HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-4-3, Page 1Fl
1 stephell
--- We epeeially wish your attention drawn to our Dress -goods and Silk
deeartment. We call only show ycal the Jetest mode:diens of hest markets.
We hought only the newest shades and goods and therefore can sell you the
latest. Our motto is oBe youreelf and have your owl] style." This we desire
you to Pillow and you will purchase New Goods a,t Right Valitee.
BL,A,01‹ DitSS-CtOODS.
. Black dress goods in Cashmeres at 25e. 50e. 65e. We. 75e. per yd.
13irds eye cloth. for skirts-, .... ritte. and $1.63 per yd.
Waterproof Seiliel.50e. rm., and $1.00 per yd.
Black, Lestres, English Serges.... 25e. 400. 500. per yd.
Chtiviits• . ... , 400. 50e. per yd.
Woreteds............ - .... .. - .... . . 50e. $1.00 per yd.
Granite cloth_ ,.. ... . _ . , „. . . ..... . , , i 50e. per yd.
Artuatre cloth, . . ..... - ..... .. . ... .. _ .:35e• . per yd.
Deep ile Lerma, eery tine. - ... - $1.00 per eel.
Poiret:ins. - ...... -. .......... - . - - 50e. 75e. per yd.
Itt'mtir cloth. iietitt .fin. .is'h.... .... .... - • • i 75e. per yd.
Ledies suitings in the newest cloths and
slim/tie were.. „ 81.59 n1 SI.73 Zor $1.10 per yd.
Fancy Voiles in uavy et aniline -
purple, mauve, brown at........
Coverts.. .. • • ..... • . • • •
'Venetians.- . „ .......
S'ergetitlixei very heavy., .....
Tailinettes hi crean. steel'grtT,
navy, ...... . ......
Crepeleoe in Wendt, grey: Meek
Caehinere Sergee. Nun's V (Ili ng, Soltels
in all ehades from .... • ...
Silk and Wool Glories... ...
Taireta5. To worm, Peau de Soles,
Moiree, Taconite Japanese, Glace
Black end Colored.......
'Site one new trinuilinge,
4iA°. per yd.
75e. per. yd.
• 75e• per yd.
59e. per eel.
per pl.
to 59e. per yd.
75e. per yd.
reie, and per
Thankini.. you
end up.
melee Meet Offlee Melt.
fil)NEY To LOAN,
* ntlrriv
veetoteut upon farm or vi
tewet ratea of ititereete
narriatere.etoe o
To 1.0A N.
ea largo am Only t of privot ()funds to
IoM n o harm anti profertici at low
Wee eflutorest.
Ear/fluter, Urdu Street liset
lot& lady 0-022r, to tanIttit tor our eterozn
3T4Z4k' dress tiurtti, flirts mid undershirts.
POUINEeN tlAntitxr Ottelph, Ont.
Real Estate and Insuranee Agent
Farms and properties bought and sol41 on
reasonable terms. Several dwelling houses tor sale.
Lands in all parts at Manitoba and the North-West
for tale.
On Alexander igrcet, Exeter North, a one story
frame home, eontainitig 43 rooms. The lot mantas 1
ore ofland, on whiell eforty fruit trees, a froott well,
good loeation and tonvenlent school. For partic-
ulars apply to
Mu& Jolene lions
on the premisns, or Ilay. P. O.
Rennie TO LET.
For horses and cattle on reasonable tering, Stock
to be taken on the ranch at Lot 1, eorner ot Rion
dibe Road and Stibbeu's side road, on and after
April 140, when a man will take charge of then, dui,
ing the season. For further particulars apply 10,
Iu accordance with the -Provisions of
the Liquor License At.
Public Notice is 'hereby given that n -meeting of
the Board of License Counnissionem for the License
district of South Huron, tvill beheld at Scott's Hotel,
in the village of Herm% on April the 18th lust, at
10 o'eloek, a. m.'to eonsider applidations for the
sale of liquorsin the said district of South Huron
for 10024.
The newapplicants for tavern License are Charles
VirliSon for Imeon Rouse, Bracelleld; C. B. Little for
American Hotel, Brueefleld; O. C. Blake for Varna
Hotel, Varna; Thome Stephens for River Hotel, Bay-
field; Richard Baily for Commerciel Hotel, Bayfield;
Zinistiart Stephens for Queens Hotei,Seaforth ; Joseph
'Weber for shop License in Dominion Bank Block,
Lieenses issued for current year woe, Town Tavern
5; Shop 2; Village Tavern 8; Shop 2; Township Tay=
Applications for 10024 are Town Tavern 5, shop
2; ViRage Tavern 8, Shop 2; Township Tavern 20.
Any petition against the granting of license to any
applicant, or the premises named, must be lodged
with the undersigned at least 4 days before the meet-
ing of the Board.
Wm Bannatirviss,
Licence Inspector, Seaforth,
April ist, 1002. .
Just Arrived •
New Soverign Shoes
Spring and Summer.
The Latest Styles of Last
and Toe.
Also a choice lot of Men's
and Boy's Heavy Work shoes,
at prices that will surprise cus-
Eggs taken in exchange, or
5 per cent, off for cash on
f,IBoots and Shoes'
liaria6ss of all descriptions
always on hand.
R. 11. SWEET,
Treble's Old Stand
)22va 131144114iii1ca1a
tbe+ ticly
11.414 eall Eve 14- Ei
at the Mellsiais Rauh, Mem..
iiifsrs AND 147,TS hole SALE.
Thettniersignedis altering tar rale that dratilc
ral*I.W.,en thine time, lett; tete el mid en
whivh tssituatpil two home hou_nrs, woad 4112110
131110140r Ot ettelCO fruit trees. good well of water. (IS.
telTt anti ether e0ckwi4ic44019.. Apply to
PE1011, Etc: ter.
We cue prep:ILA to offer a thuLcias- cantraq to a
gond manta represent mu, Midi% Almmt, resident
at Exeter. Applieations givinr rein urea. uiil
treated vaned, ntially 12 1024104.
ARV to the Mad Gillet, Toronto or.
ora. llanitres.
3h:zinger Western Ontario,
Mr, Fred 1111111418 gone to spend the
summer with Ille,Shaddock,West Wil-
liams.-Mte A.Kilhourn has purchased
Airs, George Nears .10 acre farm on the
7th con.,atboining Mr. P,Itile's proper -
Baynton, who sold his M -
acre farm on the 7th con. to Mr. Win.
Carter, moved to Worwiek last week,
where be has pnrehased a farm of 100
neres.-Mr, Wm. Mawsou, of the 18th
eon., and his brother, Mr. Sohn Maw -
Son, 12th con., have exchanged farms
Irbil moved to their new possessions
last week.
The people of Sodom are highly
pleased to hear that Elder Leland has
decided to become a permanent test -
dent of this vicinity. We extend to
him a cordial welcome. -Mr. Jabez
Stacey, late of Petrolea, has purchased
twenty-five acres on the Lake Road,
and intends making it his horne.-Eda,
Whitacre, datighte.r of T. Whitacre, is
seriously ill of pneumonia. We hope
to bear of her speedy recovery.-1Vi11
Isaac has purchased a, house and lot in
Exeter. We wonder what that signi-
fies "Sweet" William -Oar teacher,
Miss Robertson, has gone to Goderich
to spend her Easter vacation with her
mother. -We are pleased to hear thae
Mr. Alex. Box is slightly improving,
although not able to do much work. -
Miss Rose Penhale is spending n, few
days visiting her undle, Mr. C. Box.
On Sunday last Rev. Morlock
preached on the resareetion of Christ,
it being Easter Sunday. The singing
by the choir was appropriate for the
occasion, Next Smithey morning and
evenine Rev. Litt, of Crediton, will
occnpy the pulpit in the Evangelical
church here. -The teachers, Miss Sar-
dine and Miss Graham ;are spending
their holidays at their homes in Dun-
gannon and Goderich respectfully. -
Several from here attended the Grit
Convention in Hensel). Saturday last.
-On Titesda,y evening the annual meet-
ing in connection Nvith the Evangeli-
cal church, here,took [dace in the base-
ment of the church, the usual hnsiness
being transacted. -Messrs. Albert
Shettler and Henry Edigh offer were
in the village 013 Sunday. What's the
ma tter with Zurich boys. -Miss Laura
Goetz took a situation in Mr. Holtz-
rnan's tailor shop at Crediton Monday.
--Mr. Ea. Ediffhoffer left on Monday
to work on a farm on the Zurich road,
pear Hensall.-Mr. Win. Tiernan left
Tuesday to work for Mr. Nelson Kes-
tle, at Sharon. --Messrs. J. Hartleib
and Gorge Ruby have purchased from
Mr. IT. Berry, of Hensall, that well
known trotting stallion, "Brinker
Sprague" who has a record of 2.28.
This fine laorse is too well known to
'need any comment on our part, his
pedigree showing the kind of metal he
came from, his sire having been sold
to a Chicago firm for $27,500 and also
that at least one of bis own progeny
made his mark, whereby he won a
three mile race in Etigland,after which
he was sold for $7,000. Anyone in-
tending to breed in this Hue will do
well to consult the above named gen-
SODOM,. RProwese-The following is
the report of S.S; No, 1, for the month
ot March. The names of the four high-
est only are given in order or tueriti-
V- -___F- Peker, Hogigth,P.Windesor,
A, Hepburn. Sr•IV.-Bruce Mitchell,
IL Mitchell, W. Mitchell, R. Wilson.
Jr, IV. --Vernon Wilson. Rebecca lale-
Ooy,Elva• Winclsor,Hatiteleell. Jr, 111.
-Leslie 31eNaugletan, Flora, Ilepbure,
Clareoce Duplan, Enos 'Windsor. Jr,
III. -David Baker, Verne Sheardown,
Gifford Itogarth, Sam McCoy. Sr.
-Charlie Grafton, Fred Conway, Wil.
lie Slms, Eleworth Ridley. Jr. IL --
Gordon Malvan Callas, Too.
Deropeey, John White. Pint II. --
Lillian Roblueon, 1. Wileon, Robin-
son, Mervin Elston, Part I. -Austin
Donlan, M. Dayehani, Hubert White,
Wilson Colbert.
J. A. itlettherioteTax
L. S:11T11 Teaeliere
Senora. RRPORT.---The folloWiogiS
the report of the weekly examinatione
held durinsoMareh in S. S. No. 6. The
names are given in order of the total
number of marke obtained, IV.--
Thoe. McCann, Simon Raz, Edward
Raz. Ebner Lawson, Ida Rate, Isicin-
d;t Kraft, Lima Finkheiner, Alice
Iterelieg. Alice elawhinney, Theresa
feet -rho Cheeter
foetal Ratz. Joeephine ltegier,
Witzel. Fred Henderson. Jr. 111. --
Rose Harding, Italia. Henderson and
hidna Finktiemer equal, Dere Kraft,
Vera Mawhinney Bennie itleCann,
Susie Hartman. Titelnia iNitzei. Annie
liennhofer, Albert Regier•Jacoli
in, John Ilartinen.
The following is a correct report o
the standing of the pupils. of th.S.Nooli.
for the month ill Mareh, The Dawes
are arranged in order of inerit,hat W-
irer to Mier iriTegidarity of attitude:nee
thti et:finding of some pupils ie compsite
atively -Limo Joey, 1V
Asa Itenielle. (late Sandere Clinton
Sweet,Hie !eh. Fonl,Viola Penlialteltoy
Parsons. Clara, Beaver, 'Willie Web -
net., Sadie Willis, Homer Kagsbaw,
[fettle Walla -Sr. San-
ets. Alonza Ford, Eddie Willie, Her -
hie Beaver, Edith Pareons Lizzie Sim -
tiers, 31itehell Willis. Inter. M. -Al-
fred Wuerth, Tommy Sander& Sem
Kill Bat:eV:mitt Woods. Neleon
Sanders. Jr.IIL-Rielph WillisMarry
Parsons, Harry Trielmereiteenie Hicks.
Sr. IL -Fred Beavei, Victor Swett,
Tommy Penhale, Cecelia Ford, Garnet
Craig. Earl Parsons, May Sanders. Let
vine, Cool:eon. Lillie Woods Hilda
PresetiatineEdith Whittakeie 'PUL-
P:41(11e Trielmer,lIarry Sweet, George
IIktke. Sam. Stanlaite.Gladys Dearing,
Ft ea Itmezeittor, Geo.Whittaker,Sher.
man Willis. Pert I.--Preeton Dear-
ing and Johnnie Witlis emelt), Bari
Shapton, Chester ntrsons. No. on roll
52, average attendance 40.2. Parents
having children to commence this
spring are reqnested to send them im-
mediately after Blister holidays.
ITSb 01110
EXA:Af INATIONS.- The Tele ti ve stand-
ing of the pupils of S. S. No, 5, at the
reeent promotion examinations is as
follows, Those whose names are mark-
ed. with a star did not write on all sub.
leas. The marks eequirea to pass are
tatii;01 total.-17.-Maximuin 788. -Ed-
• ward Westeott, 623; Wallace Fisher,
521. Sr. IV.--Max.480.--Herroan Ker -
nick, 850. jr. 610. -Nellie
Meseta 443; Jessie Russell, 482; Leslie
Richard, 882, Sr. IIL-Max. 810. -
Jennie Frayne, 588; Nellie Russell, 550;
Emma, .McDonalcl, 328; Wesley Day,
man, 512; Clark Fisher, 401; dayttax
Wayne, 420; May. Hodgson, 420. Jr.
III. -Max. 500. --Eunice Kernick, 485;
Emerson Cornish, 367; Fred Cornish,
300; *Wilbert Rivers, 75. Stelh-Max.
505. -Norman Perkins,357; Albert Ker -
nick, 812; Thomas Belvieu, 803; Emily
Vrayne, 300; *Fred Ford, 178. Sr. II.
Max. 130. -Herbert Bissett,117; Emma
Ford, 81; WiIlie Sellery, 88; Herman
Dayman, 81; Gordon Heywood 74.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 6, for the month of March, togeth-
er with the result of the promotion
examination. Names in order of mer-
• ite-V.-Linda Ilunter,Dora Delbridge.
Sr. IV. -May Jones, Ila Delbridge,
Gertie Miller. Jr. IV. -Olive Berry -
hill, Nelson Coultis, Elia Berryhill.
Promoted to Sr, III. --Willie Elford,
Almeria Heywood, Vera, 'Washburn,
Addle Jones, Clarence Miners, Stanley
Coward, Victor Sawyer, Beatrice Wil-
cox, Newton Clarke, Clarence Fletch-
er, Jackson Woods. Promoted to Jr.
III. -Gordon Waddell, May Cooper,
Everett Skinner, Laura Godbolt, Net-
tie Campbell. Alma Sohns,Hateie
ter, Wellington Skinner,Priseilla Pen -
warden. Jr. II. -Laura Woods, Lula
Godbolt, Jack Hasson, Part II. -
Alexander Berryhill, Pearl Johns, H.
Jones. Sr. Part I. -Jennie Campbell,
John Creeiy, Clara Kellett. jr. Part
I. -Charlie Cook, Lillie God bolt. Addie
D. MoDouciALL
E. E. HALLS, Teachers.
PAsszn AWAY -Death has claimed
at other of our pioneer residents, in the
person of James Airth, who died on
Tuesday last at the age of 69 years.
Airth had been ailing of stomach
trouble for about a year but his case
did not assutne a serion8 aspect until
about a week ago when he was taken
down suddenly anti growing gradually
worse the vital cord was snapped Tues-
day. Deceased was born in Scotland
1.tid came to this county when about
10 years of age. He settled in Hibbert
and from there moved to the thwnship
of Ushorne where he remained up to
the tittle Of his death. He was a Re-
former in politics and a consistent
member of the Presbyterian church, a
kind father and husband and a good
neighbor. Ha leaves to mourn his de-
mise a sorrowing widow one son and
one daughter, who have the sympathy
of the comumnity in their sad loss.
The funeral viell take place from his
late residence, Thames Road, to -day
(Thursday) to the Exeter cenietery.
Zion Biddniph.
ar., Wm. Collison, who disposed of " Mr. M. 31eidingerjawideased J, Hil-
The much, ueeded vain has come aod
the fall wheat, is now looking firsteeless
for tide thee of the year. -S. Jrieques
has Porchesed a windmill for his
Duro beI' of our fanners at-
tended the sale of cows at Centralia
on Saturday and purehased.---W•Hern
is tonne again from Toronto. --Miss
Roberts, of Toronto.. is visiting at1.
Ilernie this week. -Mr. and MrH
s. en -
et, Hero 1. few days at Guelph
with S. A,Berryhill's hand
is not :motng.-fr. and Mrs. X.
john ee a Exeter, haved moved out to
Johns eister's with the intention of
laityiog a fam rin the near foture.
Ansa Craig
Dreerex„--Win. Drought, 14
no84 4A cattle dealer, of this place,
fiEf'4a ue,ad ca4. bri home at an early
olorning. He hail ris-
W2LS %VOW, and gone ks
the kittil en to twelve o think of water.
Ile had paved the cop to his lips, and
WOR ti) partate of the contents
'hen he MIS suddenly overcome and
felt to the Mune His wife and dangle -
ter were aroused by the fall, ;nut wet o
etartled tib find the imeonselous form
of their imsband and father on the
floor., fie expired almost. immediately.
Heatt fellion le supposed to lei the
cauee ef death. lie 8%1&8 about 33 VeaPS
years °loge. Mr. Drought, 18'2t8 410 Of
t be Ir; st and MOst farm:ably It otoPIA
perSonageA in the northeru part I the
counter. Born iu 13iddolpti township,
lie for a. ;mintier of years followed his
trade ae a tette:let matter. About twilit
tv yearS ago be built and kept the
;wen s Hotel. here, Dineng the past
141:14 teen yeate he hes hetet engaged in
1114- cattle vette, arid did a very large
inning kt-irbess. tie 31'214 a member
the theingre order. A. wife and
daughter. Mee Ida, eurvive. A num.
ler (:2 12." !Pas .41s0 11 11.' in hiS naive
Grand. Bend
Ti hike nearly free of lee her
and flsbintet will soon be vommeneeth
-Ito I. Green, of Port Frank, spent
a few dayi het' last week.
sp.--Mr. Andrew Wilson, better
known as ''Billy." died at his home
here on Fritieseontreb 243th,ot 3 o'clock.
The deceaeed hes been siek einee eativ
hist fall. having eontrocted that dread-
ed. diseaeie consumption. and slowly
sinking he paseed away Good Friday.
He lurti been it reeident of Grand Bend
and vicinity roe :a years and will he
veey much missed hy his many friends.
He le's'es VI mourn his demise a wiel-
w 1 five childrene besides a large
;why.- of relatives!, who have the
heartfelt sympathyof the whole cow.
malty in their bereavement. The
remams were interred in the Grand
Bend cemetery at 3 o'clock, Saturday.
leis farm to his brother Joseph Colli- debrienre house au lot recently foe
1son for the sant of $7,400, will move $300. Mr. Hildebrand and family will
to Edmonton ma few days time,where make their faitare home an the 14t11he intende going into the ra.nehing rOneeehion.-Good Ftiday was some-
businese. Mr,. Alex Reith, who ba$ what quiet in our burgh. A few of our
also sold his form, intends amebae; oat sports went out Shooting for the day,
1 to 13ritish Columbia. iii the pear fu but owing to the ficievy rain their sport
ture.-31r. James Mamie, of Toronto, was ent short. --Mies B
beatrice Stein -
has been visiting feiends near Oloores- bach entertained a few of her friends
ville for the past few days.---tle, John on Friday evening. --Mr. Alfred. and
one of our old residents, moved t . eme, of Londoo. :ere visiting
n, Marlitolgt this weele-ele. Wilsou i fritauls here. -Mr. Godfrey Nichoieon.
i Drought, of Aliso. Craig, formerly of of Goderieb, passed through town on
U& -born. townshin. "nee the great i Monday on his way to visit hie eon, on
majority on Friday h.st. /le iteasi the Broneon Line, -Mr. Fred Kerr. of
nity ailing at few :days. He /eaves ai Crediton. and Mies Annie Si/eiders 141411• Wow and A me daugheer, now a young Mrs. N. MeAveiy, a Exeter,. were gazeste
woman, to mourn his Joss, He was i of Mrs- Ed. Sanders on Saudae•-itir.
i hurled at Nairn cemetery Monday last, , John Ihrie bassold his tlevelline to 31re.
' --tileny of our farmers Av1I0 Commene. fs..z.hnite for a good figurre,and has rent -
en seeding wish they had waited long- eil 31re. ff. Wiirmes feriae lie win
is it is now eoveied with snow and • neive in 2d foW drkVz-,.-Misvl'S Nth ii
grie?,:vittie:olut-,,, time before exi. hare any ' and it,):44•.z4lad Master Gorden MeNeliill
._ ---,....30.- lure eniealiiite the Easter holidays with
, gine!, in• tlilitalswirnilria:rtounliteneept,sei eilli;en..ke fa. setil
. mu, IL .4.. 0....4.41,0, 1,, 4 ;1 delegate to the Cliocon PrIetta's Con-
.. •1 Darriliter„ tzolicit5r NV3rr l'ouve,airer , Vellt1011.--Mr, Mtirtill KI 1(I has dist
1 to toae-&%oil: one ft posed of his dwelling in town for le750
mit mired (linen et eeitea Ceininewitei to Mit Joseph Zietehof the Blind Iiine.
'; lii the village last Thorsility. IA 0 eve d P.1V. Ie rails ;Old family intend relit* *V -
glad to hear that Alit has it gOod_ Wei- ing to Mieliiitan the latti.v prt is:eyrie
nese In Cring.-IN-oremen Heim &tette. ' i Acta tea thite-Frielee- evening. while
digging the cellnr for Mr. John little Fled. Mill, sent of 31r. Henry
leweitzer ei tleW iltrelling--0,11r pubbe i Teghl ',yes playing with a catapult le.
evittiol ehiseil lett fleareday tor uasteri;, Met yeti, en accident which Ditty
holi!laws. on Thineday atter/mho the f talit 111 itdie 1(11(5 (11 out. epr. iii etitue
pupil? gave an entertammene in the imaierminteble manner, the etone. iu.
itinLinitt;ip;111'stti.;;Ioltti:thil,t,uctillintlaiiltutiiieophi..inp:1‘.7 1'1 8'-
zilisf gt:::::::74.:: : 41 :::: 11,1%;;S: vtlit tel :pi -
well. -1,1r. Clitestian Trick is erecting 1 pieite waie strwe hint with suelt
A wetter in this vieinity trivegot the twit.. and it le leered the eight has wen
leahleye in Missals this V4".---11rUnto ol-,` PAICALWfs.-`1114-; Week it
Aticaop4.-Ale. Vole, 10111-.' ripent bis destroyed.
nierelaints took a emelt ideal of trouble teeroines oar e el deity to reinied the
U n deeorating their Mild°. wa forint:et ilteith sit a highly restreetiel riiiiilent ot
I ter, Sotto. 4*1 I hoot ‘324dtiltt ald,IdVAW:4` r:'I Otta' ltal}kt, lad t PlIt` Idyl ',3013 of ...41r4,4,"'11:41.
any eity stole.. window. -31r. Augnet 1„,..n. m„thm, of Dr. 4eleepeele iit eteuee
Ewald and son spent Etater in London. riesidenee 1.41,1t4 pas..431. :....v iin netininiF
A load of Eseterit eS Were III the, VII- lum.ning. az a inpan 4 ,einonlii 1
bitie FridoY nod wore itoxtoos to Pla3i ceasea was in holy wtiall heahh inatil
our boys a giiine of footled], but owing Monday eveiiing when ,,laro w.a,-. tt ;then
to the rain Elie game had to lie past- down with 1I4l3!::4, 11[4413 whiell elle
never reified. Mr-. Ciiiiipleirs eister.
Itgirest, had vitited her fur c4, few
1tlyt3 ItIld bad May ;owe gone a short
time when she ceniplaitud of zioi feel-
ing teen. and leying down the :Wile -
tune made Ito If nianithet, which &. 4014
imappeal the 8.181 1-1)4-4;. The deveaotel
was kind-hearted and t rite anti eoyed
the highest esteem of the eottnituniter.
The funeral will take plaee toality
iTlintedayi to tile Bronson Line ceme-
EXAMINATIONS --The forming' is a
list of the 4a1o0.'10s;11 raimils at the re-
cent et:multi:thou in thele new elasses.
Sr. tV.-Pase mark 409. -Glade's Mee
Nevin, 603; Etta Ifni Heil), 569; Wm.
.i.rtialper. 561; Helmit Sipple, 612; Peter
Deichert, 501; Tolman I'Vurin, 472; Ad-
dieon Koehler, 4iiii Lima Bender, 40S•
Upper Jr.IV. -Paes 100. --Maggie Shoe -
machete 501; Hilda Koehenes, 117; Her-
Herbet IIowald, I13, Roxie Hillier. 414.
Lower Jr. IV. --Pass 415. -Fred Hess,
667; allabel Finkbeiner, 519; Lily Faust.
490; Morris Weber, 450. Sr. Ilhe •Pass
880.-Oleva Prang, 5-57; Luella West).
lob, 518; Jobe Walper, 425; Irene Lipp-
hardt, 412. Jr. 1I1. --Pass 217. -John
Shoemaelier, 311; Alvada NVe5e11oh,312;
Alla Koehler, 332; Gordon Mc -Nevin,
US; Beimor Well, 3$7; Alma Fisher,
3'22; John Gal liem T1,295; Emerson Smith
281; Cornell Iioltztnann.258. .Sr. IL -
Pass 202.- -Litura Sipple, 838; Arno
Brenner, :328; ICate Howald,318; Elinor
1Veido, 202; Alelville Smith, 262.
Miss 31. Doax,
Teachers. Miss L. Axousws,
PIMENTATION, -A large tiumber of
the neighbors and friends of Mr. David.
Wynn and sisters assembled at the
church on Wednesday evening, March
26t11, for the purpose of presenting
them each withal, predent its a token
of estTom and to show their respect to
the three friends who were well worthy
of the gifts and many thanks bestowed
upon them by their many friends for
their kind deeds, both as neighbors and
church workers while in our midst.
The chair was taken het Rev. *Waddell
and a good prOgrarn Was rendered, con-
sisting of readings, recitations, instru-
mental and vocal music by our local
talent, after which, while the follow-
ing, address was being read by 3. G.
Jones, Jno. Routley and D. Goulding
made the presentation to David, while
Mrs. C. Godbolt presented to Miss Liz-
zie and Miss Minnie being abseil t,Lizzie
accepted on her behalf from Mrs. In°.
Routley the gift which was much ap-
preciated as was those to David and
Lizzie: -
We, as metnbers of Sunshine church
and Sunday school, have learned with
sorrow that, owing to failing health,
you have decided:to give up farming
and move away from this neighbor-
hood. You will be greatly missed by
alias a kind and obliging neighbor,
and especially missed by us in the var-
ious departments of our eh urch work.
You have been prominently identified
with this church from its inception
until the present. As a steward sou
have been faithful and accurate and al-
ways one of the first to be present at
the meeting of the Official Board. As
a Sunday sehool teacher your services
have been much appreciated and your
class has had a prominent part hi ar-
ranging this evening's program. We
are so indebted to you for your services
ancifeel so keenly our loss by your re-
moval, that we have met together to
ask you to accept this chair for your-
self, this cruet for your sister, Eliza-
beth, and this clock for your sister,
Minnie, whose prolonged illness has
been tite oceasion of tnuch sympathy
and sorrow. Wo hope that you in the
future may look upon these gifts as
scnnething which you prize, not as
much for their real worth, as fen' the
affection and respect of which they
are a token. We hope you may have
good beal,th and much prosperity in
your future home and that surrounded
by Christian friends and strengthened
by help Divine the remainder of your
lifetime may be increasingly happy
and useful. As this Eastertide we feel
constrained to give you this parting
apostolic benediction, "Now the God
of peace, that brought again from the
dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shep-
herd of the sheep, through the blood
of the everlasting covenant, make you
perfect in every good work to do His
will, working in you that which is well
pleasing in His sight, through Jesus
Christ, to Whom be glory for ever and
ever, Amen." Hebrews 13, 20-21.
Signed on behalf of Sunshine church
and Sunday school.
p1rted.-31tel1enry Hubei -attended the
Instnetilee meet ing; 111 Zurieh Saturday.
-We noticed the following. persons
from a distance vitoting ret ittvei and
friends in our midst during Easter: -
Mrs. John Krupp and Mi'', Krupp, of
Waterloo, at Mr. 1."obias Wertz; Mr.
Jno. Rader, of llamilton. at Mr. Mieh,
;lel IIirtzers; Mr. and Alm Tomei:wk.
of London, at Mr. IL Lampert's; Mr,
Elmer Gower, of Lotalon,and 31I' ('1)14",
D. Brown, of Exeter, nt their parents;
Mr. Wm. Woods and wife, of London,
at Mr. John Kerr''; Rev. Geo. Rivers,
of Ravenswood, at his brother's. the
Dr.; Mrs, Schneider and daughter, of
Morriston, at Mrs. Chas. Eilber's; and.
Mr. Aubrey Belzer, of London, at iihe
Robert Sweet's. -Monday was a hoh.
day for the fools.-Mr.and Mrs.Clitude
Blnett are visiting friends in Forest
this week. --51r. Chas. Grob, of Zurich,
WaS the guest of Mr. August Bill Sun-
day. -Mr. Samuel Brown made a ship-
ment of elover seed to Ilennie,the seed.
man, in Toronto Saturday. -Miss Beu-
lah. Beaver aud Miss Emma Morlock
sp.ent Good Friday iu Zurich with
fuends.-Mr. Percy Brown,of London,
was the guest of Miss Wenzel. Friday.
--We wereglad to see mt. Geo.Bloom-
field, of Brigden, who WaS a former
teacher in our school, here during Eas-
ter.-13ills are out for theironsez.vative
Convention to be held in Hensel!, to-
day (Thursday.) -Our farmers were
busy last week plowing and seeding,
but the storm of the past few days,
gave it a sudden stop, -Bretzels and
eggs played an important part diving
the past week. -Our butcher is wear-
ing a broad smile-anotherboy.-Mrs.
Kelso, of Deeroiais visiting her father,
-Mr. Adam Geiser, who is very. 111.-
31r. Chas. Kienzle lost a trainable mare loirroE-Coer-At the residence of the
last Monday. He was in the net of bride's father. Seafmth, on March 20,
catching %when itjurnped over a wire by Rev. Mr. Walwin, Mr. Samuel Lit -
fence, and getting its feet caught in tie, of :McGregor, Manitoba., to Miss
the wire, the animal broke its neck. Mary F., fourth daughter of Mr.
This is et serious loss to Mr. Kienzel, Wm. Copp.
as the busy season is approaching. -
The snow shoveliers made their ap-
pearance again Tuesday. Hicks' al-
manac was alright concerning the
Friday, the Rev. Litt preached an ap-
propriate sermon to n, large congrega-
tion. The alter ef the church was
beautifully decorated with plants. On
Easter Sunday he preached excellent
sermons both morning and evening.
The evening servicee was not well at-
tended, owing to the disagreeable
weather. The choir gave a song ser-
vice in connection with the evening
service and did exceedingly well, as CArrrotoa-In Clinton, March 26, Mrs.
they always do. In the afternoon the H. Oantelon, aged56 years.
Junior Y.P.A. imerabers gave a very
interesting program. The little ones
all taking active part in the entertain-
IVIEmonfsr Ommtam-The Sabbath
school anniversary 312212 'held in their
chorale Sunday. Rey. S. R. De Vitty,
of Deleware, was the preacher of the
day, delivering two eloquent sermons,
morning and evening: A platform
meeting wa,s held in the afternoon.
The Rev.De•Vitty,Reve George Rivers,
Ravenswood, Mr. George Bloomfield,
of Brigden, and Mr. 11. E. Huston, of
Exeter, addressed tbe meeting. The
children's choir and orchestra assisted
greatly in making the meeting a suc-
cess. Monday evening the annual en-
tertainment was held at 8 p.m. The
church was crowded in spite of the
stormy weather. The cantata, entit-
led, "Easter Bells" and other special
music was well rendered by the pupils
of the'school and choir. Little Miss
Ina Hill, of Clinton, sang a pretty and
affecting solo, which was received
with great pleasure. Those from a
distance delivered interesting address-
es. Taken all in all, the meetings were
a success in every particular.
Varna: Mr, Wm. Reid, oldest son,
of Mr. Andrew Reid, bad the misfor-
tune to lose, a piece of two of his fin-
gers on Monthly last, while sawing
wodp with a circular saw i. 31;. J.
MCAsh's, near Varna.
ADELSON -SA.NDERS-At the residence
of the bride, on March 27, by the Rev.
W. E. Millon, of Gesto, Mr. Jabez
Millson, of Whalen, to Mrs. Ella.
Sanders, of Olaneleboye.
KINEDIAN.--In Exeter, on March 81,
Ann Hutchinson, beloved wife of
Henry Kinsman, L.D.S., aged 63
years, 11 months.
McIvzo-In Goderich, on March 28,
Mary McIver, relict of the late Mur..
dock McIver, aged 00 years, 21 days.
Pooicerr-In Clinton, March 22, Mrs.
John Peckitt, aged 61 years.
BEenore-In Clinton, March 26,Wrn.
Beacom, aged 81 years, 5 months.
Coequixotiel-In Hibbert, on March 26,
Alexander, second son of Mr, Thos..
Colquhoun, aged 30 years, .5 months,
26 da,ye.
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