HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-10, Page 6WEL F
(ala. Territ ory S ubmit
Grievances Through Ida
p. C. Wade. I am :tot mistaken. I sent round; soda. I took a bit of blanket andi
rey little girl a few days ago for " put it in a vessel with soda. and;
Mr. F. O. Watla advieer for g
ood strong soap to wash out some: boiled, it there, and very quickly the ,
the Yukon, in au address recently Ilea•VrY things. In ail innocence I! wool got eaten away by the soda.
ifoieered gt Toronto. egg! iew used what you sent nte, and the re-,' and there was left. behind tbe cotton
things about. the country of his suit is that any blankets are just the as a kind of skeleton -a, sort of)
udopt!„44,. and the rtegtion it hod to skeleton of what they were. They got -of the original blanket out
the test of the poininion. with are rith.ed, sir, and it's your fillet! g of which it was taleen. I mention
splendid pride, Mr. Wade pointed out Yes, but I sent what I usually P ibis merely to idleitte to you tee:
itee eend such. cases. [pernicious effeets of using caustic ma -II
the l`nst twe';'" the YUI")11' with --"" Want yon usually sendt l'Uo won- terials. which, when employed strong
11.1a:htiO square utiles. 1"8,gger der elm moore, my neighbor. coin- by themselves, affect woolen artn;
Quebec, auti twice as big as Ontario. plains et hr elovies
tverlring out; I clee in this a•ay, and wnich. eves
A Sense ire A GROCER'S SToRE.
Sjr, lust come roung myself tion was as to separating the two,
to tell yo a that you have absolutely because they were thoroughly woven
spoiled a Peir of blankets on we. throughout, and it was •only by de -
1 ba.ve!
Yes, sir, you hare! e you identified tbe cotto
Surely yOu are mistaken, =edam!. fibre. fell on the device of usin
taching the Ane fibres from ;Jaen Gala
rt wt. It 8,184 shocks an eve years.
In the United States only one
endeuatteille.rer in fifty is condemned to
In Russia the penalty for leading
a strike is the saute as that, for re-
teT11111:21a' verage reign of English mon-
archs has been 13 years ; Russian
pray 16.
Utit Turkey• red hair is counted
great beauty, and the women dee
their hair' that tint.
Of 30,000.000 emigimuts from Fu
ape during the last century, more
Ilan one-third were British.
Before a Chinaman can quit Ails -
retie, he is compelled th register
nd leave his photograph.
Everybody in Storbecla, Austria,
ver five years of age is V.
game is taught in the
A Few Paragraphs Whiela. Will B
Primed of Interest.
One tanner is killed for every
000,000 tons of coal raised.
reeee 1101(1.s the earthquake record
s'ILith thi$ ovoo312101:al you usually send her the same 'when not very strong, will inorg
irom the lelontlike anti the rusk eourp t slowly, but with equal certainty. 't
ei" humanity uortaword, only 50 ":"
700B4t. =edam. always glee my' tend to destroy the woolen fibre
c"in rer,."." k
ei t/tet„„,,,"a.0?eS
e:einT4 custmhey
oers what task for. Had Now. I want to tell you that xrc ,
":1 `1" y°u. named a particular brand of neighbors have bad a talk over the,:
showing the steady stride in minieg
enlanred" Snnie °Iglu.' 'were given' soap yoil woelti have had it. !matter, and we are not going to a
Nanied a partimilar bread! Hownlhave our clothes and hands rental
in the north; in inii9, „atieepo,poii e , h
in goid in was to Anew anythieg of brands? tees way. seeeral of nee eeighinee fo
e°lae °"t th!.. Wit I know eet ter now, and I ?mow who know have proved to us teat
1900. *22.000.i-100, "true en"'ei b
het rujned nay lanfects-and MY Washing Sodas, Potash, ClaOrkie
$21,000,000. A sPlendfad Cation' w
hands are in a nice plight. tool Ifetne„ Rod "sP substitutes'.
Lore. of dollars platied in circulation
'the 1)(411'1111°11h ti4s trwel-ielT4'. tali."' I can essure yore finadane. 'that itittiost intairious to clothes anol halide. I
Malan naueers /moo lived to be
h le not Iner deswe to sell anythinge ..reee „ 11.1ra Ca e ears o ize, but. there is no
44 seaPe Phaetlereheh record of a eaellionaire leaving
Yes. that is, it would be a $teerend
" that will be inturioes to eitner tlae the eatistie soda. that burrs ttu:' au .d lila age.
Bukt the Aittericiaras and alians;, and An-
, eosins or elottneg of my custeraers„ clothes. why, you dare not Neat . ,
at be geed to knew how c - d - t- - An at0, the tongue 3s repotted
austm o ara 0 In cams
by Nature wIth more repel -111v thit0
rrove tient what I sonil Nola, in- must he in an earthen tor, or it will the lee with th ^
1 your bleginets 11.1Z4l your bevels. even teeer4tdo. lee tiro Now, eta, tea , 4 t;° auY 0 ;er. Part 4:
ell. 1 wa'astellntwa-- eyeati 10 provide us witb pure soap 1414'
le. teed she lent rue a little cute aejeotottt f eo aleepe or we neat A greuell professor is tile owner of
g. oral here it is: 3..1.614 Can read it: pad it elseweerecolleetion of 020 !Delman /wade. re -
Steverson 'i.44 141 teetair- matlem, you eadigliten reel S',0 f'lla!'reutir'W everY 41143wil rce of ilea"
on Cie:T.:eery. Sieeni'nn's 11 mminty soaps are anaavtised as p nt le 044 tith elialger
nburgh, deser.lhis the destritet sive' that I re;tline tool: little heed. to ate: lesightud spends arleen00,000 a year
E 5t pt,orie re A gral-i'lcitirtr,KILI‘c:?.. soilit iinon word Tern' difeererce between them. i
I Irive ore however that ba% inetle
Ase the
Tore IreTy Fii'.3111:?'" trotle- ere cotton. Itrem arel wool'the mateten ogee i,,ee.,000, rewem
Inue Nei: „r ...,e, 0,41qa nort.tq re. 1 ,-,,,,n, f';‘'.i to q
i he Fife's:
,„ to ar,v tule Wlao ean 'trove it In
tinte to meet are in. eel:re' i ,- - --- -- - '- -- - - a l' ' 1 -3' rare, mail ftarther. 1 eau tteatliter:e. e 1 leelleioil, tea be conflicted for at t/a4)
• A31. ii0 utt,;"::: PraP"ItY a "(la lu (4 rtz''',.'' i''''il lk.44-' to rettwn the mama:Ise litoney to et.„- exhibition rext yisio'.
time of the yteir do heoltli and Ilinuf' wen a largn '1'.;i'mr,',"tr °I „112' 1r, • one flociliag Cairene for complaint, : For some thee the linitllortie o
gee seeat Fo b.44.4•11 to gale and' blankets sent to "o20 fl (344' Ih''''351,11,t?"5f I.Qt. .?4,;(' st'I'L it ? Why, Sunlie"-.1 . nerliii hitee bail 4 111:keti,..lit4 of ffn-
:old. You du not fee/ that yore, 1';3l2ell. uteri. g-174'll 'rvlat, 1.71'21:" ru'il '"'-''' soap! It's a heetiztiful. clean. freeha tealritlele tett:Ante. anal now 1340 ten -
realty skh. hut ;-oia feel anal:in lb' Pretieehilts , 41' th'' u°4 e°, e;';,..."91: ,°s, ' Leila:leg eoep. anal thie aetaq•ein OffeN 144‘kt retttliateti lee If tatiing
att5 eea es you CC 414 if yte,t were era--!. till (.14 44'...11;"'''C't5 VeY'e'^ uuil ilo'r;le eeh strepe 1,9 N'el'y' bandy. Glee Inc, flee 1.1. ak-liut of urateeee,ttie 1.10.ilotele,
lo-eily ill, nilt ii. -4.a..,1,1, 411,F,avi. to be' to on 411,'l 404 ite to 17'4f.ttff^(F4'
get rid ofeeatid it con be Wittit yola the' hl:niihele treee 44 4141 or r,ot.
need is a tonie to 41444 4'4- tne tioeet tilaeaki loone.! well ceeri weigned pro -1 !eon te !!,1','` Irir'''' 7--'''' ur-'11° r te;A:;"-,:.; T'.?,;,,I -
*rail fre.if it from; the affeleil iltiee senicia rtalF, nntil I got c rt.144'-`4L°t °1'.! I , Fivee 71fra ye, ic:sev f:4r..tr. 01.1 ,:••,..,, •
° r'3 C'7'7....' ' "l'' EY1 t7 .-; ' .AST011131111IG PRIIRRE R
have ledeed in eo ar eteteiee thareine nee for exorneattion and nnelegia 1 ilthil:11,,,,,!‘„,4t.•,,,..:3,1,1,,,,eitT(41:1 ,
the winter, Car:fi. 1...4414 444'e rec. tee ,4-, WO ft-';fril F5'0,1 lay , 11'
tile ter 441 •4 flia4.,- ael coaehl toe le'l " 741.7.V1 11104
rilLS 15 tee only C't, '''''"'"'"'" `---
iitale, 1,4 .4.'1,`4,16.166. g tende 45-X4C1.'iT.1", eaee„ la,. 10,-..,,a,, ,,„.:,,,,, , „„,„:,ii 11
4. E,tZr49 ift-„,014;4-.• 4-0,17. roe; eetnol, : to go tikk rek3.1.,,,--.At'a aiege 6'.,ti i.aerco----, toe losa2.1',.
lbe r:Ar. 4.11,41i 43,414 ii.rijI4g 41.:`,S+ t%natill1,03.1t It {I P*Ilf 1.11. it4 :a ,atoq:07 fei T A eer. rl
Che lead Ties • ;ire an 1 t. 1 t Si •
at "'An" Illenti("111114 titv". alu .icel certificates of its (meaner from , "Teuds less thau t'07.50°.000-
. • .
• 114$;41-9317-5. Lan siach os potash 411,61 166111a. feeo It is P.A.tranteed pare; Tim ,St. Louie' Worltrs Fair att-1
thorities offer it priee of $1100,00te for
the successful wortiing of it Steertehle
tan her paupers. I:eel-attend teafente.,
4661(6. Ireland, $7.000.000 ; Preece
corprrcin rears, If 3ee
,.ere wog e G54 ria44
441411 *114 4l1-%.
length ani1 vitill'it:: 40 01":; Orgiti'4 ha d front Via; teen C.'e 444' Vi161144: Li, fl.• '111F. . '• ,011, TRADE,
.57, ,3' i .6 4,4*4 IMP ;00:03:114, 11 144 t L66 44411 41 to 'Anne
teeiliciue and the Ite.St thine; in the hifee, ve 44 4"11't' 10,,,t40414,41,4 61,„.„1114 4,,
world for all 44541-'hevoute then anti iftwit daye eon cee in leiwarie
erigin in itupeeerielaed er Impure 1:,' intiti Vitra reser 7 Le evilfeiht *14)4 9,4) in
mood. Tile cafe', Of Mier. Pelle eta- :ifelleldie re.
holete,, White Itock. Mdle. N. S,, Is ue A reey pietaare this, lent what do
teroter; coutdmraviou of 1144ie. etitte- Cetaiont 441.11 leer laierch.afeee aped lea:fate
14144 '4 She 4i141 6; "Three years tent . Wei theme: get ont ee it elle At
tide blIring I was 1; ry mutt ram ' :fret ("el adiene gig tetthing. oml
own. TLe !Pact 4)\* 444414 eithatieited!' now thr y mit 44 little. 41... tirupploat;
1 seemed to lose ambition maybe Aileiriceles a Neve the ;bower.
a neiline of Ifireneear viol 5Intyplo141404-;n
1.1 I4(. TIP: BLAME:.
toc,IL itn place. My eppetite failed 1
Me and Illy Flee') et nights was; dire 1 Mr. 144441e 11444414 41 Viinatlian papene
turbed and restless. In fact 1 Was ;I end, lioltlitre tip a !emeriti cheily,
in et pitiable emulation. After treint;,:' said. untie *lie Dawaie press pith -
two or three medieneei with -Melted ;Matt hi rsiao, unit the Attual-
out benefit. 1 beget: the use of Dr. e'en ;halite; gaeti great intention to
Williams' Pink Pilis attd they eyeetl- Ibis Nineteen heal. yet no ("emotion
By worked a change for the better), paper had ii rekpoterible nude eoeteria
and by the 1 IMP 1 had used a hair powletat on the epot. lie blemetl
dozen boxes I felt stronger titan I the maneefetenars, for not sendire
had done for ,years. I have since out trevellers te direoeer the ree de
used the pills in the spring and I and the beet uoy to stipple^ Mena, lie '
find them an excellent tunic." Manuel the outfitters, who tlid not
Ilecauee of their thorough End untieridand the way to enpply the
prompt action on the blood ;null prospector ay well as the Anterlean
nerves these little pills speedily cute! ontetters. lie Monied the people
nnaemia, rheumatism, sciatica. Par. who packed better, mid said, at '.
tial paralysis. St. Vitus* deuce.' shammy le. hall 64.4)44 foie. tees
scrofula, and eruptions of the e1445.1 thrown, overboard became it had
erysipelaskidneY and liver tronblet been deetroyed throtigh ball packitag.
and the functional ailments Nebel; : lie blamed the ntakers of halm they '
.raleracAL $S1ENCE HAS A
- 1.'haNCED BY ZEA3.2S AND
make the lives cif so nnuty women 0 did not cure their product so that it
source of constant misery. Other so. would heep. The manufacturers of
called tonic pills are mere imita- awned goods made thee tins too
titans of this sterling remedy. Gel !heave-. The makers of Nees made
the genuine with the full name "DI their tarts too heav,y, while the
'Williams' Pink Pins for Pale Peo-
ple" on the wrapper around ever
box. Sold by. all medicine dealers
or sent postpaid at 50 cents a boe
or six boxes for..$2.50 by addressine
The Dr. Willianee' Medicine Co.,
33rockvi1le, Ont.
have rushed into these beds yielding
from $1,000 to $2,000 a foot, dug
up the gold, and away, while, in-
stead of the money being spent in
Canada, great buildings have risen
In Seattle, in Tacoma, or San Fran-
cisco, risen on good Canadian money
Here Mr. Wade sprung a parable,
and likened the miners to robbers en-
tering the vaults at Ottawa. with
wheelbarrows, not with empty pock-.
ets, but wheelbarrows, and wheel-
barrows of the biggest size.
Yet in the face of this daylight
robbery, Mr. Wade, with all his ex-
perience in things Klondike, can see
no remedy. Ile says that tbe Eng-
• lish Canadians are poor miners,
while the Prench-Canadians are the
only ones who keep pace with the
Swedes, the German, and Norsemen
miners from the United States. An
alien labor law enforced in the Yu-
kon, according to Mr. Wade, would
kill the country as dead as a, door
In striking language Dawson City
was painted as in early days, acite'
of shacks and tents, and packing
cases. No glass was available for
Windows, sO bottles were used, set
side by side, and chinked with MOSS,
arid they let in plenty of light.
Another picture was painted -the
Da,wsbn Cit..v of to -day, with an as-
sessment of $12,000,000 in real estate
and personalty. On the Upper Yu-
kon twenty-seven steamers plied,
vanied at $878,000. On the Lower
Yukon thirty-five were busy, valued
at $1,625,000. Outside of Dawson,
and in the immediate vicinity, lay
property assessed for $5,000,000. In
addition to this, 218 miles of roads
and trails had been built by the 0 ov-
eminent, while withie the Fist four
years over ,,,$100, 000,000 had been in-
vested there, within the shadew of
the North Pole.
To -day it is as easy to kgo to Deer -
Tells Ilow Her Baby of Eight
Months Profited by Wise Treat-
Teethieg, time is the critical age in
a child's life. Any slight disorder in
the stomach or bowels at that time
greatly increases the peevishness of
the little one and may hmevn serious
and even fatal results. 1t14 impost
sible to take too great care of your
baby s health during this period, and
no better remedy than Baby's Own
Tablets is known for the minor elle
anents of childhood. Among the mo-
thers who have proved the worth of
this raedicine is Mrs. R. Mellaster,
Cookstown, Ont. Her little baby
girl was suffering from the com-
bined trials of indigestion, constipa-
tion and teething, and the mother's
strength was severely taxed by the
continuous care the child needed. A
box of Baby's Own Tablets, however,
made such an improvement that Mrs.
McMaster is now enthusiastic
their praise. "It gives me great
pleasure to testify to the value of
Baby's Own Tablets," she writes.
"My baby of eight months was much
troubled witb: constipation and in-
digestion and was very ratless at
night. I procured a box of Baby's
Own Tablets, and the results were
so satisfactory that I have not used
any other medicine since. My baby
girl is DOW regular and healthy, and
getting her teeth seems much easier,
and she rests a great deal better.
These Tablets are a great help. to
little ones when teething."
Baby's Own Tablete are guarana
teed to contain no opiate or other
harmful dreg. They produce natural
sleep, because ettten regulate the
stornacht‘nd bowels and comfort the
nerves. They promptly cure such
troubles as colic; - sour stomach, COO.-
stipation, diarrhoea, worms, indiges-
tion and simple fever. They break
up colds, prevent croup and allay
the irritation accompanying the cut-
ting of teeth. Dissolved 441 Nvater,
they can be given with absolute safe-
ty to the youngest infant. Sold by
all druggists, or sent postpaid at
25 cents a box, by addressing the
Dr, Williams Medicine Co, Brock-
ville, Ont. Free sample sent on ap-
plecetion. Mention this paper..
raireolve he tient, wan banning it
, triode the W(9441 ON,Tr. 14419:141(141144
ile9ilet9. but the tsvn
5'91 19114 her Oral ll910r5.
1117 W4449191 euggeet tie a reasorgan
8144.1tiOn that the elowirmtleta
Minn f 0 Youeg Hueband -Don't start out by giving your wife advice,
but bring her home a packet of
Butter Egg,% Potoltrsf Apples at, Produce
.G0=431101400 &Alpaca.
A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link
and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights.
No one slimed expect a
fence to held up of itself
between the posts,
The Frost upright wires
ate large and strong'. The
• rreet helds them
place and emit eupport
• Its own &tare of die
weight. Light tie wires
give so support. !lending to tie
wealieas them and they are apt to
break while the strain is severe,
Rade. t
eV= never breaks.
W rifle far catalogue.
JIRO .7; e WElet.A1112,
THE F.no--T
r"s'2173".:737e,V1.-74.7042„1.-gr.72 3.7
Don't use cheap paint on your s.
Nurse. or the first blast of storm
Ann rain or hot etimmer FUla 'Rakes &
It loot: shabby. ('heap nein: with g
▪ 140 reputotion dear paint,
ie the pianist paha, the oldest rand
bvs*4 known in Cantaila. Made f
Ont pure inateriels-made tight
preeerve your hottee to neve:life-
, to mane it luta.; fresh and
night. Ready for use end sold by
1 dealers at the right price 60
le I ia t 'that goes in palut rretidnet
Beep RS a card and net; for .
&bowing cults of beautiful homes.
A. RAMSAY & SON, Web. 1842 ,A0•1
MONTREAL" Paint Makers
Alieolute Cure for Illet
n :Hos Beer, Dieeeveeed.
no En:write:Met, Havi
Slacceesinlly Proven.
y of the Very Worst and
tier Helpleeei Casem
Solifiddillgi‘, Out., Merch 10.-tSe
ciall.„-Physiehnis and othere 44.
mealy tile treatment mad cure of dis
wee 1341,‘O teett greittly inteiriated i
the eateti of Mr. Wm. Poem it forme
fixing in Strong Towueliip, ;thou
four milee hem here.
Mr. Dome bad Illimmuttient so bat
as to let a %nipple for ;TOM OW W41
mletely cured by Itoters 41 191444
In order to verify the report h
•,491911, 394 eNrNielteeil 1114111 to K3
Itherr, 1910 1911(1 uttele and then ceete
Iteek one tell the nutunfaeturere
eeperitmee. If this dill not Carry 14'
tbe Comelier'. lihanuiare
Arsioelation tithe it tip,
Alt old farmer. three :wore and tett
one day entered the eillage store 4444(1
- 41514454 fOr a pound of brimettaii.
The eterelteeper, a. rather ek ventric
eletraeter. was wont to elioree un-
reetionable /niece for his geed e ow -
Mg to lack of opposition,
After receiving' the hriftie.I.Ine the
farmer tendered a quarter for pay„
mod, and as he melted the teatime,
remarlod that he coeld gee it at
half the price at the nelultholing
market town.
The FlOreiCeeper glared at las cus-
tomer for a seemal, and then eplied:
"Yes. Lei, so you might, solue
day you'll get it for noilatan"
WIIFI4E 1111811 1S SPitleleN.
Tlie Irish language is simian in the
Bahamas among tbe mixed des.eend-
ants of the Hibernian patriots ban-
ished loug ago by Cromwell to the
West Indies. One can occesionail
hear negro sailors in the I.:net-end of
London who cannot speak. a word of
Engels*, talking Irish to the old
Irish apple -women who gather
around the docks.
A celebrated physician asserts that
the increased height and weight of
Britons and Amerieans in the last
half century are thielly due to the
increased consumption of sugar.
In Tartary, Onions, leeks, and gar-
lic are regarded as perfumes. A
Tartar lady will make herself agree-
able by rubbing a piece of freshly -cut
onion on her hands and over her
It may be only a trifling cold, but neg-
lect it and it Will fasten its fangs in your
mega, and you will soon be carried to an
untimely grave. In this country we have
sudden changes and must expect to have
coughs and colds. We cannot avoid them,
but we can effect a cure by using Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the medicine
tbat has never been known to fan in cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and all af-
fections of the throat, lungs and chest.
Since the calendar was refornaecl by
Pope Gregory. no century has begun
on a Wednestlay, a Friday, or a Sun-
day, and the same order of days is
repeated every twenty year.
Mli aid's liniment 1.ornherrnan's Fri rnd
During 1901 1,233 vessels were
launched from British shipbuilding
yards, with a total -tonnage of 1,-
797,675 toes.
"Totally Deaf. -Mrs. S. E. Crandell, Poet
Perry, writes: "I contracted a severe cold
last win tear which resulted in my becoge
hig totally deaf in one ear and partially
so in the other. After trying various
remedies, and consulting several doctors,
without -obtaining any relief, 1 was ad-
vised to try Dr. Thomas, Eplectric Oil. I
warmed the Oil and poured a little of it
nto my ear, and before one-half the bot-
tle was used my hearing was completely
restored. I have heard of other eases of
deafness being cared by the use or this
medicine" -
It is .stated that $44000 bas been
offered for a suite of offices occupy-
ing a prominent corner position in
Ludgate Circue for the day of the
Coronatio4procession, and declined.
• nrt-.;-Wete441
she woe led to the altar at
onett" reined -fed the girl in blue.
r "Led!" repeeted the bride's dearest
t fritetd--"lefil 1 faney you didn't see
'her' She didn't hove to 110
Win% Mu+ started down the itisle yOU
C0W:111'1. have driven her ofi with
Y regiment of cavalry!"
was visited ;at his Witte and the nil
lowing Chested statetumat of the fact
"For four years 1 suffered exern
!ming torture. I was scarcely tn
hour free from pain. The iamb)
commenced 111 my hack where 11 of
ten 274)40444 1141(1 fetal Wintry fOr months
and so intenee 4474499 tbe pain that 3
could not lie down or titlee rest, but
had to sit night And day In a enair
"The pein Nvould then move tt
other parts of my body, and newt
in my lances I wasa tillable to wall
and Cellifined eoliStatIttly to any room
"I was treated by eeveral doctors
and also tried mow medicines with
out receiving any benefit. Almost in
despair I feared 1 would never again
experience the pleasure of being free
from pais.
"Illy attention was at last direct-
ed to some remarkable times of
Ithetunatitan by Dodd's niclney
Palls. I bought a box and began to
use 1119751. I soon round that they
were Itelpitig me a little and so 1
continued the treatment.
"In a. few weeks I was well and
able to go about in work which I
had not been able to do for over
Lour 3'truets'
"Thiss years ago and I have
ot since had the slightest return of
the trouble. I IIONC worked on the
farm steadily ever since and Cave
always felt steong and well.
"I know that Dodd's Kidney Pills
saved my life and restored me to
health and strength.
"I believe they will cure any ca.so
of Rheumatism, for I never knew as
bad a case as my own and they
"I'm getting lonesome," said one
dog to the other. "There are not
enough fleas to lend zest to life, and
the microbes are all camped on
the two cats."
Filinard's LinimeoLls used by Physician,
- The newest matelauutehine manes
660.000 matehes an hour. or 5,280;
e 060 in a worldeg day of eight hours,
A Cure for Itheumat ism. --The intrusion
04 4141141 acid into the blood vet:seta is a
frultail cause of rheumatic trans. Title
irregularity is owing to a deranged and
• unhealthy conditiou of the liver. Any
0110 8444)40474 to this painful enaction will
MO a l'arnielee's Vegetable
Pills. Their action upon ilie kidneys is
, prows:timed ;eel meet beueficial, and by
restoring.lienlilly nation, they correct lin-
e purities in the i tetra.
Ask far Minard.'s mid take no other
In a heavy gale Atlantic WOWS are
sometimes 15 feet from trough to
crest, and their crests 600 feet
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
ID. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o,
Winchester, founded in 1366, is the
oldeet English public school. Etoe,
founded in 1140, comes next in point
of age.
Chicago & North-Western Iley; dur-
ing the months of March and April
$30.00 from Chicago to Helena, But-
te, Anaconda, Ogden and Salt Lake
City; $30.50 Spokane; $33.00 Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, Victor -
144 ind a laige number of other
peinte. Touriet Sleeping Cars daily
to the Pacific Coast. For maps and
particulars apply to nearest ticket
agent or aadress B. II. Bennett, 2
East leing street, Toronto, Ont.
The Academy of Music at New
York is the largest theatre in the
world. It. will seat 4,700 people.
PerOver Sixty Years
Sir-e.Wiest.oweeSecirufso Sveur has been used b7
iniMona of mothere for their children %dale teething.
Psoothes the child. FOrtene thOPMS, talisr Pale Com
wind colic, reviews the etorsaen and 'rowels, anu is the
bestremetay for Diarrluel. Twenty -fire eenta a bottle.
Sold bydruggists throughout the world. Le pure and
oak fur "Mho. sSOOZAINO eerier.'
Coal yields on an average 10.000
feet of gas per ton. The best coal
will yield 17,000 feet.
Keep Millard's Liniment in the Housll
A mixture of white of eggs, cheese
and quicklime will make a. cement
which, when thoroughly dry, will
stand both fire and water.
There never wateand never will be, a
universal panaceaein one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is heir -the very nature
of many curatives being such that were
I be germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
patient -what would relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy formany Mid g,revious ills.
By its gradual and Judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts onleaterea own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spiritsof those
with whom a chronic state of morbid des
pendency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses theough-
out.the veins, strengtheniug the healthy
animal funetione of the system, thereby
making activity a necessaryresult,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased subs cance--resul t, im-
proved appetite. :Northrop Sz Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this Nvnie approaches nearest perfectiou of
aty in the market. All druggists sell it.
A person, with good sightcansee
another 'person's eyes at a distance
,of SO yards..
Stops the Cough ...
rind works off the Cold.
Laxative Ilromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold
in one dee. No Cure. No Pair. Price secants.
Whitewash' made of quicklime 1141(4
Nvood-ashes will destroy moss on
FOR SAL.--Ttuo 2 -revolution Campbell
Presses, bed 4046 Inches. Splendid
ardor. Prior' $1,000 each. Terme easy.
73 West Adelaide St., Tcronto
pARNIS splendid bergaipe. Pend tot
printed lists. -W serEfiN HCAX
rxra yose,n Anan..ponOnn.
Iluntireas Suffer Irani Ulotare anti Min.
fling Wes. 011entlIne telli cure the
worstoasos. Mrs. L., Ltntlaay, says
have doctored elms last August, found
130 relict, nom had a geed night's rest!
till last night. Ono applifmtlon had
marvelous offoet, Rahn ME 111113170011
night% raiiSt. 2E09druggistc, or 011eadIrte;
Coo Toronto. Money refundodif not
Petitions and addresses to the
King, or to members of the Britislt
Houses ot Parliament, if not over
2113 in weight, are exempt from
Messrs. 0. C. Iliclutrds .13 Co.
aentIernen,-After suffering for se-
ven years with inflammatory rheum-
atism, so bad that I was eleven
months confined to any room, and
for two years could not dress myself
without help. Your agent gave me
in May,. '97, and asked me to try it,
Which I did, and was so well pleased
with the a•esults 1. procured more.
Five bottles completely eueed me and
I have had no return of the pain for
eighteen efeonths.
The above facts are well-known to
everybody in this village and neigh-
Yours gratefully, A. DAIRT.
St. Timothee, (Inc., May 16th, 1899.
The 49 missionary societies of the
'United States have 6,110 missionar-
ies. The 42 British maintain -5,-
136 missionaries.
Do Not Delay. -When, through debili-
tated digestive organs-, poison finds- its
way into the blood., the prime consider-
ation is to get, the poison out as rapidly
and as thoroughly as possible. Delay
may inean disaster. -Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills will be found a most valuable
and effective medieine to assail the in-
truder with. They never fail. They go
at once to the seal of the trouble and
work a permanent cure.
A mut turns 112,000 spadends of
earth in digging an aere of ground,
and the soil he has moved :during his
Work Weighs 850 tons: •
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu-
tional remediee. Deafnees is caused by an,
inflamed condition of the mucous lining 04 the
Eustachian Te. When Otis tube s in-,
flamed you have a rumbling sonnd or imper
feet hearing. mud when it is entirely closed
deafness is the result, mud unless the whim -
elation can be taken out and this tube restored
to its normal conditicn, bearing will he de.
s•troyed forever; nine cases out of ten ere
ceused by cetarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the mucous sairtace,.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for anyi
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cot
net be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seine
.or oirculare, free.
P..1. CHENEY Se, CO., Toledo, 0,
• Sold by Dmiggiets. 750.
Hall's Forney Pills are the best.