Exeter Advocate, 1902-4-17, Page 2VILJOEN INTERVIEWED.
Night Ride 'Which. Eat Bei in. the
Boer General's Capture.
Four days after General Bea Vil-
joen was captured he accorded an ine
terview to a British official at Ly-
denburg, to whom he spoke freely on
the part he had taken in the war,
says the London Daily Mail.
Ilte best fighttof teit was Spion
[op" said the, general, "where I
was present as a connuandaut. At
Vaal Kraute I emeartanded the teat -
guard and had Omit fifty casuaitiee.
One woman with Sunlight Soap will do quicker REDuczs
work than Two will with impure soap. EXPEINME
.64h ter the Octagon Bar,
YenT War cannot ealiddY, write to =WM BROTOBRO
, Ierento sendieg Ms name atal address, and a
tisk]. sample. 0 Slinlielt Soap will be sent yea free of cost.
I read no man left whet WOS able to C1110 to the situation. Had Beason
watts tize rona-Potra, so 1bad to do gone on without shelling theta they
it menet?, and succeedetd in retreat- would 110X0 mistaken him for my
ing erbile 1 WitS SarrOtaldefil practi- connuarato."
cant,- on tweet: indes, with about teal,
geo?s C.ring at the plateau ott whieint
I stood.
teett pre:tent 1 consider eater
Ilow entire is the confidence of the
native Indian in the Government may
be gathered from the following anec-
dote, which comes from Lahore. A
tiger ho,d escaped from the Zoologi-
cal garden; and its keeper. hoping
to lure it hack, followed, it. Whea
all other inducemeuts had failed, he
lifted up his voice and solemnly ad-
jured it in the name of the British
Govennuent, to which it. belonged, to
, come back to its cage. ThO tiger. it
is needless to add, obeyed at once.
The practical joker WOS sauntering
along in the dusk.
The inofieusive citizen was saunter-
ing along in the saute dusk. unwind- .na= mat, JARDINE R7g1.3,33,13•
ful of the presence of the practical TO LIVES IN TEE Qu.GEN
MallItIaGEABLE AGE. joker.
• • CITY.
••••••*••••• •••4••-• • •••••
9 he practical joket , ecognizing /
'hate precticater tee guns now, 11111I age. steps t overtake, him.
as One ot Canada's Commis,
ear fellows tie?: to Onitate Maxims"- In Portugal a boy or 14 consid- The inoffensive citizen was titiult-'
ering thiieltitt 5Iatiher hietnis, et•ed marriageable, and a "women" ing of a story he had z•end about 1 stoners to the Paris Expesitiou.
taftieit to foggy and damp atoms- ee eta footpads. and wondering. totetn„; -His Statement is Very
late a gun." seen at least fourteen summers P.nd The practical jolter suddenly tiPped Read With Kneh Interest.
ery tire fifty times better than it,
In Gen -mita' nulatt" in order to friend in the inoffensive eitieen„
wits itt the 1.eginuling ot the war- W1 marry must be at least 18 years of chuckled to himself and quickened his Well Known Threughout Canada
;eller,' givea lotei rePort and shalt- In Greece the "unto" must have anyotte would ever try to rob him i Valuable One and Bas Been
Reeardiug t re 'tee et rierale, ), ti tee .,Itenitalee twelve. the inoffensive citiven's hat over his
letlt k!eszeibed johhtrt ois '*a gehd In France the "man" zuuet be Ogle- eyes. Toronto. Mo.rch 17. -(Special) -
M4"^ ankit- tithd the thttest*. Ile re- teen and the16, The inoffensive citizen eteeteca in... tar. J. G. 41trdine, whose statement
eouth of. Ledytenith in Nteatuther. ' 1111 Spaillfk the Intended hustutud mast atlwIteelvnatre 1;341:e(CletliCA fijrk:OPSrt;e1$4.('W ' itaoSnletoPri°111:NtIv'er odferlIftt°14CdU;41"11'(11:1ellYti
1891,t, beeaese of a storm of thunder :Innen intenen his 14th
, e t 1. .. ,.
Cind lightnfeg esteeii kthited me hare eeteatelet leer lam. 2Fear aud the i .f. t priiolte,g_°ekt'reiTati dtZepen.neate itliitelispalipaes'ast:egler:ebsiVii;enat +inilf itiTYcity01. I
xtzer and in,fra ed several &abet's. 1 int Aestn,_ . .• ,• • All • • • • •t 1 • • 1 i iti hOille is at lt05 Crawford etreet.
et, a mate awl a coo- ,sat on nun atm ot tun again.
tiltP41`rt 4.',1141" .11Ptci. is a Sigell .RUk 11 MAW' are sr:alto-eel to be eapable of 1 The praetleal jOlier h-tliedt"r"r A4% *lardllia was °lase" "S u"
Seoul warelate us tete to go tiirsettr.,* aeateeetten a home oi• their owo , goodness, sake etnot bet me inlet the eittlatilan ColtililiSsiollerS to tlic
tt nt V 14 . 4 k ' ., 1 . hl
called General 13othu. front his ruid ett pageant eat, awn. ages.
a!al Po Wet. Ile scribed Cronte es ,irt'at the aa'd Johnt Don't von' know me?" harts Exposition .tivo years itgo. and
"tenet* lett str,inettneettlett," att-t eaid
The inoffensive ettkett nand ennent phe performed tonerous ditties of that
Scott i" ollice with honor to hintself and
alight have :DI
The practical joker said, in an ha credit to his country.
lured tone: "Hang it all, Johan it's it is to bis esPeriellre in the
had he followed the adelet. eent to itobe. Nother Gives 14racti. Oran French capital at tide time thet Afr. • • •
Witt tO ctintialOtt his Waggot at , Advice on the Care of
We are handling large quantities.
We Call handle yours to advantage.
The Dawson, Commission Co., Limiteci, Toronto.
conolimmento of Gutter, sees, agates and ether Produce Soltenete
Every StIck—
A filideh
Every Mateh
• A 1.1gitter
Eddy s
The finest matches to
the Worictintatiefrom
eon man and
eeeeelatly suitable
for domestic USO—
Linton 4141104 ;UAW
Oath haX .eenteleing
abeettait matettea—
threat/90ff in pegs-
or eat* by
II Firot 0#464
The ihoffeasive izeh laouva at. Jardine tuaItes part icolar reference! tete tent *:* t) *:* I:4 •:111, 4:* 0:4.1* II, 11* II:* 4* ihr:110.;* *;*1.1.:•*:*.:* 4* 4*
Peerdeberg• Babies. he practical. 40her, who only Igo in the published etatentent in wIticlan.e,Weall When a house is well penned it a
Pettelibing sAVI1 Cail,"av CO. laTal 00e' IWO 00Pieti, Watt lunge- be' Sayr. attt'acts attention. To he ee
VIliesen tettel le- was ritlittet .a eight. tir.cown thee met all The praetleal jolter angrily aseert- During my stay in I MIS fen( .2,3Ea
t. vith steel (never etet :tat ealtetient. 1111101103 81'11.11/g iroth a diS-, ea that it was no healthier teat ter. nulnY tilnes 111111 0 1110 flown owing o • to," EZ3iLlitl.:Ibe)42.
.e. painted it UMW. be done with tle
good paints. Get the hest that*?
v--.1-.va a voice roneu oat. • t's that I, ordeh'eti stitIttaeit. In,dige`Ainn in a , "lint you said it was a Jae," ete. tho eonlidete clittege and to the!?
t . Pen Ii0 11414 dOlet, pay an es- z.
zro^L SintrFon ?" The ilatjo,Int to,;tinew
;Chiga win canw at ihrst. peevishness ; c1 the inogensi,:e chmes
u. ,-ollti worriand htork of our businestt'atX orbitane prim but VitY 41, fair
ntied. r Yes. id! night t don't fro.", aud teeeplesenees. hut other more i I think. you are right." Awl it, t here. I snitered not a little with ' price. te.
Bm the. mweinere eta era, agniee thenterious troales wtil follow fast, laughed again.
V--.., atilintatal hca"---,c; arAil %Mil:A 1:t1.4 tiOn In honte caties. diarrhoea; able to see the point of ie to thig IteY 4-"''q 'nv41""""4f4'
51 .,!,1* otItir,,r, /Int tirg. ;Ir.?, 14,46f.,:f s i me I Sclich. OS C011C or canape, constipue Rut the practical joker luten't been th'Pre,,,s,s,i,,mt, nal I, fallad Pt.441..5 lir'id*I RAMSAI S,Pilli TS?
,111'i".... ill
''''t /11.11'net IT.•1‘ °1
'hook, in My" 1 -.;
hachache. a With general feeling of
/ 1 t 1 •
othere. with fatal re-: day. Still, it was mantes; ittataitly a *1 hal learnQ4 thk' V"hlik of 13"••Its,
Beeteerit e ee. ee le 9 111it IV C0,509. The mother good toliet. medicine 1;' ii' going to Europe OS Are Sold, by all dealt -ma at fair it,
peneet,- teepee who regieete having constootty ate' •••••••••••.**4
I hod it very succesefully tor back. Mice; and you get ell that can y
the getierah ' aat, t is ti h hole- itdnti the lartuls for treatiug tlieth NO BREATH TO WASTE. ache which I found it relieved al -q be put into the hest paint.) that t
Bettea, 7, B.4 .., etinaept, i',Ita.,i 1 Dily ran, We tolteet tin alasli. -fill riiMA'S', IL L. ' illoSt ineteattly. 80 Wheat 1 weld, to i can he medet by Gm oldest pallet ..,
'C1,. ntfati p,itle tv t.lee, ond t„,,,,..irg ,;,;, ye yineee Legatemum. is °se, "Thene is staitethimr, abOut the at- Paris 1 wos careful to take W1111 1110 1100se in Canada, It's the hest to le
trete aleave tee 0'1'4' Onelaalali I :Jade mother who is partietilarty well tit- 1111asPhers in Ult.. Kinndih° th" /naL`ttt "" 4.4 thin We fatorite Teilletir. cover. hest to wear. nreterv0 a•
Lehi of tee 4.A r I.,.* 04 ere' ?-oid, -nen. eat tnt gate ealeice on the eare at Welt %ere' hitiet.' 4 0.44 d 0. )141t fri.413 -Tanury thee e was tarettteuea ond beautifieve ready for uee, ee
no' epee : antene ih,..r sunward tnenieine, tat tap in the froren 4't 414t144 the other with a return of Gut trouble I used Drop a. card and ask for our
men who was bettlieg the tiee htinor aihnerite of liter nave eras dine., 'The Imbit is acquired. I a few Iturid's R1 11 illa," 1»111s and can BooKLET ..K" WWII, •.,
riat rateette. nen tight. end eh nt.' ife Bales Mu Tablets. and she nehppone. in tramphog when the alti- mac they did not disappoint me, showirig cads of beautiful homen• t
Q414' pril nee itip- Viliat ht iloe ta-;.
' 4 47. 8 --111Iy are the tretaielea tY1
rt44e1' moles it n°eeeesary to 1 160 ;I1 Tfhey are the
he .beet, medIitcine I know
,asnefrb"tilintbe utgentM/2?
ARAMSAY & SON git44.1"2
alentyooereeurettIhteevertalAeinfantaillttente.°14aoto It) sYza.4,
1,A "t"' I hoed given them to my baby for leat es You hone for talking. The arid they do certainly relieve back- A MONTREAL Paint: Makers N
Vtii km, oNled abont the . noligeetion and etomaelt trounie tuand, result, is tbat. the Men talk very echo instantly. ea•••••••••-•••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••••••.••,,,
e vat .0 yet et et eve:vet va_ lve,. e at Neva netatetea te ene tee, *eve.. ..,,,
teete- - tate•
t. volsmon, rk.rson. op41,41. ! dm; aro, prelefee anti thereit4a , Ilttle. They become almost speech- What Mr. Jardine MS saki is zereeete-te. , - -
. -
. _
Mother ---"You hate been flirting
with My daughter. and, Just night
you went so far as to hies 1101'. Now,
I want to /mow what your intentions
are?" Young Ilfan--"My intention%
Inadutin are to repeat that perform-
ance as often as possible!"
tioiee the Trataitetal eonte twelve making a enure. No mother ehould lotttth and will hit about at night, amply borne out by' many others in
244444l414wece directed towarda :lie a single day without the Table
1,3 each thinking his OW11 t 1101IghtS altil 01 19 eity witoee experiences have
v„,iptla-k! the lioer.4 north of the 'in Ole
1ts4a41ee1. rtitionty, Of he tight at. ' 11.ihy's Oen Tablets are for child-
, allotting his fellow to do the 43411440." 440014 and are being published from
day to day. Dffild's Kidney Pills
Ittenetrooni. which Coionti 'IN% Of ail figeSand will eine such,. MOIlltey Brand Soap is a eieaner are certainly without on equal as a,
tepee:tilted 14,1 10,461 41;1:F he ever tronittes as eonstipertion00440soury and polislier combined hut Won't medicine for 1,110.0 41.110 are "tired
t00% part. in, ('164". 14 Vithi,h4 51011 te14. diarrhoea and simple wash (lathes'
"Iteiteon tnieeed :t good tettelt. first feversThey are invaluable for
by Whine the road to biq left lead. tentiting children, and will break up
Ina in 1%31/leant mal leas Mg the coltia and prevent croup. Guaranteed
righi hated one. tettdinee Roos' to coutain no opiate or other harm-
Sou:e&all, Et elt tilien Benson would ful drug. Distiolved in water they'
'smog w.•:•
hate snrprieed a good umber of eau be given with Perfect safety to a,
letreiterst who were contiug to Join new-born babe. Sold by ttlI dealers
zee Of It a pikort r it11014 11 110Wing of in medicine. or Fent post paid at 25
Beaten; s pt hall ittYt the guns Cents a box. by addretsing the lir.
neat ;et theta taw own thorn the Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville,
HEALTH IN SPRING, Little Elsie -"Oh. take Me tip.
nalltilla. It's 60 MO tidy." Alt1111M(1-
11CrOSS. 0403 11. good girl.
Mamma has nil sbe caudo to carry
poor Fido,"
lIelp Throw Off the Impurities
That Eave Accumulated Dur-
British children in every 100
Iways atray front Selnun,
ing, the Winter Months -Pongee! The British Houses of Parliament
A straight line is the
norals as in mathenn
out." "mu down" or "used op."
Doddhe Kidney Pills hate been en -
shortest irl domed most heartily by all classes.
418 British gales blew front the
Mi. ard's eLinim t L mh F I n BUIS 1 filffrom the N.E.
, fent. in the hat6 I. 13 ,VQ114S. only J6
'T • • • .
There are few things reason ean dis
Cover with so much, certainty and
ease as its own insufficiency. -Jeremy
There is danger tu neglectinga cad
Many who have died -of co IMMO ption dated
their troubles from exposure, fullowed by
aeold which settled on their lungs, and in
a short time they were beyond the skIll of
the best physielan. Had they used Dickies'
Auti•Consumptise Syrup, before it was
WO late, then lives would have been
Spared. This Medicine has no tental fo11.
curing coughs, colds and all affections of
the throat entitling.
Should Not be ITsed-It cover nine statute acres. The census of the United States
shows that there are 512 males to
ATLANTIC I'La411 AND l'ApPR overy 488 females. There arts, there -
hie climate there ere menet rette " -
COM PA NY LIMITED. fore, 1,800.000 more men and boys
• „ t • y
Scats wire People feel all mit of gear' - - • -
than wometaand girls.
414 14 te sprain, months. Perhaps the The prospectus of the recently or-
ebiee of these 1S the long hours in ganieed Atlantic Pulp and Paper; PAP EXCIHISION TO CALI-
impi-riectly ventilated offices. shops Company, Limited, is being sent out 'en'
• 11Q1114.1N(111111:" the winter months.; this week by the brokers, Messrs. FORNIA.
Yoe met feel tliat. there is nothittgiSutherland & CaMeron. Ottawa. The ,
„ The Wabash Railroad Compan3,
will sell. round trip tickets to Los
serious the matter; you are only a capital stock of the company is $3,-
little tired after slight exertion, or 000,090, and its property is situat- 4 Angeles and San Francisco, Cal., al
perhaps your appetite is fickle, or
little pimples or eruptions on the
atilt ;show that the blood is not as
pure as it should be. If you feel
Thi s way, not only your comfort but
your health demands that you take
proper steps to cleanse yourself of
the blood impurities that are re-
sponsible for your condition. You
need a tonic, blood purifier, nerve
strengthener and general up -lifter of
the (elf ire system. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for- Pale People meet all
these requirements more perfectly
t hen ally other medicine. These are
tonic ialls and not violent and weak-
ening like purgative medicines. Na-
ture does not require a violent meas-
ure in spring, but n. helping hand to
throw or! the impurities which have
accumulated during the winter, and
so toning and strengthening every
organ and function that a condition
of perfect health will prevail. Ev-
sryone—old and young—ought to
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the
Spring. There is rfo other medicine
'will do you so much good. Mr.
Vrames Sahnon, postmaster, Sahnon
•Creek, N. 13., says:—"Last spring I
was feeling decidedly rtnwell. I was
weak; dizzy at times, and continual-
ly felt tired. appetite was poor
and I wa.s losing in weight. I tried
several medicines, but nothing did
me. any good until I began the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and a
few boxes of these inade me feel like
a now person. I would advise all
who feel run down and out of sorts
to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
Dr. Walliltins' Pink Pills are also
effective, in the cure of all disea.seS
.due to poor, thin, watery blood or
weak herveeet Do not take a substi-
tute for these pills—it is a waste of
Is a Tontc That is Needed.
money )and a menace to health to do
so. See that the full name "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People"
is on the wrapper around*very box.
Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent
postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six
boxes fOr $2.50 by addressing the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
• Ont
ed on the little Cascapedia Rtver, at
New Richmond, on the north of the
Bale des "Chaleur. Prospectuses and
application forms may be had from
a.ny office of the National Trust
Company, Limited, Toronto or Mon-
treal. or from Sutherhuid & Camer-
on. brokers, Ottawa, Canada.
To reform a Man you must begin -
with his "grandmother. -Victor
If your children moan and are restlesa
during sleep, coupled when awake with 13
loss of appetite, pale countenance, pickhee,
of the noset etc.. yon may depeud upon it
that the primary cause of the trouble is
worms. "Mother Graves' Worm Exter•
minator effectually removes these pests,
at once relieving the little sufferers.
Reflection is the flOWOr of the mind,
giving out wholesome fragrance; but
revery is the same Rower, when rank
and meting to seed. -Tupper.
Are yon a sufferer with corns 4 If you
are get a bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure.
It has never been known to faiL
Rashness is the faithful bet unhap-
py parent of misfortune.—Fuller.
To Those of Sedentary Occupation.—
Men who follow sedentary occupations,'
which deprive them of fresh air and exer-
cise, art) more prone to disorders of the
liver and kidneys than those who lead
active, outdoor lives. The former will
find in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a re-
storative without question the most effi-
cacious on the market. They are easily
procurable, easily taken,act expeditious
ly, and they are surprisingly cheap con
sidering their excellence.
If nettled by severe raillery, con-
ceal the sting if you woutd escape a
repetition of the evil.—Cotton,
k far, , 781 nu EthJr
. p
On an average 9 per cent, of any
army ill the field are constantly in
less than the one way first-class
rate. Tickets on sale April
19th to 27114, good to return any
time before June 25t1i, 1902. Choice
of routes going and returning. All
tickets should read via Detroit and
over the Wabash, the short and true
route from Canada. to California.
This will be the grandest oppor-
tunity ever given the people of this
country to visit this land of sun-
shine and flowers at a low rate.
Full: particulars of this excursion
from any railroad agent, or J. A.
Richardson, District Passenger
Agent, North -cast corner King &
Yonge Otte, Toronto.
So long ago as 1002 the first
British railway was laid down. It
was at Newcastle, and the rails
were made of wood, Horses drew
the cars.
Keep litijnard's Liniment n the HOUSe
The population of London is lee
inches"taller and 81b. heavier, on an
average, than the people of Hort-
fordshiro ; but in' Scotland farm-
hands are found to excel in height
and weight by more than that
amount the population, of Glasgow.
Stops the counh
and Works ow the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold
In one day. No Cure. No Par. Price Vicente.
Mrs. Lawnville--"Which would you
rather do to -day, go to school or
help me in the garden?" Little Boy
--"I'd rather go to school." "Would
you? , Why?" 'Cause teacher's 111,
an' there ain't goin' to be any."
Meters. Nurtirrap & Lyman Co, are the
proprietor:, of Dr. Thomas' 1e1ectrio 012,
which is 11041* being Fold in immense
quantities throughout the Itominion. It
Is welcomed by the suffering invalid
everywhere with emotions ot delight,
because it banishes pain and gives instant
rellef. Tide viduable specific for almost
"every ill that flesh is 110141 te," Is valued
by the sufferer as more precious than
gold. It is the elixir of life to many a
wasted ftnute. '1'0 the farmer it 1* Illa15-
110118411)10, 111141 10 shoul41 be in every
Recompense ;injury with justice,
and unkiodness with Ithedness.-Con-
Take Laxative Bream Quinine Tablets, Al
druggists refunl the money If It fails to mire.
Z. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 250.
Grandma -"What's the matter,
Bobby? Why. are you crying'?" Lit-
tle Bobby-"Greenia, tliey's too
many folks a-bringhe me up. I'd
get along better if I only had you.
MinardIs Liolment is used by Physiciw
The world 13412. 21- million acres
under tobacco, which produce 850,-
000 tons a year.
This new modern, up-to-date hotel
was opened for the reception of
guests in 1901. It is situated in the
centre of the Buest summer resort
region in America, known as the
Muskoka Lakes, within easy reach of
the principal points in Canada and
the United States-, The interior of
the hotel is planned to the best ad-
vantage for comfort and conve-
nience, special attention being given
to ventilation and sanitary arrange-
ments. Its spacious suites, with
handsome bathrooms attached, are
especially adapted to either large
or small families. Cuisine and ser-
vice are the best. Open for guests
June 1511. For further particulars,
descriptive matter and all informa-
tion, write M. O. Dickson, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Germany, with 1,088 paper mills„
makes only half as much paper as
England, with- but 800.
For Over Sixty Years,
imak-Vitt.1:31.•09r8 SOOTIUNG SYRUP has been used by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
Itsoothei the child, softens the gums, allays pwin, cum
wind collo, regulates the stomach and towels, and Is the
best remedy for Dlarrhina. 1Ewenty-11re cents a
Bold h7 druggists throughout the world. /1w sure wini
ask for "tics. WIIVSLOW'SSOOTT.11.111.18X1t1/1..".
A factory at Port Dundas, near
Glasgow, has a chimriey 50 feet
higher than St. Paul's Cross.
4- IhIII
1: ilimittuntinii
Page ,Metal Ornamental Fence.MTV:VT:
ornamental. very showy and surprisingly cheap. 111S net what
is wanted for door yards, division fences in town lots, grave
yards. orchards etc. It is a•••
al ted and ic'taile at 1 ,eli C15. PER RUNNING FOOT,
pn y
make farm fence, poultry netting, nails al] staples.
Nusl think of it. Let us send you. full sarticulars, We also
.The Paso Wire Fence Co., Limited. Walkerville, Ont. II
A.11 End to BItious Beadaehe.--Billotts
nos, which is caused by exceselve bile In
the 8te81:101.1ms a marked effect upon
the nerves, and often inantregta itself by
severe headache. This is the mese dis-
treseing headache one can have. There
are headache' front cold, from fever, aud
front other eansee. but the most exeruch
ming of Alt Is tite headache. Par -
melee's Vegetable Pills will cure it -cure
it elnicat immediately. It will disappear
es seen 118 the Pills operete, There is
nothing surer in the treatment of bilious
An English lad ten years old may
expect 49.2 years of life, a Belgian
of the stune age 4.1.3 years only.
boaness Cannot be Cured
hy local almlications. as they cannotreach the
diseased portion cf the or. There 13 only one
way tl euro deafness, and that is by constint
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed contikion of Moment's lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in-
flamed Ton have crumbling sound or imper
T 371
If so you eon cure It with 011eatne. ettle w ore
Mee, eatve anthem and hula the most delicate,
Moue*. PosIttwity unequalled fer Olsson or
Injury affecting seln or membrane.
Try It for Inflamsd Oyes, Catarrh, Chatting
30res or any Sore you can tooth.
2504 Druggist,. crellsadfris Co., Toronto,
tansy refunded If not satisfactory.
The 20 large diamonds in *ho
British cintwn are worth Z1.300
aplecte and the two centre diamouda
£2,0n0 each. The entire cost of the
stones in the crown is at leest
Tho Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem, have included in the hoop • list
of suunner alld winter resorts which
they am bringing before the public.
the Sanitarium al. St. Cab:wither,
Ont., a. retreat for rest and recupera-
tion. A mineral spring from which
the Witter flows and which is
sed for bathing and znassage rmr-
poses (Lt this establisl»nent, 44118
discovered years ago, and bus been
the means of attracting hintdreds of
fact bearing. arid when It 1d ent.rellY closed the best class of people front tho
deafness is the result. and unless t he !urban
motion can be takenvut and this tube metered Soul h to enjoy the benefits derived
i.tntroirtsoltorraelvecre:adnittnicon,cha5e0asrinogatteoliteben frare von.nlstiatitelrliatiblyindietu.ser than seat wa...
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but on In.
flamed condition of the mucous sue:ace-. tee, the ettects are eery marked, and
Woven'. giro One Hundred Dollars for any when heated and skilfully applied
masa Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
cures rheumatismgoutscrofula
n t be oarod by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Send
tor circulars, free. nettralgia, Beer trouble, skis
In d-
, , ,
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0 eases and cases 04 34021.068 prostra-
sold bv Drneglett. 73c. Von. Many of the cures are simply ,
Hall sssm4 y Pills are the best. wonderful. The waters of this spring
are referred to in Encyclopaedia
Brittanica, Appleton's American En-
cyclopaedia, Ilare's System of Thera-
peutics, etc.
31; is only during the last few year;
that a commodious Sanitarium has
been established at this point, com-
bining rest -cure and family hotel.
Copies of a neat little booklet
giving fut•ther i_tarticulars may lie
had by applying to 144.C. Dickson,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
London builds 17,800 houses a.
year. and opens 85 miles of new
Jack --"Charley, why don't yon
propose to tne 'Widow Green's
daughter? She's rich, and is regard:,
ed as the pearl of her sex.” Char-
ley --"I know it, my boy; but I dis-
like the mother of pearl."
:Messrs. C. C. Richards & Co.
Gentiemen,-After suffering for se-
ven years with inflammatory rheum-
atism, so bad that I was eleven
months confined to my room, and
for two years could not dress myself
without help. Your agent gave me
in May. '97, and asked me to try it.
which I did, and was so well pleased
with the results I procured more.
Five bottles completely cured me and
have had no return of the pain for
eighteen months. '
The above, facts are well-known to
everybody in this village and neigh-
Yonrs' gratefully, A. PAIRT.
St. Timo thee, Que., May 16113. 1899,
United Kingdom grows 160
million bushels of oats a year -more
than the combined barley and wheat
This is a large nmuber of fast
trains each way between ButTalo and
New York, and they are all splendid
trains. The Empire State Express
IS one of them, (daily except Sun -
tidy) and is the most popular train
in the country. Ask your ticket -
agent for tickets by the New York
Central if you wish to travel in com-
Fare saine as by other lines except
by Empire State Empress,
Visitor--"I suppose your idaughtor
is busily preparing for her wedding?"
Mother -"Yes; she is up, in lwr 4'00131
now destroying all her old 44,1 11.1.13
The Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem have included in the large list
of summer and winter reeorts which
they are bringing before the publie,
the Sanitarium at St. Catharines,.
Ont., a retreat for rest and recupera-
tion. A mineral spring from which
the water flows and which is
used for bathing' -and massage pur-
poSes at this etablishluent, was
discovered years ago, and has been
the moans or attracting hundreds of
the best class of people from tbe -twee--
south to enjoy the benefits derived
from bathing in it. .
Considerably denser than sea, wa-
ter, the effects are very marked, aud
when heated and skilfully applied
cures rheuma tism, gout, Serofula,.
neuralgia, liver trouble, skin dis-
eases and cases of nervous prostra-
tion. Many of the cureS are simply
wonderful. The wa tors of thiS spring
are referred to in Encyclopaedia
ri ttanica, Appleton's American En-,
cycl6pacdia, rfare's System of Thera,-
It is bWly during the last few years
that a Commodious Sanitarinm has
been established at this point, corn, ..
billing rest -cure nd famil,v hotel.
Copies of a nea 1 1444 le hook] et
giving further par/1C1/I0T./4
fi by applying 10 .141. C. PiCksott
"Astrid., Passenger Agent, Toronto.