Exeter Advocate, 1902-4-24, Page 8r7' Spring is here and we are showing the newest designs in SUITINGS, COATINGS ux<d P :l'TJltifiS tat reartaoamble prices. Have pea received Jim.' .T, Mitchell" few Fashion Plate for the present season. Ueaiee 1 can give you the latest cuts for spring and euuanneg W. TAMAN' site post Office. 3Ierchatnt Tenor. Mrs. NV, a-. Hawkshaw,wholute been Purse Fauna. ill at S. Joseph's Hospital, London, On fridAy, a purse containing a sura for some time. laid of Whom mention, of looney. Oevtaer ca:iz have salute by proving ownership tool paying tow t notice, Apply to Josue WUol), Beet .os><. On the London Road between De.. :and Exeter, Saturday ereliing last,. dark navy blue horse blanket, heel the ad.+'•Blue Ribbon Tena" in yell letters sewed nn its Finder will kit ly leave same with v:as trade in these coluttns hist week as lseing. m a fairway to recovery, took a. tarn for the worse Friday night and has since been in a very precarious ,condition, having since then suffered several hemorrhages of the lungs. 1<r, jean Kessel, who has been man- ager a the Snthei•land-Innes Works here for the past three years, left on Friday evening for Homer, Mich,, where he will take charge of a similar works for the sattle eonopaay. Ur - Kessel is a shrewd buses amen and. has transacted ak large amount of breis mess for the company since he took hold of the works here. He is sueeeed- ed by liar. Peter Robertson. People of this country have been ea. neaten to go to the uewspapers to find :where to go for what they' need. This Cou''ncil proceedings. • ulnen Met pursuant to adjourn - his Iter t at Tow ii 1la.l1, April IS, A11 Pres- ; er. est. 'lliuutee of previous meeting readgruel coufirteecl. Mr. • Tretuttine inter= viewed the L"ouncil regardiug itialtinz voni n cuiinectiou with the )'.•iter main at a • the pueilping house and to move the 4g. windniill now in use at the eleeti•ie cw power house to the river. • Davis— Wood—that the proposal of Trenilaine & Snell be accepted, the Commit 're- tea. t•tining the power to cancel the con -- tract at troy titre; ashy damage or costs ol to be bol Ire by Treaatable •� Snell, ilfov- ,an- ed iri annenditnent by,l.l<[uite seconded • ss-, by W.HAttling, that the proposal .of ug llfessrs, Tr'eanaine & Snell he Mit enter rs. taained. The Reeve deelat ed file emend, he wene c,trr•ied.' •'.Genders for eex,cav:tt'iing be • and filling in sewer on Andrew street he ; were received asfollows;--'runs, Ha•rt- null, 93c. per rod; Thome Welsh. $1.Oi Boer SO rod, lIarding-'Wood -that the tender of T. Hertnoll, being the lowest in be accepted,—Carried. Tenders for e street wittering was received•esfollows. re Fred Gillespie, S0,7aa per week; j. W, t} Creech, $11.50; Thomas Werry, $11. Z; 4it liarry Parsons, 614;1 , Reamer, $15, Wood—Muir—_that the offer of the et, Western Oil Co., for gasoline, be ac- •d ae ett•d.—Carried. "tuir—Davis—Haat ie the following accounts, be passed :and I," order's C1ral,w►a•On Treasurer for sante,-.- ThonaasFlytun,lahor $0; 1). Russell, e , do., 4G; Jaames Willis, do., $0; m. nt ('olltngwood, doe SI 87; joules Taylor, s- do., Sl,?i; Geo, Atkinson,. do., .; Hathditird,tile,1001;recount, $1.50; Jas. ("meek, 11e— Voir -tt itrthe et in les siouer' be .instrnetetl to Mama hydrant art the Town Valli, -. -wattled. lauding. t int the tender of Frets Gillespie, for Street watering, he aict'eptet1, No sec- t antler. Wood ian amendment that Lite t tender of J. W. Creech be accepted. No seconder, Muir—Day is—that the CARLINQ BROS. 1 -,se Trespassing Forbidden, The ntembers of the Pablie Seim Board have been advised that ;aa ran her of y Dung'nen have been. arespe fang on the school grounds ' duri school -hours, end after sclaotil-Itou As this is strictly forbidden by t Board, we hope that this [notice will sufficient warning not to r',peet t offence, PRTF'& it. iy SO tete that no well Inforlsmed wan a fihaulrnan of B<i.a will deny it, It follows that the atdver-, An Advertising Pointer. riser who uses the newspapers will get' A merchant who lead vivo stores the customers. This does not mean; small vintages tried.an experiment. lI that the newspaper is the only means put as bargain counter in each go for successful advertising. hart it is the containing the %anae:articles aatexaet universally approved medium, 411,,' the saute prices. In the newspaper though stone who believe in it may one a-illage he advertised his speei, emptoy other methods ars well. Au he- t counter. In the paper of the oth $leve to its merits, while all do not give village he did not aril; ertiee and so prteeminence toaanyother one method. goods amounting to Jam. In tinesto Miss Annie P. Keys, as former reel- i tete sttrne month iu tote gill:ice w he dent raf Exeter was married int Londou Ile did aadM1�rtiste he sold goods w'or'm • stt we, The Free ??Tess, of Thurs. ing to S1,.a24. Iii commenting on th s gestalt of his exptriinennt that liter elta ay has the fonuwing cbwaalettt:—.d. � _ pleasant event took place At Christysa's' "1"eop"le whet g.I . the haciver°. elael e'h rectoI'3'' on Tuesday aiitilit.wlten Ed. ,McCormick, son of Mr. •, .n- elrOW McC'orntie�k, Sitrneoe street, was awaited in anatrri.:t ge to .'1liss Annie P. h.eys, daaangr.terofM'r. William Nene Path 31aa11 street. The cerelfln-v was Performed by Rev. Il. Moor Ouse, those Interested an beseliall wits hel The young couple received unaidy hand- to the Town Ball. on Friday might las �ume and costly preseuts front relatives for the purpose of Organization, Atte nd friends. the 1151141 preliminaries the folluwin The etitchen eedeocete Qi hast week ofllccrg were electedi Reeve Lovett, Cyst ---lir. 4'W...1 Matti, llaatheinati. I1nn. Po'e5ident; (,'•, 11. ainderu. Ph•esi- 4l nee CIt1eaneareial Nester in the dent; fe,utiei11nrl3ctti'ISS% lar i�l tesa- itehell. High school, has resigned,i dent; N. D. Ilurdon. 2nd ir'ice-Press �in "'le' � . , dent; sa m ..13"-a°4°', ci• nS ie t ,a e e ,,! , c Gt eggs accept the District :'t enev u y „ Man' atilt p'tartlt mel smith moon oe "one aging Committee, Pteeiilent Sander:, of the leaading Life Insurance Comport- Stu )'Trews. Brooks, W. liettuwrn, es of Cnnaadaa, Our Citizens, we are E. J. Christie wend Isaac Bissett. A Ire. will regret to heir or lir, may 'large ninnber have alreadye'urolled 'ring lass connection with the laugh their names as mmetnibers anti the Liar meat would pass by one Of my° • gores and drive ten miles to the other for what they could have gotten :at the same price at my store at their s'low'." RaaSebatll. A large and enthnsiatstle meeting of O`# -AAL IN'. Next Thur;d.ay will be May day. Wilco a fellow gets sold he is apt feel pretty sheep.. The favorite air with most of tl girls Is a millionaire. The date for the provineiaai electio, has been fleet! for May 2L th. 1 claio '.e> t'cs neck is like as bell in act meet its is ie wrong for diviner. The lh'ore, et v .'t'iit° citta?a• of cont ioefe'rs vvi r cle► le le !der fear e waft job. Mr. . r),ova ctee arl.•il th:" pulpit of the 1 l is.. a clean ;it, H.wn-i v,Senate' 1 eq. aaea :+lhSicr •Il ticIlsesdnitisctee. lout itt:te you 'haat woe l -I rare parse at u;edueink' wee nevi-en.•IL .Clue' neat oleo litry', at v *ae is sl:: nteatn a,S t14'• neon ails it, lata' the is not steer ;Pi a itr°:41a> lft . itaaur.ria•' , Of ('r'ead'Itoon, occupied the ,1 ..J r..?u • 1l'iert s.aa='t�ie•t.tdriietit l• seen dim Dei, Stivetos. The Her. W. J. Taylor. Of St Rbess anal the n''4% J. W. Ten Eyck, exchange tender for street watering be load over' to April ':ith.—Casrried, Harding- . Wood that C'.iuneetl adjourn to Friday, April .}a, at 8p.na.—Catrriecl. Gasci, II. Blest"rr, Clerk, PERSONAL. b,teertteettlt tat. As lac tats as paainetaking and gives Promise of a good mid worth} llrs, J. V. (' uelker is v 1st 'n eneeeeetee teacher. I.lebits bed as good organization, A little financial :issi,t ihi liaayfleId, eleei of envie, ie'aa'ae in tite iteseitanece t anee fr,un the citizens of late -ter woad. aat,lacss, and 1;11014 118 scaarraely a alaataht the melt ta[ envel:at4'ei And foithfaall, ttppliaeal• Taylor -Thrown A. quiet house'v wettings; tool; place ti rite re• Eden. e h ThIIn:at'i Bis eft, Sr. ZS'illl:elta str°eeet, at -4 o'cla.:-k on Vows day. than .Mins \ilmet Taylcir;lanai' ter of Mrs. Bis nett, iva, merricrel to Mr Abr:tla:tan Brown, to jrospe •an s farmer near Maaale•tte.liieh, IteteC C. N.13vown. rondect4.d the eereuaony which was tiro';sed only by relatives and, immediate hien of the happy ;emote. - The duties of bridesmaid wind likewise thatt of groomsmaan were tliepense4l. with. The bride was the r'eeil!.ent of spite am May of costly an i useful Prescott, thus testifying to t[i. esteem n which elle is held by her 'many Wends he=re sand elsewhere. I'M happy couple remaining till Feidny toad: the ntnrnlmg t raging for their llichfliacathome. Before re a yenlrg girl tin*ow heerself at a ;waling men title ought to he sure he isat go al ee.atei►, Them ;ala• -elm' wiee father=, in thus tttwtl who otos cram' day know as t much as their sons. Drink Ila ty have mole same peoplae h fat, lett it lute m:tie more leen --against ri •a, wall for mit all f� t :support. Mrs. J , I:lwerthy entertained a flew 1t friends on TnI'-alay evening, in honor of her niece.. ticee Burton. The 31.1111) pule is like n womata's t pocket. We all know where it ought t to in•. blit the tremble is to find it.. The street watering cart made its cc appe'arruv a for the ilrst time on Solar- cl ILiV1and .t w.elee:lie visitor it was. Mr. IL r3 i eleingham is having the t anterior of hie elatnniadions dwelling Amit:la•ile.i aril otherwise renovated. Wenrd bee been received that firs. Wm. II ole. who was taken st^tie►u ly ill at her in'tthere in'is'aiy sine, is im- proving. The fru tt nations which have most: prominent lately are coron. Carrie N ati n), assassination and vac- cination. 1 Barrister Die; t:son was in Goderieh > nn lousiness `,Cat esdauy, ePf iii: stieee*s, rn lots new trnalertathin;,. A meted tied;aateh from London t llaartead four # ,areth e LWOW;s load Leger t•<ecs•:l by two Wren wpm -setting tlaena- l. veaas travellers for as Torrinto eteel r.Inge concern. It is seated that thew,• fa•$Iaaws went thIxane'h the township cee etasi$aly to sell as Very' deeitaable style of st,avc or range. When the farmers declined to buy, the aagenits made a lgrnp xsitlon to e•aeil in ttrrii, offering hem at first ,12, and then 62.59 a date tag delve them through the enunlry. They thoniht this as golden oppar.un- ity. and an agreement being produced. cache igneel it. Tile elnetnnent signed, bI►lae»i°e•a; taus await an agreement to drive the agents for a4 stated bum, 'tut nn egr.e,-nn.'nt to pay $i;I for ft. steel �.e 1 t I. t, a beet:- requested Steci tta make lie following insertion On behalf of followet by the best wlahes for titch he directors of the Exeter 'Union Enr- future happiness Of a lune cirri® a (1(:ronncd. The season's operations wends here.. at the cemetery :are now fairly corn- >`,)caxeetss(441)L4ft* Remo]. tti.ed. Atat meeting 1s the expenses will be large ne ting c+f the Liceuse Cpntanis- his year, the directors hope that All siOnet5, sold At IHensall ala tuts 1$th, e'rsons Interested and willing to assist ` melt„ the following licenses were Trill contribute a' liberally. its possible. grt4rated:—Seaforth..8llristi»t4 :step- g t will save the directors mach loss of bees, Jnnnes Weir, .lathes Di4k, Ilea- >; irate and trouble, if all those intending deeSon .t, DeLaey and W. &J. Hunse•r, ah eont.ribute, will hand such. contribu- foh� Tavern; fnr,shop, Edward Dawson tions to one of the tlirectors:1s soon ns au .Toseph Weber. Exeter.. -r, C'In- u ►nvenient. After :another year the nip how, W. Iawkshaw, W. T. Aclhe- irecteirshope to have the cemetery in sur' Geo. Berner, extended fart titre° ti well kept and eeanly condition and stn iths. Shops. Farmer Bros, and F. hen to become iueorparated, which 'I• .night. Liborne,-Joseph Ste ets:is. St lit n.—\'t tn. li 1 yin be ai gnarantee that for rQl time �p • �. oifatt, <lufi�tst hill, he minatory cannot ;Iselin faail into Vie n. Mite., Simon Deitrirlr. James neglect. The diractors who will receive cantributiunS and give reeeipts for Dtt•nneh, (1. I.. \loser. D• C.atnnan" li an and Geo. Grafton extended for t; r . u e 7 Pl et mouths. Iit.ans,4]i.--11. te. nod - 'ins and George Scott. Statnley.— llenry Shaffer and C. B. Little. Tuck- ersmith.•--(Chas. Wilson and (en. d. Strong Bayfield and Verve nn 'applica- tions appiica- tionsleft over until next meeting :zt Henson an the 24th inst. Runaway. Gln Tuesdny afternoon last between three and feur o'clock a tears oihoeses attached to as heavy wagon, belonging to Mr. Alex McDonell, of the Thames Road, Usborne, while standing at the grist mill, became frightened at as piece of paper flying in the air, and clashing ,sway made as lively run down Bain street, endangering life and causing saute a commotion. When in front of the Central Hotel they wade a turn as if to go through the atrchwny but instead started down the sidewalk with unabated fury. On mead Alrnut thirty members of the Hm wan the Commercial .House, a bicycle be - Old Boys' Association met Saturday longing i f on C. f e hotel left as standing in front of the betel, was night in the Temple haiIding and de- cided to accept the invitation of the Seaforth Town Council to hold their annual excursion this year to that place. The date fixed for Saturday, July 5, and tickets will be good to re- turn on Moodily. Seaforth has prom- ised to give the old boys a good time, and arrangements will be made with that enol in view. Twenty -Cent Pieces. The Receiver -General's Department, Toronto, invites all who have 20 -cent pieces to send. them in and have them exchanged, as it is desirable to put the coin out of circulation...At present two kinds of 20 -cent coins` are found in some places. The Newfoundland pieces can be distinguished from the Canadian coins by a dotted ring which surrounds the "20 cents." The name"Newfonnd- land can also be found on the coins of that Island. A maple leaf wreath en- circles the "20 -cents" on the Canadian piece. Died of Her,Iujuries. The home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jones has been saddened by the un- timely death of their little daughter, Irene, who met with an accident at the home of her' grandmother, Mrs. Levy, on Thursday last, which result- ed in her death. From infancy she bad been a delicate child but on Thurs• day was,particttlarly bright and was allowed to go out in the yard. In some manner she got into a buggy and while there took a, fainting spell and fell out upon the hard ground. The shock ren- dered her unconscious from which she never rallied, passing away about one o'clock. The funeral took place to the Exeter cemetery on: Saturday. The keenest. sympathy •is felt for'the be leaved parents. Mr -s. Minstar. of Whalen, is theguest atf Mrs. Wiim. Howard. M. T. 11,', H awkshaw. of Lonadoti?. was in to wn Tuesday night. ``aliee Nettie Fulton, of J,twdon. spent Tuesday night with Mends in town, Mr. J. D. Specimen. of Toronto, is a;lateoling a few days at his home here, Mit Ed. Ga'nur4•idge. of Erly s Mills, is naployedat the Exeter stave works. Mr. Albert Drover. of Chatham, week.at few days in town during the Miss Kathleen 11ortley. of ('halt, vis- ited walk friends for as fear; days in town asst week,. Hiss Mn. Mitchell. after at. pleasant` visit with friends in Ceediton,returned home last week. r• Mr. Bert Fowler, of Godericla. is the i' latest addition to Mr. W. W. Tatma4n's tailoring staff. t ng, Mins :Rota :.tanbury, of Bayfield, lvas the guest of Mr. and Mts. J. 0. taa»buty last week. Miss Matthews, of Toronto, is the nest of her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton, ar. °ivingTuesdaay eve ning. Miss Squires, Miss Stewart and Miss Ada Morloek, of Mitchell, spent Sun - ay with friends in town. Mr. George Vosper left Tuesday' morning for Toronto where he has accepted 44 position as carpenter. Mrs, Etl. Bissett, of Winnipeg, Malt. arrived Lome Inst night owing to the' illness of her father Mr. WM. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. ,Toseph Cobbiedick left Saturday morning for Riverside, Cali- fornia,where they will yisit for several weeks. Mr. Ernest Hill, of London, was here attending the marriage of his brother, Me. Fred J.1111.1 to Miss AL Ford, yes- terday. been 'Ltion, There is no better liniment for gen- eral household use than Winan's Lini- ment. Itieinli•.' about it. Sold by C. Lutz Exeter. The cresting on the south wing of the front of the Main street Methodist church was blown off by the heavy winds of Tuesday night. Mr. Jos. Beech, of Watford, a for- mer resident here, sang a solo with splendid efeetin the Main street Meth- odist church Sunday evening. Wilnan's Cough Balsam can't he sox - passed as a family remedy for Coughs, Colds and Bronchitic troubles, espec- ially good for children, Sold by C. Lutz. The Independent Order Foresters will attend divine service in body in the Jaynes street Methodist church on Sunday morning, •I:g n }rnlL next. xt. The pastor, Rev. 0. W. Brown, B. A., will occupy the pulpit. J. G. Stanbury moves this week from the residence he has occupied, the property of Thomas Cudmore, of Hur- ondale, and will reside with Mrs. Pow- ell at the Rectory until he can secure a house. Mr. Oudmore intends moving in with his family in a couple of weeks. Mr. Silas Handford received the sad intelligence yesterday (Wed.) of the death of his son-in-law, Mr. Philip Reid, of Palmyra, Wis., who was struck by lightning during a storm on Tuesday last and instantly killed. It will be remembered that Mr. Reid vis- ited in town a few months ago, the oc- casion 'being a family reunion. During the hard work of the spring feed your !horses English Stock Food It will keep your horses right. For young pigs .and calves it is the' best and cheapest stock food in the market. and is recommended' and used by all the best stock raisers in the country around. We are receiving numerous orders for English Stock Food from stock raisers from a distance. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.- Whiledriving into town on Thurs- daylast, Mr. John,Roweliffe, of Us - borne, had rather a close call from serious injuries; One of the hold -backs. of the harness broke and the buggy running unto the horse caused it to kick and run away; Mr. `Rawcliffe hong on to the lines the best. he could but the brute kept up;the pace until about opposite ' Carling B Sic et ore when it was stopped. �' r r r Sij uldock, Ji4ures Hauivah, Joteiih r , same are, M'1rt"l:ittl Coates, Thos. Carse, Roger. Northcott, Wm. Russell, D. Jacques, S. M. danders. Chas. Snell, Sr., Thos. Prior. W. D. Sanders, E. 3.. Spackman, C. Lutz. .All parties not having received proper deeds for lots will kindly present their certificate to. W. D. Weekes and receive a proper deed in exchange. Should the certifi- cate be lost as proper Gleed will be given. Apprentice Barber Wanted. A. young man to learn barbering, ap- ply to A. HASTINGS, Exeter, Boy Wanted. Boy wanted at once to learn tailor- ing, apply to W. W. Loewe. Cottages for Sale. Several brick and frame cottages in Exeter for sale. Apply to John Speck - Old Boys Will Visit Seaforth. • caught in the rig and carried around the corner, but strange to say was very little injured, while the team made a torn and ran to the shed at the rear of the hotel. Here they col- lided with a post, brining them to a sudden standstill. The iieckyoke, wagon and harness were somewhat broken while the team escaped unin- jured. Luckily there was no, person on the sidewalk when they turned in for if there had been the chances are they would have been killed. News and News Only. It is news we want. We do not care two straws to know that Susan chewed all the putty that Harry Fry put in the knot hole in the fence while she was was winning her way into the stoney heart of Reuben; it matters not to us that Eve dreamed of her own Fred last night and told what a happy girl she was in her own imagination; we do not care two cents whether Jack, Jill or Hannah are seriously contemp- lating matrimony in the dim and dis- tant future. What we want' .is news from our correspondents, not vagaries or imaginings. Itis ofno interest to our readers to hear that Sallie hrought home a bar of soap last Sia`tiu•day night and slipped in the lather when ascend- ing to her room after bidding het es- cort good-bye about two or - threel. o'clock in the morning. No one out- side of a very few cares how many dogs were seen in afield,o'the amount of lumber -chewed up by Mary Jan from the pickets of her father's fence as she looked love to eyes that were moonstruck or lovestruck or ought to be struck.with a club. We do not want this kind of trash, the ne what we desire, and we have no ;1 s is for twaddle or gags. • tom Fred Walters left Monday morning for Win hum where he will join his uncle and from there will go to Sault St Marie. non. Thos. Greenway, after a week's visit with his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, left Saturday on his return to Crystal City, Man. Mr. P. Dignan, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents here, returning to bis duties as travel- ler Monday. Anderson Cor.—Mrs. J. Anderson, has gone to Exeter, to visit ben nep- hew, Mr. White, who is suffering from a fractured leg. Miss Gerry and Miss Vance and Mr. G. Vance, of Mitchell, were guests of the Misses Huston and other friends in town Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Barnes returned to her home In London, after spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Evans, here. Mr. W. J. White, of Ottawa, spent a few days in town last week yisitiug his brother, Mr. M. J. White, who stili remains in au unchanged condition. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holman, of Bay- field, were in town Sunday on their way home from attending the Ritter - al of the.late Mrs. Handford, at Cen tralia.. Mr. Jos. Beech, of Watford, former- ly of Exeter, spent a few days in town during the week in the interests of the Douglas, Lacey- & Co., , Bankers and Brokers. Mr. Frank Greenway, who has been vlst ing men - s ere ore past ,ew weeks,the guest of Dr. Rollins, leaves fot•'his home in Crystal City, Mau., to- day (Thursday.) Miss Jean Hawkshaw returned home from London Monday evening after spendinga few days with her sister-in- law, Mrs. W. J..•Hawkshaw, who was very low last week. Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw returned Tues- day evening from London. He:reports the condition of Mrs. W. J. Hawk sba•w unchanged although there is; some hope now of her recovery. Mr. Win. Hedden left here yester- diy (Wed.) for Crystal City, Man'. He took with hits a carload of household effects. Mrs: IIedden and child will follow on Monday next. • Paints, Garden, Tools, Garden and. Field, Seeds Washers, Wringers, Cistern. and Spray Pumps . Thoraldi and Portland Dements, T. HAWKINS SON, Successors to -r. Bishop & • CORSETS Ladies we have the E. T. WATCH Sl "RING Corsets, Improved Cutr. They fit graceful. USLI.l, • S.. Ail excellent range of the It '.est colored muslins, c1.imities,oa•gal>tciies satin stripes, fancy grenadine and lace effects. Blaek I11sli la gi ena-. alines and organdies. )3 °USES. An exelusi 'e 1'o we of lad les white blouses made Qf lane Jh11 1t lawn trimmed with tucks, ant i 9b ' " :- r l>l 1.4�1f1 el.'s' o1 lace insertion. TRIINGS. just received, new Silk applique trimmings in bile loin cream. E. J SP.a' s Jieadquarters for the Cclelaraateel W. 1 . Snnelfcnrd Reaad • :glade' ('lothim } Wes. C. Huston, FURNITURE& UNDERTAKING ROOMS, GiDLHY's BLoci{. We want to sell 200 ROCKING CHAIRS before lug. See thein from 50e. up. We can sell you. a dandy iced xoom set OAK} OUT AND POLISHED, FOR $25,010 All other Furniture, Bed Springs, Mattresses away down. Do you want that picture framed? We can do it to the King's taste. We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and. can show you something new in design. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOvCK. FIELD AND GAR.DEN SEEDS. We have just receive -aa nicely as- sorted lot of:FIELD and GAR- DEN Seeds frons the D.M.Fer- ry and the Steele Briggs seed houses. ' These are fresh, new goods, to us at least, and rower in price than last year. We think these people offer - seed true to name and excellent in quality. . . We will he pleased to have a part of your trade and will appre- ciate your good will. . We shall shortly have a quantity of seed corn to offer. . • We are selling Canned Peas, Corn and Tomatoes at 7c. each just W. Trevethick. txoderich: A small boy attending St. Andrew's Ward School got a bad- ly cut lip one day last week, a compan- ion having thrown an old tin • can which struck him onhe mouth. A doctor had to' be called to pit in a number of stitches, f CHARLTON & PRRNON EXETER, AGENT FOR PROVAN'S PATENT CARRIERS FORKS AND SLINGS. Supplied p with either the Angle Iron, Round Rod or Wood. These are without a doubt the best ma- chines obtainable at any price. Was' awarded the only medal and diploma given on Hay Forks at the World's Fair Chicago. Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop. EXETER, ONTARRIO.