HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-10, Page 4extter Abronate, Cettas. I.Sandere,,Zaitor and Prop TatIRSD..3.1C, Aim 141 190.t*?.. • ROTES 41N.1.) 00111.3aNTS Mr, Carnegie has endowed 42 librar- ies with the sum of $652,ant Canada figures flans: Victoria a C. $50,000; Berlin, Ont. $15,000; Goderieht Oot, $10,000; London, On te, $10,000; Lindsay, On., $10.000; St. Thomas, Ont., $15,- 000. Int3Olitettekkit in the Dominion of Can -1 ada numbered tnita against 421 in 1001, while liabilities were n3titlitOt32, eona pared with SO.:3.:22 ht year. There was eoneeleeasile haw ate in &teats in the Provinee of Ontario, but a still Larger derreeeei Qoebee, 1 number there WaS little thaw n fisits;sh humble, but the loesee iivere heavier. Only ere dl eletteree wete terortled the other pro% ineee. The one tinanttial failure reported was in Ontario tlf capitaliet, ard not Of a balking „ tution. ItOES IT P.AV TO 1.11-V CIIEAPt A eittespreentely for eonglis aael voids it, all night len sees anent anuething ..:;t2 a GU:, tilt. 'Hoare ••',t'- '1"fere and sidnge:•-aat-••• te,strits of iiiti,s,at ante Icing trenbies, Wiest shell:eau ilea Go to a werssee end 1,%tre reget.eth. if 1:?. ."`•:PAt 2Q.21 len- yea, thee En I, Sril.-E '4•,!•• tent. the etNeee zeta:wily lEast 2^;,. #..1•1•41 inaredue; d Ens all elvtlieed rae, with stserte. in et vt se t Intta .n1 fl-.-, bow traabier otheenve t", t le: sat ;le nerep."' It 111011. 2•2;iy 11.'4', qhgtati:dtt•si. h,• ti$•`110"; IWW .0Ulary r''..111 all see , iktollot ,e; en, ei e, at, ere ei eitols. 4 - • F. 0411k07 Vat t ;L'• '! • :00- 1 11' 7- , 1* • 7:1 11 ••, 0• 0,0k JIENRY ELDER /II P11 1 her was greatly affected with the re- pnblie press stated that a COnlniillee i ception tendered him, ;lad was so bad been epposuted to watt on the re- ., 3 3 • ovex.goase, that it vetts ditratult for him spective eauclidates to aseertaiu their . ta find words to return his thanks .to 'news on prohibition ana eecure writ- ASt t e h 0 h the large attendance for the eoutidence ten pledges te vote in favor of Prohi- gainelected aSu t III platted in him. In addressiug the large bition. Some el the committee had so gathering Mr. Either said that a mons far forgot thele duty aral. attended the ber ebould i constanteney and is sent to Parliament in fact one of them had ectuallv nom - Huron Gonservalive Gonven- . et trosted servant of hie Reform 101leeteti.011 a$ delegates, and Oa at ilensall4 • • Oue a the largeet Conventions ver bald in the Countv limo% was bell iu Heu11;1st Thursday, a full repre- sentation being preseut from every menicipality. At a few minx:tee past two o'clock, the large hall was packed to the doors and the large number could not gain adusiseion. In order to jostice to the wawa. wbo were so dieappointed. an over -flow meetiug should have been held. 3Ir. 3. A. Williams, President of the South therms ttniservative Assoriation occupied the chair and explained the object of the meeting. viz:the selection of a caudidate to contest the tiding at the coming vie:ninth .At the unanimous request of the for that purpose, not tarepresentleitn- heated X, Y. McLean as the Reform self but to work for the interest and candidate. This was an example of welfare of his riding. He shouldafter bow honest some men were and how serving his term, ceme before them they violated truets imposed in them. and base his actions approved and if So far no •committee had consulted he did not receive the honest endorse- him and he had no hesttetion in saying silent of hie party, he should, withdraw that he would railer be defeated than and let some other person be selected, to eign Iledget Wale prepared to Only in this way eau we have a Gov- vote for a I meneures in the House end erument respousible to the people, it his conetituteney 'cm not satinified which placed them iu, power. %Viten with his cote, they should select, some eleetore should lay aside their political toot tae last session, pouticto men who will vote for the best inter- than honest men coned wtite thern, four years, he had attem• pt*. to serve ing wedges. why not siert with w. &intl. puma to the hest Of his MMUS Ross? If be would be re-eleeted, the and how far belted succeeded Ito would win of the people must and will prevail politicians do not do their duty the otheduing r person. Tide was the stand he feelings and vote for hottest men; and teicketers could break pledges faster est of their country. During the last if men weee to be pcinisheci for lawn. - allow them to 'judge, He theo dealt so far as les vote was concerned, with a number of public issues, Ile Mr, EIRaer, in conclusion, nrged pro, tweetten on .. • 40,0,,p.ttuA w..s to lie are. eriitmeditke 1111;t4a.gentent of Ow Agri- per organization and. accepted the -eat" T2,1 • thee Iseving eiders/ to tur't loiloget showing' the It1174‘; nOininatIOn and ebeers, The resident 8888i„„ti,81,;„ DA% 14,,,niusa orysalas;.4"ta,Vfert.SP•eliktja ....sthe,iwaS 44 asked the Convention whether they onee weir the Iltrar andataid sa'ar'"0"I'n -tile 41AM^ '4nun larSuen wns Approved of Ma Either's steed and it looting ;a man a.; their stmokad a:alma the Canadian farmers> in tactaitov.-ledg,.. 1111‘,1 asninsf syeaf ing that we tvere going back in this country instead of adv;tneing and Alittl, WaS sate would Ide led with a far larger majorinta )1'nuttse4 hill* remedied. 34e reeeived the nomination. Tine ressingahother Meeting, he IDryden that in lent; he had the honor of nom- 813/4wia as a Pets°n* when addre6sing was agreed to. Atter pa.ssing the usual resolutions, the Contention broke up with singing "God Save the King" and cheers for sal•.an Led L. -ea tithful to lain stonstitsst- again' 'leknnwledged that beef was 73 in t fte a e¢ uktI3, ir• Take Laxative Tiromo Quinine Tab iseetalile. es/erg-air stool of goad sssorale. 4'414E411 hYfl ritt bYe sll°4`• he lets, All druggiste refuted the Motley 1 CURR 4 POW IN ONG PAY 3c,4 azt. ra,„hr. esants to $1. dearer IA Chieaavh tbau in ,,14 waa aantfaa. thara, ,gssan.rattteel the armere would get la it anis to atm, toe, la V1toe • fore. had stsseth ideeetne iss eennittetting ' atule fIdt` t telr Ptiatinets‘ It.":741-- segussture is on eseeh box. , mt II. Mt, Dee den lend been re- a.u,,at.a " tatieet the 112....,"2V 2111,4id101".. colviog .$1.13i10 itiS eatery every :veer, as 3$ 3 read:a:net Mtn Pe. B. Game ot lathastar Anateldfore. fearoma ot inantartinOnt th"‘ thie antry had heeome tired of the lafe Atyltsvta Wee lreill4 co 14." 1: • y o • ..1" 411, • anei At- .- :0; • • „ • laed . 1:),`" 41.1••,, • Belea eeloe,,,e" ' • 'tee "1 ; .;,4; plerf?• old" le. ,e4;1'..'11)1• II • D. a-. • w•,le e , ItAYta ales eea; ;- th islet-est:sole' with brain end hetet t lethl tit th 021. t-. h rt" thy, 21022.'ufri, 10t4t40-,, t h•• oi I ?;c117,11'. tea ttfre tttt, '11- • tit '-' •°11'• le.• ii- • e o • it io ow to, Wt.: "t3 theee thin:4'e i ...,a,`11 in a wt-ali.aatied law tilt* WA vow. lee etene whieh re -nit' dt'tinttain. &feei:et. sea itin ot leoth 18a. tiJ ioNirritt,. its et 4tttpl‘'10 lAre. '.11, rat It in. It ik 01,4111,..- tei slot n lett ietierthei h 'Whit will Jn the a-y-leiti1 give vie' taans-a a -a Ow awn' siert tee anti keep the tifete;:te. es Al -Ists7,114 thane leeitlia teed ;smite. nests lee..al •, %mash -lest we teteenntenti 4bh,, 09% litiCI% :41 ;,1 ,,/ dik.4. ±i4;4714114 441 s.i• ilk. met Wei:Walled Vienlien s 4111Y.• • I ▪ Will, 4" t.f 1.•esil 'Wee t fume] teekel to Lea ttn Set ireday mein- e ing,`• Jae.Meinstaisie wife asul somas: Ilasts.. Won, were ttepityxiated by seed gas t frets) theh feauttee Sunday eight. t A elms getlf pest intleeent placard's • s stgalest lall pleeer lenultm. Ont., •t was diend-eed by the Itoliee Magistrate, t Sabelleeldnlaybeeneedin anighebyurdng • t 7.4.'apo•Creecieree.abich has been extensively sit use for twenty-four rears: All druggists. AMERICAN PACIPIC C.4.13Y.E. 1 • e; ' "Go 3 ael'ieset tieeletet *;eroliVe to the Partners: irstit,ste.z. 1,1*. . 1 . to a" 1,`,1. le ee ,,en„„ .., lid that Ito believed that thee Waal- aliataa 01, times ;oaf hal aaado autiolf:,:l Mare had been of eansiderable Leavitt d ,- nese ft, ;elide eft ma wiatta.e.a and ! ti the proVittee. lint 811011,Vea iltriV lee - I, at . , !a ..,, ,, k,,,,,,,,, -,.. ,e,,,,,,:e, 1 .2 .,.„. Pilate, 'Mtn Week' paid ftle theie 41-teee ;' 1:‘,e'' 'tit".,1"4 , „ i '4 it . „ ! , gol'i 4 went and travelling eNiaelidec eirtipad ),,I.th,, tip. iinvprnment will item:40ra wane ' edl. i.aa,.;,. (la w „,‘ ‘: yono4 1: ing , a disgraee to any country. Tenly eta*. nue , me q e, , % ii°11,1,.voyvea the wow, 444 them Were petty eleeteart issti it tree settee*, itt. w t . t ere would Ito elveted a fair 4"xami/le '11. l'Inw up111nialaill ' te lth 4 Ls.g.1.1 mli,rity titan ewe. 1:sctiiir iii OW expilltiitUrts wee. The 114. to, .11,, ;,.,, 441 rut t Eng th., tn 4.::,,na 1,, pulp wiltid agreements were an out- enieel ekatea nt in towao to r.e.,.... cv..:1:age. The Valtitirt,, 'without PorisUlting , 01, ohm al *la, Lan rose to his fay: ona , the other nirinhers of flar Lrgislitture e 4fia, „pot, La. Is a jay eaod fallow... ) privately, behind leaked doors, made ..a4 a, ia, ma, of LatZtati.atfilf„,satal 1 age eements with eapitallete, even dttr- . th , t art us..it, aat he was saala ised V sag the filial fitr ihar,r Waein See:Sinn. leek. „ttouil.nwt., sum y Moo in the dying home of the Lees - itenteudebye 3.11mster. Hon. Dryden . . twin seld that we have gest the • , taint mei the energy amouget war farin- I,--is114: V.% if we -could Dela get 8 04:883, ;to wa•il> it alp. He was iti.eA !vented that lb" '1f Inn e• ,a &!ksIgg • .... ; . ef, Hy -eloteld be itteeeired with a fetaing latieou and that Witiitt ey 'were et their test for their eoussary mad 4 .-snatia.- Mr. Mita r steni Ise 'hal be 1W.,111 the cheesier; ,-:".1;;•'11 neat with Mat ratt-:, 4 - si. isal how liar was he profeetrel? Hew tkit 11, sli.,10.ney 0 , z Die a Win WWI Wee ie eel eillee tele..e pr,,,te-;Fed. van/ Was 14,0iil'ont.i.41 tato' :lttez,-4. of this triasi.44F13 a;s1.17r4lig 041. altel Neale °Ma V.' Keen 'Wen Toelav rienericao- write his izsvsettutent in theteetenty, aet o t kaolin eintent keeled:4 int nettle the weritt. _ 3 private natestiter Mr. ft 4--u had - . sialot te tits res patteeed, tett ee ;a tai' Agrieultore he wae t 41- ,1 White tieing a twat itejnet ire Its the tantattaa „eon.; law faataaationyt vomit ry, MP. Either dealt et4Ists. via 34,41 cdt4, g With a few of the expenditswee rot - Amide .Newstead, a welittotdo far- mer, of Waterloo Township, hae' appeared. tie was nrairrted about a month ago, Five stores at Londe - Ont., were Fiera rareat. terienTRO are All tha3 broken lett) aud robbed in ooe night. time Perry Davis' Painkiller needs to etop.a Sick Headache /nilletta beadectie is tee game thing.. Mat people Viet ere stabled to it do aothirig for it until it prostrates them. Tam they only take a dose of physic er an emetic. seed eo it tomes on some again -Just As 40,4e as tilts stemacet is agnia disturbed by the bilious baba of the system. Mrs- Nte,T4od, Goderieh, Ont.t Josepa Cole, lieuo, obi, qeo. W. Pon, enettst vaney, Pa.. end, Vali gee, Vliaat" aleyville, Y, were all subject to it, an have Wontedly testified, as others have ' ilone, that they were permanently cured by ; Ifood's Sarsaparilla". Faithfully taken:013 great suet -1101m cor- „ sects the bilious habit and gives vim and tone to all the vital organs. texCept no substitute/or Heotre Sareapa., No substitute acts like ft, stomachache, even when it is sharp enough to mike a, strong luau gronin. Don't be fooled by imitations. 20e. and 50a - William Peer, of Baits Croseing banged himself in his barn, the result of a (enamel preying on his mind. y FER'RY'S SEEDS Knolm solvn 1Phereber good ereps are gralp. sad everryttere. 4nnagi FREE. D. M. FERRY CP. wsocissor, If you are baying a paig tst semee Qr a fele of etotisesyen are pacalar as to the honesty and repatetien of the merchant, "Foto beeltit ito of moreimportemeetbaaeitber, yet yen let anacks. medical fattire mid ollter humbugs deceive you by tbeir deceptise offers ot sosneteine- for notialeZ, fr•After eelegeefreudel the merle:al see rice yoe 11.4" uonisau doctors are rogues, witereest aIPPe ere blaale• Ii117 101 *kat deneend front thew evidences of their lionesty and resipottaitility as _ lasts. We ba- e Iwo located Detroit ZS Yea1;0 arid Can gl've best et kW* rereretnef• READER_ 4-1troll;131gWatveZnii38...4tVdtZiert aclaellytti any weakness? our 194f Metnod oYsitniene will core xon. 'What itnas donator others it will do for yon. G9FISULTATIOU EE. No matte:. who has treated you, write for an honest opinion free of cliarge, bargee reasonable. (WOKS FR4 Tho Golden Monitor" (il)ustrated), 04 Diesesee of eiien. rfrAio ;Ammo* %saga wiziaous written gionsent. Priviirte, Medicine sent C. C. XX PQriaer5 14074e15. or envelope mver,,tiana cossofteicsetttel. Qeseetiette te,tet and cant QC TrCn. Masse Vgl3ber DRS, KENNEDY ek KERGAI No. 14a (311131.11T ISTREMT. 134.71V.Oir4 ter- -.FrOf tee orate: -a-77e Pennant tatt,- SLia CIZSI Paa nt. No odor. rt7;33. Ce4 3v:47w:sr% , eae..eeeeeleee •,1%, P anti t. cost U. !",1 'r F- -•LI '2-1 t7;". r, •"•- "." • • •• C: .r.44 -S,•11 9 '.:.,•••••ww,.. • A00.,www • 0. ,+"•"" aMFIly Cal waas fettreentieel ttliS latere they laid thatil letfore the Howse wawa -as mat haymow% T1 woke wan and praetically forced their followess „It the „al:taloa:a. tha of; law 'el; to ratify them. Ile sehl be vonsidered th•aoaataa. atm '1„aa'ama As it bis duty to vote Ogaillet these agree - 421' t 'irk...torn organization. wear, as they wen. unreasonable. • le Was mpseetea to attend conventions neer W418 110 reason in giving away a Lis distmt 4ind rop,o,t the prospects, the resources of this Pretence in this taa aa tat, as tetanal /alma was cora gn.slinivreeist;ttsstlhbonepitt&s.stiiillitt:,:neilittgolt,sse, orsaehlte would have no besitat ism itj tytun nett Me. Either will he tecete imam.' of leesening the Lindens of the v.itit a larger majority titan ever. tax payers of the men, who made On- aatiaa 11004 ‘4, under:kb, addres„A tario what it is tisane During the he enneentien at the request of atet last four years he had voted agaiust millions of railway grents and subsi- lutbenen and meeting-. The Major aid he had been perstneillyaequainted dies. Where was the money to come Atli Mr. Mee for a number of yenrs, fom to pay these? To whom were they given? What was the object? laving first met him at the County The Algoma Central received their temeil meetings and had found hint n lie a hard worker. He had been in charter front the railway eounnittee, Toronto a mitaber of times of late and with the distinct understanding that they would not ask them for any aid, ind heard members, different area - ions, say that Mr. Eilber was one of but after the charter was granted the Government gave them 7100 acres of the snost energetic members in the Leg- land for every mile of tbe 225 miles- to isle lure. lie was surprised at the large be built. The note G. W. Ross bad attendance of this convention, which stated on the floor of the House that was a tome indication ot what the re- Clergue did not ask for a dollar of stilt will be at the next election. John Sherritt, 31.P., of North Mid- money but in return would build a.hne diesex, in addressing the tneeting said of steamers for the lakes to carry ore that he had known Mr. Eilber the last from Micbipicoton to Sault Ste Marie. eighteen years, havingsat the largest Clergne (months before Ross made this portion of that time with him at the statement) in addressing the Board of ueil Board of the township of Step - Cots Trade in Toronto, stated that the prate fall he bad sent men to England hen and during that time never knew ions to bring ships over and that they him to shirk lus duty or be inattentive to the good and welfare of the town- would be here at the opening of navi- ship. leTo man in that township had gation. Then again after this land ever worked as Ma Either had. Noth- grant was given by the Government, ing was too much foe him, even at a, Clergue went to Ottawa and got a cash of $431.000, notwithstanding personal loss to himself. Such a titian-subsidyRoss' statement as to what this man imous and enthusiastic convention as this was.a sure indication who would would do. He next dealt with Hon. G. W.Ross' be the member for the next four years for South Huron. visit to Great Britain last summer. He received $7600 a year salary, and if he Mr. Holmested, Barrister of Seaforth, w in a short address congratulated the wanted a visit, be should at least payhis own travelling expenses and then Conservatives of South Almon on hay- presentative as Mr. as Provincial Treasurer, he should not ing sitch a good re Eviolate the rule of Parliament by tak- ilber and had no -hesitation in saying that he would be elected -with a larger ing and receiving more than he was majority than ever. aethorized to do by the Lieutetaut- Mr. Thomas Carling, of Exeter, Governor. This was 'oalytti. sample of thonght there was time for a change. the way the Government dealt withthe public funds. The present Government hadonalived Two liniments's:max.• - its useftiliness. Pledges. had been brok- • en, 1110130 was spentbeyond..all rest - sop, the resources a the conntry •were being enlisted and he thought that, if the opponents to Mr. "Either took one look at the young and old inen in this house to -day they would never face the battle: He, neverthe- less, requested tbem to do thole -duty as men and the result was a• foregone onclusion. • • Mr. Thothas Hayes, of Sea.forth, was pleased to see the large and enthusias- tic meeting. Never in the laistlfy ef Huron did a candidate receive such ' reeept4M and endorsement as Mr. Eit- her received to -clay. ' In -his Opinion it wee only a question of how large the majority would be.. The Oh:Orman- then called on Jler. Enbea the member and ca ndidate, who was received by the hundreds in the hall, by rising to their feet and cheer- ing,for at least .five Militates: Beret Linde to be Loid to tionotalu tehls Year. San Francisco, April 7 --George G. Ward of New York. Vice -President of the Comniertial Calle Company, arrived here yesterday to select a landing place for the projected cable between this coast and the Philippines. While here Mr. Ward v.111 e.onsult with John W. Mackay, President of the company. Mr. Ward said last night: "We are going to build the cable irrespeetive of Con- gressional action. The first link be- tween San Francisco and Honolulu will be -completed by the end of next Octob- er. The cabla will be shipped from Eng- land next July. It has not yet been decided where we will land on this toast. It will be either nt Monterey or this City, probably the latter." THE exartinver nEronTs. BrItish and Canadian. Leve Stock. -Trade Aeteve-wheat reamer. • Monday Evening, ,Aipril 7. The VIsIbie Supple - Apr. 7, 'Oa Apt. 8, '01 Apr. 9, '00 Wheat ... O48,414.000 ;33,800,000 35,412,000 C0T11• I • a 8,7:08,0(10 21,900,000 23,01.1,000 Oats, aaintese 11,309,000 7,474,000 Rye 2,030,000 1,112,000 1,270,000 Barley 1,453,000. 850,000 172,000 Wheat detreased 1,201,000 bush the pilet week; a year ago ft decreased 783,000 lotele Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Receipts of grain were very sight on the street nuirket this morning, only 200 bush- els offering Privee were steadY. . Wbeat-Was steady, 100 bushele of white selling at 78e per bushel. - Oats -Ware steady, 100 bushels selling at 47e per bushel. Ray -Wes steady, two loads selling at $12 to $13.50 per ton .Ter tituothy. Straw --Wes steady, two loade sailing at $3 to ee per ton. , nritish inaeue Markets. London, Apell cattle, Wel ie Md. Sheep end 'lambs, 70 -to Pad. Sue - Plies ehott, trade grin. Mr. Either said that during the last suSion he had received a large nii-Mbet of petitions, asking 'for 'O, Peohibition Ant and pretesting against the Refer - en dorn, whi eh he. had:presented. Be voted three times against the Referen- dum, as he believed it was -iinconstitit, Menai. It was an:tin-British. Undemo- trade and an unjust law, and if estab- Iished as a, precedent in this country Would be an excuse for political • trick- sters to hide behind, He said "what are We elected for?": "What are We paid fee?" 'We shonld settle these q nestioris op the floor of the: House an el if our votesare not approved of by the electors, then they should Make soine other selection. During , the HOS campaign, the _License Vietulars Asso7 ciation of Termite, bad nresented him g - e o e KnittersW THE HOME MONEY MAKER To Work at Their Noires Under the Direction of it Pair la 30 Minutes The GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO. 37 MELINDA ST., TORONTO, To Fill Large Zentraots-Oood Wages Easily Earned. We want a few more workers in this locality; at once) anti in order to secure your co-operation without the dela,y of correspondence; we herewith explain cur full plan in this advertisements The melts simples and the Machine Is easily operated. anti with the Cult's, requirea no teacher. If you wish to join our stair of Workers lot us hear from von fe promptly with the Contract, order form, nr.d .ALWAR.A./04V4, 1.1.1e1;110 %VAIL:, on trirtta*.• It is mare wzn. mittanse, as a gureantee, and 1119 wiilntintt s:crkii, tom v.v.:dira-c, mehttse.lust nr...chine and outfit to begin work at euraele,reld higher .peoa. OUR Etf] Ecili OD OF DOB itZ BUS:U:174'544 'Nee wish to zecure the services or families to do knitting for us in their homes. Our method Is the same as adopted iss EiagIa.ntl. We are the IntrodUcers of this plan and the lamest knitting. coneern in Canada. After long' experience, we have been able to produce an Automatic Machine by which all lauds of seamlessknit- ting Is now done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling anyone ot ordinary Intelligente to quickly learn to do the work from the Instruction Guide. All we require Le that y.e, use the machine accerdIng to directions. The Maclaine being made expressly for this purpose and the operation so simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work. The.arsat demand now is for Bice"ele Stockings. Wood- men's -'..Socks, and Motormen's Mittens, and as we are nn - • to :supply tbe aemand, lave taken this method of ad- vertising for more help- The Jorge export tradeto the North-west Territorlea Belesh Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un- tanned dextrine for our goods, and, witla the combined co- oreeatien of the many families we are employing, together with . the large amount of knitting we are able to turn out, be' Which we save rents, insurance. interest on capital, etc., euebles 115 10 nThiersen any manufacturers of this class of peeds, awl we have sale foe all the knitting we eat: nave oreeed out. Tee price we pay for finished bicycle stockings Is 410.00 per hundred, or at the rate of 10e, per pair; woodmen's snriss, Se, and motormen's mittens, 12c a pair. All other werk in proportion to size. The machine can be operated by any one of a, family, arel at our prices any energetic family should be able to eestala themselves Comfortably, and in time be a source of ireleoeenlent condor t. Cur plan is to send out each machine to beginners vete a greet or stocking partially knitted, and remaining In the machine ready to be continued, and also enougb varn t references as to our honesty and Integrity. we must molt you to do the same, In order that we may lenote with v.Loin we are dealing. We have, in as brief a, manner as poseible. ea:leave:ea to show Nem what our work is, and we &Imp's' roy as t the machine, it is justwhat we represent It to he and will eel- tively do everything we :stains for it, or refl./6 the raaney. Each machine, securely packed with an outlet, is set up for work, thoroughly tested. and a sack o.'stocking parttallY knitted before boxing and shipping. Shoule you deettle to engage with us, it will be neteseary to send us Caela (Ion - tract Order Porrn, properly signed by 3.:011, and at leant eite good reference, together with the remittance. atc•ordinelY, upon receipt of *which we will forward machine and ou,elt ready to commence. Respectfully yours, GLASGOW WOOLLEN C0.5 37 tgielfrida Street, Toroth Our ReferenceS-ExpreSs COmpanies, lianks. or Toronto eansi- loess Mouses. If you wish to examine the machine and see tho rat terial before undertaking the work, you can do co by sending $3.00 as a guarantee of good faith, and to defra.,y expense of shipping, and we will send everything ti •your nearest express company, leaving a balance of twelve dollars to pay the agent and, 25 eents for the return charges on the money to us. We are so frequently and utinecesearily aultee if one can learn to knit without et teacher. We say. 'Yes; it reeee-es no teacher; any person of ordinary intelligence wile cen read the Instruction Guide ean learn to knet s,1 once. ontoman, vorzm $15.00 Cash Contract Orckw Vorrn T.) the Glasgow Woolen Co., 37 Melinda St., Terento. kGentlemen,-I dire to do the work as deeeleeed 'el this nit one pair of sample socks or stockings and a. eirnpl • elvertisement, and enclose $15 to pay fur one _a:ie.-static t and comelet, Tnstruetion Guide, showing; how the work .a tenIttIng Machine, together with material, instructems. to bp dent) (-e) When the samples have have been finished a nil and everything neceesare- for the work, the seine to be sent returned to es satisfactory, we send a quantity of yarn, me whin)) you knit and return likewise when finishto by Express, CTIARGES PREPAID.ed. We It work one way, end our workers pay pis understood and agreed -that any time after I haeo ermay -charges on all done an alarmist ot WOrk equal to the purchase priee. e13, tr•eardniy cdhoenregest.beTlynienwciournke, ahsavwhelghaavetaegvteitdy, 1!:0 F.I.rie.Pi icthaoneci- and wish to , discontinue, that, the Glasgow Woolen Co. . will lake back the machine end onteit, and of:eis (Inducting their sand stitches a minute. We ha,ve many persons new In our expense, refund me the amount paid for same. - 'ereeloy wile can knit from twenty-five to thirty pairs of Fa -ire -or stockires a day, and vehere ihe *time of -0. family • Sender or head of family Cif possible) must seers here: is 'devoted to the work,eyou can readily see that $15.00 or Full name • ' • Penile ner week can be easily armed. •• •• • We furnieb eel- workers all he materiane yarn, etc., 1, 0 aro forniebing the machines only for the exclusive use of CountY • reeler in heeerne a member, Rend us this Corttract Order Nearest Express Office is at free. anti everything* that is necessary fOr the work. We . . . . . .... .Street ,',5`ring to take employment evith us, who must, in ••••• pe -re, ea -teazle signed by them, and at least one good refer- .• , :Prey • &me. ' end renettarice neceetlinglY, to. give us -the- necessary For reterence 1 name the following person: eeeeceeee that the queteittes Of valuable yarn we may send frem eerie to time will not be wasted er mieteppropriated. ietereets are mutual; and this confidence must be es- treeebee we are to succeed. We guarante.e fair dealing elle; prernet elayinelit for work, eo do not ask us to deviate free) onr teems, as we 'cannot make 6, distinction with one nee eot atmibet: besides, we are doing an extensive bust - 1"l) Innst be governed by- business. principles. •• 1•••r) leoerrufareuren price of the machine is $1.5, and noel- tia•riiv will not he sold to any 'others than those who win are to no lreittirie for us. " TP any thre of ter yon commence, and have done an peeeeret of work eneal to the purchase price', and wish to ceeeenenne we, will take back inechine and refund the p.n'''P only. rnroln t raid for same, after deducting cost of our ex- - There is a Large Demand by the Trade for this class 01 work. Our werkers can depend upon it year after year, Pee if You enee.ge with us (whole or spare time we will ITer.n 1,011 supplied with work as long as you do it satisfac- torily for 116 and 'return it promptly. We entrust our work- , -,',welt large quantities of valuable -------------4 ve Be sure' to use this form when spending. your i•rm!t- twice for the machine and outlet, welch you mueo le aid. have signed by at least one good referenes 'Ile proper place. Tear off and reture to us, ,and elee efeee here how much eine yeti Call devote to the wori; ; a:so how ;you wish to be na; weekly, monthly, or as 7,•oe aced in the work. • Send your remittance by Express, Money Order, Pee '" tered Letter, or Post -Office lefoney Order, and we will promptly forward machine; Outfit, and simple sultle f)e doles; the work. This' is the best offer ever macesefor thee, benefit of Canadians who want to work aed maken-eoeeY at home *OTHER COMPANY. • • with a wall tion; wi tit the req nest, that eseel pe tee eeeezreeel E °FP he Should sign it which be refuscid to 4;1111 4110 et Pe.." do. At teniperance convention the„ , •