HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-27, Page 5THE
exam tractratt
* published every Thursday Manila; at the Mee,
----By the
Otie Dollar per annum if paid in acleance, $1.30
If not so paid.
./SteoxiantimI,eag n.tiost coo,
Nol;oper discontinued until an arrearages Arepaid.
Advertisements nithoot specified directions will be
Welled nail forbid And charged aeconlingly.
iberal diseonnt made for transelent Advertisements
leserted for long periods. Eery descoption of JOB
PEINTINO turned out in the finest style, awl at
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, fm., for
advertising, sabseriptions, etc., to be made payable
OhasJL Sanders -
DDITOD atm ri3O-P
03Itte 1
RxDfe*onit Vardn.
AN, 14.1>.S., /IBA, Honor graduate of
panto ruiveristy.
e 51 without any rile, or.
oa's Meek west sale
Itenor Oradaate of Toronto Vniversity
Collegeof Dental Sstmeons of Ontario.
Graduate at ehteago *toll ot Prosthetic' Dent 54
(with honorable meation.)
Allimaimun, Cold and Vulcanite Plates made in the
neatest inanner possible. A, perfectly harmless an-
aesthetie used for painless maraenon of teeth.
(ghee one door seetlt of Carling Eros. store. Exeter.
3. W1Th3 U1W0 OP THE
e.tturiltre4ralZ- AdeVrg"
- Olts,7:11git
John P. Wilson. 0:iire and Ite:iittillVe.
ttnetn; Ave.. LoAdion Qt. Special attention
paid to diseases et women,. Oill-eimers, le,en to 4
ess. Ncrtar:o. Vaioeyane.pi. t'emeatAmters.
-..olielt/ra for !delimit natot. ete.Meeee to tom At
low,?st rate-, of lute/vv.'. Ottl'c4 Ma:3 arc•rif. realer,
1.11. eatMISO,11-A.. 1. II. lt.'vatit-iN
ICick a dog and he bites you.
He bites you and you kick him.
:rile more you kick the more
he bites and the more he bite%
the more you kick. Each
makes the other worse.
A thin body inakes thin
blood. Thin blood makes a
thin body,. Each makes the
other worse. If there is going
to be a change the help must
come from outside.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
'heIp. It breaks up such a
combination, First it sets the
stomach right Then it eu-
riches the blood, That
strengthens the body and it
begins to grow new flesh,
A strong body makes rieh
blood and rich blood makes a
strong body. Each makes the
other better. This is the way
Scott's Emulsion puts the thin
body on its feet Now it can
get along by itself. No need
of medicine.
This picture represen
Trade Matk of Seen
mision and is ell the
mapper of !meg haft
me ample.
aozi-ro CANADA
see, and $x a atugest%
W. OIADM3rtoEllin: 4: 014,
nne.)Illantler„ tialeeker. N'nery Patine (tn.
Neer.M`, Money to linn 111:vetit tatil
rC* ttlEV.111Infittrix1.Ezetdr.
gleDWN, WM-listen.
• tfir the etICIlitita of •
abater the torrmitip of
attended tomtit terms reaf.mable. 1.7
3t post 0:liee, WitielgeLca.
The Pfloisons Bank
(Chartned loy Parliament, li:15)
Paid up Capital.',,
Reserve 'Fund . .. . . .2,150,000.
Head Wee, Montreal.
Money trivankAtto pe1l1l:4%0o on 131e1r own
otes with one or more entlorsers at 7 Kr cent. per
oprn every latoid day )n4 10 a.m. to 3, p.m; Sat.
inday$ 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
.4. general litielleittg business t ransac ted
(IWO= R.tTC4. allowed tor :mann en Peposits.
lisPelpts. savings Daub at 3 rent&
llgessos 13.3330, N.1). lIvanns,
Selleltors. Manager. •
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re*
modelling our min,
A quantity of shorts
on hand.
4044 %Pooh Phoophodino,
.2%. Great English, Being/Y.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada, Only reli-
able medicine discovered. six
packages guaranteed to mire all
forme ef Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To.'
bum Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One tat ptease,
six wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Weed' Company, Vandscitarant.
Woods Phosphodine is soldinExeter
by 3; W.' Betevening and cf: 'Lutz
• • -
Druggists. •?:,
The Sale Parchase and Exchange of
' •
Tillage and lands and properties
negotiated( reaeonable rates of com-
mission, • •
For Sale.
Several Valuable Farms in HAY,
IVRAY; also Three 'very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter.
Perms Wanted.
We have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Wni, 'Bowden, Data. Mill,
Valuator. Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Carliog's New
Block, Exeter.
Sergeote Set Flee to a Technical
• $g.P .S.PETN virrra 4 'IgW 5:0490 Anti 4tterapt LYnelaing.
71 72
:14 • 48
Barley, ....-
Ito laityteper ton - 0 00 7 00
lEionr, per cwt., roller..., 1 70 2, 2a
16 17
Be es, per 11iee 4 00 ,0 00
1 50
DUirseet")dgslitPeg%r. 7 00 7 00
Shorts per cwt.....3. 00 1 10
Iglo:TvIlef''':erlisid:;14.'e";:'....:.. :2** 4 7008°5' i'91°1
rep4m, tereorteaal.e. Vienna, March 24. --The newspapere oats, , .....
here report a students' Otttbre4k, of
intioeary chazeeter, Ploek, Res- Potatoes. Per 50
Brj3sh Wgr Se erotaren Ave:toupee..
anent In the INASO tCOMMOOSIrm
'ishe Artnortneernent itocelved
With elteerse-difortishareotroca
rontleo Pr4bah1" "V•v4titctrAwtz4""
Press Commeots.
Londen, Merele h Hoe
Commons to -day the War Secretary,
Mr, Brie', anneimeed that a fort-
ught ago Mr. Schalk Burgetimated
to Lord Kitcheeer hiS desire to o
„grained a eefe nduet througit the
British lines and back he order to see
Mr. Steyn with reference to the sibiUty a jean ,proposals. Lord
itehener, with the consent of the Gov.
ent, had aceedes.1 to the request.
anouneement of the War Seeee-
r • was reeeired with, cheers.
T.t..- At---vtia.ted Peeee has good reason
Neve that Lord Kitehener, ble
le erview with Mr. Sehalk Bigger"
agreed' to AVE;liciirom- the banishment pro-
el:natation iesued ia September if Gene
eraDewet and the other Veer leaders.
The Weeteeinster Gazette this after.
mon urgee that any pcteto proposol
eheuld Leregavtled on its ;mail% pinting raft 084 the imgeneroue aesumptiort
thet the pieviette Boer evertwee were
signs of weaknees contributed largely to
the Wlure of the nagotiatious.
The Pall Lifl Gazette would 9il0 to
think that the breve, skilful command.'
ers, Dewet. and Delarey, have arrived at
the height of moral courage °nee attain -
fan Poland. 'The students there set
fire to the technical school end attempt-
ed to lyneh the professors. who tecaped,
with ditliculty, Mounted troops 'quelled
the disturbence.
irno AvAnfmr tEPORTS.
"bent fe Pirmer-43rit1s3 :Live Sloe
Trade and Other Marl.ieta.
Monday Eveeing, Merck 24.
The Viell.de
Mer.25:01. Mar.f.„‘'nn
111'1w4 ,74.714,000 04,0S0.04,1
21,111.40 ‘.1
oats 3.21P.009 110117009 608.44)
1a,14 mei) 1,191.4.1)
1°."heat &I -teased 1,040,001 bushels the past
z: rowhe.it 6e4 1e3 44:440 ,
Toro:eta bt. Lawlremee Mor14
a fee knit itt *204 v7.re 14;ht c4 47,4e
• 4,F,..2.;',..14•:;,11. 443$ 11:V3 4;',;vg. o;tgy atO bU64,
4Tvz4. 64ea13F._
evet---te etkenly. 1;',0 bushels et trUlte
1,cr peshet. 100 busheis
srelog at 0,1,e err traz-iwil awl VA% bushels ot
goose at STe per basbielt,
"4-"0” bushels selling A
irse t1.7.4.C.1! rer letand.
;1,3er. was Pel lug
Vr: EIA for 113ont3tY ntr.1 t
let ton for ch.lee.
, steadY, II loads sallnR nt $.7
r tn.
rjeo,skel. ty,sze.,,,Vere easier. selling trona
tale. waggotts 34 17.73 re ;$7.80 per
At-itten Cattle Ntorliotti.
eat, nier.a Ii•-1°Nited Sinten cattle.
• and Vanadieu eat -
• 4 Teeth. stew awl steady.
lltantreat Wilt Stock.
ed by te'eneral Lee. arld bave realized .S!oreli 11$0-171111'0 were aliont
thit the truest patriotism does nut'"n. A"'" " eattle' '37'1) c3Ive$4
sheep awl 15 bitting, I,Attbs offered ter 154Aiti
in the prolongation. of A hope ea at tee ,e,‘ p,140 Abattoir to.nae.
struggle -el' 1411itall'fA tit full Ann.*. Lint
r:ele ;.‘tt itrieli as the prime cattle
eere Wird et vallzer 1;W -tee ileums: then en3t-
'4 $:::tcs.ral very choice Cattle:i
tnt i
wli twat t to So per ih, bri0.4,;(!' •
the tu7.1,:e.:t lignte Fog
tiny, prr p* wag 3)r4=.1. fire tour very
rendered. 1334 have leant re.eaeed 11°,4" 4,r4 3iitcz'411a•F; Palete beeves
;:rutittre7n Ptluerr ullfe:eet44.11" Prel• '
, .
- • , , . r-- r-
$e. jarnes" Gazette eetraete from
1 the 1.1i4illiilifilA;the d,?Sp,;-,2;e4W$ -thus far
received from Preteria the theory that
Sertalk Burger aud the other mem-
here of hie arty he e ibl ' 1 ti 7
uags 11. ciaan 4" rik". 11;`1. 41115'.14
deSpAtelt front Ptcteria, IllAdd r 1,74,4%;..7 410e. 1,144,;,(e faults tele at
public teanigibt. 1.erti Relater g..ves htt Dom ZA" 11,1.4412.41.- pn :D., My. 4;, n„.1.7.40 1;4)3.4744;
;(4431 trapturee. eto... but 1114:4 t,'„'Pl!ii',';'Ilt"IglIgtffotirav,r2g 4
valitigiu the ISvh3331 ihrger 118" alte'et. iarente. nt rano 4
.%lei e t.1. from to lit:ee per Rh.
rhe 4'84 4&434 rat tuna $1.4,0 to $S
In entilleetiall With Ow statenteut that 21 .3 34 efeen ie eke' 31.11 met
the protiargeition of letaadoneut is to be 13'''43' 30 331144.12t 3I 134.1340" 444:
1 11 Igtea7liat ;11.sont r. 011*
withdrawn, it ie revelled that In me ,
;‘f jr:rig ItiatO% V‘, nearly all rather
riven !amnia f 1. 31111 3311' 4• FO.11 Ot
e,,,t re.; Ito e.141,1 44 lel 1.11111tS told ot
SO i":0"31 rat !wk., -odd ot (iota
iwr 111, for hes weiGhed off the
meat Itoffalo Cattlo Market.
rant Marolt 21 -Caillo-Recolpts,
1.1P41 ts.leOF owl demand aid 1031. le
15c idireee ter teem kradei, witb tom:non
to meeetta eteeas steedy end other grade.:
losvvrt prbt•te ntrot.R. $033 to .$0.70:
fotr ••fl RM33 ., to Fitt eme.o. rah, 10 orc
Ira. :31 tr. 10,Zit ti.aniterti and me
cown. *2.'io
to 7,1 r.: Mimi{ e4 :et to eale;
expert Lea e Sem to $1.75; thin anti an.
Witner $11 la lo 3 M32 vealn, tor. SS to $S en;
eonittiont.!.;Milt, v.50 to ee..a.
speech on the Liberals' Imam at the
(*Ming tlf Parliament regarding, the war
Mr. Cheinterlain edged that haniehment
would be necessary to remove from South
Africa each men ae Mr. tithalle Burger,
Fano R y because in some of ids earreeetandetwe
recently raptured the acting President
hal advieral that any surrender slualld
ISe uneonditionaL in order that the Boers
flannfacturer DDei,table and Stationary En
gins and Boilers, Plows,
Land Rollers,' Mowers, Etc,.
Iron pipe and fittings, re.
pairs on Agricultural lin
plements and general ma
ehinery promptly attended
to, •
30 II. P. Boilu
Boiler, 25 H. P. Egine Com
plete with Pomp and Heater, also
about 1500 feet of ineh pipe.
J• 1V1TJRt1W
It is said the cattle and sheep of South
Afriea have been almost exterminated
through the war.
Dr. M. J..Kelly, inspector of schools
in l3rant polinty, Ines resigned after
thirty years of sereice.
Messrs. C. R. Hammer and F. W.
Thompson have purchased the business
of the W. W. Oglville Milling Contpauy
the price being between three and four
million dollars. .
LOcAL OPINTo'S IS STIto's0 in favor a
ryny.naiquaa. It cures coughs and
colds with absolute certainty. Pleasant
to take and sure to cure. Manufactur-
ed by the proprietors of Perry Davis'
Pai n
Sir Win. McDonald has plaeed $125,-
000 to the credit of the Rated School
Fund in the Bank of Montreal for the
erection and furnishing of the build-
ings in com3ection with the Ontario
,Agricultural College at Guelph.
See,That the Name
Is on Every Package you Mir -
Sorne profit loving inerchantS buy
package dyes to supply their customers
with that are so poor and weak that it
requires fully three peckages to give
the same depth and richness of color
that is obtained from one package of
the Diamond Dyes. These weak byes
-dear at any price -are sold to con-
sumers at ten cents per package, same
price as thefull strength DiamondDyes.
Any woman,who is urged by a mer-
chant to buy the weak and adulterated
dyes referred to, should stoutly refuse
to he swindled. Loss, trouble and b.-
rition of temper can be avoided by al-
ways 'using the Diamond Dyes. Ex
amine each package; when you see the
name "Diamond Dyes," you are fully
Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns
richly colored oq the best quality of
Scotch Hessian, can he ordered by mail.
Send fog three sheets.of designs to se-
lect, from. Send yotir address to The
Welie & Richardson Oo, Limited, 200
Moant. in St., Montreal, P. Q.
elight t ftva rd s f erm comfitlit eesand
vitlt the aid of their friend.; in Europe
ain work for a Dutelt South .A.friea. e
Untier the present eirenmstances, bow -
• it appeare that 'Mr. Seltalk Burger's
views have modified to the extent oftils.
YtA.liernAil.fh to $1.071: ItAt do. sif.41 4
usaing 0. blirrentler on, terms, in Whieh •
( bcroberloin% views way also te same ;nixed pa: tore. Sti.41.1 to 86 7.3:
consistently altered. en+ toe Irmvv. '643 .1l Its, 411 13 10
s':;t!.% tonidlq. t to Sit !la: etatet, bi $tal).
• Slovvp nail Iambi itreetptg. ;l4.040 head;
•• ion* full sit ode to limn: lamb% {aloe rood
oeutand. hut Ion er; 001fo latuk. $0.0a to
ts ...it g..nol to t.. 4. to bt...6 12 *9114
ttO .1.101Wer to ftueatIon In to f WI to z!•li lot t.," OPP. doe !Mate
the 13e111s11 Coutmons.to 83.N1 to gill eholee Io exara meted.
Frg '$3,"1.1_tu
la to $5.70; voila mid common.
I had A most stuhlorn ea g
ror many yeas. It deprived me
ef eleep and grewvCrY Wm.
ken teed Ayr's Cher!), Pectoral,
was quietly cured.
R. N. Alaon, Fall !dills, Tenn,.
ixty years ure
such testimony as the
C have taught us wha
s Chem Peetor
know it's the great
ugh remedy eve
- And you will say
after you try it
..-iiveiow....•vecoroctpraum•ieminteirrxwm,.. A4.40war.„--„4
• 'I' 44--eo aiva: 25,-, unglue& for an oremare
qv34; tribt fur tkreneintes. hearse.
nes bars' egids.etr.;?,1. u;est etse2334.4e2334.4.174tctirsatie 4 -'(r -4.a14 t4;44 04 3)1131.
41144 'CO.. ITA3st-
alw:tys on band.
• • 0.110PKNO'
vomptly and properly done.
Oristirg A p001411Y.
ilarvey BrOS.
Successors to Cobble(3ick A'e Son.
Pianos and Organs
EASY TERMS OF 1-4417..
We sell the celebrated lieltzmott
Co. Plano (The Art Plano of Can.
1 a) the choice of Royalty for their
one of Canada,
If yon wg ant somethincheaper we
can slaow you Pianos of other makes
which will be no disgrace to the meat
elegant perloe.
Sewing Machines.
In sewing machines Wt. earITY the
ew Reentered ani White
et needle., and supplies al ell oreelt
e The Geadener
',0-440 and
The Housewife
raticestrmige =cm, TIAT
IWO Rt(n4 lie are.= *43tric:0
tun 00 czoaq LW, orvig
evcrywioto 310. 136152343D. M. FERRY 14 Go.
Winci6orf, Ont.
T 1 est elteeTa
t sk always in
.1„. AND SEE
London, March 21. --The Government , ,:',Iriii bean' Mitort 4'Weli. Fi•ro to i"
has given a negative reply to a question 1?;14.,4'ir:' ''''''14 t° '.31.34-, lilt wv111"4'. $'
in the lionse of Connuons by Mr. (elk!. cute:Igo LIve Stock.
Well 11,3 to whether any regotiations had olifermo. etareh ni.--catne- nevem?... 333.
been proceeding, and were now p116 ti- Ithe"12411,14e;' 1 t- " t ''' eo rit
nu irtri Toxuq.• n,trtlec stoadv
callconcluded, between the British atel bf $71, PtI'v t° ng.ltf:43111111/.:$11r titIlli'llIV;riiikliii.48
t Wlatlitin Governments, for a. subsidized gr,.var,4, 'AZ ig gior;•111.01z':$1:4'
line of steamers, by which the voyage ie. eaAil; 31u1314. 332.3C1 to Sat ealvoN, ''.?,„•rgo to
from this country to Canada, and vim in ea Texan ro:t stet"i •$5 101 $1%.4:4414,57
Verca, Wna expected to be performed Ae'll,',ni.„.M44.,t'llA •At,glijeseaeneet to
In the space of live days, and whether $ato; good to noire boavr. $0.45 to $0.0:11::::
subject evould be made before the Ina- 7 .:
sii ;la: hulk of sales. SG 25 lo $0.4.)4 Sheel)-
ravigh heavyly
. $G.20 to $6.35: liedit. $11 to
any authoritative announcement on that
to Bang Kong was taker:. a...05: westein yearlinge. $1.2,1, tona-
tive lambs, $4 to $6.&.; western Niubs. .5125
11:,11148,484000: shren strong: Iambs siep
two for the approval of the 3. anadian
Pacific Railway Company's mail contract I goad to ebolee welhers. .,.) to
to $(1.05; epring lambs, $1 to $12.
3Ionteenl Grain. and Produce.
Cholera at 3feeeft.
,Tedda, Arabia, March 24. -There have is easier, Ontario
llareli 21. -i, -The market
WIscat declined le and
been470deatet.sie;oltei°Iiillatl:eclVlea:;(,INNItetiiatieft7.r,73.13,:k•Fh?tarli elitie1nd1edina.dinrthe tasttendayN2sillgsIt
oexast,olti!,,,te; No. 2 oats on spot, 401;le to 479
FMur--The market Is quiet and feature-
less. 'Are (motet -Manitoba spring wheat.
patents, $3.00 to $4.10; strong bakers', SU.50
to$3.80,1. winter wheat patents, $3.75 to
$1; Ntralgtit rollers, 3)3).4.1 to $2.83,1 straight
rollers, in bags, $1.6o to $1.70, and extras,
$1.;60 to $1.50.
Meal -The demand Is light and there is
considerable cutting, prices ranging from
$4.80 4,
to $73 per barrel.
kleed-The market is very firm. Sales of
carlots of °Mario bran were made at
$18.;10 per ion, in bulk, and shorts at $22.30
per ton,including .bogs. UanItoba brttu
sold at .$19 per 1011, and shorts at $22, in -
eluding bags.
Cheese--`11ie merket remains very AVM.
Pillent Ontario mattes, 11%,c to 11.14c; fittest
townships makes, 1334e to 11%c; finest Que-
bec mates, 1.11,Ae to 1114e; undergrades,
10%e. -
he:Gs-The demand Is fairly good at 10l4e
to 1, c per dozen.
nutter --There Is a fair Jobbing trade at
steady prices. Finest fresh creatnerY, 223;
nue held creamery, 21144e to '22e; cr,eamery
seconds, 20c to 20%c; western dairy rolls,
171Ac to 181,4c. .
Provisions -The market is quiet with no
change in values. We quote: -Selected
heavy Canadian short Out iness poll:, $22
to $22.30; heavy Canada short cut 'mess
pork. $21 to $27.50: Canada short cut back
heavy, $21 to $21,50; hm
heavy Canada ess
lung cut, clear 'pm -l:, $21; light Canada short
(dear pork, $20.50 to $21; pure Canada lard.
in 20 -pound palls, lilie. to 120; compound
refined lard, in wood pails, 20 -pound, 8%c
to De: tioar's Ilea d brand, in 2Q-p011ild WOOd
tponi$11,..011/.20;721/20...otoo,u;;?iatto5in and is0,1o34bee vitetr $1110.73.111
less; anis, 12c to 1•10; bacon, 14c to 15e
per pound. • ' ; • ,
Leadileg Whent 411arkets.
Closing previous day. Clesing to•day.
Cash, May. Cash. '?Jay.
Chicago .... ... ., 72 ,,,, 72%
New York _ ... ' .. „ es% , , es%
Toledo .... .... 78 78 70 .70
Duluth, I hard.. 7314. .. 731/2 ..
Minnea polls --------70- ... 701/4
Milwaukee, 2 not 7214 72 7214 7214
Detroit, 2 red .. 7814 78% 791/4 71134
St. Louts . ..... . 7M,f3 7614 7714 771/2
BritiNlx garicets.
LondOn, 'March 24. -Close --Wheat, on pas.
Sage, rather easier. Maize 011 passage,
weak. Wheat, Unglisb comitry market., of
yesterday quiet; French country markets
Paris, March 24.--Clos 6 -Wheat, tone
barely steady; March. 21! 90e; May ;tut'
August, 223 50c. ,
Antwez, March 24. -No.' -2 red winter,
17%f. , /
London, March 24. -Close -Mark Lane Mil-
ler market -Wheat, foreign heavy and de-
pressed, 643 lower; Finglish,Steady. Maize,
'American, nothing tloing,• Danubian, dull.
Flour, knaerican, poorer demand at easier'
prices; English, steady.
Ottawa &dors are out on strike.
Mr. A. G. Scott of HamtsVille was
found dead in his 'workshop.
The Grand Trunk Is going to build a
new freight shed at Stratford.
Toronto Civic Holiday will be held
this year on Monday, August 4.
Rev. 11. J. 'McAlpine has accepted a
ea11 to the l'reShyterian chureli in Owen
Mr. William Clark of the Hamilton
Pollee Force has been appointed Chief
Constable of (3alt.
Rev. Philip H. Allin, pastor of Fair-
mount Avenite Methodist Church, Mont-
real, died suddenly.
The iirst sod in the Ontario Power
Company's avor%s at Niagara, Falls was
turned yesterday . catteen 'Victoria
Park. .• •
Fire in the Boys' Home, Toronto, en-
dangered: the lives of' its initiates, but
)y the coolness of the superintendent and
nurses all got out safely.
A span collapsed in the new bridge be-
ing erected between Ironside and. Chelsea
and ten men were plunged into the icy
river beneath. 'All got safely to the
shore. •
Lieut. -Col. Sam Hughes is credited
with baying made an offer to the Minis-
ter of Militia to 'raise a contingent of
2,500 men to go to South- Africa and
help to finish the war.
The new rooms of the Liberal Club at
Hamilton' were formally opened last
night, Hon. J. M. Gibson, Hon. J. R.
3tration, :Messrs. Pattullo, and
A,. 1' Pirie delivering addresses.
The quota of teachers to go
frOM eastern Ontario and Prince
Edward 'Island to South Africa has
been selected. Those from eastern
Ontario are the Misses Davina Rodger,
Georgina A. Grant, Lottie E. Blakney,
Ruby Rothwell, Florence II. Randall,
,fulia Urquhart, Ottawa; Libbie Rodger,
Middleville, Lanark; Sarah E. Drysdale,
Perth, and Annie Moulton, Garianoque.
Three teachers have been chosen from
Prince Edward Island -Misses Clara S.
Arbuckle, Mary E. Bremner and Grace
Ar q.:",4 3. cri T11'-3'.%Yderan:
and ON%
7,11t'zu: tinee tweet= N. .eleveret
X '4:21.4.1t Lite
Coe tra:1, Toruao at 1.22
alto *134'train it:e.Z ,o,to 9,9,4113p, In,
(.4.1111, 3 :41. Uri` lrata, bed to ta:.11
tz.x,• n3Itt Storl, '(13-221(1
Por • toll partionlars and eapc of .*:tettler-
nide " onlyto yonr marvel tunedian Parillo
rascr, Accut,
Bang Stall Dist, %want°.
Dutton, M3U413h 19.-i3031zo ROSS,
farmer residing east of here, bad. the
misfortune to have his arm caught Ina
buzz -saw while sawing wood rtt big
place yesterday afternoon. His artn
was badly broken from the wrist, t
the shoulder so that the bones are pro-
truding through the flesh above the el-
A Grateful Mother Writes About the
Item of Her Child.
Paine's Celery
Triumphed .After A Physician's
Mrs, G. Stone, of Eganville. Ona,
grotef 01 for the rescue of her little boy
from death, writes as follows:
"I think it my day to inforra you of
what Paine's Celery Compound has
done foe my little boy. He became
very ill, and had the attendance of our
physician, but no good results were ap-
parent. The dangerous turns to which
my boy was subject became more fre-
quent, and always worse in winter. He
would become pale as death, feet and
hands icy cold, and voiniting always
followed, He seemed to be powerless,
and for days could not lift his head
from the pillow. After tr,vinp,' various
kinds oCinedicine we decided to get
Paine's Celery Compound for him. One
bottle made him well, and since that
time he has not been ill. I hav e every
reason to believe he is permanently
c tired."
In face of such testimony, who can
deny the fact that Paine's Celery Com-
pound does not save life? Hundreds of
such letters :is Mrs. Stone's are on fyle
for the inspection of doubters.
When your children are nervous,
fretful, despondent, sleepless, weak,
rundown, have loss of appetite, slow
circulation of blood and decrea sing'in
weight, give them Paine's Celery Com-
pound for a week or two, end note, well
the cheering results in rettirning health
and vigor. We strongly urge the int-
mediat e use of the great medicine for
all sickly and weak boys ateel
We have moved into our new pro
ises opposite the CeriLl'lil Hotel and
are now open for busines‘. Onr pre..
uises are modern and we give yon
ndern and up-toalate goetis and
tie in the most modern stole.
We P
„ . Cut Every narment
's made up at this er.4 illiAEM(1.11t
-as well as nt it -4132,t lotik after
all the details, ThIS 35 onIy one
reason why our price,. are wader.
Gent's Furnishing,
• t
Come an(1 see us in oin, new place
of business and eXaMine our etoele of
Gent's Fornishings
Bert. Knight.
Coat Cotton Itoot Compound,
Is successfully used monthly by over
0,000LadieS. Safe, effectual.. Ladies ask
your druggIst for Cook's Cotton Root Com -
mad. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
%lions are dangerous. Price.No. 1, 41. per
boztNo. 2,10 degrees stronger,43 per box. No.
I. or ;mailed on receipt of price And two ¢
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
rfflroos, and 2 sold and recommended. by all
responsible Delineate in Ctionotio.
No. I and No.2 are sold in Exeter by
C'. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug-
E3:3d Lin? Oil
,17. o .01 can yon t
e•..433 TONE 1-d3323l
MAEE 1.02 s -r-'0;40
ftlAICE 10J1kal.L1
Dr.Bergese, Supt.of I13er.trit.r1
f r Alms rea!, preecrilm.: it c. ustintbr
4131 ..,i2419 pa:Trill...suit to !re-')
lle# Ohirk, &tut. Ovum surtor Tmor-to,
virses ttIOY 11419B0Ho used rt with U1a bebtrwsu.ts.
50o. ancl $1.00 Duffles.
The Whole Story
in a. !otter:
From Capt. V. Loy°, Police Station No.
5, Montreal :-'We frequently Ube PEIIICr
DAVI& for pans 333 4.4141 8t0111 -
CON rheumatism, stignen, frost bars, chit
blow, cramps, and all afflictions which
befall 33290 10 our position. 1 have iftt hesi-
tation in saying that PAth-Rria,Ezt is the
best 9'entedy to have near at hand."
Used internally and ExternallY-
Two Sizes, 25c. and Ole. bottles,
Nine train lOads of settlers and effects
arrived in Winnipeg Sunday.
Salomon, the Stuarthurn. Man„
wife mArderer, has been found guilty.
Simpson, the young Englishman
shot In a 111411(0 313. Calgary, on Sunday,
is dead.
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, for those
suffering,from severe cough and hem-
orrhagos, is used with the greatest ben-
efit, Manufactured by the Davis
Lawreree (4) Limited-