HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-3, Page 8SPRIG GOODS!1 Spring is here and we areshciSvitng the newest deeigns in Sl.[ fl CGS, COATINGS and P % TINGS. 5 t re.asotnahle priees. Haeye just rere>ived I. 3litedaell"s new Fashion :Plate for the present ,eeasoan. i1enee I eau give you the leanest eats f.1r spring end streamer, t, T 1V A i Merehant Tatilon. site ()C.A.', DOINGS. Lest weeaekthe f ehle verelovl:itag green, The woods with bird's song did ring, Bin Father Winters aetunued once more. And sits in the lap of Miss Spring. Our own spring puet le very sick, He's got :a bed celled ie ,hie head, While the ail(; weather prophet looks v'"ery eeeive, *,I to►lod a a,ar r.+' be etYi(d, , ,,w,..F� -.. .,..Masix,.� ,. .wise . IWeer heal,, gWith Y. 'PZcO•Y fit tin k riatufa a t giv;:ee lRi? as. Stewart's, „1 e•1:*bread Baur, Hasa faea tla(e aas- t"aplisle votive i mtvaentiean at 1l iaeli 'time woe steatite,' tide town eveulal leaven 1:4 4 a h it..afeea Some peed,. are horn ignorant. Others is ivy fait •n in leave. eNiue la hue Leen viea•y-,ntwitlik esom e or4ier b'e,n.slitiireeeftiilnitvito. **Tiller. it.tht,se. room ;it the top" int the t•le'v.ttee*; lenot ilaaaysmiming. Severed groin here aittendeed the Re- form Convention at lieeusatll on Satur- day Iaet. Mr. W 3. Veerect l:tct weak mewed to the house on ,1udn•ew street lately oc- cupied by Hugh 1ieICaay. Air. Artbnt $. Davie has inow'd into the hone on Slineote street. reeeently vacated by i1r. Chile, Ztuefle. Mr. Chris ?;duefle moved Thursday to the house he p►rnehaased on station' street frame lir. Herb Mitchell. It may not be true that all men spring from the monkey. but itissfact that all women spring from mice. Mr. Pterey (`;aims, the popular bar tender :II tbee.Metropolitan, pnrcbasetd .t fine driver in liensall last week, Mr. 'Thee, lie wkins moved with bis family to town this week, occupying the dwelling veva ted by Air. il.l3ishop. F Irruacidehycle is at certain preventa- tive reventLtiva to snout in oats, barley and other seed grain. Sulci by 0. Lutz, Exeter. %Vinan's I,ininrent is a remedy that should he in every household. En- quire about it. Sold by C. Lutz Exe- ter. Munch has verified the old proverb amain by Corning in with the calmness of a Iamb and going out like a. roaring lion. The Rev. C.W. Brown will preach educational sermons at the Centennial Methodist church, London, on Sunday next. During spring work feed your horses English Stock Food it will keep up their strength and condition. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Mr. John.Mclnnes is confined to his bed and in a very low condition,sufier- ing from the effects of blood poisoning in one of his legs. For lame ba^aek and deaaraugements of the kidneys Dix Kidney Pills, are the hest and cheapest in the market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Considerable seeding was done by some of the feimers in this section of the country last week, but it was very abruptly brought to an end Friday. Yesterday was ours, but it is gone. To-merz'ow will be but never is. To- day f is all wec s, ss. Therefore in e thgolden hour of• the present the seeds -are sown whereby the harvest for gocnd.or evil is to be reaped. The•seceend trial of Gerald Sifton on the chase .of murderio,ga his father, Joseph Sefton, at St. Jobns. on June 30, 1900, ivill in all probability begin on the morning of Tuesday, April 8, before His Lordship Chief finstice Fel- conbridge. Mr. Shaffoa•d, Cartoonist, Reciter, Musician, etc., will give an entertain- ment under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of James Street Church, op Tues- day evening, .April 15th. A. pleasant evening is expected. The public cor- dially;iuvited.` Loot for particulars later When ordering flour” be sure and ask for Exeter Star flour for bread making, and insist on having it, don't. be persuaded to take something that is represented tube just as good.. Star flour is for sale by all the leading derid- ers and at the ;mill: Flour and feed delivered to ,all parts of the town. HARVEY BROR. t wna 12tc. the,pouncl for Steel Briggs' hest Mareinoth long Red or Giant Yellow Intermediate mangel. seed. 25c,; the pound package . for Steel Briggs' Royal ;Giant Sugar Beet. Coyne quick as Steak want last long; ;at Srewalt's, The adjourned Kirke ease was again brought op for hearing ou enday last and was dismissed by Magistrates Smell and Gregory. The young lands who stole the tickets at the G. T. R. depot, recently, were taken before magistrate Snell ou Sat- urday last aaed. fined $2.00 each. n3daau Beck, the popular Mayor of London, has donated :S700, which is the aanamnat of leis salary as nnayor, to the. several charitable organizations of the city. The sum is to be divided annong the different organizations, according to the work clone by each body, Everybody should attend the En- tertainment to be given in James street church on Tuesday night, April Stb,by the Epwar•tla League. The pro- gram will be one of the best given foe. uaany years. Admission fee only 10 cents. We wont as crowded house, therefore we cordially invite your at- tendance. Air. W. D. Sanders, of Stephen, who aadvertised seed oats for sale in the SDYOC tTE, says be bus proved the t*tiieaacy of printerre ink to his entire ntisfaetinn. He has disposed of all Ani a oats and could have sold as many more. It its :as Printer's Ink says, Whatever is saleable is edvertiseable. It is tune and ever true that a supply cen create an demand ars surely as a de-- naanal will bring aaboaat ,a supply. if one line zany thins,;, however sample. winch another might want, he ~rill. have no tranble in finding Custowers' proviaded he advertises judiciously incl properly. The voc rU is the prop- er mediaarn. Grafting. 1 ane prepared to do grafting en all khads ot fruit trees. Scions selected Pith t',•are and satisfaction guaranteed. . F Owl%r.7., RECUT. BOa4aQe PtiVilggOS ofti(cneut. General passenger agents, at a recent coufereuee, decided that a. dead mann has the ensue baggage privileges as a live passenger. Recently a funeral party, eonaistvd of five persons, with the rorpee, ranted 000 hounds of be gage, The travellers demanded that one of the trunks he eheeked on the dead man's tieket, but the agent cab. eeeted., When the question was refer- red till the assoriation. it wets ruled that at full fine carpet. ticket e•.uri d the carraaa� b.agg,age privileges as a ticket for ca li%•ee person ---1.19 pounds. R.atte Lizcrere %ei •.\q haat Women Like in ;Bear," 'Whet Veen Like in Women," :and •Ilartili nnedea and Wives," are the titles of 8?.CVIees of very interesting papers by Raiford Pike, the third of which appears in the Cosmopolitan for .April. The same nnuibeer of The C'asnaopoli. tan for April treats of Prince Henry's visit, with a series of beauti- fully printed photographs, under the title of *epi: Clever Emperor and as Con- feder:atinu of Nations." F. Hopinson. Smith, ler,tel Zaugwi1I,13ret Thule ante aend Zhen is u n ettlens are among the oth- er contributors to this number, which is nnusnally goad in fiction. Tr" i, Rvatt memorial Vestry y � A c ' ot( t t ug. Tlw Trivitt• Memorial held their an- nual vestry meeting in the Sunday school kali, on 'Monday: evening The meeting was not largely attended. the weather being very disagveable. The chair was oecnpiecj by the Itector,Rev. J. W. Ten Eyek. The annual state - anent of the wardens was presented, which showed the finances of the church to he quite satlsfactory,rurd the various auxilatries doing a good work and contributing substantial assistance to theehurch wardens. Messrs. Thos. Hawkins and John Knight were again elected (Church Wardens for the ensu- ing year; Mr. Jos. Davis, Vestry Clerk; N. D. Hnrdon and C. H. Sanders, Audi- tors and Mr. E. Elliott, lay delegate to the Synod. Another meeting will be held in two weeks hence, when the oth- er officers will be erected and other business transacted. Dcath of etrs• Kinsman. Very general and deep regret ming- led with surprise is expressed at the death of Ann Hutchinsol.beloved wife of Henry Kinsman, L.D.ti., who died at the family residence, William street, on Monday last at the age of 03 years, 11 months. The deceased had been a sufferer from pernicious anemia for the past three years or more, but her condition was not Of so serious a na- ture as to confine her to her bed until a few days previous to her demise, • when she was taken down and sank .very rapidly until death claimed her. Deceased was athorough Christian and highly esteemed by those who enjoyed her acquaintance. She leaves a grown- up family of five children --two sons and three daughters—besides asorrow- ing husband to mourn the loss of a lov- ing mother and kind wife. The be- reeved relatives have the sympathy of all in their trial of affliction. The fun- eral took place to the Exeter•cennetery yesterday. Of Death o f Tr t Mrs- Canteloa The Clinton New Era of last week thus refers to the death of a former resident -of Exeter:—"Sorrow does not come singly, so it is said, and this was evidenced this week when Mrs. Carte- lou wife of Mr. Harry r - CanWhen, of the Clarendon, passed frons this life to eter- nal blessedness on Wednesdayeafter- noon. Her death was a greatsurprise to even her relatives, as she bad only' been laid` up for about a week. This is a double afftietion for the relativee to hear, a sister of the deceased lady;Mrs. John Pickett, of the Huron Rciad;liav- ing also been called away Saturday. morning. The late Mrs. Cantelon had paid her now deceased sister a visit about a week ago, when she contracted, a cold, which developed into pneuMou-; ia. Owing to her serious condition Mrs. Centelon was not told of her sis- ter's deinise. Thus -two sisters have been called hence within a. week of each other, and both were well known in Clinton and locality, being honored and respected by: every one who had the pleasure of their acquaintance. The late Mrs. Cantelon was kind, and ministered to :many in need Of assts- fiance. Her children will sorely feel the. loss of a loving' mother, and her hus- band an 'affectionate wife; but they ]e aye the consolation that she has gone tm her reward, for she always lived a true Ohristian life, being a. faithful Methodist Deceased wee561 years of age. Foe Ladies, skirts or snits, the steeliest lot of black satin finished eeverf;,cloths that we have seen,F 65e. 85c„ $1, $1,.12' and $1.255, Stewart's. No use talking Stewart is dome A-1otite,d About Us., the wall papers and carpetbusiness.Mitchell: ?lir. John Lerkworth 1 1 p Y Swell p•apere at i5c,,, $e. and 10c. clad {has purchased the Jeaanes' piollea;ty, their 30c, union carpet is a wiener. 1 near the Presbyterian eeaaetery. Price $525, Cottages ter sate. Several brick and frame cottages in Exeter for sale. Apply to John Spa,ok- man. Aressaua>rineaverenticcs Wanted. The undersigned wishes to secure appreutices to learn dresereaaking..Ap ply over:llr. Knights taller shop. -Miss Ane.tvenoese. They're just sweet, That's what the ladies say when they see the lovely new linen grounded. Dimities and Organdies at Stewart's.. 3'1 e.l1tQeet ehe ° Bayfield: Mr. W. G. Johnston held a sale of his stock, etc,. on Tuesdayaand left Thursday for the West. He intends locating near Regina. ' Mr. Robert Walker on Tuesday mov- ed ed bis family to the fare, li►l-,ciy occu- pied by Mr. Weary which he will man- age for AIr. S. H. Smith. Ribbert;' Hugh Colquhoun, one of the most respected of settlers, died on Wednesday afternoon, after a long illness. He was a son of Mr, Thomas Colquhoun, and much sympathy is felt for widow and relatives. Godericlnz An old and well -hums) a 'Thursday ofg Weller. 01 adrieh re shed the way on ran I Thursday in the ere= of 'Simnel age0;1 Leo'kereeeaeiltaeaeataoaSSeaeerltwe Ile was as pumpwaaker by trade and Mrs. John S acknxnarn is mite ill, for many years carried on business at pq the corner of Victoria and Napier Miss Charlotte Sweet spent Easter /streets. in London, - - { Anderson; On Tuesdayevening the hiss Emma I'enha1e spent Easter rn a angel of death entered the home of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen. and Miss Ida Johns left Tuesday to visit claimed their only child, S. little boy :Friends in Clinton. ,about two and a half yearn of age. Mr, A,, .Hastings was in London :.lion- eine baby was sick only as few hours, daa • o business. `� and his death was unexpected, Much 3 n 'sympathy is felt for the bereaved par - business on Tuesday. . Seaforths Mr. W. C'. Papst, who Air, W. W. Taman spent Satnclaay at ibias been iu the stationery and faney his home in Blyth, �gootd:, business from here for over 24 Miss M. Brown visited friends in St.1 roar:, and has one of the finest est•ah Marys over Sunda,'. lishrnents of the kind in this western :,etes, l3, Hean►aan, of London, is tine, conntry, has decided to retire from guest of M. R. Rieke. business, and is selling ont his stock Nr. wileHorton spent a few days with the view of its disposal in the iu Woodstock last week, shortest possible time, Mies Gertie Sheere spent the holidays Payfield Again we aarei eidled to performesa t o u• the d duty f s ec Friar y with friends in a'arl'hrli' the doings of death. This timet w. '.tiss Stella C:i'ig017 is 'Vending, time ehvoniele the death of Donald (`iune-L Easter vaciItion inn Toronto, on, fourth son of onz respected towns - Mr. G. W. Holman and son, of Bay- Ynaan, Mr, Thomas Cameron. Dece•Ys- field; were in torn Sa m:till.. ed, who had been an invalid from in - Mrs. Nelson 1Ceddy spent Baster' fancy, was 18 years old, the immediate with her parents in St. Thomas, cause of death being cony: talsions.. Miss Mary Gilley visited he Strat euderieha Airs. I arryVideau Tues - ford during the l:.astev WM:4w day morning met with a toast tiufov- Alr. and Mrs. E. Treble 'spent Good Friday with friends in Eiinirille. ,hiss Ethel Farmer is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. Mrs. J. Ferguson returned Tuesday loin as visit with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs, Mart. Saalterspent the Easter holidays with friends in :Lvn- don. Mr; .l', It Taman, of Polrner ton' spent Friday here with his brother, W. W. Taman. Mr, C. W. Sanders, of Huron Col- lege, London, spent Good Friday with friends here. Mrs. Thorne, who has been visiting friends in Toranto,return ed boweTnes' day evening. Mrs, Johan Welsh, and son, Charlie, visited friends andrelatives in London during Easter. Mr. A. R. Bobier n'etnrned Tuesday from Ottawa where he had been on 0 liminess trip. Mr. Ross. of Lucas, leas accepted a position as dry -goods clerk, for Mr. E. J. Spackman. :Mrs. Bobier and Miss Knight are this week attending the «'.A.AI. A. convention at London. Mrs. Wm. Male, Huron street, left Wednesday to visit her parents for a month at Eddy'sMills. Mr. Gen. Cud nnore,who has been con- fined to the house through illness for the past week, is recovering. Dr. W. Bell, of Hamilton, formerly of Exeter, attended the funeral of Mrs. H. Kinsman here yesterday. Airs, J.Russell,Exeter North,return- ed Tuesday from Woodstock, where she spent the Easter holiday s. Mrs. John Essery was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. Braund, of Brantford, for the Easter holidays. Mr. G. W. Martin, of the Molsons Bank, spent the Easter holidays in Brantford and elsewhere, returning house Tuesday. Dr. Lutz was in Toronto last week, where he spent m few days with his son, Frank, of Gananoque, returning home Monday. Mr. Geo. T. McKay, of Kippen, and Mr. Duncan McEwen, of Hensel!, were' in town Thursday evening attending a .Masonic meeting, Mrs. G. H. Bissett, and Mrs. 3'. N. Howard and son,Case, were in. London fora few days during the week, the guests of Mrs. A. J. 11IcTavish, Mrs. M. A. Elliott returned to her home in Mitchell on Tuesday of this week, after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson. Mr. A. Wainer, a former resident of this town, who has been confined to his bed for several weeks at his home in Berlin, is reported to be slowly, on the mend. C. H. Sanders, of the Advocate, spent the Easter vacation with Mr. R. N. Creech in Oriel, returning home Monday, accompanied by Mr. Creech, who will spend part of the holidays here. Mrs: T. B. Carling and daughter; Grace, who have been visiting in Te-. ronto, returned home Tuesday. Miss Eva Carling, who accompanied them to that city, will remain until the end of the. week. Mr, Frank Gill left Tuesday morn- ing for Guelph, from which place he will accompany the remains of his mother-in-law, Mrs, Sweetnaan, to Hampton for burials' Be will also visit his sister, Mrs Cowling, of that place, for a few days: Easter :visitors The following persons spent Easter holidays here:—Mr. and Mrs. 1.E. Ben- nett and daughter, Greta, London; W.. A. Westcott, Sarnia; Mr. :Crittenden, Blyth; Warren Ross,Pontiac,Mich:,Mr Brillinger, Mildway; Mr. Geo. Baker, Windsor, Miss May Nelson, London; Mrs. C. Wade, of Sarnia; Mrs.Billings, of Detroit; MissElsie Welsli, London; Mrs. Luke Spearin, of St. Marys; Miss Mabel Follick, St. Marys; Mr. Mervyn Huston, Parkh ill; Master Fred Bawden, London; Miss Annie Weiry,of Buffalo; Mr. Young, Clinton; Wesley Howey, Elora; Wm. Westaway, '.Coron to; Chas. Wes tawny, Brantford; Harvey Dign an, St. Thomas; Percy Wei tawny,London; Mik9 011ie McLaughlin, London. tunaate accident. While attending to her household duties she tripped on a mat and fell (Relocating the right wrist and breaking Uneaten just above. A doctor reduced the fracture, .ind it will 1* some time before :Nina. A, iv.ean will Ata{ able to recover the use of the rnnerulter, Mitchell: :tires, Maag.aret Malcolm. wife of .Mr. Geo. :Malcolm, 13, A., of the Collegiate Inetitutce, Stratford. and fumingly a teacher in the .Mitchell High Sehaal, died on Saturday after an nese of of over a year. Deceased lady W4810%14 wherever she was known, axnel her death will be regretted no- where more than in Mitchell. Sine leaves one Non, Clinton: Previous to his leaving for the Assinihoia territory a, nuniber t:f :Mends and neighbors would not al- lew '4. Weir to leave here without expressing in soma way their regard fur him, and on Monday evening a n number go of div nurii er had himto the � a eouueil chamber wherehe was present- ed with a purse of money accompanied with an address. Goderich: The 1.30 p. m.woy freight on Wednesda: ,when opposite Polley's farm,rnn ugainstand kdled three hots - es, belonging to Mr. Polley, which had strayed onto the track from. the farm. The gate through which the owner passes from one part of his property to the other had been left open, a and the mann had not noticed it, and enter - lug the barn had not seen the animals pass on to the track. Clinton: Only intimate friends of the contracting parties were preseut at a pretty wedding which took place at the residence of ir, Williunn Jones on Wednesday afternoon when his daughter Alla became the bride of Mr. P. L. Hay, of Stratford. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Alex Stewart while Miss Hay, of Detroit, a sister of the groom, assisted the bride, the groomsman being Mr. I Cumin, of Goderich township. Clinton: On Wednesday morning Mrs. Hannah Watterson, of Toronto, was found dead in bed. Heart failure was the cause of death's sudden sum- mons. The deceased, who was in her 67th year, was a former resident of Clinton but about as decade ago took up her abode in the city. Theremains it to the Kings taste, were brought to Clintoe on Thursday and taken to the residence of her sis- ter, Mts. James Houston, from *here the funeral took place on Friday to Taylor's cemetery near Londesboro. Goderich: Mrs. Mary McIver, widow of the late Murdock McIver, passed away Sunday at the ripe old age of 00 years and the remains were interred in CALL .AND INSPECT �t �yy�- Difeitland cemetery on Tuesday. The O V 11 STOCK T. HA�VKINS & SON. The sugar -making season is here. Are you prepared for it: Look 1111 and see if you Slo not want some SAP PAILS, SAP .PANS, SAP SPOUTS. SUGAR KETTLES or anything in that tine. We have everything. ds! Seeds!. We miry a, large and varied supply of the best and garden seeds .that can be procured. Don't run that you get the heat. We sell the Little Giant Seeders, which bands of ever farmer. Tea -"title. and eboicest field: any risk,' but see- 1,1 ee bould be in the Ask to see our stock of uiekle plated tea kettles. Ti: HAWKINS & SON, Successors to kr. Bishop Son. Stexa cat nrand. Ghicage•RoFitttard Hosiery company fieneebs,Suit. Th No. We refer to line No, 1 of Black Cat Hosiery which is the greatest selling line Qn the market. it takes a rattling cod pair of dose to stand the average boy but No. 15 seems to fill the bill -- good yarn, good dye anal goodood iit- mg tells the story. Will wash bet- ter and wear better than any oth- er make, has triple knees and triple heels and thecolor is absolutely fast- Try ast.Tr a pair of this famous brand and ask or No, 15, We are the only agents in town. E. telt SPAOKIVIAN ldeatdgnorteves for the (elflbratvd W. Sandford Iwceady :Heide Clothing Wes. C. Huston, FURNI'TURE&, UNDERTAKING ROOMS, CsibLEY'S BLcOc$. We 1N't1nt to sell 200 ROCKING CHAIRS before spring. See them from50o. up. We can sell you a dandy bed room. set OAK + OUT AND POLISHED, FOR $25.00 All other Furniture, Bed Springs, Mattresses away down. .Do you want that picture framed? We can do We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and can show you something new in design. deceased lady, like her late husbau-id, was born in the Island of Lewis, one of the Scottish groups, and with her family emigrated to Cape Breton 75 years since. In 1854 the family moved to Goderich, where husband and wife died. The deceased leaves four sons. Seaiforth: A quiet house wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. Win. Co on Weds pp, esday, when Miss Mary Copp was united in=marriage to Mr. Samuel Little, of McGregor, Man.. Only the relatives of the happy couple were present. Miss Lovica Westcott was bridesmaid and the groom was suppoated `by Mr.' Chas, Hammett, Mr, and Mrs. Little have gone on a short trip to Walkerton and Carlton Place and will go from there to their new home in the West. Goderich: On Thursdaiv the mortal remains of one who had been for many years a. prominent resident of the town the late James M. Shephard were laid in their last resting place. Death oc- curred rather suddenly on Tuesday, although he had been in precarious health for some om. months with an af- fection of the heart, combined with stomach trouble. For a couple of weeks previous to his death he had been residing at Dr. Hunter's, in or- der that he might be under immediate medical care. Deceased was 61 years of age, and for many,years: carried ou a grocery business in partnership with the late D. -C. Strachan, but retired a, number of years ago. He had served as a nieniberof the town council and at the time of his death was a member of .the Collegiate Institute trustee board and of the municipal board of health. He was rnernlier of the Ma-` soreia,Oraler . and in politics; a strong Liberal." Ile leaves one daughter and two sons, Goderich: W. P. Westoby, has opened a four and proyision store in PROVAN S the store formerly occupied by J. W. OSHAWA Broderick.. FLOUR AND FEED Recognizing The Demand for some- thing Better in flourgoods than those hitherto otferecl,and nniform and regular, not sometimes good, -we have after careful investiga- tion added aline of Pare Manito- ba Flour of extra quality... . This flour is milled by a concern who make a specialty of high grade on- ly, have invested $400,000 in the enterprize, and to -day their goods, are being used by the leading, Bakers of Ontario. We guarantee this flour to make at least 10 loaves more than any low grade flour. Try it.... . Price per bag.. ,... , .. . Price 5 bags Ordinary flours and 4, , .Talenitoba... Fall flour.:....:, ... , Oil Cake Canned Peas 'Coniatoes, Corn 210 10 00 2 00 1 93 1 65 1 75 7e. each Trevethick. 011lliTON & PUIIIIQN ..GENERAL AGENTS FOR.... Proven s Patent Double Acting and Self Reversing Hay Carriers, Fork and Sling. Agents for the Chicago Air Motor. '. r g u ..Plumbing i • Il its. Br';anches: . a Supplies at Russell's Blacksmith shop. P p EXETER, ONTARIO.