Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-1, Page 7+a'
Pale, Anaemic ad. Easily Tired
Qirls Often Fa la Rrey o
Ceneumpti on.
In young girls we look for
dent health aud etrength, rosy
cheeke, bright eyes. firm, Pinata
^flesh And comtant elteerfulness. Ilow
often, however, we meet young girls
who seem prematurely olt. feeble.
pale, listless, thin and irritable.
Wilma alnieretal and dangerous con-
eitions are due to a general weak --
wee etf the blood. and echoeld be
vired east ae promptly as possible
or the tvaesle life Of h.he patient Will
he ruined. if. indeed. 'legible and con-
sumption do not speedily follow. Dr.
,Willimm" Pink Pills for Pete People
are the natural, logical and sure
cure for weak girls. These pill
maim rkh. red blood with. every
'dose. They 4trengtheo the tierves=
act upon the whele .systent And
bring health. strength and huppiness
to those who Ile° them.
Afre. Hireut Molder. South Pelham
towaship. Welland Comity. Onf.
ray3;---4It ie with pleaeure that 1
rive this tribute to the health-1x-
etoring virtues of Dr. Williams' Pink
Ville. When my daughter Lena, bo-
on the OSe of your Mede she wits
in a roost wretched condition. In
Pet we were seriouely alarmed let
she asight not recover. The wasp -
terns were a, feeling ef languor and
weakliest:3. gradually growing worse.
She became pale, lest IRA, bed lit -
tie or pie aPpetIte and was tape/trent-
geing into a decline. Finally the
trouble bevame complicated with at
persistent sore throAt, which gave
get difficulty in swallowing.
She was placed under the care of
doctor who eaid her blood wos poor
and watery and her whole systeat
nadly run down. The doctor's treat-
ment did not help her much. and
then ;wing ott thh advice of a neighs
bor. I began to give lher Dr, Wit -
limas' Pink Pills. The coafidence
with which this medicine Was urged
Imola us Was not misplaced, as 1
voon toeliCed a distinct improvement
in my daughter's condition. The use
of the pale for SOW complete-
ly Mitered her. and from that time
she has been a cheerful lightehearted
gut the Very picture of health."
These pills time fail to restore
health and strength h rime like the
o • . trough their action on the
out and meal's they also cure sach
diseases as rheliniati3110. fidatiett. St.
VUs' danee. indigestion, kldney
trouble. partial paralysie este There
are many so-called tonic pille. but
they are all Mere Imitations of this
great medicine. Be mire that you
get the genuine with the full name,
'Dr. Williems' Pink Pills for Pale
People" on every box. If your deal-
er does not keep thin they will be
sent postpaid at 50 cents a box or
Mx boxes for $2,50 by addressIng
the Dr. Williams* Medicine Co.,
Brockville. Oat,
Great Danger of Breathing
Through the Mouth.. --Don't
Pick Your Teeth.
If you _over lind yourself getting.
Into thehabit of blinking your eyes
-rapidly without any Cause, Stamp
the inclination out at once, or it
will grow into an incurable habit
that will make your eye -sight fad
long before it ought.
Natural 13.1haldng is necessary to
clear and moisten the eye, and the
aterage number of natural blinks'
per minute Is about twenty. These.
ma necessary and you do them un-
consciously. But a nervous "'blink-
er" will get in something like as
couple of hundred in a minute in bad
titeeee, and the result of this is a big
development of the eyelid muscles,
and a counter irritation that acts
on the optic nerve, and renders the
sight daily more weak and irritable.
°Pee contract this habit, and you
will find you cannot bear a. strong
lip,ht or read small type, and you
will get worse and worse. The cure
consists in keeping the eyes shut for
fit least ten minutes an hour, and
bathing the lids in warm water.
Do you ever feel inclinedto breathe
, through .your mouth ? Tf so, you
had better make up your mind at
once to keep that, habit in memory,
and mover give it a. Chance to in -
create. If you let it grow on you,
you will let the lower ball of your
lungs fall almost entirely into dis-
use,for they are not filled if you
breathe through ,your mouth ; the
longs will be weakened, and, left an
easy prey to maladies of the chest,
and your system will only be fed by
about half the oxygen it requires.
Thousands Of people contract . this
dangerous habit, which really is a
Even if you Sleep ,with your mouth
- mofe people do this -you
• , ,will gat about halfonhe befit from
. 41W1t's 'rest you ought to, and
thianS the main cause of "that tired
- feeling" on waking in the morning;
' Andif there is an epidemic floatiog
about, you double Your chances of
catching it, and, also halve your
chance of recovering, as you weaken
:the longs. ,
Another bad. habit for the health
7 though not ' quite so thingeroes, is
the cOMMCM of :moistening
the :lips with the tongue. If yoe
". make a Confirined habit of this, you
will make yoor lips .drier, and von -
der the, nerves of them terribly
sensitiVe. 'Eventually you will 64)117
tract permanently . cracked J
which, besides being painful and an-
noying, dispose you Sericitisly to tbe
danger 'of cancer. If there .haS, been
any . of this terrible disease among
year forefathers, yoi will giVe
• your-
sclf practically the certainty of get-
ting t.
Do you piek your teeth ? 11 so,
don't. It will make a difference of
years in the life of your "ivores/'
and ,s.ertd you 'to the dentist before
your time. This habit, eve a after
meals, will sooner or later start the
enamel of yonr teeth, and give de-
eay i -s chance to creep in at the
Ibreeeh, phich la will certainly do.
Besides this, some people contraet a
perpetuel habit of
when they Ilave nothives else to do,
And this will put A giltod sound set
of teeth oa the road to dway at
least six or Eovon years before they
ought to go, Yon will leee your
SieePs PAY hAlf a dozen dentlet's
bine. and then with you basi left
toettipichs alone. Brush. your teeth,
instead, with carbolic powder after
every meal, if nosSible-
I A rather absurd, but quite coin -
Mott habit, and ,an uncommonly bad
is that of Seratehing one's head
1 whim perplexed, This is often done
facetiously at first, and in absent-,
minded people becomes a perfect
Mania. It is nearly always done in
the same place -over the ear -and.
by ,breaking up tbe nbres of the hair
and irritating tbe roots, will even-
tuaay thin out the bait on that
spot Into almost a bald patch. which
will spread. Numbers of people /JAW/
this tfatch without even realizing
how they cause it,
\idly any matt shoeld blow his ease
when he doesn't want to is a soya-
teraa but laindrede of people--eepe-
daily elderly oues--haao a. habit of
constantly (lotus this, Aucl itt is an
extremely bad thing for the =Pal
llerVeS and membranes. If done
colistantly when in health, It 'will
sooner or later matte -the perpetrate'
a victim of cbronic nasal Caterrlb
and came him to wielt he had left
the habit ahonee-London Answers.
It Nearly Caused a IoeCereOtilfe
to Blow lip,
ilog her up," said the engineer. "was
"The closeet over to blow -
when 1 was firing on the C. 4. J. for
n Bill Johnson. It was ray first 'trlp
on that engine. I hed been braking
before that, and 1 knew Johnson by
reputation. They said he was the
hardest on his firemen of any en-
gineer on the road. Ile just hept
them throweng In coal all the time.
they sold, and needed a. fresh man
every other trip. 1 diffiet know whe-
ther they were telling the truth
about hint, but when 1 was told to
go on with him 1 made up my mind
that he wouldn't do me up. If he
wanted her kept hot, 1 would keep
her sizzling if I bad to melt the
grate bars.
"Johnson. 1 soon folind, was a
Man whe had little to say to his
firemen. Ile looked like a. DM who
expected the work to be done to his
lihing without having to do much
talking about it. He told me when
WO met on the engine -that It was
the duty er the fireman to keep up
Steam, and he showedme the einem
gauge. I was to keep my eyes on
that. I knew that notch ruyself, but
1 suppose he thought it was neces-
sary to tell me. Lie said nothing
more to me, itind, 1 said nothing to
him. But how he did make me
"Be sat ou 1)13 box, with his hand
On the throttle, looking at in the
Window, and every time I looked tip
Itis first finger was pointing at the
Sterna gauge dial. I bent my back
and poked and shovelled and shovel
led and poked. The iltdiCitthr as
creeping around the face of the dial,
and about the time I thought I had
steam enough to satisfy him and
Would straighten tip for a, breathing,
spell I would sea him still with his
hand on the throttle and his linger
pointing at the dial. I was getting
mad, and I can work very hard when
I'm mad. 1 wanted him to say
something to Me. If he had, I would
have whipped him right there and
quit the road.
But when he wouldn't give me a
-chance to pick a fight there was no-
thing for inc to do bid work. I saw
that a lot of steain was going to
waste, and I just hung one of my
hooks on the valve to keep it down,
Then I did send her up. I didn't
know how much the boiler would
stand and I didn't care. That was
Johnson's affair. I kept my eye on
his linger, and when I saw it point-
ing at the dial, 1 poked and Shovell-
ed. I could never get him to look
at me. He was staring ahead every
time I stopped long enough to look
Is the Critical Age in the Life ot
All Little Ones,
During the teething period great
rare should be taken of baby's health.
The little one suffers gintttly; the'
eums are ,hard and inflamed and any
disorder of the stomach or bowels
increases the peevishness of the child
mid often fatal • results follow. Mo-
ther's greatest aid at this period is
Baby's Own Tablets --the surest of all
reme.dies in curing the minor ail-
inents of children- Among the many
mothers who testify to , the value of
these Tablets is litfrs. It. B. 13ickford,
Glen Sutton, Que., who says:- My
little baby suffered much • from teeth.
ing:',aran indigestion. '1 precured
box of liaby'e Own Tablets and if„
worked Wonders in baby's dondition-
in fact: 'I believe it saved my little
one's life. 1 sincerely believe that
where now many it home is saddened
through death of a little one, joy
wou tl. be supreme if these tablets ha.d
been used. I consider them baby's
best doctor and would not be with -
t them."
Baby's Own Tablets when given in
aCcordenCe with the directions pre-
vent restlessness aud nervousness --
cure simple fever, diarrhoea, conet
pati On , col i o and all stomach tro
Guaranteed -to contain no op-
iate or other harmful drug. By dis-
solving a tablet in water it can be
given with absolute safety to the
very yousagest, baby. 'Sold by
druggists, or direct by mail, post,
paid, at 25 cents a box, by address-
ing the Dr. Williams'. Medicine Co.,
13rockville, Oat:
Afar for the Octagon Bar
A copy of illustrated booklet
"Weekly Expenses Reduced" sent
free te your address by wilting to
at him, and lie had his hand on tbe
throttle and that finger still point,
ing at the dial. I settled myself
down at last to either give bile en-
ough steam or blow her up. I was
melting the steel obi:aut the lire -box
when I heard a yell.
'You. blankety blank,' Johnson
cued, what do you mean? Another
Minute and you would ita.VO blown
us up!'
II intended to,' I retorted.' 'or
reakoorou take down that finger.'
`You conPunded ass,' sheeted
Johnson, 'don't you hawse that that's'
a stiff finger?"
NEY' 741.01031Z IN' THIS
Tortured, by AU Made et Rains
And Acheee. Be Tries Everything
but VailS to Find Relief Till a
Friend, Advises Him to Irse
Dodd'e Kidney Pills -They Have
Made a Well Mau. of Rim and
ia Grateful.
Ottawa, Ont., Mar, 81= (Special --
Frank Chartrand. a rallwe,y map,
whose home is at 180 Little Chauds
'ere Street, has acknowledged that
).odd' e Kidney Pills have done more
for him than anything elseitt ths
world has ever done. Ile says; -"1
suffered with backache and was al.'
ways drowsy and had a very heavy
foisting in my limbs.
"1 had fropient eavere headacheser
and more times very sharp pains itt"
the top of my head, which gave me
much Annoyance in my work.
"My angers would cramp and I
would have an uneasiness in my legs
and oceasional pains in the loins.
"I was dizzy in spells and short of
breath. If 1 a,te a hearty meal I
would have O. pain in my left side.
My appetite would sometimes be
very good and sometimes 1 couldn't'
eat anything.
"I had a constant soreness and
tendernees over tbe spine and tired
feeling in the regain of my kidneys.
"I 'mitered quite tt little with it
dragging heavy feeling across the
"Dodd's Kidney Pills were recom-
mended to me by a, friend of mine
who beat been cured. aud I began to
use them.
"Almost from tho start I began to
feel the wondeeful improvement,
which continued tts the treatment
proceeded, till the unpleasant symp-
eoms had ono by ono entirely disap-
"Docld's Kidney Pills have worked
a wonderful mire in my ease and 1
cannot speak too highly of this great
end'good remedy."
What Doddfs Kidney Pills hove
done for Mr. Chtirtrand they have
done for theme -lids of others, and
ahoy% do the same for you if you
give them a chance.
There are many railway men in
Canada to -day who find Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills indispensable. They are
the railway inan's surest and best
The constant vibration an trains
and gines is very hard on the kid -
nays and Dodd's Kidney Pills make
,these organs well and able to resist
We all know the "bicycle htiMP,"
now comes the motor -car frown. In
this newly developed affliction there
is a distinct contraction of the mus-
cles 01 the forehead and eyes, pro-
ducing a frown, whieh, by eontinved
habit, remains in eVidence upon the
face. Tide is the result of fear of
accident,. Willett includes ittinries to
the machine by explosion, running
over pedestrians, and collieion with
other vehiclee, This is enhanced by
the rapidity of riding, the wind
striking; the face, and a sliclairig el
the eyebrows dowawards to protect
the eyes front dust and currents of
air whieht irritate there,
ADVICE TO A SIUDS-Don't take any ehanoes t the *utast of your married Fifa, give
PULP AND PAPER MAPLE SYR tig Ve are handling large quantities)
Ganda is Pre-eininently the Grat-
ed hip Wood PreGusing
Unary in the World.
The prospectus of the Atlantic
Pulp and Paper Company. Limited,
just issued by the. brokers, Messrs.
Sutherland & Cameron, Ottawa, cone
tains some interesting readiag
ter. The mills of the Company will
be situated on the Little eascapedia„.
River, at New Richmond. on the Bale
des Chaleurs. wbere it Is proposed to
erect a paper mill with a (NOY esteem
city of 54 tonsa ground wood pulp
mill with a. daily capacity of 50 tons
and a siclphite pulp mitt with a
daily capaoty al 40 tons. The woodj
used will be principally spruce, and
it is believed that pulp and paper
can he more economically manufac-
tured there thou at any the plesie
in America. The peoneeties end
ucquired by the compitny contain
about 302 ,square miles. The com-
pany bus reports on the property
made by live different rangers, whosei
reports show that there i8 sufficient.
wood to afford a perpetual supply of
timber. One of the rengess wlio bus
traveled and examined limits in the.
State of Maine. Now Brunswick and
Quebec and worked in 'Wisconsin and
lilmnesota. says it is the best pulp a
limit he bas ever traveled over, II
' The water which will be used in i 1,02
the manufacture of paper is pure and i a
clean. the Little easeapedia River „ T
being fed by springs and is suitable s
for snaking the finest grades of pas; a
per without the expense of Illteringn e
W. c. Edwards. 1,LP„. of W. Ca ,lao
Edwards teir Co., Limited. lumber -a 7,
mein Ottawa, is the president of the 1 410
Wte :1111,..fgarielu4..enie.crlsor,... isl*Llltilliitistei if.:111cire.eepittno.ersulo(uiretanPr.: ;...e.e.s.e.e.
am the other directors are; Charles
U. Watevous, president or the yt'ater-
ous Engine Works Company. Limited,
Brantford; R. Ii. Thompson whole-
sale paper merchant, BUIT410: A. P.
la Eckardt, menufacturer, Toronto;
Charles Lyman, president of the Ly-
man-I:nee Company, Limited, Mont -
We cal'eilandie yours to advantage
The Dawson Commission Ca, Limited, Toronto.
condeennents ef setter, nevi, lunges mid otter Pro ego Sollelied,
DI -1,4-1+4+11-1+14-1-41-14444-4-1-4-1,44,444-1-1-14+++44+1,14-0
pi: The finest matiatosta
Sulphurous. EFF:nc Eddy's
41 Noll* .
Oderress. 4$ Headil hat'
Every Stick—
* match Parlour
A Lighter Matches
the worutimado hem
Raft cork/ phlet and Pe
egpeciany *Rum,
for thintestle, oito-
eu.thie In next eliding
eath box contenting
eaciet SOO Inetcamilite
MI tee
1-4-114.14441.44-1444-11444-1,1-H. 44-14-144-1-$44441-141
IPA PAINT it Will siirprise you to see hew it enIt Tor
looks, how it, wears, hew easy l
works, how econozaleal it is •
when you paint with
1 II,
In the Isle of Man roads aro main-
tained by the revenue from two
sources -a small tax upon every
wheel and shod hoof and a levy upon
every male inhabitant, who must
'give a day's work on the road or its
equivalent in cash.
One triad of Mother Grave's Worm Ex-
terminator will convince you that it has
no equal as a wenn medicine Buy a bot
tle and see if it does uot please you.
Cannot seine wise one -tell us,
To ease our wondering mind, ,
Who is it loses all the fault
That other people find ?
For Over Sixty Years
aim,. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STOUP hos been used b1
millionot mothers for their children while teething.
Itsoothes the child, softens the gutus. allays pain, cures
wind colic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is tha
best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty.fire cents a bottle.
Bold by. druggiete throughout the world. Le pro and
fillit fur "Mas, WHOLLOW'a SOOTIUNG SYRUP.'
No kno*n land animal has natur-
ally poisonous flesh. There are,
however, several fish whose flesh is
A Clear, Healthy Skin. --Eruptions of
the skin and the blotches which blemish
beauty are the result'of impure blood
Caused by unhealth atition of the -Liver
awl Kidneys' In 'correcting this un-
healthy action and restoring „the organs
to their normal condition, .Pafinelee's
'Vegetable Pills wili at the same, time
cleanse the blood, and the blotches and
eruptions will disappear without leaving
any 'trace. ,
During the past' . year the _Kaiser
has decorated no fewer than 2,473
persons with either. a star or a rib-
bon -a greater number than in . any
year since Wilhelm 11. ascended the
throile. .
the oldest and best known paints W
in Canada to -day, made from the ;
est paint material to fight off
t sun and storm. to outlast aU*
fliers. taut at just the right price
z. pure paiuts.
Drop us a line and ask for et
Prop 141 a eard and ask for
RAMSAY & SON, z44%.1"2
CREAL Paint Makers?
elle•• sidoetiesOigati 036•0•000.4
The Mother --"Uncle Charles asked
the baby what, kind of eyes it had."
The Pather--"Just as if the dear
little thing could tell bin)," "Well,
elm did. She seal 'goo, goo.' "
Stem the Ceogb
real; J. W. Wardrope, dircetor of theand rerks or the WA.
, /*wive Bretgo•Qulnine Tablets cute a cold
New Richmond Lumber Company. ,, In one der. No Cure. No Pia. Frio* ideate.
Limited, Moutreal; William 11, Me-- ---
%tyre, paper manufacturer (late me- After Paris, which now luts 2.714.
Olculichl BUTIPrintendent, Lament hie, 000 people, 1. mince s next largest
Pulp Company), and W. R. P. Park' -i city is Marseilles, with ouly 494. -
et', barrister -at -law, Toronto. 1000.
The subscription boons are now
open, and prospectuses, with full in- For Nine Years -Mr. Samuel Bryau.
'formation and application forms. Thedford, writes: "1.or nine Years 1
omy be Obtained nann the nnun„ at suffered with ulcerated. sOres on my leg;
a trlet every prenaration marl of er was
I NI ended avec $103 to Th means aud
Sutherland & Gaine.ron Ot (," n e'
ada, or the National Trust Company,' mcernmentledlor sueh disease, but could
Tt'irOnto, 11folitreal and get no relief. I at lait was recommended
Winnipeg. to give Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil a trial,
which bas reiultedaitter ailing eight Irt-
tles (using It internally tied external es
Mies Playne--"Ala those selts'h lea comPlete care. I believe it is the best
mental songs are so clear. Do area Illnditline itt tint world, and I 'write this to
know 'When We 'Were Sweet 4ix-1 let others know what it has done for
teen 9' " Brother .1 ack-"1 es, I nme:
know ; but dcoi't worry, %
tell any one 1" • Irelands pays only Z2.200;000 a.
— year towards Imperial expenditure,
• THE WONDERFUL X-RAYS while Scotland, with a. very slightly
Recent articles have apPeared in larger population, pays ahnoet £1.0.-
the press aenouncing the w-onderful 000,000.
discovery bv a celebrated European Why go limping and videing About
will remove them MVO
X -Ray treatment, and \vitae it ounnorns wb en a es cent bottle of Bono.
surgeon, of the cure of cancer by the
pears as a, new thing in the medical
world it is not generally known that dertrudo (speaking of Beatrice's
flance)-"'What JaCk do now
way'n Cora Cure
it a trial, and you will not regret it.
during the last two years s veral
.woederful cures have been effected in
ilton, by one of its well-known n that he has inherited all this trio -
our own country, in the City of liam-
siclans, Dr. Cummings, who wasIZ ney ? ' Beatrice-"Ohlike a gentle, I shall just
"of the first in America, to introduvce 'oand live m„ttkane give up
all business and -
the X -Rays in his practice, and has man, you
effected several remarkable cures in Gertrude (quietly) -"It will
Cases where the Knife and Plasters
have failed entirely. Two Hamilton
cases ill, particular might he MM.-
tioned, one is Mr. John Langton, who
had cancer and had tried all kinds of
treatments without avail. 1Teariltg
of a. wonderful cure in the City by
Dr. Cummings, he placed himself in
his bands, with the result, that to-
day there is not a trace of the dis-
ease left. The other ease wasythat
of a. widow, Mrs„ Wm. Gleason, who
after several operations both by
Knife and Plaster, found the disease
recurring. Iler physician recom-
mended hee . to Dr.. Cummiogs and
She isnow. permanently cured. One
feature of the X -Ray treatment is
that no sears or traces of the disease
are left. From this it will he seen
that Canada, is not behind the Older
ountries of Europe in the wonderful
developments. of Medical l':“!lellet-
There are 19 Parliaments in the
British Empire -10 in British North
Anierica, 7 „in „Australasie, and-, 2 in
Smith Afrina,
. ' woos...wow •
Keep Minard's Liniment in the Heap
A Dolliiich meteorologist has pre-
dicted line .suminer weather fOr June
26t1i, The . weather prophet in ques-
tion claims to have predicted the
weather which prevailed on the den
of the Diantoed jubilee celebrations,
and . is confident that his present
prophecy will befulfilled.
Page ACITIC Poultry Netting
is elope meshed at bottom and .does not require rail or
board suppert at edges, having Armin straight wire
(No. le guagd) at top, bottomrd in codtre, cnanot it
andis em
ase to oect. The " Age Ace" nettiggiCer
neat appearance, very aurab e cheap. We
aa io
mke faiin (Old ornamental f nee, gates, mane and
staples. Tho name of Page is your guarantee of quality.
The Page Wire Fence Co., LimIted,Ntlalkerville, est,
be et great change for him."
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfec.
tent Soap Powder dusted in the bath
softens the water at the same timE
that it disinfects.
Alphousci-"Gwendolyn. why are
you so cruel as to keep me waiting
for my answer ? it is now ten Min-
utes since I asked you to be my
wife." Gwendolyn -'"Oh, pardon Inc.
I forgot ; I Was simply choosing my
Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians
Fie -"It is reported around town
that we are engaged." She -"Is it ?
what idiotic things people do say."
To Mille A. COLD 01 ONE DAT.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it falls tc ours.
111. W. Grove's signature is on pack box. to,
She -"Tell me, frankly, George, if
• 1 y
Would ask me to marry you ?"
you. were rich 81011 do ou think.
Ea7.---"`I don't think it -Would be ne-
cessary, Edith ; in -thatcase, you
would probably do the. 'askieg."
• ,
There are cases of tuustimPtiou. so far
dawn ged that Bieklets AntaGnistimptive
Syrup will not cure, but honaso bad that
it, will not give relief. For boughs, colds
and all affections el the throat, jugs and
chest, it is a Specifie whieh hs never peen
known to fidl: it premetes. treenud
easy expectoration, thereby,reinoying the
- "
chance to heal. •• •
phlegm, and gives the disease(1pabs,
-The narrowest part '612 the United
Kingdom is teona. Loch Broom to
Dornock 'Firth, u distancg of only
24 miles. 1'i'0111 D11/111lari101i On
Clyde to Alloa .on the Firth ef Forth
is 31 miles. ,
itsic far Minard's and take no other
ri 373
% We woat at once inotworthy saga end women. I
I Write for panictdare,
o l'zi 41,114 r 11 ° n * n
I very Wain local or traveller, 10 Int;r4a* Joe
i giTtPtlegiullit'cieil4P:ZiaR"fatittilltrOugglue
town And country. ntemli etnN071:4011 /oar r031:1 '
1 expense/4 10410 t elld Pr i.
releases box W.
Chaffing MeTtlfit8ri)01
cores. 00„,, put powder ern
Chaffing Sereil. 11
simply eases tet Urn,
1•••••••••••••••11.MNIMMIMMEIN 111•11•11••• boot okonnir urea,
it relieves pain at one. and cdret tiffi arenesed
Any me th r wh o tries Olio /dins soil Oyer willingly
go without It 250 Druggists sr Marline Co
Toronto. Money retunaaq if not eatieNtotory.
Horseradish hutt nothing to do
with the quadruped so called. Tho
word is really the %heist). "gures,"
.nienniug hot, fierce, or pungent. So,
Inc. the phrase horseplay is do-
' rived,
Mir ad's LiPillted Lumberman's Filed
, A tiger has been measured 18 ib.
from end of nose to tip of tail. NO
lion of such a size bas been killed;
Five men can hold demo a lion ; it
I take.; nine to bold a tiger„
-4 Recognized Regulator. -To bring the
digestive organs into symmetrical work-
ing is the aim of physicians when they
find a patient suffering from stomachic
irregularities, and for tbis purpose they
can prescribe nothing better than Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills, which will be found
e pleasant medicine of surprising virtue,
in bringing the refractory organs into
subjection and restoring them to normal
action, in which condition ouly can they
perform their duties properly.
France's newest prison, eight
miles from Paris, is the biggest in
the world. It covers half a square
mile, has 1,824 cells, and wilt con-
tain 2,000 prisoners.
Messrs, C. C. Richards & Co.
entlemen,-After suffering for se-
Vell years with inflammatory rheum-
atism. so bad that I wee elevett.
months confined to nay room. and
for two. years could not dress myself
withoet help. Your agent gave me
a bottle of MINAIlthS LINIMENT
in May, '97, and asked me to try it,
which I did, and was so well pleased
with the results procured more.
Five bottles completely cured me and
have had no return of the pain for
eighteen months,
The above facts are welt-nnown to
everybody in this village and neigh-
Yours gratefully. A, DAIRT.
St. T
imOthee, Que., May ifith. 1899.:
.The United States employs 1,420
lighthouse keepers, tiot counting 1,-
1,28 men who look after lightships
and tenders, and another, 1,574 itt
ehargeof• port lights.
.insahness Cannot .be Cured
by local:applications. as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
Way to °tire deafness, and that is by constitu-
tional remedies. Dealnesa le caused by an,
inflamed condilSon of the mucous lining alt
Eustachian Tube. When This tube 19 in-
flamed you havo a rumbling sound or honor
feet hearing. and when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, and unless the inflate -
illation can bo taken cut and this tube restored
to its normal condition, bearing will be de-
stroyed forever; nine eases out of ten aro
oaused by oatatrh, whith is nothing buct7'.4a-
flamed oonditiOn of the mucous eurfac
Wo will give One Hundred Tilers fax
case of Deafness (ennead by ca arrh) that can
tut be cured by Ball's Catarr CUre. Send
tor circulars, free.
1% J. CHENEY dr, CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75e.
Pills are the best.
; '