ieli glee tel 1110 l b ,1 fey the lattaer s sister. Mass $.t oonl• 1 the"41.1""r° (.4°1°1°T" zw I , tr. ilcl.: t, P S t 1 e "Inn" tl to a0 Front FAY' e: `Iltl. • , Friday fetter Gtyga+t@L'l'. ,l'lxat il#1raL1 tl'il)tr.�e3 Af , , � ' :ri�'0etia)n ana� esteem Inc the tireeatssed, atiatiaay. Mia. Witte leaving almost laid upon the casket, were many and ` ld"covered flaunt her recent illness, of great beauty. Mrs. Piewves, after a pleasant visit a wvi i friendsh .ae 11 guesta f 1I1•s ltttrla9• I7orccagts for May. tlhere, the . J. About the ard, ofealay;, the date on Wilke", left lost week Inc \YIngll+un which. the ]moon palsseS over the e.'h•se nod. hems there left Wednesday sdaay fol the . lino where she will sin. her huslu►nd, tial equator coming neietitwiard, lo J Inc dterided rite of temperature, begin. Mr. and Mrs. John .glnnllcenn0 curd Hing, of worse iu wcsteriepartwraesellt• and Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Sweet leave e• , 0alav Thugs.: for Montreal where ing; in thr•0atening; Storms of thunder, t t 1 1 e 7Y „i• C • ,o they ` wt)i. take tl.. Parisian, ) . ., 1 4 it al.la of the `► . t 1 P T H 1 wind and rain progressively i c t . a 1 y 5 to mast about the Sid, �g:tli and :)t 1). It Allan Line, on Monday , net find sail ig quite probitale that an unsettled, if for the Old ('oaiutry. % ee wish thein. not etortuy condition of the weather, bon voyage. will cuntinne from these t'eacticm ary Mrs. A. J. Meravish. lir, emu and. storm ;iaay$ into and through the V ul• Miss ['Mara Hersey, of London, and Mt.1 ran storm period extending from the and.Mrs. Schoseltbrr'g, of Berlin, M1, 7th to the 2th. �l e would ag.iin call and Mrs. Arthur d' ,)s; i v o. i �i . I , la n , f 13rant- :ttteution tuthe fact ihatt.ht inautliedf fu:<l,lu,and .lir:a. IIT#•la. Hoskins, of May brings a tier of states. In Melia- Kirkton. Mie Il•aleriett, of St. Marys, tame of things this generates an abnur• M►: T. W. l3awksbnwv, London, were anal amount cant of electric and solar eller here attending thefts neral of Mrs. Welt gy in our atmosphere and usually Tlawkseate last week. ']rings an n series of very threatening Mrs. Emanuel 13issettand two chi] and often dangerous Storms. We e he. agree and Mrs. Wtn. Redden and child, lieve that a daily series of storms of left Monday evening for Crystal City, thunder, rain ani *rind, with heavy hail in many localities, will occur from 1Haan., -where they will join theta' hos about the 7th to llth :and that at the bands :and make theft• future house. final "blow out"air break. up of the The best wisbee of their friends here' cycle,a marked change! to cooler weath-for theh'fii them to their new homes er, with great probability of heavy for theirintlneprosperity; frosts northward are almost certain. If only one general storm should oc- cur at this period, the cool wave and frosts will follow it up innnediately. A reactionary storm period is central on loth and 13th followed on the 10th by the passage of moon over the teles - tat London, ww ho died Friday laet at bis nue in in that hty.. He weal the son of Poliee Constable John Boyd, of Lon- don. and eves employed forseven T e1r g as treveller by A. M. Smith ec t'o,, b0 - fore entering wvhoee employ he was engaged whit Edward Adams tC Co. ' for thirteen years. He became ill at Apnln at the beginning of the year, and shire that time had been confined to the ionise. :fir. Bovil paid fregnent visits byre and thronged his genial canal affable manner bemuse popular among all who knew Inns. I.lis wife and one trnuall child survive. The average country newspaper is very notch ;live, yet oxen withtullyder 111 then hearts sometimes suea il in killing it. lam can heat on the wort by letting your snbscription go; itsonly a dolioror two, the publisher dt►sen t need it. If he ;asks you for it get maul and order the paper discontinued. You'll never miss it; you' can borrow your neighbor's copy. When the re- porter call, pretend to be pressed with business and snake him feel that he is an intruder. If the advertiser or job solicitor appears, give bun tbe =rule heart. Never drop in to see the editor unless you want :r free imtice or an obituary published for a beloved rela- tive, Never recommend the paper to anyone. If its editor has a personal failing or infirmity, retake it your busi- ness to let everybody know it. Don't be afraid to speak out. Whatever the man may be he probably knows more than you do and is ton high-minded to retaliate in kind. Pursue ties course tial equator, on her way to south de - for as year or two and you will have a Oblation. Such a thing is not ins prole dead newspaper and a dead town, in able for the daily cycle period referred which event you will find Your nccupaa- to above to last into this reactionary tion gone a nd will have no further ex- period, and if such should prove to be erase for living; the case, look for a general and violent Apprentice [Barber Wanted, A young man to learn barbering, ap_ ply to A. HASTXNGS, Exeter, Boy Wanted. Boy wanted at once to learn tailor- ing, apply to W. W. TAMAN. Cottages for Sale. Several brick and frame cottages in Exeter for sale. Apply to John Spick. man. Keep the Cash at Home. The craze for '°bargains" has grown to such an extent that even owners of store property in a smaller place will go or send to Torontofor goods because- they can save or think they can save a few cents on the dollar. That is the English idea. The American idea is to buy at home, even at a greater cost, And the American idea is the better. If people will think it over and put it fairly, they will, we believe, come to the conclusion that the. prosperity of your own merchant means prosperity. for the locality in which you reside, and therefore for you. There is sure to be enough local competition to keep prices at a minimum,and a policy of live and let live would benefit any community. Business men of the smal- ler cities and towns are in many cases waiting for payment of an account contracted months before. The home merchant obliges the customer by giv- ing time, and the ready money goes. elsewhere. This is not fair dealing. If the merchant in the smaller places were to insist on spot cash it would benefit both them and their customers and prices could be lowered to the To- ronto standard. The same ;argument can be applied to other lines of business -printing for instance. culmination on and touching the 16th. Very cool nights and frost over :north- ern sections, will mast likely follow these reactionory perturbations, with very cool weather over most parts of country lasting from about the 16th, up to about the 19th. The Vulcan storm period central on the 21st, and covering the 19th to the 23rd, is anoth- er period in which very active storms may be counted on. We will name Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd, as the days upon which the storms of this period will develop and run their coarse from west to east. As we enter this period and the days and nights begin to grow sul- try and warm. About the 20th these conditions will break into active storms of rain, wind and thunder in western sections, and during the three days next following, these storms will in- crease in extent and severity as they gather force and move eastward across the country. On and touching the. 26th and 27th look for change to much warmer, falling barometer and some decided storms of wind and rain. Sum- ming up,the outlook for May, we pre- dict that generally it will be "a fine month for pushing the work of the. season. S'di% 00''p" v ro' dyed d1EMegeS elms `, Seaforth: Sidney Johns, received PERSONAL. word last week of the very sore be- reavement Of his brofher, Mr. Fred 0918.8421 Johns, of Thessalon, Algoma, and a one time resident of the neighborhood of Brecefield. Within a few days of each other his wife, son and daughter all died,: apparently from la grippe, although Mr. Johns has not yet re- ceived full particulars of the sad oc- currence.; The many, friends of the family in Huron will unite in extend- ing sincerest sympathy tothe bereav ed husband. ,and father. Country 'widow, hats $10,000 in cash and farm, would marry and financially slid honorable busband, Martin, 10 N. Clark st., Chicago. Clinton: The other day Mrs. Seale, who was standing inside of the wash- room, Came near doing struck by a rifle bullet. Someone was shooting birds, and the hall was found by Mr, Searle imbedded in the casing of the window six inches away from where Mrs. Searle was standing at the time, and had it passed through would have struck her about the shoulder. St Marys: Mrs. Adair, and aged resident of this place, fell on the side- walk on Wellington street south, on Friday night. She sustained injuries to her face and back from the effects of which she is now recovering. The accipent was caused by a defective plank in the walk, which she did not notice in the darkness. The planks were laid endways at the point where the -accident occurred, and one of the boards baying sprung is supposed to have been the cause of the accident. Lucan: On Saturday Mr. W. H. Stewart of . the high school staff re- ceived a telegram informing him that be had been appointed second assist- ant master in the Mitchell High Scbool, at a salary of $700 per annum. At a meeting of the High School Board held on Saturday eyening Mr. Stewart was released and his brother was engaged to complete the . term. The new teacher, Mr. Robt. Stewart is an undergraduate of Queen's Uuiver-. sity and was ,formerly Principal of Goderich Model School. Mrs. F. 3. Knight spent Tuesday in London. Mr. E, Latimer, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. Mr. John 'Williams,' of Zurich, was in town Saturday. Mr. Silk, of London, spent Sunday Y visiting friends here: Garden, Tools, Garden. an:: Field Seeds Churn, Washers, Wringers, Cistern and Spray Pumps, Thor id and Portland Cements. T, HAWKINS 4, SON, Successors to .II, Bishop & Soli. CORSETS Ladies we have the Irl, T. WATCH - SPRING .TCH-SPRING Corsets, Improved Cut. They At gracefully. MUSLIINTS. An excellent range of the latest coloiedinuslius, dilaaitiesor{;andie;a satins stripes, fancy grenadine and lace effects. Black muslin, arena- gdines and organdies. BLOUS .,aS, An exclusio e range of ladies white blouses made ►f' file linen lawn, trimmed with tucks, and embroid- ery o1; lave in eriiCn, TRIMMINGS. Just received, new silk applique ttiinlrlings fair black and cream. E. 3. SP,ACKM AN. brag -c -e1 RV. E. Satndtord Ready Made Clothing. dcln : ac•r a for the k'te1 es. 0. Huston FURNITURE& UNDERTAKING ROOMS, cibnEY•s 1311ocK. want to Sell 200 ROCKING- CHAIRS befo spa'ulg. See theta from 50e. up. Wo can sell you a dandy bell room set OAK f :". CUT AND POLISHED, FOR $25.00 .A.11 other Furniture, Bed Springs, Mattresses away down. Do you want that picture framed? We can do it to the King's taste. We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and can show you something new itl design. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK. FIELD AND CHARLTON &PARDON ARnE1uEgD. EXETER, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS We have just received a nicely as- pp�g sorted lot of:FIELD and GAR- FORKS A 1� OSLINGS: DEN Seeds from the D.M,Fer- ry and the Steele Briggs seed houses. These are fresh, new goods, to tis at least, and lower m price than last year. We think these people offer seed true to name and excellent in quality. ... . We will be pleased to have a part of your trade and will appre- ciate your good will. ,' . . We shall shortly have a quantity of seed corn to offer. . . We selling Canned Peas, Corn and Tomatoes et 7c. each just now. W. Trevethick. Seaforth: Mr. C. W. Papst has dis- posed of the fri.ucy goods portion of his stock to Mr. -1. V. Fear. Mr. Fear has rented Mr. Papst's storeand will move his stock there after the first of May. He will also have charge of the tele- phone.' Supplied with either the Angle Iron, Round Rod or. Wood. These . are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price. Was awarded the only medal and diploma given on Hay Forks, at the World's Fair Chicago. Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop. EXETER, ONTARIO.