Exeter Advocate, 1902-4-24, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR. EXETER,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL 2419O2. C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR. 4 WHITE LACE CURTAINS AZ new goods with But- ton Hole Edges at 50c. 75c, , 90c., $1.75, $2.00,$2.25,$2.50, $2.75, $3.25, a paid. MOW BLINDS with roller:3,in plain,and patterns, fringes, laces, and lace insertions from Me, to 850. We Sell FORGE" The Food That is all Food. Produce Taken in Exchange. POPLESTONE & CARDENER. re ies Speeialty. Post Office Block 10NST TO LOAN, We have 'unlimited private funds for in. vettreeut neon fargn or village vroperty,at lowest rates of lutereet. IOCKSON eigeenteitet, Barrtaters,eto, Bute 1 I ONEY TO W. • - I haven. large amount of private fttnas to 1; lova on in and village trotertles at Iola, rateeefesterete R. W. elearnete. narritter, etato Street Exeter 1 =NEW EWA= litzdEstatealtil Itisurame Agent farm,' trulhillage properties brnivitat t 14 on tewstablo terms. Several dwelling /mutes far Ede. lands in ail ons cf Manitoba and the Nortbwett taCt`. AND UM; F011 SALE. Tire innferaignol offerin4 for sale that desirable 1 twett, 4iiiirt Lots al and on li is,ituate41 tun frame N% Ord gaged, a number of violet, fruit trees. good well of water. els. tern awl other ec:ivenlegiets. Apply. to Exete.r. • rhete'ion2, turicrligned wal tate a number of rattle to palture on Lot go, eon. lti, Stephen. Can ht., put an my Utile after May lbt. Apply to Win. 3rartin, eaa. 11, iite,ilem, or ezi the premeeN. or to tito-traterzlitind, 11. Morns, :.tr. 14-0TICE OP DISSOLUTION. eietice is hereby given that the paginership hem- tofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, WI saw•ndllers and lumber nierehants, in the township of Stephen. in the emigy of Bum, has this date been disseived by mutual consent. All debts owing to said partnenhip are to lw paid to Valentine Bate. at !Oliva, Ont.. and all elalms against the said part- nership ate 10 be presented to uto 04ili V. Rats by whom the came will be settled. natesl at the tomichip of Stephen Oils 10th dav of Apr11, A. D. lutel J. O. Srantliv, V.u.synn Betz, Whiles% Jon s Ran. Just Arrived THE Nev Sourly Shoes —FOR --- Spring and Slimmer. The Latest Styles of Last and Toe. Also a choice lot of Men's.. and Boy's Heavy Work shoes, atrprices that -will surprise cus- tomers. Eggs taken in exchanue, or 5 per cent. off for casbla on Boots and Shoes. Harness of all descriptions always on hahd.. R. SWEer, Treble's Old Stand St affa Mr. Thounrs Vivian has moved from the 7th eon, Hibbert to Seaforth, his son, George, remaining on the farm. Mr. Vivian was an old and highly es- - teemed settler of this township, and he -carries with him the best wishes of his may friends. ' Deerea-One more link which con- neets us with the early pioneer days ofttrac settlement or this village was tit:gegen on Monday morning, about 1.80 thclock, by the death of Jane Mc - Braid', beloved wife of James Hamil- ton, of this village. Deceased was born in the county of Lanark 74 years ago and came a bride to Stella 40 years ago, where she has lived continnously ever since. She has been in failing health for nearly three years, but through all her sufferings she never was heard to complain. She trusted implicitly in her Saviour. She was a member of the Oroniarty Presbyterian . church for many years. She leaves to mourn her demise an aged husband and five children, viz: James, a drug- giet Blyth; Edward, a merchant in Seaforth; Hugh, a farmer in Tucker - smith; Thomas, a merchant in this place and Mrs. (Dr.) Hotham, of St. 31arys. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended testifying to the re- spect in which the deceased was held. at, Zion (Too late forlast weeld Mrs. Raters, of Toronto is at T. Herusee-Perlie Bethel speut Sunday at home.-Williarn Brod: has put.- ehaeed a new windmill, -The farmer.] around here have stinted seeding. WEDDIttei BLILLS.-Miss Martha Jane Joeques and Frank Mork WPM mei,. vied last Wednesday. The eerN110113.- wits performed lay Rev. Weddell. tebout 80 took eupper and at a late hour, after wishmg Mr. and Mrs. Brock a happy and long:life together, all left foe their vespective tonne% Mr. Brock moved to his farm on Mon- day. Brinaley, Mr. 31. Doyle has been repairing his brick house lately. -Mr. John Gilbert bad it birthday party last Saguenay, and the Venlig people spent a pleasant time. -314.. Geo. Lewis, of the 4.th con- cession of McGillivray, is all smiles these days, a damghter on the 21st inst. -NVe had a. thunder and lightning storm on Tuesday evening. -31r. IL Gore has his house near finished. -- 'We are pleased to report that Mrs. Albert Hariton, who has been on the sick liet has reeovered.--Mr. Down, or Exeter. occupied the pulpit of the Ehe- nezer church on Sunday last, in the absence of the pastor, Mr. Knoevies, who preached in the Main street Meth- odist church, Exeter. Dashwood Rev, Carriere,of Grand Bend, preach- ed to alarge congrega Lion in the Evan- gelical church here on Sunday evening, the pastor being absent attending the mutual Conference at Olutsley.--Miss Tiemnn and several of her Indy friends, of Credit on, were in the 1-illage Sun- day. ---The batut spoken of here some time ago, is now fully organized and the boys are making good progress at being masters of the situation. -We are glad to see 311. Alex. Zhnmer around. again after his severe illness. --Mr. and 311% Jos. Eidt were called to Hamburg on Friday to attend the funeral of a relative. -Mr. Wm. Eidt, of Elkton,Micheformerly of this place, was in the village several clays during the week, -Mr. M. Y. McLean, of Sea - forth, was in the village last week with his wheelbarrow, ((he referen- dum.) A very handy thing to have as it can be pushed or drawn according to the environments. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finkbeiner, of Orediton, are visiting at Mr. 0. Finkbeiner's this week. -31r. J. Kellerman is having his barn moved and raised for a founda- tion this week. Z1111,011 KIPPen WEDDING Beetts„-On Wednesday Mr. 13. liowald, of Stratford, spent a few days here last week on business. eveniug, at '7 o'clock. a very pleasant -Mr, Joseph Carepau, of Detroit was event OCeriereti at the home of Mr, the guest of` Itouis Foster dories Wm. Outliner% of Tuckersr_n_itle 'eVe the week. ---Mr. 11. J. Cook, barns, refer to the naurriage of his third ter, of Hensall, was in town Thursday daughter, Miss Mary, to Mr. W. Hat- -Mr. C. Bertleib has the excavation. Vey, a prosperous and well-to-do:farm- for his dwelling done and the masons er, of Seanley. The ceremony was per - are now at work. -Mrs. Schilhe is put, formed by the Rev, Mr. Long, of limi- ting a four:dation under his dwelling, salt, and the wedding march was play- recentl,y purchased froro Mr. John ed by Stise A. Daly, of Seaforth. The Fuss, Mr. Mike 3Ieidinger is also put- bride was beautifully attired in white ting a foundation under his house and organdie, trimmed, with lace and chit. otherwise improving his property.- fou and cerried bouguet of white Mr.Henry and htlrealeCormick, c•artiationt. She was gaven airaty by who recently exchanged dwelliugs, her father. After the ceremony, and moved ts thew respective places last the happti young couple had been con, weekt-Mis. Truenener has linproved ttratulattd. he the guests, who were the eppearanee of her property by present fronaloaulon, Seaforth, Cliu- moving her barn to the back end of the ton and Iheetall, a move was made for lots- Mr. Martin grans anl family ret the dinitats mono where a most. sumpt, moved to Howord Oity, Mich„ last Imes repast was prepared, and after all week. The good, wishes of our citizens had done emple justice to the good acemnpany them.-Mr.Stun Dietz pert things provided. the rest of the even - Outsell 31r. John Geiger's 00 acre farm, ing was spent in tuu.sic and Nuclei Oat. on the Bronson line, for $2,000. Ur. The yoonsi couple were made the re -- Dietz intends erecting. a dwelling on cipients of a number of useful presents the property this spring. --A temper, showing the esteem in which they are mice meeting, under the auspices of held, We join with the many friends the W.O.T.U., was held in the F,van- of the happy couple in wishing them a gelicat church last Sunday. -Mr, and long anal happy life together. Mee. Joseph Zettle moved into their dwelling retently pmehased Aeon Mr. Crediton Kt-Ther0 wus quite a heavy thunder storm passed over here on 4. G. •VrA.!*0.111Y- t Pbonerb.; "ran" .5:• Afoothiy evening and a, heavy rain fel- MITZI nr,L.I.4%. rut l'Qt4rY' "nveYaut"s lowed but no damage was dune. ---The Mr. Fet Kestie has moved into the weather lies been fine the pest week gweweg, \sieve lie meetly patellae. and every person interested in plant- ed from Me. Geo. Holteruan.--Theffax ing were seen in their gardens. -Fred mill finished the season's threshing Demuth. jr., Is engaged with MP. MC- last noel:tale workmen ere rem busy Lenuan on a farm near Kippen for tlw summen-Mrs. Bossenberry has accepted the position as organist in the F,lvangelicel church itnd being a °mai organist will doubtless MI -the position satisfactorily and with ereibt to herself.--Miee Andrews. of Meth, ie engaged as milliner with 31r. ban Faust for this etiason. -On Sunday evening as there was no service in the Evangelical church the members or W. C. T. *Ire a very interesting meeting, The president, Miss Le ,gave oplendid addrese and mede some very good points concern- ing the work. The reattings and ;td - by other members were equal. ly in teresting.-Mrs. Powell, of Dash. wood, was present and being much in- terested in the good work gave short address. The church was filled to the doors:end taloa fifty persons or more joined the pledge. Rensall um. Middleton and family left for Slunitolia on Montlaei. Mr. Middleton has taken up head out there. --The Misses Blanche and Millie Petty in- tended the wedding of their cousin, Miss Lizzie Creysdale, to Rev. J. 1V. Doherty, at London Wednesday. - Sirs, Billings aud child, of St. Thomas, arrived here last week to join her hus- band, who recently, assumed the man- agement of this branch of the Molsons Bauk hem -Messrs. Geo. Trott and JAmes Petty left this week for New York, from which pore they will sail for the Old Country. --Mr. Rich. Jones hes gone to Seattle where a situation awaits him. Mrs. 'Jones will remain here thissummer.-As Joe Gibson was riding into town a few days ego on his wheel he accepted an in vitt tion to ride. Placing his wheel in the back part (if the rig he stood on his feet holding on- to it, when the horse suddenly shied and he wits thrown with great force to the ground, when the hind wheel of the rig passed over him. Although badly shaken upend bruised 7/0 serious results are expected. --Frank Marshall has moved into G. 0. Petty's house. - J. E. McDonell has disposed of his fine team of Shetland tames to W. Jack- son, merchant tailor, of Clinton. -Mrs, Smallacombe is improving the appear- ance of her dwelling by having an ad- dition added to it. --Miss Amy Mur - 'dock, who has been organist of the Methodist church here for the past four years, has resigned her position. -Charles Menne, Who moved to Wal- ton some time ago, has again returned to town and has been eugaged with his old employers, Messrs. Brown & Chu -k. -The subject for the Christian Endeavor at the Presbyterian church, last Sunday evening was "How can I know I am saved" and was dealt with by Miss 31, Ellis. -Mrs. Curvy and daughter, Miss Sarah Jane, left Satur- day evening to join the rest of the fam- ily, who left here about a month ago for their new home in Moosejaw,N. W. T. Mrs. Curry and family resided for a number of years on there fine ferm on the Parr line near Etillsgreen, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of relatives and friends, with whom we unite in wishing them all success and happiness in their new het/Ie.-- Professor Hierrison, of London, con- ducted serViciis in St.. Pauls church on Sunday: i Clan deboye, Mr. John Lintott and family, of this place, have moved to London. -Mr. George Lewis has bought the Johnston block and intends fitting it up for dwel- lings. -Quite a number are on the sick list with malaria fever. Mr. George Lewis has. been very sick for the last couple of weeks. -Mr. Jas. Atkinson, of Exeter,. has been visiting his Son, who is very ill. -Mr. George °eluting - ham went to Detroit to attend the funeral of his nephew, who died ithere last week.-Qnite a number from here went to Lucan to bid farewell to Mr. Carter, who left for the Coast on Wed- nesday. For several years Mr. Carter has carried on a succeseful busiuess in thieplece and his many friends wish hiin succesein his new enterprise. -.-Eli Bleat paid a flying visit to Clinton last week. --Mrs. Herbert, of this place, af- ter a short Visit with friends in Clin- ton, has returned. --Mr. Ira Bice has pnrchased the Lintott property of this place. -The fishing 'club of this place brought home over 200' fish on Wed- nesday, some Weighing six poneds.- Biiss Minnie Conningham entertained a number of her friends on Friday evening. -It was a sad message that Mr. Jima F. Cain received 'a few days ago announcing. the death of his son, Mr, Wm. Cane,in New York, formerly ofthis place, on Friday evening. A message received on Thursday even- ing informed the family that the de - deceased bad contracted smallpox. His sister, Miss Celia, left on Friday meriting for New York,. but he died three hours before her arrival. The deceased Was 27 years of age and was an affable and exemplary. young man, and was a great favorite in our village and. his old friends always welcomed his visits here. Mre and Mrs. Cain have our sincere sympathy. WEDDED AT LONDON. -The London Free Press of Thursday contains the following account of the marriage of our rector, Rev. W3.Doherty, to Miss Croysdalet-A quiet wedding was sol- emnized at 1 o'clock yesterday at the Memorial Church, when Miss Mary E. Croysdale, one of Hensall's most es- teemed young ladies, became the bride of the Rev. W tn. J. Doherty, of Hen- sall, aul son of Mrs. Sarah Doherty, 508 Grey Street, this city. The pretty ceremony was witnessed only by the intimate friends of both the yonng people. The Rev. C. C. Owen was the officiating clergyman. The brideeavho „eves given away by her uncle, Mr. Jas. Petty, of Hensall, was supported by her cousin, Miss Blanche Petty. Mr. John Doherty of this city,was the best man. The bride wore a pretty trav- elling costume. The wedding party was driven to the Grand Trunk sta- tion and the bride and groom took the 2.10 train for Toronto, where the hon- eymoon will be spent. Old friends of the groom vvill extend hearty congrat- ulations. 1 Goderich; Carain S—nell was the elected. Hon. Pres., Rev. B. le Het- eton;vTe uhepnE:ps .‘ when obi: et. t tl i E. thealj31 get:I:lei:h. teielail d;w itliligte i r. %w,ei icee tier : ..: I t 'tsi aa!iedee. ,g,:::::::::Yeelot:1(312::::::ulw:;34411.1:s. ear 0. ettwca. :J.; voitlgabtaes: i : et erili4t Ilk: tdtambi inania:: tion Of offkers a weatic ago Thursday fins Rettie Esserr; 2nd Vice., Ida Ceres; attacked with small pox, which, it. is Menwaine., trito hy some means was will keep Idol a prisoner VOL'or some time, . 3rd. Vice,, Minnie Lutitonl Secretary Allie Rook; TreasurersHomer BusivellilbaCaliigeoubt adtnotWiliattnbigitptehnevueotheiceedn in Organist, Clara Luxtera-Mr. end IfrS. Fraud Adair, of Crediton, spent Sun. 9 time occurred at J. Taylor's shoe fitore day with Mr. and .3.1rs. Virtu. Caves.- Saturate)", shortly after lighting the mee. Goeteee and Eon George, ,..if gnu, fotTitteel it Wait not seen that anything shine, Wele the guests of Mr. and Mrs. was wrong until the fire had burnt, George Rook on Sunday. -Mr. Jas. through the flooring just above the Loy spent Senility at the Bend.-- , furnace and it took some time ltefore 31r. 31aleo1in Dempsey. of Farquhar,',, it was put out. called on fttende here on Swaday.--- l Ciente.= tee w Misses Lettie and Nellie Rook spent fer te. the CiarettO °"13e„esua4" the trarust Sunday in Centralia. -31r. John Her- ' et, ceinetont liene9,41 solti took, *e -,mer lost 4 valuithle colt front the ef- ' tor a tittle over a 44;:timt:henoutibeLulatindb: I Lc, jet„,.sw la I.; year hiwing eeld out fects of distemper on Monday. 4.,:i't Ittitt"11714eyheion on May 1st. 31r, found it a, Pleasure to st t • t li Cl 416 tit.itieuvidut nih,:, tihtt:sfeiu tel:tsl lattmilit:La:riottsi4 . eV. itt. r-.• i s 4 t e ry. its mereiesiogi he W4e Centralla We are eorry to state that lir. D. O'Brien, of the Post office store is seri- misty 111.- Miss Roby Welts, dit tighter of the late Wm. Hielis,Stephen, eleo • will likely reside In town very 111. -The houtie,cleantint season Is fur a while in tow of hie ova* hoiteee here end the man of the house my . but may go travelling egain. The he seen at very' irregular intervo s new proprwtors are experninced hotel taking his cenned goods from the top tem trout London and will r_loi donibt of a packing holt at -any other old thing do well here. these days. Ile wishes for the enu iii,-;09bam: on .wednesijny tatn iuul PraYs with au earaest vlat that ling., tuebottle of Mr. and Mre, Itubt, it may stem cotne.-311s. Nevin is still teettete woe ticene n oretti and 11 quite 111. -One dive recentli a holt got, teteetetiug events when their an3h. loose in the nuiebinerY at the; tev, M. s Caroline, became thf1 anti 'esla dolllogt' to tO° exwat 'gide of 311.. N,eil Pattereon liaine. of of about F.:10 or over %VAS causette-Mr, ()wee Keene, Tee eeetatemy twig and Mts. Ge W. liathuani of BaYlleldt plitee at high noon, in the preeenee were et teeiline the fa iterd of the 3 -ate * * sowing flag siva for the etniutig Sett- UM ilatuilfora on Steen day. A large4nOtat" 1c111;%t*I. 11(0. 31 n01101644 the son. --Mr. Merest Suletzer bast-elem. untralter flout Exeter atter,ded the "ti'...e.ault ig4hrtaith The hride wits eat to Dele.eave State after intending same fenelid„-talies dole Rotten re. PvthtifF, trarf4,4qUit Nal* of thO flutters! of his fate, father. turned frt aut Griniton Thursday otter 11)1%-„Yii,"4'14:**4`-""v"h' la.4'hadv4441/4. arta wale wife and eau will vita datives here atple.teent vieite -31re tleo, id'etaber. " "1"'"4"'"." v".°14., The IttYritit, Uottitii toe a tete nr. IL Ft mem has , tea eltin.is eeettag, Itt thi„i 31* 1. hale -idling att. LIMA 41 3044131 4114,e, built ft WIPP h 0.4 11 front of the eld ! Iniilt ni the gum e of Mr& A.. 11* 14* 4,44'.31 /14t V. /116A* 11341 then lrzte 1)111 gs.,,aoh,– an. Down. of IhtOrtleittMee.ltitt 111.11,,S„Ntbrtititir.ST;f. 4?"414"ti 11 V"q"In kr.V gs0m2t41-1. Rogers twalipied the pulpit of the , -Agetin the grim metier, death, has lit'aah Methodist eh 'web test Smiley even- invatwal this emninamity and carried sges Ing, in the ali-enee of Rev. R. W. awttv ono of oor ohleet and most 10- XviowleS., Who took ehatve Of Rrv. speettel eztet itis, in the persou of Mitt Long's circuit itt Kippen. IL E. tf fliteeto elit Z 301). on Avail 17. to Huston, of Iteeter, was in the last Mondev.--Mr. James Kilpatrick has returned from Durham where he has been wetting for some time.- Meesee. Hy huhu. Geo. Milker and Bert elm* are very ill from the eft fects of the inumptee-M the confer. enee of the tivengelleal chervil held at Chesley Lett week. out Minister, Rev. I. ft Litt, was appointed Presiding Elder and ltete G. D. Damm, of Wat• erica°, was npeointed minister in his stead in tide village. Rev. Litt will make Bevil t his future home --Master Edgar 13'l -e ted the misfortune to get his arm tint of Iota last huntlay. We trust he will recover the use of his 81 11) in a short titne.-House-clean. ing time is at hand. NVonien UOW reigns supreme atnd the sterner sex are obliged to carry out their com- mands without a mentor. coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso• lene tablets, ten cents Der box. 411 druggists. little children perished in the flames. Ienough as it was. Stephen Some ItttroaT.-The following is the report of weekly examinatOms of S. S. :Ste 0. The pupils nee named in older of number Of marls obi:alined highest first. Senior INdlClass.-El- mer Lewsnn, Simon Ratz, Edward Ratz, Lucindat Kraft, Theresa', (emelt], Alice Harding, TAM.% Finkl)Phler, Mice Mawhinney. denier IV. -Chester Ma- whinney. Senior III. -Lama Rutz, Josephine Regier. Junior III. -Ben- nie MeCann, Edna Finkbeiner, Dora Kraft, Robert Henderson, Rose Hard - lug, Jacob Querin, Thelma NVitzel, Annie Henhofer. DEATH Or ALEXANDER BOX. -An- other of Stephen's young men has passed to that borne from whente no weary traveller ever returns. 'We refer to the death of Alexander Box, who passed away on Tuesday last, at the age of 27 years, 2 months and 4 days. The deceased has been a long sufferer ft= the ravages of that dread disease,consumption the primary cause of which was a severe hemorrhage of the lungs, consequently his demise was not in the least unexpected. The disease made itself manifest about two years ago and from. that time to that of his death he has been practic- ally tillable to do his farm duties. Ile was a son of the late Richard Box and previous to his illness was an ambit- ious, industrious and hard working young men. Some few- years ago he married. it Miss Petterson, daughter of Mr. N. Petterson,then of this place, but now of Barwick, Algoma District. Besides the sorrowing widow he leaves to mourn his loss one son, eleven months old and a.little babe six weeks old. To the bereaved the genuine sympathy of the whole community is extended. The funeral takes place to- day (Thursday) to the Exeter ceme- tery. WEDDED. -The hotete of Mr. James Ford, of the 2nd concession was the scene of a happy event last evening, April 23rd, whoa his second daughter. Lillie, MatudowaS united in marriage to Mr. Fi J. Hill, a popular young printer of Buffalo, formerly of Exeter. The knot was tied by the Rev. C. We Brown, B. A., in the presence of only the near relatives. There was no best nameneither was there any brides- maid, the only attendants being two little flower girls, Miss Cecilia Marion Ford, sister of the bride and Mies Elvin Ford,daughter of M. W.J.Ford, Exeter, niece of the bride. The bride was attired in white Parisian lawn and indeed looked charming. Her leaving apparel is comprised of a castor travel- ling suit and black hat. As. an evi- dence of the esteemin which the bride was held , she was the recipient of many costly and beautiful presents. The happy couple will leave to -day (Thursday) for Buffalo, N. Y., where they will make their future home. The young couple have our best wishes for their future prosperity. Fred Fransky's house neatoEmerson was burned and Mrs. Fretiskyauchtw,0 Liehand liendistrd, Sea late of itlxvter, tote Of MP piOttetom tat Vittlfidlai NOW , died at the residehee of her son. Rich - and, hem. on Thursday morning. last April 17113. 124 at it ripe old age. Deeeased, whoett maiden Bettie wee Dorothy Bissett was the daughter of Riehand Dissett Sr., one a the tir4 $ettlers in the Township of Stephen. this Comity.. and wee Nun in Murton parish, Devonshire, Finglataton March 30th, 1817, end had thetefore complete ed her 85th .year. Thos. Bissett, Sr., at. present residing in Exetenis it brother and the only living MontliOr Of heti father's family. At the thne Sits Ms.. sett and hie family settled in Sttlibeio which was on or Meng the year this pert of Canada was Minting but a wilderness, so that the family saw lunch of the hardships, privations au(1. the thrilling incidents of early pioneer' life in Canada. Early in life ehe be- ettOte the wife of Richard Handford, also one of the first residents of Step- hen, and they settled on Lot 8, Con. 1, which tlwy continued to muff as their hiniee until they moved to Exe- ter, where tila Handford died about nine yetne ago, since which time ehe haul beenliving with her children. Her marriage proved it singolarly happy one, the old home being: known far for the hospitality and gond will of Mr. and Mrs. Itandford. Eleven children were born to them, eight of whom, Janet's and Richard, of Centralia, Silas' and Thomas He. of Exeter, Samuel, Caleb and Mrs. John Hicks, Manitoba, autl Mrs. W. F. May, of Michell, are still living, while Isaac, Joshua and Lydia, all of Exeter, predeceileedtheir mother some years. Mrs. Handford early embraced Christianity and was a consistent and devoted member of the Methodist ehurch,her life being an exceptional one for Christian zee' aud acts of charity. The funeral ,which took place on Saturday, 19th inst., WAS largely attended, the services at the house awl at the grave being conduct- ed by Rev. B. L. Hutton, of Centralia. The services at the house were of a very impressive character, Mr. Hutton, speaking very feelingly of the devoted Christian character of the deceased and used her favorite hymns,"Rock of Agee," and"Jesus Lover of my Soul." The remains were laid in their lnst rest- ing place in the Exeter cemetery beside those of her hnsband, the pall bearers being six old friends and neighbors, viz: -Messrs. Thomas May and John Essery, of Exeter; Thomas Essery, Richard Hicks, Williarci Baker and Richard Neil, of Centralia. Thus, ver- ily, a mother in Israel has been called home and one of the hest examples of a life of industry and devotion to her family and all who needed her sympa- thy and attention has gone to her re- ward, rejoicing in the hope of a glor- ious resurreption. Her name- willIong be cherished and held in sweet remem- brance by those amoteg whom her life was a blessing. - M*', 41414 • 14 N 711 au. 0 Itraeat. a eine AttneiteoXe-In 10.itt0. 011 Apri1:13, tat 31e. end Mae IL N. Anderson. 4 daughter. Liewigain Con, _1. on April 21, to Mr. and Stre. Geo. Lewis, a deaughtese —e., • MARRIPWESM • Ilthie-Fourt-At the residence of the; brides permit», Stephen. on Aptel 24id. Ity the Rev. e W. Brown. B. A., Me. Fred J. Hill. to Slies Lilint Maud, sewed daughter of Mr. Jae Foot Axitintw-Hiesee--At the residence of Ow bridee' patents'on April 10, bv Rev. W. J. Wiehlell, John Henry Suilrew to 3liss Mary Elizelititit niers, both of tdelen mt. Mertnemtexstegerre-On Amil 150, at Christ Om& parsonage, by Rev. J. IL Matorhonee, MeCor- miek, London, to Miss Annie P. Keys, of Crediton, Ont, BRoWN---T.V. WA -At the residenee of the bride's mother, Mrs. Thos. Dis. sett. Sitt, Wiflhiun etreet, on April 17, by Rev. C. NV. Brown, It A., 31r. Abraham Memo of Marlette Mich., to Miss 'Wilmot Taylor. MITER. -OF:AIL ---At the, residents. of Ike britlee parents, 31r. anti Mrs. Jamb Oeseh, sr., on April 15, by the Rev. J. Render, of Tavielock, 3Ir. John Kipfer. to ;glee Raehel (leech, both of Hay towaehip. DOREETT-CROTSDALE-On April 10, at the Crony') Memorial Church, London, by tile rector, the Rev. 0. O. Owen, M. A., Elizabeth, eldest danghter of the late Alfred Croys- dale,of Poplar Villa, Whiteley Bridge Yorkshiee, England, to the Rev. W. Doherty. B.A.,incumbent of Hensel]. and Staffa. Betzatcx-MeataexteAt the Manse, Egm °Wyllie, on April 10, by the Rev. N. Shaw, B. A. Mr. Ephriam Eme- rick, of Richmontiville, Sauilac Coen, ty, Michigan, to Mrs. Mary Martin, of Seaforth. Around About Us Tuckersmith: George A. Turner has rented his farm, lot 81, on the Mill Road, to Mr. Thomas Lane, for a term of three years. He has also rent- ed his farm, on the 2n11 concession, to Mr. W. G. Broadfoot, for three years. This is a grazing farm. St. Marys: Monday someone started a fire in the partitioo between Dun- seith & Thompson's shed and A. Beat- tie & Co.'s warehouse, east of town hall. Luckily the blaze was discover- ed in tirne to avert a serious conflagra- tion. Who started the fire is not known. ' Goderich: The other night the fam- ily of A. M. Todd, of the Star, had a narrow escape from being asphyxiated, the cause being the escape of gas from the coal furnace. The wanton careless- ness of workmen in overhauling and replacing the pipes might easily have been responsible for the death of the whole household, in all eight, and the unpleasant experience was severe Box -In Stephen, on April 22, Alexan- der Box, aged 27 years,2manths and 4 days. JONES -In Exeter, =April 17th,Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, aged two years, S months 7 days. RADFORD-In Centralia, on April 17th, Dorothy Bissett, relict. of the tete Richard Handford,aged85 years 17 days. HAMILTON -In Stafta, on April 14, be- loved wife of James Hamilton, aged 74 years, 2 months and 1 day. NVItoesitn-In Parkhill, on April 15, Mary Willard, widow of the late John Willard, aged 77 years, 10 months, Danger Next Door. Perhaps it's diphtheria, or scarlet fever. Keep your own home free from, the germs of these diseases. Prevent your children from having them. You can do it with our Vapo-Cresolene. Pee some Cresolene in our vaporizer, light the lamp beneath, and let the vapor fill the sleeping room. Have the children sleep in the room every night for it's perfectly safe yet not a single disease germ can live in this vapor. Ask your doctor about it. 4 Vapo-Cresolene is sold by driggists everyvt here. A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and Lamp, which Omutd last a ble-time, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, $1.5o extra supphes of Ct eso- I eneos cents and 50 cents ti)11I4Ated booklet contain- ing pitystctans' testirnontals fre,t inton rncinest, CRISSOLENU Co.. 180 Fultoii at New York, U.S.A.