HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-27, Page 41
leleitl•C e 4 of ineb. Canadiausfroni Macaw; was "4' 111:S13AND'S Blii3VBNGE' 1
am, :rote 20. -George Bt.own", BRANTFOI1D HAS A.
5t.Ati atg Fiti cage, that a considerable immigration
l likele to occur there. M. Tarte eeed left Degnit last January* tatting the
THE Taal/BRENT pRFICIT. ey. din Tarte said that the world had in "Wallaceburg. The husbaud arriv- -- T Y
I. Sanael.'s,Edit"r addcl Prop if the item was passed he woeld visit wife and two children a hie neighbor, uRD
the place, and if be found, there was nornebtas Pierce, and the; household
TIIITESDAY, llell, 211e 1O2 not a considerable iminigration there feeniture. The eoupie ned to °amide, .
he woold not stiend a ceut ot the mon- and have been living As mate and wife
Hon . -W. S. Fielding estimated due" the late member, dlr. John McMillan, estel , rest's, oe the charge a bringing stolen ''''AP"'". Quirk Found
been petitioued for by the people,. and 1
en her Tuesday, aua had Brown ;U.- :fa m pq
will reaeh the enormous dimensions of was received in his absence and his col- tile omens wee ;wresting Brown, the in His Stables,
ng the eurrent year his expenditure approved the petition. The Petitant household goods iota Caunde. Wben
don,n.,30,000. He purposes to disburse 'leagues ordered tt stlreeY a the Plaet woulan dune' tee him. Brown 'WAS re- --
but be assumed tbe whole res onstien n . -
luereeee ;14 eollipgred with 1900:01 or formed that a settlemeutof twenty -Ave N •URS KE of James Quirk, the athlete and pro-
13rautfordsdfarcht21.-The dead body
on coesondated fond, $51.000,000. an ity for asking the vote. " He Pevii;tin"- 1)44nded f°P ex4minaticiuk
=pout to $14,250.000. The prospee- t Two years. A ainober of Montreal Droehai a A ary found midnight Sanday in the hotel
.., ii.-----""----1.:res, AlFteTtIAL21......1s5TiA,
nenaneeee His veinal' ontley wilt families have been made there withie prietor a the Commercial Hotel, was
, l business men capitalists,trepresented Jackson, eldest dangliter of Jos. Jack- stables. The bell boy heard groans i9.
twe reveralleS of the eountry are Plan- '', to him that they NI:antral to build 41, non Part street. the a shockingdeath the stable, and informed the coolowlun
edat $,56,800,01/0„ This means a defleit large botel. The botel has been start- this morning' at the general hoepital, proceeded to the stable,and at the foot
ef $taidiadiXt. I ed and he repeattel his statensent that where site was en1PLoyed as nurse. of the steps leading to the bay loft
i after what has been said he would wet 1 Ahout ten o'clock. last night she went found Quirk lying In a poet a blood.
..,,....-,,f zikalte any expenditure until be had to the drug delairtenent.to which nurs- It is supposed that Quirk weat oat at
svwr oxtsvp,revox wallops prsonanyloa,ea into tbe wbole mat- es have access, with the intention of midnight to see some game chiettens
- ter The Opposition had uot obteeted taking a dose of Epsom salts, In smile in the loft, and that when entering the
The promised expenditut e of ado,- :. when the appropriation •isa; originally way, as yet unexplained, the nufortnin loft. was attacked and bit on the bead
ddk0.0r00 net year need not sktrprise the ' pliteea in tbe estimate:3 of which this ate young W010811 took a dose ot bi- several times with a blioet instrument, ,
p 1 r . en a d't te la . -, and et.eot. was merely a revote. dir.Cieler argiwd cloride of mercury in mistake, awl as his head leas badly braised. The
oftlilas7detull.(rd'eueenlist tno:;l ept,elar 'ex. i that the feet that it was a revote did though everathinn possible was done eulprit, it, is supposen.escaped through.
not belp the twitter, if the team y had for here she exoirila a three o'clock. the gate leading to Dalhousie street. as
pentlIturesin conneetion with the etm. eteen otoniden a f„nuer dear ana after suffering terribly. She was 23 the hostler before retiriug bolted the
etratetiott of telegraph lines in Brit -ah , ree eddeneee It e, -„s „n matetont t a. years of • en
0 gate, which was found open after the
to proviihnz its empioyees engaged 4.1.1 011,t1111111;1;;414An.:11.A11Alt hlie ihdousinteney SILL1-WANNOT GUILTY. deed WAS eonunitted.
The police are yawl:lug on the peat-
Colinolda aud the Ykkkon. 1n addition work was a useleee one. Sir Windt ed l
that work, with high ads muds and i postok„„ the retstotken,ezkiyelT.:171lotwmiplahlt ntPo" Stratford:. .ddarch 15. --The case of
r. Benjamin Sillafant, ebarged with man- ne.Trett PARTICI." LARS..
lignors, the Pable Works Department pass at a forimerseesion withoutoldee-
, slaughter, came up a the spring, aseiz- The murder of Jaynes Qairk is the
clothed them mast ennelesinelta The,: tilfa!' -Vert ethe TIT ,,-`4:- "Illeult!rt "idity es Testerdian. before Justice Britton. main topic of conversation in the city t
motley eo -vent woe lentrowen on cepa , c. Ida, e sT."14Vti*Fithkk"eeti VglligIc "41' This case was tried last fall, when the to-dna% Deceased was waking around
ta aeconut, and the amount has been tet.e.:111inekt*Iolee eeititineziou4scikanetsfo;:it.ag.p.:g •.:In'zet-ritiligshatnitiv4tettinysdp'1:10nroidoiensgenallnilactsitt• tike cnty wait a few frielals after ten
odioek last niglit, and was cheerfal ,
Ailed to thedelet of the contrary. Ilere lie reaeou, or open badness Inhale" May, diluent nnocited down a boy and chatty., The cause for the murder i
Ore eonietwere of the :unities tutub1 at ;di. hat tirsidke t° edraPte with t 0 named aleLtem, MAO was playing on as yet is clouded in nip -dean. The heil )
Mr. Tartide favored clerks: k - a boy, Fildie Kennedy, when retiring )
l wishes -1.1f the pretty stele Of Orillia, the strete - - ,i e a b-
, Anj11111,, 1111 so severely .. .
dile eatireltt i.,nninetiallee of ,,t1te joinet- that he died within a few hours. After shortly before 12 o'clock, left Mk...Quirt 1
robes at $20 sem eo objeetion to toe tte113 Ilniter tostelesion. nave it as hie opinion that it conviction had been in bed a tittle Mule, when he
pies 441?"41 w"te":4"41• ""w":31,Sr4 laeir hearing tile evidence, His Lordship 1 sitting in bis oftleasumiting. Ithnniedy
Id Eiderdown sleepion,
le en Atier In; IIIN d• 41' - .1 tern 1 .1s'ett* was not justilital by it, inn that it was I neara a Una erF# Ile aPened his win'
- t -, • • • te . ti t, 11.* r ..7,- '"
8 4,1oz, cashmere socks at
, .EXIldditlieutal Unaou Test in Ag- rather a. ease of accident, aue advisee i low and herird moaning in the etable.
a verdict of not guilty. This the Joey I lie went downstairs ;led eaw Mielnyart. ,
nti per doz. i uciattuve. . accepted. and Sillifant wee ageordiaittly , the vegetable cookaiiiitt told him about tt.
3 tweed stilts at W, , ... a 75 Oil dant:target,. the moaning in the stelae. Ityiiii went '
--- -eve. ----- out i111111etliately, turned on an electrIc
fidnd To BY ctimsp.:Itiittitti,:,111.4.1 found 51a Quirk lying on
doz. linen handlagehiefe The thniktick Agrienheral tied Ete.
et net fd5, - . • • • • • • • • ite• perimentil Idnien prato
epn to ens,
trilene der iefqnsith,tfon2:11pmir,t9F.t good remend for ewnghs and col& onia. was a groat hira fancwr.
Eiderdown ...ape, lie doz.
• .
4nner Mae, OUT
tiMOill a god.
lege teias.
T1e7 eye At IWO
thA's rIeh and brli,
41Iant. No odor.
3tan 7 4t7.1084 8014
er here*
sdza en ,..00,1 444 leadnrit 1..11 tf t n trope , an denn, bin eon want annethine „ue rei a number in game fowl in Owl
Sla tWeiage siNtF^tive zzas tligt M reIles,•-e zitid cure tlke more se- 4„eitae loft. It is supposett the -noise of k
Do you know of iron goon utriwa's 0.014 county and dietrild 4 naarld. vere and dangerinei results of Oro it hie f tt • t t ti e
entitle on a zee t I ,
A. Coroner's jury at Calgary has re.,
rimed a verdict again st George Scout.
n foe theellooting of Arthur ninmsoe,
formerly of London, Ont,
ddareold hopes to have bis wireless
systent working in time to sena a eon-
eratulatery message frora Canada te
England on coronation day,
!.] ezP.7,I,1olt5, Irritating Wilth Haul
foGnes catily swats and often
st-ttain "Viaa a deadly vise's.
kf..4K1347.K;:,:KA.:..,•-• •
apectillsts In the Treatment ot Nervous. Blood. Private and Sextull DigeaSen of
nen ante Women. 2S 'neer* ta Detrott.
N4mes used .vrt7suatadmrsroltttetonenre°enasennetMidCirlr:ageluarimenateedare.aesualle swept
to a, premature grave throtigh early tame or later excesses, Chas.
Anderson wan one4tt the victims, but was rescued its tune. Ue
learned, an evil habit. A. change see5 came over me.
I could feol it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despon-
dent, gloomy, had so ambition, eosity tired, evil forebodings,
poor circulation. pmp1eQ0tAce, hock weak, dreams amd drabitS
a night, tired and weott morning.% burning senso.tion. To make
matters worse, became reckless and contracte4 a blood disease.
tried many doctors and medic4 tirsoft-ailt failed till Drs. Kett-
mly Xergan took my case. in one week I felt better, grid in a
tew wenn was 4115itelr Curcd. They aso Om only geltahle mut
honest Specialists la the country."
MADER-We guarantee to core you or no pay. Ton TIM 110
Wo hove g ropotatien and 'business gt stake. tieware of
frauds and buEostors. We will pay ill.000 for aqy C.IND Aa.lie 111M our ligw
ItInTtioD TItteeTtenNT will not care.
We treat and core Nervous Debility. Varicocele, 5tricturo, Wcali Parts, KlaneY
god illaddei-Distases. Consultation free. Boolts free. Call or write for auestioit
I4 ut for Ilon;e Treatment.
Doan that eittate,4 111.4 tittyloyve-. int..' 1;14; Illt:',W--;4?it Wtts w;.-Ilt.,... tGi,Mitia*,at an
rows and paws foe thell. thluordeig.us. ,hteare and aentnewy in the work atel re-
t ll'e reeklte kf the tint Alit vetly af- 1' en lk ,.
mitten Yee. if.poesible if not terneible tone -emote onneheate mho. ;heat Illat N ,
. s . .. ,.. .... ,,. . ., - PA' * ' I. . , fa I ZA Als i. -.A II in eititer carte. wine the titre,. ,n• four talent. leows on the ht.ad , e
:Ite-------- et e..'‘ 14 4 '*" leCt lr.0 i 3`,,a•t eN- °NIA leMt th tt WS hem iiiitrOtItiarriql wievit pc,:t fatal. The pollee are i :#
tOttlee'0 awl pirear ma let keetrieteet; re i i - . • 1 A , -- , , • - , . .
eve in enever. 1
---- -- -- ---
drond$ ef Sit ethildirtda"S' 1 Mal . 'h ti ' ' Pi TO fi - US ' 1! I te dive 1 h 1 , 1 - '
l "4* It "4 4.° d a'd; all "4 4 1 ec4 ' 114114 stdallnlateS the tis'dtes to dth ennielielled to investinetta
eleven -ding to the anninil teptat (lt(tu tido amiten s'IPPer it 0'dh`dattnti- stray the get in disease, line allays in.( The ,,,,d,/,,sitim, is and at ainett
or CIIS tulles more think last yean lug Person. it Tight he wteil„f"P'34:11"14411* i Patient.. Try ONE bottle. Recommend- Iliad hetet att raided tbere by near ige
tdidititnt to this thew are o eni mien ,iv;anit t01119:4100 n Seeilitilt elleite. ten fear ed many years; by kill druggists in the none Ile rat oti the *.k..,trie Ughts r1 -
* * LIST OP IINPIIII1.116;NT$ FOla l'ala, rillitble reilleiliv$ itt
C. Inorente, Exeter. e 1 I t It dtle e be •Y we al) ''''" 4;1 druelnatte :cell '44tada..zeth ananntes tea
At the top ite intiet have been attack- 1 -
t ant s rtle IA i Mini illk., i # # rliTMI) Vrc4.4Eli-A.r *,0 oks
At the reeent meetingof the Ineense , -"dee catieti" (4-ro•Lit;3. lin. After being Med Quilt; eves eneneentennetenteeteeteeteaosentetenteereneentententenneeenee s„74,.......1,..„,...„,.....r,
News of the week I thrown down the steep ten evidently
and inng trallidee. What shall:Yen ei-ktle, min when aseendiog tbe ladder , ate ttrasitatentddneetiee .idarantddraddedateedeeetnatnentd-teentnatteonee new
unties there wnel ettanteown ensetralg '4k-experatieult and wilihig uee great (lik tea wermer and more regain Akh, t„ the had teft he was assadvd
• pet -intent detdand and amity f44, Vital it6111 eivirea eountries with sneeese v.-atm/0g on the eatet hat s„ fee bevel id dentnt.1
4531 fOrW;',a'd ttiv oulk4r up I "IllbStittkei:Calltittlat Syrup, It not elute'
PINgraMOMVA41.4.1.......WPOO 3 1. 111Z011.# rib,,H41.,., The water- ht seem,. tateet and lung tamale-, td, an„ „Ana -teem a, to the cenet of 1,
lite sottish% A eta (twee:day bas been h 15k.
th0 Mai -deter of Railwane there ate idea tkith4m3tdh "d4t4•13•41,141 114'4 1/4" *13,41 tuallsvveas)"exPnllordtto% to 111. tbitt. went out to the! 11
a% miles of railways in the Danainien. "ne d•xPetiment why' Le dent to lqeg giVes a g"41flighea rest, and cures the Ikern ai eve the chielten or perhaps lle 3
the fie..1, eoutil not be penned. wandill. You C.M get Da te, ni, {nem aud awn a enuded the narrow etepe. ed"
rnlr 7,.+94 ',IV v.'„
fat n rmal
Eitt; litandethe, Tet.KE
toe, •
an. - Adreer
:data Onleteereing,
Paint:see de not WQ;74li(M„
and :away give eatisfaetion.
VC a
zr.A ilcusebsid 4.1.,:ira 'Iv, talon ct cry sta.53n, by iv.,104,3
Three vet icalee of inrokred b aloe
Commiesioners a West Huron a re- ' 1 * e '
solution was paesed that hereafter 11- Tr," "ridltiell.444 illInerd414alleY•
eenses will not be granted botele which . ladrtlduer l'SPeit "44 tWt) Vari"d" o
Mon tree' was fined $20 for rtanning in 4t ik141.1doel tolil.sFI,4 .- CI . i f II f , tl
have tut their mantises nitt maradius!hlt nt
or other gatanditig deinees, Arrange. In wer MMUS questions. AN . Int no it 101n 14S,
TWA/ V.12;.'tieS id thieliwiteat.
Three wiriettes of Field I eta. for '- tloft eould have produced such terrible
ments were made for the receiving. of Lydia iiNVIIISOn, of Totonteafell while wounds.
Northern Ontario.
applicatIons foe licentess foe the among; Two varietine of hug -proof Field (leaning windows ThorsddY morning The murderer apparently made his
Peas. escape through the tinge door leading
license year, ,iitill fracturen her ankle.
Cut Poe mid two, varieties of Stela Mail Carrier Morrie (if Bowmenville from the yard to Dalhousie street.
or dopanese Beane, was sentenced to two years in peniten- This dom.. had been elosen and barred
Three vet IA•tiv!.ikf Hushing Corn. Vary for robbing the mails. by the bostlen The bars wet e found
by dm police thrown down nod the,
The Canada Thread Company cif , eldetatiel t.shyllnollwieNdd'idN)? ateetielhae, bttt _ oete
The following hills were. finally pass -
e1 in the Tionsem„of ,,c-Turnolls l'Illla.X., . 1 Inee varieties of Mangolds, A Winnipeg 111i111'named ArthueDar-
To ineordaltIte 111° Inman lunar .nan"' TWO V1n1A;t1O8 Of Sugar Beets for . bin 1 i i-ei o .- V el 0 - • lug gate partly open. At the top tit
uts teen in s. rig, 611110 1.1 4* Z• ,,
way Co. and to ehenge lee itfillte to -The 3at Rid,/ mid Iwo eioi,ties (if Fall . STOPS TOE COV011 of the stops is a large cougealed11001 id i
!dinettes of blood, whilst id, t he Nankin 1
Bnintford. Berlin and Goderich Rail- Time. enewt heti of Sweedielt Turnip:, • ennui and is supposed to liave lierisbetl. tile loft steps. and all ainalt are heaVY
Nvay Co.; respecting the Port Dover, fenieng purpotes,
Grand Valley Trail ion Ca."; respecting Tin/tips. I.:waive Ilrialv.i,i)iiiini,,TZUVV4, VIM • :1 ,Ilin iine bitl()4•
the Wind."' awl Dettl"t raj" 1311(1°V. ' Atl:,itlittS and two varietiestof ear-, deo No Cure .`ft`tfily, riVe In roe.. Robbery was not the intention eva 1
Hanka. Co.; veepeeting the Buffalo Rail- , ots. . The Athol Inner Parisian. at Halifax dentin n1; :511`. Q.nill`..'S 14°V.kOtS Wel*
Con respeeting the Qnebee, and La
Threa varieties of fonder mid Anse from eeeertege, brougbt over net 1ng. untouched, The ulurama lean was
way Co. and I he International Railway ern. le -
Co. Three VillielieS Of Millet. lielvaind Irisb Amin labOrers to settle 43 Years ai al7T_I aad iintsw a wife nna
* * h) the NVeSt• two bright, gale His father is Con-
Thtee varieties of norghum. ("Meter Quirk, on the L., IL & 13.
The organization of a local telepbone Grass Peas and two varieties of It looks itti tbough the blowsehower-
company, Orangeville, has its effect, on Vetches. , 'rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ,ed upon tlie dead man had been made
the Bell Telephone Company already. DWilrf Esse N Billie and Thousand '. s • . .. o et E. . ., t, with an axe. The axe kept in the yard
lots All drungises refund the motley
At a meeting of the Towu Coenell, Headed Kale. if it mos to tome. age la Id . termite,' for chopping ire was found by the pin
Councillor McKeown handed in a -prop- Tithe, varieties of Clover. isgoature is on eel+ box, lies, but bore no blood stains.
osition on behalf of the Ben Telephone . Sainfoin. Liu:erne and Burnet. Tbe body of Mrs. 31ePlItTsnn, Whn There are four distinct wounds, two
CO. In return for a five years' renewe Five varlet WS Of terasees. wandered away from her home on the over the left eye and two on tbe top
al of the existing agreement with the Three varieties of Field Beans, ! night of the storm, was foluid in a of the head. The blows on the side of
town the company offerech-1. To give Three varieties of Sweet Corm snowdrift in tbe northern part of Win- the bead must have been severe, and
resideuce telephone service, grounded Fertilizers witfiearly Corn for husk- nipeg. Arils evidently dealt with an axe. The
eircuit, for $15 a year. 2. To give resi- ng. Yoe MAT NEED Pain -Killer at any skull is split for about two inches. The
dente services, metallic circuit, for $15 Fertilizers with Sweedish Turnips... time in 04180 of accident. Cures cuts, dead man's face is completely covered
a year, where subscribers already have Growing Potatoes on the level and bruises and sprams,as well as till bowel with blood, and under the couch there
business telephones. 3. To put in a in hills. voiuplaints. Avoid substitutes, there's is d large pool of blood, -which bas
metallic circuit for all business tele- Two varieties of very early potatoes. only one Pain -Killer, Parry Davis'. dripped from the gastly wounds.
phones at the present rate, $20 a year. Planting Cut Potatoes winch ilare 2. and 5'0e. . As the prostrate form was being Iff t-
end which have not been coated over Thecarrepair shops of the Canada ed from the bloody floor, the eyelids
with land plaster. Atlantic Railway Ottawa were destroy- raised. The victim raised bis eyelids.
TIM 'WEEK IN PARLIA5TENT. Planting Corn in rowsand in stmares. ed by a fire which broke out Friday There was a slight quiver, but no word
Hon. W. S. Fielding delivered his {an excellent variety of early Corn will night. Two passenger coaches, one passed bis lips. Death bad been al -
budget speech on Monday. It was, be used.) - combination passenger and baggage, most instantaneous. Quirk fell back in
perhaps, the most uninteresting ora -Material for either umber do or two freight cars and a wrecking der- the arms of Toole, and all was over,
r -
tion of the kind yet delivered by that ' lumber 26 experiment will be forward- rick were .destroyed. The passenger •
gentleman. ed by expreEs, and for each of the oth•• coaches cost $11,000, and the total loss -......._-.....--
No tariff changes were announced ers it will be sent by mail. is placed at between $15,000 and $20,000 :
covered by hisurance.
William McCausland, of East Toron-
to, a G.T.R. brakeman, met with a
shocking death at Oshawa Thursday
* *
and no policy as to future develop-
ments along that line was enumerated.
The government refused a bonus to
those engaged in the beet sugar indus-
The expendinire for the year ending
June 301,11, 1901, was $57,982,866 and the
revenue $52, 514, '701, leaving a deficit
of $54486,165.
The estimated receipts for the cur-
rent year are S58,800,000 and the esti-
Agricultural College,
Guelph, Ont.
Guelph, 31arch 15, 1902.
Sault Ste Marin March 22. -Some
workman atting out the steamer Mer-
ritt to -day found tbe body of a man
in proximity of the Government deck.
It is not definitely knownsbut is gener-
mated oxpenditure $65,220,000, which erally believed to he that of a Manang
will result in a deficit of $8,450,000. formerly a school teacher in Korah
The trade with Great Britain for the township.
year 1001 shows a decrease of 54,710,-
253 as compared with 1000.
The trade with the United S•tntes,
without reference to coin and bullion,
increased in 1901as compared with 1900
to the extent of 56,762,833. Trade
with Great Britain decreased $1,715,-
Strong speeches were delivered by
Mr. R. L, Borden, leader of the oppo-
sition.; Mr. E. B. Oster, Mr. E. W.
SMith(Wentworth); Mr. W. R. Brock,
Mr. dabel Robinson, Mr. Richard Blain
and Mr. •Tohu Charlton, in wbich the
government policy was sharply criti-
cized. Mr. Charlton was very strong
in his denunciation onthe course of in-
activity followed by Sir Wilfred Laur-
By a straight party vote of 101 to 56
St. Thomas, March 20. -Orlando
Preffer, a well-known farmer; who re-
sides on the Sparta Road, was nearly
frozen to death on Monday night last.
He was in the city during the day, and
proceeded to driveller:tee at night. The
next morning at 9.30 o'clock he was
found near the residence of Mrs. Pol-
lard in the state already mentioned.
Both of Preffer's ears and hands were
so badly frozen that theytnvill have to
be ampntated. When found Prefer
was in an uaconscious condition, He
is about 55 years of age.
St. Thomas, March 2L -Ida Brolcos-
Holland, about 18 years of age, was as -
suited by an unknown man on Metcalfe
street, abont 8.30 o'clock last night.
night. He was crossing the rails in She bad been up town, and was on her
front of an approaching engine, when way home when the affair took place,
his toot was caught by an electric wine She walked down Metcalfe street, and
throwing him down on the ground in was followed by a man, but she paid
front of the engine, which passed over no particular attention to him. Just
as she reaehed the residettce of Mrs.
Valentine the man struck her on the
back of the head with a pint ginger
beer bottle. The blow was not a very
hard one, and the young lady was not
knocleed down. She cried for help and
ber assailant ran away. Miss Holland
receiveda cut on the side and back of
the head, but the services of the doctor
were not required. Miss Holland says
she does not think she conld identify
the man who threw the bottle. The
police are investigating.
him, cutting lum in two. The deceas-
ed was a young man, and only recent -
y married.
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agTee to refund the money on a 50 cent
bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of
Tar, if it fails to cure your cough or
cold. We also guarantee a 25-ceet
bottle to prove satisfactory or money
refunded. 0. LUTZ,
An accident occurred at Perth on
Tuesday, whereby Charles, the two-
year-old son of Mr. Geo. Drysdale, lost
his life. The lad was playing around - -
top boards broke a,ncl he fell throngh. Is a constitutional disease.
It originates in a scrofulous condition of
the well at his home, and one of the
His head struck a stone, and, several the blood and depends on that condition,
deep gashes were inflicted, .from the It erten causes headache and dizzinesg,
effects of which he died. impairs the taste, smell and hearing, atfectS
PERFECT IN A POINTS the vocal organs and disturbs the stomach,
Stratford, Ont., March 19,--The-case 421
Archibald, late chief engineer of the Slater occupied the Perth county . - It afflicted Mrs. Eirana Shires, Batcheller-
the government reused to allow Pet& of the King vs Jesse Peters and Robt.
Intercolonial, to be called as a witness spring assizes today before Justice WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO,s vine, N. Y., twenty consecutive years, de,
by the Pnblic Accounts Committee. Britton, The prisoners were charged "IMPROVED BUTTER COLOR" inev deprived her - the sense of smell, made her
*„ with ma,nslaughter,, and were respec- er turns butter to a reddish or general health.
bricky breathing difficult, and greatly affected her
Wein' enigneer and dreman of a, a T.R. tinge. It gives the true and rich golden She testifies that atter she had taken
. ,
traI.n which ran over and killed Mrs. June tint that is always maintained in many other medicines for it without lasting
In the House of Commons, a long Emma McCant, near St. Marys on Oc- hot and cold weather. It does not taste effect it was radically and pernaanently
for a wharf at St. Joseph,Lake Harm', was gone over, and an effort was made bas no offensive smell like other colors. eured, her sense of smell restored, and her
debate occurred on the item of $5,000 tuber 11th last. Considerable evidence the butter, color the butterraille, and
for an explanation. Mr. Tarte said it on the train ha,m1s, On. account of not PROVED BUTTER COLOR" never be- general health greatly improved, by
Mr. Ingram objected to it and asked to fix the responsibility for the accident .WELL, RICHARDSON & CO'S "Itd- - e
tirnates, owing priniarila to represen. ecossings. After a sninute's absence only perfect color for making perfect frood s Sarsapari a
. .
was a Vevote of a slim placed in the es- giving the usual warning approaching comes rancid, stale or sour: It is the t
tations ill <1 de to bun by deputations from the coma, the iory returned a butter. At all druggists and
, , This great medicine has wrought ,he
. . .
from 'Montt eaT, Huron county and Chi- verdict of not guilty.
- ' dealers. to testimonials voluntarily given. Try it.
general 'most wonclertal cures of catarrh, according
e 4' seseeetsenenen a Set '
c, thcre he some weaker one, give me strength to help him on,"
eland lirarte are 'noire than coronets."-Tgx:asom
The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America.
404,0.14. aaaaaaaa
-The New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the
auspices flf the National Sanitarium. Association, will
be rea7y-80 80031 as the money to equip and firnisk
is secured -to receire 50 patients absolutely without
-Over 300 out of 500 patients admitted to the Muskoka
Cottage S'anatoriant --the property of the National
Sanitarium Association -have returned konte either
cured or greatly improved.
-The Free Consuniptire Hospital is situated in the same
delightfully lwaltl2fitl 'locality, bringing the same ad-
vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich.
• ,
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The gift of TV., J. .CiC4ge, Esq.: aria the Executors Hart 2, Massey Estate
-Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump-
tive Hospital: will alleviate and indeed entirely remove.
-Will you not send a dollare-or• $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 -
or more, for this most pressing of all charities?
-The victims of the White Flagele are found all over Canada.
SIR W. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief jostiee,
, viee-Pres. Nat. San. A.ssorm., Toronto.
W. J. GAGE,. Chairman Ex. Com., Toronto.
NATIONAL TRUST CO. Lio-lited, -Treasurer,
, ' Toronto.
,441,,Alifhet,..-.4".t.tfrr:,...V 4..,,,.4....7.41Z.,*.AU444411 `7.11e.ti: