HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-3, Page 4vtgr •brocate, ndleas, Te.Sanclers.Zelitoe and Peop THURSDAY, Apr 3, 1902 OKI WIZAT 4 PRRFRRENCR Last near the rate a duty on o.11 Voiteki. States goods imported into Commie was 12,5 per cent, owl tbe duty on all Brsh goods was 18,2 per cent. The ditty 4utiable imports from. the 'Vatted States was 24.83 per cent., and the duty on dintiable imports from Great Brititio 24,74 pee cent. The pre, fenonce in favor of Great Britain is conseweently only seven-one.bund- tbs a one per cent. The result was that last year trade with Great Britain deereased SI,715,409, while from the United States, exclusive a coin and, bullion, we impoeted $1,702,733 wortb, UW re weds then ever before. At the eaule time, eeelusive of coin au d bnle onr exemrts to the United Stites were S6t32.150 lees Olen in MO. The Rain a the United States over the Motherland in Canadian markets as Tear W4S $10.76°,7481. And this is the kind preferenee that the Liberal supports. tIFFOMAPP100",IMRSOMWIFrop C4N44.0.4 S/JOj,j 2W FIRST. Bob Noreis, of neer Steffa, leas taken) a sit with J., Hobkirle as blacksm- Fraucis Essery left for Manitoba lest wee. -James XoLean, who has been visiting bere, left for his home near the Portage, Arita, lust wee. -Will Peart left for the West last week, Be WAS taitell up land out there wee in tends settling ou 0.--Sendy Bos,senbeeree who bee been Welting friends in Lids sectien, lefe lest wee rlate hem@ io the West. ---Meners, James Petty, Geo. '1),..ott Awl Geo. Jot Um arranging to go to the ow_ Country t$ Miss Spoobl, wbo hes beeo visiting with ber sister. Mrs. Youghtut, for some daye, left Wednesday for her bone to Auburn,- W. H, Beek. and Oaughter, ani7, arriWed berefrom the lieeet Wednesday morning, after an absence of 0. ye er awl a bait -hire. R., Dengongli, who bee been 4etionsly 11 with Ontlannuation, is recovering. - Mrs. Webber. who bas been ou a visit to her son, Waiter Leueaster, left for her bonne in London, Eng, lost week. -La et week Ade Jobnston, who has been in the employ of j. Uobkirk tor about two years. and Earn. Carlish. SO n of R. Carlisleof the 2nd eos.. left for Manitelet. The former __vines to Brudonand tle he tter to 'Winnipeg., Quite a wunber t the frieteds of the young men were at the station to bid tbenn farewell. They Will both be nines - ed frenn the yeumg people's societies of the Methodist and Carmel clearelneso- 11.jiteobi and wife movea out antik tht4 farm he recently purchased near Otis- elhurst-Mr, John Jaeksonbas moved with Ids family onto the owoperty he oThe development a Callasin bas recentlyepurchased front James John, been entrusted to es., arid we certainly 5._gi.in, 1,..it htelnagernille.--aeoene Ce'eCeMS- ShOtifil not be true to out' duty if we did ill'ITX:(4:,trupwItgrbeleswil4cr,sme fnael:tuw I not seek if, develop tide eonntrY along 1 011110St adjoins it, foe a handsome ild the lines of manufacturing inditstriee ure. Mr. Fee gets iinmediate posees. 4swU along the lines of agrietiltitral sion mei will start at onee to wort hie new propertv.-Mr. Fred Ilowald was nalastries,we eausidered that the resonrces of thie country Jostified ute in (Mug so. We know that the re - :entrees of this country do enstify us in defuse eq. We now that we possess the meter:al far carrFingo =Woe. t ming hid atetri es to an ex ten, posseseed lodeeve, other countries in the world. r end say we waled net he true to ours ;14,1:,;".hr14-=ee"stk:tnurtyS'llotitehlutIfniselrisn elvee, If we do niet eeek to wietil our- etanderd nearer for the Kilian' pro - selves of throe materlth which are vinciel donde% Tbe choice fell on M. eloee•te One hands. and eeek to build If Y• 31°I493). ex -4 P.' i't Sedfmtb* up 4;4 this teckr cat only an agt,frui.e.,.1 the only mime brought forward in eau. "eve vention. Me, 31chean tweepted the U pteduetiou, hat o niautifacturing nomination. Resit/intim of:condolence predeetion as well. Our interests utast with Go W. Roe% in hie late bereave - sometimes giro way to impeelal inter- ests; hot any system or palley which closes onr factories.eatree8 our maehin- ealled to Zur)ch last week, owing to the serious Melees otitis brothen-elies Croyeriale and Mise Jobostowe are at- tending tbe minted meeting of W. A. M. A. of the Pose of Boron at Lon- dou this weele-Miss Martha Kluges is visiting friende in Loteloa this week the guest of the 3lisses NI. Y. 31eLnsee RoxoettonTem.-A Uaspass9d. -ewe Centralia ery and plea to lie idle. and send our lZeet. feel r, ytitta s been in a veer operatives to the United Stetes is not fled to6 fakeer e°0wIlio t T4erds:yinteuotrur a9t. a poRey width is advantageous to Cau- the age of $0 yeaes,....ese, Elijah ne, da or the empire, merely because it well vent Eestee.Sunday in Loudon. a5 inerease to some manufactur- at the house of Miss Salton. --Mr. Wm. gives in* industny in Great Britain, Our policy should be, in the !lest place, to conserve our own interests; whin the next Owe, as between our eotnpeth tors, British rmd foreign, our policy should be to give to the manufacturers Oak spent Sunday in Londims Mete liandfortt Exeter.is the guest of her aunt. Mrs, James flandford.- Mre. Wne Mitchell. of Heiman attend- ed the funeral of Miss Dorthy Tueeday.---Miss Smith, our dressmak- er, 15 busy. We wish NT tinCeaSS.- ring has met with an April teen of the, mother country ie preference T e flue weather we had the pastweek over those of other countries..e_mr.R. I or two bus been changed ham agnin to L. winter. ---Many farmers were buss- last Bordon, leader of the Conservative party, in bis deelatutiou ttf the Con- servative .0111•11,01111•10011101.1111101011.101.1011101111, Sriir Senoonleneortes-Pollowingare the names of the pupils who were suecess- ful at the Easter Promotion Examine, tions. ir. Wee) Yae- ger,Mabel Clark, Sr, III. to Sr. IV.- Elgin Arne', it Morlock, Ezra Wein Wm. Roeszler, IL Stuith. Sr, 111. to Se. JAL -Wilber Morloek, A.Smith, Yndred Either, D. Kestle, W. Wein. Sr. IL to Jr. UL-Merner Eilber, D. Schwartz a Dietreich, W. Preszca- tor, Minnie Kestle. Parents starting children to school will kindly see that all such aye 111 attendance immediately afterholidays. ILW-May, Teacher. ClaudebOye, STEM/MI-A very pleasant event took place at the bonne of Mrs., Ella Sanders, on Thursday afternoon last, when she was united in marriage to Mr. Jahez illson, a prosperous farmer near Whalen. The ceremony was per- formed by the groom's brother, Rev. W. E. Millson, of Geste), in the presence of only a few of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The happy couple took the evening train amid showers of rice for a honey -moon trip to Michigan and on their return will reside on Mr. Millson's farm near Whal- en. We extend congratulations to the happy couple. ' Ca Iliventy SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is tete report ofeS.S. N. 5, for the month of March. V. -Cora Short, Josephine Coughlin. Sr. IV. -Rose Lightfoot, May McGroty, Edward Faulder, Leo Coughlin. Sr. IV. -Pearl Short,Janet Maguire, Nellie Lewis, Erwin Scott, III. -Alice Wilson, Arnold Coughlin, .Adeline Hoffiraten, Adrian Coughlin, Raymond Coughlin, Mabel Lightfoot. Sr. IL -Clara Lewis, Edward. Jones, Fred 'Lewis, Chester Morley, Aron Scott, Eliza Hodgins. Jr. II. -Violet Short, Ella Hodgins, Willie Maguire. Part II.--Philomene geugl3lin„ Lorne Sholdice. Alex A. Prence, Teacher. Eden Some of our farmers commenced' seeding last week, but a change in thg ,weather has put a stop to itfor a while. -Mrs. T. Coates is visiting relatives and friends in London. --Mr. Ernest Buswell, of Exeter, spent Sunday with his parents here. -Mrs. John Harmer is visiting her daughter in London. - Master Roy Luxton, who has been sick with inflammation of the lungs, is re- covering. -Mr. Will Coates visited Ins brother Charles, of Pontiac, Mich., over Easter. -Mr. J. Lovey, of Grand Bend, ' is engaged with Mr. Wrn. Caves for the summer. -Mr.J ohtil.amton and sisters, Minnie and Clara, visited their cousins in Hibbert on Good Friday. -Our school is closed for Easter and the teacher is enjoying his well earned holidays. Oudgyiela tp: Mr. Harry Weston, of `cUri, 6, has leased Mr. Simmons' farm Oil the Bayfield line for a term of three years. week seediug.-Among the Easter itors were Miss AhhottMiss Berth= and P. W. Brown from London, -The League anniversary will he held on Sunday, April Oth, Mr. Giffmel, of Clinton, will preacb both morningand evening. On Monday night the ladies of the League will give a maple swap end bus SaCial, after which Mr.Giirord will give his popular lecture on the "Mammoth Cave of Kentucky." Every body welcome. -Mr, Andrew Ilicks has disposed of his grain store house to Mr. Jos. Cobbledick, of Exeter, and Mr. Gus. Coughlin has purchased his dwelling, the price paid being $1200. Mr. Hicks intends moving to Manito- ba shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks are bighlyrespectedand their man y friends Imre will regret to learn they are soon to leave es. --Mr. George Hunter, of Ridgetown, brought a carload of dairy cows here bet Saturday and disposed of them at goo.]. prices. DEATH OF MISS DORTLIY ROLLDZS.- The body of the late Dorothy J, Rol - fins was brought from London, on the train Tuesday morning, Services were held in the Methodist chureb, conduct- ed by Reeds. Hatton and Kennedy, after which the body was conveyed to the Nursery burial ground to await the resurrection of thejust. The fam- ily of the late Miss Rollins for many years resided here. They removed to London and now parents and children, all but two, have gone to the great hereafter. Deceased was only 27 years of age, and was sick only ten weeks, a Tepid consumption. She was a mem- ber of the First Methodist church, Londou, and was highly esteemed and universally respected. The pail bear- ers, Messrs. Burges, Saunders, Cock; Abel and Johnson, came from London on the train with a few other friends and the large number at the funeral evinced the esteem in which the de- ceased was held in the community. Around. About 178 Lucan: Mr. Jos. Hodgins has pur- chased the house now occupied by ear. Jas. Carter. ' Goderich: F. Whitmore has leased the farm adjoining his own; this farm consists of seventy acres and is owned by Mr. John Sheppard; of Clinton. Parkhill:. Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Thomp- son moved to Corbett last week,where Mr. Thompson takes charge of the cheese and butter factory. , Hibbert: A young man named Con- nors who lives in Hibbert, south of the Irishtown boundary, had his leg broken on Wednesday while playing footbell. Parkhill: MT. Win. Nixon, lately of Manitoba, has purchased Mr.John Mc- Iienzie's 100 -acre farm in East Wil- liams. Mr. McKenzie moves to Cava- naugh's corner. Seaforth: The little son of Mr. Wm. Dill met with a painful accident, on Tuesday. He was standing on a chair at the window, where he fell off,break- ing one of his arras. MAKE _A. NOTE OF IT, when you are leaving home to buy "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster. It is guaranteed to eure the woest case of backache, head- ache, stitches. Avoid everything said to bejust as good. Get the genuine made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. Hellett; Mr. Robert Clark bas sold his farm to Zr. Mama and will taiee op his Abode in Constaince wbere he bee bought the etore mid stock of Mr. T. Aindrews of whieh he will take possession shortly. Seeforthe Mr. George Stogrlill had the misfortune to bare enether linger taken off byntaChine is the fornitare eeetorn on '411.111.84ay roernieg, It is only a few weeks ago that Stogdill met with a somewbat misfore tune, Hullett; hfr. Sautes johneten, see met with ao ACcident 4 few deye ego. Re was standing in the doorway of Ids hers when u strong wind blew the door against the old g,eutleneavehnock- ing bine dowel and brinsieg bitu n sev- eral places, Seafoetiet Mr. W. N. Watson has disposed of the vesideuce pow occupied by ene W. Harty, to Mr, Harey. He has els° disposed of his two houses, south of the railway, to Mr. Michael Mullen, who is removing here from the township of Grey, for $1,000 St, Marys: ellesere. Brown, Teavin & Barr, is the name or the new arm that has purchased the planino_oiniul and lumber bueiness of tlee J. D.Moore company. The business was taken over by the new proprietors Monday. There will be no radteal changes in the conduct of the concern at present, Godetieh tea: Our cougratidations e extended to 0. Grigg, von. 7, who has thrown off the robes of batchelote hood and entered the throes of matri, wetly. Miss Cook, of con. 4, being the lady of bis choke. The ceremony was performed last Wednesday a the re- sidence of the briclele, Wingbanu On Saturday evening Samuel Elliott was Shooting inuskrete on the river near Me L. Peereon's xne idents, One of the bolletS" must have struck a stone as it came in an opposite direction and went through one of the windows in Benj. Scott'residence. Mr, Scott's son WnS shuttling near the window and the bulled came wale such force that it lodged in the fleety part of the boys leg. The bullet was removed and no eerions results aro enticipated. Goilerich: Owing to the appointe meat of Hon, J. T. Gamow to tbe Coed of A.pped heueb. On' law lino of Gamow& Gamow has teem Weedy - ed. and a new one established In its place between Mr. E. L. Dlekeneare t-4 Wingham, and Mr. Mate Gamow. The laliM 1111111 wiUea"milime peactive in the seme offices on the corner of Hem. ilton street and the Square. MteDiels- enson.who is well and widely kilOWOVil tile county, will remove to tioderiela us sem as possible f ter settling ;Midis in Winghnun Mullett: It is with regret we an- nonnee the death of Mrs. Nellans, whicb occurred on Wednesday last. She had been ailing for some time hut her friends thought elle might rem, - r until about two weekhago when she sank rapidly. The deceased lady was beloved by all. Her husband prede- ceased her four years ago lust Novem- ber. She was a consistent triembee of Burns' Presbyterian church since,with her husband, they settled in Hullett. She had melted the good tige of 07 yearn and 11 month. Goderich ten: On Wednesday the home of F. Jervis, of the cut line, was the sceue of tin exceedingly pretty wedding when his daughter, Miss M. end D. 3, Currie, of the S111130 township, were joined in 'wedlock's bonds. Rev. 3. Hussar, tied the nup- tial knot in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. Tbe bride looked lovely in wbite mgaudie and orange blossoms, as she took a po- sition under a bell made of lovely flow. ere, and Miss Jervis, the maid, grown - ed In a pretty sbade of fawn, added to the pictnre. The groom's best man was Ws brOtlier, Goderich: Early Sunday 'morning the residence and conservatories of Mrs. Bingham. at the southwestero extremity of tbe town, were totally destroyed by tiro. The lire was dis- covered in the rear portion of tbe resi- dence, and is supposed to boom started from the Chimney in connection with the heating apparatus for the green- house. The house was almost entirely „oone before the water was turned on. Hardly anything was saved from the upper portion of the house, but a good deid of furniture and other articles were taken from the lower story. There was S1e000 insneance,but the loss will probably he twice theamount. Clinton: A young man just in the prime of life and with full yigor of health was W. H. Beacon who Passed away on Wednesday morning at the age of 81 ye:Y.0,-5 months and 17 days. The deceased young man had been af- Mated with muscular rheumatism and had sufferedintenselyat times, hence death was 4 happy -release. He has been troubled at times with this dis- ease and confined to bed for the past month; general sorrow is expressed by his -many friends at his death. lie was the only son of Mr. and IVIrs. Thos. Beacon and was for several years en- gaged with his father in the grocery business in town, the firm being styl- ed.as Beacon & Son. He was married to a Miss Rathwell, daughter of B. Rathwell, Goderich township, who survives him with two children, a boy and a girl, and his father, mother and sister, -Miss Nettie, also are left tp mourn. In politics Mr. Beacon was a Coneervative and it Methodist in relig- ion. Clinton: On Saturday morningdeath made one of his sad cells, and all the more &idle its snddeneess, when Mrs. John Peckitt, of the Heron read east; answered the sumenone to the great beyond. She had been ailing more or less for it reek,but on Friday evening aside from general weakness, eeppear, ed to be somewhat improved. On Sat- urday while the remainder of the fam- ily were at the morning meal a sound was heard, and on arrival at the room they found that the deceasedhad got up hut had fallen to the floor. The shadow of death was upon her and She expired almost immediately in her son's arms. Deceased as 61 years of age, the majority of her life beitig spent in Canada,. as she came from Yorkshire England, while very young. For a number of years the family liv- ed on the London road., They remov- ed to Clinton, and it few years since took up their abode on the Huron road where they still reside. Deceased leay.eS 'behind her three cbildren,Fred, Louis and Thomas, the latter two of which a re still /male, th6 ferrner In 5 LS' 111 , Clinton); W. T. O'Neil bee • bought' theeeeellerit, eesideeee and lot os On, Milo street 'from Mrs. .L.MeMerreiy, the,price paid being $1,125; .poSeeesime is geveo on Aped dth and. Ale. will Tettiolve 'to it about that tinne, ,Mes. Moffett hae eoldher house on the Loodon Read to Mre. Bleeker for the sine of R.3.0. Mes. J, E.aeeleassold :her house and lot on Dineley . Tereace • te R. Dowos, see for the Om 'ef Blanehardz °bee. Stewarte eon of Mr, - joheeteu Steleeet. 4y0sUg man 27 years of age.- died SetertleY at his fotheee tonne, 'The deeeesed weet to Fittesbung early last year, awl returned hong; n fekF x.noothe ego sinfering from blood poison, Since his retort) be has been eounned to WS MOM And suffer- ing severely. Mr, Stewart waeayoimg man 'who Was held in .the higb esteem by 'a wide eirele of Wends and his death will be greatly regretted. Seafortbe Two motel of the old and respected residents _ot this vicinity have been removed front the ,seeteee of this life-dering the week Wp refer to the deaths Of Mr. Manson and Mre Finlayeon, Mr, Mattson died .on Side .neday and Abe Firdayson on Moinlay. tbe l'OfIlninS of the fernier were inter. red in Eginouilville. and the latter in I3exteetielti cemetery. 24r. Manson OW 70 $'00i'a Sl ageand was one of tbe phie neer settlers of Teckersinith and -only retired fromni his farm there about two years ago, and took no his residene in Egtointelville. Mr. 'Finloyson was aleo (gentler in :Titekerstoith, but he bus resided in Egmontiville for. a good: manyyeare.., lie was but ta years :of age. lite had not enjoyed roletst healti. for a good many years, hut he has boo better thie linet year than foe a long thee previously...and his Mende were beginning to hope that he hod recole es -ed when his • last illness ovettoole WM. Mr. Pinlayson leaves a Whittle end one daughter. and Mr, Manson leaves aceeral of a fatuity. all of • them gronet to the estate of manhood and wouttinhoed. ww;Viv. STRANGLED TO DEATH. Dunnville, March a --Yesterday ;elm Christhrush, of Hyngea suburb of Dunnville, Iva% absent from home a few minutes and on her return iler youngest child caught bet WWI% tha tehle end the slats of it leitifleW, hang- ing IIV` OW chin and strangled to de.eth. The 41111 had been left in a high their. _THROAT. Mareh -To-1114y, Alvin Ayetee a prosperous fanner, melding in Moulton township. Menet ten miles from bete, was found dying with his throat terribly Out anti, kneaded. There is no duel* he commItted the tleed himself) and eea meson can be found .for ins rash iet. Ayres. Was Mend .years of age, and bedielovely home. Ile leaVeS ik wife and a little daughter, FOUND DEAD IN BED. Owen Sound, March 28. --John Lin - ley, a farmer from near iffaxwelhOnte was tomtit dend in bed et the Seldon House, here. this morning. The odor of gas was in the room. Linley suffer- ed from lung trouble end a post mole tem will be bold to decide whether be died from natural OnlISOS Or was as- phyriated, SHOT HIMSELF. Drayton, Alareh 2a -While out bunt- ing early this morning, Harvey Haack a voting man about 10 yeam of age, ac- chlentally shot himself with a Ole. An unsuccessful attempt was made to find the bullet, which is supposed to have lodged in the back. The patient's condition to -night is quite favorable, and hopes are entertained for bis re- covery, thoegh lie is badly wounded. WAS ROBBED OF $70. Port Huron, Mich., Mareh Tasker, 85 old soldier who served in the Canadian militia many years ago, complained to the police that he bad been robbed of $70. The police investi- gated, and when they arrested Hurry LeClair, a 17 -year-old boy, Tasker -could not be found. He was located in Sarnia jail, where he had been placed for drunkenness. Later it was discov- ered that young Laeluie had sold the pocketbook an the money. for 30 cents but the situation was cbanged when he informed the officers that the money was bogus, being old Confederate bills, Tasker also lost a watch and other an. tides, which were recovered. DISASTER ON THE WAI3ASTI. • St Thomas, "March 28.-A terrible head-on collision occurred on the Wa- bash Railroad.three-quarters of a mile east of Jarvis station, about 7 o'clock this morning. Andes aresidt three inen were killed and one was seriouslyhurt. The dead are: -John McGill, engitieer; John Charlton, engineer; and Harry McDonald, brakeman. A.11 three were married and belonged to St. Thomas. The injured man Is Martin Donnelly, brakeman. who had. several ribs brok- en and was otherwise injured. Con - dilater W. Algie, left here with a ex- tra, east bound, with orders to meet it west bound extra (Conductor D. Me - .Alpine) at Jarvis. John Charltorewith engine No. 1,850, hauling • the east- bound train, is supposed to have over- looked his orders, as he passed the meeting point at a high rate of speed, his train running about thirty miles an hour, and d.ashed into the west- bound, which was also running about the same rate, wrecking both engines and piling op twenty or more cars. Two of the latter were loaded with ce- ment and five with grain. The others were empties. Both locomotives kept the track, but were badly damaged, their. tanks being totally destroyed: Engineer Joh e McGill, with. engine No. 1480, was pulling the west -bound. , He had a.reg.taken off and died an hour and thirty five minutes after the acei- cident. Engineer Charlton and Harry ,McDonaldehead breakman on the east bound, were buried beneath tbe debris and their bodies were not found, until late i athe afternoon. The firemen on both trains jumped and escoped with it few bruises. The rear brakeman, noticing that the east -bound train was going through Jarvis without slacking up, signalled, but as the fog was very heavy he was unable to get the bead end of the train. Wreckers immedi- ately left St Thomas and Fort Erie for the scene, and it was about 7 p.m. • be- fore traffic was opened iip. AU pas- sengers trains during the day lere routed via Caledonia. Brakeman Don - belly was hrought to this city on No. 3, the bodies of the dead men being held at Jarvis until the coroner's in - ,quest is over. EVERYONE CAN NELP THE CONSUMPTIVE. he New Free Constskaptive Hospital Admit Vonsukuptivez Absolutely WithositCharge, The eppeal beleg made on behalf of the new Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the meepleee ef the Natienal Sani- tarium Assomation,-the east Free Con- samptive efospitalie Canada -is one that tonehee cleeely the heart-etre:0,a of every lean, WOInalt, and child. the lamed pomie. km over. Where is the eolunnuenty, far or near, witlitext its sufferers from this dread white plague? We ere all in- tereetee in bringiug these relief and rg-, storing them to health, family, and active citieenship eeain. One import -ant step in this clireetiou has been taken in the ereetion of the AO W Free Conseetptive Bespital, dee te the beneficence of two Torouto eitizeliS, and which is now uearly eompleted. When the workmen go out et tbe building, eed that will be almost inumediately, utl Ono is v.-nted to snake it ready to receive the eoneemptiee is that it be supplied with beds and Other furaishing appomtments, no charge whatever being made for admittance. The Netionel Sanitarium Asseeiatiou are already carrying too heavy it debt to a:alert:4e the famishing themselves, bat Ole way is open. ter each one te belp in raising the 310,e00 needed for this terpree Tee stun is e lalr", 'exitheiresaegl itelividaal contributions of 41.03e4Cil ant at t'S PePlaintitin of eteavly eee00.0e0 people would accomplieh this Setae, of coeree, with their beam reeked by the sufferings et relatives, friends, or felloweeitieeue, will, oat Qf their ahundeneee do bettor than this. Fifty dollars will turnielt a bed. What et needed ie that the amouot be raised quieltly, that the many knockieg a the doors of the Z`latioual SolaitniTtial Associetiou may Owl a, place open for there, Contributions for this purpose, 31.00 or more, will be received by Sir Wile R. Mertelith, Chief Justice.4 Lampert Ave.. Toronto; W. J. Gage, req., 51 Erma St. West, Teroote; or National Trust Co., Limited, Treasurer, 22 Kill` St. East, Toronto. Fifty defiers will fueniele bed. OP•11.M.I.P.40M4~1.110.190,11, FISUING 'VOLT': AND LIVE Gerrie, Mateh 2$.seA very sad fatal- ity @mimed hem this *,4vening which teetilted ht the death of Mr. Item's. Senderstm, contraetor, of this jeatee Ile was in the net of lieltiug UM,' the Inidge when his fishing rale ratlike in conteet with 4 live eleetric lieht wire mid as ;k conseeptence he Was instantly DeCell5ed was in his Iniul year and leaves it widow and a fatally of three to mourn his demise. FOUND DROWNED. Collingwood, March 24. ---The bode of the young man, Wm. Green, wit% diempheared daring the winter, while Ofering from the after effects of a Fe- vre ilInese, came to the tillrfaVa in the inner lumber yesterday. An the time of his dleappeaeance a vigorous search was kept up for some tune, hut tbe general opinion wns that be bad wan- dered down on the iee, and went through. Tbis theox7 bas proved t be correct. No !wettest will be held. NO MUD IN OURS. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S “IMPROVED BUTT.ERCOLOR"is the only absolutely pure butter color in the world. There is not a trace of MUD or other offensive IMPURITIES in it The last drop is as dear as the first. It is the only color used by the world's beet butterrnalters, Once: yon see V. common colon your reputation as a 'hutternuther is towered. The hest is sold by all first class dealers. Eczema, 1.1 is aiso called salt Abeam. -7'4- Sometimes screws. - It conies in patches that burn, Itch, ooze, dry and scale, over and over again. It sometimes becomes chronic, covers the whole body, causing inteuse suffering, lose of sleep, and general debility. It brOke out with Its peculiar Itching oil the arras ot Mrs. Ida E. Ward, Cove Point, Md., and all over tbe body of Mrs. Geo W. Thompson, Sayville, N. Y.; troubled ; Mrs. P. J. Christian Mabopac Falls, N. Y., six years, and J. It:Richardson, Jr., Cuth. , bert, Ga., fifteen years. These sufferers testily, like many others, that they were speedily and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which alwaye removes the cause of eczema, by thoroughly cleansing the blood, and builds up the Whole system. carom!. liver Ws. Price 25 cents. gift andiwea; b4vono eXact on harness triateri 'with Eureka Her. ness Oil. It te- iistsISa keeps dieltatb- Cr 404 411.4 4311, StitOtte de, pet brgrak. NO reughsur. face to eters eeeeet. Tea IPIKA. es," Xxot 4rgy keep., leokieghlge new,.b but sysele twee est:me:qt./4e ese et eetsiek . tiAr74(45* Sete everywhere ee mho. Oed. Uncle by heperial off All% Cecile de Marsh died at Kings- ton, aged 102 years., Too MATEIRIAT...% USW> IN & L." Foloosion are thefinest the marnet effords regardless of expenee. Taken in cages of wastiug diseases, loss of weight, or loss of appetitewith great benefit. Davis k. Lewrenee Co., Ltd., manufacturee. At Montreal Ellwerd TA3 Win, who shot and killed hie tither's colored e0atiblilitti, G. W. Smith, was found guilty of tnenelaughtee. 1145 /1CP.W. /Will TUX about Perny-Halsanx, the greatest modern remedy for coughs and colds. It cures sptiekly and eerednly. 25e. Of all deal- ers. Made by prnpeletors of PetTy MIMS. Pain,a MM. KileideD AT A CROSSING. Belleville. March ele-Miss Laura Peony, of thie cite, attempted to cross tbe railway track at the eity depot Ole after000n in front of a 11110Vior., train, hut fell under the locomotive end was 'celled. Site was I-AI:yeas of age, ;nul Mt old and lit'Spt'eted vesidmnt DEAD ON TUE ROADSIDE, Si. 'i'btnssu.Miartit invoiliwut farmer of Bow vioh townbiup, mar eow411. West El - ON WAS inklintl Siti";111 sin tie Wilt70 .yeate cof age, end wee re- turning fonts Diattme It is thought be died of home White and thepped out of his huggeethe lateee Veit ig caught by a farmer who met it on the road A CARD. 'We. the Aualoasliparti, do hetet)), agree to refund the money on a. 50cent bottle of Green's Warranted Spew of Tar. 0" it fells to mare your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25.eent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 1.1'74, Wingbann Harry, son of elo Free. lan Carr, had his hand injured on rutty with is staking machine in (ihspsnau's Glove factory. Several stitebes were necessary to close the gaping wound. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes. etugust Flower still has the bog - est sale a any medicine in the civilized • world. Your mothers and graudnioth- ers never thought of using anytthing else for 'indigestion or Billiousnees. Doctors were scarce. end they seldom, heard of appendicitis, Nervous Pros - trident, Heart Outlive, etc. They used August MOWN, to clean oa the eystein and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate tlit4 action of the liver, stimulate the Her%• OM and organic; tee- 1(ilet=ee: , . e tty eeed a few doses of Greens' August Plower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Yon can get Dr. G. G. Green's at C., 1.1772'is, Exeter, tion of the system, and thet es all the eede.....eedee,osee on BURPS; SPRAMS, BIBB- ES 03 ANY SOZT FilfJ.' Used internally ard Externally. cat:moat Redd the wed( watery Witch Hazel nic,-erations, repro:leafed in be "the same as' Pon re Helmet, which easily sear and often ea ntzle "we cd alcah al" ari irritant externally and, ..ahell internally, a poison. • ' • On =mint of its terrible effects, blood disease is called the king of all diseases. It may be either hereditary', or contracted; so while it may not be a crimes to have the disease, it is a crime to penult it to remain itt the system. it may manifest itself in the form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, itchinese of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongite, sore throat, falling outi of hair, sordered stomach, and a general depression of the system. if youhave any of these symptoms don't neglect yourself. You hare 110 time to lose, gewara of "old fogy', treatment -beware of mineral poisons - beware of Quadra and Fakirs. oust maw MEMROD TranAermemir is guaranteed tenure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment is not injurious in any way, but teaches the very root of the disease and eliminates all poison from the eystein, mild symptoms of dieee.se gradually disappear. The blood becomes pure and enriched, the whole BYattart is cleaneed and purified, and the patient feels prepared anew -for the duties and the pleasures of life. CURBS GUARA.NTERD OR NO PAY. AS Yearn An Detroit. 250,000 Curcd. Couseitation Free. Otieslitia Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free, DRs.KE N RGAN 111111....11•11m - Cor. Michigan .A.To. and Cholby St., Do. trOht, Mich. K • eeers-Pel-'eeo, teteeseet ,For pure blood, a bright eye, a clear complexion, a keen appetite, it good digestion and refre,shingEleep, TAKE BRISTOL'S Sarsekpa.rilla„ It arouses the Liver, quickens the • circulation, briglatens the spirits and generally improves the health. Sixty-eight years trial have proved it to he the most reliable BLOOk purifier known. All druggists sell -BIZI8ToLS."