Exeter Advocate, 1902-4-24, Page 7A Strong Statement.
:Whena mother puts a thing emphaiicieity
it is because she knows whet she lis talking
,about. Mrs, J. F. Ilarrrgan Huntingdon;
i uev say s: —" I have used lia'b»r's Own 1 Tab-
lets an our house for over a year, and I can
say that they are, alt that as claimed
strong Eadoreettoa.
airs. Waalter'l3rown, Milby, Quo
"1 have never used any rngdiezn r , ak,y
thdid him as much good as Ba • y's Own
' brats. 1 would soot he without them,"
13aittte aetery Re se le .
Mrs. Hunt. Dumfries, N. Be says;—"I
am glad to say that ] have uaed #aby's Own
Tablets with satisfactory results.?'
A matrices 4sxitere..
"I have found Baby's Own Tablets
feet medieinefor children ofall es,"wr
Pars. 1 It Foe,, Orange Ridge, Man, ""ant:
would not be without then` in tee bou5e.
They are truly a comfort 10 baby Gaud anoth-
er's friend."
Alert Item ?btieg ear itaby.
Mrs, l d..l-ones, 55 Christie street, Ottawa,
says;," Have used Baby's Own Tablets
sad lied thorniest the thing for baby."
Free to nether* Orate.
o every mother of young children
ill send tie her name and address platei
written on a postal card, We w2II send free
of all Charge a valuable little book on the
care of infants and young children. This
book hes been prepared by a physician whet
haat made the ailments of little ones a fife
study. With the book we will send a free
sample of Deby'a Own Tablets—the best.
medicinela the world for tieeminorailmeets
of infanta and children. Mention the triol
of thin. paper and address The Dr.. Wiltiama'
ediciue Co., Brockville, Ont,
an Expeelepoell enemer.
"1'.am the reedier of nine child ran," writee
Mrs. John Replan, of Aiackey's Station,•
Ont., "and have had occasion to use much
medicine for children, and I +:nn truthfully
say 1 have never found anything to equal
Babya Qwn Tablets. Thy aro iirompt to
the "
their action and just the thing for little
A term; Mena
"I " °, a found Baby's Own a •lot's a
great he '' for my little ones° writes Mrs,
James Cta • •, 60 Conway street Montreaal
"and I think so. much of then` that I would
advise mothers to keep them in thehouse all
the time."
.k Fare Lai t vst.c4Pet6eq.
Afany little ones aro troubled with eonsti-
Pagel* it is a dangerous trouble. Mrs,
John ing, Naivete ii'aIlcy. Oat. payer -
"b ;i. , by has been badly troubled wo.
atton and 1 have never found any
:ane to equal Baby's Own Tablets.
ey soon put baby all right."
sarprutng. rsniti4
&irs.Wiiliam Fitzgibbon Steenburgg, Ont„
gays -'� Aly little b aby cis months old. weft
very sick. I gave him Baby's oath Tablets
and was surprised to tine the change they
made in him era few hours. 1 Omit alwayea
keep the Tables, H elle iaon a after this,"
Occurrences in the Land• ! 11at
Deigns S epreem im the Own,
niereial Werlel.
Lord 11osebezy attended -the eVen-
atng service eat the City Temple on a
recent Sunday,
The King bus contributed 4100 to
the funds of Whippinghtun National
A surailpox, hospital is to be erect,
ed on a site in king's .Lynn known
as Nowhere.
Than Government authorities are
asking tenders An. the supply of 870,-
000 pairs of army boots.
General Sir P. 0. Penrose died at
Plymouth recently in bis eightieth
year. Ho retired in 1887.
Mr, Lewis Barton of East Derehaam
bas lust celebrated les 102nd birth-
day. and is still hale and hearty.
Brighten aquarium is to be com-
pletely reconstructed by 'the Town
Council eat at most of 430.000.
Portsmouth will celebrate The cote.
*nation year by erecting as bronze
etaatue of Queen Victoria in front of
the town hall.
Without a ping-pong set on board.
the crows or solrne of the hull fish
trawlers would think their tic. set :g
outfit incomplete.
At Maidstone Assizes Apted was
found guilty of the murder of the
child O'Rourke at Tunbridge, and
was sentenced to death
Lord Salisbury .ill address the
annual meeting of the Grand habi-
tation of the Primrose League to be
held at the Albert bail on May 7.
Permission to establish a shell -fill-
ing 'factory at Scotswood, near New-
castle. has been obtained by West's,
Armstrong, Whitworth 4 Co.
At Reading the death 'is announced
of Frederick Draper, aged 1011, Tac
deceased was a gipsy and resided
with his son, now 80 years of age.
Specimen copies of the Coronation
medal, designed and modelled by Mr..
George Frampton, A.M.A., bave been
issued from the Mint at Birmingham.
The Executive Council of the Unit-
ed Kingdom Alliance bas paused a
resolution recording its hearty ap-
proval of the Government's temper-
ance bin.
Seven hundred and thirty-two
You Must Assist Nature in Over -
Coming This Feeling Before the
Hot Weather Months Arrive.
It is important that you should be
healthy in the spring. The hot sum-
umseer is coming .on and you need
strength, vigor and vitality to re-
sist it. The feeling of weakness, de-
, pression and feebleness which you
suffer from in spring is debilitating
and dangerous. You have been in-
doors a• good deal through the win-
inter months, haven't taken the usual
amount of exercise perhaps, your
blood is sluggish .and impure and you
need a thorough renovation of the en-
tire system. In other words you.
need a thorough course of Dr. Wil
lianas Pink Pills. If you try thein
you wilt be surprised to note how
!vigorous you begin to feel, how the
Bull lassitude disappears, your step
.becomes elastic, the eye brightens
and a feeling of now strength takes
the place of all previous feelings.
'housaisds have proved the truth of
these words and found renewed health.
through theuse of these pills in
spring time. One of the many is Miss
assie Way, of Picton, Ont., who
says:—"A Sew years ago I was cured
of a very severe and prolonged at-
tack of dyspepsia through the use of
Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills, after all
'other medicines .I had tried failed.
Since that ,time I have used the pills
in the spring as .a tonic and blood
builder and find them the best.rnedi-
clne I know of for this purpose. Peo-
ple who feel run down at this time
of the year will.. make no mistake in
using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
These pills are not `a purgative
medicine and do not weaken as all
purgatives do. They are tonic in
,their nature and strengthen from first
!dose to last. They ere the best medi-
cinein the world for -rheumatism,
sciatica, ner vous troubles, neuralgia,
indigestion, anaemia, heart troubles,
'scrofula and ,humors in the blood,
etc. The genuine are sold only in
,boxes, the wrapper around which
bears the full bare "Dr. Williahns'
Pink Pills for Pale People." Sold by
all dealers in medicine or sent post
paid at 50 cents :a box or six boxes
for $2:50 by addressing' the Dr, Wit
lianas Medicine Co., Brockville,'' Ont.
Danish dairies now use the same
kind of mark when stamping their
butter. This Marl has been regis-
tered in Ragland.
The 82, -.knot destroyer Albatross
alas been commissioned at Chatham
for the Mediterranean station. She
will relieve the 27 -knot destroyer,
The Loratlon United Wr'anrways.
Company proposes to extend its sys-
tem As far as Slough. The lino will
run through Uounslow, Cr'anfordl and
Another survivor of the wreck of
the Birkenhead is Private John 1.
Snaith, formerly of the 2nd (Queen's)
Royal West Surrey Regiment. who
Byes at St. ties.
The largest floating dock in the
world -4,`i feet long and 100 feet
wide—was recently launched at. Neww'.
castle-ou.t'yr`e, fe.e supersede an old
`lock .at Bermuda.
hlr. 11. W. Chadwick, the only sur-
viving member of the I11anchester'
Chartists, has last his eldest son,
two grandsons and two iiephews by
the war in South Africa.
11.01rtw,I,i INSURANCE'S,.
etecorcliug to a. journal of eeono-
m►les the King is Mewed for about
three-quarters or a million sterliui *,
valet the Prince of Wales is con-
tented with a modest half -million.
Tee t°aaar is insured for X800,0te0,
aanol loan eldest tatiglatei', the tented „
Jtuehessi Olga, for ele00,000; while
the Cnaarina's policies aunount to
just a quarter of a million. The p
muel heavily insured 111010artlr was
the late Bing Humbert, whose life
was valued by himself :it one and a p
halt millions, Ito that the maim in-
surance eonnpanfes aamonget whom
the risks Were divided Were Very
bard bit by hits assaasslaration. The
GeMM I'.xnperor's Iusuraaaen also
runs into six figures.
PItEffiI'F,,,H'$ SACTtED LAle
Sheet of Water That the Aatiantis
Regarded as Fetich,
About twenty -live miles southenat
of Kumasi, tate old capital of Ashan-
ti, is a little lake that Was held,' in
great awe by the subjects of the
cruel King 1'renupeh until the
lish destroyed bis power. lite Rance
is Lake lausunno bwi, the word "bug -
um" Meanies peered or fetieb. Tho
Kings of Ashantirobablyencourage
ed the idea that the lakeWas sacred
because they desfred to monopolize
its fisheries. The people were for-
bidden to fish there under penalty
death, excerpting the King's own
fisl►errnen, who plied their industry
Inc the benefit et their royal mas-
ter. It would have been highly irre-
ligious to dwell on the banks of this
sacred bit of water, and sa not a
single hut could be seen anywhere
along the shores. The natives were
taught to believe that they would
'Trish if they eosuuitted the suede
lege of swimming in its waters; eo
they gave they l«Ilio a wide berth,
only the shoes venturesome of thein
daring, now and then, to gate upon
the placid sheet firetti sones hill top.
A. ,great ehwage has occurred at the
sacred lake since King 1'rempeh was
, teased fair away to spend the rest of
bin days in exile. The natives
thought no power was strong enough
to make the King a prisoner, but
when disaster carne, they lost all
faith in him as a mighty potentate.'
They concluded also that he bail
been 'lying about the sacred lake.l
Roane mehwi is no longer a sacred
m stery to them.
They have planted twenty-five vil-
lages around the shores with a total
population of hearty* 10.000. They
disport thernselveu in its waters;
whenever they are So inclined. They
wash their clothing along the beach,
a mime that would /men deserved,
instant death a few years ago. They
have made a great industry of fish-
ing, the Inko teeming with free
which are not easily caught with a
baited 'hook, but aro captured in
largo supply by means of huge wick-
er baslccts,
Seated on, cottonwood logs, the
fishermen paddle about, :sinking their
baskets now and thea, and trapping!
a fish or two that ventures to in-
spect the interior of it, people come
from far and wide to trade for the
fish, bringing plantains, yams and
other food for the fisher folk, who
carry on no cultivation.
Tams the tittle lake is very useful,
now that 1t bas been bereft of its
sacred clnu•aeter. It has beendigni-
fied by being placed on recent maps,
a survey haying been made of it by
Mr. Malcolm Fergusson, who says
the lake Is nearly circular, with as
diameter of about sLe miles. It lies
in a. basin, entirely enclosed by
hills, which rise about 500 feet
above the level of the water.
Little Tonuny for a ver
passes y
practicer youth. Tho other day his
Uncle John brought hiau, as a birth-
day present, tt "word -game," which
Tpnitny had never played, and which
did not min to bo particularly at-
tractive to him.
Nevertheless Tommy did not forget
to thank his untie, and by-and-by,
edging round his chair, be asked a
say, Uncle John 1"
"Well ?"
"This game really belongs to fns
now, doesn't it ?"
"Why, of course,"
"o4do just as 1 want with it ?
"Then I'll tell you what I'll do --
1'11 sen it to you for a quarter."
There never was, and never will be, a
universal panncea,_in one remedy, for all
Ills to which flesh is heir—tbe very nature
of inauy curatives being such that were
Cie germs of other and differently seared.
diseases rooted in the system of the
patient—what would relieve orae i11 in
turn would aggravate the other. Vire
have,' however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtain able in a sound unadulterated
state, arenledy for many and grevlousills.
By its gradual and _judicious use, the
frailest systems are lea into convalescence
and strength, by the influence wbich Qui-
nine exerts ouNature's own restoratnes.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chronic state of morbid des
pendency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizingthe nerves,
disposes to sound and refresng. sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which • being stinnulated, courses throngh-
out the veins strengthening the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
The latest thing in strikes is a
strike of barristers. The barristers
of Alencon, France, have objected to
a regulation by which their vacation
was to bo curtailed. They struck
not for more money, but for more
holidays. They said the proposal to
open the courts early in the season
was a bad one, es the roads were
excellent and they wished to do
more cycling. For this remarkable
reason the Uiisiness of the courts
was delayed until the roads became
Bickle's Anti-Conisumptive Syrup stands
at the head of the list for all diseases of
tbe throat and pings. It acts like magic
in breaking up e cold. A cough is soon
subdued, tightness of the chest is relieved;
even a worst case of consumption is re•
lieved. while in recent cases it may be
said never to fail. It is a medicine pre-
pared from the active priuciples or virtues
,of several medicinal herbs, and can be de•
penderl upon for all pulmonary conn
"Yee seem to like his attentions.
Why don't you marry him ?" "Be-
cause I like his attentions."
eqP inard s L�u!rncnt in the haus
Excavations in Greenwich Park
have resulted in the discovery of the
Site of a Roman villa.
People's Refreshment House Asso-
The problem of drink and genuine
temperance reform is one of the most
difficult the world has to face. Any
serious attempt to solve it com-
mands earnest thought on the part
of believers in temperance—and who
would not include himself in that
Such an attempt is now making in
England. It began about six years
ago, when the Bishop of Chester or-
ganized the People's Refreshment
House Association. It has recently
gained fresh strength in the forma-
tion of the Central Public House
Trust Association, under the presi-
dency of Lord Grey.
These organizations do not under-
take to do away at once with the
public house,—as the saloon is Called
ill England,—but to improve it. To
this end the element of private pro-
fit is removed. The association
Owns the house and pays a salary to
a manager. His income does not
grow with the increased sale of li-
quor; but of all profits, above a cer-
tain amount, on food and non -intox-
icating drinks he does receive a per-
centage. These are the things, there-
fore which he tries hardest to sell.
The ,association itself is not trying
to grow rich. After paying a five
per cent. dividend to shareholders, it
puts the surplus of profit into im-
provements, ofteie of public" utility.
Thus inone place a bowling green, a
singing class, a footballclub, a new
electric lighting system, ` a public li-
brary have all been helped out of
these funds.
The ' proof :of a pudding is 'in the
eating --and about forty public hous-
es in England and Scotland con-
ducted on this new plan are proving
of marked benefit to tbe towns and
villages where they are established.
The plain has not yet been ;tested in
large cities.
The distinctive marks of this un-
dertaking are that the sale of intox-
icants is controlled by the friends of
temperance, and that the 'success of
the saloon is the greatest when it
sells the least liquor.
They were in the grocer's. Said
the grocer,, seeing a blind span about
to enter : "Are you aware bow de-
licate the touch of a blind_ man is ?
When Nature deprives us of one
souse she makes uuaensls by bringing
the other senses to wonderful acute
nos. Let us illustrate by this than,
I'll take a spoonful of sugar and let
hisu feel it, and you will see how
quickly he'll tell what', it is." The
blind lean beving catered be was
put to the test. Ile put his thumb
and finger into the sceop.:and with-
out hesitation said, "That is sand."
Everybody laughed but the grocer.
Though the Bibles used at modern
coronations are lost to the public,,
the nation possesses in the Cotton..
lain Library a volume asserted
have been used at the coronations
bingiislt sovereigns ace. years befor
the stone now in tbe coronation
One ounce of Sunlight
Soap is worth more than
� ounces of common soap.
RCE retic s
fir YE~XpF+Ndt
AMC for the Octagon, Bair sox
We are handling dame quaraities
We can handle yoors to advantage.
Dawson Commission, Co., Limited, Toronto.
oeeclgnmanta of cutter.: sags, ACelea end Ober t'rort.tcs se=lotted.
a1G71ftXaXSet. =,jrtt ,
tItrCbl111estk inlfti[
•tSEE MI'tIrf1, spilt
liSM erer a=eazae
else lie .0,3‘,1113 Nene
nstiaseury& boupre
>>b r .as ac.:.
Yanracarci f; q.:.
it "JG arlittiVirtir eels1.
tWilwlilekle llteliS els 11E
rrtl�*low eteatenofeie
sa afi9Cs ma Set
AitSa act saR
3sii a1>�IK el L ata apt = <
Irur xe. +c sa ar, rr .v e�5 .
'A�Ss6..PtA ..: WC*,
4.5 *0 4,4
with a
M rite tel
best. Writs for catalogue.
and L
'rices on tapplt.c t d► .
n fres li airdspfnt,ak read
ONO O0. f.70,, tjif l.t,A
chair was brought to England from
Scotland. It Is a Latin snnnuseript
of the four gospels, on which trticEi-
Moii asserts the ancient kings of
l:+ng and took their coronation oaths
says the London Chronicle. This
ntanuseript is a quarto w.•olueee of
217 leaves. written apparently to.
ward the end of tine ninth century,
and for the period is a line Specimen'
of the writing and art of illumine -
time It narrowly egcnped destrue-
iota ita the fire at Ashburnhani house
in 17111, end bears evidence of its
d nage a in crumpled leaves and sing-
ed nmrgins. There seeius good evi-
dence that A.ethelstaan owned the
Volume. and gave it: to the Church
of Dower.
la atistactory Improvement Leads
to a Continued Treatment
Which Results in a Complete
Cure—An Interel;tng Story
Which Will No Doubt Profit
,Anyone Suffering With Lum-
llolyrood, Ont., Mar. .it (Special).
Ur. 13at, Pinnell, of this place, has
for the past two years leen a great
sufferer with that most painful and
stubborn disease—Lumbago.
The pain he steTered was almost be-
yond description and nuiuy were the
medicines and treatanueuts he used to
try and get some relief. Ilowever,
nothing he could find seemed to Belo
Win in the least, and be became very
At last someone suggested Dodd -s
Kidney Pills and Mr. Pinnell, al-
though very skeptical, thought he
would make one more trial for a
cure and began to use them.
The first box did not do hint very
much good, but :after he had used
part of the second be began to feel
a change for the better, so he kept
on until he had, used in all seven
boxes, when he was delighted to find
that every symptom of the Lumbago.
bad entirely disappeared.
Iiis general health is Hauch im-
proved and he feels better to -day
than ho has for years.
To say that Ide. Pinnell is pleased
does not begin to express it. Only
those who have suffered as he did
with this very painful disease can
un•dersta'jrl the extreme satisfaction .1
of one who bas found a complete
cure and restoration to health and
Lumbago is a direct result of dis-
ordered kidneys and should always
be treated ,as a Kidney disease.
Efforts to cure or even relieve by
outward applications are invariably
unsuccessful. Rubbing may in itself
for the time being produce a little
relief, but in order to secure a com-
plete cure it is absolutely; necessary
to go right to the root of the trou-
The Kidneys must be restored to
their normal condition. This is just
what Dodd's Kidney Pills do, and
this done the Lumbago very soon
leaves for without diseased Kidneys
there can be no Lumbago.
Mary Short, aged 106, has been in
receipt out of relief from , the Bide-
ford (Devon) Guardians for many
Mr. Philip Snowden of Keighley,.
was adopted at Wakefield as the La
bor candidate at the forthcoming
For Over Sixty Years
Mae. WINSLOW'e SOOTHING wear has been ueod by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
itsoothes the child, softens the gams, allays pain, cure,
wind colic regulated tho etomaoh and bowels, and ie the
beat remedy for Diarthcen. Teeuty-Ave cents a bottle,.
Sold bgdruggists throughout the world. Le cure and
ask for,
leas. WLsssow'shoorslga Senur."
The Leibnitz ilial
tz Mountains are the
highest in the moon. One is estimat-
ed to be, 36,000 feet inheight, or a
fifth as high again as Mount Ever-
'I ' elre.r2 A COLD 15 ONF DAY.
Take Laxative 13ronao Quinine tablets. 4;1
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
]41, W. Grove's signature is on each box. 23o,
Up to the beginningof the South
African War, the Bengal Stair Corps
held the record for Victoria Crosses,
and the Royal Artillery carie next.
rpiA •
prTi *wit•.
00041,.000.S213s O.
is tho paint made from tale
wa,terials, studied vat, the
out, by practical palet rnm an
put to the test in actual use 11
Canada for many years.
are tire hest, and the most eeq-
lioudeal, ready for user in handy
can, containing the beet paint pig-
ments known, ground Otte tela
mixed by experienced, frees to nr1k-
'v-ent crackles, blistering or shahs
lug. They are .tirade to wear.
Drop wt a cord tend cask for
showing cute of beautiful boruee,
A. RAMSAY lc SON, °till" tai:
MC NiREAL Paint Maker1
•s/slleseeetettslia Jai
It is recalled that Coronation Ilay
bus abeady attached to it in the
calendars a amber' of happy events
tatid few of dark complexion. Some
acro connected with the Royal ligase.
Juno 20th was the date of William
IV.'n ncceesion in 1880. an that
day in 1$57, Queen. Victoria, dis-
tributed the first Victoria Crosses in
Hyde Farb., and forty y eats later
held the great naval review ofi Spit -
twee to, her diamond jubilee. 11is
the min %ersary of. the Pubes of Edin-
burgh's home-coniiag from lois Aus-
umtralian trip in 1808. In the political
calendar it is (narked liy the repeal
of the Corn Laws. In the calendar
of the Roman Church it is dedicated
to no fewer than seven saints.
Mild in Their ..lotion—Purmeleai',s Veg-
etable Pills are very mild in their action.
They do not cause griping in the stonnacll
or muse dieturbances there as so many
pills do. Therefore, the lnost delicate
eau take theta without fear of unnpleasant
results, 'liar can,too, be administered
to children without imposing the penal-
ties which follow the use of pills not so
carefully prepared.
If the whole earth were reduced to
a level tableland, its height would be
920 feet above sen -level.
Monkey Brand Soap snakes copper
like gold, tin like silver, crockery
like marble, and windows like crys-
Meteors wbich reach the earth al-
most invariably contain a large
quantity of iron and a smaller
amount of nickel.
Ask for Minard's and take no ether
Twenty-seven papers are publisbed
in English on the Continent of Eu-
Impurities in the Blood. --When the ac-
tion of the kidneys becomes impaired,
im uurities In the blood are almost sure to
follow, and general derangement of the
system ensues. Parnmelee's Vegetable
Pill.; will regulate tbe kidneys, so that
they will maintain healthy action and
prevent the complications which certain-
ly coine when there is derangement of
these healthy organs. As a restorative
these pills are in the first rank.
Soap or hot water will spoil oil-
cloth. It should be sponged with
cold water.
Stops the Cough
and works off the Cold.
Laxative Bromo•Quinine Tablets our a cold
in one day. No Cure. No 1?a7. Pelee seeente.
The Universal Postal Union was
established in 1875, and embraced
22 countries.
Minard's Liniment is used by !hYstclaBs
The longest alphabet in Europe is
that of the Slavonic language. it
has 42 letters.
This is a large number of fast
trains each way between Buffalo and
New York, and they are all splendid
trains. The Empire State Express
is one of them, (daily except Sun-
day) and is the most popular train
in the country. Ask your ticket
agent for tickets by the New Yorlt
Central if you wish to travel in com-
Fare same as by other lines except
by Empire State. Express.
The Eton School list, just publltlhe
ed, contains the names of 1,010
boys. Infleuenza appears to he veil
prevalent, as many as 300 boys be-
ing sufferers from Ole complaint.
i l:sptleisn. Thos Is unhappily an age
of shhepticisin, bus there is ono point upon
wideh persons aeptaainted with the satb-
et three namely, tttrat Dr. Thomas'elecu rle i 11 is a medicine wbleh eau be
relied upon to euro a cough, rntnave pate,
heal sores et various kinds, and benef1G
Saaty iuttauied portion of the beds to which
it Is applied.
Lake Wastwatee, in Cumberland. is
the deepest of English lakes. Its
bottom is far below sea Jewel, though
its surface Is over 2e0 feet abeoe
the sea,
Mraldt s liniment Lbain
Last year the world's wino out
put was about 8,000,000,000 gale
lone. Of this, the British Empire
produced but 9 million gallons, or
1 -100th of the whole.
neatness Cannot be Cured
by local applications. as they eannotrer-eh the
diseased portion of the oar. There Manly one
slay ti cure daafnesa, and that is by coast:nu.
tional remedies. De.afnesas Is caused by an,
iaflatned con'di:ionof the raucous lining of the
Eustachian. Tube. When this tubo ie in-
flamed yon have a rumbling sound crimper
feat hearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness fa the result, and unless the !eiflarn.,
oration can bo taken cut and rile tuborenered
to its normal condltien, bearing will be de•
etroyed forever• nine cases Out of ten art
°aced by catarrh, which to nothing but an ta•
flamed condition of tho mucous pnnrface-.
We give One Hundred Dollare for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrb) that can
nit be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seed
for circulars, frets.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold b Draggled,. 75c.
Hall's by Pills aro the best.
The fur of the sea otter is .the
most valuable in the world. Though
only four feet long and at most two
wide, 8750 is sometimes given for a
choice skin.
Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.
Gentlemen, --After suffering for se-
ven years with inflammatory rheum-
atism, so bad that I was eleven
months confined to my room, and
for two years could not dress myself
without help. Your agent gave me
in May, '97, and asked me to try it,
which I did, and was so well pleased
with the results I procured more.
Five bottles completely cured me and
I have had no return of the pain for
eighteen months.
The above filets are well-known to
everybody in this village and neigh.:
Yours gratefully, A. DAIRT..
St. 'rimothee, Que.; May 18th, 1899.
AflEl+l'£'S WANTED
We want at once trustworthy men and woman in'.
every locality, local or traveling, to introduce a new.
,i,aooverymad keep our -:dhow'cards and, adre,tjsi g
'natter tacked up to consplouous places throughout the
town ant• country, steady empioynnent year nitwit,':
uommiasion or ealarp, $6g.00 per fwonth and ,.
P_xpenses, not to exceed 52.10 per day.
Write far particulars. PostofBae box 337,'
&paadlne POSITIVELY and
epeodlly cures pilo°. ' It k
the qulokost, •oafost and
cheapestremedvknews. No
Irritation, no pats, teethes
Immediately. Try It ixhd Ila
froe again. 250, fit aisles,
or SIleaadinetlo., Toronto, '
Ik101105 .afandory if • act