HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-17, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 17 1902. O. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. WHITE LACE CURTAINS All new goods with But- ton Role Edges at 500. 75c,, 90c., $1.15, $1,50, $2.75, $3.25, a paid. WINDOW BLINDS with rollers, in plain,and patterns, fringes, laces, 0,114 lace insertions from 350, to 83e, e Sell"FORGE The Food That is all Food. Produce Taken. in Ezobange. POPLESTONE & GARDENER Groceries a. Specialty. Pest. Office Block. MOShEY TO LOAN-, We have tedimiteil private funds for vestment upon farm or village erereety, leweNt rates of interim. Wessels X: Meuse, liarri4ters.ete.. Exeter. Al" A have a largo amount of rrivate fluids to loan on larna and village Trottrtles at I w sates oflutc.rest. W. GL. Barrister. Main Street Exeter, - ratxksT Leal Eslatemol Insurance Agent Farms and sillau-erranertirs tottubt aGd iitW c reasonable terms. several dac.; lamtrs tor opo, , Laical tn 1l cf Matauda. ant the seinessen "1,0satc. rorse eN o Low non. RALE. Ott Mettatutor street, Esetcr North. a env story 'frau:velum:as, emtaining Nasal, The lot coritaIns 1 acro oilcan], on wItilt arc forty fruit ttvcs,n good wcII. good location auttconvcnient to schoid, P.tr alam apply to Mcs.30K11V Home on the preirds24, or Hay:P. OP patritt: To LET. For horses and e3ttle on reas(atalgo term,. tztrol; Iota taken oii the rartelt at hot 1. corner of Eton- dtite, Road and Stihbon's sido rd, en and :liter April lith, when a. man will takc chat -goof thentilur. In; the scwien. F'or further particulars apply to, Orn. WAITS, Tiled:ord. cal=t..7.7,11 ••••••••••.01m.....1. QEED OATS AND 11('LL 1OR NAL& 1.2.1 Tho underAgned has on Lot MI, Concession. 2, Hay,A +mantle," of New Danish white Oats -a lead- ing variety and &mt.3tiv!. per bushel; sold last year for€0e. Also a shorthorn Umtata Boll, 12 months old. lte is o first -viva minimal. 40113 EthEn. Masai, P. O. TENDER$ WANTED. Anyperson wishing' to tender for the erection of the :Sew Dank Building, can sea plans specifications At the Molsons Bank, Exeter. TIOL'SES AND LOTS FOR SALE, The undersignedis offering for sale that desirable property, on Huron street, being Lots 31 and 32, on which is situated two frame houses, woad shed, a number of choice fruit trees, good well of water, cis- tern and other conveniences. Apply to THOS. PRIOR, Exeter. Bale Register. THURSDAY, APRIL 2L-liotel and hoineliald effects, the property allot. Reiland, Devon.(London Road). Sale at 2 o'clock. IL Brown Auctioneer. Just Arrived THE New Soverign Shoes ). —FOR -- Spring and Summer. The Latest Styles of Last and Toe. Also a choice lot of Men's and Boy's Heavy Work shoes, at prices that will surprise cus- tomers. Eggs taken in exchange, or 5 per cent. off for cash on Boots and. Shoes. Harness of all descriptions always on hand. - R. H. SWEET, Treble's Old Stand Centralia The roads cold land are dtyiitg up nicely and farmers are no linsy at their seeding. -Mr. Woo Robinson. Of Fturlield. met with with a very pain - fid accident last week. While pruns in lie fell out of an Apple tree ;and in - aired his -mu and liis shoulder so lad - that he iS noW obliged Ito eatery the jored Meridter in a sling', St. Joseph 31r, S. Smith is this week removing his effects. iroin the lent:ant feria here to errand Boltd,,Mr. and Mos., nor, ton, of Musa, visited friends:in these pal ts hunday.---31. N. Maxim, of Seaforth, passed through here on Sat- orday last. The harbour that was mentioned in last week's issue has not arrived yet, neither has N. 31. Cont but we are patiently waiting for both. 1 Arcaillivray ennucil Council net pursuant tOadjourn- ment, in Town Hall,McGillivray,April '7.. Present, J. D. Drummond, Reeve; A. 11. Hodgins, D. Dorman, J. Afaires gor, and N.OlawsoreCothicillore. :Alit -t- otes of last meeting. read, approved of and signed. Hodgins-Mawson-that Accounts, amounting to $94.60,be paid, -Carried. Mawson-Hodgiris-that I is Council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall, on the first Monday in May, at ten o'clock a.m•. and gravel ewer:acts let. at two o'clock pon.-Car- ried. W. FRASER, Cleric. Hay Council Brinsley. Mrs. G. Corbett is very ill with neu- ralgia or tbolicart. We hope she will soon. recovered. -A few of the wont; peopte around Brinsley spent a social evening at Mr. M. Pierce's home last Friday. -We are sorry to hear of the accident that happened to 31r. .T. .T. Cassidy, of West Corners, he mis,zed his footing. falling haettwends on bis head and shoulders. Ile was render- ed unconscious for some time. We hope he will soon recover. -Miss Eng- lish, is assistent teacher At Brinsiev since Easter. -Fishing seems to be the go now, two boats landing on shore on Monday with a 'number of fish. Crediton Eden I O. STANDERT,11. A., (formerly Collins & DEAR UR BDITOrs • StoodatrY) P.arris!„er, Soll'itor. Notary, •Conseyoneer • ". - ' ••• " ' . Moues to Lo3n--12seter, •Ont, t Will you kindly allow use a small The townshi.p grader made its first spape in yoor paSier to peake a, simple oppeaeonceent our roads last Friday,- explanation. My •conscience dictates Itb !.fr. Clyne Bilber. of Zurich, was le the to. Gle tile e011tse 1 ion about to take, eilhoge on suday.-Our butcher has my sense of honor prompts me to bad his wagonrale...doted, This .ls a, take the step and the principles of progressive agees-afte Henry who, a :honesty and integrity seem to rebel Detroit, was the guest of his father • aigiust OcellPYing a false position and fora few days last- week.e-The Misses quietly receiving boxcar to 'which I Ina and Lida Ilice,of tilaudeboyeovere have, ros claim arid Which justly he -- in the .villsge T. bureday.--Mr, John ' longs -to ecene one else. 1 feel that 1 Eilber is die:ging a well for Mr. dohs); owe it to the public to .make an bon- Siveitzereseltev. J. G. Litt is attending est confession- 1 deesireto Stand, os d Conferenes at Chesley this week... --Mr. molt oolong* Iwo otim,Y m111(114-1;4' to ' Wesley' We eel has returned from De- comwil met hfoirlay, April 7. All .eroirs when he has been workingsince lowseith The eeeeral .dritin luspeelears 414-t felh-Aleis Lenka, woheiro, cif. nine reported to the .•Coaincil that they hail don, is visit ..1g,, tmtler the perentel roof inetiecterl the ileadus under theirsupers. tills %%Tette-0er baselaill field has heap von and found the draios in o pretty :plotiglied tied the boye will noes itavo 1 good state, a fwm esall jams and oto: to Ino!'.hordo s elsewere in er tpetulthe stroetimw is ere orde erd to be reuravad. r smuttier mcuallgi:: • ill PRO'S, •-itt`v• ITmhe following tenements Were endered ' Alex. Tribitleau, of Cornett, mid Rev. . to he paid: -.1. A. Williams, flroure Kno R. W. Wles exchn aged Welts last sallpox, 8195; Joho Preeter, goods, 'Suitelay revesiing,--'3ir. 11. F. hither is re small -pox. Stith J. reasealo.. $'17.71; i 1,116)7 eiriviug fence posts. lie has -; . John Sheppard, do., $2.16; John Sha- , geed was:bine whiell doee its work fer, do,. $6.40; J.E.MeDontildhlo„ 60c.; :Welk jr. Freekee. goods few indigent, •S7.12; DEATH OF 'JOHN KRIM% -Death.tho H. Maw!, limning grader, 75c./ WM, . •grint monster. late lava very busy of J.,114,40n. dour indigent. SI: d.Thirek, tete and is taking away the aged very elm. -14161:th noes, worts C. R.. $12.50 quiekly. Mr. ..inim Krcin, aged OW Stephen The following are the statistics of the township of Stephen, as received from assessor for the year 1002 -No. of acres of land, 50,780; of acres of woodland, 8010; of acres of laud cleared, 48,170; total value ot real property,$1,7071500; of personal proper- ty and taxable income $10,000; cif real and personal property, $1,805,930; No. of male persons from 21 to CO yrs. old, 811 of male persons from '70 to SO yrs, old. 71; of persons, from 80 to 90 yrs. old, 13; of persons, 00 yrs. old, 1; total population of the township, 3978; per- sons assessed on roll, 12S0: Igo, of dogs 404; of bitches, 3; of cattle, 4831; of ,sheep, 1405; of hog% 1615; of horses, 1772; of acres of orchard and. garden, 506; of acres of fall wheat, 4'2'25; of steam boilers, 22; of children between the ages of 5 and 21, 1250; of children between the ages of 5 and 6, 951. Rodgerville. Mr. Thos. Case left on Monday night last for Manitoba where he will spend , a few weeks Prospecting and if he can suit himself will take up land and move there with his family. DIED ---This week it is our sad duty to record the death of little Joseph Reonly son of Mr. and Mrs.John Haw- kins, who died on Friday last at the age of 7 months and 25 days. He has been a sickly, delicate child since his Math but it VMS thought the little fel- low would m time grow out of the trouble but after a gradual decline of 1 several weeks he succumbed. Stomach I trouble was the cause ofdeath. The ; remains were interred in the Exeter ; cemetery Sunday. The parents have 1 the sympathy of their many friends. Winehelsea Mr. Albert Bell and a friena from London spent Sunday with Mr. J. O. Bell. -Mr. Norman Fletcher. of Kirk - ton, visited Mr. E. M. T. Clarke, on Sunday. -Those boys. were up from Kirkton again on Sunday. All right boys come again. -Mr. John Delbridge has the cement fornada.tion laid for his new house. -The farmers are anxiously waiting for warmer weather.-Mr..A1- beet Berryhill's hand is improving but he has to keep the injured menaber bound up yet. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rundle, after spending a few days in St. U.homas, returned horne Monday. - The unexpected. and sudden death of Mr. P. T. Halls, of Goderich, formerly of this township, as a shock to his many friends here, and. the genuine sympathy of the community goes out for the bereaved widow and friends. Grand Bend , Mr. D. Hartlieb, of Dashwood, was in town one day last week. -Fisher- men are almost ready for fishing, all that is wanted now is a few calm days. -Mr. John Spackruan, of Exeter, was here a day or so last week. -Mrs. M. Gill, of Exeter, has returned to the fiend for the summer -Mr. P. Baker intends putting a bank under his barn this sionmer.-Mr. John Southcott, of Exeter, moved here for the summer one day last week. -Mr. E. Disjardine has accepted a position with L Green, of Port Franks, as fisherman for the coming season. Ike has a good man ---Mr.A. Bossenberry intends helping Mr. Bell of Pt. Frank for a few weeks in the near future. -Mr. L. Ravelle in tends handling' wheels this season. - Mr. E. Gill, jr., is on the sick lisa-Mr. Manore, of Pt. Edward, accompanied by Mr. C. Kennedy arrived here last week for the fishing season. -Messrs. Wm. Devine and H. Gill spent Sunday in Exeter-Darne rumor says there will be another wedding in town short- ly. --Miss Skippets, who has been at Mr. Hamilton's for a month, left for her home last week. • the prmenele that o\i, orth not Birth shah rule maokind and lie aehuosv- legded strunger" and 1 wish to take reedit for noshing semen ;ewe» sueeeadiel intharatoittloe, Goderich; A very pleasing eveot oc- curred on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. C. Millian, when her eldest Slaughter, -Miss Enema M., was united hi marriage to IsinGeorge Fow- ler, of Seltferd,. The heide, who was given away hy her unele, • Afilliale looked charming in a suit of blue with white silk bodice, with chit. fon and applique trimmings. The ceremony was performed by Rey. W. Robertson, Se -1 It s with the sincerest sorrow that we reefs; d the leath of Mr. Geo. Dorrainve, of MeKillOp near here. Deceneed was in church the Sabbath hefore hist, tool while there , took a ees.ere catill.. This was hut the ;force:inner of. pnennionia which was iootly merited liy honest presevering PlleaPlon ihtovtd1 too mooh for the il44,54 etforZ, For ,s,41111t. it paste Mr. Felhor. stial oval the Im"'"t ilttMtEl,"e and more pertieuRarly sinee last week's, , lonsmo, to overcome and he oeseed iteme nposeired, lieve Iwo almost ,owaYOLTOSato144Y, ;After 14';.iti, univereally ecnisidertel year worthy ,NN,Ivck lIgne?'s• 314"-.„Poll'attre Was in correspondent. This general leslief Kul* t°1 141th heitah* ohlY 41 gives me rather a. reinsrdemers position , Yeats tbI age. and wany.ancl varied ere. the voutpli.. Wiughatei: A sad alai fatal ace:dent meats, epithets and attentioue which happeoed on Wednesday efternoon oraoitly move. tenneiernesmaises Turn berry. It appears 'that Mr. Ar- nie feel a little it!diamed soinewhat thur Magee aini his sun Jaws, gea Mean 'to boron-HUM:MY receiving those alma 14,Were engaged burying a latv- teutoms ionows ouch are me boultler. The hole lied 18-03 tillg and lily mine and sav nothing ;.iliont it. the Imo was in it. Making it a littla 11.1,1314,.1. hp.m.F pp small tii.83; S,Lw. 7 mobile., pas,ed ;may au ,ID order to sitalte tin' 114i. feeling at.11 deep% lit", father standing. near Ev, .o., freight. S3.2.71; Township Clerk, art salary, Ft35;H. Lipphanit, assess ors oia1thhi.s6,1; It. Torntiull, iepalring triage. L. R., $2; J. Padova., r:tat ut labor. 54,Zift. Cattrieil will Meet,. again Monday, May:4h, at 2 o'clock p.m. Z orl--ft-317"-on nie 1'41: 1,I.11,414u I Ile leavesto eta A;111 11 widerew, 44K0 ettoogli to gather omit beitek-ed wire of :di; John A. A.141ns in the cit%.a.tii rm eetery last Friday, seri' heights. 1 1i3Ve 10" tieepe:.,t ;,,orrow t!,art we, 'Ind Massey, pipe moulds. WO fl.T. ay week, after ii brief illness. In feet htalia f Ur UN hm i y true eolors desit.e I re Sitleuly the tit4lIWIAKitva, slipptiti lio. be Enid, been in church the Sunday Ino, to make this anicauteenient. not that E to the hole and crushed the life uot of fore and had woven a bleep piece of 'i I in ;Mr waV tlesp' flu'. position are- r ow on ,ortionete boy. Almost Ipiztalc earpot the day ixdove. r'His oath ; porter nod t he n14(.1,11011 paid him, for with g.i-rief, the tether was obliged to therefore, wits quite unexpected. Ile' I believe it a wortli}7 calling arid re- dig Ins soa snit. Naturally the etinily / woki ,iti‘ws itn active worove jo a 1 he quires bility. W 4, rt. I to eagerd ly e- is pillaged the dinto reetist eglia by chinch, aud his absence will be (pate slre tile pasithin I feel that in ItlY.pres•, the sad accident. appar(nt. ' Thereto:tins were intemil cot eiteomot antes i could not asinre to . Whighaill: it iS With fentin s 311ss LP113 : 4 Itecels. Litt ;u4 Meolock, ;filo° "7:.dthe dl litrak'' 01' "1 -or emn-,, very sodden de:itie of Hattie p ri,bk.r„ 4:11P;01!t'.1111!t9fcc--. 1ihoighter mat son, a mirainle stt• itopartr lad if tile; far y4 ntr s frt. Tria (144,4 ti,ov.,4t,,r 0.. po t r 4. z;47,3).. itanoix, luo (:4,1111414111 M.4.1 :4 !ergo numher trael per. Nut :natter hoW I and try t plan o insher. whieh az ow zuniiv. 0,044 , ,41,1,4tIon aresitoolit.t. with and acquenitan.e.s. whit all have the ChM'. I an41 ghat 1144ty eoseessoe. cease Tareeaea tuarase ass the Misses stuilreive.-Alie Sawn,' Afe, GYullmt-ilY 0,f t wric.if. some pbm A1114PrittV. t ngq, lleeiseis. • Me's. ..liair4fdirigni 11 441 tun, on the tholeu Hue. vot.:4;11 DNAI, 11,„ppl mir•rlia, eigq444. 411111„‘" 141 MY enjoyed Leen-el:4 geed health no Staultoato his sen. -Miss Lydia Faust, Sw4w4 4111111"4 RidaY 111 •t417"4411 141"11314 4111 dionilav erveires when elie vels tette whi, bite been nn a tiit,.;want visit to her of London, after a very short ure tune and afro:dun, I ant Sure, •leo wes e,nen., ,4 brother, Mr. IL S. Faust, in Cairo, Mich., has retin neiheddliee (lust Bus ehanan, who Iths Well Visiting her par- unts hem for several days, has return- ee to London again. -Martin Kraus dieposed of his household effects Orl Ktitirdity last, Mr. E. flo•Isenberry wielding the hammen-ReleCAFinks Whim. left 31onday to atteod the an - MIA Conference in 6eSsion at Chesley. mr. John pr,Itog, who ho, here some time ago for Clinton, has accepted a position in the forniture factory at Seaforth, and will remove to that phtee shortlys-Mr. Bower and Mrs. McCormick have exchanged properthes and will move the first nart of the week, the latter paying 81:30 of a. tiff: ferenee.-Mr. Preeter shipped a ton of Doteh setts to Montreal one day last weelo-The inet at the rest - dunce of Mrs. John Williams on Mou- day evening and was well attended by old and young.-31iss Maggie Weeioh left ou Monday for Ilensall, where she has accepted a situation. NE.1.111SY A RutE.- n Tuesday aft er- noon,of last week,fire broke out, in Me. O'Brienh fraine dwellings A live coal dropped from the stove on the floor and developed into a blow. It was discovered in time to avert a seri- ous fire. A high wind was blowing at the time and had it not been discovered wheu it was the building would soon have been reduced to ashes, and there is no telling where il, wattle have end- ed. at the age 4D4 N., years. Me. Sweitzer WAS one of the first settlers ha this pert a the countee and did a great dee' to me our village and vicinity. About seven yeas ago he nereed to London, Where he died. His remAins Were lamed nt the German venue tens lea Monday, the Revile, Litt and Knowles, conthwting the Ionia! sere Ilensali The Misses McHugh, 'who has sue- cessfully carried on the dressmaking business here for the past two years, left last week to take up their resilience in Toronto. During their eesidence here they snide many friends,. who wish them every prosperity in the Queen City. -Mr. George O'Brien and two sons left this week. for Alameda, In the West, when Mr. O'Brien line ta- ken so? a large section of land, which they intend farming. Mrs. O'Brien willremain on the homestead, in Hay towtiship for the present. -Mr. Alonzo Ortwcin, who has been engaged as fin- isher in a furniture factory in Detroit, has returned home and will remain here -Mr. Francis Marshall has ac- cepted a situation with Mr. Geo. C. Petty in the meat business, and in- tends moving into Mr. Petty's house, formerly occupied by Mr. 'W. B. Mc- Lean. -Mrs. Swann and daughter have closed up their home here ancl have removed to the hoinstead farm near Hurondale.--Miss Tilly, of Mitchell, has a.ccepted a position as stenographer and type writer in the office of H. J.D. Cook. DEATH. -We regret this week to have to chronicle the death of Mrs. Robert Bengoagh, of this place, only daughter of Mrs. Maims, which sad event occured at her mother's home, on Sabbath morning last. Mrs. Ben- gough had been suffering for a ;num- ber of weeks from a very serious ill- ness, resulting from a fall which she received during the past winter, and although all that medical skill and trained nursing could do was clone, the internal injuries were ' such that she never folly recovered. The re- mains were taken; on Tuesday after- noon last, to the Methodist church where a very largely attended service was conducted by Rev. Gs Jewitt, as- sisted by Rev. W. J. Doherty, of Si. Paul's church. The services through- out were of very impressive charac- ter. At the close of the service the remains were taken to the Troyer cemetery, 'tear Hills Green, fnllowed by the mourning relatives and friends. The deceased was a bright, active young woman, in the 35th year of her age, and leaves to mourn her loss a husband, son and daughtets with the bereaved mothers and brothers, have the heartfelt sympathy of the dom- munity. • . The Militia Departtnent has issued notice,stating.thitt 'married .men and widbwers will not be accepted for the South African contingent. aged 82 years and 11 months. 1,10 kw, es to mom% his (h. 1fl16&4 8- widow. 4a7. 80118---.14wob, John, Henry and Ainiehof this village, Sams uel. of Shipka, and August, of Dela° ware State -four daughterss-Mre. Kuhn, 'Alt Aleimel Finkheiner and 3IrQ. irs 1^ I thilt Village ;old Mrs, Mum Wiser, of, Buffalo, besides ; large nombe r of relatives and acquaint. anees, who all have one heartfelt sym- pathy in this their .sail bereavement. The following further pirticulars was dipped from the London Free Press. of Tuesday:-" Mr. Henry tiweitzert of West Londonalted on I. riday mormuto April 11. was one of the pioneers of this country', and was bum tS, years ego in Pennsylvania, of Gemini par- ents, Resettled early in Steplieu town- ship, and raised familo of six sons and four daughters, who all survive him. For many years he was a mem- ber of the German Methodist church in Crediton, and Was highly esteemed by all who knew him. Six yearS ago Ito removed to London, and married for his second wife Mrs. Elizalieth Foster, an American'lady. They took up thew residence on Oxford street, where they remained for yeer or so, and then removed to West London, where they only recently united with the Kensington Methodist church. For a month past Mr. Sweitzer has been troubled with his heart, but. on the night before his death he was feel- ing much better, and sat up with his paetor until after ten o'clock. The next morning, before daybreak, he died. A short service was held at the house last Saturday by the Rev. S. Salton, after which his remains Were conveyed to the G.T.R. station for Orediton, where the funeral was held on Monday afternoom his six sone act- ing 418 in bearers. Mrs. Sweitzer, who is in peer health, cannot speak too highly of the thoughtfulness and tenderness of Alr. Sweitzer's sons, who came and made every provision for the funeral and:did all they could to com- fort the sorrowing widow. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by the child- ren, and also by Mr. Foster of Port H.uron. SCHOOL REPoRT-The following is the report of the public school here and the pupdle who obtained 60% of the marks given in the examinations held during March. First Division. - Class 7. -Edna Pack, Pearl Geiser, William Oestreicher. Class 'Hill, Carry Wein, Herbert Fahner. Class 3 -Everett Heist, Etumery Fah - nen Charlie Gower. Elsie A. McCallum, (teacher.) Second Diyision.-junior II. -Roy Fahner, Rata Kienzle, Charlie Finis beiner, Lylvester Wnerthe Inter- mediate IL-Adeleine Finkbeiner, Gaiser, Olara. Holtztnann, Roland Either. Senior H. -Ida Ewald, Mar- tha, Wind,' Irvine Fahner. Junior III. -Eddie'Wineei Laura Heist, Bella Hill, Bertha Finkbeiner. Senior III. --sOlaire Litt, Geetie Short, Wallie Hill, Idella Fahner. . • Isabelle 0, Dow,(teacher.) Third Division. -Junior IV. --Ralph Litt, Della Brown, Ida, Fahnee, Pearl Holtzmann, Myrtle Hirtzel. Senior IV. Melinda Trick, Emma Hill, Olivia Holtemann, Wilbert Wray. Junior V. Edna Eilber. • • CIaside .Bluett (Teacher.) Parents who have little ones Jost go- ing to begin. schooling are requested to send them at once as the classes are being formed, ' , , Me. Laden,. 1 heartily thank ran for all that Was ints--ihp, 141 L. %Vali (14,410_ spaire,,, fr.,4 nineh rioter hearted. ior her, ISM t+141. pees1 d neeeefuny 1 Once mete feel lirinlY ott MY feet and laway :at IA. The eenee tar have plain% ealti that Ir du not and , winglialig: i, our „:„4,1 duty this cnn 141ak the wood ita 013. owe after 1 eletith WaS internal liculorthage, ItIlPiectlprrel!pn va4; t e411 alfr*tbt i Ifivet k01;.,l'ei v11111,11 ttk utit: Ire%P1 11 4*14411' 1114 tuition 02 the very interesting. wed- ..„,„!eit took 0,1cv ,./4,1141,14. n neWS budget from this cow- D"0"eiliseel hail lwen ailing for sonic 414 inht% 1 (VW h""StIV S.IY 1 kn"w time tztal hist hill under% ent a success - tithing a hint it with the exception of fed operation for the removal of au this faet that I am certain I am not Wasson 1444)1(8'. She appeared to be the individual myself. Winghatn: One of the earliest set, tiers of the township of Tbroberry, died on Tuesday in the•,person- a Mr. Archibald McAllister. Deceased was toillS who was highly respected •and t Around About U. Clinton: On Tuesday, while playing football at schoolthe youngest son of 411 until Finlay. Mrs. Orahtun was m Mrs. MeIlveen had his Month badly her Ilth year, and !vows a sorrowing dislocated; the doctor administered husband. Once daughters and a t on to ehloroformandset 1141 injured member. noon 8 her demise. ipro‘ mg nicely until about Christ - t88 time, tint 'duce that time she had nen aloft. That eh ead trouble. eau- . Was 1110 immediate rause of death, e was not considered seriously Clinton; We are sorry to learn that Mr. Carlini* has met with another miss bap whieh adds seriously to her en- feebled condition; last Satorday she fell and bruised herself considerably, 44 doetor's attention being required. Winghatio Mr. Charles Martin and Miss Mary Burgers% of the Binevale Road, were united in marrioge at the manse here on Wednesday. In the evening a very pleasaut time wasspent at the home of Mr. Charles Henderson by the manse friends of the young couple. St. Marys: Mr. Chas. Lewis, who is employed in the blacksmith shop at the Maxwell works, met with an ac- cident on Saturday. Whilst working around the drop henuner, he got his thumb erushed underneath it. This will probably result in the loss of his thumb. Winghame The produce business of the late Chae. Gillespie has been pur- chased by the well-known firm of D. Gunn Bros. & Co., of Toronto. The business here willhereafter be known as The Wingham Produce Co., and will be under the management of Mr. Chas. J. Graham, Tuckersmith: Alrijorace Townsend, late of Park River, N.D., has bought the farm owned and occupied by Mr. Arthur Cantelon, being lot 20, con. 2, H.R. survey, of this township, for the sum of $5000 and takes possession at once. -Mr. W. White. has rented W. Plewes' farm for a term. Mitehell: A young lady, who is vis- iting in town, expo ienced. a thrilling eseape from being gored to death by a maddened steer early Satmlay fore- noon. It appears that Mr. Thos. Heal 1411418 driving the animal to the station for shipment. Meeting the lady it lowered its 'wetland made direetly for her. The lady left the sidewalk and ran to the Awe where the brute made a rush at her with its head. With wonderful presence of mind the young 'woman dodged the ;Mad; and might a horn of the maddened steento which she held on, until resealed by two men. Her escape from eeath was marvelous, and Mr. Heal seemed to be as much troubled over the unfortunate affair as was the lady herself. The west Simeoe Conservatives have nominated Mr.J.S.Duff,of, Cookstown, for the Legislative .Assembly. North Brant Conservatives have chosen Mr. J. II. FishersParis, as their candidate in the Provincial election. BIRTHS. Zrooen-In Exeter, on April, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zuefle, a daugh- ter. Eacnerres-In Seattle, Washington, _March 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Eacrett, formerly of Hay, a son. Wihghani: Mr. Dudley Holmes, of Goderich, is now a resident of Wing - ham, having taken charge of Mr. E. Dickinson's office here. Mr. Dickin- son williretain an interest in the busi- ness here and the firm will be known as Dickinson & Holmes. Mr. Dickin- son left for Goderich last week. Goderich: Mies Annie Campbell died on Saturday morning at the resi- dence of her step father, .111r. John Tat, after an illness of seven months duration of tubercolosis. Till the at- tack, the deceased had been in perfect health, and the development of this always fatal disease was a surprise to relatives and friends, as there was no hereditary taint of it in the family his- tory. Seaforth: A farewell supper was tendered F. C. G. M. Mitty, Esq., late manager of the Bank of Commerce here, at the Connnercial hotel on Tues- dayevening. As a tangible token of their appreciation a number of the business men and friends of Mr. Minty presented him with a handsome silver tea service en Wednesday-. He left for Waterloo Wednesday. His successor here is Mr. Parkes, of New Westmin- ster, B.C. St. Marys: A little two-year-old son of Mr. Fred W. Hutton had a nar- row escape feona serious injury or per- hapsaeleath Saturday. The little fel- leW WtIS in company with his beother, a boy about four years of age, was on his way down town, and while cross- ing Queen street the younger of the two ran right under the feet of the Union bus team. The child was knocked down And a foot of one of the horses became entangle in the cloth- ing. The boy was rescued from his dangerous position unhurt. MARRIAGE& HAMAC41ER-W1LLEE1r-At Dashwood on April 8, by Rev. Eifert, of Dash- wood, Mr. Levi Hamacher, Jr., to Mrs. Wiliest BROcK-JACQIIES-At the residence of the bride's parents, on April 94411, by Rev. W. 3. Waddell, Frank Brock to Miss Martha, Jane Jug:ties, both of Usborne township. DEATHS Ito-WKiNS-Ill Hay, April 11th, Joseph R., only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins, Loudon Read, North, aged 7 rdonths ancl 25 days. Ilealvero-In Edmonton, on April 8th, Isaac Harvey, aged 36 years. A Siege The *matrons of the Edi- son Orphanage at Lowell, Mass.,IJ.S.A., wrote they had a siege of whoopingcough in their institution. They said that every case was promptly relieved by Vapo- Cresolene. Its value in coughs and colds was so great they always kept it ready for use. You know how it's used, don't you? 'Tis heated by a vaporizer and fou inhale it. Write as for a book that tells all about it. 2 Vano-Cretolene IS sold by druggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a life- time, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, $x.5o; extra supplies of Cresolene .25 cents and 5o dents. Illustrated booklet containIng physicianstesti- monials free upon reoest. VAPO•CRLSOLENE Co 180 Fulton St., New York, U.S.A.