Exeter Advocate, 1902-4-24, Page 5THE
exeter boar atc,
published every Thoradoy Moro -lug at the
Otte Delia per annum if paid in advance. $1.5Q
if net se pold,
-oR.a.ten etxt, -4-W4Z
No poper discon thaued until all arrearaens are paid.
Advertisements witbout specified directives will be
published uotil forbid end charged aecordiogly..
Liberal die -Tenn made for trauscient advertisemeats
inserte0 .forlong periods. Eterydesetiotiou of JOG
PRINTING turned out in the finest so.le, anti at
moderote rates. Chomes, money orders, tOc., for
aivertisingo subszriptions, vie., to he made payable
Obas. H. Sanders,'
EDITOR 2..fin pito
OSSIOnal Carde.
• Teetzt
KINSMAN, 11. Ihst, a DLL A. IL MSS.
NAN. greotooto cf
Torooto trolvensto.
ooted e:Itionti; any pain. or any J31 effeets
• ;Os Ri jelo woo, slle Mein etwie,
Donor Graeloote etTesooto l'aitoreity At1 1103. ol
Pellege °SO:natal Ser.:Irene of ttetatio. Also Pas:
Grailliole of CIlti-aoro$ itoel of Prs-.Thetie Proalstery
(Alm holterable toeution)
Allowing% Gehl and Vulcanite Plates toaile in the
neatest mannerpossible. A Krt.:4.10y harmleis an-
aesthette meet for patalraextrartion of teeth.
011ive one door eolith ef Corliag fires. erten% teo,
L '•
11111. T. P. IteltAr0.111.1N. MEURER OP TilP.
Le Co:1km of Physicians anti sargoas Ontario.
Phys!cian, as*argem and AeNarbenr.
lreod, Ont.
r. John Unita% OlIce fteoldt-nee, flee
queens Ave.„1.‘aatkmr One. Speeloil ettentiiint
paid to tilerosos socioolt. Wee: items> 111.,/1,1 40 4
illireitsas° eant.lso. 111‘11191;;TEIllq, SO1.1.71-
,e.e tors, NoterIlee, Ponotoorreire, Colpiolssienees.
Solleitees ter NI,.iicar, litattis•41•,. tom '
itewest ores el Ineetesl, 0'4 o's., Siaqzasureia,Estier.
I, fl L 110, liteesee
W., GLUM oN„ tOroorsoor to obit 47. call
tt iflorr7oles,te,13---de'r. Netavo PollIlloie4e
wpm-en/Kee. itIlooro to 1 ;.orl co. Illeseel toles of
tenet, neo,e, oleIloa tone!, no:or.
MOWN. WF.11010i fel AttKIZIP'
• elatiw titenttIlei of Perth ot4,1 11401•-•.,
tomooltip Intionne, •Sliten 11,1174101S1Ilisi
fl atell tenet notecnell4Ile. Soles invitee:PI
or. Winotteleva,
The Molsons ank
. tebericwi radiantrat.teZ)
Pahl up Capital..........%000,1100
Reserve Fara.. . ...
nvod OUe.MortInat.
Money tricankol m good Fanner; on their own
notes with one or ;Imre esdamurs at 7 per !Int per
Opeitever•lawfoldity tram 10 amt. to a ean; Sat.
urilaiis10 11.113, to 1p.m.
A. gen era! bunking business transacted:
CURRENT &Wei allowed for money on Deposits
Deeeipts. Savings Dank at 3 rents.
Damps RI:Maass. N. D. liettso%
Mawr; r.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
A quantity of shorts
. on hand.
rem. eel: *Mors Fhosilocling,
The Great English Remedrbp
Sold and recommended by VI
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Mx
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms a Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. one on't&pzease,
SU WM Cure. -Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
by J. W. Browning and C. Lutz
Real Estate Exchange
The Sale, Porch:Me anti Exchange of
Village arid farm lands and properties
negotiated at reasOnable r:ttes of com-
For Sale.
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,
IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter.
Farms Wauted.
'We have purchasers for good hunt
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Win. Davin, David Mill,
Valuator. Manager.
OFFICES Dickson & Carling's New
'Block, Exeter,
8t 11
Scott's E111111SiOn. is Mt a
good medicirre for fat folks,
We have never tried giving it
to a real fat person. We don't
dare, You see Scott's Emul,
sion builds new flesh. Fat
people don't want it. Strong
people don't need it.
But if you are thin Scott's
Emulsion is the medicine for
you, It doesn't tire you out.
There is no strain. The work
is all natural and easy. You
just take the medicine and
that's all there is to it
The next thing you knoll
you feel better -you eat better
and you weigh more. It is
quiet worker.
Send for free sample.
COTT& DOWN E. Toronto.
/maned St.eo; olidruggate,
ntor 111 Ea
Ouy or Se
ly or Sell Town rr
IF t• ilrANT TO
Borrow or Loud No
COneet ions Mad
Your Life insured
t-ot" WANT TO
Go to the Old (ountr
mrtNrwo ovr.
Three Runded Pieomen quit Portr
ErgIttes. Extnnged....-Flettoes VisVOlo
Vete, Marty Allies %a Dor Moan, EW.,
..e,Tevo Firemen lieeared.
Lolodee. April :?,;.-oudozi 4rereert,
r Commander Well*, lost night were
engaged, in fighting a eonilagration in
rilarbienee iC4-1 dozen heililinp, in-
cluding warehouses wed shops,. were in-
lehe Ihe he was ore of the biLlgest
faitione Cripplegate fire of
It Logan in tpieen'S
foot ; orol erroond to
• TUMAiltroIl7T RLUTS.
Wheat Ad000ntoo. eiti:‘,11, Live Nock'.
Trade-Lettoet goeotatione. •
Diford:i.y Elening, April 21.
Toronto. St, Lawrence Iiiarleel.
k There were /AO receipts or grata Am the
' regt tourOet thie morniag,,, as the tamers
are inev tieeatee
hex reAdeed,
rig 14:. Q"e •n of S-10
•The Alethle Supptir,
eale ..apr.22."01 Apr..2S,"00
, 445.SO,3,00o
ItLf.;28.00 31•114,NO)
1,itt 13,911.401 7,391.oltikt
**9 1,4,1112.002 1,279,0041
" 71%000 1,003,-001
2,X32.0ott boatels the
OAPs . 4 ••
'Parley „.
Wheer de.
ast A /,/,A. A -ear ozo Ireat deerea.§01
Dritfolk Co;tie hiarUets.
1 Apria Ptateattie.
Telstl; enerea, 74; cap.
• adive M1
Liveo; Apoll 1,11.-COM/A3l1211 tattle, 0144
the ,7,lareof ti.otreet. The e nontx.--3. A:
000lf lZomes, raial the burning „
Veree linue ,
;“.13 at,d if7r7ty v,".,ro epte-• •
!,..11,1,71, 77.7 1114", fnilf1117,417. ,SLAYelti, r
t• -a that the ,
'1.9,TC., was terati.9r.wity saspendod oa .
i.e titi-ocZta5.a Kixtay. The- dittE&e4
Ifeiblte Th,g224,11
MallOic,,tcr A144/ tO tb0
tZt- SiV•V` 'Sthalt(41, hUrrivally
r thret- /urge waret‘mses or#
flo1421108 14.411,74 of ..4.0sta inenee, twa
n tlie sii,!•`.. and Igiihlitags vi* 140tit
qffles .Nrfw Zeulood avenue woro gats
d. Twenty Arms:lad shops were bunt -
e ut. Two foremen witre ilk, 4.
Qu Uan tito C- ommons Bogart
tag u2n: the Troupe.
London, April 21. ---When aehell
gresilon ia the Hotiee of Commas Ws
41,te„tr leg irding the peneity of the muted
e foe Seattle, Afrie.1, given 1;0
art! as to whether Almerie,tni
lorairod the le914 et tioe eentreets
1.?.t tet"-, wore' lower
preal-ious t.-4 1 etzerr quality. tbe
41'414 totoTell8t7 tot the War iatoo,
faz.4 to make a rerly.
.- N` ulttle titt",-*5-aa of taw 4'8-
4 *mei 1:WM
v tuelew ern,: wittion.
.4.1.101tV1It VittEIVITIC
Call at the Undersigued
Mee ove Spaeltman's Hardware.
A cheap remedy foe coughs and colds
Is all eight, but you want something
that will relieve snit cure the more i... -
and dangerous results of throat
and lung troubles, What shall you do?
Go to a warmer and more regular di -
mate? Yes, if possilde if not possible
for you, then in either ease take the
oxrx remedy that lons been introduced
in all civilized eounteies with success
in sevete throat and lung troubles,
"Ilesebee's German Syrup. It'not only
heals and stimnlattes the tissues to de-
stroy the germ disense, but allays in-
flammation], causes easy expectoration,
gives o. gond night's rest, and cures the
pntient. Try ONE bottle. Recommend-
ed many years by all druggists in the
world. Yon an get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at
O. UTZ'S, Exeter.
Parkhill: Many in the town heard
with deep regret of the death of Mw.
Willard on Tuesday morning: Mts.
Willard was in fairhealtb, considering
her age, up to about later weeks ago
when she was attacked by pneumonia.
On Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock
her gentle spirit took its flight to the
• better land. Her husband predeceased
her about one year and. four months.
The deceased. lady, wbose inaiden
name was Mary Davis, was bum in
Beverley townehip; Wentworth Coun-
ty, in 182t. Tri 1845 she was married
to Mr. John Willard. In 1.87.4 they
moved from Beverly to Parkhill and
resided here since that date. She
leaves to mourn her demise one son
tind four daughters.
Alex. McDonald was arrested at Ot-
tawa on a charge of mardering his
mother by cboking.
Thirty-two of the permanent force
men at Wolsely Barracks, London,
Ont., volen Leered for South Africa.
The Only Kind Bought and Used
By Wise AM Prudent Women
The only pure, harmless and una-
dulterated package dyes for honie use
are the Diamond Dyes.
Each package colors from one to
eight pounds of goods according to
depth of COl®I and character of fabric.
The full and explicit directions on
each package of Diamond Dyes are so
simple that even , a child can under-
stand them, and easily match any de-
sired shape,
Diamond Dyes make old things look
like new. You can color old and fad-
ed dresses, skirts, suits, blouses, jack-
ets, capes, silks, ribbons, hoisery, feath-
ers and other goods, any desired shade,
making them look as good as new.
Diamond Dyes give the best and
strongest colors, unfading in washing
or sunlight. You are always safe when
you use them ; no disappointments or
When you go to your druggist or
dealer to buy dyes, do not accept any
but the "Die mond," they are the only
guaranteed package dyes for home use.
land Vag .41 le opm ta 1g.
461 tmi.ly
The output • of the Johanneaburg
for ;Mardi slat) 141.127 °omens of
Conies ILagar of Saudwich South
dead of lajno «vs • Wile:lel on Min Lett
fall by a sow.
Montreal pollee report that 500
eterei of all kied• tece: open in that
eity on Sundays.
The C. I'. R. now freight tariffs show
oneiderable reductions aa compared
with last seaeon.
Disorders havu broken out in Swrdon
in coneeetion with an agitation in favor
of univerpal suffrage.
Angus Campbell, a Stratford moulder,
was killed by a heavy viva of iron strik.
ing ids head in its fall.
Thirty-two of the permanent force
Mel/ ttt Voiseley Barraekq, London, Oat.,
volunteered for South Arden.
General O'Grady -Hely is to take a
nor.ntio's leave at the knol. of May, and
vain then retire front the command of
the Canadian militia.
A new proposition for the construe -
Lion of the coast to Kootenay Railway
was made to the British Columbia Gov-
ernment by a Erin of New York cap-
A special despatch to The London
Thnes from St. Petersburg says that
the disorders in southwest Russia are
similar to those which preeeded the
French revolution.
The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Com-
pany of New Jersey has reduced its
capital from ten to six millions, all of
which is common stock. Sig. :Marconi,
C. A, Grierom end August Belmont are
among the incorporators. '
The Ontario Statutes for the past
session, 2 Edward VII., were issued yes-
terday. The volume, which has been is-
sued with a great deal of promptness,
the Home only proroguing on .111areh
13, captains 692 pages, of which S2 aro
taken up by the liquor net.
The Toronto Observatory announces
that on Friday night last at DM o'clock
a very large earthquake was recorded
on the seismograph. The maximum
.moVement occurred at 9.40 pan., and
the quake lasted two and a half hours.
It was the most important quake regis-
tered since the instalment of the instrit-
After a short lull, yesterday's mail
brought Dr. Bryce word of a number
• of new smallimx centres. There are
five cases in Roxborough Township,
Stormont; two at Merriekville, in Gren-
ville; one in Chisholm Township, Mus-
koka, and one in Mata*atchan Town-
ship, in Renfrew. Cantor Township, in
Balidmand, is reported to be free of
the disease.
At the convocation in. June the Senate
of Toronto University will confer the
degree of LL.D. upon the following gen-
tleraen -Prof. RemSen, Principal of
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; •
Christopher Robinson, K.C., Prot.Gal
brain, J. S. Foy, K.C., J. P, Whitney, '
Hon. R. HarcoUrt, Hon. J. M. Gibson,
Dr. Reeve, Prof. Ramsay Wright, Prof. I
Maurice Hutton; Dr. W. H. Drummond,
1VIontrea1; Rev. Dr. Munro Gibson, Lon-
don, Eng. The degree of doctor of music
will be conferred upon", Air. F. H. Tor-
News was received from South Africa
ye$terclay annormem,„ the death hom
enteric fever of Major A. J. Boyd of the'
Royal Grenadiers, Toronto, and, serving
in South Africa in the South African
Constabulary. The sad news eame in a
despatch from Ottawa to Chancellor
Sir John Boyd, father of Major Boyd,
and was the first intimation the family
had received that anything was wroog,
the inost recent letters from him stat-
ing that he was in good health. No
particulars were received as to, the
length of Illneee,
LOe Stoc4.
3121 --Tice-0 --oee cOoot r,P)
• foe eole Illee
1454 L-
Rrr,..7. ottil
oi•oro OtO,- to oeor
e• -O. C000t Pe 10
eit ir101/1 :‘,.:1.1.51 to
• • r. ;Tea-
„ f' • e coottio •to
ehs to. ; 1e, to fie iieO
t !tent n.ral
otorit per
1;taaftt DaUnI0 Cattle Ilarliet.
Atoll :3.-Cattle-Kerei2.ts,
te •ia; run steady to streug roc atom::
, eve lee emlower for oilier
1,2in..4' eteers•e.i11.74- to $7.1u;
t faio t etude° ship!
pain* helfern. $0 to
nue: 14 common. $3 to $4.23; mixed
bu , $1.75 to $3.174a; extant ;$3
tO ; Lott:duns% $11-175 to
thitt ;•;;;• a.tatv•;;;;;N $3.54 to Si: storitem and
fettlk'''s- talks. 0.25 to $4.I3; fresh tows
end toelogers fall stratir: prime.
$1w; •-•,e.o.t•Oa totellota. $27,1 to 45;5, rells-o •
roe, t000 coot Need; otootoefil oinoodo ei-011o
to Ill; Coe tere, but elosed att. to 175e lower.
Lead; foie deitiond
;Ad tOl roer ilep; ell -pistol gv.ok%
•• Itglat
011 7-
4 4-
...in 10 itet. tiO1o0)
„ 4.,TZ to eili..Zet. efieep Awl
2.• i4 foie idontond
Ow000 :Toe go -el 71ilimeil 1/44/1117, Untol
oet000l z,mat 41too2vo 2aur14
votid 1o3. -e. la
" 11,7111/4y 5Tr1ll6t7p, 811,11•111to
114.74"12 1,51117.11 $5-75 to
• •;.;:d • .•1111.2 20$1.Cia;
4 111:IgN 117,41./11:71'S,*
thicrago I,Pee SOM.
1104 J. Ai 44 21,-14,ittiee no velplo. =-
zoo; leo, to t.iv, Alc,T vrt 0..,Pat to p.riate
$14.111.."1,4%.2'Z'411111(s'att74;;;:,-Irs2 airol"lrerilett 1.2u,r1
to $14 tAa 4.1.0 tot $'1; heifers, $"' 401
^ if% /SAO VA *240/2J il. .,5o to
• -e,
"'At to $a•-4. renae fed
Cow 111, 120 Vie lamer: aril Matcher's.
$7;;o1 wool to la,autY $7.19
ia,ugh 12•41537,. 1Z1l701
1 1., t,f vacs, DIN g
urol L8;011-104;14;4% 142,1,09: sheep
_eady to strong; steady to lan
taight-r; good V1 choice wethers, *5..110 to
4' .0t,111 etito p. $1.173 to Id: itattive
•l -I.75 its *IMO; western Iambs, IAD)
0 $7 /3,
Montreal Ornin and Produce.
Warm). Aprli 21.-4Jra1n-There Is a
good t 4t rt demand foe oats autl notate large
sate) halo 161111`11 *dare over the cab e.
; There is ;dam a falr Inquiry for peas, but
offers are not up to ladders' Ideas. We
quotra-Oularlo :so. 1 spring wheat, afloat,
lay.TIN:. No. 2 caning wheat, 75t! peas,
hSNe to •ralk; rye. 0317.,e; Istrley, ;We. oats,
5e to -Me; linelmbeat, 07e.
PlouroPzices ore otIll a little irre Ular
mad loco loh,tno.-. quiet. The Lake of
the Woods Milling Company are In re•
cant of an. order from :tapir:01a for 31,030
rams at 1100 118 eneh, alSO no rder for
;South Afrlea foe 12,309 barrels. In all
(mull to 43,530 barrels. This is believed to
Le the largest order that has ever been re-
vel -lied nt one Uwe by 821,5' LIduIlIg 0011110:19Y
in the Dominion. by
spring patents, $2.75 to $4..1,11 Strang bale
Ow, 0.40 to 41.60; winter witeat patents,
$:475 to $3.$51 etrafght rollers, $3.35 to
$3.45; straight roller, Inlint. -$1•GO to
and extras at $1.43 to $1.kkin
Mea1-T1(71e Is not emelt demand but
prlees are unchanged at $4.30 to $1.40 per
barrel and o2.10 to kz2.15 per hag.
Milifeed-'rhe dentend is good and prIera
are very Iltut. 'Sale::: of ear lots Or Ontario
brau were made ut $19.:1-0 ptr ton In boll;
and shorts at.,q22.59 per ton. Including
bags; Manitoba bran sold at $19 per ton
81141 shorts at $22. Ineludlug bags.
Clteese--The market is yen.* quiet, as
nearly all the old stork bas lumn sold. Flu.
est Ontario makes, 11.;ge to litle; finest
townships mailles. 11.11e to 115.1se; finest
Quebec makes. lot .c to tole.
nutter -The mar tet 15 quiet, with an easy
tour. Finest fresh creamery. 2.2c to 22e;
creamery seconds. 91 to 21e; western
; dairy, 10lie to 17e.
Eggs -There is a good demand for strict-
ly fresh at 12e to 123e per dozen.
Provisions -The to:IA:et is quiet but un-
changed. Selected heavy Canada short eut
rness pork, $22 to $22.1211; heavy Canada
short eut mess pork, $21 to $21,50; Canada
short cut back, $21 to $21.60; heavy Can-
ada mess long cut clear pork, $211 light
Canada short clear pork, $20.50 to $21; pure
Canada lard in 00-11) mills Dna to 120.
compound relinee lard, in -wood pails, 20.
lbs, SOiti to 9c; Doer's Dead brand. In 20 -
Ib 7iogiApsttlisi:1161).74.itio) irn.Ori,airsmItit'e41.3beer
111) ros's-; liftms, 12e. Co 14e, anlil blicciM, 14c
to 1.5c per lb.
Leading Ntrhent 311arkets.
Closing previous day. Closing to -day.
Cash July. Caleb July.
Chicago .. TO
New Tork.:.... .. SON 6.114
Teledo ' SS 18 8334 5413254132Duluth, lhard:: 77%; 77%
Milwaukee, 2 nor 76 ,. 76 oz
-Minneapolis .
Detroit, 2 red .. $3141. 7816 85 7Ige.1
St. Louis 79% 75 7014 74%
British Markets. •
London, April 21. -Close -Wheat, on pas.
sage, firm but not active; maize, rather
firmer Wheat -English country- markets of
yesterday strong at an advance of 64 ;
French country markets, weak.
ParIs, pli
April, 22f 1.0c; September and Deeenabeo,
201 400.
Antwerp, April 21. -No. 2 red winter, 171.
Lomion, 2 . • LaneMitt
er market -Wheat, foreign ermand re tiler
dearer; English Inn at an advance of 24;
maize, America nothlug Ooing; Delphi-
an, Orin; flour, American, firm, with 31 fair
hinluess, Es ed higher; English then itt an
advance of is (Id.
Snow in Colorado.
Salt Lake, Utah, April 21. -Nevada,
417yoming, Idaho and Southern Montana
and parts of Utah and Colorado are ex-
periencing a ShOWstorm that at some
points has taken on the proportions of a
blizzard. Snow began falling last night
and prevailed to a greater or less ex-
tent all clay over almost the entire inter-
mountain region. ,
i --six Lives Lost.
Cairo, I11., ter, a search
of two days the death roll of the burn-
ed steamer City of Pittsburg hoe not
been' redileed at all hem the first ree
portS, Of the 2.1.1 persons on the boat
when it burned yeStseelay, Captain Phil-
saYS, worQ-lost.
i Earley ... - - .. - , - - 47
fOats...-. „ .. . .. .„ ........ '47
o.,-,Potatoes. .e.......-., .. . .. ..... 73
i ortoes.. per bag- ...e. 4
I' Hay. per ton . - . .. - . - - 0 00
a .•
Flour, per ewt, rtiller..... I, 75
Butter- --,-,..... 16,
Eggs. -.....
I Hides, per 100 Ras ... - 4 Kt
Live hogs, per cwt........
'Pressed flogs..., .....,. 7 00
Slaorts per cwt. - ..... „ 1 05
Bran per east...-. - - .. $0
Clover, Red- - . -..... 4 7'5'
Clover, Alsyke 7 (A)
Dried Apples- •
7 00
2 2.5.i
7 00.
.1 15
BECAUSE -We bring the for- r
niers to your town and pay Out-
• them cash, for their gain del()
and they leaYeagood Share mills,
of their money wlth the ; deret,
merchauts of yoor town;
ECAI.-SE-We have a largeopbete
• {
Siirn invested. in the milling
business of your town. mt.
100 DECAUSE-We employ a (
475 number of men who all live i The
7 *.11 here. and we pay them a i :,..t"
good sum in wages each .! of
week, the most of their 144'.19.41°
money being spent in your 1, gg4
town. •
C.A.VSE-We liVe byre -and
bp slapport your eh urciiies-
and sehools.
ECAUSF,e-We have ednee4 tlie
pyleos of oar gooils rowzittlerably
•,t.tlee starting buslint,
AVSE-.ENeter Star Flour is the
most reliable far:ally flour In town
and will make better bread as
nuore to the sock than any other
fanoil,y flour in town. A trial
will eonviee any good hooreewife
that what we say is t ight.
AVSE-Onr Pilre Manitoballone
is the undivided product. of -NO•
11 -lard nanitolut Wheat and eon,
tains all the tintritioustAilt9tance
of the Itheat berry, not up 10
NO pound bags arnl branded,
"Pure Manitoba."
" AUSE-Prineess Mont (choice
astry) has no equal for lino pas,
ry gook ing,one half less shorting
required. when using, this none.
means a =ring in money.
" For reee yaats I suffered ter -
7 from dyssia, with olreO,
.-Ore$51;13%. get was rdways feeling
.1.:171,11,1nr:Q•g.:71e4,1„4A,eyeer Swear: 44-
r..17.0!” -Jon AlcDongict,
Don't forget that it
• 'Ayer's" Sarsaparill
hat will make you stroll
ml hopeful. Don't wast
'our time and money by
rying some other kind.
Use the old, tested, tried,
d true Ayer's Sarsapa,-
8P01,11wIlet-2-.o thinks of.1-yoro
at • ile,Pr000 ottotsacttaigroxa
" 7Zg4T V•iag4W 14 ;04, AZ.14
.1. 4ai
agree tot
undersigned. do hereby
d the money` on a 4iA eerot
bi o s IN tar:anted Syrup ef
, Tar. if it Life, to eure yonr cough re
leald. We also o„oennietntea a tigecanot
bottle t,11 Il1tVV4,^ l',.1113n1141114/1",F OP 11111131WF
1171411114111^11 V., farez
• SN hundred imonigrante ErtiVrit at
SFIIIIIIipeg Wr.lne-,ilat,y.
Il/r44eve reere-wee,..ii.eTee-o...eire
olt3v. 11111, No 91"... 14. r 3:, tt ago.
The foliowing noutinotiont, were
ulnae Ni ednestiity for the Legislative
Assetnitirt-Lilteralg- MeSstf. A• Pat.
tullo. North Oxford; W. J. McKee,
North lise.ex; John Lee, East Kent; D.
Brodie, ..ltigonts, ColeeeviitiN es- Mr.
Thomas Crawrolli, We.,t. Toronto.
TAP L•nittivo -Memo 0,,,tinine To
let% All druggis-.0 renand the money
if it fails to eine. 254•. E. W. Groves'
isgnature is on melt hos.
Clinton: On Monday, at St•Joseples
church, at 0 a.m., was eolemnized the
um rriage of Philip Gravelle,of Holmes-
ville, to -Visa Elizabeth Ann, daughter
of ,11r. and Mrs. 2sT4'al1 Consenia• of
Logan township. There was it large
number cif friends mod acquaintances
including guests from Southampton,
Drysdale, anal other places, peesent to
witness the ceremony, which was per-
formed by Ilev. Father .3101entionin.
The bride looked benutiful in a mauve
tertvelling dress, esreving n, ehiffon
bouquet, 41114 WitS 814154ed as brides- g
ogan rot ns 1 p, a sob 1111 arlyeom
stu- RE iisEs
mid by Miss Brid et E. Longman of
Harvey Bros,
Cobbledick Sran,
s and Organs
Wo sell the releltra al Heitzruatt
Co. wotto ale Art Fano of Cap-
let the choice of Royalty for their
our of Canada. 4 • •
If you want something cheaper we
eali show you Pianos of other makes
whieh will be no disgrate to* the as
elegant parlor. • . .
Sewing iiinelzhies.
In sewing machiues eau,: v the
New William% Ralmeed and White
also needles and supplies. fez all mach
Ines. • • •
The latest met music always in
ed; John Gravelle, a brother, was
Your Decision This Day Is All-
Penes 'Nay Compound
Guarantees a Freedom From
Disease and Sickness.
The weak, ailing, sick and diseased
have now tnore than ever before under
their cOntrol their physical condition.
They are free agents, and almost whol-
ly respomible for their future. NVhen m
the brain is not affected, and the ind
can discern between right and wrong,
a duty to themselves, their friends and
country londly demands a marked de-
cision -prompt and determined action
when health is impared and life is in
part of wisdom that true de-
cision be made to.day; to -morrow may
be too late. In thousands of cases the
the checking and banishment of disease
depends upon instanteaction; an hour
lost freguently.means the sntiffing out
of some precious life.
Few people in our conntry are with-
ont soine• knowledge of tbe wonderous
life-giving virtues of Paine's Celery
Compound, a medicine that guarantees
release from the diseases common to
What will your decision be to -day,
poor sufferer ? Will you give Paine's
Celery Compound the fair and honest
testing that others are giving it, with
its certain reward of health, strength,
vigor and happinessror will you re-.
main indifferent and cureless, content
to pass your few clays or weeks in mis-
ery, agony and wretchedness 081,11 the
dark e'rave claims you as its victim?
It is almost needless to enumerate
tblessed results that flow from
ine's Celery- Cotnpound When used
omptly spring,time, as you and
your feiencls have a knowledgeof them.
Of Ibis you may be ;1 ssured ; the seeds
of disease are banished, tbe system is
fortified, the blood is made red and
P11, the nerves in aced, digestion reg -
I dated, headaches, sideaches and back-
,11cr.nesiliviteristaa. ' e spe v s 101 e h fQi Ile d wi 5eo
1 t
We have moved into our new pre
raises opposite the Central Hotel and
are now open for business. Our pre-
mises are modern and we give you
modern and up-to-date goods and
made in the most modern style.
We Personally.
. . . Cut Every Garmenb
That's made up at this establishment
--as well as fit it -and look after
all the details. This is only one
reason why our prices are moder-
Gent's Furnishings . .
Conte and see us in on r new plitee
of. business and examine our stock. of.
Gent's Furnishings
Bert. Knight.
Cook's Cotton Root Compouna
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Copies Cotton M
Root Coni.
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box.,,No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or 2,mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent
stamps. The (look Company Windsor, Ont.
ver -lees. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
• NO. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by
O. Lutz and J. W. nrowning, Drug,
The Whole Story
in a letter:
(rminT baxxs'.)
Prom Capt, V. Loge, Police Station No.
5, Montreal:- 'we frequently ine Pcmcr
DAVIS' Pore-Irtman for pains in the stem -
etch, rheumatism, ffn
stiess, frost bites, chil-
blains, erami;s, and all aillietionS. Which
befall men in our position. 1 have no hesi-
tation in saying that P,..01-Kixo„on id the
t best remedy to have near at hand."
• Used Internally and Externally.
Two Sizes, 25e. and see. bottles.'
Fire destroyed 875,000 Wantill of pro-
pel ty at Metapedia, Quebec, including
the Catholic church.
Signor Marconi says wireless teleg-
raphy will be working between Canada,
and England in four months.