HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-10, Page 8ICouncil met pursuant to adjourn.
cgav flit boo is for ,nen and Ladies' have y oi. seen those Black latent at Town .ail, April4, all pre>.
women, Stewart ells. them. Lustiestreetaborts,at $1,91 cava1 t . a ent , Minutes ofprev'iousl�meetingreadi
,Stew art's ;'
Mr. Thos. 1landford shipped a car- ,4 .
load horses to 'Winnipeg Monday-, Boy. ivanied,
The Willing Workers of the Tr vitt Soy, Wonted at once to Learn tailor
memorial eherch will hold their meet- lug, apply fir, �rA TP.i�ta ,
ing this week xt the residence of 1i s
Kemp, Cottages tar sale.
The young men charged. with. dis- Several brick and frame cottages in
urlting the peace on the 24tth, of Feb- Exeter for sale, apply to John Spick'.-
uar.r: have each, been fiined $3and man.
. osts, amounting in all to S•k,93. Some
of the fines have been paid while others
efuse and say they will take a term
in limbo.
Mise Jessie McLaughlin, who has
been giving singing entertainments
broughout Canada and the United
States, concluded her engtge)nents
last, week, and: has, we understand, re-
turned to her farmer home in Seotlaitd.
This very- distin uislied laityis aa. niece
a of Mrs. )l. Makins of this place.
Word was received hereon Saturday
evening last that Mrs,W.mHawksllaw,
nee 'Miss -McLaughlin. was leiter at the
loin. of Beath in St. Joseph's hospital,
,ondoai; where sine had undergone an
eratitbn, Her condition remained
aeleingeal for sotgie targe, in fact till
taw when she wasagain operated
Sprang is here mad we are showing the
newest designs in
eat east -maids s priessa upon and she has sauce shown signs
'a st ra�t'aired dt c+ J Mitai ltio 4 t aaaaltAlaveMente. Her Maly friends
Have J ! raw pr .sunt h here will wish for her speedy recovery,
vices •:as - welds Toes' ak;rt lava
1' lav tai . late for t Aa 1 t -
seaason. Hence 1 earn sive you the d
latest cuts for slatting <laid ;tirataivei • el anlarge.' number
eto bein
10r-elation in the province of Quehee.
s Can the obverse side ie is vignette of
i lung Etlwaard anal a fishing scene. The
bilis are somal to beta imitations, er-
a codes that the worcla Dominion of
Trost tatiiaa°. Canada are not so distinct as the gen.
nine bills. The intt also is of a poorer
quality than the proper notes, and fox'
experts itis easy to notice clascrepaan-
A. L a to $Gweare
Wit W. TAM
and cc/110114ex'. Petitions from the
majority of the ratepayers resident on
-Main street between Ik.uron street and
the eolith boundary end from the cor-
iter of plain avid Wellington streets to
the north side of the Preshyterievn
Manse was received,asking .that Main
street be watered between the above
named linvits.• Moved by J. I)avas,sec-
ondedby j. Wood, that the prayer of
Another Lessen the petitioners. be granted. --Carried,
Under the heading "A Slid Game '' Harding—Muir—that the following ac,
the Canadian says; "In the counts. be passed and aiders drawn ou
the Za�ior to awake money= fast a mini- Treasurer fer me —Fd Treble, paint-
vng,and repairlug wagon, 88,50; Tres
her of fare induced
and others in this sec -
maul Snell, elective light :account,
tion were induced by seductive eases- less $O aillowaatce, $78. Wit; Wan,Cpllivtg
tisements and elaborate circulairs, to wood, labor. $1.25; Geo. 13.' Bissett,
ship eggs, batter, poultry, etc,: to alPut sa41n. y, S25; Miss Kemp, do.1 $ .Lo.
firm called Samuel J. Lewis $ co., of ..Ct sol d. Dan* Miss uir--.hit alae nes
ari everything Mooked call rigia;t, but canna of John Moore for coDist.able s
bas b .snap ped that of ter the tf race that the clerk. ask for tenders for wa-
coi been and
no money w is Earth -tering Main street froto the north side
coming, anti Saa.nnel J. Lewis Co., ! of the Presbyterian Meuse to the south
cannot wille found. Perhaps after awhile l,nundary, ivichvditvg the ptttuiiing w
people are learn, that rah nafew who ter for all purposes; also for excavating
angs ea locail merchants who e.`,uc11Glling in sewer on Andrew street'
wars pia) coals Evill value for produce, from south side of Victoria street, to'
presbytery aR ria a en. the too;'civ side of Wellington street,
This Presbytery met In Clinton on tenders iastaatt price pea•rod,-Carried.
the salt ansa„the I;ee, :rlr. sham in this Davis—Harding—that C,ntncil adjourn
cleft .1, notion was passed •eongiaat-, to 1Al loots, April `_;1. at yp•01.--Caarried,
elating Rev. A, Stewart on bis having tia.u, Il, 1>1s.1,, r. Cleric.
the degree of i). 1). conferred on hint
by Knox College. The report on Stan- Carpets and wall papers care oat
day schools was read b3 the Rev, J. r the quick move ;it Stewart's,
Hamilton. This report showed a i
mall decrease in Lite attendance and iv'�4+ +k"tl `fit ill
memorizing of Scripture and the
.ase:at v:Ezaes in l ►glad. 1..71,3olt llul,
» ��,
wide cat
laksa,,s bat Gs•ltas'teal Ila aaie Ground
l' 'lAa at, alai No. 1 11 sail :ia-t'd in ia.ask.-
ing I;.;e.ter ;Saar Maar. h'ltAavx' aoa.al feed
delivered to ,any past of the tapwn
Eseter �i :at 1 »atoar e. pet as alticA.
Iran r'e4 II, nata,l r:ae!~claval #ildl. :seal etimet on. mall be anv:aiatable ata the
„ • "a,'a •. none: ¢'4'a➢inn u less amateur dressenn slier, Embroidery of
tAlel. wpm i a at a•aDan+aatne'a• in our various hinds bass been touch in vogue
dekiA'ea•a'd .n aka Branded S1rLl, aseas:10ly foretnbt'llishingsilk and wool
New tat iteoa” Seirteweistse
The newest shirt -waists, known as
the '"Gibson," are characterized by
•s generally'
o ent'r 1
5 iltet�
gin. be,h ,
broad plaits t t ft
extending over the sleeves. thereby
rteutang the broad -Shouldered
srlvicla as so fashionable in ether
Slits The May Delineator fully
describes the naaal:ing of these waists,
and the ae erap:anyiaag illustration,
eke cams the s�arltaoaG stens in their eon-
l h'
all the
• . o a aiat.aa
a! 31
. {t 11 �h
. a
Stet: !1 al an a
1,a tat �,
, and thew a 9tS ata
ere tin of tie. wheat, and produces as
WIN" $1ee'y 1,1atf of 11314 .4d, Vhmr d'pr
;s;alt' lay gall Glee• k!<taling tle:tlt+Gni. and at
the mai. at'. for at :anal take no !)tkitrr.
Seh+aol aa,ta ne al ;ag dot on'l•ondey af-
ter OW i;,{;,t,•i 1P"tliel;t;
A load. of s ao;vtag, 1y.40 0 ft.mi het a•
attended the hos faaDe ad at Centralia tats
Monday �
A ltant twe Aty from here :Mendez
the t'a►at4.,ry ative t'aa,ve•attian iia iliaaa-
tall on "lharsd ty last. ,
R. 11. Collins very pleasantly
entertained, A ,afunbQr of friends *m
Thursday night last.
The adjourned vestry meeting of the
Triv itt 1Menauri„al cltarrarh will be held
on Mondaay night next;
The Sifton murder trial which was
to have Monday at London
Inas been postponed till the fall assizes.
There :s no better liniment for gen-
era household use than '1V it aiti Lini-
ment. Enquire about it. Sold by C.
Lutz Exeter.
Whim 's (Neigh Balsam t'au't bassur-
a~sed as a family remedy for Coughs,
Golds and Dronehitie troubles, espec-
ially good for children, Sold by C.
The Rev. L. W. Wickett, of London•
occupied the pulpit of the James street
Methodist c:hurc:la, while Rev, Brown,
B. D., preached educational sermons
in the Centennial Methodist church,
as ile and has greatly enhatncet t ear.
• ! . •s we e
n - n •
il.�tt►r,atitDla, called faggoting. i.
: t
tested in especial tcisal ~article in this num-
, ci*at! the illatstratious show many
ai•iations of thisstit4h and their asp-
papa.. o2
gest th
t ahast S1right in house
h :1-; ping time tot), aa%l 5 -foot step laad-
derz;, take, light bird wood. Jnet the
thing for around the house, While
hey last yon can have one for 2 c.
Stmai t'e.
3 iox cream soda biscuits
ai .1c. at Stewart's
Jelin Roeeierathe old gentleman that
owned the E:;titer North, Temperance
house some years ago,died a, his home
in Colborne township on Wednesday
of last Ase possessed
o sthe ed oyear cons deraf his ble
was p
Mr. Wnt. Snell, liveryman, has been
in a very low state of health during
the past week. so bad was he that for
several drys he was not expected to
recover, but we are pleased to hear
that at the time of writing he is rest-
ing a little easier.
Messrs, Samuelan
Caatechisin. A Synopsis of the report P t - i
>ii church life and work. was submit- Y4,
ted ltd the Rev.T. Davidson aud order-
a+ "! ' . .a c1 oo,e4
ed to be printed aaotl distributed 0 Mrs..T., was in London Saat-
t"IteammAotng the congregations of the Pres- iaiak,ty,
hytery. Rev. C. Fiether and Mr. A,
Duncan were appointed members of , A, E.'!'enaitt, lT, S., wasiA Landon
11. . na
the SySynod'sbit !Was committee. A 1 1I•)nc
resvlittaon urging: all ec,ngreeaatinns to - Mies (Iertie Rieke spent a, few days
support the 1.'"rohibition Bi11, was un- its London last week,
aaninvously passed. The financial re -II At and :air'-. D. A. Ross, spelt Snti-
sfriends in Clinton.
Bort Wats read f)v Rev. F. I,arl:in. Tlv d,,y with
x�eptprt shruwt ea inelar of talo tinea. !� Lieense Inspector Ia allantyne, of Seaa
Death of Mr. Powell.
Thp'ro�lpassed away at the home of his
parents, :,Mill street, on Tuesday, Gil-
bert A. Powell, son of Mr.Geo. Dwell,
at the age of 11 vearsaand $ days. For
some years the deceased had been in
delkeate health, sefYering from bron-
tibial trouble, but it was expected that
he would outlive the ravages of the dis-
ease, being of a very energetic and
'ambitious nature and always Hopeful,
Int it proved otherwise and his bright
and promising life was brought to a
close at the time above stated. Mr.
Powell was a a former resident of Us -
borne, in which township he received
Ins early education. He was of as par-
ticularly bright turn of mind and
fore he had readied the age of eighteen
qualified for the profession ofschool
teaching and a; short time later, by his
faithful application to duty, acquired
a first-class teachers certificate. He
commenced his career as teacher at
Lumley, then at Brampton and later
he taught on the high school staff at
Berlin. As a teacher he had few eq-
uals and was beloved by both pupil
and the community in which he was
located. In the year 1500 be commenc-
ed the studs of law, graduating a few
years later. He was particularly adapt-
ed for the calling and was a bright and
worthy ornament to the profession,
notwithstanding all the drawbacks by
his delicate constitution and the indis-
position at times. Some time ago he
went to Denver, Col., for the good of
his health, but his condition not im-
proving he was compelled to return
home andsince then has been gradu-
ally growing weaker until death snap-
ped the vital cord. The funeral will
take place to -day
ever over, roll 19.41. ase vin dstfirth seas in town Teat-.t1t ,
t:r the of tilled..)Wartateat*tavtrstott funds Mr'''.aahii Presrea,tor,sr.,of fitel�hen,
ci the ci•st:g A resolutionhe was pees- iy casitiug friends In ('baton.
eta ca:prc 1: -..reg ret oat five desatlt • of n'. Zt .i 11, llcitrialg, of Stephen, ie
the hate Da•, �ittlacl"tS4An. atv.Ail aappl•ea.i.a M
don of lvis work:. A call frOM Mao. COlialietl to her lied throngs illness.
chestev andandSmith,'~ 11i11 to Ila -v. A. R. ! .lir, IT, 1. antningba&.t c.:;iuivt' to Lis.
Cam pair B. C., Wats snetaaitieal and pro- towel! Satttirtlaty- and returned Sllanday-
vislonaii;itvaange1nents (should he acv -1 .Tits Allah, Lovvtt. of parkhili, Nis-
eiptl were made for his induction. ale:l her hi liei; Rice -' 1.4,‘ +aatt, lta't
Rev. T. Iaa►vitk'nn Arils graanted absence week.
fogy• three WOOS to visit Sentlaautk :U,e„ Iia)1)t. Barnes. of 1. )lirlud, i vis -
1 1 assembly
Dr. Stewavrt.. essr l\Tirsi;r;ase.. %'3 r,, p) ans. Ulla Johns returned from a
Larkin aant151aaw. Eider;.,'tt+ssrs.alga-0 r ton
iiek. A. 1Jnncaau. J. E. Tom, 11. Bt•ia14 pleasant visit with, friends in Clinton
anal M et/uarrie. 1ttty. A. McLean was „Unndaay.
Commissioners appointed to , aegencra 8Ssean . icing her paints, MI. and 'Iris. John
ware aajtpuinteal as iiellowa - -Mu isteas, Evans. w
ominated .for moderator of the gen-
eraal assembly. Letters from other
Presbyteries w eras reeeived, stating
that vapplteaation would be made to re -
:ala:, John Specimen), who has been.
. h 12,5,. a1-
, 4Dil
Suffering from lien,. to lt,
most recovered.
Milton Hicks left. Tuesday morning
relic the Reeds, J. It. \laaclil and :l. for (;aliforniaa, where he intends road -
Mann as ministers of the Presbyter= it) with his sister.
cjotat•n•' g
ed to Meet in Clinton on, July Salt.
lunch. 1 he Presbytery then:
Cxater Selma, Report
Parents who have children aabont tc)
begin to attend are requested to send
thein to school as soon as possible in
order that they finny join the classes
being formed after Easter.
Class A. --F, Sweet, IL Gregory, M.
Jennison, R. Frayne, Class C.—W..
Carling, No. on roll •!2,avernge attend-
ance 40.
H. N. Anderson) ,S{,writers,
J, llf. Robertson 1
Sr. IV.—May Snell, Hazel Browning,
Edna Dow, Mary iliurr�ty, Vera Rowe,
May Rnance, Aldewin Evans, jr, TV.
Fred'Trevethick, Una McPherson, Lily
Acheson. No. on roll 50, average 47-
O. •Vas ter, teacher.
Sr. III.—Fred Sanith, Edna Bissett,
Olive Gould, Hugh licKay, Dolly.
'Wesel-, Jennie Welsh, Leah Bemaner
and Bertha Snell equal. Jr.
Ethel Vosper, Blanche Sheere, Forest
Crews, Mary Brock, Maud Johns Min-
nie Cann, Edna Trevethick. No. on
roll 49, average attendance 40.31.
M. E. Gill, teacher.
Sr. ITL—Willie Bissett,Emnva. ileid-
eman,Oharlie Long,Millie Bissett,John
Trott, Arthur Cann. Jr. IIL—Dong-
las Stewart, Margaret Makins, De-
Lemme Miliyard, Frankie Davis, Lula
Martin, Earl Spackinan, May Rowe,
Edgar Smith, Emma Hall, Maggie
Carling. No. on roll 50; average 43.o.
H. E. Walrond, teacher.
Sr. IL—L. Ilodgert, L. Birney, J.
Manson, 4i.Welsh,aud J.Harton,ecinal.
Jr. Ih—L. Snell, G. Acheson, 0. Pick-
ard, W. Amos, H. Gardner and A.
Pickard equal, A. Bissett. No. on roll
d Silas Stank tke 1. 1 t d (Thursday) to the 50, average:44.
of Sodom, have sold their hundred acre H. D. Pringle, teacher.
Exeter cemetery. The bereaved par-
Garden Tools,
and Field Seeds
Washers, Wringers,
and Spray Pumps,
'-horaid, and
Portland Cements.
T. W K
Successor's to
Bishop a So
Mr. R.obt Senders, after a pleasaaxt
visit in Sarnia and other places, re-
tanned home last week.
Mr. L. G. Howard left Monday to
accept a,poSitien as )mason with MIr.
Geo, Bawden. of Lucan.
Mr. Fmk Greenway, of Crystal
City, Manitoba, is at present the guest
of his nncat.,Di•. Ii
Mr. iI, Bishop left on Saturday for
Toronto, where he will remain and
make his home for a time.
Mrs. F1oyd,who has been sojourning
with her son at Seaforth returned to
her home here on Satnrdaay.
Miss May Snell, who bas been visit-
ing her sister, Miss Vera Snell, in Sar-
nia,returned home last week.
R. l`a'. Creech, after spending the hol-
idays here, returned to Oriel Saturday
to resume his teaching duties,
Mrs, L. Thorne and Miss Fannie
Bawden left Tuesday evening on e
pleasure trip to the Old Country,
Mr. W. A. Westcott, of Sarnia, re-
turned home Monday and intends re-
maining for at least some time.
Mr. Russell Southcott, who has ac-
cepted a position in Detriot, as book
keeper, left for that place Tuesday
Mr. Wm. Pugsley, who fell' and in -
jived his hip some weeks ago, and later
was attacked by pneumonia, is slowly
Mr. H. Ingram, of Hensall, 'ivas in
town Monday tendering on the new
3FIo'lson's Bank to be erected this com-
ing summer.
Master Fred Bawden, who has been
visiting his grandparents here for the
past two weeks, returned to his home
n London Monday.
Mr. and Mrs.A.W.Wright,of Alma,
Micb.,spent Thursday with the latter's
sister, Mrs.Jeckell, London Road,
North, returning home Friday morn-
Mr. Lorne Cann, who has been em-
ployed with Mr. Makins, laundryman,
left Monday morning for Detroit,
where he has accepted a position as
Mr. Frank Gill, who has been away
attending the funeral of his mother-in-
law, Mrs. Sweetman,, returned home
Saturday night, accompanied by his
niece Miss Short:
farm, Lot 4, Concession 3, Ushorne, to
ents and sorrowing friends have the Sr. Ii. Catherine Makin~, Edith
Mr. Samuel Hicks, the same town- sympathy of the entire community. Brock. Jr. II.—George Brown, Willie
Ship, The price paid was about $x000. Barney, Olive Woad, Edith Heideman,
Mr now hicks no has 250 acres of land, Peptic school as t ons school Esamitia Harry Carling. Se.Partll.—Ida Welsh
all within a half mile of each other, The different examinations for West May Jewell. Mid, Part II.—Latimer
Messrs- HarveyBros. received the Grieve, Clarenced Heywood. Sutton. Part
Huron will commence on the dates IL --Willie Ford, Mabel Na.
sad news yesterday (Wed.) of the death given below:—H. S. Entrance: 25th on roll 39, average 36.
of their brother Isaac, who died in Ed une, 8.45 a.m. at Goderich, Exeter, S. J. Irwin, teacher.
mouton; Alta.on Tuesday. His re- Zurich. Bayfield, Hensall; Dungannon, Jr. IL --Birdie Boyle, Heber Snell,
]mains Will be b,rought home for burial. Kintail, St. Helens,and Orediton. Part
Gladys Ford, Laura McFalls. Sr. Part
At the time of writing no further par-
I. Junior Leaving or Public School II.—Violet Houlden, Bert Westcott.
Oculars as to cause of death have been Leaving, July 2nd, ll Mid.Part II.-EylnoreHarness,Yountt
Creech, Truman Elliott, Gordon Tay-
lor, Willie Snell. Jr. Part IL—HarryFuke, No. on roll 44, ayerage 35.
F. E. Carling, teacher.
received. He was about 36 years of age.
Miss Tom, Cerling's Block, has add-
ed to her dressmaking department an
up-to-date hemstitching machine,
•which:will enable her to furnish her
patrons with all kind of work done on
these machines. ` Collars, table linen,
handkerchiefs, and also the hemstitch-
ing required for dresses, which ladies
may have made in their own homes,
will be done at reasonable rates.
When ordering flour be sure and
ask far Exeter Star flour for bread
maakitig, and insist on having it, don't
be persuaded to take, something that
is represented to be just as good. Star
flour is for sale by all the leading deal-
ers and at the mill. Flour and feed
delivered to all parts of the town.
Darin the hard work of the spring
feed your horses English Stock
will" your horses ..right. For
young pigs and calves it is the best
and cheapest stock food in the market
:and is' recommended and used by all•
the best stock raisers in the country
around. ' We are receiving numerous
orders for English Stock Food from
raisers from a distance. ' Sold by
C. Lutz,
stock, •"`eter.
8. 33 0 a.m., at Goder-
ich, Exeter, Kintail, Varna, ens,
and Dungannon. Applications on
proper form, together with fee ($2).
for Part L Junior Leaving or Public
School Leaving must be sent in before
24th May. These forms may be ob-
tained from the P. S. Inspector. Jun-
ior Leaving Part II. Senior Leaving,
Matriculation, Pass and Honor, Com-
mercial Diploma and Commercial
Specialist. Examinations, July 4th, at
Goderich, Exeter, Clinton and Sea-
forth. Applications for Fntrance must
be sent to the Inspector on, or before
June lst. The fee is $1, to be paid
25th of June. Applications for Public
School Leaving, Junior Leaving, Sen-
ior Leaving and Matriculation (High
School Forms, I, II, III, and IV) must
be sent to the Inspector before May
24th, accompanied by the necessary
fee. No application can be received
by the Inspectors after that date.
Those who intend to write at any ex-
aanination centre must send : their ap-
plication, giving nane in full, to J. El-
gin Tom, I. P. r9., Goderich. Books
containing writing, drawing. or book-
keeping are not to be presented as in
former years at the Entrance examina-
tion. Candidates will be supplied with
paper and ink by the presiding exam-
iners; hut they enlist bring ' their own
pens, rulers, lead pencils, :etc. Teach-
ers are earnestly urged to use their
influence not to let candidates,' who
are not properly grounded on the
work, come up for examination.
Buy your ntangel seed at Stewart's
Briggs' hest
for Steel B
12; c:: the pound Giant Red and Giant Yet-
law Intermediate.
For School Dre
Prkstky' $
Srges 8�1
ARE ,..4.4.001464$ SENSIBLE
Prices suit your Purse
And the Goods your Purpose
adquarters fo
the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing
Wes. C. Huston,
We want to sell
before spring. See them from 50e, up.
We eau sell you a dandy bed room set
a POLISHED, POR $25.00
Council Proceedings. Drysdale: Sam Cleave met with a
Council met tearsuant to adjourn- painful accident recently. While un-
ment at Town Hall, March 21st. All loading a barrel his hand • became`
present. ' Minutes of, previous meetin a caught between the barrel and wagon,
read and confirmed. Moved by which resulted in a severe bruise.
Muir, seconded by. J. Davis, that we
use 30 lengths of cement tile at outlet
of Main street sewer the balance clay.
tile. Moved in amendment by W.
Harding, seconded by J. Wood, that
we use cement tile for Main street Se-
wer as far` as deemed necessary by the
committee hereafter named. The
Reeve . declared the amendment car-
ried. Davis—Muir—that Councillors
Harding and Wood and the Reeve be,
appointeda committee to supervise the
work on said sewer.—Carried. Wood
—Harding—that the street commis-
mmission be"instructed to procure 1000 tile
for sewer on Andrew street. -Carried.
Muir—Harding-that the following ac-
counts be passed and orders drawn on
Treasurer for sarne:--W. J. Neaman,
gasoline, $9.45; James Creech, charity
to Mrs. Sutton, $6; J. A. Amos, bal-
ance of account, re disinfecting, 1901
account, $21.—Carried. Wood -Hard-
ing -that Mr. Creech ask for tenders
for painting water wagon.—Carried.
Davis—Muir—than Council adjourn to
Friday, April 4th, at 8 o'clock pan. --
Clinton: A quiet wedding took place
.atthe home of Mrs. W. King, on Thurs-
day evening, when she was united in
marriage to Mr. W. G. Smith, well-
known as
ellknown-as one of the principals, of the
firm of Holmes te Smith, grain dealers.
Rev. A. Stewart performed the cere
Bayfield: Aquite wedding was sol-
emnized at the Methodist parsonage
on the evening of April 2nd; when Mr.
Tas. Harrison was united in matrimony
to Miss Isadore, Elliott. Mr. T. Elliott
acted as groomsman and Miss • Nellie
McDougall assisted the bridle. The
contracting parties are from Goderich
A verypretty. wedding
Goderich: p.
was solemnized in St Peter's church.
on Easter Monday morning at 9 o'clock,
the contracting parties being James
Webb, a popular young man of town,
and Miss May Steele, of. Seaforth. The
ceromony; performed by Rev. Fatner
West, was witnessedby a large num-
ber of the relatives and friends of the
bride and groom.
All other Furniture, Bed. Springs, Mattresses
away down.
Doou want that picture framed? We can do
it to the King's taste.
We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and
can show you something new in design.
Goderich: After thirty-one years in
the baking business, D. Oantelon has
retired and has sold his business•to D.
J. Currie, of Clinton, who has taken
chargethis week.
Recognizing The Demand for
thing Better in flour goodssom-
• those hitherto offered,and uniform
and regular, not sometimes good,
we have after careful investiga-
tion added a line of Pare Manitou
baa .Flops of extra quality. .
This flour is milled by a concern who
make a specialty of high grade
ly, have invested $4100,000 in the
enterprize, .and to -day their goods
are being used by the leading
Bakers. of Ontario.. We guarantee
this flour to make at least' 10 loaves
more than anylow grade flour.
Try it.
Price per hag.. $ 2 10
Price 5 bags 10 00
Ordinary flout' . '� and , 2 0.0
Ord Y .. ,.
.:Manitoba a ;1 93
Fall flour:: 1 05
Oil Cake. ]: 75
°anired Peas` Tomatoes, Corn 7c.each
0d11111.toR & NJ111llll(
Provan s Patent. Double Acting and
Self' Reversing Hay •Carriers,.
Fork and Sling.
Agents for the Chic;ago Air
g Motor.
..Plumbing i,r• allits l3ia t
Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith sho p