HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-3, Page 5- • You Wiet3r For Cuts • Burns • Bruises 7 hl; Crarnps Diarrhoea, All Bowel CoMplairs.tA tThr le ae e; sonly nateand. .;dAH lckiN7adILLER.. Peeler Devise Two sizes, 250. and 50c. • THE Outer Atirocatei publiehed• every Thursday Mewing at the Owe. VIAInTeSTRBET, By the-- _ ADVOCATE Fuel.' SS NO COMPANY TERM Ok" OORSORIPTION, One Dollar per ammo it veld in Advance. $1,5 it not ea pant. ondereetsenenene.tsene. neneeertea. t4..922. No iteper discentinued until ail arrearages are_p_eide Advertieements withoet specified directieue eau be pebliehed AMR ferbia end Charged accordioeey. Liberal diemunt made for traescient adverdsemeate ineerted tor keg periods. Retry eescription of JOU PRINTING tented out in the finest style, and At moderete tetes. Citeenee, money ciads. for Advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made yable Ohas.R. Sanclorg, EDITOR aNet PAO U. EINSUAN,fe.D.S..4.: Pit. A. R. SANS, MAN,. leD.S.,„ Teas,. Dow gredeete oi Terme° Enteeriety. DENTISTS. - Teeth eetreeted. without etty pain, or any bed effect telkeelen }bum% r.19.0k- 1V4.4 sele Maio etreve Exeter. TON . SON (11/3.S. PENI1ST - --- Honer Qtatittete at lenoeta Croiversity anti Ro Colleae of Rental Sergeene et Qatari%. Gradeete et CW4'4451100 et Prosthetic% )*ntiAlso_ s (with honorable mention.) 481.11411111;111, Gold and Vulearaite Oates made in the -neatest manlier poeseble. A perfectly hariodeei aesthetic used for remises extraction et teeth. 021oe tem doer seutll of CatilegUres.store, Exeter T. p. eectetnOttleee MEMBER OP THe Collem of -Pliyeirime and Suverfille Ontario. Phyeletatt, Surgeon told Aecouebear. Ofilee. Paste weed., Oat. ..10;1:1 1). Oalte aro/ Dteldeuce, 294J lee Qeeens Ave.. Landoll Oateinefal attention paid te lIowa, tehee PVtiq 12.et% t,a p. LIU !NG. IIADRISTE.11$.S)UCI Canveyanerre Ceenitleden ete. Meney to teen FAW,49! 443Z . 0:11N1, ewe. lee., IL Demme 17 W. eileelleieN., teavester Elliott 4r. Gled. reale Canister, le:leiter, Netary Peelie Cele tee-m.31%e. Fee. Niamey to loan at letteet rates et Tei gee teree. arect, fluter. :nue tiOneera intowee nnarenern Lletnot Auetioneer ter the eduities of Perth atui Midetesex. o t setae eawnship terherae. Fele? proterely te and temet remonable. Setts Arraneed t Wineheisra, The Molsons Bank (Chertered by Partientent, 193) Paid up Capital., • • • • • • a • .$2.500,01X) Reserve Fund. .. . .. ,2,150,000. React °Mee, Montle:se SAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. GENERAL 1114‘21:konn. Hooey ceivanced to gond Farmers on their awn notes with one or mote endorsees at 7 per cent. per wean. -EXETER BRANCH Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 pen; Sat - native 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A. gene ral banking business transacted elMitEn RATEe allowed for money en Deposits Ueeelpts. Savings Dank at i cents. DtesSeS &Cenuee. /en. Dentine, Solicitor. Menagete CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. Docaboortatmochuivaccococct-co We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our 1311.11 SHORTS. • A quantity of shorts on hand, GRISTING an.d CROPPING ese DONE PROMPTLY. 4. SlititEITZEiR 33efore. AN,. Toon plogploaine, De Great English Remedy. druggists in Canada. Only rell- Sold and recommended by all able medicine discovered. set • ,paekages guaranteed to mire all Orme of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, LesentAl Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, One paekage $1, six, $3. One will pr,ease, six will cure, -Pamphlets teee to any address. •• Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Out. . Woods Phosphodine is soldinExeter by 3. W. Browning and 0. Lutz •Druggists. EXETER • Real Estate Exchange , The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and peoperties negatiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, •_ • Foe Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN end McGill.- WRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms 1141atited. We have purchasers for goocl farna and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO Bavd,en, 0,avid. valuator. , Manager. . , . 'OFFICES; Dickson & Carlin -'e New Week, Exeter. •' """.4"."*.1 SPEEOR BY NES, FAVIC'TT, - AFTER ileVESTICATING VAMPS soteree AFRICA.. You have used all sorts of cough reme. I dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe I pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection, You need son -Whin that will give yo strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION e elseislooPe Olivet% b roBoei* endo Impeetaai Complatette Made -reporter centiact of Some ot the Inhabitants.. London, April 1. -At meeting Com v ned by the Wemeids Liberal Unionist seciation, Mrs. Fawcett, head of the eneissien. wisich recently itiveetigated orieentration camps in South Africa, neve en addrees or, the eesult a the on's work, We. Fawcett eaid t1 frem the pro -Boers they got no help whatever. Skeisad expected esnne -edam* from a body hi Cape Town !eh entice' itself a Committee for the !Relief• a Sufferers front the War. She Jotted this committee, however, extretne- • pro -Leer. They said they were send- nffupX400 worth of thine% every tb to the camps, anti when she esked viat404 of titioga tvere going the ree Irrwas, "We seud. them calico to Wrep r corpees. in." That was ail the eeistance the cominittee rendered. The tenniners of the couneiseieste visited eeeen-oeo of to eeneentrotion cempe <wept that at it Ellealeeth, which ally wee a "stale eanap, and they Tiled altogether in Smith Africa nearly 0.030 mike. Arrired at a cenire they at put a serke a iniestior,s t the supernitendent. then they (fielded into groups. each taking a separate eubjeet, and finally the people were vieited in the tents by Ineividtial eom. issioners. the woman vieited Leiner ask. I 10telt lie irked to interpret for ier VIKA any difficulty aroee about 4ugt:,age, Alt through those vielte not Ingle complaint wee heard ae to tho l'0111111 `t i w voldiers. Neither was cuInnleint Riede es to the treatment tele:nem who we peleeners at St. era, Ceylou. Dern:aide or eleewhere. ' nielaiete ef (entree there were, E07,41e eeenble and ForSO nereneeleable. hingit1 111i.• Pyr,tt In 0.f iesuitan, ratiette vo nut ne nedi eweeteleel tt might .e:ve hem, lenthe, ....edereere bad eirene Inert lielleVed. attl eettink Neve tbe "own- of feel wee le...elevate, owing to the interrdpition of the railway tratilen The venpileddelere :,'Ikra tweed the eet. liTLitil4Fullierttelril4:4.1Vial tea to make be teed of eirento; eleeleve. Deer no- tnen did net. Their it ale Were Wale. evrinelly like?. thee room, woman being trained by a deetor ar a probationer was asked by Lim when vie !mit had a hail. she replied. "TWO FN1TN ago." and she was elan off to baw one at once. In nether •enee a Locr woman seiel, she was not going to (near out a treacle, the rili• nt lap of which might lead to the flood. of her tent. The British had, brought ter there, elle eaid, and they could do lie work. The eainps themselves were by no MORTIS &mai, for there were plenty of gamtri, ete., mid certain Ole - pace cent from the continent, including a lady representing the Queen of nob lend, found the actual conditions very different from what bad been repre- sented. There 'WMa eertnin abuse of the gifts wilt& were distributed. an the ease of the woman who, not adti. ally in want of more elothing, begged for it all the same, afterwards seytug lie wanted to get together a store for the time when she returned to her farm. Mrs. Fatweett spoke in high terms of tile eadincee of the military authotities do MI they could for tile people in to eamps, and said that one Boer IVOlUall declared of our troops, "I wM SFrak. grave."nofthe British until I lie in my g will do this when evelythin else fails. There is 00 doub about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard tough, but to fortify the system against further attacks, if you are I run down or emaciated you should certainly take this ourishing food medicine. dames% DOWNE, TORONTO CANAD _ iltigtIN I 3 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Far F YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell TOW11 Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money F YOU WANT Collections Mule IF YOU WANT Your Lite Insured IF )70U WANT TO Go to the Old Country BY ALLAN LINE PP CASH PAID FOR. FURS. Call at the Undersigned JOHN SPACEMAN, Office over H. Spackman's Hardware. Exeter. 0 04 f7l �/ of Ced Lim' Oil • (Tratioeirek.) For L ng Troubles, • vere Coughs, Colds, Emaciation, dec., dec. Tew systems rem reser:Date pure 011,1net rs oiribleed The D. .e Lee it irpleasent tete digteter e, VJ1 tied you. up; Will ad sone pounds of flesh; bring yen back to health.- •ece. and 01.00 bottles. t • DAVIS ,& LAWRENCE CO., Limited. • A BOY DROWNED. -Lindsay, Mareh M. -Freddie Brown, Aged abou t 8 yea rs, son of FL M, Brown, hotel -keeper, while p/a5ritag neer the river this afternoon, fell in and went over the slide near the dam at the Lindsay •locks, and was drowned. The Jody hes not. ye been retoyered. DPAMOND DYEP, For the Home in Spring- time; In thousands of homes throughout this vast Dominion, mothers and daughters re working merrily and happily with Diamond Dyes. Last year's faded and dingy dresses, skirts, blouses, capes, jackets as well as children's and teen's suits are ,being teansformed into new and handsome gartnents for spring, wear. This bottle dyeing work saves ,seores of dollars an- nruilly to econotnizing Dainties. Sticeess in home dyeing is only As- sured and guaranteed when the Dia- mond Dyes are used. The use of credo, common and imitation package dyes is 0 danger and a source of loss to all wlib unfortunately use them. • Send a Post Card with yoUr addresa If you desire to secure the full range of Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns, The Wells & Richardson Co. Ltd., .200 Mountain - St., Mon trek], PI- Q., • will mail these novel designs free of cost, Parison In Disserace. Philadelphia, March 31. -Lev. Edwin C. Sweetzer, pastor of the Univerealist Church of the Ilessiale has announced tlea.t the vestrymen have peremptorily demanded his • resignation. Vestryman Paret states that when Czolg,oez shot President MeKinley Lev. 31r. Sweetzer offered a fervent prayer for the youth, calling him a "poor, misguided young man." He refused to pray for President McKinley, and declined to hold memorial servieee in honor of President McKinley. The Etruria storied. • London, Marcel 31. ---Au arrival at Queenstown reports sighting on March 2ei the disabled Cunard line steamer Etruria, whieh left rayal, Azores, Mareh 17, for Liverpool. She was in tow of two -Wien, and it steamer was steering. her, The Etruria was making but Dale headway. TEL116111APIX IIREVITIES. A fire at Tukui, Japan, has destroyed 4,000 houses. • The French general eleetion will take place on April 27: The Viceroy of India mweiled the statue of Queen 'Victoria in Calcutta., Fred Brown, a. little son of a Lindsay hotellreeper, felt into the weir and was drowned. It is reportref that the plague in the PUT111113 is ca.:Tying off 70,000 persons every month. .An increase of wages has been grant- ed cotton mill operatives in southern Now Enoland. • • Col. Prior's election 'to the 13ritish ceiumbia Legislature for Victorie has -been protested. • ' LieuteGefieral Sir • Andrew Clarke, Aeent-Ceneral for Victoria, Australia, in Landau, is dead. • •' Gravenhurst ratepayers have carried' the by-law to raise $J5,000 to purchase the electric light pleat. Tweetyetwo men are known to be dead as the result of an explosion in the Nelson unue at Dayton, Tenn. The petition agaiust the election of M. E. Tolton M.P. for North Wel- , lington, was withdrawn at 'Guelph. Services will be held on all the ships of the North Paeifie station to -day in memory of the men of the Condor. At Montreal Mrs. Doris stabbed a letter-eartier named Tetu twice in the neck, but he is expected to recover. The bead of James Quirk, who Was murdered at Brantford, was not interred, but will be preserved for further ex- amination: A' stoi:in at 'Wellsburg, Weat Va.) wrecked •the Franklin M.E. Church, kill- ing two inembers of the copgregatiore and woueding, ,several others including, Pastor Allshouse. R11011E8 EARLY WE. INTERVIVW 'WITH AFRICAN COLLEAGUE. . Alfred Me1ey Telle of the Dlee etevery and rorenase ot the Do Deers. Mine Mr. Rhodes Then Retown 05 tUe "Xermz,r Contract- • New York, Meech 31.---elir, Alfree Atoseley, • ".M.G.,- a former colleagne .0 Ithe late Ceell 'Modes, errionet here to day froze Englend. be au intervier : he gives some bitereeting , history oi Ithodes' early life. : .'hen We irere yotaig," eaid Mr. Moseley, • "end • * r tug on the Kindadiey minion, field el we had to wort; hard for. our itv. •n, if you met Isiat eke loolted iike • oue you would. give a querter to. it Was known then ee the 'young eon- traetere Die tatidento,king„ when b was6101 in Lis teens, to ptentp the wan- ot of the Kimberley minas gave hint the title, nWitea dial I come aerOse Wan drete We were both -smell •eleimnollilers, aed we PK up togethee for eleetion to the Waning Board. We tbeught the =ali- en were likely' to he ewenled l - the linen I eementber • the . e ketie% • as well ne if it were ,yeeterdayeedtholee .... reline against the door, and noel- anserceily eeedienging eliaif with the Miners, who were jeering; him. OWE in On monehs' time the other ion were ut mut ens were in, . 'Oi the four big &lieu:mid mins - lenninerley atthat time. OW D..-. Bee; was tootad upon ae- a hop:lees caee. • TheelAiee arid Aherne were going el. . Most for an old 'mimeThet wee be.: eaueo the sides bad fellett in at tep and the floating, drift of the upper strata was /omen unremunerative. Ceeil Rhoda -es eotlevived the notion of boring through the drift to the etreta benne. • We foreiight was correct. Ti)ea eliursop1if4-rou5 .-lay tame up a$ it w...re lea a pip through solid rat. ulinoWirg he bed a geen thing, Vend ' Melee eed himeelli to Late' up every, elate i%e, eoUld eeet hold on The ;wee at Ida. top wee &Lent fieneteell eleree, leltli the nteene iid wothing then avain eine and without ehit titotd.inery Isrought efteewerle into nee it. was impeeelble for tile entell len.'n 1J1 q:Iiilv thole eleinte downwani, I wae one %Ilea eold eleinte to filtotice.. "They inielot be woetle millioue to. dee'. : • lint Ilhodea quietly, by noentwing and Tay the belief, he he pir. cd, ntereneed to gee the eldef controk tad time det on font the amalgantaiten wideli eke De Leers is the pritteirizi ttetor toelay. :You •ean wain; down wo %Ilene:end feet. but there is no ot the tilatitoelle giving out. Tho oiiiy limit 1 sre is perhaps in one Iran. dred and fifty yeard time Maebinir AU011 tI depth ae will be quite unworkable." SEALS AIM eileavIO, The $t. John's SteamerReturn WM. -Good Catches. St. JOiliti4 I1d., iareh 31. -The eteatuers Aurora. Diana and Iceland, having on board respectively 24,000, 2'2.- 000 and 20.090 eeltle, arrived here this morning. It now seems that the ag- gregate weight of this season's catch Js likely to oppreoeli that of lain ;MT, the seals now caught being heavier than thoee eaught in 191)1. TIM IsIA,ItICET REPORTS, TImaeLlito:1(ite)le.tSpranpei.t.ltele Aiwa 2:00 Wheat ..40,613,0111 .54,749,600 54,e03,0011 t'orn S,78D,ono....",2S7,000 2105133.000 lXtl;tate 3,140,b00 11,136,1100 7 53%010 ri Tel 1.142,I001009 8190 .69101401 Wheat decreased lenil.0011 bush the paer. week; It deereabed 414000 busb it year O. Toronto St. Lawrence Market. There were culy 100 bushels of geese : vultsehiteti.reeelved on the street market this morniug. They s:old at 63e to 4.13leet: per U. -Was steady. 10 loads selling at $12 to. $1.0 per ton tor timothy end eS to$i) per ten for clover. Straw--iteeelpts were nil. Montreal Live Stock. Moutreal, March me -There were about lee head of butchers' cattle, 4 small oalvee nud 14 yearling sheep offered for sale at the East End Abattok to -day. Some 40 or 51) of the butchers put in an appearance, but they scented ineitrereut ;about buying auy beef cattle, and were looking for small sua, or which there were very few on the market. Very few cattle were sold during the early part of the day, the prices rang- ing from klhe to Se per lb. The calves eolti at from 32 to $4 each. Yearling sheep sold at from .1%e to en per lb. There were no spi lug Iambs offered here to -lay. Good livoetsigioicraitli foret thoegseasicid at about Oe per lb, East Reigate Cattle Market. East Buffalo, March 31. -Cattle -Receipts, 3,000 head; steady eor best grades.; °teem lee to •3ee lower; prirae steers, *0.35 to e6,50; good to extra, 35.75 to $0.25; tale to medium, $5.25 to e3.65' choice to extra fat cows, :„t4.50 to $4.80; canners and cora- mons,. 32.50 to 34; mixed butchers`, e4.25 to ea; export bulls, 34.50 to $4.75; good butchers', 33.00 to $4.23; stock and saus- age do, $2.75 to $3.80; milch cows and springers, $35 to 350. Veals-Tops, 37.50 to $7.75. lIogs-Recelpts, 20,400 head ; slow but steady; Yorkers, $6.60 to $6.70; light do, e6.45 to $6.55; mixed packers, ee.75 to. 30.05; choice heavy, 36.00 to 37; pigs, 36.20 to 36.25; roughs, e6.15 to 36.351 stags, 34.25 to $4.73. Sheep and lambs - Receipts, 18.000 head; sheep about steadY; lambs, higher; Webs, ssmo to 36.75; good to chOlee, $6.50 to $6.60; culls to fair, 35.25 to 36.40; sheep, choice hitndy wethers, to 36.10; common to extra razed, 15.10 to 35.75; cuns And emnreon, 33• to 35; heavy export ewes, 85.50 to 35.75. cklerego Live Stock. Chicago, 3,14,treh :Me -cattle -Receipts, 2,- 000; aetive and strong to 100 higher; geed to prime steers, $6.00 to 37.20; poor to me- dium, 34.25 to 36.50; stockers and feeders, 32.50 to $5; cows, 31.25 to 35.75; heifers, f2.50 to 36; eannere, $1.25 to 32.30; bulls, 2.50 to $5.2,3; calves. $2.50 to 35.75; Texas ed steer.% $5.20 to 35.60. flogs -Receipts to -day, 42,000; to -morrow, 80,000; left over, 6,000; 5e to 10e lower; mixed and butchers', 36.40 te 36.00; good to choice heavy, 30•75 to $6.05; rough heavy, 36.40 to $6.60; light, 36.50 to $6.6e; bulk of sales, 36.45 to 36.75. Sheep -Receipts, 14,000; sheep and lembs strong to 100 higher; good.to cheice weth. ers, $5 to '35.50; western sheep, $4,25 to 36; native Iambs, 34.50 to 30.75; western lambs, e5.25 to 36.85. • Leading Wheat Markets. • Closing previous , Cash, Chicago . . New York'... , . , Toledo' . ... . 77 Duluth., 1 hard,.,: 72% Minneepolis . Milwaukee, 2 no 7214 Detroit, 2 red , . 78 St. Louis -------774 day. Closing to -day. May. Cash. May. 711,4 .. 71 77 7714 77 63:), 77 ,3% 664 7111, 71, 78 77% T- 77% 77% 771,e EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED . EACH •WEDNESDAY Wheat Baele, Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag .. Hay, per ten Flour, per cwt., roller.... 75 Butter 10 Eggs . .. .. . .. 'Bides, per 1N lbs 4 DO Live hogs. per owt Dressed 7 00 Shorts per clot 1 05 Bran pee cwt. 80 Clover, Red 4 75 Clover, Alsyke - 7 00 Dried Apples ..... 71 72 47 48 . 37 39 73 75 45 50 00 7 GO 225 17 12 500 5 50 7 00 1 15 100 4 75 25 REASONS WHY SliODIAD SUPPORT THE ONE MILL JECAUS-We pay the farmers cash for their grain anti tliey leave a good share of their money ot ith thepnerehauts of your town. 13E0AVSE -We leave it lame sum in- vested in the milling business of your town. BECAUSE -We eniploy a nn»iler ot livnaeaneisinedacphawy eoei It. good sine in BECAUSE ---We live here an1 help support yam' ebeirehee Und schoole. AUSE-Our getells are eeeond to none mode in the county, our Star Flour will make lietter bread and more bread to the seel . than any other family flout* town. CAL"SE-We leave reduced the price of our goods shore starting busine,ss. AUSE-Our PrineeesErerotehoiee pastry flown has no equal in town, for fine pastry cookie,* Harvey Bros. SU SECTS 10 .f. Cobbbilick and could house. I wa$ e tiai. Tben 1 Hied r arill and it only r.o bones to make me feel aly wall. N. S. Swill - Tire d, tir tired - ? Your blue that's the r t4re living on thi line of nerve ex - n. Take Ayeris parilla and b cured tatbitut: at tonainba 45.nr's 9'10 .0elewo abyst alai:rued f4Zipur 1-.43 adrl.so 4114 - C.7% -o Level). Mese. eiesse..44„, The Jury found a verdict of gnilty in the Caen of A. T. Pent len. a .7,liew York la itereted with dm itotlielre „)3T1-.N,A4 nonlionzat-o. The S THE aniO iee Ore TM; COLD, 7.•t,•,fliav,‘,...1,••.,"...1 it et ne_cd_eee, EGA flifei elideVed. 10 QVIIIi A COLD IN ONE ONY Tenn. r, teetieee. Memo gatilline Tab lots. All druggio' 0 refund the money. If it Celle to mire. 21e. 13. W. Grove, isgnattare is on erelh box. Brakeman Shipworth was killed at Moosedow while coupling, ears Wed. nestlay. evidlltampbreyewentedonQedinsge indtway robber' in t",tytterentve.e61401 r. pinning 41May 1511144 111110 WHILE PARLIMIENT s Inmin, Ottawr People a Marvellous Gum MS! IRO It is a Ileum from Stalling and Death Affected by Paines'CeieryCompound THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. Mr. BROWN SANS; After the Use of Paint's Celery Compound 1 um Now in the Best of Health.° The greatest of modern physicians, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. 1). LL. after years of long practice and close scientific study, gave to suffering and diseased men and women his marvel- lous life.giving prescription, with the conviction and positive knowledge that it had peenliar virtues and ;ample pone ers to cure, after the terrible verdict "incurable" was uttered by the medi- cal practitioner. Thousands of the strongesttestirnon- ials from the best known and most re- liable men and women of our country fully sustain the claims made by Dr. Phelps regarding his ',incomparable Paine's Celery Compound. One of the most convincing proofs font ished, conies recently from agen tie -- man widely known in the Capital city, we refer to Mr. Alfred Brown, 91 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Brown'sletter fnlly demonstrates the fact that the greatest sufferer may cast oft his or her burden of disease and become well, strong and happy. It proves too that the great medicine maintains more firmly than ever before its unrivalled place in the estimation. of people of wealth andsocial standing as well as with the masses. Mr. Brown says: acknowledge with thankf alness and pleasure the fact that I have been cur- ed of a very painful illness of eight years standing by use of Paine's Celery Compound. I had, during the years of my illtlese tried almost all the ad- vertized medicines without deriving any- good results. I was also treated by several of the best doctors of •this city, hoping to find that one of them at least would understand nay case. "I was 'getting worse, and was told I was incurable. I Was indeed in a cent. cal condition. I could not go from the house alone, as I was liable to sudden collapse. 1 tined hospital treatment, but no relief or good results came to me. couldnot sleep; anything that I ate increased my agonies; I was extremely weak, restless tired and despondent; was obliged to walk about with my hands pressed firmly into my left side to ease my pains; my feet and hands were cold continually; had inclination to vomit, bad profuse, cold sweats, quick breathing, and would be racked • with pain for hours at it time. "After the regular use of Paine's Celery Compound for a titne, I am now in the best of health, have good appe- tite and can lee° any kind of food, Thank God I am my old self once more MI through the use of Paine' e QeleeF Compound." Pianos and Orga - AT OPULA.V. PRICES AND EASY TE11IS 011P.M, NEXT. N OS. 'We sill thtk etklebrat'4 0l1U0*i O. Plano (The Art Piano cif Van. the elloiee of Royalty for their r of Canade. 0 want souleth tee elteener we you Pianos, o other nelfeee will lee no diegrece to the meet *out perler. tig nleOleittes, 111 eewing unatlinee eve ten i y the e'wwinneene,; leeenneerd ond WItite tFa needles and enplane. I'd 1 ell meat 095. The le WA. We into our new pre isi's opposlte the Contiil Hotel and now 00fl for hushe*'sli. Our pre. ises are and we gave you ern and up.todate pads and de in the most modern svelte. Personally. . . . Cut Every Garment bars made up at this eArthlitannent -as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are ruoder. ate. 0.146.001[0.1.11, Genes Furnishings . • Come and see us in tnir TIONV place of business and examine our stock of Genes Furnishings Bert,, Knight. Cook's Cotton Boot Compona Is stiecessfully Used monthly by over 10,05DLadieS. Safe, effectual. Ladiee ask your druggist for Crudes donee Root Com. pane. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and. imitations are dangerous. Priee, No. 1, $1.pee box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed ott receipt of price and two letent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. jlay-Nos. 1 and 2 soldand recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada,. No. land N0.2 nre sold hi BYet et* by C. Lutz and J. IV. Btowning, Drug- gists. SHOT IN THE HAND, Chatham, Mareb 31. -On Saturday evening it singular accident befell A.S. Thornton, accountant of the Bank of Commerce. A. W.Laravourithe teller, was in the act of carrying a cash draw- er, when he aceidentally let fall front it a 32 -calibre revolver, The weapon struck the floor, muzzle upward, dis- charging the cartridge then endev the hammer. The ball passed haernlessly by ',armour, htt struek Thornton in the left baud. Grazing the thumb, it passed diagonally through the palin, the bones of the hand providentially escaping injury. Peindlnier,nre is merre of it household reMedy than any other enediciue. It meets the requirements of every home. Cures' cra Trips and dvsen t ery and is the best lin linen t ad e, Avoid s bs finites, tbere is but one Milo:di-eller, Perry *-PilVie'. 25e, and 50e.