HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-27, Page 6n'IttE JAWS OP T1:PI FIRE. Story ot a Courageous Deed by an Engineer. The inane that iiremen take are an everlestiog worider. even though et - most. every paper contains stories of their bravery. But the maa behind the ilre-engine—apparently he has on - Ly t keep leis machine going, and is deS eafe as the man who pulls the lever of an upright. "donkey." The story ot Mt lirowfl. as told by Mr. Cleveland Moffett, in. "Careers Of Daring and Danger," shows that the engineer's bro.very is sometimes put to tests as severe as those \Nein% the liosemaii or the latieerman even has to endure. lthet heeteentel was tins° Engine 29 punipiett her prettiest stood at the corner so near the drug house -Ma the driver thought it waetet safe far the horses and led them away. That left Drown alone, against he. cheek of the fire, watening Itts boiler .aend keeping his steam -gage at seventy- five. As the fire gained, enmities of red- hot sandstone beer,att to smash. down ou the engine.. Brown ran his pres- up to eiglater, and wotched the door enxiously where the four fire- men front bis squad had gone into the furnace. Then an explosion of chemicals in the building sent a flame wide as the herise minding across the etreet. en - 'wrapping engine and man, and set - * re to the elevated railway sta- tion overlieaci. Bill Brown stood by his vine with a skeet of Pre obove 1itheard Foot steps en the 114veMettt and voices that grew faint- er, creing. *Ilea for your lives!" he wale alone, and ti e shin on /de hands fait, and lieciti were blistered. Brown linew why eyernmie was ruoneug. 'there would be another ex- piesioo. It was tolerably certain eat be would he if lie stayed. But hie four rheum were in the lire and iseetied the water. If lie quit his en- gine the water would fail. lie stoned in coal and ran the gage up atiother notch. eaeing the mai- nline, parte with the oiler. Ile was ffering his life for Ids friends. lit a few f ninnies the our Cre»1e4 CAMP Olif Of the building. Then Bill BrOWn rau for his life with hie com- rades. A seeonel or two later En- gine 29 was crushed by the foiling volts - •••••••••1101.1.11.11•••14••••••••••••••••••• WOMAN B AILMENTS, CEg DOCTO CURE One woman with - Sunlight Sop will de better work than Two will with impure soap. AA ter the Oetagonllao If year grow eamiot tamply, write te LEVER =ousts zratztrat, To:Vet% eending lets neMe and address, ana trial sample of Siudight Soap will be sent troo free of test, REXIIT.JC.EiS EXVE-reir$E REVOLT MENAOES RUSSIA of the population has its origin. that the almost universal discooten t:Oncess1011S on pointe of detail have effect. hampered in Quo direction ze reform or revolutionary MONT- ment—for "reform" and "revolu- tion" are synotioraous iu Russia -- will find fresh force in another. Drake the student e any coneessiens they -demand touching the universi- ITS COW Th DVB TO r()TATI- VAL DISCONTENT. nngs•••••• The Outbreak at the Voiversitie Only a Means t o An Ena. Profound politimel discontent tsittes. they will continue nevertheless i—any pretext serving them—in their general throughout Russia. and the Isysteanatic general strike. It M no St. Petersburg Government is alarm- question ot particular reforms ; is ed by events, the gravity of which 1 question of the total transforma- cann°t disguise* la all til"etleination of the systeni of administration, a movement clearly of a revolution- :ary eharacter is spreading. en a striking despaten to his paNO 131STAICES IN THE BIBLE. per the Copenhagen correspondent] ,e, of the London Paily News says reea dnte ,Mtinting of the Bible is the repo have reaebed the 1)all' talegnsce•k—Sa4174fCateltY iSnt r eatiSg; SS): capital that agitatlea agaillst funtil we reflect on the mischief an the Russian e.dministretitee tnethods has broken mit even in Siberian in,lt,e'ecut,h,rete 4ihie might bring obout. provinces axed that the local oPfrinOteiTrdandantdheetalo- ,ernors hone been driven to suppress 'all public meetings. Merest must be i,ohirPge give to the world all the Bi - indeed evidespreettl and the prelim.- 41 the United gingdora. entelit :genera of revolution most liave teen nrme Whiten by speeial license. A ' industriously' dissemiliated if such ears age the question aro" :witether the word "spirit," in Mate remote districts as Tomste Barnaul ;thew iv, 1 and Mark 1, 12 ehould and Marliesk are affeeted. have a capital "S," it navisig been MOTIVE POWER, proviously pruned with a, small It is now plain that the university Oaiie. and. although the word was °la °versions, or tialeitt outbreaks," viously wrongly printed, it was not whieh paralyee the ecieptifie life A -A until fte- tne ruling powers or tile the eoliiitree—for all evientitic life universities tine King's pouters bad IMO ten virtonlie" susinuni.ut in Rust met in solemn couocil that leave was ia nst elgbteen )s"." glr011 10 We 8, Ill capital letter. No- r ware but a means to an end, a sitamothing seueetenea by authority b If you trill, and that the inotive 161], may be ehangea without create ipoiver calling them forth is political. ing something awn to revolution Wiie Ilussian (overnmelit at Just re- in the places tvhere Bibles are priiite „aline that the concessious made to; eo„ the students will not arrest the otheri 11MA-en:lents Whieil the student agita.- 1 i Last year tlie Great Eitstern Rail- ;tiore haw set on foot. i .eiiis levier teht, ieeof the etiee is p Way stood f,et the bead of Englieh the ore reellY important...serious/ woonpanies in respect to number of SIXTY-SIX COUPLES. The Bishop of Quimper, Mcnesignor Duhillard, hod a busy time recently at the church of Plaugastel, Brit, tany, when he gave the benediction to. thirty-six pairs who• entered the married state. .A.ccording to the Breton custom the sixty-six couples, dressed M picturesque nationel cos- tume went, in procession to the church. which was reacbed at nine o'clock, end after Mass bad been said the couples were ene atter an- other blessed by the biehop, the churcb. eanWhile being througed by visitors, who came from all parts to ce the ceremony. Subsequently mile the secular customs, 'when Ith Nicolle, the mayor, had to repeat sixty-six times the articles of the civic code. NO VBRIFIOATION VEEDED .AT HOME VERN:BODY 1N QSTAWA TA. MILIAR WIT. =IS CASE, ,joe Brown's Wenderfeti Escape ne Death is New an Old and Oft Told Story to the People of his Own. Town. Oshawa.. Ont,, March 3peciel) —While interese in Joe Brown's case has been revived by the Teeent pub- licethin of the facts in so many pae peree Oshawa people are well oe- quainted with the whole circum- stance, Mr. Brown'ti father-in-law, Aik John Allin whoee place Of business is right in the centre of the tows, has, however, had to answer many questiops recently, but, as be was very elose to Mr. Brown durMg the whoie of his painful experiences in '97 and '98, be finds this an easy matter. Mr. Arlin is quite an enthusiastic as Mr. Brown himself, and never tires telling, the story of bow Doeld's Kidney Pills compiered disease, and saved Mr. Brown's life. HQ says ; • "We didn't think be would ever live through it, lee aloe get strong and be able to work. but the pills' made him all right oud well in Anne time, and tbe best of it all i, that the mire has stood the test o time. It nowt be three and a hal yeers since. and as vou /mow he's front the point of view of -the Cier's PaSSettgers carried. 'rile:, 'were 1113 etrong and hearty to -day and has mmilmitaiiimi.Inviimmokaimi iiiesisAimitimi akummtiisniMmmi- AImoKsomgimmkmm04NNs1mmi - * ,ww-takoacannW laggenalli= annIMIL: eeeeseetemmossameoreesmodsd~ diddireeczetesent e-eseweesowse samostelesseeerieweAsiewe . . . . ' 104100w6agamot Woo.. xamowsimowe .ammor 1111 M le rilnAN, 44geo.ki amosow 4404014116$060 egawas- -t Frost Wire Fence is a Strong Num The To wiree and 6 stay fetice has he4YY uprinhis. There is not weak spot in ite constreetien. It will laet Olive theme as Meg as other fences. Place per order fee rx0St rence, setisractieri gTairenteed. treettefeensitelesee. TtlE FROST WIRE fENCE LID.. WELLAND, Ont, IF V WANT P FBIOka FOR TOUR Butter, Eggs, Pau Apples otTor Produce DAWSON OOMMIWAT TUIThiltdidi TORONTO Coreespoedence Se:Netted. •?' USE Evory StIc 'V A Every Mato — A "Lighter T.. APO TELEPHONE PARLOR administration. encouraging from millions. Next. came the London II been ever eeneo Doors Ridney ruts, Dar es Salaam. WW1 time of the political reformer. The and North-Western with 82 millione. eent biut been te, the shop:. ,‘ y e 4 1 aro inane ethos in tonal !discontented clement in 1890 has de- bong. !who havo recently been reminded of eedoped until to -day it includes the • I this wonderful cure of a :warningly • whole of Russian society outside To (yet enForttene, ortneooN1II opeleee case W110 And no trouble in swan mintent which constithe e the, The Great Western carried 80 mil- T1 ce * " court circles, UNREST IS WIDESPREAD. Thonsands of Women Throughont equeetieni peasants. woreingmen. Canada in a Similar Condition students, prtifessors and landed pro - Words of Ro• pe to Sufferers. Prietors," savs a, writer on Ruseinn + 1 In countless• homes throughou will declare that the people • life in the Deutscbe Revue. "and aii Persentally conducted excursions beim i Tuesdays and Thursdays front •nia. The hottest place on •earth last or cago and Wednesdays from New Eng - Canada, 'where health and happluess had enough of a Government of an ndmimetration. l'ebiee land. Illustra.ted pamphlet sent o ehould reign supreme. the Ruiner 'rather receipt of two cent stamp by S. A. tvoilitiess and diseases or women are WINK to wish only to multiply responsible for an • atmosohere of traarimeis and vexations.” Hutchison. Manager. 212 Maxie hopelessness and despair. "I his kl‘V- Lack of unity Of administrative tul condition is largely due to a mita policy stud of uniformity in its up - understanding of the proper manner pheation •eggra.vates the eituntiou, sband---"how do you like your In which to effect a. cm'e for female The comparatively nbeiell methods new gill?". Wife--"U'en, she ivories troubles of all kinds. Dr. Williams* of M. de 1Vitte climb with the Droe Inc!a little harder them the IDA one Pink riffs have been niore teesfu cenian rule of XL Pobietionostcheff. but she is more "respectful," in eases of this kind. than any other The Government, with one hand un - medicine, and they should be in eta does what it has done with the if. 1 AND WASU1NGT'ON. Chicago & North-Western Ry. from Chicago daily, March and April, on - 1Y 50.00 for berth tn tourist car. callitig up the facts. and none are 440w to give all the credit to Dodd's Kidney street, Chicago. ery home, and should be used by her. *eery woman who is not perfectly For instance\ hi a general way hearty and •strong. airs. Fred. Mute satisfaction has been given to the PhY, a well-hnoton resident of Pub- students, but the retaliatory mea- nie° head. N.S., eheerfully beers ures visReil upon the worniligmen testimony to the great value of Dr. Williams' nine Pills in woman's ail- ments. Mrs. Murpley says;—"A few years ago my health was completely broken down, iny troubles beginning in ene of the ailments 'Which po fre- were recalled and an almost complete. truently afflict ery sex. Wes a Amnesty was proznieed them. Cou- great sufferer from *violent attaeles of trast these concessions with the pain which would Seize rile in the treatment meted out to the incline - "stomach and around the heart. It trial strikers, The latter were Is impossible for me to desembe the agony of the spasms. Several times the doctor was hastily summoned, my friends thinking me dt.ing. I was • wholly unable to oedema my house- hold work, and was wider medical treatment all through the summer, but without benefit. :111.tt appetite left mei my heart would palpitate ,violently after the least exertion, and I was pale and enuelated. My husleend urged inc to try Dr. Wil- liams* Pink Pills, and procured me a. supply. After using the pins a. eau - „pie of weeks, I could feel that they were helping me, and after using ,seven bottle, I was fully restored to health, From that time until the spring of 1901 I enjoyed the best of health, but at that time I felt run down, and suffered front pains in the hack. at once got some inore of hr. Williams' Pink Pills, arid they soon put me all right, and I am now reeling better than. have done for years. I cannot praise these pills - too much, nor can I too strongly • urge those' who are ailing to test their evonderful health restoring vir- • tues.” Dr. Williams' Pink Pills go right to the root of disease, by making new, rich blood, and -restoring shat- tered nerves. In this way they cure such troubles aS the functional ail- ments., of wo.men, restore the glow of 'health to sallow cheeks, cure palpi- tatton of the heart, anaemia, head- ache, indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, rheumatism./ partial pale itlysie, St. Vitus' dance, etc. Be sure you get the genuine with the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on every box. , you do not find , • them at your dealers, they. will be, mailed postpaid at 50e. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing ,the Dr. Willianis Medicine B Go., r ockVille, Ont. James Reid, an English soldier, 72 years old, wile had served through the Crimean .campaign with , the Royal Artillery, and distin- guished hiroselk for bravery at Se- bastapol and Dalakla,va, was as- phyxiated by gas in New York re- cently. rv,inard s Liniment Cures Di litteria London's Are brigade cost over .4,230,000 last year, and the staff is who aided the •students are terrible. now 1,125 TOOL and has 211 horses. IlARSTINESS ON STRIKERS, Stems Mt cough Students wbo have been sent to and works off the cont. Laxative Eronneleulaine Tablets cure a cold their regiments in consequence of the In one dee. No Ultra No Pay. Price 25 °cote, disturbances at Moscow and Kiel. moved by hundreds from factories, workshops, and mines. In ordinary circumstances it would Lave been held sufficient to send each man back to the -village he tante from. 011 this occasion a worse thing was done. The workingmen were dispersed in the very villages in which, not being their own, they have no right to land, and where they can with difficulty lind employ- ment. If the Government had meant to turn them into vagabonds and incendiaries no better way could have been devised. VACILLATION IN POLICIES. aoms••••••••• ire (who has been refused a kiss)— "It 'lased to be an easy matter to kiss you. What has tome over you?" She—"My doctor told me must take more exercise." Similar irrationality, contradiction and vacillation in the Government's financial and economic policies, de- spite the prestige of M. de Witte, the "heaven -born Minister of Finance." In France and Belgium when orders do not come in, blast furnanes are closed down one after another, but commands are issued to the Rus- sian workshops to go on producing all the same, even if at a loss, for Russia "must nave her face." Stocks of cast iron slumber in the sheds awaiting the buyer who does not come, yet the latest supplies for tho Trans-Siberifen Railway were ordered from the United States, for America had to be well paid for cer- tain Moment]. services. Recent harvests have been very poor. • Famine is more and . more be- coming epidemic. Yet the order has goue • forth to the Russian news- papers not to talk of famine ; and the Viedomosti, one of •the most truthful of the protestants against such journalistic censorship, .has been suppressed. CONCESSIONS OF NO AVAIL. Everything else in Russia's domes- tic economy is to match, and it is in a multitude of facts of this nature Frederick D. Underwood, who has been slated for president of the Nor- thern Pacific or Burlington roads, entered t,he railwaer set -v ice in 186S as , brakeman Oil the St raui .fle Was elected preeident of !3( 1,i Erie railroad early this Biliousness Bareleus Lira—Tee bilious man is never a companionable unin be- eause his ailment renders bim morose and gloomy. The complaint is not so danger nus as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need -niffer from it who can procure Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regula.tina the liver and obviating the effects of bile in the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. 180 paper -making limns control 221 paper mills in England. Scot- land has 61 mills, owned by 51 dif- ferent -firms. FREE TO MOTHERS ONLY. To every mother of young children who will send us her name and ad- dress plainly written on a postal card, we will send free of all charge a valuable little book on the care of infants and young children. This book has been premixed by a physi- cian who has made the ailments of little ones a life study. With the book we will send a free sample • of Baby's Own Tablets—the best medi- cine in the world for the Ini1101` mouth of infants and young children. Mention the name of this paper and address Tito Dr, Williame' Medicine Coey Droekville, Ont. $88.00 TO PACIFIC COAST. Chicago & North-Western Illy; dur- ing the months of March and April $30.00 from Chicago to Helena, But- te, Anaconda, Ogden and Salt Lake City; $30.50 Spokane; $33.00 Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver, Victor- ia and a large number of other points. Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to the Pacific Coast. For maps and particulars apply to nearest ticket agent or address B. 11. Bennett, 2 East ICing street, 'Parente, Ont. London Bridge is at present 53 feet wide. This will be lecreased' to 65 feet when the proposed alterations are Onished. • There never ww-,. anti_ never will be, n universal pzetinceii. in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of many curatives being „such that were (7ie g,eries of ether and anterenely seaeed diseases rooted in iche system of the patient—)%hat would relieve one ill in :urn would aggravate the other. We have, however,..,,in Quinine Wine, when obtain able in a sound Unadulterated state, a remedy for Many and grevious By its g,radmil and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts onNatere's 0w 11 restoratives. It relieves the droopitig spirits of these with whom a 011501110 state of morbid des pendency aud lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -- imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functIons of the System, thereby m akin g 1ICt1VI ty 11 ii ecessary 'result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs. which naturally de noind increased subetauee--restilt, ifll Proved appetite. :`.corthrop & Lyman of Toronto, have triven to the public their superior Quinine Wine 3131 13110 esiial rate; and, gadged by the opinion of., scientists. ti , w)ne oproaeltes nearese nerfectiolt eg, any in the market. All druggists sell it, Year was on the Persian side of the thdf of Persia. During ten eonseeu- tive in July and August, the temperature never fell below 100 de - SETTLERS' LOW BATEs WEST, Chicago & North-Western R`y; ev- ery day during March and April. Colonist one-way second-class tick- ets, at very low rates from Chirago to points in Colorado. Utah, Mon- tana, Nevada, Idaho, Orego», Wash- ington, California, Victoria. Vancou- ver, New Westminster, Nelson. Boss - land and other points in gootemey District. Also special round-trip Homeseeleers' tickets on first and third Tuesdays, March, April and May. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or B. IL Bomett. Gen- eral Agent, 2 East Xing St., To- ronto, Ont. .01,ompemoo.../ lorrtnee le the only tountry in Eur- ope that bas • increased her wheat acreage in the last year 4,....0.••••••••• To tuna A. COLO RI oNE DAL Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tablets. An &valets refund. the money if it Wld bemire, E. W. GrOla'S signature I on eaoh box. 25e. It has been agreed that the number 6 is to staid for danger in the Alps. Six calls, six shots, or six flashes will call for help. For Over Sixty Years Mits. Wisstew's SOO:nnktt :Irinue has been used In minimiser mothers for their children while teething. Iteaothea the Child, softens the gums, altar% pain, cures wind collo. regulates the etomach and bowel,, 00(1 11 the best remedy for Diarrhina. Twenty -live cents a bottle. Sold by druggiSta throughout the world. Le sure and ask fur "line. WINsI.Oirs 800TIONO StitUr." The latest*battleships of the King Edward VII. class are to bave four twelve -inch gius, four nine -point - two's, and ten .six-inch, , BOW,are of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completelyderange the whole system when enterhog it through the mucous surfaces. Snob cuticles ehould never be used. except on prescript bens from reputable physicians, as the damage they via do isten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Care, manufactured by F.X. Cheney & Co.. To- ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood. and raucous surfaces ot the system. In busing Hairs Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gem' Ina It is tekeninternaby,and made in 'roledo Ohio, by P. I. Cheney & Co. Tostimoniale free. Sold by Druggists, price 75e per bottle. Ball's Family Pills are the best. num East Africa, has gro 4 von years front a village of tires, to be a town with U00 Euro- peans and 21.000 natives. 1100101111101110016 QOM ID COM. She --"It is coniforting • to me to know that woman's hand rules the world." Re—''Yes, but you must not forget that man's hand holds .11 mileh of 'the time," MANY AIWA NTAGES OVER OTHER. LINES. • That the Now York Central possesses groat aelvatit ages over other iineS cannot be gainsaid, and they aro too numerous to enumerate, but few of the principal features are: the great trail service • (twelve •express trains each way between Buffalo and New York), four tracks • and the Grand Central Station the on- ly station in the city of New Yorn. '1'his s the, route of the famous Empire State Ex- press. Russia exported Iast, year 219 mil- lion gallons of petroleum. America exported over 901 million gallous. Unequaled—Mr. Thos. Brimt, Tyenin Maga, Ont.. writes:—"I IMO tO vonfor reeDiumending r. Thamosi Eelectrie Oil for bleeding piles, 1 was troulacil with them for nenrlo fifteen years, and tried almost everything I could. hear or think of. Some *Idiom would give, me temporary relief, hoh nOne won't!, effeet a core. I tom now been free from the distressing complaint fOr nearly eighteen mouths. -I lume you will continue to recommend It." "Maggie ---"When you brone the en- gagement, dId you return the dia- mond ring he gave yon?" Monger- ethe—"Certabily not. I don't, care for Hari.7 any more, but my feel- ings have not changed towards the Alm." The Publisher of the I3e,st Intriner'e paper in the Maritime Provinces In writing to us states: I would say that I do not know ol a. medicine that bas stood the test el time like MINARD'S LINIMENT. 11 has been. an. unfailing remedy la out household ever since I can reniefilber, and has outlived dozens of would lie competitors and imitations. The two cities 'of Manchaster in England, and Boston in tIm United States, are almost exactly equal in population, while 'Birmingham. and Baltimore are also very nearly alike. -ONLY TOill'AL A liSTALNIC . iiiiniher of ladiee in St. Peters. w. have formed mtereseeiatien ted that the eonsumption of Alcoholic bil by' men. These ladies have alms a dedge asly to aifflOeitite 'With Melt whn ate total obstainere, They Advqrtlie ens s lawmen lately thee' WOW Offen" uninio Parineleo'A Vegetable ono pop tiler becauto of the geed repine they made for themselvee. That relintistion has otown, and they now annte anto014 the Ilret nonlicines for nte itt affaelie ef dye- ptip-Usind bilionmehs. compliant* of the liver:mil kidneys, rhenium -him fever antl. egne mut the innumerable complieatione to whiell these ailmentsgive flee. ••••••1,••••1•1. 014 Contleman—"So you think my daughter loi.es you. sir; and you wish to marry her?" tfludeleighe- "That's what I called to see about. Is there any insanity in your fent- ilyr Old tlentleman--"No. eirt mid there's Dot going to be may." LOW SETTLERS RATES. During March and April, 1002 the Northern Pacific will sell ONE WAY SECOND CLASS SEVPLERS' tick- , ts from eastern terminal points—St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Duluth, and the Superiors—al greatly reduced rates to nearly all points on its main liue, branches and connecting lines, west of North Dakota. 'These tick- ets to Northern Pacific points will be good for stopover west of hope, Idaho. For example the rate to Portland Cued North Pacific coast' common points will be $25. For further de- tailed inrormation about .these rates call upon or write to Wm. G. Mason, D.P.A. Nos. Pac. 2.1.5 Ellicott Square, 33u1falo, N.Y.; or address Chas. S'. -Pee, Oen. Pass Agent, Nor. Pac. St. Paul, Min. For those who have not yet ay - ranged to buy homes in the North- west this is a rare opportunity to go out to Montana,. Idaho, Weshingtoe and 'Oregon and look over the coun- try. The good lands ate being ra- pidly sold and the country and, towns are prosperoes- ay. growing. Ranch lands, farm lands. fruit lands, timber hinds are all to be fooled. li yoti Want to go where irrigation ren- ders you independent of rainfall Ot drottlh come along and • we can fie you out. • Some of the impottant valleys reached by the Northern Pacific are the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Madison, Deer Lodge, , Bitter Robt, and Clark Fork, in Montana, the, Palouse, Big Bend, . Colville, Clearwater, Walla Walla, and Yakimavalleys in Idaho, and Washington, the Puget SOUTI d and British Columbia, regions and the Oregon conntry. It is a vast 'empire where clineate soil and other advantages make of it a favored land, Mioard Linimfot Cures Colds, etc Mi•••••••••( NATIONALITY OF CHEUINAIS. Out of every 1.000 criminals pun. victed in England, 19 are Seotelo 21, foreigoers, 82 Welsh, 97 Irish. and 831 English. The Irish +Crimin- als aro therefore three times more numerous than the Welsh told live times more numerous than the Scotch. Time great tang healer le found in that excellent medicine sold ate Ilielcie's Anti- Cousnuiptive Syrup. It KOO/IICS and 41- minisbe6 the sensibility of the membrane of the throat anti air passages, SIMI 18 a sovereign remedy for all touglie, cold", hoarseness, pain or bareness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. !tiles euxed many when supposed 10 1)0 far advanced in consampt sioni "Oh, doctor," exclaimed It alien.. niatic patient, " :t suffer dreadfully with my bands and feet." "But, my dear sir," rejoined the physician. ''just try to think how Much 1110011- venionen, you would suffer without them." linarii's Liniment Cures Distemper The girl with elle beau to her string stands a better chance of not being an old maid than the girl with a dozen. N. 13 368 SALESMENvon 4AUTOSPHY " WANTED Beet compressed -air sprayer made. Sample machine free.-0Avens SIMS., Gait, Oet. is a satin ot aiio,ati preparation. it oures Geld floret, DitsulpSid Hat" Wounde or Sltin DIDORS08, It 18 not aneasthotio,, but a healer—VIE SCIVER-, mot kigAttn. Largo BOXfitg 2So. gists. or Ills ciiondino ea., Toronto, 150 Kinds for 20c. 113 18 a feettbet kalzer's vegetable and flower Seede are found in inore gardens and on more 5trnisibn any other In America. There le reason for this. We own and operate over WOO acres for r.he PrOdu e t l onotOlnc se6d in erdertIiaducoioto tryt;:vetnaftueionwtuup:t r'0061:2111:cotteern:ta pottipaid 20 Mats ef nost leach's. radishes, 12 ungelltect earliest *lateen, vit sort's &aloes tomatoes, ,‘ 21 peorlosi lotitisovariatios, 12 splendid' boot sorts, 64 gorgeous'7 besettf el gowar In al.1160 Wade PolAttVeittlrillahing bustele Ot Chanttirlis Mayan mid Iota and lots of chtlee 'vegetables, together with our greet catalogue tolling fit about Teosinte and keit °avail's Bromus and /Welts, onion seed at 60e. a pound, etc., 011 151 20c. In Canadian stomps. JOHN A. SALEER SEED CD.. LA C/orse.Wia ,,, tt,