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Exeter Advocate, 1902-3-20, Page 8
SPRING CrOODSI A very special bargain ' la dies white slumbering robes, :Laid white underskirts, beautifully trimmed, at Stewart's. Maple syrup is being marketed h ;own and is being soil froth $1.00 to per gallon. For Creeps, Colds and Bronchitic troubles, especiellyr among children, nothing cs surpass Winent's Cough Dalsatr• Sold by 0, Lutz,, sole argent for Di., Lung Syrap, Mr. Wm. ?1i. tchell. agent for the cost ee Wood Implezapeut Cq,, held is annual .delivery on Saturday las large number of fax•znere were in town and tock dinner at the Centrad Hotel at the expense o ii . Mitchell, the genial agent, Mrs. Thos, Bissett,S>•„received aL tele- ram eleraze from London op Monday even, stating that her daughter, Miss ztole Taylor, was suffering from an acute attack of inflammation of the lungs. Mrs. Bissett took the train Tuesday morning for that city. The following preparations and toed - eines I can confidently recommend to the general public; Dix Kidney Pills DixLittle Laver Pills, Dix Cold Clue �'4 axnatnl's Caiugb BalsanoTuricash Seal Food, Wintaala's Condition 1'owdez,Eng• - lish Shriek Food. Sold by C. Lutz Exe- s ter, The adjourned Magistrate's Court, in which sev eraal young men o town were • up before Ma gistratee Snell and Greg Spring; is here a and we are showing the newest designs in SUtTINGS, COATINGS and atz•eaasoitable priees. Have jaast received Jno, d, Mitchell' new' Fashion Plate for the present sda son. Fleece I can give eon* the latest eats for s prittg area s1afltzatner ?STINGS. W. a T A ,AN Opposite pus Meerchent Tailor. r Pre duction. There's on aver-prnalaletion of eotto An cptet •prdtiittetiatn of even; Too zziti b of t•ver•ythiug is grown; Too inane, people horn; A san•pltas yield of wheat mid bread, Of potatoee, oats and rye, Hog and Ito:J airy. ham and eggs, And hotateoreitle pastlupkiu pie. Too m icb to eat, too tomb to wear. Ami cattle can taro :many billet 3dt0 tmany rierietthetot to t', , Toe malty eentl ere. ptows road dlrill her. e tear p los u ov a,]<' el4athiette Of every grade rota hind; Tea tad'Asty to eate,ietad pepTt•se. Toto unroll th aag;lat .tied gland. Toe teeny vireo ht 4144 the iBook, Tacit teeny women to weep; More daayligio then thepeople meed, rie newt; night O.» ettee"lpt Of Irene -diets sarpine, An over supgagply adf, wives!: Too :toe tmy 1.mher arat o;14itt<etame, Move bees than there are hives. Macre sintelzi; t titin more shadow Than le tae k,lt'd for the dell; �� + • aslp .,t a of y Mone 3110r,' c•Pt1l ee t ha ti ,resell, An over pp.•aluetion oi' ig;Repr.antw4•. A sight too many schools; Too maty peatspt: too many z'itli, , :4 1 4 p a► y ,ee 1st 1 l t t 1u art f l , vitsar ROC Al - �° '�{ {,,ham .! :°t Hope sings rt sweet song; tent it is ma great deceiver. "Money makes the mare go,” lint it won't a balky horse. A girl may be well bred and then ,discover her first euke is thmgle It is all right to blow yortr ow n horn if yon play the right tune. We like to see a woman with a mouth :trete -enough to hold her tongue. • Mr. l:t.Smith shipped four thorough- ' horou;h' bred tattle to Iowa. on Monday, A prudent man is like a. pin, hie head keeps hint from going too far, The borne, unlike other animals ran eat best without a bit in his mouth. Figures many not lie, but the figures of some women are awfully• -deceiving. A man may lire a life of integrity, but he invariably lies on his death bed. In the dead letter office, at Ottawa may be seen wany foolish things entire- ly uncalled for. Mouday was St. Patrick's day, con- sequently the shamrock was much in evideuce The Government will not interfere with the sentence of Dr. Harbottle of :Burford for shooting lir. Stewart. Mr. John Davidson moved with hie '(4.$ amity to Wingham this week, where lr. Davidson has accepted . a• position carpenter. Thos. Handford shipped a carload of horses :to Winnipeg, on Friday last, Mr. Wm. Stanlake, blacksmith, ac- companying them. cozy, t•lte g d With engaging in a cher, yeti, ;listorbing the peace and destroy. aMg; Mr. I't":art as property, on the night ent 1�elaraa vy tdItiz, we understand has • been settled. • Nonent:Orn' public holidays will fell ort Sunday this year, flood Friday yyilI be March ttSth; Victoria. Day on l,aaturdaF May ;tfth; Dominion Day aux Ttteed ty and Labor Day on the first Monday in Sept, Thanksgiving late; on Thursday aalad ehriytsnas :Pats khat sday:. r. J, H. Grieve, who recently lef I to tweept a position as salesanan in Kinggsmill's store, London, has re. ,, sxtiued and has: taken a sftam:Ltieixz its traveller for the Carman Hat and. ('a Co„ London. .a ter sg datyeaat his home here this week; bele Teesdale to cap:nrnence his duties. •, ;•a. �The :ulialdllk•`at y..•patiza„ a. ea„t s will , open on ltondrete ;.pa'il 9lth when the Saftou zaatzzeler trial will rieeti0 he re. ” a. . a \ la^a will a a. l,,ts addp a l . sinned. 1. F` � i...iC(' �', 1 ai i (' Ipr apeld ° preside. It is said that Snout new . videnee \►•all he ghetto at the trial keit the nature of this intuit of the laawy ers .Ore wfllitpg to be let kuown. ,r<;1%;t�..r :•ta..paa�1�"O•thaa.� Tt 11r. J. T, O'Brien, who recently paiznc�aseal the bakery and eonfetiti(,n• ery bmtsainese of Mr. A. 13agt1 aw, toad; poseseion and moved in with his fat tly on Monday. a `t+ 'WV conte . a. p , O'Brienour � doubt - findnd n tou iMidst :and h- will dao t flail I:ac•¢e::all be e4llc('tlyd atd be will )f likewise do nnmeh to enslave its pros- perity, lineal! Observer: "lir. Rivera who e tp �' s e, n retired from the firm _ ht p• t tl a f' 1 t f herd as Rivers, has boua;ltt Mr. 1Ce'- nic11 s fuz'li Thaaznes Road,near Exeter' where be will move with his fann'►l 1 11 days. '1 fh here . as t. a 1 t I?ua 1 t lri, z ala Oce lea. he and .lite. Rivershave made rimy friends, who wish thelzz prosperity on the farm. Mr. Joe. ('obbledick nub with a very painful accidenttit the Exeter Fonntiry on Thursday last. A. workman :teas engage( in sawing a, piece of timber nvt'r bead. raid Mr. Cobbledielc putting his hand to the stick to steady it, rte ceived as severe blow near the left eye with end of the saw. Had the saw came in contact with the eye it is bard to tell what would have been the re- sult. Gents! Have you seen the new Swagger Raglan spring overcoat and Ram coat combined -its a beau- ty—at Stewart's. cottages for Sale. .. y'• , _ _,. _ ,. Several brick end frappe cottages in Exeter for sale. Apply to John. Spaek- man. • Grafting. I am prepared to do gredting on all kinds of fruit trees. Scions selected with care and satisfaction guaranteed. S. PownLL, Exeter. Are youu going to paper any of your rooms this spring—if so, you should see the big show of natty papers ers atStewart's. The right kind of advice should be heeded; hut the advice sorne people give is about as reliable as a cooking receipt in a medical almanac. Mr. J. T. O'Brien, successor to A. Bagshaw, at Bagsbaw's old stand. All kinds of breads, cakes and confections on hand. Wedding cakes a specialty. Theale s o f English Stock Food is still rapidly iucreasing, thustestifying to its value. Those stock raisers who have not ' used it should give ie a trial Sold by O. Lutz; Exeter. Word was received by .the friend ere of, the death of .little Mary Bae den, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Joh ateden, of lidgetown. e e it e on was sick onlya few days with u Y Ane.:. Ionia. Mr. WesleSnell the popular a en 1?p g,. • .v1. fines s o •k' c t • The t t G a have of carpets seen; and suet ,good values too --at Stewart's, Crhan„..,e off' Busiaiesp• Mr, 'W. 5" Talbott hos purchased he etoek of Mr. Win. Levitt, of "`Levy tt's Fait' and has taken possession, r. Levitt having recently purchased the Grand Reed Park Brill iu^, fatore irect his attention to its manageanen lttr, Talbots comes highly recommen ed as a young matt of good business lzbilites, Large additions wiltbe made o the already large stock, making it host epmplete and varied. Under sneh favoraableconditiofsMr,Talbot en- ters the business arena of Exeter with prospects of as most liberal patronage. Yon will hear from "Levitt's Fair" in our advertising eoltinms next week. t'resetetatien. On Friday evening last i r,AbeBag-. aw was greatly taken by'. surprise when confronted by' alpout, forty of his intimate friends, who gathered" at his home for the purpose of expressing their regret on the occasion of the de- artitre of himself and family from own, 1elr. Bagshaw has eopdazeted as bakery and confectionery here for aL number of years and will move with his .funnily on Monday xae -t to 110111e leld, Man, :, rt. a ., k" t a esteem in which lie is lxekt he was pre. sented with a , plendid Bible, meow - pruned by an appropetate and well- wordead a address. Mr. and after. Bag - show will grieve the well wishes of theta i tetany' friends for tlseir faatazrc' ity in the West. emitting the Game Laws?. In the Local Legislature 00 Friday Hon. Mr. Latchford moved the second reading of his hill to amend the game ruteetion act, and in doing so seed its Mat clause provided (1 .tai ripen ae,tsun for moose fienn October 1.3 to Novem- ber 15 in eaeh year in the region not•th of the main line of the C.P,Ii , and la'- tween Maatfa�iiea awl Poet Artlun', rind sontb of the main line an open season tar moose and carillon front Nov, 1 to For souze Shue it had been against c to nails lawshoot these gameanimals, e h t lz e an iz , h fiat the policy of proteeion had been ttteudled with avouch favorable results hat it was no longer desir,ahle to main- it. The quail shooting season. beoe l.t til confined d to the mouth B J natter ;done. In regard to cotton.' ail rabbits, Mt Latvhferd explained hot the hill authotiza'd the 4e+a ner,1 see or neeapents of lauds, his faiaiil; , tar taersons hoeing written pevMnssian. from him. to shoot them at any tithe whatever it w,aa fazatzd that Elsa+y were dating (hatuatge. The lei x"a�a:eivewad its second reading. Pr.:shyter•a� of Huron. The adjouzned meeting,ef the Pres. hytery' of Huron was held in Carmel church. Il,ensell, sin Tneeduy, 11th inst. The tithe was almost tntil'aely taken up with discussion of reunite slid reporte. The remit proposing the appoiutnxent of S. S. missionarh's to abor in souxe of the heaver (laetrile.; a Found. On Carling Street, a brown woollen back gauntlet. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Second -Hand Sewing Machines tor Sale, The undersigeed has three second- hand sewing machines for sale. May be seen at R.13. Sweet's harness shop. W. Johns. Millinery. Miss Horne wishes to announce to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity that her trimmed millinery will be on dis- play on and after March t e twenty- fifth. Mess Bowen. I . T. of T. News. There will be a temperance conven- tion held in Hansall on Friday, March 21st, commencing at 2 o'clock p.m. All who are interested in the temper- ance cause are requested to make an extra effort to be present at that meet- ing. Axxn1 M. VINCENT, Rec.-Sec'y, Dressmakins Miss Violet Treble begs to announce to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity, that after March 10th sheswill open a dress -making business in the shop re-. cently vacated by Mr. W. Johns. She has -the latest system of cutting and has secured the able seryices of Miss Wood, who is a well known and exper- ienced dressmaker, and they will en '- deavor to give entire satisfaction. s &horged With Theft. Some of the. Kirke family of Exeter John North were before. the istraate _o North, Magistrate e 'Tuesday., charged with stealing clothes - from Sbnathon R ydd's clothes line on the night ofl+'riday last. The evidence did not warrant their conviction for s theft The clothes were found in ;the. for the McCormack ,Co., is anhaving hi nnal delivery on Wednesday, Marcl er Farmers would. do well to seethisde eth, h vagi 1 Are yriu. troubled with dandruff itching of the scalp, premature falling of p p g the hair, or do you wish to rester grey hair to its natural color, then us, Turkish Scalp Food. Sold by 0. -Lutz Th eter. Russell sustained 11Ir: David R s n d ti pain fol injury to the index finger z of t h e e :... while a a'' 'l<tnd w p horseo eP 1, t ei ,'lits asaCneue _hursd y t, n. s q nu b O i OL' The asbadl r n iia .s. :�.he fin'er w t badly n a Y g Kirke house and there will likely be farther prosecutions. 7. G. Staubury rl appeaire for the defendants. Mr.:and Mrs J. A. Stewart. give a g. ,very delightful At-liome at their beau: tiful`and spacious residence, ce, A:ntirew e street on Frida� <ni ht last. '. , y g t. Besides e the many" in - attendance `from ' here, guests were present from. Hensali' Sea- p , eeth'`and. 1. f _, elsewhere. •At; about 12 o clock ti de" ' enner ' a 'served,- et• ed f w v after 1 f which the c e ompa•ny participated'; in gracefully gliding and turning in the, e fairy snare Needless to sag all 'rho , r u o hl en"o ec'fthe}ros f.talzt 'ofa'th amiable heat e h t and poste s u til .',. d s n �, reds orb' doable a our.;. was compelled t lay off,. aty f a few s:►bushed: of the country was, approved, oath the retenttianzendation that the appoint - molt of these missionaries' be left to Synods. The remit proposing l posin a re- g " , tlueticuuin the representation the General ial AS,etly frdat cat fmxt tt to one-sixth was approved, ed, but no rwtion was taken as to the proposal to create a fund to defray tlw troweling e tpezi- ses of 'commissioners, The report on Church Life and Work was adopted, and the committee was instructed to tprepare an abridgement of it for .pnb- ication and circulation. The report on Young: People's Societies showed an increase of membezsbiip riming the year. The proposal to ehungn the mune of the society to Canadian Pres- byterian Guild was adopted. The eon- gregation of St.. Andrew's church. 1 ippen, obtained leave to add a school room to their present building, School Beard Minutes. Minutes of the Board Meeting held in the Town hall, Monday,M:arch 17th, with all the members present. The following is the order of testiness duly submitted approved. Per Chairman minutes of precious meeting. Per H. Huston and Joseph Senior that the request for a recommend of qualifica- tion as teacher be granted and that statue he prepared by the secretary and duly signed by the chairman on be- half of the Board. Per 11. Huston and W. Trevethiek that the secretary be empowered to collect all unpaid fees forthwith. Per W. J. Carling and R. N.Rowe that the following pre- paid accounts duly certified be sus- tained. G. Atkinson, sawdust, $1.00;. 3. Howard, wood, $18.60; Geo. Snyder, -wood, 54.38; also that the following ,counts be paid, Steinberg Hendry ar, Co., $23.05; G. Heywood. repairs to B. Board, 75e. Per H. Huston and .7. Senior that if purposing to visitTor- onto during Faster Holidays the Prin- cipal be requested to tact, if convenient, as the Board's delegate to the annual convention of Trustees to be then in session: Per W. J.• Carling acljourn meat. 3, GRIGG, Secy. Death of Mrs. Geo. 11111. The cold baud of death has again in- vaded our midst and robs another home r to he death of Sarah Ann Pike, beloved wife of George Hill and youngest daughter of obertPike,lateof Whitestone paris ear Exeter, Devon, Euagleted, e o ied at the family residence, erloo street, on Friday afternoon, of last week. The deceased hadb e e pro- longed: �L tc n longed sufferer but was always hopeful and -after repeated attacks of indisposi- tion, which would almost bring her to death's door, she would revive and again be as ambitious as ever. :This time, however, the'gravity of her: situ= ation was . unmistakable and with a harked difference in her Condition she gradually sank until,leath clamed hei , She, was a' patient •sufferer, and 'bore her:af%liction with resigned Christian fortitude. Born to England, she came to• .Canada' in the year 1872: and, resided with her brother• at• Thnrold, Welland Couisty; for ,year.. S.he wag then niar- ried; eo her ow bereaved lbtasband and came to live in,Exeter Where She :has 'resided ever since. She leaves to mourn the_loss of e loving;: wife and mother, a dmetiaind,;' and' three sons—Williaa,4n n,nd'Fred,'of Buffailo,'•and Earliest of London -and one ehrother in Buffalo and one elatesin'l ogland • took MotThe fitner- a` a 1 .. place,id y to --the Exeter ,cemetery. Sae laid a uc e. The sight Sunday Morning of a late: ing father, kind hatsbanal �,zid valued friend lying 1pz•oue trod helpless in the jaws of death on a bed • of hay was as Gene tizaat would. drive women into,; ystez'iesand stroug ripen tp tears, and, orzzfying to those who met les:gaze, Ve refer to the suicide of Willi, ro Howard which is Mee of the saddest things in the unnale of tragedies that have oer erred in •,hep-eter and the be- reeved wife and family will bete the widespread and heartfelt sympathy of the entire contnaunity, The deceased bad always been subject, more or less, to illness, whieh,conpled with the fact of hint being of a melancholy turn of mind, no doubt, rendered hitzz aLzz easy. subjeet to der; elop a mania for eozuanit- ting the rash ata, and dashing the cop of life front his lips, The deceased got up Sunday morning between seven and eight o'clock with no noticeable er ereeptzble differenee in his actions or naanners to that of lzis .ostial cnstonz. rs.Howardalso beiugup��proceeded.to et breakfast, while Mr, Howard went at to the stable. The bzeakfastbeing ready and Mrs. Howard thinking the eceased was tarrying longerthan was necessary, went to the stable. The sight that met her gaze was enough to paralyze any weinan, the floor of the stable being • literally covered with blood. Realizing the situation she izu- niediately run to the home of ;1 Ir. Ed- ward Howard, the deceased's brother, and informed him of the suspected ca. butiity°, who, upon int,-estigetion,fonnd his Brother lo the loft of the startle' with his throat cut aerossfrozu ems to carr and several large gashes inflicted on the scalp. Further iuyestigaation revealed the fatet (hot the horrible deed. bad been done by •t.be aid of •is stale, which t ay on the stable Booz' covered with bloo;l, He evidently had cwominitted the rash act and then wounded and bleeding, elizitlaed the: ladder to the loft where he WAS. found. The mystery to all is, how. after s much good and meth terrible wounds, be Beer reached the upped' part 0 the stable, Mr. Howard ran rat hastily as possible for Dr.. Its mimeo who was on 's_ in•a, ve t' hot the ,.cone , sllo z a be try zt time, t could do nothing,g. Deceased was not yet etp dead, but,wzithi.ug in agonies of pain 1 from the awful wounds, be lingered in the lap of death until after eleven t►eload, when the fatal coral was snap. Ord and his sufferings put to ata end. Death always 1pz'ing s with it sadness and •glaum•and title sad eeelit is no ex etepatiou to the rule. As deceased h:(d. not been laald aside front active duties of life by long illness, news of the sad e:ataannity came startlingly sudden laud onez`peeted, Ile is highly spoken of aas a good. neighbor, a kind parent. and ninny indeed are those who eau testify to his kindness.of beaart. Held in 1piglz esteem his untimely, end brings sadness to every heart, gained by long resi- dence here" and the kizubuess of Ins dis- position. The funeral twit Place to the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday, the gar e gatheringnattendance,. can d- � ea•itg the estrent(•ly cold weather, eVi. Biitg.ski es for., men and women tre J•ust,rwbitt the,taame im lies and ,. ,p furthet•. ' Thee are full of cotnftirth T+lber' pair u ra t eed:`t lts £ a it atn t-Stewart'8 • • denting the esteem in winch decease was held and the sympathy, felt for the bereaved relatives. Ile was a val- ued al - el ctit of e Independent U tla z of t)ddfe•llows, ruttier whose auspices' it • ed The . ane'nl Was conducted, 1. k fnz. hef d doubtless, like all othere, bad his share of life's adversities and ills eouragements, but wily be did so rash an act will doubtless always remain a mystery. To hint life must have lost it's eliarin. Ile leaves, besides the be- reaved widow, one son and three daughters. His age was 50 years and 0 months, PERSONAL. AWKINS &SON. Sugar-Naking. -The sugar -making season is here, Are you prepared for it? Look. up and see if you da not want some $AP PAILS, SAP PANS, SAP SPOUTS, SUGAR, KETTLES or anything in that line. We have everything. Seeds! esclst We catry a large and varied supply of the best and .choicest field and garden seeds that on be procured, Dont run auy risk, but see that you get the best, We sell the Little Giant hands of ever farmer, ' ea .Kettles. Seeders, which should be in the Ask to see our stock of niche plated tea kettles, Tat HAWKINS & SON, Sileeessors to U. Bishop &- ILLtI]�IERY! ]YE Our Millinery rooms, udder the man- agement of MISS BALLA.RD, will be open on and after TUESDAY, MARCH h l newest Whew vie will ow all 1 the u;ew t latest designs in Millinery for the com- ing season. ieadepuarters for the C'eleltrtate(1. • SPACKIVIlt ' tly Mad C CIothi Wes. C. Huston, FURNITURE& UNDERTAKING ROOMS, GIbLEY'S $LOCI=. We want to sell 200 HOOKING CHAIRS )efore3 spring. See thorn from 50c. up. Mr. M. Elwood, of 1Iensall, speui Sunday in town. Mr. Jos. Ilodgfns, of Lucan, was in town Wednesday. :11r. Lab Stanley, of Locaat, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Charlotte Dearing visited. in Hensell, on Saturday. Dr. A. W. Hotham, of St. Marys, was in town Monday night. Miss Edith Beers, of London, spent Sunday -with her parents here. 1tIr. Win. Snell is still confined to his bed with very little improvement. Miss L. Dickson, of Renfrew, is the guest of her brother,Mr. L. H. Dickson. Mr. George Bawden,ofLucan,attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Howard, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gatiss, of Eagle River, Ont.,are guests of their daughter, Mrs. B. S. O'Neil. Mr. Johnson, of Hyde Park, spent :.a few days here, the guest of his sister, CALL •�- gym STOCK MM. s'. Frth, o" CALL AND INSPECT .E. OUR STOOK. Mrs. Smith, of St. Marys, attended , 'the funeral of her brother, Mr, How- ard here on Monday. Miss Maud Ford, of Buffalo, N.Y ., spenta few days with friends and rel- atives l- atives here this week. Mr. Bert Hodgson, who recently cut his foot, is able to move around again without the crutches. Mr. Wellington Johns left Wednes- day for London where he will visit a few days prior to leaving for Manitoba.. Mr. Fred Hill, of Buffalo,N. Y., who 1 me was called ho owingdeath to the of his mother, will remain till:Monday next. Mrs. Millener, of Forest, who was attending the funeral of her sister,' Miss Hodgson, returned home Monday evenin`_ Tylissg.Elliott, who has beed visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson left on 'Saturday night last for her home in „Mitchell.; - i re can sell you a dandy bed ro©m set OAK OUT AND POLISHED, FOR $25.00 All other Furniture, Bed Springs, Mattresses away down. Do you want that picture framed We can it to the King's taste. do We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and can show you something new in design. - Miss 'Eaneline Howard, and sister, Mrs. A. J. McTavish, of London, at- tended the' fameral of their uncle here on Tuesday. -. Lena Howard, Toronto, andof T onto " Miss Luther Howard, of Galt, were. ,called homeMonday owing -to the death of their father. A number from here s1? spent tle.et even- ing in withaMr. and' Mrs. B. Sherra, near Hensall,;on Thursday night, .jest, re- potting a verypleasant time, '`•!.Mr. 'and. Ales, A. Ganders returned to. London Saturday evening, after, a an visit illi Mr,' s endo �a les t z , p g p and lfrs. S. Sanders, H'ttron •street _ r •. Johnson and son of1Toron s lifr. Winn to, are the guest§ of' 11fes 'P."Fsdyrie.' ECONOMY Y is WEALTH The road to wealth is best explained by the methods of the York County Loan & Savings Co., Head Office at Toronto. Buy or Sell a Farm . Their weekly installment utshares pay IF YOU WANT TO 4%. Collector calls for weekly pay- ment of 5 cents or Molle. ��g�terRe�l %ate Any IF YOU WANT TO Branch .Office,. 8 Ditffleld Block; London. • Mr. D. manager of the House of Refuge, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Kydd, of Usborne, who has been in Manitoba; for the past few weeks, returned home Fridaythorn- ing. He reports,•.the -weather except tionall".: fine in' the West and,has been all winter. Mr.W D. Yoe w o left here a few oe ,h f, lv weeksig o for the soXthern states, for the good of his health,' returned home on Monday morning"fromLas Verges,' New Mexico, his condition not having improved atty. • i4Tr Ft,nl t Pv.ke, whe wee, dtteudzn the fupe I of his sister,. Mrs. Geo. Hill Monday, le .yes this' nrnrning' (Thurs. day) for his hone in ;Buffa1n.. N.Y.. He. ';will be ecetirti `anaed'b bis.' to phew, '► Wine 1l o at ere- ort .the are Also-. r B. ro tis n Me: Iii Who Mae tete hey.,. s z _.. g M., ... h.f. ,.... , _.. efi Usborne, who still continues,ret rill.' ;;s t me sad mission. Buy or Sell Town Property, IF YOU WANT TO Lend. Borrvw orone M Money IF YOU WANT ole a tiitSa a te' , ,,,,C1co_ IF YOU WANT Insured Your if u t 'Y'o >I L e I s IF YOU WANT TO • Go to the Old Count'. tr 'BY ALLAN LINE FOR FURS. CASH PAID Zt -URS. Cal S at the Undersigned Ted _ JOHN SPACEMAN; re. �.• S clr tut s;.H`<r wa i.,pa naY Herdwere. x E eter. • ,.Office over ,a�