HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-17, Page 3fiOING TO A KING S IJANQIJET
ehrietian, View of Death, a the Entrance
to a Fuller Life,
A desPatch ;from Wasbiegtou seys in all the ages has been able to in-
-Bev. Dr. Talmage preeched erom vent. VieteerY I
the following text ; I, Cor. xv.., 54, Thin 'URN OT THE Toxm,
"Death swallowed up in victory." This view, of course. mahes It of
The royal court of tile habbaths but little importance whether we
are cremated or sepultured. 31 the
ties.O0 up of ility-tevo. Pittenotie latter is dust t ' -
o dust. e tomer is
are prieres in the royal nouseliold. asbes to ashes. If any prefer in -
but Ea.eter is queen. She Wears cineration, let them have it, without
richer diadem, she swaNs cavil or protest. The woad linty ne-
ome so crowded that cremation may
they will be the abandoned, sepul-
chres, with rough graued toseed
on each side of them, and slabs
Will lie uneven en the rent Itill-
oas, anti there wilt be fallen, moue
umeuts and cenotaphs, anil then
for the first time you will appreciate
the full exhilaration of the text,
"Death is swallowed up In victory,'
Hail the Lord of earth and heaven!
Praise to thee by both be given,
Thee we greet triumphant now;
INT..mai-A-17074kit LESSON,
were balitleted again and at the
hands of Paul received the gift of
the holy Ghost 1:11,1 :peke with
tongues and prophesied. 1 weritlou
Olio to sbow that we unist make es-
sential to salvation oely that which
God malies essendal—eiz, receiving
Christ (John i, 12; John v, 11, 12)•
Heil the resurrectien thou!
tineeen, Alexandee. and 3aer Datigh.
tees Are Quiet Deessers.
queen Alexandre's iutinietiou that
she wishes British material to be
worn during the coronation festivi-
ties—an intimation sadly iteglected.
by the way—is only in oceordance
with her procedure ever since she
Text of the Lesson, Acts x., 3448. fluretauu°1uhtau;salguluaLleilrajscvo.iirifafovr,
Golden Texti Acts x. 34.
British industriee as much as
31, 3:5. Of a truth I perceive that °ring
riations are irrateiated, Bow Wel- enntii anh'it-nyi.nnnieerraninnenienneents *nanny -on As in Gen. i end il Paild ie'.
xio, toi,seeabol,e"mudu up uy ru.st_ciass tun.,
eeweled sceptre, and in her mule he ,,,i,„, hoe eahhee he, taw „ God, is no respecter of ersons. . Lengths of homespun and Scotch
ceme she is when alter a harsh winel ' hest:spirits have anted enii so throughout this whole
ter and late spring, she seems the inightiegeet. and mese the story is that of God work- ors' Iakve been for 4nAllY years the
f i • •
step out of the sooarthoh rather i gone through this process.
equinox. but. •welcome this queenly pienty of roma yet, end the race i....1;i _ -. - -- - -- - -- '-'-- King Edward likes loose. easy
i Controlled by etz gn 11,0, ,11111 un m.e.:1 riably to be seen clad in the
out or the arctic rather than the i be o° room for the lerge acreatge sot
a el st anal quietest of dresses.
tropics, dismounting from the icy r apart for resting Plaees• but there .s !store of the ni,ots ie:iiint or tsiii.e4':.
n" n i ig ot the gatbering nut few
den. holding high in tier right hand oe'ed not, Pass that bridge ed. lire imennhe go nilt,,s a mime for ms nieu ress. and favors the tweede width
the wrenched off bole of ceders till It comes to it. The most of us ; a . - -
But weenier fxn. 1. n, and tees work began in the
prefer the old way. home of Cornelius wider Peter, as
recorded in our lesson. elthough
the Lord had commended before his
lesion that the gospel he peewee.
it ver n creature anal Unto the
uiternwst part of the earth (Morn
XVI. 15; Aets 1. it). tite preaching bail
up to this One bee u to the Jews
only (en, 19), and Peter bad to re-
ceiVe O, special vision to teacla biza
that God was *so pi -specter of per-
2648. Preechisig peace ItY Jesus
These glad tidings were for fere
first (Luke :Vciv, 1-7; Acts -I. tie, but
In order that Israel might, reach out
to the. gentiles, which they were slow
to do. ClOol made the SinleSS one to
'IllaBY ()f thern i5"°41 ar411 144/P114.e ' be made righteous before God fn. ;orients with asi inclination to follow,the dishes in width they are cooked.
In n-lY tent is a, nrloMe discomfiture..aial fetcheti front. InileS AMON'. eau 1 Cor. v. 21,), and apart from Ilinii tee iihuothe of bee sister. the allured! ohieeen a, le proeidencee-prepare
auntie costumes of the Queen and
,ing out His eternal purpose WO.
than the conservatory, to come outl I I
If t world aste as much imager as ,ip. e eee4„..4, A. , . the Princesses, who. while at Sand -
there perltaps luny thmeeoi nunhend"disi'ailnomfr,""n'ip'est- ringham or in the highlands. in -
of the north instead of the south. it has thus far,
sepulchre and holding btgh in her
left hand the hey to all the cense-
levies in Christendono
My Wet is an ejaculations It Is
spun out of halleluiahs, Paul wrote
resurrection one observed all the ibare it: I will ilaVe it"
laws Of logic, but. when he carne to I say to you to -day as Paid %int
to Agrippa, "Why should it be
thought a Whig incredible with you
that Go4 eliould raise the dead?"
Tbat far cloud. isigher than the
bawl; flies. higher than the eagle
flies, what is it made of? Drops
run eiveh other dean. They ecattee of Water from a river, other drops
everYthing valuable in the tract:. front a lake, still other drops front
Pnwneeled artillery. boor of borse,!ft etagnatit pool, but now embodied
on breast of wounded and dying in a cloud and nindled by the
are noted for the beanie and wog- sheltie or cuitta yips. and belie until
man. s . if God can ntalee Sielt a.
nificenee of their dreeses. erbe Crown ,tbe cliceee has browried a little Awl
CliAll" OF TIll; 13/eItC1C UIANT' iluStrimh5 Ciwal out 91 wu'ler druPs he sla f°1r-us that we might' ThMiPrincees of llOtnnallin. WhOtil rumor :the egg bete set. Serve at mice in
, out. of natural disintegration or cre-
1 Mahon we shall get that luminous.
buonant, gladsome. treeslucent. meg-
nificeat, neeeplieable strecture celle4.
right, on In bis argument about the Oho resurrection body. YOU Wild
write tbe words of the text ins en -
gem and ids pen and the parchment
eta which he wrote took fire, and he
criee out. "Death is swallowed up in
victory!" It is an eeciting thing to
rice an away routed and fining. They
are earn by the• average country
gentleman. As a rule he th•esees in slit dashes of per and a table -
the quietest, most unobtrusive. and ,spoon of este chopped celery and
yet perfect in:tinter possible. but he sprinkle the celery with a tablespoon
has been blown to introduce start' Of line cnopped parsley. Beat two
ling ismovations eometimes. and to ,tablespoons each cif tarragou
cominit the heinous crime of wear- cider vieenar. four tablesPoolis (d
Inutle,up and a, thick elice of lemon to tbe
The Deeliess off Saxe -Coburg was at boiling point and pour over Oa.
ono time the most extravagant of all veitetehlee arid let stand in the oven
roYallies in the matter of dress. Heri until 'teamed through. Serve bat.
taste is exquisite. and the trousei •Cheese in Shells- Soak e, cup of
a of her deughters were enough bread 'crumbs (cePter of stale loaf)
o recteicile &Most any girl to being '141 ONO pint of milk: add tWO beaten
serried at 17. A celebrated lerencloegge. balf teaepoon each of salt
eseneteer in Wiginore street etill and paprika, two tablesiumes of with their brein. Ile mine an
ellinilies minty of the dress worn Melted looter and ootiefourth a pound
Witito Cane—One cup of sugee, one-
third cup butter, cam -half cup milk,
one aed eue-balf cups flour; one-half
teaepeonful baking powder, whites
two egge beaten etile and added last.
Lunch Calie—One cup sugar, one
egg, balf cup butter, cup sour Akilk,
two cups Deur, cup of chopped rale -
ins, half a cup of currants, teaspoon-
ful soda, and 44 little nutmeg.
To Boil Rice—Wash the rice iv: if
through two waters, rubbing it lie-
tween the hands. To one AleaSUre Q
rice allow three of water and a
little salt. Bail for balf an hour
without sterriug. If not quite as dry
as desired, boil a little longer.
Every grain will be eeparate from
the others, tender, white foul much
enterge& •
aerates: Potato Salad—Cet cold
boiled Potatoes in elices (thin) to
make one pint. Cover the bottom of
the baking dish with the potatoes
sprinkle with ore teaspoou of salt
clove, allspice, cinnamon and elite
meg. Afix each part separatelyi and
begin by placing some of the light
mixture M pan first. Then drop
huge spoonfule of the (Urn part ever
use light again, and so continue
until it is all M -the pan.
FRAU A BIT or Douau,
AllY of the following recipes are
convenieut for brealainaning day, as
they are all ratide from a portion of
the dough. Mix bread with new
but if not :loanable a little
, hortening miglit take its piece ;
tese -compressed yeast.
Rolls—One loaf of bread
dough, risen ready for the °ten.
Turn on bread board roll out. Cut
in 2 -in equares or with biscuit cut-
ter. if ereferred ; epreael with eofe
butter and fold one-half over. Press
firmly together. Let rise until light
and bake quickly. This snakes itliont
o duze"- If desired Particularly
svhen mixing- bread dough add
tail quantity of shortening. A
beaten white oi egg kneaded into
e dough 'Minn preparieg to cut
akes them. eery daisitY.
ughunts—One loaf of nread
dough. 1 egg, 3. cup sugar, * eon
cant. shortening, add a little mite
eg and teaspoon soda. Afix in-
vet-lie:eta thorouglily into dolighi
adding Cour enough to roll out. Let
rise eery light, and fry. When wane, -
ed fur table roii in powdered sugar -
Quick Loaf Cane—Two cups dough,
3 cup sugar. 1 egg, cup butter,
nutmeg,. teaepoon teida. fruit if
like. net tie° very light in
ng tin and hake in moderato
fersor Baldwin, of Yale, says
meat epee a day would be
for people wise work en
for CieritS 01111 for all who
by the liechees and Princess Beatrice or grated duce*. When thoroughly exreldien Qf tilt" who 41-4
staidly woriiing in tele open air.
of Wiese>. and her other daughters Iniiied tern int° !nattered ecallim
Ho Wen Wines that no r;orkingmen
It. seems that a. hied: giant Prailleti'i he riot tralliennit the frognientn of g there is no rigleleotisiiess. nelneel Ducheis of liesse. ie extremely fond and boll r bitten Weigiting pounds
ed for bin host an the Mlles aild out, of them build VOW Out 1400? to learn tO he born from above :liana: thing to see Ions tipper in este' wire settle will RIM 0" SI" mid tiered. and that ts en added enven$0
vd to centiliter the earth. Ile g;itbel hutimh. body frola the earth aud .ttos. boireter doeout, or prayerful en, of hoed hie,' it is dilate au ohrepel elle in a piece of Cliec.wrinth—iitheie,
.arniug but *2 a. day can afford lace
Intents. They aro a temptation for
cbildren in the first, place. wbo
wiU basist, upon playing with theta
and get their lingers slapped in Cole.
voice. Then they are always gete
ting dirty and 'having to lie lame
1'4115 4"4 "4114111W3 a"d calIcl" WiId 'eatanat tiond. 1010 OWOS all tilt' lo leaen to lie born iroin above
: bt tilrese which does itot cosatain lace rs.dincolor it.) The liquor nhould to' i I 'oho ea
el!edetalPersetottl 0.14!detale,5 '14 thee i;fde4' ;Material out of Whieh twee. nese- order. to enter the ningdoin of inead. Ion nrr,,,,sory... lreduCed to tWO C -47,,S and usod. for, eh.4.1 4 1 ,.. b adds, "tbat
;JO Miaresteu tient mean, straidigi ego and gesh are made. set iheili 11011 out,'
don't mean. e ta
licter had 11 bring riEW"" QUeur4tIttarqberita of Ittdy is un- mashing fatten. will. two teldespoone
thein in th0 nOrthWvSt, Weed andlagaiu if they baoe eatieee le a ilia, noosed/4. leo whieli he donitteine the elest..-te. e el in teleb nutter cool Meer. coolael toe - _the borne at the wo_ritiagma.0 shauilel
timid the eliielh Of tesisre°515. hie, petamiteoltinei of tor5ropos drop a 4ond los beetse might he ttie ihoiie thieigh t;i4x4,4 the tregicithdr. Add 10 *tivire a7a(4atif Pull of ei‘411fekh 4,ien 1140u/110m liTettlitoetiteoie„ all ao:
u 4 t..„4..4 fiVIVOIIII 4 %
tbrtY"' "P barrl'?"4"V"9 4;t4 grill.° 114"""4" ie
pitteleecolie on the floor end it breahn etived ftei, 14). for there Is no selva-1 death in her hieniatel into hes es- :re°44.411 em -T°1 ‘II:'t in 41.1"..t.15444e s 4enliing mire agaitiet what I cone
lie ecild ACM of eliii41=01 b011144 Ivan be sot „watt it again so yo„ „
non apart from the reception of cher het the white rows int vatic% ho.'4114olaily ..1' emiliell ewes., snousu arty eliA e o hes ohethehodd..
at the trimPn Marehed wfitll leen see through it? Anti it feud violet owe faith in leis aionnig towel ti, se„ her for sombre, gar. Ise Coot eniCeitA, are teaspoon lemon t ue Ie's
tift"s° 6"me la daal4e quid': ratan `the ee-e which he originally fasii- toe we are eepoteeees, 'legal aiett thesees well but Queert Wk.' (4 Salt alai hiN ilubheS 01 PePitPr. PASS TIIKAI BY.
361cdv tread rtiamallaled ,tiroliis the luuriun Alto into the dont. blood tActs 12i Lee. Nen- 11). I invitee in Morn, The Queen of Porte Pi/iVQ° Yai ail "g• one NatsPeall
tiltitlil,74f IVIorigueltnelelengitt4.9i1;eta'St,"motd eehiliaietu*w :tete'? Itla, ‘Vill"4" (514111 2101 "ell 1.14144r 111111INItlitlats4air i1401011rmatiiito,t1 ?vile rwliaticLe tVeideshiPt:ilet.a.:7 laPH;:(titecivz tr,rurrlo:looncritl thSmateereemetztlasede. re better forgotten
billet, end Seine b,y 040 etrolit. of the heopo, thi the use of a eier glees mot laeil tpeett or ma t , re; IL
tebitepoon Vilely The habit of oeerlooleittg family
a -0
eetrilt With bony ; thIllogo eisuply tells irittlifully ele late
battbeux of y. • a chitum of material. coo make a
baud he pounded nt the door of Lose !better instrument num that emelt what he loom -i, and the redeemed al Tee lettcheee ot departs fronhelloiniell Perehen. jers. of failing to see the sour look
Wain end elchroonis end Won all 1wus originouy eoestrueeee .itte lee the Lord are contineelly on the wit -o the conetettiomel idea that, royal Corn Gesters—In colarder pet ed neteliearing the berets Word and
the victoritie in all the meat battle- twee stand pruelaiming somethistOi personages may not indulge in the can Or COM. rhell With cold water. Wog aside tomer the disagree"'
nelds of all the illve contineratn. Voss 1"11113Y 110p11*V0 1*. Y."/ 11" Imk tient is a 'whit that ;mikes for fent-
the fostomer of the boom eve mot, .,:TinTiiiig ts.IChrisitt. erl.pf,aliwithecolttilixin4t.*;silittent.1.5".m:re freshthi4e.astity ettepnoriolopuitsl,rieor:ietutto.eiliptoohlttouritali=
improve its sight. and hannipty oti, tit etln I 1Ni t t , i le W 11 Fett .6 la ii 4. 4 14 4 1 l 11114P0, 4 i
natural ove by op ihowanthrom .0 0011044S, 1,44StilinfQV W011141 eVer WI betas en the material for Iter gowsis Innieler. oue teeteption of Solt, one -
and tninintandevionockief and all pees' i hti it• • , t f .0 44 ,„ „.etionigoing forth coneerning Illin WhO 4°0 .reee that they are utade as she ',foneth u teaspoon of. paprika, Add
dente anti Iillogn and sultans and e . e altogether iovelyi pleirea and oot 0,5 00 dreminnilier: the yolli of an egg Geve ore better)
ae•we dropped under the feet ni bib' 4042. lie commanded US nines. At Brighton it is not at all, beaten until thiclo aud Mir those
I AY gymmutveTioNs
war charger. But one Christmas ' 1"7"" 4 1 ' .•'. ' ' ' ' • Wea,eh IMIO the people ,mil to u.sfi,. imeommon to see her 'winner along mighty, then fold in the white of
fy that it, is he which wife ordained the Iiitnen road with half a dozen the egg. beaten -stiff. half a cup a
of twit, to le, the judge of quick and small puenages dangling from her fine C1101'9'00 celery may in added, if
week bane nee& Fry by spoonfuls, -
the conqueet and demolition of the
planet bas lost ids throne. lias lost around us stsineeet it. Out of what "I' '
In all their preachiug these Wit The Prineess of Wales maid to be Spituith Salad—Sift the yollis of
his sceptre. bus lost bls pulace, bas grew all these flower.? "Out of the moses fan mit te .deteart, that ito a ineorejeome shopeine tied in thp i thmo horti„cooLod eggs ow mix them
lost, hie lorestige. and the one word mold and the earth. iteStirreCliOn: though the oeho limed eious etini days when she was prineess May.113.0 a Neufehatot chose, nail a half
written over all the Rattle of mosso- Resurrection! The radiant butler- raised into trout ehe epee and ehoon, and pocket money was imt at all teeepoon of salt, two diellu.s of cay- Uliferseea and sag"arded imPa'es
leum and catacomb and neerepolhe Uy—WhOre did it eome tro,,,,,, The ea /Box iniehy to chosen eoluesseh plentiful. she used to Wall:. WO Rich- Mlle und orie taiseooe al ofho oii. f»tty be at the root of room. neigh -
on emioniPh and sareofdirtglife on the loathsolue cateriiillen• That alba- one uow peter deo:tree us pate are mend ewer morning, mid, meta- (A trifle mote alt may be added, if Imes Peculiarities. Ile Patient and
e leeward does Wein nil% thut lie is Ithorleally ;peeking, flatten her nose neviesary). Add to an eimul bulk fearget.
lonely cairn -of the arctic explorer troes that :Mites the tempest with
and on the catafalque of great cath- Re Wines—wbere did it Cottle biome the u d i et , i e eg i f all num. against the shop windoe's an hap- of cooned spinach chopped eery line,
edral, written, in .capitals Of *Walla A 4SenselesS shell. kind PRY as though she bad the power to to which has been added a fedi:311°mi A InenneliIi REC1PE.
, Q memo 1 so ki ,t. o a
Mid calla Rini written in musical. "Why should it be thought a thing 43. To llim give all the prephets imrelliten What she Menne& In later A liniment that is simple to make,
great assemblages, written on tbe raise the dead?" The inseets new 0 i • hut is very efficacious in melte, is .
sculptured door of the family vault. t Pin 11 Ole AS ne Ilond street plus the anoney with composed of lieroeene. camphor -gum
is "Victory." Coronal ever& On-, and sweet oil. Put a pint of nese
batmered word,. apocalyptic word, °stele into a quart bottle, odd as
chief word of triumphal. arch under much camphor gum as will dissolve,
" which conquerors return. adding a little more gum *lay by
ROUT OP TIM KING OP TER- pint of sweet oil, shako thoroughly,
day for three days, then add half a
ROHS. cork well and put in a safe place for
Victorer 1 Word minuted at Gallo- future use. For burns, bruises, Cuts,
den and Balaclava and Blenheban at
Megiddo and Solfereno, at enarathon,
Where the Athenians drove back the
Afedes; at. Poictiers, where Charles
Martel broke :the ranks of the Sara-
cens ; at Salamis, where Thends-
tocles In the great sea light con-
founded the Persiees, and at the
door of the eastern cevern of
chiseled rock, where Christ came out
through a recess and throttled the
king of terrors and put him back in
the niche from -which the celestial
Conqueror had just emerged. Alia !
When the jaws of the eastern mauso-
3eum took down the black giant
ward, march ordered the conqueror peace. it is throwing stones in
at rOlninerOLS., mid all the generals the path out of one's way.
Life is taloa at beet, and we
should mune a rule to grasp only the
pleasant things, mat count only days
of eenehine. Each ono of no has a,
pet felling. In weariness and at
limes when Hot on guard, Out COMOS
the WPM:fent Mlle% or the epiteftd
wlsich, in n rilOnient after, we
that we wituld gite anything in
poeseeeion could we but recall it.
lined bin antagonist was horn.
The old braggart that threetened
"Why sbould it be thought with
you an inert-410de thing that God
eliould raise the dead?" Things all
cadence, written ia doxology of incredible with you that God should
of salt und 'two ebakes of isoprene
days she has done the setae thine in Blend the two mixtures very those
oughly and tempo into small balls.
and the werms crawled last autumn talked with dim two that resume- nillich to eetisfil her longing for such German Cofiee Claw—Dissolve a
feebler and feebler and then stopped. hon. duy Ife expounded -unto them Mugs as boxes of ehOcolute or COMpre:,Sed yeast cane in a -cupful of
They have Wien no food. They want in alt the scriptures the things eou. bunches of orchids. NowttilaYs her lukewarm milk, add a. pinch of salt
none. elliey lie dormant, and in -f sugar, are somewhat restrieted. and a tablespoonful oPut a
renting Musson! tool (ought that all Wanderings
elensible, but soon the south \rind things concerning mot in the low, cupful of eifted flour illt0 AL bowl and
win blow the resurrection in trumpett
, . he milk and yeast: the ce
he prophets told the psahus musput t
'and the alr and the earth Will be bo fulfilled (Luke XXIV, 27, 44). Tim mix to a smooth batter and set, in a
full of them. Do you not thSpirit of Christ, was in the pro -
ink warm place to rise. Beat half a cup-
phete, and the testimony of Jeswe
is the spirit of prophecy (I Pet. 1.
10., 11 ; Rev. xix, 10), and the uni-
form te.stimony of all in whom the
Spirit. speaks is idiot the nrat great
essential is the forgiveness 01 sins.
and this cart be had only in Libelee
by His precious blood.
44. While Peter yet spalte 'Ohm
words the Holy Ghost fell on all
them which heard the word.
The message was not Peter's me -
sage, but the Lord's- ONVIIL message
through Peter, and Cornelius so
recognized in for he had said to
Peter, "We are all here present be-
fore God to hear all things that are
commanded thee of God" (verse 83).
,As the word was spoken tile Spirit
wrought, their opened hearts re-
ceived Him of whom Peter in the
power of the Spirit spake, and the
Spirit Himself came in power upon
them at the saute time.
45, 46. They heard them speak
With tongues and magnify God.
It was as at Pentecost (chapter 11,
4), except that, there was no waiting
for the Spirit baying come as our
Lord promised there is no longer
any need to wait, but where the
heart is open and the Lord truly re-
ceived there may be also the filling
of the Spirit. While there is no mice
to wait any definite time to be filled
with the Spit-he:there may be a, lime
to wait because of the =readiness
of the: believer to receive. Tbere
came with Peter sex Jewish brethren
:from Joppa (Acts xi, le), who, al-
though believers, were astonished
when they saw the Holy Spirit given
to these gentiles. It is to :this day
difficult for some believers eo think
that any people can be blessed out-
side of their so called churches, bee
they neento learn thea Coil is -no
more e respecter et denominations
than of persoes.
47, 4e, He come:ea-00 thent in be
baptized in the naMe :of the Lord.
Here is something helpful fee those
who mono naptisin with witteii essen-
tial to the new :birth, or behold ie
this conilierer " et norneline' house
some sexed and Spiritfined people
whohave not yet : beenbaptized wi
Waiter aed, are thee :baptized: after
they have neen saved ,,end hein re-
ceived, thei,gift,of the Holy Ghost
Oii the tithee hand, We hai e ni Ante
xie; 1-6, eeme nieciples who, having
been baptized, had not heard any-
thing abOot the Hely Spirit, so they
"death was swallowed up in vic-
tory." I proclaim the abolition of
The old antagonist is driven back
into mythology with all the lore
about Stygian ferry and Charon
with oar and boat. Afelroso Abbey
and Kenilworth Castle are no more
in ruins than is the sepulchre. We
shall have no more to do with death
than we have with the cloakroom at
a governor's levee. We stop at such
cloakroom and leave in charge of a
servant our overcoat, our overshoes.
our outward apparel, that we may
not ibe impeded in the brilliant round
of the drawing room. Well, my
friends, whea we go out of this world
we are going to a King's.banquet
and to a reception of monarchs, and
at tho, door of -the tomb ,we leave
the cloak of flesh and the wrappings
with which we meet the storms of
' this world. At the close of an
earthly yeception, under the brush
and broom of the porter, the coat
or hat may be handed to us better
than when we resigned it, and 1,11e
cloak of htunanity will filially be
returned to us improved and bright-
ened and purified and glorified.
Yott and I do net want our bodies
returned as they dee- now. We want
to get rid of all their weaknesses
and all their suseptihi1ities to
fatigue and all their slowness of
locomotion. But as to our soul. we
will cross right , (ever, not waiting
for obsecluies, independent of obitu-
ary, into a state in every weer bet-
ter, with wider room mid velocities
beyond computation, tile dullest of
US into companionship with the very
best spirits ill their very best mood,
in the veey parlor of the universe,
the four Towne:Med aml: paneled
tnd picturen and alorified with all
-Cho oplendors eliat the infinite God
that God can do as much for our
bodies as be does for the wasps
and the spiders and the snails? This
morning at half past four o'clock
there was a resurrection. Out of
the night the day. In a few
weeks there will be a. resurrection
inall our gardens. Why not some
day a resurrection amid the graves?
Ever and anon there are instan-
ces of men and women entertnced. A
trance is death followed bY resur-
rection after a. few days; total sus-
pension of mental power and vol-
untary action. Rev. William
Tennent, a great evangelist of the
last generation, of whom Dr. Archi-
bald Alexander, a man far from
being sentimental, wrote in most eu-
logistic terrus—Rev. William Ten-
nent eeemed to die. His spirit
apparently left the body. People
Came in day after day and .said,
"He is dead, he is dead." tut the
soul that fled returned, and IVill
Torment lived to write what he had
seen while bis soul was gone.
And so when the world's last
Easter morning shall come the soul
will descend, crying "Where is my
body?" And the body will ascend,
saying, "Where is my soul?"
And the Lord of the resurrection
wil! bring them together, and it will
be a perfect soul in a perfect bo-
dy, introduced by a. perfect Christ
into a perfect Heaven. Victory!
Only the bad disapprove of the ee-
surrection. Ah, there .will be more
to rise on that day than those wh6se
crimes have never beenrepented of
will want to see! But for all others
who allowed Christ to be their par-
don and their life and their resurrec-
tion it will be a day of victory. '
The thunders of the last, day will
be the salvo that greets you into
harbor. The lightnings will be
only the torches of triumphal -pro-
cession marching down to scort
you home. , The burning worlds
flashing through immensity will be
the rockets celebrating your coro-
nation on thrones where you will
reign forever mid forever and for-
ever. Where is death? What have
we to do with death? As your re-
united body and soul swing off
fromthis planet on that last day
you. will see deep gashes all up
and down the hills, deep gashes
all up and down the valley, and
they will be the elliptic(1
ae es,
22 to 32 Waist.
The popularity of the skirt that
clears the ground long since became
an established fact. This latest mo-
del is shown in tobacco brown chev-
iot with stitched bands; but it is
imited to golf cloth, homespun, and
all the materials adapted to the pur-
poses for which it is designed. The
snirt is cut. with- Ove gores, that are
shaped to fit snugly about the hips
and to flare freely as it approaches
the feet. As shown, the eindeated
circular flounce is arranged.' over -the
lower portion so providing addition-
al grace and fulness; but the skirt
can be left plain if preferred. The
fulness at the back is laid. 412 invert-
ed plaits, Which are fiat at the waist
line', end Meet Closely over the seam,
but falls in ripples at the lower
cut t
Tohis skirt in the medium
size 4.1- yards Of Materiel 44 inches
wide or 4 'yards 52 inches wide will
be regeired, when the flounce is used;
3e yards 44 inches wide ea 8 yards
52 inehes wide if the.skire is plain.
Becien—"po you suppose it was
modesty that prompted the author
to Withhold his name from that
poemen: Roberto -"!*o, e think it
was prudence:" ,;
"So you wish to leave to get mar-
ried, Mary. I .hope you have given
the matter serioes consideration ?"
Yoh, I have, sir," was the eernest
reply, "I've been to two fortune
"teller§ :and a clairvoyant, and look-
ed in a sign -book: and dreamed on a
lock of his bait', and 'been to one of
those eseeerolonera tied to a mee-
nue, end they all tell nee to go
ahen-d,. W.: I ain't One to Marry
ful of sugar and three-quarters of a stiff neck and joints, sore throats,
cupful of butter to a cream ; add bunioes and a few other ills to
four whole eggs and yolks of three whith flesh is heir, relief is said to
be almost magical when this lini-
ment is applied.
eggs, tvco cupfuls of flour alternate-
ly. First add a whole egg; then a
few tablespoonfuls ot flour. then an-
other egg, stirring oath egg in until'
It disappears in the batter before
adding more ilour. 'When alt tho
eggs and flour are in add ti. table-
spoonful of finely chopped eitron ;
two of seeded, chopped raisins, and
two or three tablespoonfuls of chop-
ped almouds. Flour the fruit so it
will not sink. Let it rise for three
hours or until it is very light and
thin ; bake in a moderate oven for
an hour. Do not let it get too
When Cooking leisb.—There is not
In Scotland 28,106 Persons TfSe
the Language.
A Parliamentary paper has been
published presenting some interesting
results with reference to Scotland
of the ceesus of 1901.
The population, 2,178,755 males,
2,298,318 females, total 4,472,103,
divided by the number of separate
families ' yields an average of live
persons to a -family. The statistics
the slightest occasion to render fish in. reference to housing aro very sat—
dry and tasteless in order to instire isfactory. Thus there are uearly
thorough cooking if proper attention 000,000 houses for near •
anything hotter than boil- suggests a very liberal a81clioli
imagine anyticir
ie given to basting. One cannot well ly 4,500,000 PeOPle.,
ing fat, and laving plentifully ei iL1 ance of house room, which London.
ers may well envy. In 1801, whea
the population was 4,925,617, the
inbabited houses were 817,568, and
the number of separate4amilies 876,-
080—working out then as now, OW7
family ane bouse. One house in six-
teen is uninhabited. The figures are:
Houses, 926,814 inhabited; 59,420
uninhabited; 9,062 building, ' Then
we are told how many rooms there
are with one or more windows. The
number is 8,022,508, which mettaii
about three rooms for every four per-
sons, says the London Chronicle.
Is Gaelic dying out? The regis-
trar -general has set himself to an-
swer this question by introducing in-
to the returns "persons speaking
Gaelic only," and "persons sepeaking;
Gaelic and English." It will come
es ei surprise to many that in Seot.
land there are no fewer thQ11 28,10o
perboes who speak Gaelic only. Most
of these, of course, are in the coun-
ties; in the burghs they number only
348, and on board ships in Scottish
waters, only 6. lefighlandere will be
interested -to learn . , that 202,700
Scots speak Gaelic in addition to the
language of Scott and Burns.
this is to make use of the surest am-
munition possible for the routing of
bacteria. Instead of warning ama-
teurs against underdone fish, let
copious basting with sweet boiling
fat be insisted on, and in place of a
woolly, flavorless result, there will
be the opposite 01 flakiness ane juci-
ness. Overboeling will produce wooli-
nese as sure as overfrying or baking..
To insure tender, solid flakes in, for
instance, boiled cod or halibut, and
to avoid ,dissipating the flavor, make
sure the water boils when the fish is
put in. ; keep at a p:entle boil ;, allow
only ten nainutes to the pound,- and
tie carefully in cheesecloth that has
been washed and boiled before using.
Potato Pie --Line a deep pie dish
with a rich crust rolled quite thin.
Pill with finely sliced potatoes and
two very finely sliced onions, evenly
Mixed through the potato. Pepper
and salt to taste, me41 dot bits of
butter over the top..' Pour over all
enough cream or rich milk to fill the
dish and bake slowly withor with-
out a top crust.
Marble Cake—Light part : Take
cups white sugar, e cup butter, le
cups sweet milk, e teaspoon soda, 1
teaspoon cream of tartar, whites of
The Mississippi is the longest river
1 eines, 24- cups flour. Dark part in the world, but estimated by
One pup brown sugar,. I cup better.amount of water discharged into the
ie cup molasses, e cup sour milk, 1 1 sea it ranks third only, the Amazon
teaspoon soda, I, teaspoon cream of discharging a million cubic teet A0 -
tartar, yolks of 4 eggs, ei cups cond, and the La Plata 850,000,
flour, 1e teaspoons each of ground the Mississippi's 500,000.