Exeter Advocate, 1902-5-1, Page 3remdeMererWesemerea‘VMeinCefet inerelPiteeefo,
fp• Gentility
L vs.
* Nobility of Soul.
An open window, with the hlay
breezes coining softly through it -a
librarysilent except far the oc-
caelonal swatch of 4, busy pen, and
on the tiroad, old-fashioned window-
deat a. small figure, curled up, quiet
voice maltiug Shrill inusie .every-
where ; these were strange SQ id to
All Mr. Trelaweeede once empty and
quiet lienwe. Ue Awed himself to
think so often as be listened tee them
recalling that. old life of his cote*
paring it with this that he was 1v-
•$ now. lover of peace as he
44M'*f Playthings from her earliest
yearn He had taught her to build
houses with them. -to mahe pyramids
of them -to etiarelt their pages for
pictures -to take them in her arms
end kiss them when they fell.
She was a, clear-hra
eaded little %id ,
-root one who was accustomed. to
let her feelings run away with her,
or to allow sentiment. to get the up -
Per band of reason. Sometimes, I
think, ill spite of all hie devotion to
her, Air. Trelawney came on hard
bite in his leetle daughter that loo.de
him wince. 'She will not be taken
iii easiler." be would say at ewe
merits with a laugh, Often he would
wateh her demure and composed
ways, and wonder what strength of
feeling lay beneath the calm and
rather cold exterior, In person she
--as a mouse, with a bit of something leen se 1„„ 1,, a _
g ever was like his mother -a dainty, pret-
it called needlework in its tiny bands nhh h -d""
thrilled his heart in an the years he , tea rather Quaker -like little face and
-some garment, or fancied garment,
ese. had hitherto lived as the touch of ;figure ; erontlered if in character
1(4' (1°11. that it Was ta°111°"'"n these childish fingers thrilled it, she would provelikehis mother too:
clumeily, with feeble, patient flegers, e,„h ? and perimpre though half uneon-
The little brow was puckered as it
Be used to 110 down on the sofa in scloushe or at least unwillingly, a.
stooped over its work ; the ,smell his study, and pretend to be ine- certain reluctance to believe it pee-
Inenth was set with the intentness ss sound asleep, that they liable would mingle with his sPecula-
hie endeavor ; unconscious of dis- Might come and wander over him, tions. For his mother had been
comfort front the full sunshine in lee straing hie cheek, straying amongst wootau of votary virtues and of few
eye, minute after nitwit° the smelt his hair, pulling at, lois coat•to try fault% bot looking baek now on the
creattire went on with its Work, Per- to rouse lolion the little voice. "too days when'they bed lived together
severing, steady, Meant. !calling him all the thee with an he c'eeltsionallY found 111111sen
ometiinea from his table where he , imperimennopapa, papa en...the, tioning whether warm blood could
Sat at work Mr. Trelewney dIanced after he bad tam suu for a, few. row- over have flowed in her calm veins -
at the brown bent heath bid the' totes, sitting to these sweet en, ' whether in all ber life her pulees
oft gleuce wan rarely More than a Mead, treaties, all in a moment be would i Could ever have beaten fast.
inomentary„ passing Ione : We buey', stretch out his arms. and match the ' "If Dome.* coulde Ulmbher
Man had grown accustomed to have Mete Creature ha a rapture to his esolue wile's," he would Fay to 10111 -
this entall, etaid figure in his sight rl bosom. and cover the brown headl self. *I should ileslie notlither bet-
Ite presence brought MI sense of Ms- with litsees so paesitmete that, half ter. My ln°ther's eolln sc°0 and
turbance to hiro, but only instead of i: in delight, half almost in tenser, strength of mind, jollied with the
that a happy sense of peace and col i Derma would quiver fled emote.. 1 warmth and breadth of nature that
posseeeloneen, feeling that within the Only when be was Mona wjak Oa 1 think 1 see in Dorcee, would maim
four walls of this quiet room of his Iiiii did ' • ' an tweet e f t nil n
0% be ever bettay hia low for a et r tee woman." A i
lei held all that was dearest to hIWI her in title impetuous way. A. shy, )IAPPY faith he used to watelt the
in the world -his 'Woke, tile friends undemonstrative man in general, it little maid, believing that he caul()
of all Iola life, and this new friend- would opt heed been in Iva already Perceive the seeds ef gll
bis cloud, to show it so before any witnesses. goodness and nobleness in thief ellild
When Dorcas first began to talk. 1 In the presence of others -own in of lde, with her quiet. eeithroonseseed
her etatunierlog oitteranees made a Letty'a preFence-he romped fond of waYes and her grave, obeervant
the child, and was kind to her ; but (Wes*
that. was all ; his wanneet caresses, "P"rtY's °Yes are 1140 two little
his tenderest neneeuse, were all re„, stars, that v. -etch -and watch." he
aaid to hen tenderly, (met% and
served far those hours. which both
vac" un,ul.taill steps with an ane of tbem hind eo well, sewn no other, drew her to his side mid Loured them
xiotts eagentees that must seriously!creatiore eatne, between them -when shut.
have disturbed hie peace. Strangely they trete all the world to each $1101 haPPY won.9 tbro two tlised
to take together 1 With her mother
llamas weld very little mat tot doom
Curious and SWeet, MAC in her fathe
gee ear ; when her unsteady little
feet began to toddle up and down,
the floors, he toot: fotlowing these
enough from quite (*tune days -an
soon es she eould walk and talk at
all -be used like to carry her into
his study, and shut hintseli up with
. her there; and she. too, rapidly de-
veloped a taste for beteg so shut up.
Waists that include sharpleoperinted
revers suit meow figuree better than
other styles. The smart blouse illuse
traeed hes the additiouel Merit of:
including the latest isleeves and of
setting odd waste, and entire Veer
teliewe :equally well. As ehown, the
is crepe, de. Ohene nate
blue, with dotted Panne satin in the
eame shade,. making the revere and
vest, white mouseetliee the eltemi.
eette and Plena blue satin the baud%
but ail the eeason'e reateriala are
:epproPriete ,and eembe.rleee etitabiten.
tiona clote he made. •
.TO cat thia valet In 'the eriediuta
ne yards of material Wawe.
de, al yards inceee wide. "t•
'fords itiehee wide. or 2 yard e 44
inehea wide will be required', with lee
yards Ill inches wide for vest revere
and euffe. Orel narcia fes'ecloemisette.
Rape is new ea extensively grown
here that no definite explena-
tion need be given in regard te ite
many who nct know the history
of the plant. Mauer ee/cis are killed
mit the first summer by the top
great affection of the nurse crop,
Then, if pastured heavily the firat
fall, 2nany Oeleis will winter kill for
want of cover, while an nay WW1
alternate winter thawing aud fr
log will heave the soil and breath tke
roots. Scat nurse crops and. plenty
of clover the first winter will usual-
ly insure the crop,
on -he
eh waetenstics. But this much can
be said, thet it is an excellent feed
ter '30147 dow's, sheep aad hogs. It The problem of how best to con•
can, be sown any time from the mid- serve tile fertilizing materials ia
die of Aprit until August. and if the ,fannyard manure is ever before the
weather is soraewbeC favorable for fanner. Theoreticol cousiderations
Plant growth a crop may eertajody suggest the advisability of hauling
be. expected, writes Mr, A. D. Late from the yard and spreading upon
son. the lend as quichly as possible ter
c:fngthriocteewitgarii.ate)xepeiraimstenesuimamtehre.. lpors7eiriltoradestlreaacethieinegf.erMentation ond
Hne In practice
but on account of the severe drouth' many farmers fled, this convetitent
y experiment was not as greet a and profitable and while the snow la
stweess as I had looped it to be. The on the grotina they. distribute the
character of the soil was a sandy manure in the holds where it is
loam, and after carefully preparing wanted. Not every farm, however,
the seed bed, oats were sown April is suited to this Method.
- at the rate of two and one -heti lands suger from Washing in
bushels per acre. A broadcast seed- spring, and the most vablattete colt-
er used. The rape seed was put stitelente of the rarosure will be car.
in the grass Feeder attachreent but ried away itt the hirst freshete. Then
not allowed to be covered by the cull- there are tie e when it is impossi-
tivator or the seeder. The Dwarf .ble to go upon the land in the eerier
Eneed; was the variety of rape sown, winter or early spring• An thinge
end at the rate of four pomade per coreidered it eeeree best that there
acre. The lield was now rolled, 413,01 ehoulti be some prole:ikon for stosinee
:atter this a, light harrowing wen the iltrastire foe e shoet thee ,sse
ibm garreldtitiowatrsilwiee3rleaytie7e, 1;recottiosiii‘ neeeseity convetneuve de-
gLven.0,,tne:ved yard mod theta haul TO the
10f no rain both the trate and rape t •
grew very slowly and at abatit
'tate& but the rape proved to be a tweet: hornier sliould tele as trona
ther at their genie% ebrinking inn great tolisauce in the oots; toot only Pride in a clean. well -ordered born,
same rote. Oa July .27 it vote
controllably, in hie shy reserve. from was id, diffieult to run the hinder, as the howeseire three in her freetthe
In ut liter binding thie green 9toir ,•• cieatted reoitie-
iet4ng the (17° °t anY Ntr4"gee "e` tho oats, to'itee .ionhf name Olt sterna, days when Ilse worn
him at hist childielt play.
Such Will Re Theft Life on
in the Sent!). Pacific, ,erice no the flow of man; when fere= • W" °.1.;t44 1"'"`41 hva°113'
to get dry. *onside oseeet went, the been eleaseilig
The seeonti crop of rape :melte very limy he dome,: the eon/K.4. vrietilartve.
)gocul growth anti on August le we etaiewaye and eleeets, teepee eid
. , •
• Contanetteed cnt it and feed it to bealso,Fos. battle, alidl Odg.IS and endor
tlair.v cows. They relish it eery ler all 145n( As collect, sloyeld be eleere
reeer notele There was no /Marked difTer- ed out anti the pheree well swept
The little cenal reel io the South fodder Wee% sulietituted rnmedlog41.- Th‘"u. 's(*P4wate` tfa%
other. with eVery011e else clout out. 0"4••`+'3111. known as ranning', Is-, At tide cetlitto, the yield wc.h4 tat ltbe la',17,46 the req. tool &Ice la weer:
land. la tu les a resting pleee for the tette of two tons per woe. Tie, :net hero toe hero the einder,
The Wcchisi‘e devotion that wire English Rehm:wine cable, to stretch crop was left groaner: tantil dorkeeree booddn aro blow or sthrli the211 TQ"'
ited thot litele darneel atintirably : SI44 °he SilliaM14V W"111(1 raudde Iola to the Aestrelien Conotatinweeith. greee on It, conne-refren with a or the ithmefet9., Irdhtl 1439' dtcli
eiling her sodein to hinteele, suited V1,11,41e,,r /1174: ewere teNv dolPi ":1Iett 1 1 t f the tape to the eeoung earner, dheannee ead wean and Plieres of
and vcoulti cry to lw taliett to pene, r• Trehtwineeet ioaloree lore, Pie ;',"a"44.'isel* ''‘Ihh.""trie an doltr othewe laees, it tete olevellopett great fronl oevoial experiment weal hooville ba di tahe time doo
and straggle to Kenile item, I.,,,eteehe ramie wore esoicely to aglow that elier err(hvh-e,nehea"fr, "ef 11.47" t° 0°_,1:,°"pnetallpee in the telegraph enstent, Of Joel this time the mobs woo, elbowed eight; doe% tire- to do it all in kola;
arum t111 eomeeitnes hettaes heart predrerred Idea to every other crtnotoire dli't""d'e ""rt."''hot "e -FS ON•Pene` the world, It lies 10301 miles wroth' to grow about a hoeliee lontore dan, lett- is a o'"; -.4t 10!'","0 vho;:t
would ache a tittle sadly. , the house, and too lids Eeeret, sat19-11- °SS 04 thetts" 11°11dIng hand of lletevaii, and to be neographietolly the rape seed was Gown, On May [. of it.
Poor Letty loved her blindly and faction in this hoowaaihe h,hr that !i•enetregy au Nee walked heeide him. accurate. os Nitnaated in tatittide es I "wed the Need brieween. valia,,TrzTsh eat nee
plohlonateta. hot Dorcas. ;oe, sae-ibe a good deal forgot, Lefty and .1.10,r.eas would elide Mtn queetlena degrees al minutts !an secoral9 noeth the rate of fonr prountle pee aere The it• deere when it doodat frehhhh
rY to 'Oit:th °11 bur sblei tIM not lovelLettYa elahns-we Ind he e‘er* FelHil:""Intrit 8148311V ; LwarcellY it tluwer arid in longitude Iro degrees 21 mine field yes given a lifIhr Ix ng and by 1,41lri.e44 tin" tat
her mother ‘,..17 mech. with a ma poops, Olen, remember thosellItY the rultt11°1(10 did •'he PasS %des 50 sreoltds NW:L. On tlliS which 41t1 not 1:11tire the growth of Idowdein Olen if eos diree't burii"X Ine
-"I rictus instinct. she eeenuel, from a rights of here nlneh. think. flint145.et4r(lo.; titeli1;gt!'iYhilltn.:11414;4411trigt,11101 tatt,"the Pacifte Cable Board. by which the man at ail. The rape was first loodit• tho barn win he e"ala olut
To the best of his power. it 19 name the English cable company ignditotieed Jtuto 0, atal thee was as "'howled' tei otter derdie int 04"' 116°4'
u°talortittr.:•tg,s%wett°11;teess"olli he did try to twe inthwItCe "'°° 1/.4°W° lat°W Its name called, has thitermitted to estitaillefq anted% an it ever grew. The oats
charaeter. and. Nee:ever tenderty she over the child for good. Well as lw and hihtneY ; she Plaell 11P Pebbles :its nildevean station, expending were harcested noily 2.7. and not a,
=ism, haat her. t„ mtahle her ten.; bee, ills eyes. a,:o; time passed; 1111101115l,ergt:thtioillitwdlleila !Mid to no.r.rei,Itbercon between neoonteo and steon estate rapo wee seen amems it. PItEVAIIATION VIII: SOIL,
*mess with a certain tone of con.hon. levaine quite voneeirms eere ile VW le rellullht 000 in San Vraneiseo. il'rons this eeperintena, I Mien. sown, The, tiNTsulamy
„duarenston Letty. though tarn falatt9 in her, and thebt` faldt9 `tti irPasr and n' Ineanint; rue everl- The Wee for the Imildhlit'q have nig refie Without a taa'"ia Era!, iq',1ers tip world over eoefieme the
poised bee often. ',army env se, , he tried. at, least, not to Thom over ; 64:incdh eaSitelltol qtatixite: bhane. been prep.ored Unity II. efeyers,,,I bean and also that it eat% be doneletatemeat that, thoroolhh preareetw
rented, tor regarded it as anythingi lightleh She was Imperious and wit -
e , and Kevin. for quarters for the tele- 'prafitably. limo of the rent not, only hareasee
ream limn she deserved. ful, for ittetance, and he did his lot-'F°11d Ma il°wee• to graphie staff, including the operetitig
xis g tetet4 t ti porett TR t itt•Ft& reasons, cr exeript note the goortheo, lout her Lathe ith tong length, from itritriah ne,a0 tee stock was ,111.1,tee.a eallissigs or tnet hole %venire elweinat
povrer of gilieg it. and ear at -4 halt the'ir "1"e 4417"Ye and eve" h* 4lt1toug1 s more, titerlz aix senie utropelcitieer paetin eire. boat they i%rederefel Ihnertitioh'% whot issxsg "iL'acax
her monniesten arta, used te sit, down in the woods
-len she's, so clover. you sive.,or MoSt to teach
1 room, a. dwelling for the superintert-
htha yield. but it in the beet hnoWn
she would „.,.. sometimes to Airs, gentleness : ehe was seltish-as by 6 rin 1°°°( "'SI* ana than 4he would dent of the statlon, a. carpenter Shop. EleleileISItiel l'ItIllstae. Taetna.n, lot or to 4 Zi • - . ISA° il:3! i: la h aA Z.O.
; et..ItiOr68. 11 15 in Met the only loom=
____aforhham : "slues Hee her fatbeno unitire most Cre.atures are -and he,. XS'al.4 .11.14.1 On her fair:, htOrieS-Qr. bath -houses, a lamp room, kitchens An English Army officer. writing totethott with non -cultivated. front,
bless her 5 And like (ahem to like. i Med to instil into her the habit of ; FAxne!: tuf'Y would make up Wet . anti it large reservoir foe the catch- on the cere of horses. eayei-Rege-nuel an eowatial part of the moire-
yOu Inoue lies not to Ire hooked for- giving up het' own desires (I do not . ‘7ght1hr. Han /window material out lug and preServation of rain water ninny of exercise is an important, tive treatmeut of all enhireted
ebet she'd thin); much of me." And, saY that he sueceeded in thin eon): '
he wonlil stoop and preher lipe" n„ h ei,threit, !AMY* rounding111„n1, Joining' it i for drinking purposes. The walls of 0 element in the developinent of flite erope, Thorough preparation anti
, she rapidly developn ar
ed adent hove "" Lori, , her toe° a luedleYt these structures are to be of eorali highest powers or the howee. Then; vulthation eoet lebor and minrey,
to! uoutemse. eeu
With a hail sad hiss upon her little( for Pleasurd h
Pleasure. and he trieard to whoe abrdity. anal obtained on the island, hut all the horse in regular work will tenTer l.'s 'lout mot aearly in much ae n par-
, ataihmer.s clunk. aed ean„eth eer awahe in her heart a counter-hal:me "(IL nt eddlhveamea, Delliollhh "nest other material will choke ef,l'out 8an in his legs than auotiwn for be htnetial or total failure of tie! crop, And
hair from her brow. and then the ing 1:c.r‘e fox' dote. 1 am afraiii that "IV.,,e 1)11.` °' '''"S (*AVMS ‘4./ ael... FraltriSCO. The corm Will hi` cove comes gradually and thormighly ae,-,yet many farnieri. steahge to Sly,
nod nutnno. w„„id listen with a, SOnlatinieS MS tedebbig: fell On la- , "1,4 1,t I"' 4540 that„Mr. Teehwv- ered with cement on the exterior. customed to what is required id, do not prepare their latel at all,
sigh to the little lament tapping nt , 1 it n' eau nom% to sPenu aoltrs Over:, am1 the buildings will be made as him The whole 'icing inaehille aC-1
. g Renee like this to
the etude' hoor ; for the child would a mewls? the:proof ItS possible. They commodates itself to tho regular died
'Stay with her mother while site loeld
11 I
Ider tot her side, bet as Foon as she CATARRH CURE .0 Otto% ot,n, to himself, langh Ot the in height. A VERY SMART you,
thought of it, "But retina help
teas released the toddling steps went le erre direct to the altieased it. The little soul expects me to
always lit one direction, and Letty
II * s seyteueold child d rib would win be for the most part two stories mands upon it, the botlY becomes av-
pals by Aso Improved Blower.
Heels the law, elm, , play with her." he would say, in
would hear the hepatient demand of
•-"Oppen, oppen 5" that, never woe rbarcooszes, ores dropper la ie. half jesting calf -excuse. ;dee expect-
maile at the door of any roten
'Which she sat.
"She'd tea.ve me for her father ally
day. I suppose %night go away,
anti they'd neither of them: ever miss
enc. tor ever earn" elle said sadly,
and almost bitterly. once or twice.
thoogh ' she spoke sadly.
Letty'e life was fuller and happier
. now, and Letty herself, perhaps, was
stronger to bear some troubles than
she had been before her ehild was
born. To most people, as time goes
.oe, the back gets fitted to the bur-
den that it has to bear, end the
sharp sorrow of to -day becomes only
to -morrow's subdued pain. Letty
bad had her short time of rapture,
•and her bitter awakening from it ;
and now -the world was comieg by
degeees to put on something of its
,fe-every-clay garb again, and she had
lots lite of sadness still, and her
passionate longings, aud sometimes
even her tiassiouate despairs ; but in
spite of longings herdhouse had to
be ordered (as best could order
it), mid her little girl bad to be
nursed and clothed, and sometimes,
fortunately, the common cares of her
daily life made her half forget her
'disappointed hopes, and the simple
joys of which she had • her share
came to her in at feast partial stead
of those other joys of which, in her
girlhood, she had so vainly dream-
- Little footsteps pattering up and
down the stairs, it little high sweet
tzte and well contlitioned without, ,
Thp telegraph cable station Will he superfluous fat, mod the norselee tutd:* ”"'41`4"`a. of eat:at doge,'" eaid
located at English harbor, the only tendons gradually develop. Moseys Mr' 81-11"1"• .celailPI 114° of a dog
I owned Venter ;tear, That ere dog
shippittg entrance on leanniug Island, in regular work are also waren m-
eas. All Suitt*. or La A. ch. ehria: ehildeen
Catarrh and Ira Fever DI ura
p a y e ed it, and so il)ravintlisultAllhor.heri : altholigh It is odue and a ball miles oupt front the muter actideats whitea' Went t*.* 5. w•th 84111114Y' °It.
tom; and four miles wide. A penal- arise from over-freelinese. "4-•
„„. reenter, t.
Medicine Cc. Torotito and Boa no companion °teas had horny of the place tis *.t it, is not proof of the value of regnillr evereisi;,' eirasel a rohInt soxn :cee WO on
besides himself (ex- aboce two or three feet above the! we need only refer to th"e singe cotteh tht' d'./Y if. ":4* bliPPin*
ep inotheo, of course : but
.cant ears, a.nd that sometimes, too, 801130101e they neither Sid •them
thought much of Letty for a play-
perhape, the strength of original sin
in the little maiden filled his Heart fellow). So lie 'talked nonsenee to
her, and played games with her, and
with a temporary coraternation ;
they rim races together in the fields;
but, on the whole she was as good,
perhaps as most children ore-ana, and the grave etudent, Vo,i10Fe life
at any rate, he was content with till now loud been epent amought his
her. hooks, "became accustomed at come
horses of former days. Many of . sight wait ' ' •
being sick or sOrry. FeW gentlemen ''l• ine nose
these animals, though by no means . ,e_ „„ „,.
hIle wee the best rabbit dog la
of the best phyeical frame would rrn ehtl'hrY. too. all. ioded the sport,
o. Ho knowed 'trod Save
trot with it heavy load behind them amazaig1;*
for eight miles Miles at the rate of the King' front 'Rule Ilritauniar an"
would keep time alai his tail on the
ten miles an hour without turning it „bee ..e.,,..,. T „..., „tsvi.. of
„,.. .,.x
bait% a nd this work they would eon- ""”: -"'- - -- '-'''-. - '''`- —
v. iddle
Untie to do fte.' :vitro without ever jul.rlhat ;mg, w,),,id ilea do anything
ie carriage . Yon told him. I never eeed hie
can say as much for the
equal. I was i
horses. No horses, in fact. were ,..) n. hopes of teaching
harder condition. On the othe'‘r hint to talk when he met lois death.
, He had already learned to howl two
'met of the ocean. excepting on the
outer coast, where the rim of the
coral has been thrown up by the ac-
tion of the seit to the height of ten
feet in some plaees. There tore trees
on the island, but they aro mostly
cocoanut, so thee, fuel as well as
drinaing water, is a scarce article.
hhe coral has been a British pos-
As the days of imperfeet speech mend to leave lois desk that he session since veg.
relight, walk on all fours round lois
and toddling infamy poweed away,
it seemed to hien, indeed, as if each study floor, in abject imitation
hour she grew eearer to him. }le senile lien Or tiger roaming in its MORE VALUABLE TITINGS LOST.
was thielting this, perhaps, to -day, native woods,
as his eyes wandered again end again lIto was occasionally half ashamed
from his work to rest tenderly COIol these strange occupatious to
which he had descended. Oise day,
the little efigure sitting with busy
when Mr. Gibson came to see hino,
fingers in the window seat. Bending
there with absorbed fare over her and, being mewed unexpectedly into
the room, found Isis friend barricad-
piece of futile sewing, how sweet and
she time°, he ea and growling in one corner of it,
quaint a picture
thought. Ilo looked sit her, and enacting a wild beast in Rs den,
Mr. Trelawney leapt to his feet, and
looked a hundred times. How earn-
est, patient, persevering she was ! burst from his imprisonment with
Possessiug suck qualities, what his face on fire.
would she not be capable of becom- "I was -I was only playing with
that silly child. (Inc bus to make a
ing presently ? Surely he should be
fool of ape's self sometimen" he
able to make a stedent of her -to
teach her his own love of books -to blurted out apologetically, with an
embarrassed laugh. And, though
the other answered emphatically that
he could not do a better thing, Mr.
Trelawney was dieturbed all through
the visit, and after this time often
leaked his study door when the lit -
...special delight). She had had books tle one and he were engaged togee
make her, perhaps, a felLow-worker
with himself ? Already the little
lips could read easy words -English
words in plenty, and •Greek words
even (at least, one or two. He had
taught her these secretly, for his OWn
Dr.Chase in the Lum er
The Exposure and- Hardships of Camp Life Bring on Kidney Mean) Backache and
TEM Lumberman's Favorite-Eternal:y-1s Dr. Chase's Kidney -liver Pine
It is to the teamsters, farmers, railroaders, lumbermen above all others that Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills prove their marvellous Control over kidney disease, backache end accompanying ills. Exposure to cold,
dampness, sudden change of temperature and the Strain and jar of active vigorous lire, frequently bring on
derangements of the kidaeys, bowels and bladder, and consequent pains and aehes in back and limbs.
Mr. John Orr, lumberman, Trenton, Ont., states -"Through exposure to all sorts or weather in the lum-
ber cahm, and as a result. of the strain of my work, I became a sufferer from kidney disease, ivhich in my
case took the form of very severe paths across the back, over the kidneys and down the hips. When in the
•woods cutting down trees these pains would come on me with such force that would have to give up work
and return to camp, entirely used up,
"Finding that a number of theboys in camp used Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, I decided to try them,
and did so with splendid results, as they thoroughly cured me. 1 feel like noy old aelf again, and eau work
just as good as the next one. am grateful for this cure, and honestly .believe that Dr, Chase's Kidney -
Lived Pills are the greatest medicine there is for kidney disease."
• Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have by far the largest sale la Canada of asoe- siniltar prepare:WM.' They
have proven their right to it place in every home as the most thoroughly reliable medicine thate Vienne has
devised. They ,are prompt and natural in action, and regulate and invigorate the kidneys', • leder' ' ehd
bowels as no other medicine wr ver known to do. You can scarcely meet, a person but can tell.' 'ittitt of re-
markable cures brought about e dais treatment. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, at car dee:lair of FA-
Manaon, Bates & io, Toronto.
one must laugh. This is a matter of
When the judge makes a jo.e (leery for a few slays ia it horse id high three
condition, he will put on fat. He tunes, ate
• 1- . . wed his al -
joke is really funny, as in the fol- was practising a new trick he in-
14,1`,1trit one mornin'
has the poor pup
course. Sometimes, however, the, been making daily the large
amount of material needed to sus -
lowing instance ; t dil t u*eh th .1 '
During the hearing of a ease a
man was moving about in the rear
tairo the consumption caused by his
work. If that .work cease suddenne
co,nuis to his death very unexpected.
• d I d •
mature win, notwithstanding, eon -
of the court, moving chairs and die- happened. seed him with my eyee
tinue to supply the new material; an
curlin' his tail over his back, an'
turbing things generally% •
fat, followed by' plethora and fro- •
jumpmthrough the eurl. In one of
his leaps he broke his back aid
"Young- mane" the judger said at wt. e te spec y
(meetly by disease, '11 b tl d
length, looking at han stennee "you
are making a great deal of noise,"
"My lord," was the reply. "The
fact is that 1 have lost iny over-
coat, and 1 ant endeavoring to end
"Well." was the ready comment,
'people often lose whole suits ho
here without making half so much
"Well, it you Will excuse me," said
the guest, "I think I'll retire," and
rising he walked towards the door
and to.waited the escorteof his host.,
''Please, may 1 go with year
pleadingly- exclaimed the boy of the
"And why should. you .want ,to go
with 'me ?" sentiment replied the
guest ; "aren't you satisfied with
your• own comfortable.ehed ?"
"Yes,"' i•epitect the bey, 'hut]
want to go with you 'cause I heard
pa say this morning that you ex-
pected to retire on $200,000.
'"What are these things ?" asked
She customer,
"Pencil, 'erasers," said the shop -
'1 don't want anything that will
erase a pencil. 1 want a pencil-
inttrk eraser.''
"That's what 1 meant. Those aro
pencil -marl "
arl erasers. Anything else?
"Yes ; I Want some lead pencils
"We haven't qny lead pencils, We
have some .• wooden eylietiers with
graphite inside them, Wilt they de
as well ?"
'Linder ordinary conditions clover is
a biennial. SOWa itt the spring, it
lives over next winter, prodeces its
seed the second year and then dies,
its mission being ended. Some
plants, failing to produce seed, will
live over another season. This fact
explains the loss of the clover to the
"Mutt brought you here, my poor
man ?" inquired the prison visitor
of a convicted begamist. "Weil.
lady," replied the prisoner, "I think
my trouble started from. attending
too many weddin'se" "Alt ! you
learnt to drink there, or steel, per-
haps ?" "No, lady I was always
the bridegroom?'
Ine-TO-DATle 11A in 1 teleinS.
Caller -What is your Iowan tee for manerug a couple?
Preacher -Two for five,