HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-10, Page 2fliE CROSS YOU HSI BE
Everybody Has Some Vexation or Annoy
anoe or Trial.
mocord112.1 to Act et tee ries:aloe i4 raenta and our knuckles are so firm-
ecatlite44diaileetlidttiittieand'eitnitiretilalleiideeeitiklei b'et ttutt, it seems ais if we could
th4 O4rartancig of Astictanto. eitwora4 ROU) ON pc:at/INTER.
A despatch frem Washington says God comes ;stone.. witb. some thresh-
ioatev. Dr. Talmage preached from ing trouble and beats us loose. We
the following teat :-ISseittle XXviii„ started under the delusion that this
; "Vex' the dtchee a.re not was a, great world. We /earned out
threshed witli a threshing iustru- 'of our geography that it Was so
meat. neither la a, Cksrt whtu
eel rned many thousami miles diameter
alsant uPott ai CumMin. but the and so many utiles in circumference,
eitchoe axe beaten out, with a staff , and WO nsaid. "Oh, my, what a
and the canonize with a rod. ra•ead , world." Trouble came in alter life,
eorit is bruised ettause he will not and this trouble slicedff oone part
taxer be thiresideg ia" •of the world and a inns got to tze a
hliefertunes of various kinds come 'smaller Irtirld and in "nlc sU mut wan with hunger, and 'while toe
upon variellS lIt'OPIO. and iu ail .'inatinlis a lierY insigninc-th hosts of God are cheering their
times the great need of nineteanined world' and it is dePrerlating 43 grean.t Hosanna. vou wili strike
r „pie out or a it solace. ,, the time as a spiritual property. hands of congratulation and etereat
3,,,00k, then. to thie neglected elle- IiTcn lier rent' OIL 74 Per rent' 0°' 'dellieirazice in tine tires. once of tine
gore' of ray text. bonfires on every hill of heaven. anal:
tiOner.1--fatehes. cununiin and corn. !entire` wtirldthas a spat P"ssessinil• !there witi be illuntination every,
cheers were issuing,' front the starve!
ing, dying people on the one elate ,
and from the travel worn end pow-
der blackened soldiers on the other,
right there, in front of the King's
palace, the was such a scene a
handshaking, and embracing and
boisterous toy as woulkt utterly con-
found the pen of the poet and the
And, no wonder, when thee
maciated women, who had
suffered so heroically for Christ's
sake marched out 'from
heir incarceratiort, one wounded
English soldier got up in his
ttigoe and wounds and leaved
against. the wall and threw up his
cap toed shouted, "Tliree cheess
boys, for the brave women!" Yes.
that WAS an exciting scene. But a
Oder and more -triumphant :vette
will it be when you come up into
heaven from the conflicts and in-
carceration of this world, striven-
ing with. the wounds of bonnie.
and thero are those1 • o Id t
throne. On that nught there wall be
There are throe kinds of seed twit, , give teat cents for this world -the
Of the last. ore an know, ma, it may Anotate t my ex ,
tie Well to .state time tue otnen is that Christi.= sorrow is go. l'i etd"'^ t,"lere will be a einoile
,,,,,,,ieee and a
and the cumniin were smell Feeds inf.': to have a stare terminus. ''.11„,e1...erNe" Voniow. Ah. no! 1 f“r-
DINia tho caraway on* tiie chieopeit" , tilte text sena -Breind corn is gl't t 1°I.get• Tinie will ' havo ee
"When thes.o graises or herbs were ti; oruised heranee be win not lan ,"te" of the timeline or of seen. for 1
be tliresinedi their were 6irown on tine ever threshieg it." Bitased be coot Lord (led givetin thou nett,
tioor, and tire woriouen woinid come !Tor that! Idoionai aa -ay, 0 feint "ill theeiti„ shall reign former en441
D 1 1 1 I a ' I 1 El 4 Tura Ova 0 :steel! Item work -er• "ail" Ih"5t, sons and 4141e -ile-
a -
arn 'teat theta until! Una, seed r.oaht be( w5" "`"" 611)°"- *-11e lv53 n111' ers I* the Lord alai Alandginte !
Him to return to earth again for
season, or His sake, that Re might
be further glorified in us here, 1
doubt not but His grace would be
sufficient to enable us to say, "Yes,
Lord, anything, anywhere, for Thee
(On Oor. ix, 9)-
42. And it was knowo throughout
all Joitim, And many believed M the
Thue in these two cases of God
working through Peter one result
was that mauy in each place believed
in the Lerd. in the case of unany
slat ones who desire health and
claim, as they say, the result of the
prayer of faith, there is cam no de-
sire that •others should be led to be -
in the Lord, •or that they them-
selves should live henceforth wholly
for but merely a desire for
their own personal comfort and to
be rid. of their affliction. We tuust
ot sit in judgment upon God, nor
ety we even judge people (Rom. xiv,
I. (Jar. Iv, 5), but 'we may be
perfectly sure that the Judge of all
the earth always does right (xviii,
2d. of Genesis).
43. Ile tarried many days in Jope
P.% with. one Sinum, a. tanner..
Healing the sick or raising the
dead or aimed* tarrying with Simon,
the tanner. God was glorified in
P4t'. e does no wan work so
umeh as Goa, anal there may be
mein fruit when one seems compelled
to live in appitrent Wetness. Doubt-
less the Lord Jesus giorified the Fa-
ther in all the thirty years at Naz-
areth as well as In the few years of
panblic ministry.
•:4 4:4 41 0:4 I It, :4 4 4:4 :.4:4 4: 0:4 04:4 I :4 •,14 ...PI 10
Use the starch that is made espe-
cially for this wdric for tho collars
end cuffs, and mix about a table-
spoonful with a pint of water for
each shirt. It will not need cooking.
'The anioune required will depend
somewhat upon the kind of ehirt, an
old shirt requiring more starch, than
a new one. A level teaspoonful. of
HOW TO HANG WATif• PAPER. box•ax dissolved in tho water will
make the fabrie easy to iron and
In choosing wall paper there ie less
waste in 4 design of small tigure. give ia a. gloss. Wet the boson and
cuffs in water as hot as you can bear
("are sbould be talten in choosing
paper for a leedroom uot to get
pattern. that Would tiro the eye of
:11:r:sev-I:o°inl.imit water one gyp flour
To Make the paste. stir into three
znoistened with cold water ; lete POOL
belTalPeerust,illileg.ceiting first. Two per -
sone will be needed for this, one to
carry the paper and the other to
match and brush down.
A stick made in the shape of
letter I, or a new broom, Is good
carry that paper on.
Observe the same rules as when shape,andtahned slwalrietnnegilyl-dYwitt7i lithnet•
paauering side walls, letting the par
epoos.veroalute down on the wall a little
way at eaeli end Se the border will aro ironed in the same way.
viesone uppermost. Collars and code
With a sharp Pair of scissors trim
the plain edge trout the right elate 1. D. A. ales for ;means to remove
the roll. Draw a Straight line warts. Touching the warts 'hilly
around tbe top of the room, an inch with castor oil is quite eilielent in
( or two less than the width of the many eases.
border from the ceiling. The physician who is careful to see a
! antegireaastairethpeapitt fslradnrt °tier ethinedotoeir; ' iligaetelitilel: fotIrRgeatarsareel otirhoepelriayirt paeunde tl?'
, baseboard. Cut oill this strip and' formed vial be rewarded by a largos
match by agere, and cot Ito lineitY pereen ter() of reroverinee than the one
your hands in. wring as dry as pose
siblei then dip them in the cold,
starch. moving them about until
every thread of linen is wet -with it.
Wring them and roll tightly for half
an hour and they will be ready to
Have your irons as hot, as you,
would for other starehed goods, and
iron the sleeves and body of tbe
shirt first, then the besom and cults,
Prensing end robbing until they are
thoroughly dry to give them the de-
sired polish. Bend the wrist-bande
widtha as required Of the sante who ed ts thteleti regardotee of outer
seimeeted but win% the corn was to vcvt• "4 hink, " "n4
!tc,s, ' "
nrrartmeormit gotomonans.moma TE 11. length. tIniange.
/t0 thre$1n.a WitS tilrOWn the: ellr"tida 1"3 41na°St. 1"til 1" THE sow scum'.
When there is a. waste, it is better Generally Spe4tiing.a /OW tell)pera-
elver. ano tbe. gen, itenoit avant eteett int the organt for the stole irentinilant ent off witlt a sharp Itnife after titre and a rapial pitiFe peelee a, lied
Pielotiorfe Lif
licarei.s to it cart with ireet, earted as; he lies for the trineepetto e Proeese. but af- Paper is 'tong.
wliceite that cart woinot be drawn ter :intik. he wiil pet the beet diegit And Its POdily Vunctiona. contilibuittion. This. indicates a weak -
l the threellitio iloor, and eo ornioforevea
ty the stripe with edges oven. on the part of the heart
tereenniinto tine plio ,
tawris one of the esseutials In a long board or table, and applio thQt It has
the Woe: Wolild be accoutpliehed. i So punch of us ane is wheati
inealthful loomin life. Without i with a whitewash brut*. being, to ilaceheeapotlts•o"rs et; etbell4elta*7)leaTtelirft
the needs of daily existence and o
et111 IA cover the edges well. t +ter the spine. No one has ever
Itittereut Mulls of thresItiing odiwi
fr t- - ll be separeted ' Kean so notch
poen proenetn gine iititne ere wit ae is cited, and tiner.i win te. tee,1‘ Tent ef the Xesson, Aets io., 0. lirriedisies.lti,itu44.1,./ew dayt7, without it n bandling long strips, it is bete. sent why. Vlesters, ae a ride, -are
43. Ooldeu Text, -Acts i ttr to turn tile hOttOM tit WWI) ltAeL. ilamt..,zi. io,to.1 no mei-o danigeroes
threshed wit it a. t iiteaka iug tar- t Manna more need of poinatiatte, They ! ove
34. For Minteette purposes water is our I until hung in Place. %viten it can hu, when plea:eat over the spine then anyi
iteither hi a. cart wheel tiwited aliteit taiver cry in iseatea inereuse they 1 , .
upon tbe efinunito, lent the Stelaia ere heive nothinew to ery :Aetna. There 32. •Itie Came down also to the 'chief "O'ildi 1" hectlre cleanliness. anti i ea„slei.l; dra"11 4"wa again*
o ' where elee.
of the firet meld/ale of Ineadtit; And 1 itang the top of eatin strip even
beeten out with a staid awl the came . are no tt•are of beneavineenot tor you sainas whitit dwelt att leytiala. An excellent toothipowiter is wade
tilin with a ruin Bread cern iii sten bave ;kicker faisnais all artiond Tide is written of Peter es Eze wo hare also MadO a uhr Svenger, with the nue. being careful to match as anions teehreptred chant and pid,
bruieett because he win uot ever he aninea Noce There ;we uo ware pesaid from place to pkuee oh Lis to czwEF iildhat tile reuse of our ae- wthiiiiildganr:illitteell,Yro.oinlatidoiriTeislv F4.eirot713,11 1 oreurnicZ:s1 0Ourr(il wiil'Ittn:.tr-g. re4tilr4.etia lc! drop; threshing it." ' of poviieny becanee eaeli oee sits at ' Wooer's businees feeding and eiming tirities•
My eabieet, in tine first piece, lire King's 1"Ide 4221/. 144.4 hiS °WI) i61. OW t,ideVIR nnt1 the ;ergo (jeer; flow emelt water. on art ill:en:To. Wog hresit having bristles of the rub together. If wintergrovn, is dis.
tcaciv,‘,1 tis that, it is. Ito eettipiinteat , Owlet of ....are-att.:inn end free oecess aisi, 1a-3,7 ; 1 ret, q,„ )1,..-1j, aii in Lei ,tut intlivialual needs in rivilizeil line same length. Always brush down,
to ine , to the wavairobe winerat orineee get . 1 c ei conina-desioneat itlk tZtt In /WA %,, , EW - E1/4 tsataat anti domestie use e de- worths brushing upward causes d.Inkaa5.,;°1111,011(uVeldr:f ss -t
" c.1"1"un"
,,ts4t.i.4, rai,h xii titi 0, tithe its. i„, r4.,4„4 thst Ji,,,s gt xiinieeie pennale mein ids itabite ion! ceionpee ' to wrinkle. Slionld it wrinhice howalt ft h" term chronic erveipeite lkontst
1" WV: USIt'All' (":11AT TnIAL, : i....,-;--. for filial* are' Mk p111•1111141%54as mei ineled with /lei Moe- moat ;mai iias. , It ht satiate -teal Mitt abont . ever. looSen the pallier trout the hotel In jitiotit. ei,kti,s. hit cilta'1;gegi"..‘0.4canu
(Ibi, 01CIWS ;too the CaneOOM Oat (We' in tiO air* anti tie inetairiol exhale- with Potter. wein Wood. doing gosei ''''''' g41"45 4 '141' 5s at re°s"1141111e""Zi154n.ii.,11"ttiliebtOlin:rtililet• Ii4i*tWOcTal raat allelln44tine. iteielulcoan.tantkr;tittit doctor lettartryel 41(tivt'll'irn;
tiniee'hime Shear might, ioide aietir to ' lianas from the reilinen
eg rieer t ed i
lieetinse, eit toe itiiiieetteo ei tn. Odlhoilat„ teat winen to thisie more
tie. cern on wiener teioneed, teoir 04,.. awl :4,0 canote,a, ei,n, toe bete thitio fier two wee nit,it Hite. di 'limited toles of water we add the a and it ran ire VA Olt eatelly,
avid tt that over, tidier- "IMO* avid atil spliatit i'40r the 1,1coett wo willi riovioe Cleat whielt in oritase aalit r4"44411 itt our iOwns and r In Pail)Pring chilinOu wideli ilatitO If rftliee)4421:64)4gitItiorTladsi';ertivsc.ouNst: in
br„?...fAl cern ! We hate onli; '"it'''134. Id/at tt''''' 1"0"'; thrOhnhOr With in Johan neii. let . ae. ell. i t .1bftwa i'Ulik tar tieinatiaetnarinee, for ea,reet, been wilitewaebed the moo earo wato tretittstei thitiid disc,ac,;,s.
tw';'s a• iiirtie Pounded. Inot Mot hea the ileinith of the etereel Gael in it iii Id. We 4%1114tao‘t Nat Veiimo that apo al,':,:liez^..1, fer eitaiinguaiening On -es, for tax eucceed is to ecrape off the white -)t, wimi The expeetoretion from 0
tion aismat iiietroyed," Stan the Q1:0mile lilo, oar .hiszo., 1144.r7o)VO Ilii,i-,Pnrot4I4 naafi of the reateemeel lea law 1""ilidiililho etre alamt 110 gahlon% Per ' Faiilti _finite A garden hoe is good) placuatosla. pativot is quite free ane
cora:. if it had lips. Wordld matter .laloseentis fen or or giiegotee the the Fenno life 060 Ile lieeil. . of the Color of prune ;Mice a very
lheinott Ilene invit regarded nvaeti(sary) 4or %AM ilutTc*e•
APRzi, 13.
oini; ul-to :von lirnow the seaetiii tolier
. n at- Aeotete, dieene , t°14 17-4 rkY competent inutilooritiefi, The To reinovo old paper, wet With hot depraved condition of the reatent it
"441 hale not been as luneli!.IliSittnilli TWO SCVETBIt. Inotellt 'Moo wiade ; wife end naeite egL4tnlittY thelleTt)a-e eariee fronn the ototter attiOied with a whitewatilt indicated, eitaionrii ninty °tour,
-0 nnt .f meb th I Is there not ehol44*f„14 11) thig;luding on Tiat hen ipt 1 1 farlialioose viell. to the 25 to CO rad- i 'letter worli van he cbtne jur the °id ittlitlitelniu e Per:iett who las
ant, gi you „Aare.3.0ii „tool trOt to !NOLO+ pleeter Large in-' takritt, f.,it.4 with !no, zv loos adieu keen the town evapply paper firet takett oft. pinenontorda. is alive etre weetee after
thy Nei. Iwo to four gollionne tirawat freer*. the brtmit 0,nd CeVarn WW1 tin old liable- iu elderly people who have tide
itOlq:44ti 445C I. hilVe ? iS he4--'nat=4"
eee...reni run otere* yet there are to all ;/4"°' Letime odiloseied !dna, anal Mlaming on a faucet. and in cities the (meet of the dieeatua recessintr
Mot who they are the Lord's When a child le hurt the nuotheto
ftVittrito% sil'Itl'entr".0 their 1,arlr.: i° N1'17: ikPt t44 :=itY t41 it. "'Now
diatoiy 11.1. wa9 wiade. for to ite,d Wiavre IntIVelt Wiied ftgr
Christ the right hand of Bine nig 1"irlIwicii• 1 4" "ilY “1""Wit /14°Y
StaliAtert. the
ito-o Mil anal their batik atiemmt iit
s will ("anal PA bettet- • (lad that : path" pt the dory dame compd., reeeh WO gallonns pee inhabitanIlatied Samtehieut into inea
t. WASHING itivaram GonPs.
*1* '1» and there aro no funerate in iii whilt, tl" sinlis whin; II" I'ml'ot''' iiiohate. 511 *1111 eneetienr In the iratt:m body water is nivos. illeveS. tiernPe and troth Well, told
lino houiet. It utay be became they oRs au ow trolahie 'f4 th"' hush of . who.0 ou earth iht w„ot, ttitoot i,...0..,fiar;c to line aviiMiiation of food. to Plage shell downward In a. halting Soap nhould not, be rubbed on
. 41441.,3 wad) ,,..autaith whit,-,. d„e;" tints oreat prouniee, ' Weenies Inas., Mg 1 he med. mod „did, di. and lb.,: *1 1.on oil piereitihnetrio fen:tenon-1 ,', Pan. Rat Over with soit butter. i Shawls or other knitted nat'XIMIt^),
thp,. *And of tio-t Lino Ito Timor ondure for a indlit. hot jot' etimei redeemed ones ore hew to made mei' air life gartietaisee, au found in blood, , toonolt with salt. and pepper; ttoti hut A good lather should, he wade ot
3U t)(.* Te the 1aatt's etiro, You ate 'tilt in the 3°°"°°g^.. V" inar,,l; greetfitet Initinate , mill in all oeeretion% and esetto; bah° tnowto until done. Thiel nuay i goap and WOrtn...410t. hot de* and
but little pounded lienetten you ure wave', Sour Poeket Ineettearehoe 35, Anti dit nthat dwelt ot 4 11,14 iiim,, Tile walee in the wood is iho to tieraped front the then and numbed, the artitiles pressed allo• Hp4epiteo in
bro Lath, o* 11 end AO lireneel aud signore; wet with Weirs on Fouth ;eel Karon nem hint and 'meted ito e:Irrioc for the bodyre washi,3 aud iS N-er.)7 delieious tetten with but- this till they are clean. They ehould,
greetal beeame ;•I!i, i9 the It•St 111;t31, ' riall Pillow. lest eon o is
will gn't the t„
irti . i
' fining in its fitment all Gut, le wante; ter tine same as lathed potatoes. he well rinsed in etiveral waters et
of the harvest. The beft fti tiW “t"h1".V SOIT4n0eNS. They wini 714. 1,„Nt ,„w tha Lit II, lamtiaii.,,ed for tho support and weli.beiog of nailed hiquitSho•Parte, ecrape and'o ill 0 Sante tonperature as the snide.
threshing matiitinT is atecordieg to weor 14! *414 Yon will wan' white:: of Aou..us go, tweed he iitilitoan intO mote part. in this Ofi34*, Of eitrrier eat in neat PkeVS for eerving. Coot:, When the water bas been iiressed wit
briette uouritthuiput, ot ILIUM Winder. bet, not. until, it. falls!as far as possible. let tho shawl lie
the vane!, of t!*' =at)). if yon hate *','3i1 .t'. i'"r thew* 1"hos 144r ,;1'.°41 1 that Many Wutdd thus he It'd to) ttsrui it 84/1° "47
n„t teen thoeheit iii W.% porbars You Will Nay: "Is it plead& that Ito *h144 *'*4P 41.1,.iiteti ,4...,I too for titilittion to the tin ;nog but. also Car• 1 to Piege°• 311.°111 COralfilY4 t'CnSnO,g in a heap on a elean cloth to drth
end ie mit ti, twee', if1 um hereo IS thri heOreal Ant His worp. vamp = wato materiaba. Too 111'
1,0 tt es ' " •
bigh anal holy and grate:eine privile
ego to traet the Lord for the body
as well UN OP soul, 1 aimed too-
paildie with those who congenial all
drugs and doctors to the thrtii. nor
con I bellow that luetitin in this
mortal body is 111.0r0 impie taint than
gloritiviug Clod.
84, 87. Now there wee at. joPint
Certain diSCii/h! Itttrarqi Tithitha.
itoo hate not been inch thatiet, or; 110ire nOW 1 Witi i*.' or 410
tro9ts:0, perhaps It is tweake,. atwttaratc; wrong? Ant 1 so welt
is going to be a, very small , that, 1 will mai? again: he inedio
When there aro plenty of blecitherriee " Are these roballatnottshiPS 50firm'
Get gatherers gti ont with large Nee. thod Oen' will UeVer again he brae`
Lei,. but wben tho drought has al -den? that Mary" Is that John?
leo a consumed the fruit. thou a' in thilt ulY lilted one 1 Pld
(mart measure will do us well. It. awat" into darkin'es? Pan it be
inok the einnaiiito neon on venni that these am the owes df those who
baud. and the voondiog of lithe with lay 80 Wan and emitenoted in the.
btool.e-: Until he was teken up for . back roma that OW1111 Oiglat
dead, and the jamming eget/let hine;011. how radiant tiwy arct took a
of 4n -iron gates, and the Epheidan !I !aqui How radiaut they are! Witv.
newton how unlike this place is from what I
vociferation, tout the amides
thoinglit, when I It•ft, the world be -
by the painful stocke. and the found-
ering of the Alexandrian corn eldro low. Ministers drew pictures of this
andthe beheading stroke of the Rae land, but, how tame compared with but Gus woman aled what eine could,
man sheriff to bring Pant to his pro-' tile realitiri TheY told 010 00 earth the Lerd tootling through hen In
per development. It was not litmus° that death was sunset. KO. Oni It the midst of her busy life Niekuess
Robert Moffatt and Lady Bethel iS sunrise; Gorgeous sunrise! 1 came. and the enemy, death., was
Thtssen and Frederick Oberlin were see 1IIC light now PurPling ntelainS. pe- rmitted to touch her. and elle one
worse than other people that they and the eloUdS Maine With the day found herself in perfect, health
sifted squash, 2 well beaten eggs, anta an the least. The microscope.
(Tto suffer. It, otos hentuse they coming (I4*.' and in the vigor of at life elm had team> sugar, 1 tablespoon sorghum too, with its revelations of the
wore better. and God wonted to make Then tine gates of hoaven Willt »OrPr known before,) alasmit front the
thorn best. the carefulness or the opened end the entre/toed soul, with body, preeent with the Lord, expe-alieetch Ins long-euriering. molasses. 2 tuns milk, and butter world of the infinitely small. tells to
tine sizo of a walnut. Flavor with how crude, after all, is the most del -
threshing you may always conclude the acuteness and power of the celes- rieucing the gain of thoee vrho enter To gat ateenstomed to evil is to ba,.
THE VALUE OP THE GRAIN. tial vieion, will look thousands of upon the "very far better." See IT team assimilated in it. crust. This amount will make two int
giuger cinnamon, and bake in one kaetiet g Vote aseparnso. wihnedreecoduiwyemv.
miles flown upon the bennered pro -one. v. 8; Pail, a 21, -on, R.V.
Crystallized virtues are apt to be pion
cutting rather than loud.
The frivolity of tashion is the soil
in which corruption flourishes.
When at man wears his Miret*SS With
pride it is often made of pasto.
When prosperity falls on the evil
heart it but nourishes its Weeds.
Tiine will not make the great anate
but ha cannot be made without it.
You may know a manes principles
by the things ho has an interest in.
Not pain but right pleasures is the
best cure for the love of wrong ones.
Put your stembling block where it
belongs and it will become a step-
again even though the hearts ached I
kindness is only intend -
and the tears would. come because ef, cd tor coals of fire it will certainly
the loneliness.
40. But Peter put them. all forth burn your own Angers. •
tie Water UllOwS 4.ccutsulation of
to material and a COUSeqUent
:mime of the bodily drainage sys-
ln 117454,italatin aud energ,y
are' dependent, upon the preeenee of
water in the tissues. Of t 110 (Monti-
ty required teonnented 1(1, about
(118 dailyn greater or teat proper
n -
iois talon in food, from no to 1)0
ceoi. of foods being water: part eat° pans half tell. When risen to
and for thgood *17311011*17311011*17311011 He might bel" iddida frain
MIs',o ten Lott , f4O the wt,
hevera.....tett, ' t0151e tOof the pans it will be ready
e l
pleased, to accomplish 0;441%11 her,' 4'y v.11 "1 al out on to bake.
and in her actite, uelf &toile; life
Goal wus manifeet. Spine only talk
of what they would 410 if they could,
teach piece with salt and PePpee. and r Turn it. anima occasionally to ex-
er with little bite of butter. r Piohte matters. but do not streteh
Squash Bread -Pour 1 eup hot by hanging it up. If thane instrme
ilk ou to 1 cup etewed and sifted Mins he carefully curried ont, the
smiaela told t cop butter. Mgt :demi ought to bo as soft and nutty
sugar SAW teatip0011 milt. Stir all (o; When new.
together nd when lukewarm
east cake und cups ilted flour. add 1
Cuter end let rise. trier night. In
Ike morning Out the light dough w Science Beats No.ture in Those
down with a knifo and fill scalloped Two Organs.
The eye and the ear have long bum
anted as marvels of merhanism,
atoraire of from at pint to a trt Squash Pliddlug.--To 1 pint stow- quite the most wonderful things• 11,
to he taloin each day in the form of ( and silted scions 1 a a pint itch
drinking waiter. cream. 2 Well beaten eggs. 2 table-
-----4------ spoons sugar, and giuger to suit the
GRAIN'S 01 GOLD. taste. Mix well and pour into
puddieg tin which has been lined
True boldness never blusters. with good paste. This is delicious.
most. mea may be known by the serve, tow,
way they use money. Squash Pie -One pint stewed and
Fleeing from responSibility is hid-
ing front reward.
Surfering fails when it does not
the world. Ilut compared with tho
implements of a present, day labor-
atory. the sensitiveness Of ail human
organs seems gross enough. says
rper's agazine. A photographic
plate, cosen:ivied with a telescope will
teal the preemie', of millions of
stars whose light does not affect the
any text teaches us that God ceesiont, a river of sideemeriug ilia MO Lydda being near to Jop- Squash Croquettee-Mix one cup
proportions our trials to what we splendor, and will cry out. pa and the disciples at Joppa, hav- line dry bread crumbs with 2 ceps
can bear -the stall for the inches, "WHO ARE THEY?" mg heard of tho Lord working
the rod for the cuunnin, the iron through Peter at Lydda, they seed
wiled for tbe corn. Sometimes peo- And the angel of God, e n
.t. mding
for him, urging him to etentriuleklei
ple in great trouble say, "Oh, I close i by, will say, 'Do yon
;; to them, which he did, and It soon
know who they are?
can't.bear it 1" But you did bear not' found himself in the midst of a lot
it "No," says the entranced soul, I
it.. 'God would not have sent '' tit weeping widowe. We do not read
cannot guess who they are" h
upon you film had not known that'i'he that they talked of her preeent hate -
you could bear It. You trembled angel will sar "I will toll you, piness and rest from her labors and
and you swooned, but you got then, urno they are. They are
-- - j
through. God will not take from 11.11037 who came out of great tribu-
their oy became of her promotion
your eyes one tear too teeny nor lation, or threshing, and had their to the immediate preeence of her
one sigh too deep nor front your robes washed and made white at vet, I have been inane a time
temples one throb too sharp. The the blood of the lamb."144 homes of mourning where theseb." tvere the topics and there was no do -
I i r
I sto y has no more gratulatory
perplexities of your earthly business sire to have the loved one back
scene than the breaking in of the
have not in them one tangle too ine
if English army upon Lucknow,
tricate. You sometimes feel as
our world were full of bludgeons fly- A few weeks before tn. massacre had
frig haphazard. Oh, no ; they are occurred at Cawnpur, and 260 wo-
threshing instruments that God just mon and children had been put in
suite to your 'case. There is not a a room. Then five professional but -
dollar of had debts on your ledger chers went in and slew them. Then
or it 'disappointment about goods the bodies of the slain were taken
that you expected to go up, but out nod thrown into a well. As
that have gone down, or a swindle the English army' came into
of your business partner, or a, trick Qa.wnpur, they went into the room,
on the part of those who are in the and oh, what a horrible scene!
same kind of merchandise that you Sword strokes on the wall near
are, but God intended to overrule the itoar; showing that the poor
for your immortal laelp. "Oh," you things had cretiched when they died,
say,'"thero is no need talking that and{ they saw also that the floor
way to me. I don't like to be cheat- wad ankle deep in blood. The
ed and outraged." Neither does the soldiers walked on. their heels across
corn like the corn thresher, but after it, lest their shoes be snibmerged
it has been threshed and winnowed of the carnage. And on that
it has a great deal better opinion of floor of blood there were flowing
winnowing mins and corn thlesherS. locks of hair and fragments of
Again, my subject teaches that dresses.
. God keeps trial on us until we. let Out in Lucknow they had heard of
go. The farmer shouts "Whoa i" ea the massacre, and the Women were
his horses as soon as the grain waitieg for the same awful death,
dropped from the stalk. Tie farmer waiting amid anguish untold, wait -
COMM with his fork and tosses up ing in pain and starvation, but
. the straw, and he sees that the waiting heroically when, one, nay,
straw litie let go the grain .a,nd .the Havelock and Outram and Nor -
grain is thoreeughly thteshed. id 'man and Sir David Baird and
God. Smiting rod and turning !wheel Peel,- the heroes of the English air -
both. cease as seon as we let go. We my-imiza, for them! -broke in on
hold on to this world. with its that horrible scene, and while yet
pleasul'ene and riches and emolus
the guns were souuding, and while
and kneeled down and prayed.
So did our Lord in the ease of the
pact . that Peter, as he communed jame--"There's always one puz
ruler's daughter (Mark -
v, 40). I ex -
with God, would inquire as to the aling thingjane-"WMime. bargaina."
will of God in this matter and vibe- whether a 40-centpla
n -"What's that?"
ther it might be for the glory of hy, you never can tell
God to have Dorcas. return to the . te is marked
mortal body for a season. Ito must down from no cents or up ' from 48,
have received some assurance from tor the scientific variety.
God as to His will, for, turning to lady, meeting a
the body and calling her name,' she beggar ta rags, gave him her
An aristocratic
opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter, saying! "Here is My' adOress, If
she sat up. - you will call at any time you can
41. And he gave her his hood and
have seme of my hensband's left -off
lifted her up and when he had called elothes." ' A few days later she saw
the saints and Widows presented her the poor fellow again in the street.
alsivae., Doi.etts came baek from the ,yeoteuh", tLirdicatisocumntot,t come as I told
rest and the glory- to sojourn again i ern, this .is Wed -
others, and the selfish eeceivees Of nesday, and oat your card it says:
her : labors wore doubtless glad to 'At Home on Thursdeyed
An admiral displays his flag at the
in. a neeetal body for the good of
Isiaavebettt at
to wghoteesledi
ltittalga lditw
n for atshteolii,. infoiirobArturete,;li; a Vice-edmirat at the
Jesus' sake (IL Cor. iv, 11), not for ilelien tructt(i l'Par--"11111:11' at th°
their sakes. Should we find ourselves • Hee---,"I love you better than My
suddenly, in ' His presence and in the life." Shii-" Considet:Ing the, ilie
enjoyment of all that can be enjoyed you lead. T cannot eity that I am
apart from the body and be skedT by
gle octave. towards the Middle.
SOandf5. rrOlti the ultra violet to
the lowest reaches of the spectrum
stewed and sifted squash, add I well is a range of some nine octaves on
beaten egg, and peppet- mut salt to light vibrations, of which, save fot
taste. Form into croquettes or our new inechanicalteenses, we should
small cakes, dip in beaten egg, then never have been ronecious of but me.
The ear hears little of what is go-
ing on aromul us. By Means of at
microphone the tread of a fly
sounds like the tramp of ceeentry.
Our heat sense Is very vague; W6
need a variation of at least one-liftla
of a degree on a thermometer to re-
alize any difference -in temperature.
Prof. Langley's little bolometer will
note the difference of a millionth
part of a degree. It is 200,000 time*
as sensitive as our skin.
in bread or cracker crumbs, and fry
in smoking hot Oil or fat serve
very hot
To bo able to laimder white shirts
properly is am accomplishment that
will be found very convenient, es-
pecially if one is on a farm several
miles from it laundry. The washing
is fully as imptotarit as the ironing,
for if they ceime from Gm line.
streaked and diegy, no =omit of
starch or polish will make them look
well. Some housewives save the
shirts separate from other white
clothes until they have about 'a
dozen of them, then wash them -hy
themselves. Others wash them with
the fine white clothes on the regular
wash day, and both plans have their
advantages. Let them soak all
eight in deer water. A washing ma-
chiee may be used or not as you
prefer but whatever methods are
employed, a few points aro essential
to success. Use soft water if you
have it, diseolve e little powdered
borax in it, and use enough good
latunday soap to remove the dirt.
This will leave them beautifully
white and elean; Scald ten or fifteen
mioutes in gated stole then rinse
through two waters, adding a tittle
bluing to the Second„ and, hang them
on the line Man dry.
TWO ironing boards are needed for
shirt*, a large one covered with
three or four thicanesses of old
blankets, then with White naislin,
both being fastened securely to the
under side, and a board cut a. little
Lerner than a shirt bosom and coy-
Take a strap that will readein
around the cow's body and a pie. it
of board about 6 -inches equate:,
Taek to the board two pieces of
leather so as to make two loops.
Put the strap around the cow's body
forward al the, udder ana through
the loops on the board, letting the
board coma cigoinSt her flauk on the
sine you sit to milk. She can't kick
forward. Let her step around for a
few minutes, then it down to
Tae device is very simple and easily
put on and after three or four times
trying, the cow will give 110 111018
The rural postman of Prance is go-
ing to be not only a letter -carrier,
but a walking post -office. The rural,
population will henceforward be,
able to obtain froni the postmen on
their rounds postal orders, ete., and,
ntay also hand them money for de-,
posit in the savings banks, thus
avoiding the trouble of going to the
nearest post office for these pups,
erect in the same way as the first, POC'.