HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-20, Page 7NERVOUS TROUBLES,
The Sufferer is Constantly Tired
and Depressed, Will Startle at
the Slightest Noise, and is sa,,s-
ily Irritated.
There is no torture more acute and
intolerable than nervousness. A ner-
vous person is ie. a state of constant
irritation by day and sleeplessness by
night. The sufferer starts at every
noise; Is oppressed by a feeling that
ecenethieg awful s going to happen;
sheky. depressed, and, although ie
te constantly exhausted state, is un-
able to sit or lie
If you are nervous or worried, or
suffer from it embination of langour
and constant irritationyou need a
nerve food and nerve tonic. and Dr.
Williares. Pink Pills are absolutely
the best tithe= in the world for you.
You will Anafter to.king them that
your feelings of distress and worry
ere being rapidly replaced by
strength, confulenee, and a feeling
that you are on the read to full and
complete health and strength. Oct
* rid of your nervousness in the only
possible way—by building up strong,
steady nerve
Mss In Douvet. Bathurst. Nal.,
says: "Words fail me to adeqUatelY
express what 1 owe to Dr, Winialns'
rink Pals. 1 was attacked by la.
grippe, the atter effects of which took
the form of nervosa exhoustion. The
leStet noise would startle me nod I
wonld tremble or SOnle time fused
several Medicine.% but they did not
ene, and is time went on X was
ffotaing worse and was so nervous
that I wateafraid to remain stoma in
reeM, 1elept bodly at night mot
would frequently awake 'with a start
that would Opel rue to eereaen.
The trouble told on rue to such au
extent that eny .frientis feared for my
recovery. At this time ray aunt
urged nee to try Dr. Williams' Pleb:
Pills, and after using eight boxes I
Was eompletely restored to health. I
feel that Dr, Willironsa Pink Pills
saved my life and I sincerely how
elly experience will benefit some other
These edits never fail to restore
health and strength in eases like the
airfare. They make new, rich blood
with every dace, strengthen the
nerves and thus drive disease from
the system. Dr. Williams* Pink Pills
are a certain cure for rheumatism.
Sciatica. partial paralyels, $t. Vitus*
donee, indigestion, kidney and liver
troubles, and the ailmeuts that usalte
the lives of so many wonnet a source
of constant iniserer. Bright eyes.
rosy cheeks and an elastin Step lit
certain to follow a fair ose of this
medicine- Re sure that the full name
"Dr. WilliainsPink Pills for Pale
renPle." is on every box you buy.
All others are heitations. If veto d
not find these pills at your dealer's
they will be sent postpaid at. tin
cents a box or six boxes for
by addressitig the Dr. Williams* Medi-
cine Co.„ Brockville, Ont.
Cleaning house by means of com-
preesed air is the latest 'twentieth-
century wouder-worker. It exists so
far in °lily a few cities, but it will
tome into more general use when it.
becomes better hnown. A large van
sintions itself before the house that
is to be eleaned. The operator runs
his imee into the rooms, and with an
odd device resemblieg an inverted
carpet -sweeper, he cleauses everything
in sight—and Seine things not in
sight. The inachine gathers the dirt
into a receptacle of its own. Walls
and draperies, upholstery, all sorts
of things are cleansed without. clear -
Mg the room or taking op a carpet -
No telescope has ever been built
with a larger aperture than Lord
Rosso's, the diameter of which is 6
feet. But many enormously aseeed
it in power.
She Tells Sow Little Ones Can be
Kept Well, Contented and
When baby is cross and. irritable,
you may rest assured he is not well,
even if you are unable to see any
symptoms of his illness other than
fretfulness. It is not natural for a
baby to be cross and he is not so
without reason. Ile has no other
way of telling his troubles than by
crossness and crying. When baby is
cross give him Baby's Own Tablets.
and they Wiil soon make hint good-
natured and happy, because they
will cool his hot little mouth, ease
his sour little Stoileach and help
his obstinate little teeth through
painlessly. These Tablets are just
what every mother needs for her lit-
tle ones—and her older children too.
Mrs. Clarence 1VICKity, Roseway,
N.S., says e --"I find Baby's Own
Tablets the best medicine I have
ever used for 'my little ones. Wiicn
my baby was four neeiths old he
was very much troubled with indi-
gestion. Ile would vomit his food
as • soon as be took it, no smatter
what I gave hine- and he :leeratel .to
be always hungry mid kept thin and
delicate. He also suffered from con-
stipation. After giving him the
Tablets a few days the vomiting
ceased and his bowels became re-
gular, and I. must say that since I
began the use of the Tablets I have,
had less trouble with this baby than
I had with any of the rest of my
children.'' Every mother should
keep. Baby's Own Tablets in the
house at all times—there is no, tell-
ing when an emergeneY meY
These Ttsblets are a Certain cure
for all the minor ailments of Teltele
ones, such as constipatien, incliges-
tion, colic, diarrhOeft, sour stomach,
and simple fever. They break up
colds, prevent croup, a,nd allay the
irritation accompanying the cutting
of teeth. They are sold under a
guarantee to contain no opiate or
other harmful drug, and dissolved
iii water may be given with absolute
Safety to the youngest infant. Sold
by all druggiete at 25 cents n bus.
Or Sent poet paid on receipt of
price by addressing the Br.
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
One washing with SonliglIt. Soap will procluco REDUCES
purer linen than. two washings with irnpure soap. EltilMNSV
15/13C9 Zinelty,"ptUyN7LEhOtia4s13:r°017ve th4 -142aTEs. :),r -t9,
es4,11,Viailt! ns
any ferm -et .adialteratiss, or anyjurious enemicale.
4Sle 1,011. emeteou IrX,tt
BATI11100111 DRILL.
•Batintub drill is the latest. addi-
tion. to the eurricalum of the public
school, and the city of Boston, Man-
aeliusetts, is the Orst place to put
t into practice. It, has been decided
bat, the Public eelicions of Boston
shall be provided with well-appointed
bathrooles, and now, when a cbilgt
Presents himself for adroessicin .and
gives evidence teat lie has not been
as well groomed al. home as a, proper
regard for his health and the coin -
fort of his class -room associates de-'
wands, It is the duty of an instruct-
or to leod him to a 'bathroom and
give bine a lesson in the hygiene of
the person- Not, until he has passed
a. satisfactory examination is he per-
initted to take his place in the class
to which he is assigned. Children
are llatatrally sensitive to classifica-
tion among the unclean, and the Roe -
Von sehool teachers report, that the
cholars come to school much cleaner
tban formerly.
To guard against insidloue bacilli
physicians are recommending the
sterilislog of books in publie
not III the hope ot killing evil -
producing literature, but to destroy
1107110118 gernm concealed in their
leaves. That disease bas frequently
been transmitted by the eirculation
of books has long been susPecWd.
and the better has recently been Yen -
fled. The most careful work in this,
direction has been done by the Chi-
-meg° Public library, and the doctor
in charge reports that lacj"has lomat
a largo number of bacilli, represent-
ing nearly a, lauedred different po;s-
one and disease serum Fifty books,
seleeted at random, were examined.
and sdl of them were found more or
less infeeted. Dry eternisation is re-
At a ortain ball in the country
the other evening a gentleman un-
dertook to introduce a companion to
young but rather stout lady, who
mond to be pining for a dance.
"No, thanks. old fellow; I don't ,
care to waltz with a cart."
A "'eart." is uuderstood 1» the dis-
trict referred to as a partner who
does not do lwr share of the darn:Ina'.
but has to be drawn round.
A few evenings later the same
young lady, who had overheard the
conversation, beheld the young man
seeking an inteeduction and asking
if he might have the honor, etc.
"No, thank you," she replied: "
may he a. cart, but I nn not a don-
key -cart,"
A pair of trained bullocks belong
to Mlle. Lanes., 1ienZ0,, the beautiful
Braziliaa heiress, and she has train-
ed them to trot in tandem fashion in
the streets of Paris. It is quite a.
sight to watch, the fair lady drivo
about the streets of the French eapi-
tal. A similar sight will probably
be witnessed in London, for an Am-
erican millionaire has wagered that
he will drive a tandem Pair of Mexi-
can steers down the strand and up
to the doors of the Rotel Cecil.
°date ICidney ma Are Avignon -
ledged to be O. Wonder Working
riZeolne.-4Vany Other lIfiramele
sins Cure* Brought to Light. •
Oshawa, Out., Feb. 24,e -(Special
One effect of the publication far a
wide threugh the press of the 1111
eletiltnie • etire Of a Case of paralysis
here In 0Shawa has been th bring
to tho swinge great. many shrines-
ly wonderful andwell authenticated
cures by the same remeely—Doders
Kidney Pills.
Mr, Brown, whose case has gooses
, all the sensationis a modest =lee
sliming mechanic employed in the
Oehawa. Malleable Iron Works, Hilleet
thio publication of the facts •of ldS
'cane he has been overwhelmed witi
letters of inquiry from all over
country, and to each of these he
esteems simply
"Yes. Kidney Pills cured
efter all the doctors and hospital
hecielists had given me up.
maiden walk and had to be fed lihe
a baby for four months, but the
piU soon fixed me up and 1 have
keen all right ever eiriee,"
IIle Inte ale° been in receipt of no
a few letters from others who to
;game found Dodd"s Kidney Pills
life-sasing remedy when all else had
P tuned.
Noverel of these, encouraged by
Mr. Drown's example. have writto
to the papers reporting their cases
and all are very enthusiastic in
their praises of the medicine.
But our explanation of ell these
ens has been offered and it seems
to make them easily understandable.
—The Kidney's are Nature's blood
Iters. If the Kidnesee are healthy
lull diseases will be eetracted und
expelled—Dodd's Kidney Pills cure
the Kidneys and thus enable them
to throw off sickness and to protect
the body from any and every tie:limit
of disease.
There is a tribe in Central Africa
among whom speakers in public de-
bates are required to stand on one
leg while orating, and to speak only
as long as they ean so stand.
um cough
eed works off the Cold.
Laxative BeemteQuinino Tablete cure a cold
otte der, NO eure. No Par. Price 25 ten%
Areeitills Parent — 'Doctor, my
daughter appears to be going blind,
and she is about to be Married,"
Doctor --"Let her get ntarrififi. then ;
11 allytbiug eau open her eyes, mar-
riage Will."
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A 1
druggists refund the moni3y if it fails to cure.
Ill. NY. Grove's signature is on each box, 250.
The only 'large countries which
produce more wheat than they con-
sume are the United States, Russia
and Austria. Their combined sur-
plus is 265 million bushels. The
United Kingdom uses each year 18:2
million 'bushels, more than it grows.
For Over Sixty Years
MIte. WINSLOW'S SOOTIIING Svelte hes been ,used by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
'mattes the child, softens ths gums. allays pain. curet
wind collo, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the
bestremedy for Diarrluna. Twenty -live cents a bottle.
Sold by druggists tbroughOut the world. 1.e sure and
ask fur "Mitt. wineao wet seminal Sr IMP."
Mrs. Naggs (at teleplione)—"Is* my
husband in the office ?" °ince Boy—
''No, ma'am." Mrs. Naggs—"When
will he be in ?" 0.ffice Boy—"I can't
pay." Mrs. Naggs—"Why can't you
say ?" Office Boy—"Because he told
me not to."
Are your corns harder to renlove than
those that others have had ? Have they
not had the same kinu ? Have they not
been cured by using Holloway's Corn
Cure? Try a bottle.
Patrick, a thrifty tradesman in the
neighborhood of the Dublin docks,
was, the story goes, a man who
never spent a, penny more than he
needed to spend ; but he was, never-
theless, as good a man at the mak-
ing of an 'Irish bull as may who lived
between Pantry and Pallycastle.
I -raving one day occasion to send a
letter to a place at some distance,
Patrick called a. messenger, and ask-
ed him his price' for going such a
distance. ,
"It'll be a shillin," said the man.
"TIvice too much I" said Patrick.
`lea it be sixpence• ,"
' 'Nivver," answered the messen-
ger. "The way is that lonely ' that
r,(.1 neveigo it undert hillin',"
"Lonely', is it /3' said Patrick,
scratching his head. '`Paith, an
ye're roight. Now, mon, ru tell ye
what we'll do ; make ft sixpence, and
I'll go wid ye to kap° ye company!"
"After all, success in business only
comes to plucky people." "Yee
mean, "from plucking people,' don'
you ?"
sra washing woollens and flannels,
the soft soap made from Lever's Dry
'Soap (a powder), will be found very
"John, you are nat listening tO 0.
word I am saying." "Why my dea
I am all cam" "I know you are
and that makes it all the more pro-
They Cleanse the System Thoroughly—
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stom-
ach arid bowels of bilious' matter:, cans -
the excretory vessels to throw off impuri-
ties from the blood into the bowels and
expel the deleterious mass from the body-
rhey. do this without pain or inconven-
ience to the petient, who epsedily realizes,
their good offices as soon es they begin to
take effect. They have strong recom-
mendations from all kinds of people.
Smuggling is not yet extinct. Last
year no less than 4,158 cases tome
to light in the British Isles. They
involved over 0,000 pounds of tobac-
co and 168 gtdlons of foreign spirits.
IVIinard's 11111ffifilt Cures Colts etc,
A shipyard at °lutist°, Japan,
still in •operation WaS established 1,-
900 years ago.
1.11nard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Lady—"Aren't you the man to
wnorn. I gave a piece of cake re-
cently ?" Tramp —"Yes, ma'am."
"1-Inve you been working since ?"
"No, ma'am; I've been in the hospi-
tal ever since."
. •
The great Cleinan cl for a please!' t, safe
and relea,ble an ticlote for all 'affections of
the throat and lungs' is fully met with in
Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. It is
a purely 'Vegetable Compound, and acts
prouiptly and magically in subduing all
coughs, Colds; bronchitis, bfflanunation of
the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a
child will not reale° it, and it is put at a
price that will not exclude the poor from
its beneli s.
Charley (sitting in a hotel restate:-
ant)—"Think of ii., Bill, buf for a
single word that beaaitiful young
Woman behind You would have been
my wife." 111.11. --`'What was the
word ?" Oliarley--"Not Bluth ; she
simply said 'No.' "
uln=mt""11.16 "
This is the Page Standard II Bar Pence, made of "Page wire which Is twice as strong es
common wire. The continuous coil, note wavy appearance, allows for means on and con
traction which is important owieg to Canadfau climate. Car upright wires as e in one place
and have strength of about BOO pounds. If made of Meces eplieed at each horizontal, they
would have a strength of only about BOO pounds. We also make gates, ornamental fences,
eoultr netting, nails and eta les. • The Page le re Fence Ob.. Limited. Wel keryille , Ont. i3
A sewing-machiue for the skin is a
recent French notion, it, is intended
for the Use Of Surgeons, In future a
surgeon need not slowly stitch the
edges of a wound. With the lett
baiel he keeps the two edges togeth-
er, and with the right hand he fas-
tens them by means of little clasps
of nickel, having pointe which only
penetrates the epidermis, and are not
peinful. The ca.tches are Atpplied by
the machine, a species of pincer Ural -
cd with them, which can be (lisle.-
feeted by heating it red hot.
tarrtling DiscloAures Relative to
the Irost Wonderful Power
Known to Nan—Doetoze
rofeseor Adkin Offers to Help the
Sj.k and Afflicted :Free of Cost
Uundxeds Cured at Their
Own Routes.
The Medical World has been startle
by tile wonderful mires effected by Yro-
fesser 'Thos. le. Ariake i. distinguished
ecientist vi.o is devoting hie life to tlie
relief or humanity. l'eople in the Met
)tags of consunaption; Mee and women
living in constant dread of death from
lirigbt's Dieease, -Mood Poisoning. Cane
cee. PraPsea lleart Diseeee Mid other
dangerous tkillitelliti hten been restored
to health by the treetment of this won,.
Mil Dohs. after every imown Tomos
4 reores of eminent Speeleliete had
beell tried in Vain.
Not in the history of eledical Salerno
have so rueny startliug cures Weil re-
corded. So marvellous has been itS save
cess in healing ell kinds of dieertee. that
his patients cull him 0, b.liracle Realer.
lean of Supernatural Powers. a PliYel,
with a key to the rountAin of
: yet Profeeser Atikin deelares
riothing wonderful (Octet hie
to cure dieetree. end saYs
imply beeauee he "understands
S ADergilTIS.e:
tiet aeaa
; it really neri
ets Ati grocer
IE yens meter COD mons POR YOUR
Butter Eggs Poultr, Apples 4., Produo0
Corcespondeoee Solicited,
A. reporter caned upon Profeeser Adkin
•few Weelor nee, Lie found a Man Of
commandant; Meire, %%OW personality
Was reasterftll and refreshing. His °yea,
though full of reenactl to von.
etrate orlon; very thoughts, while his ee-
ry act and every word spoke of home
ty and consideration of others. Ile is
clearly e, man of wondered ,force of
Ile said: "I =meet attempt to tell
etou what ney treatment is \Odell I tall
"Viletopathy." in these days of (oath.
ery toad fakes, every advance in t,elenCe
itt fillitettPd a, score of Ignorant dine-
lataus who pretend to have mastered
Ite details. acre 1 to attempt to ex-
plain to you for publication the prac-
tice of Vitaopat hy. without discussing
its every plume, which I have not time
to do, there woulti be st dOgett unscrupu-
lous persons pretentling to tintierstand Its
use, before the publication has been Out
a week Viteopatity is not Christian
science, it is not Hypnotism. nor Divine
Healing. It is infinitely raore thorough
and far-reaching than any of them.
"Vititoputhy" is 5 subtle forte 01 na-
ture. regulating 'the intellectual and
spiritual being which controls the physi-
cal man. it puts the system in a recep-
tive condition, which enables the body
to receive the full benefit of my Vitae -
iodide vegetable remedies which are used
in -combination with it.
"It is tree that this new treatment is
every day making wonderful cures. It
has cured the blind, it has made the
lame walk, it has cured varioue organic
troubles which had brought the suffer-
ers to death's door. And here let me
ask you to announCe to all the readers
of your paper, that I stand ready at any
time to give the benefit of my experience
to anyone who is nt need of help. I
will gladly make a couiplete diagnosis
of the ease of anyone who is in poor
health, and 1 will prescribe 0 thorougti.
coUrso of home treatment free of cost,
which I positively guarantee to cure.
Especially do 1 make this offer to those
who are afflicted with dangerous disease
and have been treated by other methods
without avail. If there are any who
are in the grip of Consumption, Blood
Poison, 13right's diseases, Chronic leid-
ney Disorder, Nervous Debility, Dropsy,
Rheumatism, Ream Hisease; if any of
your readers aro suffering from constant
Headache, Dyspepsia„ Sleepleesness, Pe -
male Troubles, Lost Vitality, Vertigo,
or other similar ills, I invite them to
write me Sully of their condition, and 1
will give them personal attention, mid
help them to a complete recovery of
"I want no one to sena me any
money. I ant willing to give this ser-
vice to all who will put themselves in
my hands, without a. penny of charge,
feeling that haying been blessed we -
the ability to cure disease wheu others
fail, it is my duty to help:those who
cannot help themselves." '
Professor. Adkin showed the reporter
scores of letters from •Doctors, Ulergy-
mee, Statesmen, Educators, Gollegi? Pro-
fessors, Lawyers and others high in life
who have been cured by, %, eetope,thy, as
well as letters from men and women
from all walks of life who availed them-
selves of his free offer of help; and the,
reporter left with a strange feeling of en-
douragereent, believing that he had met
the 11I0St Wort dCrilll man of the age.
The following are 5 few extracts -from
letters which the reporter examined per -
"I feel it a rielit I owe to suffering lo -
inanity to Make known what has been
done for lee. '1 had suffered
for over forty- years from ca-
tarrh of ' the theoat, stomach and
bowels. I coughed day and night. I
was in continuous pain. I had tried so
many Weds of treatment without ben a
that, I had given up all hope. - By
chance I learned Of a woman whom you
had cured after the doctors had given
her up to die, and 1 wrote for your free
help, That was °tie montli ago. To-
cl a.y 1 an a well woman. 3. cannot un-
derstand it. My friends are amazed. My
family physician iS puzzled. I wish I
could go out and proelaira the virtues
of your marvellous treatment from the
housetops. Y ou 111 tly use this letter as
you ' please. . 1 know my recommenda-
tion can only result, in good."
, eceS. A. W. el0 OBE, •
liox Gee, Fitzgerald, Ga.
••3: eel:mot, express wy gratitude for
ou have dotte for py
her tleathebed: s wife. She ,
0(1 and had a clot of oodPrgi.z.
brain. Physigiana said there was 1)0
bOlIe that etre eoulti receiver, but woe
one egieed her toe. tebe amyeoved from
the very first sley see commenced yeer
appearee, see 'sleeps wen nue bas
treatment. 'elie ems. of mood 3(05 dise
splendid appetite. Refer an' sufferers
who deubt your mearvellou,s powers to
nate or let them come to rey bome. and
witness the woratieriel cure Yen bow
performed 10 roy wife'e Caen. My neigtte
bore ell ktiow *be condition roy wee
s in when 514e centriumectl your treat.
Wed they were Imurly expecting
ath. 1 hove end proe that 'men
yorir .counnand to help- thee* who
oust get Ith.eson. w4
p' -v Spriewelatavenirli.theonn.
Every reader of tuis pmeer
sick with any disease is aileised to
write be this miracle bower. Addressing
his or her letter to Profe.”or alms. le.,
Rocheeter. N. V.
state the leading syniptonm of your
eomPlaint. mut aek terefessor Adkin to
help you without eoet, end you will un..
tioubtedly be aide te get cured. es se
meaty otbers have beee. itoopostby
Ib unquestioneilly the most we:merges
science of tile age. and Professor Allele
the greateet miracle heeler in the world.
- 10'
The longest continuo's eruption o
Vesuvius lasted from July, 1895. to
September, 1890. A block ot rock,
weighing 30 tons, NMS hurled to
height of 1,2O11t. tiering this reu
tirreci CMS GUEil COS.
Taking the population of Italy a
100, that of the Milted Kingdom 1.
128, of Germany 172, of the Unitetl
States 231. and of Russia 40G.
Tbe taninon wasp
129 flies aday.
111 destroy 80
$leepleeseess.—When thie Rterre$ un
strung, and the whole body giveu up to
ectetehedeeee, when the nixed is unco,
look gloom and diegnal ferehoslings, thin
reeult, of deniagement of the digestive
organs, sleeplessness comes to geld zo the
ilistresn 12 only the subject could eleert
there won/Olio oblivion for o whte mid
temporary reiief, Parmelee's Vegetable
Pine will not only iminee sleep. bat will
it beneficially that the suberet will
wake refresbed and restored to happleseese,
y has only 08 people with
over $250,000 a. year,
ain has 300.
The Publisher of the Best
per JP the Maritime Pro
writing to us stoles:
I would say that I do not 1
medicine that has stood the teat
tiroItite MINARD'S Laxibarorr. It
has been an unfailing remedy in ou
household ever since I cats remember,
and lute outlived dozens of would be
ompetitors and imitations.
Oe tie the greatest bleesings to parent
Ft Mother Graves' Worm Extertnitetter
• It effectually expels worms and give.
health in a nuervelleue nsansier to the lit
• Ile one.
Mr. •Stubb—"Confound it 1 'Wear
goisre"through a tunnel 1 1 hope It
isn'tlonge" Mrs. Stubb—"Ain John
remember the time when you told
inc you 'wished the whole distance
'as through a tusinel."
alard si
Lniment Cure elphtteila
Tfe—"I told her 1 should hiss be
*cry time site giggled." She—"What
'as the result ?" "Why, she giggled
the whole evening."
Tell the Dear—Mr. J. F. Keine&
Druggist, Perth, writes: "A elletorner Of
mine having been mired Of deafness by the
use of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil, wrote to
Ireland, telling his friends there of the
cure. In consequence I evolved an order
to send bait a dozen by express to Wex-
ford, Ireland, this week."
313 -towns in England and Wales
have separate charters, 135 of which
have been made boroughs during the
last reign. •
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury wilt rurely destroy the amso of
smell and cote plotely derange the whole syetem
when entering it through the mucous serrates.
Suchartielesehould never be used except on
Prescript 10119 from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten feld to the goot you
can possibly derive from them. Ears Catarrh
Cute, manufactured by P3. Cheney & Co.. To.
ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood end
mucous eurfaces of the system. In buying
Bales Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gene
inc. It is taken internary,and made in Toledo
Ohio, by P. J. Cheney it Co. Testimonials
Sold by Droggistq. priers 750 per bottle.
Ball's Family Pills aro the best. ;
Soreness removed at orme. No
ow MN MEANIE le promptly
pplled. Don't forgot the name
etlindirie," Le, Nairn of Matt.
Large Sexes 2Se• Rrugalste, or
Wiaadhrn 00., Toronto.
51 tacataalty rte.tlat, 'Acta.
tam la ter ,11r. 141tir.,
tf./.16ati1c:A.:„. * 44 r Tc,n.1 , 24
livitowtera %lint map.
2:Qt'dohteet. taClairtirtlirrte94actlea;
t0.r4 neetntue.rtr saar.
yIr:4)'347I1 3!f171*1717:IT1t
ields. !The 1.:11,4y. Dept.:h3111Sf1
21hat pals.
Throe Eared Cern.
2)3 :5,1 axe. rt. Orli, lir
sired/ prands eretywhiee.
tiuttRarrvoyea.1 Whoat
y10101111 Z.„14Stalsolsilyetr
leTrot102,1omosimybtrroasadteWit. asemer.
1.0s1W Lento; bleb.: (tided
Um our fairs4 SI lam per sere.
0 realest ewes% food •Cm
nms, srsln and 4
tans sma;m1Scaqf Lay ter
shert. 1:tint pays.
Victoria Rape
015 11000e1•
ta ts IIrI, thy , ,1 1.011 h ii ul Tyr;
Dromus Inermla.
Most vr153mrra1 oast or
tho ematuty.Vrodm,:eselcas
cf lay cul t. lots sc.1 lots et
psste.ravo %Midas per term,
;G. t.mr:oltz .“E al.ri etherlat "'spa ci:dre .11:
Si 0 leo.
Wov(14 yam to try our
ur0 at fano areas. Lebo,
offer to send 10 WM, aerd
ssmplas,contslalms Thousand
Ilemde,11.41e, Teasinte, Itayr,
Alfons. Spats, eta. (ta(ly mann
Moo get smart) tazotber lelth
oax great catalog, far 15 a postage,
That's the place, right in the small of the
back. It's a dull ache, sometimes astinging
"catch," a "tired feeling," a burning pain.
It exposes the fact that you are in bad
shape, your strerigth has been overtaxed,
your kidneys are breaking down,
your nerves are shaky, your bowels
constipated. You need the help o
Dr. McLaughlin's
Electric eit
Pay When Cured
if you can offer reasonable security. Failure
to cure costs you nothing, as I take all the
have just completed
mybeaetiful illustrated
EEbook telling how it eines
the 'weakness of men
neel women. It is worth
reading. I -will send it
BOON culpDsonelyreeTeasIced Call if
possible. and I win ex-
plain what my Belt will
do. Call or write to day.
CA U T I0N13eware of coneorne offering a thin piece of felt as a substitllt0
• for my cushion electrodes. These cheap coverings are used
only to disguise their bare metal blistering eleetrodca '1 hey have to be soaked in
water, which emeldy dries and leaves them without current, ely cushion electrodes
are my eeclustye invention and cannot he imitated.
If you have one of these old style, blistering bolts I will take it in trade for one of
mine. I do this not that the old belt is of any use, for it is not, but to estahlise the
value of my good-setvith people who have been naisied by the false claims of concerns
selling a cheap, worthless article,
DR. MI. ti..MOL4IJOHLIN3 130 Yonge Streets Toronto.
neeleeirenenee 'nen