HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-17, Page 5TE alird"Siti 0 t exeivr garocicate, published every Thursday Morning at the Oftlee. ICA.IleT-STREET, ea, Eataanr.R, —Be the— ADVOCATE PLIBLi$KIND COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ores Baler per AlutUlta if paid in. Advance, Ant.00 U not so paid. „tr...d1,vontLedza,g• 41q4 .4.3p$electe,.. t$4;ton. No paper discontinued untilail arrearages are paid. Advertisemeets without speeified directions ;du be ublished outU forlold and rimmed areordirigly. tberal diseount made for transcient advertisements inserted for on periods. B.Nerydeserlptioat of 401 rauorrso named out in the Guest style, and at nioderate Mee, Cheques, money orders, F4e., for advertising, subseripilons, ete.. to be nmde PaTable 0 Obas,,ii. Sanders, unrma 4J no Rroressfortal Cards. IL KINSMAN, fir IPE, R. KIN MAN, L.P.S., Honor gr-dua Toronto Univeriszy. • DENTISTS. 'Peetta extracted Withal*: any paint, ,pc any h.A.i enfeette {Mee in Fanzseaie Meek, west slide Main street, Exeter. ALTON ANOVA:SON .9. oenear4511141e et Tonetate. -University u •Cellege et fttrial Sari -Tens thatwiTr,',,,. , Gradnete of Chie,ago*herd et Bent (with honorable mention.) • tteld and Vuleanite Piates11441e lath neatest upsozerpossilite. prrfertly harattesa attp, aesthetic taF.t4 for paisiessentralion ct teeth. 011ice cap dear e,3gith efearling Ordr.stfge, Ruder. No use to hunt tigers with bird -shot. It doesn't hurt the tiger any and its awfully risky for you. Consumption is a tiger mong diseases. It is stealthy —but once started it rapidly eats up the flesh and destroys the life. No use to go hunting it with ordinary food and med- ine. That's only bird -shot It still advances, •Good heavy charges of Scott's Emulsion will stop the advance. The disease feels that Scott's Emulsion makes the body strong to resist It soothes and toughens the lungs ncl sustains the strength until e disease wears itself out send for free sample. nowtcE, Togo, Cgaladai pc au4 v,oPt all thagatall, 31041col Tvt. T. P. MeLAI,11.1-1LIN. MEMBER OF TUE • College of phveze.ans&tsargeints untario. Phyalelan, tiar,von and de.gouchear. Odlre. Dash, weed. Oat, 0e ateit tze,!,.ivarv, tist wens e-. Lea4loa Oat. Spreial catentlen wemen. tigi‘reb.".mrs. Ire,g411. OX tS4A3.101, a NT.Ileel, t'etrtc?.catz,vra, Szlitu). IrtglittiTtatintgi.ttt‘. tr-g 12.3ra 31-tive-4 rdiatettst. tiaita stresl, a, al- vAra, L W tlirt.P.V e741- • Eir,,,et a rinn.t Inaer.reier, Avr. !velars. 11%70.),C,F7a- reT,afrtr.E10'•",1:1"i." lir.7earal trxeii lairs of in- tr.L'oe„ TIter 311, a floe 13)3114 lie of 1--.1s rote, nite to nail terms rcatlzralde, et Po .01 Mae, antlitet. Seas • imeteittle ante orateratt The Molsons Bank Olguteret Pall;atnent. Paid ttp Capital....... ..... Reeerve Fond..., ...... Head Mentrr.g. JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. 0 EMEIMI. Bn. Msney adtatp., Lt -.1 maul &num on their OW11 11(40 With OTIC•ormarceutl.graviat 7 per cost. ittr annum, EXETER BRANCH -- Open over,y lawfal dal' from 10 a.m. to, 3 omit RA. indapi 10 amt. to 1 p.m. A. general banking business t ransaeted tantiteiNT IT aliewo 1,T wary on Dephite Itteelpts. Saving,' Dant; at 3 cent% Muses &Vomit, N. It. 111 Me% Solicitore. aiiar. 61/E' DITOlsi— ROLLER MILLS. ov=v::,,,ye..ot.leavmoc-ec,,,c4oco We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. :SHORTS. A quantity of shorts on hand. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 14. SlAtEITZER Beare. 4fier• WooVe Phosp'hoaine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by an druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- baceo, Opium or Stimidants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six,$5. one Rem Awn, atz will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Com an Windsor Ont. Woods Phosphodine is sold iirExeter by J. W. larewning. and. O. Lutz Druggists. EXETER Real . Estate Exchange. The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and.farra lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- . 111166,1011, • For Sale. Several 'Valuable Farms in HAY, -OSBORNE, STEPHEN end McGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Watited. We have purchasers for good farm and iri the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. .APPLY TO Wni Bawdell, David Mill, Valuator. Man a,ger. OFFICES:Dickson & Carling's New Block, Exeter. RcJDstgo Any 'DVWAT TO a' Or Se I a F YOU WANT TO ly or Sell Town -Proper F Y01- WANT To Borrow or Lend 'Money wANT Collections Mad ir Life boar fait WANT To Go to the Old Count I' ALLAN LINE CASH PAID FOR FURS. 11 t the Undersigned JOHN SPACEMAN. e wer U.Spaekmente Hardware. Exeter,. The Ontario Government is reported to be about to establish a fish hatchery at London, Ont. 31r. George Craig. Poliee 31ngistrate of Arnpritnedied snddenly at his home Monday evening. Mr. Frioicis thithitint an Ottawa blacksmith, %vas run over and fatally injured by a train. Joseph M. 31i1le1, who murdered Var. ie Jennet, at Dettiot, was 44enteueed to Jarkeon prison for life. To cure a cold= A -night -nee Vapo-Crono- km. It has been used extensively during mote tweety•four years, All Drugaigs. The bill granting a pension of $5,01111 a year to Mrs. McKinley has paesed the rnited States Congress. A three-year-old son of 31r. Hobert Dixon, Toronto, was rim ovev by a eab and killed 31ontlay evening. TO CUES A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggises refond the money if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Groves' isgnature is on etch box. aterioept met lie mina 11111.L.107 *lingua Itatrours Ho apts.', *seta on aa}ssj 91V 'suit egattepueds semego %Mtn at(a, doalsop oa Sevin& Stipp:nap snit 11 min tuaoloa oi tram s Sugareig •uottutoo Amommoonn si ataa sommos os a,usi 061109 1101:1111100 *moon.' Cu u aton usu *oottoiosuon asap y nraornt' lig 01 %inn jujilunaq e-nutacee.0 55 nert.e. went 0 SASaqauoD *pip no numanao; usate , eareSsip inueg on el es.o.tioq on, •petaaege si' tieejo s -e 'sn seatreesurnoap 0U seotrees eamoap warn on.si sagasano of A PRINCE ALBERT L a.DY SAYS: "I Have Great Faith in Dianfond Dyes," To the wise woman who buys gooca nutterial Diamond Dyes are a neces- sity to the economy of the household, and by using these dyes many perplex- ing problems are 'solved. It is here that good judgement and management can save much, while the thoghtless and extravagant keep themselves hopeless- ly poor. Mrs. G. S.Pook,Prince,Albert, N. W. T., says: "I am pleased with the suc- cess I have with Diamond Dyes. I have used the Black and Wool on many occasions, and always got a lovely fast black that kept its bright and full col- or as long as the goods held together. I dyed a heliotrope cashmere dress for my little girl; it took a rich Cardinal, very even in color, and that, stands washing. I have great faith in Dia- mond Dyes. • If you delight in home Mat and Rug makinv, send your address to the Wells & Richardson Co., Ltd., 200 Mountain St., Montreal, I'. Q., and be supplied free of cost with the new de- signs of the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns which are ready for hooking. , wealth of the: Transvaal there was theft BRITISH BUDGE . T , sliare iit tie Chinese indemnity, which t probably be devoted to a reduction of ; twi: it,es w4aryderyeb:eaalabie asset, and would CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY , Wheat 74, " The Nationalist members received the BarleY" ' '' . ; reference of the Chancellor to the Tram' PatS^ 1 veal ironically. reas 1 After toweling on VariOtis details tne Chancellor turned to the prospeets Oi 'X the future. Ile estimated the expend -- EXETER MARKETS, eentrieesPWOSED ori GRAIN. FLAW J.Ore 442PA1t. 1111412 Inlik'Old• ON OR.A.IN. rtINCta, ON kel4A/It. • PlatiNX rei TOP /101:ND 41.74=D T Antluerie •I`A.74 0477 73 riatya,topeesr,tpoenr. b..a .... 405 Flour, per cwt., roller.... 1 75 ture for fhe toming year at 4:174,609Butter 10, 000, The revenue on. the pent basis Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Rides, per 100 lbs 4 90 a taxation was 4147,785,000, leaving a deficit of X20.834,000. This would be iiiereased by 418,000,000 in aratuttiee Di'esse4 1-1°g$ .... • "- • 7 °() to the troop and bringnig th; soldiers Shorts Per .Clvt 05 tonne. the maintenanee of the South AU 1311133 rieau Constabulary and the cost of the Eijo"l: yeei, 4 76 700 Budget ustamotes. auternational Su,gar Convention. eta, Dried Apples Qltraclii:18137 exrentliture £291590004et0:00ra4:441d5211g1t0a00gr. atraerdeeveita °cfostulPylvtabrinilg brina, hone troops, ete 180,000 .4103,10a,000- itedmated revenue • .... 147,783,000 tetketted deileit, about 45,000,009 New Revenue- ' One Foley on incomes. New stamps ont bills n wheat.. ew a .. nlem. elt aaetia0,00a The registration duty ie ad, per /mut eh cadre!, ight on wheat and 54 an flour nrad meet. The ineenue tax will It pound. 099,000 500,000 2,650.000 APO lamelon, April 14. -Snot for an had Meat Stritaints tient pro. a le been asvalted with 611Ch interest attracted by this yearte au- ,uinwifl, and there is no doubt that 111 the proposale contained in it will manacle It. is 'equelly certalu that i:i,w or those proporale aid meet with unaninioue approve' of tither ,,i4e cf Ate ttoirie. •Alore littpoiaMit per al' .14.14 the citrioiei forme of the new taNA- Ion Is the stateinent made ty Sir .lieenat twee -Beach. the Vhaneellor Of ie MOP:quer, that. the floverattlent Ltd ;iveiled to ate, Mier demand f.'014 - truing. the re$teeditng of the fatlia4,-. At late hour todik.iiii the Aeeecieted 3Z10;4 titian extaliain Mithclity • 113e printiral provi-dou of tile bud- retmely. the twee-iire,” ante $a'alte lei:tee a iiiton Miehael Inaele tWde reetirLaigly retieent, it3-3 'On 4104 114 gRiNtlitzg, tao peeve quettien, apprti(1.14 Vetr ett014$ 11M - lent at tile t'atenet Viet, mien to lae eteattet taely teetematien of Hee War. hvir tw,an:41:4iva wi never Len sealed, Pwit Out sertnda gd the bugig,,et tot the vononittea—tag.* the peeve tie- teleitueie tall probably Ihive readmit tate ^tt that Rieke- taell aili be eate to anuounce ilitItchall• gtm of to-giay'..i vitt:nate. In any caiica thlt,g loan will probably be calked up only in small ineealinente, he tenure to explain thie importent point ie taken in the Bowe of Commove to intheate that the Government has Wong hopes, of a speedy iesue of the zegottattane now pregreteing at Pretoria between the lk)er leaders, although it • tveilicsti. impreee the world bi general, atilt the More U partieular, wIth its ability and determination to push the wer to a finish should the Britoil' terms ef peeve be refueed. Sir Shebat,' Rieke. !teeth ie eeldom dramatic; but wilt% he n hared today to the Govermnent's in- tent1011 tO restock the Boer as well a the colonial farms Ids voiee rose to an eloquent pitek. Hie gesture, ae he spoke in pralee ot the valor of the Beers and (.$:preeM1 lite hopee tor eutteament trientlehip between Briton and Boer, toon. the .11011,Se WWI Ione aut.( the cheers, especially loin the Oppoeition, prevented the speaker Irina 'continuing lus speeeh for several pinions. nir aliehael Rieke -Beath rose at 1.15 pan. to inake tlie budget etatement. Ile declarea the peat year bad not been (..x- ceptiorally prospermie, but there WaS tithing, to depress the country. In :into of the feet that thousands of worlonea had been removed from productive labor by the wan the revenue figures show no diminution of busineee at home, while there was a SittiSfactery increase of for- eigntrade, and there was no reason for thinking that there had been any falling off of the consuming power of the people. There baa been a 'heavy slump in the re- ceipts 'trona tobacco, spirits and beer; but, there was a great increase in the: consumption of tea and cocoa. The de- crease in the receipts from spirits and tobacco was due to the forestalment tf the duty during the previous year. Ile wes in tile exceptional position for a Chancellor of the Exchequer holding of- fice during a severe war, that for two years past the revenue hlid exceeded his anticipations, the last year by8543,000, when his total deficit for the two years, including the war expenditure of £73,- 1:12.000 for South Africa and China. was £52,544.000. Proceedingto deal teeth the receipts i of last year n cletpil. Sir Michael Hicks - Beach. said the sugar tax was most suc- cessful. It brought in 01,500,000, against his estimate of £5,100,000. The export duty on coal produced atl,314,000,which was also above the estimate, -while tho prophets of evil were so far from being justified that the exports were higher than in the case of any year except the rceord year of 1899. It -would be diffi- cult convince him that the tax should be repealed. l'assin..0 to the wine duties, 'which, it had been "'suggested to him, should be increased, the Chancellor said the receipts from wine had diminished by ze38,000. He thought it absolutely- im- possible to obtain more revenue from that source. The tobacco receipts had fallen off. Tobacco was not it growing trade, and therefore revenue was not increasing. He expected a better yield, howe.ver, this year, as he would not again lave to cope with a forestalment of duty. The death duties had produced n18,398,000. There had been a material decrease in the consumption of been 41e, had seen it set forth that the brewers were covering the • higher duty by de- creasing the gravity of 'their beer. Pos- sibly the customers had not fully appre- ciated the diluted article. , Though the death duties were a tisefol life -buoy to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the real ship which bore him 'safely through the stormy seas of national finance was the income tax, which last year yielded .e34,800,000, or £1,000,000 above the es- timate. This fact led hint to hopc, though the tax was a heavy burden in some cases, that the instances were not quite so numerousas ,rattny people be- lieved. The account of the national debt was not so satisfactou. It now stood at £147,800,000, thafunded debt now thow- ine an -increase of £58,000,000. hibe cost of the wee for three years was £165,034,000, but in addition to the liope .of repayment from the wage. and a costly thing to terminate. After the uar was over there would be the great expenses of the relief and settlement of the two colonies and the restocking of the farms. Ue hoped that when dun-tilie peace was made Parlia- ment would be generous and loan money for restocRing the farms. not oule- tbose WhO fought on the British Side. but to thOSP who bad here how•zia enemies and whom they now iiepe41 mal:e friends. aud for railroad ead other eaterpriees. to serve to develop the two States. it was Fd; dotty not take a rosy view of the ea,:e, but to ovigie for the worst. Ale had hupes happy result front the conference -4th afriea. hut he had .pat them iiI4"t rebesttIlgu reet:itennt; t; ttle- t haneellor preOtteed to 81;t"aru4 the ,nenteiee fiiid, re iming. th etteit stl asa 1J'°111 Riot to irere le"e be a 'Time the eenild the inerene tax. nalleatlite inereuee. Frout duly 1 thine voidd be a pittly lei twopence stnal, duty en ,.igt,itt h131I. including, werrellie 3114eherkg .A:50.0119. After rientioning 'tlett • propa to interfere Tilt It beer, wine, tea and sugar. tile Cliemenor ?tart lie neat -1,, et for indirect tanativp ate artitle re eke tally in 111thersal CON'5110q- 00U. Latttliott of which wouhl not innti2,v 14.4 any 61i,. Tita ordinary :Itttre ef tho votitatry. quite aptiet. from tat., war, wee gre.atly teneeenier. mat In viit-a"4 ;he -in e' pi' a tVor cranes and zilavies 11, mialriesho thotRght it 4loitroble ' 11.3;:k, ,iotae tomation un- • vrigin 14nce return% there renht3,, 114# diViL'Ulitty Si sAltlint,. the aentrya tinetaiell systPiat nulaolgle alike to all the tanrayers of the eeentty. He W.15 ef tlie %anion that the eereed by the late Mr. 1. we of the Import on wheat not realize4 tile eNikeetallorei formal et the liana Tile plied of 4 ditty of thrve renee per IttIPIrcitstriplIft ou wheat weal niean but a ter, eniaill fraction of it tut list inercene in the price of the loaf. The Med If toll of Hie tature wae so !wen tit anyone trying to raisi.k the prier id thread on Snell a ground. woeld pro- bably anal such actin not to lita ad- vantage. The Chaneelltir of the Eti. chequer denied that the regliitratton clutr:-on grain and their violated the prieeiplee of free trade r SWUM increale the etiat td food. He thought the duty had been rechlesely abandoned. and ata aired the remission dal not reduce the ptaa of food. Ile therefore proposed an import duty of tbree pence per hula redweight on all grain, 'with a co - relative duty of live pence per hundred- weatlit on dour and meal. The total yield of this duty was e8tiMated at1:2,- 650.900,° twinging the total estiniate of the revenue from the new taxation to :05,130,000. Of the balanee of the 'tacit the t haneellor propoeed to bor- row .C11,000.000, and to mat the rest by -drafts on the exellequer. Ile fearel that the duty on grain wouti arouse prejiblieee strong and deep, and that tue ery of taxing the (teal of the people would once more be raised, but lie was vonvinced that by no other form of in- atireet texation could so inueli money [ by any poisibility be found, with se little effeet on the article Oil whieh it VAS inareed, and with et* little injury to the trade and eommeree of the country. The Chaneellor of the Egahequer loudly wa- dii ered by the occupants' of the benehes as he eoneludett nir William Harcourt was the next 1 speaker. - He corroborated the view expressed by the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer that the duty on wheat would meet with strong objection. This taxa- tion of the people's food, he said, would' bring home to the people the lesson of the war. Wheat was a thing of neces- sity, and he was opposed to a return to the old fallacies of protection. It was, Sir 'William considered, by far the most objectionable proposal made to the country in many years. This passion for expansion of territory and the an- nexation of independent countries in- volved ruinous expenditure, which, he believed, would have to he defrayed ax - elusively by the British taxpayers, as the seeurity of the Transvaal would not in any 'Way meet the expenditure. The gigantic fortunes ma,de in the Rand had not been produced. by the mines, but by projectors selling worthless mines to the ignorant and credulous. The general debate on the budget fol- lowed party lines. Winston Churchill (Conservative) approved the proposals, but called serious attention to the enor- mous increase in expenditures, amount- ing to £40,000,000 in seven years, a sum which, he said, was out of propor- tion to the national enrichment. The House divided on the corn and flour duties resolution, whicli was adopt- ed by it vote of 254 to 135. The Coronation Contingent. Ottawa, April 15. -It is learn- ed that Lieutenant-Colonel Thomp- son, M.P., who has been selected for ser- vice with the coronation contingent, will go as secona in command, A Montreal officer may be choseu as next in com- mand, but the Minister of Militia has not made a definite selection as yet. If Captain E. W. B. Morrison of the Ottawa Field Battery does not receive a commis- sion in one of the Canadian regiments for South Africa he may be given a. place in the coronation contingent. Captain R. G. Stewart of the 43rd Duke of Corn- wall's Rifles is almost certain to be one of the Ottawa officers seleeted for ser- vice 411 Pngland. " School '1'eaoliors Sail. lialifax, April 14) ---The steamer Corin- thian sailed at 1 'clock this morning for Liverpool. The party of twenty Canadian school teachers sailed, on the steamer. They arrived here at 11 o'clock, and went direct from the train on board the steamer. RE AS0115- WH Y g SHOULD SUPPORT THE ROME 11111, V, nECAUSE—We bring the far,. ea' mers to your town and pity Out au them cash for their 1, 145 aud they leayeagood shere 4„;‘) of their money with the don't. inerchants of your town. 300 5 60 7 00 1 15 100 4 75 725 Hal Sick "I -first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla n the 4E1 of 1848. Sin ee then I iavo taen it every Spring AS a 4.purifying and 'nem. engthening medicine." .S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run are easily tired, if you ij nn es are weak and you )lood is thin, then begin o take thegoodoldstan rd family medicin yer's Sarsaparilla. Ws a regular nerve IiYer, a perfect blood 3IneetAnt. All Or.,,WaMPAZ4grasPNIMPOIr ST.: 2 -cur (.17ctrc Lat be Mae of Meets tat Ait.t. Ile lzm.rts nil ataut thtagraud tta adwzreaua 4. 1". Awrzu CO a TeZWOU. Wass. MP, .101111 White 1, alinag 10811No hi Wiling OM, f54lZ42 114* IlAt Litntitaii. The shlhie 4_of 1r NotoQan Ma's an East Whitlf,y WW, 11101146.11 WW1 lutist of itS Content, A no na Dritin Ilate,Wril wasarcez,tett4,81roesplcion of Felting I[ the plaee 0:4 ;and voLfq 0). a A CARD. We, the umllei,,,;ignk .1. 4i4licteloy agree to refund the no.rwy t4:a a au (lent bottle of fironit's Warranted Syrup 44f Tar, if it fails to (lire ylittr etnagli tor veld. We .dee, =gee 33,veatt bottle to prove r.ati,faetory or money refunded. Lltra. A postmaster in a rural district in !lichee was distills. ad last we* be. 311:41, of his remitting postage stamps tu another place for halo, STOPS TUC COVG11 AND worms OFF TUE COLD m14,1eaiirse'rza3!vp ear, oa 1114% Ntiralre 30*14'.. John nzimolcr; a Toronto, was run over by a train in the Grand Trunk VArtIS, tulth legs being cot nit and his left arm crushed. A 11PW iron and steel rompany with a capital of $2.411.000.0031, is to be ineor- pniqted in New Jer.r.ey this week. Paine's Celery Compound THE Great Spring Medicine. WHILE IT DRIVES OUT THE SEEDS OF DEADLYDISEAS- ES IT QUIOSLYBUILDS UP FLESH AND NUS 'OLE. A Marvellous Restoration Vouch- ed For by A Prominent Clergyman - THE CTIRED MAN SAS: "I Feel Like a New Man, Which Condition I Owe to the Blessing. of God and Paine's Celery Compound." Thousands of families to -day mourn the loss of near and dear ones who, when sickness first came upon them, were forced to use other medicines in- stead of the great disease banisher, Paine's Celery Compound. We earnestly appeal to the relatives and friends of the suffering, to break away frone the bondage of medkal etiquette and dictation, in order that the suffering ones may have a surer and happier hope of a new life. The one remedy known to medicine that can bring vigor, strength and per- manent health to the weak, rimclown, rheumatic, neuralgic, dyspeptic and those burdened with kidney and liver troubles, blood diseases and derange- ments of the digestive organistra is Dr. Phelps' great medical prescription, Paine's Celery Compound. The following letter frora Mr. R. W. Dantels, Lawrencetown, N.S., will surely inspire every suffering man and woman with fresh courage and hope. Mr. Daniel's cure is vouched for by Rev. C. M. Tyler, a prominent clergy.' man of the Methodist Church: "I feel constrained for the benefit of suffering humanity, to add my testi- mony to the wonderful effects of your Paine's Celery Compound. I was in- duced to try your Compound through its wonderful effects upon a Mae Parks. /had previously used a vast cpiantity of patent and doctors' medicines, only to find. myself growing weaker. After using your Paine's Celery Compound to the number of five bottles, I gained forty-three pounds, and I am able to work bard all cla,y, as a imison, with comfort to myself. I feel like a new man, which condition I owe to the blessing of God and yotir latine's Can ery Compound." CALTBE-We bane a large ,..,011tdo sum invested in the milling, MI; business of your town. net. CAUSE -We employ a f number of men who all live hereand we pay them a eero,r good stun in wages each S week., the most of their outside *out'y beiag, :pent in your and schools. *et p support yOilir etturciteSitIGI 1.7SE-We Ilse here awl 04n;zio BECAUSE -We have reduced the prices of our goods etmeaderably since starting husluees. CAUSE -Exeter Sao* Flour is the most reliable fa nil Ity Omar in town. and will make better bread and niore to the enere than any other family flour in town. trial will eonviee any gfL.and housewife that what we say as right. I7SE-- 0 a. Pure Meta:Wan Flour is the undivided produet. of No. 1Iload ,Nanitoba NVIatet and con- tains all the notrithlos sobst :ince of the wheat berry. put np in 100 pound bags and bran -led "Pore Msinitoba." CAVSE-Princess Floor irbojee pastry) Inas no equal for tiny pas. t ry could ng,one half lits short log requitedwhen using Ibis Hour. This means a saving in money. EC arvey Bros. Suecesor'» to j. Cobh:. •rxt iauo andOrgaus CES... AND. PAY-. s. :Al th'ehbxutd notztucta 'luno 111*1'.rt ano of can. LIN the choice ofBily.,Ity for thOr a c,f eatuti.4. . . If you want something ila'lqier we min show you Pianos of r ma Odell will hp no disgrare to the n*os elegant parlor. . . StwIug Metalline* In sewing machines we came the New NVilli•tneF, RamIsl owl 'White ilSo needles and snpplft'. ft4.11 erais .9. • • MUSIC Tbit. LOA'S bl naa,le always in stock. CALL IND SEE V. S. MARTIN Movammil OUR NEW PREPIL S. We -have moved into owe now pre miseS opposite the Central Hotel and are now open for bosincss. Our .pre- mises are modern and we give you modern and upto-date pity& and made in the most modern stvle. We Personally . . . . . . Cut Every Garment hat's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are moder- ate. Gent's Furnishings . . Come and see us in our new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings : Bert. Knight. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,o00Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Reel Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Pries, No. 1, $1per box; No. 0,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 10r 2,malled on receipt of price and two 5 -cent Stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. 14D -Nos. 1 and 2 sold and recommended hy all responsible Druggists in Canada. Xo. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by C. Lutz and W. Browning, Drug- gists. You May Need IPaittrXiCier For Cints Burns Bruises , Cramps Diarrhoez*, All Bowel CosplTwo sizes, esc. and Re. aLEinkitts There's only one pA It is a sure, safe and quick remedy. PERRY DAVIS'. John 1VIcEride,of Ottawa, ca5rti rnitted suicide by SWZtllowing it glassful' of a tn in onia Dr. Nesbitt is the Conserve tie noto- inee for the Legislative Assembly ha. North Toronto.