HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-10, Page 7entenatenteentrateteneteeeettnes-wedeee .lieereetottlelitweet eetteenetiteeteneeseeeseleoe I CONFUSION 11 OP CASTE. Or Gentility Vs, Nobility of Soul. aAeaam7aanamaxiaaawaaalTaan....aaaaawirmwaLailiow464 T••••.*r SYNOPSIS OP PRECEDING 1011APTERS.--Evil tongues have be- gun to clack about the relations be- tween aer. Trelawney, a scholarly re- cluse, and his housekeeper's Mem Let.. HO marries her. Nis bonne telleet and eulture, for half an hour. keeper, oot caring to sere -e under her Awe uibsores wife had caued on lucre, leaves. And so one outunin day she bael gime, ana had condescendingly at in Letty's drawing -room, and talked to her, carefully suiting her couversa- tion to her own ideas of Letty's in- CIIAPTEll. IX. It was two months after the wed- Letty, too, and Miss Watson had Leen eery kind and friendly to her ; but thee() were the ouly visitors that the young wife had had. No others of those who had Leen friends or waen she was married, she used to feei that simply to sit beside her husband -to breathe the same air with him -to her his vglee, and see his fae,e, and kaow thot only death need part her from him -was heanen to Letty; no greater happiness seem- ed possible to her to conceitat ot ; in those first days she thought ehe was the retoad btessed woman upon eorth. limo kind he woes to her t Tie would keep her half the day beside hira in his study, telling her he We- ed, to have her with him he would draw her to his side sometimes and caress her : he would praise her prettiness ; he would toile often to her, tenderly and half playfully, as a, man might to a child. And for 0, little while she was stitistled, and, as I said, thought she bad reached heaven. But, alas ! that as knowledge in- eling-a November day, with the creeses desire increases too -that autumn letes'es falling on the path acquaintances of Trelawney had fandlittrity with the thiug we think -outeide, and inside. ie. Mr. `Ire- sought to umee her acgteulittaece. pertect for a. little white ends by lawney's study, a bright fire burning Peellal:s Letty was unconscious at meeting the flaws in it ! As these t f evlehe I sat i his tho oudesion, knowing too little ot happy days passed en, what was it 011ILD'S FRENCII DRFAS., 4 to Da Yeors, Wrench dressee, with their Wog waists and short eleirte, ittake charming eefect wore by little girls end are in the height of wresent styles. This pretty motlel is Anode of Wrench nainsook with ltriranarig 01 One needlework, and is dainty as may he; hut tlie design is equolly well suited to all washable fabrics. and to the simple wools and silks worn PREPARING SOIL. The hest way by far te seed anY small grain is with the arill. One- Aith less groin will suflice to produce eilven stand. and the plants have their crowne down. lower in the ground, SQ thy will be less affected her any period; of droutit that may overtake the crop, Where the drill i Me used Me land should be theroughly prepared beforehand. so 40 not to disturb it after drilling is done. The Bennett keroseno gallems; >shalt oil soap 8 pouotest water 40 gallons, I am sure this is more efeeative Witte z emulsioa 20 oer celeproe ue. ent ith laundry. soap. Wide whale oil soa.p, the oil and water onix muck better than with hard Soap. I he heve 15 Per Cent. crude petroletoS will kill os many or ;Imre seole thas 2.0 per cent. kerosene, but, the petra 'elan is more apt to kilt Or iotuts the tree. Petroleum is horder to mix itli the water in au emulaion, good poittt in favor of kerosene. believe a tree will stand twice al much oil when there is sap ia at when perfectly dormant. Decidedle the safeet. aod best time to .spray11 emelt the sap is circulating. obout the time the buds tegin to swell. ix the spring. It may be applied •St groes or cloler seed eh Q add be so late summer ..or early _fall; this les* before the final harrowing, so se1.111:isKaYh4f eileet've• sch be well covered and down in the is very eosity. killed then and ii ground he better shape te withstand stops tlio great bseediteee progreat drouth. It will not only he more " th/-s ti4le" sure of getting a start in thi$ 'Wan Nit. will olso be less liable to be HENS AND Deinefe,S. tilled when the grain -chairis taken off., 1,ng en ion tune, while at his side.. too lowly of her own eudios upon within the tine wt perhaps only by children from the egos of four to you cannot, afford to get one. the Ilestst ."-eil'Ire' frI914 *13/tail"s' 4'2°3' if Yea hove no drill end feel thr,t kSittthir hens shottid have etc," , with. a. boot; he had been read- the ways of the world, and thineing that first caused the Itttle rift with her hand upon his shoulder, ' it. to bo aware Mutt any :light was, some unintentional look or word- ten years. stood Letty-Letty, who had entered Laing sin'wn i" ; bat 1-'1 eoutwe leer stone tiign. when he hod meant to The fotandation for the WalSt .is a anext t hboersot;e;hg try Isasto;y04a1Ske!ne „ tiller 1,1-4, °ell ' ;•,1f.' ol i fte 51 et Nviaitct hip alpi eerr: fifthisvhttrit altreel and thoogla : give tui snarl sign, that he had for.„,„"mootitly fitted liming that closes ii,.,,,n .i. 1,,,,..,,,,, ,u,,,t, i..,, *I.,. ..,,...,,$s or drztaf} from tlier egg$ wed wee, froet Paradise eight little wcelis ago -with husband understood it, poor young face ,sctore bee mead:Age be had espeaMa gotten her. For, ill truth. what was witie it. et the centre bock. Onto „Tcle;Ter;;;ZIT"`wttrit''"'t;e'r,;;;. *biT 04,0 tii„e ben and nest, Two hens shottle et look upon her such as one scarcely thirayS the himself to Mrs. Mitre:ham ns =mei. she but some slight thing to amuse this lining ore faced tho y'i'lle and 4 and heavy end inClined to run to.. to ...et at' the sarne Itii1P" and whet angels wear- ' srernfnikc indifferent to the °Pinion 'th , d, PerhaPst in a wan'. ottani his faeleY frontaod over it are arranged -MN dear. Yon tnz.st really try to bis neighbors might fot-rii of hfs wifo. outeiv life ? She 'MIR SO losing, tend gthe full front asd backs. The shirt ether„„i.4es!::sinalibtlhis'eilesotnio4ttodboewsiwetsottehteofma Ir. alluiktiifier reresthrahnOo-i.,,Itetfr.ezt.eteahnsitkeeirv:0,1on.otioLtelehtleletislehtemeglestist.o:toi 1 : 411111.41^0 these thiegs for youreeif. 1 he Halved their Pearled. of her now, gnal'flit to him that. he bad grown is simply straight. tatefeell Att. the ittell'elinew how it is, out you nod mud il, 1440,-,trt wit,eett ot, it. Who iii.,es WW1 of patio.; her ; he lilted to lower edge and gtrthered At 112e' UP- the (flaking bet before the *term:lug %hen "Int 01 te3rietil or Site 414:4" re* wad it to lig iirciaght holm, to hint that loan ber neer him ; in los idle Teo, per where it ;s eeouted to the wettet, i i . , fame to at again, 117he eitttog her stet ditileulty with them," he Just been eaging...-liot at‘grily. inat 110 itilll d0110 W110,* OA itt r men would melds no intkort‘nt tenderness of her Tho sik.,-.,,s t".tre in bishop stylo with po not lez-to,e rough pleces ori should have a doily dieq. hath ill iht -set io, a sexea tonenhe swayer to ati ? verbal.; te w ;lam (.0.dd i 0 wises !avowed him ; but bad he not rrow vnif,14 rout 01 the sleek le o, bunches at manes to be in the wag!, sun if possible. pleuty at sharp grit, seonsig end mtg. tate uhc, bad been. pas derendeut, than mr, Trelownt.y WO1lit Of I& OW11 24,Parto frOM hoding rolioto A ribbon 8715h 1715,i.Of bareeeteog the get.ain. or. Tater at) eleon food and pure wattr. saee Mr tolling him. She bad come to him was upou the eynniathy of those, and thoughts and hopes into uhich WOrit over the seam that joins the harvesting the hay rtrietles S. N. Walcott. with her trouble, biseeneo she had no amongst woont lieed. awl yet. tt 1,„ lin tet lier start until wawa. To eat this tirsh7 wilt be most favorable te ebtaioiege Tho yourig chivies iiitiSt liopt dee %OA' I 0 g0 tO, "ittUi 1)Cronse 1‘110tillveit.111Y SIM did not, realize it at first; she for o cinel of eight. years of age :lig a good eatch of grass. Tiley tow and warm. The coops should Le puf ol.tuoteyial ;I/hire:hes wide. 4.1A a also be lees liable to be •elio you think you could len uto their condettauation of his merriege used +ler 010 for rehosettion and YargS 44 4 filerieS W1140, di Yards 04 or portly so. by storms mid to Ito' how.e, ono the hens conssed le lak'5troyed, ' ondPr a dale .bed if nee have lie a. tp( 2.11 1 3, to perceive that oe yurls e- alfrohl Of (Tiling WTOrlig," AO? Sn111. iliVet` linit, 111,, neighb017:1 goe 0 of w e )1. ii, what to (14) ',I" 'Alt. hod liej.n asking 91i114. hinl, , anoweineut: in her glitti eeltederepel inches evide. or litt yards 44 Wawa; damaged by tho hot ...ream.. /0 0 ron ilium). witaln dayn. Mort lion elm thought for a little whtio , wide will he reale-tired. With 4 yori maw.. er »t. Con' • a feeding coop hard y aral the ehitist Mut wistful/V. "When I dud hinit "1" 12:41,.. eot maw friends, 1,elty:-. - - . . wilt run out man cold mad then ge , with anything MN) does,. slip is so io. 811011 yik",4 ho MOO to got on with fo *hat sh0 Wit4 sharing his We. Sho eti iaserted tutting tor yohe and PREPARATION FOR, CORN. , t ,' sole ,t to roe. taught i to wee uo few e Le ,,i1111 to her One day ; anal ' ' ' ' . , - each to cover. fiwre are mon front, ti yards of edging and d yards notice of it. ? or ought I to givo her ulwn he iteheil thOt question, see. woltuut wail -should do that must bo inserth al to t r on as ithistrated. Thu directiona which follow wily chicks lost by being -dragged OTOnni warttiug, and ha bee go away ?... , ill lwr glad pride. laughed, i 14000111" kind of WOMOO frOM Vrfam,t, _ w apply quite geuerolly to all:through the cold and damp than ace 'She had been nutting this etol lit- "Po 3,00 Mita: 1 %rata ilnybotly lnit 'Nil° 25 2'. ultivated cropeit elm ground halW other eatase except domp coope. 1 ito *to appall to him, and for torewer lie Y4411 9 *.It*' Ol1S"4.1,41. Alias, poor Lefty I Por &mut 42 "There le no need for you to do boul fait-igowed, go onto it as early:fowl niak Ito the, lowt. lett esitimei had only given her thosot words tone - ---e nois a month or two after 422 Priog es, It. 15 dry enototit to tine ezerentlt the mortitiity wiil hi 1 + Thi t. laWtee." her answered. gelatiY- I hue.° written ahove-"Iteally. Let-, t2* 22 1 1-13441'. She 1222(1 /Wg"" "a 1 1 , Ilo put hie hand with a. alight oar -wok without atiching. and with thW great, I cook but little food except ty. eon mitet• try; to Manage theee, learn la.: that time that to bow ho. .421s•)411(1 .. 011(1, thot, aloe mania him molt Lev hair; after a, moment he 4si,-, and smoothing barrow worh ilV. to avoid meal and leas together WIC Anattet'a for youreelf." What did he setae Mr. Teelitettley"s wife was not haPPY. And UTW1A N011iehOW, a$1 Vg laughed at her. re either did IAO itZtO a, nice txed ind just as then add enough, dry to make it hnow about tidut ':* Whet help 'could„to 12450 Iscol made invelitereble to ' '%Ithi-vhinx" .3"41 5 agnrIP-the trirsq Pereeire her longing. or 140 bP.di ough ,on were going to plant! crelinhtF• 1 alwaYs 12050 good 6ilig' . • tit avow. This le for the purpoeo: otos if 1 On bf„Vit the Cliiefi5 dry ant be give her with them ? Alust she ma r,,. mu t ot hiamin ti mime.. but 'doubts LI' ltt to come One dal: StVlittpa.tils," with it, .„ not 2* 1122 her vonnanna liusinese toe ; she nem (goal sow supratoey sappy. Whela he hdi aul been stanng alonp e, ,1 trba1^',. indeedhe en his part was towr wompll ,ii j .. • and the fair lowe \valorem' into eveeing r atel.tlf' never coions of any apegial want as early as poeedeo for &Fe rt'It'Olt- I month she Used tattier the eweet Insion that AP Wan tattlicient for he getting the bawd WI WaTnitd. up: Vann. free opsteeperous earvaut vaniehed. • flesh ise joy tts NLe nuoto her telay to , looloiles ---------------------.- the Ore with jolt rows int her, tow Fleet' felt a desire to maim above elven. aod for tLe Qddition4d CHEMISTRY OF TEARS. 03.01 a new nuilid soiccei.ded, her. inn hh, Ishat did that wash], world Waa, elle weut, 1 0 idea after a thee bin wife in ;my high en5.0 a. Vora- 45425012in tide (1.2O of etnaeorvinw the 1 , _. ..., Ille hod lived tene Ooil moisture for the Patin: Nth" of Wee -Ring kthe MEM fwIstend patio with tide taw adveut did uot Ina 1 Wr *4) her- if tilde' 140 e0red fur la her eke, tender way, and stale her pardon to hitancelf. 4512 nt to Let ty. • 311.1,,-,•411112 if thosewo teloe einin ohand into his nrifit f long afore to feel the reed of In- thee. pplaancto. 1;',..4apozirAtiiecinoy freacitetiattrovesg, wars have t-rbek: cooeuonot (lots. to et lateleeniew It. . "I shall never lie able to g.a thseorti m her kliteven Lept the , "Wi ; . ' „ y , he sad, iintate companionship „. he had kept ,1 tat 9 11 ' ' il. Ti i them. They all latate• what I ee peace s Theo troubled herwthat when vile did this -net encouraging. hia thoughts in hia own heart for tittle. Another very important item' 16440 llid hSid-e 115` the i , pair of ti.XI. •14 (4101 whom she had ' too 422 *1(2 1.4' 218 to feel a WiSh to that 4424 120 eeeclialdieled „..sai'o"' o'i'.p„,",',',,"*oa. "` the hody, and the laeltrylleel gland is share them either tvitit Letty or an- operatiOn in tain tle-AIrtivtion of, Oleg had I egun to nay eadly to .'I to heep au eye that trembled while apeepr other. Ifei wife was to him ns see- weeds. TUN preparation of the teed not 140004 behind the eye 6Ineply to 22. watelaod them ; hat es for bpeing thing to he fond of. tenderly and tett wilt induce west et the eeed fill Space Or 40 give eXpresSlen to eme- lt' !Ate could allb. fit hersiqf into trO011ied iree:411M* her friends were L To KCVO 4.0 JOIldba0 De. tinged Ointment 14,4ceriala and ebeelate cure for cage 1„„aile respect her fit it, ! ehtt. aloe! W11:1*. [11011(4dill she want eeeept her he znanufacturers letecilvehigugaer4ritar eter44nrt!nlYetitileet "KI • • e .• • for relaxation nit idle, hour, n 1. m4ty thus to ladled LePoie the ,Che eltemical properties of tearS can.' lew twee position, root mate other few-wity. hOW COUIll that VOn her ?-- proteetiveiy, to comm.. to turn to near the surface tO germinate and' lion. gays an exebange, onitoda thedeneeregeend ass seuracigh, Iowa act he had timo to MVO 140 gave Cron is Pat flu, Sid Of phosphate ot and soda, •elie 1.4)4 142 not. Me couid not help busbond ? tore what they think WM Yon cAll 11 4°1 It and thiei librgitta l'inttC" Care Malang limn very satin but never hlt.. it that sbe almoet offered lutreelf Wit eel. one thing. of Wilk+ be It. '01C1110140e if not eurml:fiePitta 'at ....ii 1 At ifi" C° • ° int Made but a. O prey to her tervatas. by her ilite did inat tell her husbetitl. null which o agAersorEnggssosaittvr.cmco.e.11,44 small part -hut a kind Of outside. Sittlniti be taken that Ilotte of it 15 kr„ Their action en the eye rer "OS • and veers. font of Itcbleat 7 vows thief ImmilitY irresietibly tempt 1 I thought a, did often )v1 Chase's Clirdwartant the be,h,,,,, irrelevant. unimportant portion -of allowed to become dry Wore being) b tug them to tyranntee over her. Dull P.T10141 1101% ft WaS tr410 *110t, ho wets , his life. or oven the pleasure, oe harrowed. Fre.dtly plowed grountC°'n • " ' - loses its moisture New rapidly, 1 teribed etielal and here consists their pre- gi,”n wont on htnishUy frOiti MOM OW Oilly fri1101 5114* (1111,41 to have, yet, -- ' . ' - - oughly that sensitive organ, width all- dutY et the body, Washing am. to moidia. ond reuthead her a sort; none the 14”,s did il di%lorh her that ly. hut rather In a toue as lt Sho And Let ty had tet learn Mee While in that condition. if the i loevs nO foreign field tO do the Same of 2022014 talaedieuve, bait br the time; bee 0Vill hornier atequidutonces tas interrupted him. • through theso (pact. halt sad, ludf, ground should be already dry, this ", happy winter days : to learn that foie may ho tedgefieret, ta prevent the . Writ, Nothing cleanses the eye like a ar Mita 1144 other SerVant had she • should regent her steam:fully, rind; began timidly. that she should soyeer be ; {bat heil while if on the other hand it is over art has Whined Uature'e laW In this oh. load heel' married 'for halt a. she found ont tuna 1 lett they ditil "Oh, tiothing-S ouly ennie-" wan oven so /111144T ilS thiS. f 1'1''';4.zat her reumett! to 11 higlifor (11 122' s..11.-'1404, .111Ft now. dear. 1 ant I could live without hen.htilair, he coati 3noisf. this drylliig lend. render it* reepeet, adv0eating the invigoration 1 -1 Ilvo and forget )*or --that he could rtothk, alul the eeed bed cousequent- soletiOn for any diStresSed eontlition it etas perlittps only uutitral that. in the social svolo lay small insults thinking. 2:0 ttevtly for a little," le ear poisaittid ehimitl iatver fatly under- or tannts that she bi.21.1.21 wee often ' :add gently, and she went away ,,,k.„ and hardly ruit,s bee. ly not 80 V011 as it inigitt have' oe the °hues, stand how hoe% ily tbe lit t le dully ovoids- e0t1R(.1021K, 44, owl Mkt were. but the rebuff, slight as it had been, l'I'''' leteehles ef her hie pressed 4111 I14.1%-. hard to hear. Did she not know, .,. had mode a lump come auto her how the small lesatious of eaeh day " when she Alla ilOWU *0 1 210 VillOgO, MI*001. 'A'Qighed on her till Ate, folt, oeer- (hut iiii.08 Whfell 110(1 been formerly i It WaS nOt that she Wan exattaing, evbeinted by them. To 131111-u ho botil friatalry to her loiehtel coldly on her , but the little unexpected repulse rite longed to he something to hint ProPer germittation of the cropn goad salty shower bath, and medical (To lie Continued). been. linn'nughlY Prelmre the Tears do not weaken the sight, but bed but do not be in a hurry to put + the earn in the ground. The obsara int/meson, aet ns a toule on the OTAKING A .11111NAGERIE OF IT- atom of these two points way often, muscular vision, keeplug the eye sat meta tbe dwerence autween ood and limpid, and it 'will be noticed that AIM t 0 NMI' asipinnt.1 FO 110W S110 11•0(1, 1111` Wald Way, 'Mallet% her allnOst 111.0 a 1310w. Malt, A height boy had attended some , ., crop and an utmost total failure. WOMeil in wbase e,1,•es sympathetic tears phifidiv email %hat her dberuss aver to a.peals 131 to the people she heel an hour afterwards he ealne 1.0 wining lectures on astronomy. an° Cora is a tropical plant and it gather auleltly have brighter, tenderer theta aroused in 11/111•.•14t. ally rate, at :dunes Limon, Inn ;vet .1-liC Watti well . Where she was sitting, told began; after threo or four visas was (1110342, tiriost-a feeling 01111010 Of coldempt. aware (het tate sp)lot awkwardly, with her to watch some rubies Mutt) timed. about it by his mother, a, lio at man oecupletl in '4141d211132 the ' and that theyon there side. with were picking up crumbs t hot elle i good and very devout, but very sir, ek tingetlitene. lutist not the poor ' only 12 feW excePtiOlOq. Were 4,118- laid set for them, wail to talk about! igiterant womu14. tragedy of I.etty, feebly and ieeffee- oivioes and resentful. It was all them Welter ; but to the thing ofa The youngeter, proud of his ‚.14310- 4,.,. 11.. struggling to govorn her (Ulit 0 hiox i to lde. We connot leave which he htul been thinking he model rloo knowledge, probub1y exuggerat, .lee mg. u on t ut ttemge aria there ' time tool,:ed, ho liked his shirts to be well human nature, for the most part, is existence she was only beginning to Scorpion, Fishes, and other call- 'will not be many times AVII011 4 to 0 ironed, his boots to be well blacked ;' unhappily itot made that way. The dimly recognize : and he kept it- stellations. inches for sod and *1 to 8 inches in but inteet there not hi be etnuetng' villugt.rH looked *moo 1.0.1y us and, 'with it, how many other The mother listened with 111 -con- depth for stubble land will not give :sera ligely wantmg 313. a woman who renegade from their ranka s, nd wilit. thoughts *?-its matthrs w 30 hh s iche (waled dismay,25114 , nd when the hoz/good results as any other depth. -could 3iot secure that these trifles petty inalice sneered at and depre- had neither part 3101'3101'lot. i stopped. she turned to her husband, Too X1.113C11 stress cannot be put upon inliSt haw a fairly warm soil to orbs than other& Wheal the DUNS are. Video in. There neeer was a &St- hard and eold, the world attributes It doss 021)14 el' corn obtained where to oue'S dispoeition, 'which Is a mere the seed was Planted in a cold bued figure of speech, haplying the lack of bed. The best depth ta plow win vary 'balmy teats that are to the Cornea What 'smolt and mean ? Mr. Trelawney 2(151,2(151, that our own elotss will speak billet* world of his, across whose he bold her about the Great Bear,also its condition al, of ploW- the blood. household, havo f-cented iuroneehably our own elusS fm• a higher. mid ex- *to reference. lt was part of that ed what he had heard. At any rate,. somewhot according to the salve .1S tO the skin or nourishment tc soil and liked to have his dtinteer troller]. well of un end. reioin our ascent : threshold she laid not paseed-whosel, the Swan, the Lion, the Bull, itam, t 1 a • f should be accomplished without dis- doted her. llow ill a few of them It Was all inevitable, and yet tts and suad • turbance to her husband or hearte :mote of her she, fortunately for time went on how hard, to hear ! 3.*312 very much afraid break to herself ? Was she in truth herself, Lever knew : the slander that Not that from first to last she ever. that that boy is being contaminated fulfilling the object of her existence had been 3. s1'-.4.(2 against her before resented It that ho kept the other at all, if she failed to seetire their her marriage, Mid that her Marriage door of his mind and heart shut ,paser accomplishment 2 Mie Trolaw- Voile. to silence -of that she against her ; she was too hentle to rey, up to the time of his marriage, happily remained utterly ignorant revent anything he might choose to bad never known what small domes- and unsuspicious ; but even without do ; but as the months went on, tic troubles meant ; between his and the eyes so happily closed at first began slowly and shrinkingly to Open to the truth'the iron entered her soul none the lees for that. Once, and once only, she said to him, with a „sense of weary longing, , wish I could understand the things you care for!" She had been leaning over his .shoulder, looking at a book that he was reading, and trying herself to read a few senten- res of it. 12, was only an English book, but it almost might have been written in Creek for any meaning that the words she read conveyed to her, and for a minute she stood vainly trying to comprehend them, and then with a sigh she suddenly put her cheek to his. 'I wish 1 could nodeestand the things you care for!' she said, with a sigh and a sad yearning. mother and Airs. Markham his house had always been peacefully tend un - (eventfully ordered ; it was scarcely likely that he should hate much ea sympathy with tho troubles that Letty's shyness and ineXperience and peculiar position brought mom her, or Le able to -understand why she need fail in the work in which tens of thousands of other women suc- ceed. "I suppose we shall have to go and call on the Trelawreys," the vicar's wife bad said to lur hts- band, rather with the air of a•mar- tyr, after Letty was married, and in her character of bride had appeared at church. "I don't believe anybody else will take the least notice of her; but, still, 1 must go and see her, I suppose." ' The Cond knowlug that, there was enough in the changed and half contemptuous manner of the people who had seem- ed formerly to have a liking for her to matte Letty shy of owing amongst them, and equally awkward whether sho tried to uwat, them es friends or straegers. Certainly, in the little world around her, she had not made her position the easier or the pleasanter by inarrying Mr. Trelawney. Her happiness as his wife -that blessed- ness that she had bartered every thing else to gain -ought to have been very perfect to make up to her for till the small frets and disap- pointMents anti difficulties of her daily life. But, unhappily, it was not so complete as to make all these other things seem Dice nothing. At first, etter Confirms His Cure of Two Yeara Ago, and Proves that it was Permanent --Warm Words of Praise for Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Fins. Many readers of thie paper, and especially railroaders, will remember the cure of C. P. 11. Conductor Berryman, of St. Stephen, N. D, In a letter received last week the conductor states that he is real well, and that his cure, after ten years of suffering with kidney disease, is permanent, not having had a touch of his old trouble for two years. Mr. .13erryman's ease was such a severe one, and his cure so remarkable, that nutny write to ask him about it. lie never- tires Of recommending Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, buton the contrary, is glad of an opporton.ity to tell fellow -sufferers how he was cured. In his letter of April 14. 1900 in which his case is described, Conductor lleriwinan wrote:- . P1 have been railroading for 23 years, and for ten years sutlored front a severe ease of kidney disease and backache, a trouble common to railroad men. ft -used me all up to walk, and after walking up hill 1 would have to lie down togetrelief, my back was so bad. I. could not sleep more than half the night, and then didn't seern-to got any rest. 1 had used all sorts of medicines and was pretty badly discouraged when I heard of Tbe Chose's ney-Liver Pills. After using two boxes of this treatment 1 found it was helpiug meand flee lo t'. have nmcle a, complete cure1 now rest and sleep well, iny baek is strong, and the old trouble has 001 11111 clisap- Peared. Many people to whom I have recommended these pills have been cured. Anyone wishing further par- ticulars write inc . There' is no doubting the efficiency of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills as a thorough cure for }wet:ache, kidney disease, and liver complaint. They have a dit•ect action oa the kidneys, liver and lmwels, which is bound to strengthen, invigorate, mild regulate these organs.. One pill a dose 25 lents a box. At all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates and Co., Teri:mtg, by wiekod Atheists, because he's making the blessed firmament into a menagerie I" "And now, any son," said the lather, "as you are about to go into bueinees for yourseli, it is well for you to remember that honesty is the best policy." "Yes, father," said the noble young man. "That hon- esty is the best policy.. And," con- tinued the old mau, "if you will study up the laws, you will be sur- prised to find how nanny things you can do in a busiuess way and still be honest." The terms for "one" are very 814*1- ilar most European languages. In French 000 18 "un" ; in Italian "ono" ; in Weaselan, "odun" ;in German, "ein" ; Dutch, "een" : Swedish, "en." "I'm thinking of taking in a, partner," said the garrulous bar - ''All right," said tile man going out, -make it a silent ono and I'll come around again.'' "I am at the door," said the Wolf, in a loud voice, "and I am coining "All right," responded the Mecik man, "but you had better wipe your feet on the mat before my wife catehes you." "Blitekies is always a e ig t Ileie •about how smart be is. It is his worst 'Not by a good deal." "Inbat does he do worse than that?" 'ate talks a.Ootit how smart his baby is." , A trato travelling' at 120 would hit any object it Came in Con- tact with nine times es hard as one travellingat forty Miles, an hoor. Tim Ja, /nese Porlitoteent has among' lis members. 180 farmers; 28 barristers,' 6 editors, 3-401101 s, 26 toot:hen les, ' d 76 with ou t fixed profees on . • tiehhavo been known to rise e0 feet above thesueface 01 the se9. the mmortance of having the plow- ing well done. It not only takes more work, to prepare the seed bed where the land has been poorly plowed, but it will be impossible to produce with tory amount of work as good a seed bed. SKILL IN MILKING. Milking is an operation which re- quires skill, as it has an important effect on the amount and qnality of milk given. Dairymen know that there are tts great differences between milkers as between cows, and that cows will do much better with some milkers than with others. Indeed, good Sews are often almost ruined by poor milkers. The milker should avoid handling the cow more than is necessary, and he should make it a rule to do his work quickly and thoroughly. Be should never go from a sick to a well cow without first cleansing his hands. Tho habit of wetting his hands with milk is filthy in theexe theme, and should nevar be practised. Some people think it necessary, but this is a. mistake. The' hands should be kept dry. If they are not it is impossiblo to prevent drops of milk from constantly falling from them to the should be held close to idplail al the odder., so as to expose tho mine to the air as little as possible. The further the streams fall and the moro they spray the more dirt and bacteria they collect. Contamina- tion from the fore Milk most be avoided by discarding the first few streams drawn, or less than ' a gill in all. This entails little loss, as. the first milk drawn is always poor in butter fat, and if it happens " to be badly contaminoted, as is We- quontly the case, much injury and trouble may be saved. EXPERIENCES WITH SCALE. haea had considentble experience with various oils as a remedy for Sam Jose scale, svrites Mt\ R. W. Caviness. Experience teaches me that, we need 9 more effective remedy than those. The best thing I have yet, found is an ,eratilsion, the com- position of which' is as follows Savage Legends., The savage islanders of the south Pacific belies* that the world is a ate Oottnut shell of enormous dimenSionte At the top of which is a single aperture rommunieating -with the upper air, 'where human beings dwell. At the very bottom of this imaginary shell DI a stem gradually tapering to a point which represents the beginning Of all things. This point is a spirit or demote without human form, whose nen* is Root of All Existence. By him the en- tire fabric of creation is sustained. In the interior of the cocoanut shell, at its very bottom, lives a female de- mon. So narrow is the space late which he is crowded that she is oblig- ed to sit forever eVith knee and chin touching. Tier name is The 'Very Be- ginning, and from her are sprung nu. merous Spirits. They Inhabit five cilf- fereut floors, into which the great co- coanut Is divided, From certain of these spirits mankind Is descended, The islanders, regarding, themselves as the only rent men nod women, were rormerly accustomed to regard stran- gers as evil spirits in the Oise of hu- manity, whom tbey killed when they could, offering them as sacrifices. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. "Young gentlemen," said the lee- turer in chemistry, "coal exposea to the elements loses 10 per centof its weight and pother. This is due to the action of the alkali con- etituents of--" "But what if there is a, dog sleep- ing near the coal, Professor I" "None of your levity, young intue This is a serious matter," "That's wliat dad thought when 72 per cent. of his coal disappeared during three nights of exposure. Then ho asked my advice, as a stu- dent in chemistry, and I told him to buy a dog. Ile bought a dog with bay -window teeth, and now we don't lose 1 per centof our coal a month. That's practical chemistry" Mrs. Towne --"Have you any claw neighbors, dear ?" Mrs, Subbubs- they are all close. So clost that you Couldn't borrow a flatiros Or a cup of sugar to save your 'life." "What's tho ra-atter ?" asked tht rooster; "more absent-mindedne,s0s "Yes," replied the hen; "I can neve( hod things where I lay than."