HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-5-1, Page 5THE
(15xtter buorate
ptiblisbed every Thursday Morning at the OMee,
_--By the -
Due Palter per annum, if paid in. advance. 1$1.$0.
U not so paid.
Liselassomitel,staa.g. astern coe. 2t.aaanZges-
lie paper divontinued until all. arrearages are paid.
Advertisements without sperifieddirectiews will be
published until forbid and ebarged treordinaly.
Liberal aiscount made for transeient advertisemeets
inserted for long, perioda Xaery deseription of JOS
PRECTLNO turned out bl the finest steleand at
moderate rates. Catiques, mosey osiers,
advertisiug, subseriptions, etc.., to be analle payable
glOTTOA. gso. MOP
That IS the condition of thousands et
eople who tmed the stimulus et Pate hbOOd
nstilat's all,
They feet tiredall the time and aS0
easily exhausted.
Evety teak, every responsibility, has bee
come hard to theta, Peennee they bere not
the strength to do nor the power to enclawe.
William Boss, Sarnia, Ont., Who was
without atspetite and so nervous he could
Pot $leoP, and Leslie R. Swhi Dithila,
who could Illicit do any work wititent
the greatest exertion, testily to the woudet*,
furl building -up efacacy of
Mood's Sarsaparilla
It pnrifies the blood. gives strength aild
vigor, rc?stores appetito ond meites sleep
It IS the medicine tar ell debilitated
Beed's MS eine nver ills; the norsirritadeg
ute gunarrie to take with ilaeore °sariaaaritia.
Pr oreastonat Cox
MS.Ilona a
onta Vela-era:ass,. -
Teeth esti:vied. erialacen one rain, or any rh":14 Q5C7,1$
014e lit V3nin'A'S 'Ell'," Maio 4,:;11'•?l,
;tate of
ES -
LX. LIZezeN .
Honor Graduate el tatseito Muer-AsieiIRs; al
Celle -scot Psntal Saracens of oatario, .4lia Past
Graduate of Cideago Wawa of Prodietie Poilistery
(with henorald,.. mention.)
Alluminuna, Gold aud Vulcanite Pletes made in the
neatest manner possible. A perketly haradess
aeithetie Med for extraction of tvetb.
Of6ce one dear tionth of Carling Uses, gore, Vsete
Colleee of l'io'sl'olaas wet tla warts fauarle,
Playsiciau. altigtan Aemarlevar. Mee, lassie
wood, On.
. 0101m Wileiss. Mee oral Ilesalenee, 21
tIneens Ave., Landon ant. 8peci.4 atteatian
4 to til.rasei of Wounats tjtWeLints, la,30 to 4
raICliSON & Tn. erIT.
tars, , • • •
• Selleiters tar St4i 111 •,'Olt*: leva CZ
leweit rets,•aefietere5L et,Etsavir. I It doesn't try to use it's food.
Oil Can
Lead allorse
to water but you can't
make him drink.
You can't make him eat
either. You can stuff food in-
to a thin man's stomach but
that doesn't make him use it.
Scott's Emulsion can make
*m use it. How? By mak-
mg him hungry, of course,
Scott's Emulsion makes a thin
body hungry all over. Thought
a thin body was naturally hun-
gry didn't you? Well it isn't
A thin body is asleep -not
working -gone on a strike.
I, O. Castass.13,A,. I. Pavan •
Et W. tSaaess,,.:se re none n
• aranalli.441T,als-r, S.147,;.11,1% NCI;i1T; 011*
veyauser.ra. ta Van at 7ew$1. rates of in.'
tal'rs,, Main sumt„ Euvr.
Wivitelsea, t:ancar
AA. far the Csuutice NIP, en,1 Maidietiet,
alsa tor the ito;vet4Iliie f l'fiterue. 'FAO palazildr
atteudel t nd t:rula reaionahle. Nalea atrAnged
at Pot (Me. Witasliellita.
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, 1i55)
Paid up .. . ... -S2,500,0110
Reserve Fund 2,130,000.
teed Mike, Waren.
GmenneL libeemiene.
Stoney advent -NI to goad Penner,' on their own
toteo With one or more endorsers et 7 per cent. per
Open every tawini day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; tat-
urdays 10 amt. to 1. ear.
A general bat:liking business transacted
CURRENT RATES Allowed far Minn on Depoil
Receipts. Savings hank at 3 cods.
DieltsoS ("AMAMI, D. Hyenas%
Solieltors. Manager.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
. A quantity of shorts
on hand.
33.41bre. AfteA 941700eS PhOSP.Oain0$
T7w Great Rngtish Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Skc
packages gyaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects a abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
, of price, one package Si, six, $5. One wilt please.
aft wilt cure. Pamphlets free to anyaddress.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Woods Phosphodine is solclin Exeter
by T. W. Browning and C. Lutz
Druggists. •
Real EBtate Exchange.
The.Salei-Purclaase and Exchange of
. Village and farm lands and pCoperties
. negotiated at reasonable rates of com-
. . ,
For Sale.
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,
IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter. ..,.
Farms Wanted.
We -have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Wm. Davide'', David Mill,
Valuator. Manager.
'OFFICES: Dickson & Carlipg's New
Block, Exeter.
Scott's Emulsion wakes if
up -puts it to work again
makin,s,* new flesh, That's the
way to get fat.
Send for free sample.
6COTT&I;OWNE, Toronto,
sse ana Loa; all &gait%
ELtir Boll Nato Agnoy
nEwrxxos TIM VialrilEID,
clang °Pinionresse4 I ovo.!! I
PeaveasA, Tacit 'se in Those
isondOn# Anvil 29,-Wir1ng from Pres
tori, -under date of Sunday, April
the Correspondent ot The 1)aily Tele-
grspit s,ays that Gen. Pttlatt„ with Other
Boer leaders, attended meetings- st the
L'Irrcht and Vr2.-hci€1 commandoes last
week. At these meetings strong opin-
iors in favor of pea-, ',Nero expressed.
The Ineit truee in the Utrecht and
VryLeii nisteiete, the esrsespondent eons
eltdee, will expire tennorrew.
17.138 ACCOLrlD Vant
w.c..rrity-are Ca:stns.:a or
Sorge:tarred Rearing the Weenes,
London, April 23.--Tne Antar Ogles- has
pul•Zis the following desp 404 gram%
Leta Ii:itehenes t reterla
Aeril 21 25 Bottve have been Inited„
bole Oven tslien plters and 25 haVe
rendered. There li0.3 Ikon 4t'sulto77
fightin3 in various eeetione of the
Transvaal an Orange IiIver Colony. The
rrison at Ooldep (Cape Colony) sna-
cessfully held out unlit it was relieved
by the eelatous.”
Before Trial C 'fedi
31aulla, April 2,3. --The trial by court
martial of Gen. daeub U.Sluith wai
resumed nese -tonley. Mejeg Waller of
the 31etrine Corps teetitied to eereilitter;
*cut dee. Stalith tlie °sclera to "kill and
burn' ond .• reetler SiMlar **.4,1 ilOwOirg
wil.lernesi." no twelve. ,at Semen, said
;Mlak4* 1.1.41Zar. weve mere treleberetas
reel itapieezie than the tribesreen e.
tht' Iiithent Gee, Smith% dins-
nteaures the war there would not •
teen eineed yet. t:ell.tenitlit never
seeieol keeper %weer. n and children.
leeeed reran, se:ten ese,„„Vepresentae
thttain the House to -day
deflated -that. Geltennt $44111111 Ma% a del•
to the terdieret let. wore. Ile ex -
d the .1n7f.e .that the Proident
kJ. -tip lain of his. uniformwithin
ty-eight he.ano.
Buy or Son a
Buy or Son Town Property
Borrow or Lend, Money
Coneo tions Mad
Your Life Insured
to to the Old Country
Call at the Iludersigncd
Office over IL . Speakman's Hardware.
Statement. of Dr. John i'ergusoze-The
Now Free Consumptive, hospital an
Iminediate Helper to this End.
The statement of Dr. John Ferguson,.
one of Toronto's well-known physislians,
shat "if consumptive patients were pro-
perly isolated and treated, within ten
years from now tuberculosis would be
ens of the rarest of known diseases,"
to the
t to. prove an encouraging stimulus
e mends of the new Free Consult's)-
" ve Hospital to hurry along subseriges
sions towards the furnishing of this insti-
• tution, capable of admitting at once, nay
patients, and_ without any charge. i
eurabilityof tuberculosis s clearly
in evideeee in tile records of the Muskoka
Cottage Sanatorium, under the manage-
ment of the National Sanitaritim Associa-
tion, and. under Whote auspices the new
Free Consumptive Hospital has been
built.. In four years 510 patients have
been treated, and more than 352 have
been cured or so helped. that they could
go back to -work, easing for wife or child
or those depeuclentupon them.
The new Free Consumptive Ffospital is
situated in .Muskoltan not -far from the
Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, the two
gentlemen who have generously borne
the cost of constructing the building de-
siring that the same benefits that have
come to patients of the Musinska Cottage
Sanatorium, by virtue of its excellent
situation, should go to the poorer patients,
whose only hope is in admittance to the
Free Consumptive Hespital.
All that is wanting now is the furnish-
ing of this Hospital with bens and other
.necessary appointments. The National
Sanitarium Association, because of their
litm--vy debt, are unable to undertake this
part of the work. Only let the many
whose hearts are touched by such dis-
tressing cases as are constantly chronicled
in newspapen„columns, send their contri-
butions of $1.00 or, if possible, $5.0O3
$10.00, or $50.00, and no time will be lost
in opening wide the doors of the new
Hospital. opening
will be received
by ,Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice,
4 Lamport Ave., Toronto; W. J. Gage,
Esq., 54 Front St. West, Toronto; or
The National - Trust Co., Limited,
Treasurer, 22 King St. East,
Presout Law attended Indeft.
nItoly by Um United States.
Washington, April 26. -The con.
ferees on the Chinese exclueiou bill this
afternoon reaehed a. complete agreement
on the bill. It etruek out that portion
of the Senate bill limiting the extension
If all existing laavs to the life a the
preeent treaty, and re-enacte them so far
as not ineonsMent with trcety
tions until otherwise provided hy law.
and extends the laws to island territor-
ies so far as applleahle. It allows C111-
110Se to enter for exposition plirpOSea,
Ind retains the provision regarding eer-
tilleation in the Philippine Mends. Tho
House later adopted the conference re-
port, which passes the measure. The
bill now goes to the President.
The Chicago's Captain Cots hou
31outits Poe Blearderla" Contloct,
Venice, Italy, April 28.-C1lptain Rob-
ert F. Wynne, commanding the :ilarine
Guard of the Chicago; Robert E, Led-
better, asSietalit Sursclam of the Cbieago;
Lieut. John S. Doddrulge of tbe Chicago
and a marble named Wilfred Langley,
who were arrested Friday night on the
charge of disorderly conduct, were
brought up at the San *Slane Police
Court Isere te-day, Captain Wynne was
sentenced to four months and ten days'
imprisonment. The other prisoners were
entenced to three months' imprieon-
ment. All the prisoners u.ere sentenced
to pay costs and damages.
A tornado in Texas killed five and in-
jured forty persons.
The Government will reduce the
Yukon gold royalty to 2 .1-2 or 3 per
Santos Dumont has made arrange-
ments to continue balloon experiments
at Manhattan Beach.
An extraordinary cold wave, with
heavy snowstorms, has done widespread
damage in'eentral Europe.
Charles Cochrane, a 60 -year-old farm-
er of Pittsburg Township, committed
suicide by hanging himself in his barn.
The °facers and men of the United
States cruiser Chicago, convicted of dis-
orderly conduct at Venice, will probab-
ly be court-mertialeds
Mrs. John Turnbull of Mono Centre
disappeared from her home and was
found dead under a brush heap, with a
packet of Paris green by her side.
Lord Charles Beresford now admits
that -the publication of his startling
letter a year ago as to weakness in the
-13ritish navy Was a mistake, for which
he alone I'VEiS responsible.
.11r.- A. W. Thompson,' ,Nrice-l'iesident
ni the Ogilvie., Milling Company, has
sent an order to Winnipeg for the erec-
tion of twenty elevators along the 1 ne
of ,the company's operet lone.
samuee1.eaxe, David Saxe and David
Levi, wholesale clothiers, of Montreal,
were arrested on a warrant sworn out
by the firm's creditors, charging them
with conspiracy to defraud to the ex-
tent of $30,000.
A few scattered cases of smallpox con-
tinue to occur. Dr. Bryce was notified
yesterday of four cases in 0,snabruck
Ictenship, in Stormont; three cases in
Draper Township, Muskoka; tiro iu
Desbarats, Algoma-; two in. Brockville,
, and one in Plantagenet Township, Pres-
cott. .
Ontario capitalists, beaded by
James Fla,yfair of 'Midland, have made
proposal to the Montreal Harbor'
Commissieners to erect elevators at,
Montreal, on the Welland Canal, and at
such other points as may be 'found nes
sessary to promote the grain trade by„
tl C di n channel •
LIMERICI:aS nov tr., Anus sir0u4N.
f)ooncilitor Arac•sted--also Karat',
Desired to R,PreaVe, Them -
April .S. -The royal arms
ever the door of the Mayor's alike ot
blinerick disappeared last night. Tire.
arms had been a "red rag" to the Na-
tionalists of late, Mid the Mayor, Mr.
Daly, 'tvauted to remove. then- Tho
police hare arrested. Councillor Joseph
Ryan, a member of the Corporation, 111
connection with the occurreece, whick
has eaused quite a eensation,
seetninSitlesO Sittene arse,Sitns,
Owe Count -Aisle Ktteed and .6„*.to
svotinned her no k'ilipinos.
1 'Manna, Apra 2S -Fye men " of the -----
W heat
„ , -
Oats.. .. ..... .... -
Peas- ...... ...
Potatoes, per bag ...
110Y1 per ten.... „ „,,
Flour, per cwt., roller...,
Eggs• ........... 10,1a.-11,
Rides, per 100 lbs
Lire hogs. pen Cwt. --
Dressed flogs....
Shorts per eat.- ...
Emu pen owt......... -
Cloven, Red 4 75 4 75
Clover Alsylee 7 00 7 206
71 7;t-
47 4O
37 39'
73 75
000 00
3. 75 24
10 17
400 500
700 .700
100 125
89 100
Dried 'Apples- -
constabulary luvrelg".ell ambushed at Sail
Juan (10 tJa. � of
the party was Idiled and nue WAS VtkVa&A.
The 1..111pino -beta consb$te4 t 20
a armed4 neerle al of theca (1
trving Utit;i:a rii1.7:7 A iGircO‘ otetut,
tter i leentr;ril iceIghb,.',.11akn4
Tut; et.ettzer.r neirotre$,
nef4eir-Pcitien 1.4ve Sto
atest 4401400PS.
INDI1day t;',1 eeiee, April 23.
TOrou . lotaxt,once //locket.
T4ete re huabels Wain, re,
ceis-1 u"1 atm:. steee.1 taseket Ibis morning%
Pri.es i...,' 1.4busliela uf
so; 1 at 4a,Se pee teielteli4 16d besitela
Pt s.,--- per hushel.
llay:•-iVes steadv. ee l'9401* tvliing tit I12
to .-7 tOrl g -.2V itiglOt417 and te
*ti *a tee F. r ien.
per to see senses
Stastt-- ...•‚.siteiJy. four Wade eellieg 4
Th 14.44.41.•
Apr.;;'ss'OP. Aprne.0)14 stenen
t.:2'•;;3:i4X4,404 frolitoon
lig.461.000 T,P8T,090
1,430.1tati 970.60.1 Letsjosa
1.14,4PD) CI•te4 1.04/M9
MTRI,161 MIShCN ih
;AZ Op 11'1*UUSW.C4a4.11
Uo Maritet*.
4.12 tuatki eattle,
• -.eve., Pi17, roam/Non eattge. 7E1.
441 iee-eareettee eovee, 144,
eeeele,1 6..lere; mete aim.
Montreal I.Vire Stook.
re,11. APO: w..er.: stout eV
C.3V•IVir, Peal ea1a-ei
eee ea -tee tar sans nt tbe
t -s1 1„ Tee taue.ters
u•t7,* tovreao-,4;:?, mi. tvati
slaw ii,14c ,vi,ft-.12.4e0 Lore 13*¢
l'r;,144!. gretw..s fiNPU4 .57.40 to
01 eel to.; To. ilortazIratt 0Na
pra'ay esuatil eat;Zi• ftent 4410
Z41.0, 41nd tee cameo -et %ewe et from aa
60 la 10.; ea/vet seal La frau SIM In
to:(1 „0,411 al from 4tie to Zet
L.prlattiNei aro et111 raltac "ienree
pposs °WI 11 praeo or LawnSri to
ma: fat Was aeleat front OVat;
ptr 11,1 tor gestiots, Walled ote the care.
clamp) Le
etatage. ave. 2e, eettleeltrcelets. se
eee, Mounter3r Texans and 400 westerba;
slew; weal: LO lower; eeett ro mime steere,
$0.0 to $7.40; pan; to itteSituo. $4.75 to
56.40; ti tors nitl der.s•-2,50 to $rs,25:
Cows. $1.40 to heifers. 52.60 to 46.16 ;
foran-re, $1.40 to 52.4d; 52,50 to 55,50;
ealvea. *It to 0.20; Toxaa fed Meer*. se.tie
to mete western steere. bar red. 44.40 to
0.25. llogen-lteeelpts, 3,00e; strong to Se
moor; mixed and buttatera'. $0.80 to
good to ehedee he:AT, $7.26 to
S7.01 rough heavy. -NAV to S7.16; Relit.
$0.70 to 8tnilli; bull: of ;Idea, $0.85 to $7.10.
Siteeteeelpte. 38,000; -beep end Iambs
stew; geed tu eloder wether!, $5.40 to O;;
western alleep. $4.75 to 56; native laulba.
ellirpped. $4.75 to
Enid Buffalo Cattle Market.
Cast Buffalo, AjwIl 2S..-Cattle-Recelpts.
1,750 head; opened barely strong end (lolled
dull; easy to weaker for all but dr4drablo
grades; prime henry steers, $7; choice to
extra, ;0.50 to ;040''good to choice ship.
Ding. $3.85 to $,11.2.'3' fair to medium. SS.50
to .h0; choice fatcows. *4.00 to ;5.23 ;
fair to good, $4.40 to $4.75; otiurrsi $8 to
54.23; mixed bulaorm' lots, 44.70 to $3.23:
choice bolters, $3.73 to $0; common to
good, $4 to $5.50: export bulls, .55 to 63.23;
good butchers', 54.15 to $4.75; sausage,
$3.50 to $4; fresh VOWS and springers slow:
choler. 550 to ;all common to good, *23 to
$431 choice f 1srfee! ibi to Itzu lbs, $4,73
to 53.23; others. 63.30 to 51.00; stoners.
54 to $5; soca nelfer.-s, 53 to $3.75. Yeals
.-Iteecibta, het) head; taps, $6.23 to $0.30;
fair to good, ;N.:4 to $0: common to littlM
54,50 to 53.21. Hogs -Receipts, 18.090 head;
slow and weaker for Yorkers and light
gradeothers In fair demand; Yorkers,
57.03 to 57.13; light tlo. %Liu to 50.35 I
mixed packers. $7.25 to 57.40; choice heavy,
$7.43 to 57.3.3; riga, 511.60 to ;0.03''roughs.
$6.73 to ;0.00; tsga. $3 to 55.50. Sheep
and hunba--Iteccipts, 23,550 head; fairlY
good demand, but 5e to 13e lower; choice
to fancy lanib.a, $7.33 to $7.30; common to
choice, 50.63 to 57.25; culls to fair, 33.0
to *0.110; sheep, choke handy wethers, ;0.60
to .56.75; common to extra mixed, 55.75 to
$0.50; culls and common, 53.25 to $5.60;
clipped sheep, mixed, 55.50 to 53.73; oth-
ers, 53 to $5.23; clipped iambs, tops, 56.60
to $0.70; others, 54.50 to 50.50; yearlings.
53.75 to 56.25.
Montreal Grain and Produce.
Montreal, Aprll 28.-GrnIu-The market is
quiet but firm; No. 2 white Alberta oats
sold at 47%c, ex -store. 1,eas declined 1,fle to
87%e afloat hay. There Is also some cable
business in Manitoba wheat. We quote: -
Ontario No. 1 spring wheat, afloat, alay,
77e; NO. 2 spriug wheat, 76c; peas, 87%e;
ryc, 62c to 021.':,e; baeley, 66c; oats, 405;
buckwheat, 07%e.
Flour -Owing to the large demand, Ogil-
vie's flours have again advanced; and are
now quoted :-Ogilric's Hungnrian, $4.20;
Glenora patent, $3.90; Manitoba
spring patents, $3.75 to 53.90; strong belt.
era'. 53.40 to $3.60; winter wheat patents,
53.75 to 53.85; straight rollers, 53.40 to
53.50; straight rollers. in bags, 51.05 to
51.70, ana extras, 51.45 to 51.53.
Meal-Buainess Is re ther quiet, but prices
are steady. We quote :-Rolled oats, iu bar-
rels. 54.65, and in bags, 52.05.
Eggs -There is a fair demand at 12%c for
straight receipts and 10%c to 115 for
No. 2. .
ProvIsions-The demand for amoked meats
keeps .up, but otherWise the market is very
quiet. We quote :-Selected heavy Canada
short cut mess pork, 522- to $22.30; heavy
Canada short cut mess pork, 521 to 521.50;,
Canada short ci.,
ft.backs, 'alto $21.50; heavy
Caimaa mess, long cut, c ear:pork, 521; light
Canada, sheet' clear eark, 520.50 to 521;
pure ° Canada lard; 'In 20 -lb pails, 11.1c to
12e; compound refined lard, in wood pails,
20 -lb, Sale to Oc; Boar's Head breed, in 20 -
lb:' Wood pails, 51.9714 to 52.05 and Globe
at 51.7214 tb 51.80; 20 -lb tin grills 14c per
Ib less; hems, 42c to 14c, an bacon, 140
to 15c per lb.
' Lending Wheat Markets.
' Closing previous da,v.° Closing to-clar.
Cash. July. Cash. july.
Chicago 7014 750
-NewYork_ 81% .. 804
• Toledo .......8414 " 78% 8414 78
Duluth, 1 hard.. /9 „. .814 ..
'Minneapplis. 75Yt • •
'Milwaukee, 2nor 763/4 761/4 7014 7514
Detroit, 2 red.. 861.13 79% ..
St. Louis ........8014 io 7914 73ry
British Markets.
, Loneon, April 28,-Close--Wheet, on pas-
sage, quie.t and steady. Maize, on passage,
quiet ana steady, Wileat, English coun-
try markets of yesterday firm at an ad,
va nee of 611 to 1011; French countrr,iiiiaes
Landon, Aril 28.--Close--Mark 7.aine alit -
101 market -Wheat, foreign firm and rattier
dearer; English strong at an advance of
is. liaise, At ierican nominally unciliangett,'
Daiiiibian quiet at a decline of (Id. 'Flone,
American lean, with a fair business; Eng:
Usti stuady. •
RIOSApril 08 --Clee---Wheat, tone quiet;
221 20e; • Septe;nber and Deeembert
„ 201 450. .
Ant werp, April 287 -No. 2 red winter, 17141.
yore Iiav
er's . neer ittil el!
ent; g Ay.pring. it eleen • ray
blood, IntOtes ttie feel strong, and
does um goad in careiy way."
oho P. ROdnette, fe,.reeklyn,N.Y,
Pure aut rieli blood
erries new itfe to every
part of the body. You
You feel anxious to be
a .y,eourageous„That's
wht.Ayer's Sars- amnia
will do for you.
.0frzttle. AO iloca,"
yarsedettrr Na.at. thia et
-.:413113. 110 ligeW, ad eitent.tiezra''
Col. F. B. Lers s ilitO Liberal
candidate in famolun, Ont., for the
LT:Madre Aesembly.
We, the unders4gne4, do itetviey
agree to refund Memo:fey on a 50 cent
bottle ef Green's Walt:ranted Syrup of
Tor. if it fails to core yew cough or
cold. We ;deo gm -mantes. a 2-7eeent
bottle to prove 6i.ltioifiletOry or money
refunded. C. Linz,
Mr, James Tot lee sash and dam- fac-
tory. at Chesterville, and a quantity
of itimbee were burned.
CA.:USE-We bring the far -
niers to.your town and pay Oat.
1213t ieeft it:efuys thi:fo es; rey ot gbx oi tit w5jrnt7 1 W113
a thew money with the doult.
REOstoUS infer-esyea trwv.
business Or your town. not.
ilECAXISE-We employ a I
mon ber of men who ;ill live Imo
here, and we pay them a e,1040.
good slaw in wages each
week, the most of their
money lieing spent in )--our
CAUSE -We live here An
help snitpott your chute:he
and eehoole.
CAE'SE-We bave reduced tine
pyieee of our eeeceits eenettlerebly
entice etatting leteirie;e.
CAUSE -Exeter Star Flour is me
most reliable family Oone in town
and will ortke Letter a,zend
moreto the seta ileto any other
fondly flour ill town. A tried
Will eonviee any geed bote;ewifo
that what we say As light
AVSE-Oar Pare •ILIenituhu.FitoM
is the undded erotinet, of No.
IFferti ilitztitoba Witted. end cone
talus all the mitt itioussultetatiee
of the tebeet berrie lent UP ill
100 pound begs end branded
"Pure Alanitolet."
AUSE-Princese Plane (t'bolos
pastry) bus no equal for One pko-
try cooldug.one belt less sbortirct
required, when using this
Tide means a eaving io money.
Harvey Broa.
cto J. Col Medici; ik
Pianos aRd
AT -
EA$17 TERlib OF PAY-
WO sollt the celeinated Reitz:mot
6k- Co. Piano (TheA t Piano of Cao.
ado the choke of Royalty for their
our of Canada, .
Nurmi IS nate: more precious than
when emu° Illentiotor of the trinity le
attacked bt COM; dysentery or any ,
bowel troll le. The (leder Is dietant
hot if Perry Davis Painkiller is near
all ()auger is soon ended.
M. C. Dickeon. distriet passenger
agent of the Grand Trunk Railway
system, with headquarters atToronto,
bate at bis own rerptest, been assigned
to other duties. Ilo will he succeeded
by. J, D. McDonald, now Buffalo dis-
trict agent.
Laxath e Pirotarequinine Tablets, eurts a old in on
day. No Caren) ew. 23 vents.
The Northwest Legislative Assembly
will be dissolved at encomia writs will
issued on April 30. Nominations will
be beld May 10th and voting 3lay 21st.
Take Laxative Drown Quinine Tab
lets, All druggis:s refund the money
if it fails to cure. 2.50. E. W. Groves'
isguature is on each. box.
Paine's Celery
Is The Only Medicine That Can
Promptly and Permanently
Banish All Wasting and
Dangerous Diseases,
It Restores Lost Health When
Physicians Pronounce Your
Case Incurable.
If you waneom
t etiting •eheaperer
can show you Pianos el other Make*
•vit telt will be no disgraee to the Intelt
elegant parlor. . .
Sewing Moot loos.
In sewing machines WO COAT y the
eW Willierae, Raymenti and White
also needles mid supplies fets all tueete.
Ines. • . .
ft unto
The latest sheet 311USie alwoys iu
If in spring time sick people -young
and old -act with promptness, wisdom
and decision, suffering, agony and mis-
ery would never be carried into the
summer months.
To delay the work of banishing dis-
ease, regofiating the neryes, purifying
the blood and restoring perfect diges-
tion is a serious mistake.
When the blood is sluggish, impure
and poisoned, when the nervous sys-
tem is unbalanced, when digestion is
deranged, and the appetite poor and
variable, be assured youe condition is
critical, and calls for nstant attention
before the summermonths' bring addi-
tional clangers. ,
At this time the ute of Paine's Celery
Compound will do a marvellous work
for every rundown, sick and diseased
man and woman.
Its life-giving work first commences
with the blood, which is made clean
and pure; then the nerves are quiekly
put n order, digestive vigor is fully re-
stored, the appetite is made natural,
sleep is refreshing, arid the Clasp onding
heart is made light and'joyous.
It is well to bear in mind that Paine's
Celery Compound °Wes its origon to
the most distinguished physician that
this American continent ever produced
and his marvellous prescription is pub-
licly indorsed by our best and ablest
physicians. '
If all sufferers who have been disap-
pointed in the past will promptly start
with Paine's Celery Compound, they
will be astonished and delighted with
the speed with ivhich this wonderful
remedy is able to call a halt to wasting
and dangerous diseases. It is now
making tens of thousands well and
strong, and fitting them to enjoy the
summer months which, to the strong,
are pleasurable and. happy.
We have moved into our new
raises opposite the Central Hotel awl
are now open for business. Our pre-
inises are modern and we give you
modern and up-to-date goods anti
made in the most modern style.
We Personally...
. Cut Every Garment
T.hat's made up at this establishment
-as well as fit it -and look after
all the details. This is only Aonis
reason why our prices are moder-
Gent's Furnishings . .
Come and see us in our new platte
of business and examine our stook 61:
Gent's Furnishings
. n
Bert Knight.
jtGook's Cotton Root Compotti
1,171V,Di:tIte'cll'IthlY bYett"":4
your druggist for Cook's Cotton ltpcittCoor-
pound. Take no other, as all )Tixtures, pins and
imitations are dangerous. Prioe,No. 1,41.1iM
box; No. 9,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. No.
1 or 3, mailed on receipt of price and two 34zerik
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor,. Ont.
rir-Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommendedItyalt
responsible Drugeists in Canada..
No. 1 and No.2 ere sold in Exeter by
C. Lutz ancl .T. W. Browning, Drug-
'1(6‘.1 !lay Need
All Boyvei
It la a Sure, safe and quicirremedy.
There's only one pAIN-lilLYLIER.
Pmnr.y Davis'.
Two siseS, 25C. and 500.
The five children of J.I3. Monchanists
a butcher at St. Norbert, Man., perish-
ed in the flames of his burning benne
early Smithey morning.. IVroucharrep,
his wife and eldest daughterswere also
terribly burned. The fire started from
a lamp, which was heating an inonbee
tor. '