HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-20, Page 5THE•
exam Prortrate
s published ever; Thursday Sloping at the owe
•One polierper annum If paid. la advance,
net so paid,
sescessesrsseessIsNgi ZZ.atoa ors, ..iropetlavese,
tseesa, -
No paper diseeotinned wattled envisages are paid.
Advertisemente witienxt specified djreeion wift be
,sissisphlished uatil forb ui and charsed aecordingly.
Liberal coutxx4 made ter U. -sassiest. advertisements
inserted for loog periods. Eery description of SOD
PRINTING turnedout in the finest style, aud at
modereteratee, asspes. meney orders, for
advertislag, subscriptions, des to be made pay -able
Clhas.11, Sauders,
EnrroaAtto raw
Proreseionol Cards.
'5551AN. L
P-DfS... Weer gra
Terento Volveristy..
Teeth extrasted withont any palmier any had effect
Rree's 'Movie stes'is side Mainstreet
Maim Graduate of Toronto l'alversIty and 'loyal
Cellegeollienta(Ssiese, one of Oetano. Also rot
Oraduate of Chiesssa School of Prosthetic Dentisters-
(with hanorable mention.)
Alimolnuro. Gold and Vuleaniie Platee merle lathe
neatest manner possible. A perfedly harmless are
aesthetie used for paltdese est tion at teeth,
(Knee este deer aaniCsrli ne Rms. store, Exeter,
JJ Ceil=e ot Physicians and Singesas °Marie.
paysielsia. Sarseeit and Aesouehe or, Mee. Miele
used. teas
jean Tx. Odise sad Itesidnre, gox
qrxe,oss eve.. Lorelei out. series' atentien
diet:lose: weasee. innobwari. tene to 4
rtros,-tio; 4; 4:Am4son nutms.r4,
essteyanrers, C trassali;S! ilea*
;as Wises it a t.issi
=7 rsIsser iistsss Nista kses t r -
I, E, esetevo,111,A*., 1. II.
W. VIM isiussisissr to Ellis's; sx
J. 4, mo3N,x Care,.eirr. s117410r. Notati 11.
t i4 h.
It4fl'e,,71317i eeron,brrr
Does your horse "feel his
oat"? What a difference be-
tween, the •grain -fed and the :IAN
grass-fed horse! The first
strong and full of ginger, the
second flabby, weak and tired
out before he begins. The
feeding makes the difference.
Childmn are not alike either.
One is rosy, bright-eyed, full
of life and laughter, another is
pale, weak and dull. The feed-
ing again is responsible.
Sickly children need special•
feeding, They don't 'feel their
ate. Scott's Emulsion adds
ust the right richness to their
et,. It is like grain to the
horse. The child gets new
appetite and strong digestion,
Scott's Emulsion is more
than fool It is a strong
medicine. It rouses up dull
children, puts new tlesh'on thin
ones and red blood into• pale
ones. It makes children grow.
Scott's Emulsion makes ordi-
nary food do its
This ptersen
Trade 'A
pper of et,ory lentie. 4
lend Nr free semee,
The ileitisix. rower; Wore, ilotlue
10,000 RIOTERS.
•sereee Anal( OF POLICE AND
/113` NO
t. Petersburg, ferelx 18. -On. Sunday
student. riots her!, in which oyes-
! 1003 people partivspeted, kept, a smal
Army of• police and cavalry by
throughout the day. Probably 100 Ar-
rests were made. While wally p:.rsons
were injured, no fatalities were repert.
ed. The students placarded the city
last night, e.nnouneing that they iutend,
•ed. to hold a grievance meeting, arta the
autborities, taking •the hiut, made ex
teaelve preearatiees. The u. -bele pliee
renerne was yelled out, and the eotira
military force was held reedy for mob'
rtnetion. At noon, the ofneers emu -
mend ef cavalsy Silitedron iu Trout of
the llotel D'Europe begged the eseral
there to diNperee ann go house. The tie.
• monetrators refused, and the mounted
troops began slowly clearing, the streete.
1 The etutients attempted to organ_ lea
a proeessiou la front Of the hotel, aNge
ing revolutionary songs and ehouting
isFree Russia!" "Dawn with tne auto.
tracy in The polive and revelry then
charged, tieing oely their Cossaek whim
and the flat-. a their sabres. Many m-
ous were hest but only a few serious -
Iv. The lislititne Oautinued during the
rem:0mi. s of the aftinnon in unnaernits
4;linee3. ilas ot' V.sei 'most ...oven. nelsts of
alo. day wen tonelunee eely o ins; mil*.
utee nefere the 4'S11^1111 raised the spat
where it ceourr(d in an open elcigh.
(null:lees if lite Untility 3111 Member -3
the. iStlit.ital LthiP.A411(11 eTre moon'
up 1:s the melees,. site -oral times the fats
thistitises made iniileint refIlivls tee Fe-
st nt ilom-tit a. eiri 14,70 rtal,:arkau'lv
, .-40. ,,,,n-'4,,ing ;la , nanssnitibie C
41`..,== qiit-tutott-,: rat Ile%
AM, 14pe,8i AwiNarre
Csentliss of Perth ond
tis tessesixtp of irnisrue, Sales (lawny
4 to and terairx re:venal-de. Saks erranged
The Moisons Bank
(Cita r, I by. Parliament, 1S55)
Paid up Capital• s2,5ou,000
iteServo Fund......... . .. 2,15000.
r8 -a4 Oflh'e !entreat,
wow, Esq.
Mauey advalleed ta got] Farmers on their wn
notes with, one or 3110reCX1derierS at 7 per COIL
Open esery t,Awrol (by !rant 1.0 amt. to 3 pan; Sat.
urdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m
.A. genoral banking business transacted
cureau.vr rwrns allowed for mow on Deposite
Receipt/. Savings Ihnex at 3 cents.
Dicesox &Csnstso. N. D. ifrapoe,
Solicitors, Manager
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our milL
A quantity of shorts
on hand.
L'o're. 064 Tooa's Phosgtoaino)
21. Gnat _EVA?). Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered.
gatzranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual We ness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
laamo, Opium or Stimulants. l/falled on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. One ad/Sp/ease,
wia cure. Pamphlets free to any address. .
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Woods PhosphOdine is sold in Exeter
by S. W. Browning and O. Lutz
Real Estate:Exchallgot
The Sale 'Pill:chase anti E*:Change of'
Village at -l -farm lands and properties
, negotiated at reasonable rates of exam-
Por Sale.
Several Valuable Earrns in IJAY,
IVRAYO, also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter.
Far . Wattted.
We ve•purchtisers for good farm
andin the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.'
WIL 'BaNden, David
• Y;thiator. .Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New
Bloek, Exe,ter=.
- and•J 8druegieut.
London, Maven l'n--.teeareling to
g table i.‘eurd ley the Wor thrive, the total
t boo. s sto.taieed in the field by on
11 troop, in February wore 51 (Meer, an
C01 rani: and Me kill wounded, raies-
FouNDR y ,,,,,,,*,,bui:iit,7grieuriztrytee!lf:i1 coonni,s; titets
:Wing the deaths from aveideuts end
disease and the bwalide sent home, we
get a total of 172 officers and 3,413 men
blURRAY, •6trttloartvheorwlitliAvilittliuul 43-1
men are In hospital wounded.
The total wastage Anse the war began
now amounts to 25„862 ofileors and men.
Manufacturer 87; Deal
Portable and Stationary En
nines and Boilers, Plows,
Land Rollers, Mowers, Etc,
Iron pipe and fittings, re-
pairs on Agricultural Im
plements and general nm-
chinery promptly attended
30B. P. Boiler, '25 H. P. Engine Com-
plete with Pump and Heater, also
about 1500 feet of inch pipe.
Goderich, March 10. -Murdock Mc-
Guire and two other companions went
out in the, lake this evening to
attend to their nets.Their boat was
caught in the ice and capsized and Mc -
Gnus was drowned. The other men
were rescued with difficulty. McGuire
Was 37 years of age, and leaves a wife
and six childree.
Women ICnDw Better Than Men.
In the management of the country
home cleiry and the making of butter,
women know better.than inen how the
work simuld be Conducted to pay.
Women who maks the best gilt edged
butter, know that WELLS RICH-
TER COLOR" is the safesternd best to
use, and always inly the kind that has
NO MUD or IMPURITIES -the kind
that gives the trueitune tint that never
Mrs, Wal.Martin,of Hamilton, made
a deliberate attempt at suicide Thinsday Morning by taking 'a quantity of
carbblic acid.
A Nevi Dress For, Ten Cents, The
. Price of a Package of
Women Of every social condition
know frOal piaeticalaxperience that it
is Possible with the aid of Diamond
Dyes to make A NEW DRESS FOR
Ladies, n'se Diamond Dyes to their
entire, satisfaction, advantage and
profit. There is no reason why you,
too, will not find in Diamond Dyes the
same aid to economical and stylish
dressing. If you prefer to get a new
dress for ten cents instead of bnying
new one at a cost of from five to ten
dollars, by a package of Diamond Dyes,
and with very little work you can
make your old dress look like a, new
on e. ,
Send a Poste 1. Card with your address
and The Wells .& Richardson Co., Ltd.
200 Monntain St.-, Montreal, P. Q., will.
mail yo.* free of cost full range of de,
signs of -Diamond Dye Mat and Rug
Patterns to Make selections from.
Dortaintele Deluca, Expected to Die
Ills Assailant ilas Escaped.
Sault Ste. Marie, March 18. -In e.
drunken row last night in the Italian
settlement Dominic Deluca Was shot
and will die. He rtille. a Warding.
house and blind pig, and, in. attempting
to throw Ben Seigilano out doors, De.
Inca, says he was shot by Alex.. Barrata,
a friend of Seigilauo. The latter was
arrested. Berretta has fled.
All Surrenders Iteported Are Mon
Liable to Service on Contmando.
London, March 18. -In answer to an
inquiry as to what Boers are ineluded
under the term surrender, in Lord
Ritchener's weekly reports, Mr. Brod-
ride stated ia the Douse of Commons
that he had received the following des-
patch from Lord InitchenerIt i im-
possible to distinguish between 11,ghting
and non -fighting burghers unless they
are very old or very youog, In Which
ease they are left on their farms, and
therefore do not surrender. All sur-
renders reported. are men liable to ser-
vice undee commando law."
BOERS menemstinens DE0EIVED.
The- Ilse of Ilritisla tnifonum Leads
to Self-destruction.
London, March 18.-A lteutees special
telegram from Middelburg, Cape Colony,
states that at Deelfontein, to the north-
west of Hanover, two parties of the
enemy met and, mistaking each other for
British troops, exchanged fire. Four men
are reported. to have been wounded.
Now Only/00 Men-Itettrinet Be -
tore Drove aurnilton,
New oe1, lifareb. 17, -The 1.411400
'fillies,' correspondent at Pretpria, in a
despatelr repeated to The New York
Times, says that the tolehap to Gen.
niethuen j tegretable, but tbat it does
not 4ustify en alarming irienr of the
tointar$ situation, The progress made
derino' tbe last Six month* is Illustrat-
ed by* the fact that Botha, who in Sep.
ember was able to mass nearly 2,00)
locxX an the Natal border, can now only
enneet 700. Though favored by the
nature a the country and in spite of re-
ated IISSIIMUCe$ of his feliewetss that
they would make a determined stand
is shows no inclination to Jight, retiring
eastWard front rryheld before Gen.
,131.twe irlarellton.
Schalksllurger remains porth of the
dozen line.
Lord. Roberts Present at the Dublin
Castle Parade.
March,I7.-Tho Duke of Con-
naught, the eommander of the forces in
Ireland.; -the 'Driehess of • Comninaht •
"Losd Roberts, the Commander -in -Chief
of the as‘my;, Earl= Cs,clogan, the Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, and Countess Ca-
dogan met with a great reception at the
St. Patrick's clay Parade at Dublin
Castle. Many thousands of people wit-
nessed the ceremony.
Large drafts of police were distribut-
ed in various towns of Ireland in antici-
pation of outburst's.
millions of Cigars and Cigarettes.
London, Manch 18.-A special report
to The 'Standard frem Cape To say,s
that some idea of the immense business
done by the Field Force Canteen Depart-
ment is afforded by the fact that during
the anorffh of December last 14% million
cigarettes and 4% million cigars were
sold to the troops at the various stores.
• N. S. Railway Dill.Passed.
lIalifax, iNIateln = N. W. Des
patch,) -The ,South ,Shere Laiiwiy bill
passed its second reading in tk 1,egis
lature t da Two nientilers of the Op.
Positie11 only vat,ed..again,st it. „
Live S4ocis Trades -Misers
r-sTbe Anotoillorse.
Alowissx Evening, Ilareb, it
trxi,roloxto St, Lawrence Ilarlier.
Grain retsipts were light on the street
tide Wining. only h.00 bushel.% ufferiae.
Prices were .steady.
WhcatssWes st(sitly. 8MIbushels ot ;ease
,selliee at 67e pee letsitel road I0 Inineee
al whito ot 7-7,e to Dee per hieshel.
Oats -Were steads'. 4(l.P bushels seinen; a
47e to 4`Se per bushel.
lisp -Was easier,the offerings teeing rate.
r poor. Tints. were eight loads offersd,
'sold at till to 313 per ton for tlino.
thy and $4 to per ton ter elover.
Straw -Ito eelits were uil.
Tbe Visible STIsinlys
Mar48.'01 efunlenee
Wheat .. ..51,141nSoutx 5..121.O0() re3,012,eite
t'orts n.resisole 22.:Its.008 20.542seel
tient 3.4sriSee4 1o.S71,040 0,72'4.004
nee 2.11'0,10,11 1.104.4101$ 1,is7,u44
ilarowy „„. INts,racx 1.337,00k1 SOLON
Wheat assess: d 1.15's.01) bushels the imst
ssti, ,ire.te a, %aliens dectisteed 70./.000
Lnision. IT. -Chides States eat le,
Lissr4s.el, sesinia 17,--Canatilan Matte, 0
Siontreall Stoeis.
117,-:ZiO,lae§e xtria
, • ,=;f..ii.e.y e".xVie En-
ar eitlral ,tx •
30, xi,6 Tv1:11 e1l3i4g4.= tVint
rivt..0,5v x',121;50,, DIV.:441,x
xr, tar.,y CX:r 0141.
41',X111i Xi:147 ,,x1151,^: -'4." trade. sad stasis
ukgly ttraseld. Cottle-.
,Nrazt-4.0.,, 4,11.^..=siLy de.
sserstir isa;s- to ate, the let -
tel, pro.. 5 /or a feW bead Of
a r , ;toe'. eold, Te Per
tho t,4=7 zill 1 10101 bad CAL
tel:pc; nro "i= 41: 1:01,11 20 IR) gO PM' IN Shill)
th1LIZOI • 100 11Pad: quality yaw
to gond; devil:Mil medium!: limitations id'
:e" to 4ss• ler ill. Calves -Arrival% 3114
xem.for ft pay quotations; weeks
st.rdx pi so toq. head were paid. severs'.
s tool intalliy.
email; dew 5,4 fakir 41,43. with nnotatienix
at SO per too ihs tor soicots, welgised
the eats.
Chteocro Live Stoolc.
Chicago, ',1„u4eit
000; active idol stroll"' to higher; good
it/ WIWI! $1.1.ork, 1,7,11); pow to me.
Moue. 411.4,1; e.or 'era and feedera,
tO if% rows, 31.25 To $5.50; heifers,
onis to eene; CanUers. 41.2.5 to 52.30; hulls.
;2.50 to $2; xalves, 8 10 TeXas
eteers, st...0 to U. ..11ofis-iteeelpts
31,013.1; as,ntorrow, 301110; left over, 4,0100;
bulk sold lile higher; el.ase 5e to 10e lower;
miredand butt:hare. X.713 to $(.3.r4i good to
ruttiest liver, Lso ..$0.11; rough heavy,
30 lob:04.5; light, 40 to 30.211 built et ext".es.
401,1 to %ell. Sheep -Receipts, 14,009;
sheep owl lambs. Die to vie nigher; good to
Owlet wetiters.. $cr., to 35.50; weetegn
sheep, 44.75 to bin native lambs' $4 to 30.73;
western lambs, 4,7).25 To ',OM.
71 7• 2,
least Metal° Cattle Nitrite*.
• "-±
Potatoes, per bag- .....
•flay„ per ton.- ...- • - .
Floor, per cwt.. roller.... 1 lo
des, per 104 4 90
Live bogs, per mu.t.-, „„
Dressed Hogs- . . 00
Shorta per owt. ... - 1 05"
Brim per cwt... - 80
Clover, Red . Of,"
Clover, .4-N.ISyke - 7 00
Dried -
Nast Dulrale, March XT. -Cattle - Re-
ceipts, Ile cars; best steers, lee to IN
higher; good to clods* butcher grades, 40c
higher; prime heavy steers, $0.41) to $1105 ;
shuttle to extro, 40.21 to 30.40; good to
eludce shIppieg do, (i1.85 to 30.15; fair tO
medium, 5.25 10 35.75; course rotigh but
Vat steers, 35.00 to 45.33; fat einootii steers,
dry fed, 40.45 to 35.05; -coarse and green
steers, 35 to 45.30; choice to extra fat cows,
44.75 to 45; fair to good do, 31.25 to 44.051
miners and common, 32.50 to 34.15; mixed
bunters', fair to good cows end keifers,
34.25 to 55.25; choke fat heitetsj $i.50 to
$5,85; common to fair, 34 to;Car butcher
bulls, 4100 ha 44.40; veille, choice:47.25 to
47.75; tonunon, 45.50 to 40.50. llogs-Ite-
celpts. 05 double decks; shade stronger ,•
good rorkera, 30.40 to 30.45; light do, 40.30
to 30.35; mixed smelters, 40.45 to 40.50;
enolee heavy., $s.so to 31%05; pigs, good to
choice, 30.10 to 40.20: roughs, 55.80 to 40;
zings, 34 to 54.50. Sheep and lambs-Re-
ecipts, U0 double decks; market shifty •.
lambs 'se to ine lower; sheep searcenmd
strong; ehoiee lambs, 30.50 to 30.05; Rood
to eholee, 30:45 to 46.50; culls to fait, *0.50
to 30.40; sheep, choice handy wethers,"35.65
to 33.00; 'common to extra m1xeds.35.25 to
55.05; culls and common, 34 to 3; mixed
export ewes and wethers; 35 to 45.0(3; yyar-
Miss, good to choice, all wethers, 35.75 to
Montreal Crain and Produce. '
Montreal, Mardi 17.-Grain--Ilusiness is
VMS ()Wet on both export and local ac-
count. Ontario No. 1 spring wheat was •of-
fered at 78e, No. 2 at 77e, peas at Ole and
rye at 04e afloat Alas.; May oats ou spot
were quoted at 40%e to 47e for No. 2 whine
0x -store.
Flour--ntere is a fair amount of business,
but 'Manitoba grades are easier. We quote:
-Sprlug wheat patents, 43.00 to 34,10; win-
ter wheat patents, 33.85 to $4; straight
toners, 33.00 to 48.70; strong bakers', 33.70
to 43.80, and straight rollers, In bags, 41.75
to 3185.
MVill-The demand Is slow, but prices are
unchauged at 44.80 to 34,00 per barrel aud.
at 32.30 to 32.40 per beg.
Feed -The demand is active and prices are
very firm, with sales of Ontario bran at
$18.50 per ton in bulk and shorts .at 322.50
per ton, Including bags. Ilanitoba bran
sold at 310 per ton and shorts at 522, la -
eluding bags. ,
(5heeseTliere is very little business. but
holders are firm In their Ideas and there ts
a probability of "higher prices, Fittest On-
tario makes, 111/4e to,114i3e; finest township
makes, '111/4e; dimst Quebec makes, lle to
under grades, 10%e.
Butter -There IS it (Ir trade at steady
lees. liquest fresh creamery, 22c; duo
held creamery, 211he ib 21%c; creamery 5041-
onds, 20e to 203?et westefu dairy rolls, 171/2e
to 181/e • • • , •
li)ggs2-There is, ,a good demand, but re-
ceipts :We large and sales are at 14e to 15c
per closem- •
Provisions -The market is, quiet -and nu.'
changed.' 'We quote:-Seleeted. heavy Can -
adieu sirart cut mesa pork, $22 to $22.50
heavy Canadft'short' eut mess port; $21 to
421.50; Canada short ent back, heavy, -321
to $21,50; Canada • heavy mess, long' cut
clear pork, 421; not' Canada short clear
pork, $20,50 to 321: pure Canada lard, In,
20 18 pails, 113c to 12c: componad refined
lard -In wood pails, 20 lbs, Blie to 9c: Boar's
Hein') la=frad, In 20 112 wood pails $1.971/2 to
$2.25, and Glebe at $1.72% to 41.40, 20 18
fin. pia§ 14e per lb less; hams 12c to 14e
and bacon 14e to. 15e per lb. ,
75 75
45 50
600 100
5 50
1 15
benxIlimg Wheat lltaxhzets.
Closing previous day. Closing to•day.
Cash, 'Ala y Cash iNlay.
tea eo 75-14 745X3
Now York ...... 811/3 SO%
1o1edo81% 81% 81% 811/8
peietb, bard.. 76 .. ..
Minneapolis .... 78% 72% 721/2 731/2
iNtilwaulxce, 2 nor 747. ; 7 514 I 5 74%
Tietroit, ,2 red ..: 8883 821/t 821/4
St, Louis 8214 82 ' 82% 821/2
13211 1.s1x
L011(1.011. March 17 --Close--Wileat, on paq-
sage, quiet and steadyV Maize, all P"•""s•ig".
viet, and steady, -ct beat,1 counteY
1;.(t)xfts''''rfir'rstiEls.rcicLY tilatlY; erelliCh cowl
"For 25 years Imo never
missed rating Ayer's Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my
mood, Maim me feel Wong, and
dos me good in every way.'
John P. Horlaerte, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pare and rLQh blot)
earries new to every
part of the body. You
re invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
ctive, Youbecomestrong,
hot Ayees Sarsaparilla
vill do for you,
514,4, Wilt- All 4rittextxt.
a. ^or eta* tie tti, saver's
glans. lie att aboantIbbiNV4c1
irrkxxy xiltal..v Ltiadvics sn,
in a itt
V. Axeo, co., i.exteld,
All Bowcal
nese me, tial'oessd qtfici remedy.
There'd ealY olls PAM.KILLErs
Perutv Dasse'.
slue, we, no me.
ames Dia, who died at Glas-
gow recently, bequeathtel 4100,000 for
distribittion among his employees.
Ex -Treasurer C.Thompson of the
Miteeabees hos been arrested at Port
Heron. eherged with the batteuy of
Are. Tieing OP YEA.11,
will be fotuni a usefut household rem-
edy. (lures cuts, sprains and bruises.
Internally for cramps and diarrlicen.
Avoid substitutes, there's only one
Pain -Miler, Perry Davis'.
An smfortunate affair occurred at
Stratford, when Rev, Father WnIsb
who Inis been le poor health for some
time and whose mind is set id to be af-
feetedonet a eon* of young ladies in
the street after night, ordered. them
home, and struck them with his cane
It Stands -First in the Estimation of
a Prominent Justice 01 the
PatesTelery Compound.
11113T MILLS,
1\417...iZa 71===
always on hand.
promptly and properly done.
mere Orlstiug 4 Speeln
Harvey Thos.
s .cessorti to J.. Cobbledick. xlo Son
Pianos ail OT a
AT, -
We sell the celebrated Heitatnan
Co, PitillOATlie Art Piano of Can-
ut) the choice a Royalty for their
• of Canada. .
If you want something cheaper we
an show yon Pianos of other ntt*es
vhiclt will be no disgrace to tbe most
elegant psalm .
In Rowing roesehines we earry the
" w Willie:ern ltee treed owl White
tat needle.; 4lii4 sell -plies tot x,11 netett
The Marvellous Spring Medi -
Dine Banishes Long Stand-
ing Dyspepsia and
Stomach Troubles.
----- •
Do not allow dyspepsia, indigestion
and stomach troubles to continue their
body -destroying work as you enter the
glad, springtime. While nature is
atousing from her winter slumber of
death and putting on a brighter and
more Cheerful garb -while the birds,
the rills and the brooks are joyously
singing their peons of welcome to a neW
life, so should men and women endeav-
or to cast off the fetters of disease and
put on that new life.that enables them
to appreciate the joys and beauties of a
new-born season.
The great spring emancipator and
liberator from the common disease of
life is Paine's Celery ClOmponnd. Test -
for years by the ablest physicians
And always triton phan t in overco re ing
sickness, it is gladly reconamended by
the great majority of medical men
from day to day. •
Mr. John Mackenzie, justice of tbe
Peace, and clerk of the Township of
Sarawak and Brooke, Ont., says;
"You will think,The ungrateful in
not sooner acknowledging to you my
entire cure from dyspepsia througli the
use of Paine's Celery Oonspound; but
when 1 tell you that I suffered all the
of dyspepsia fax fiye years, arid during
that time having taken most of the
great remedies advertised as the only
sure cure for the horrible complaint
with Tittle or no benefit, 1 Wits determ-
be ured before I would be
satisfied. Some of the great remedies
would give me a little relief while I
was taking them, but as soon as I stop-
ped then I was as had as ever,
When I commenced taking Paine's
Celery =Compound I fully expeeted the
same results. as my confidence in all
medicines was shaken; but, fx=orn the
first dose of the compound I felt better,
and after taking two bottles I thought
I, was cotnpletely cured, but to make
the cure certain I took four bottles
more. It is now over two years sin Ce
took the last dose, and have not had
etlelttsaYnMrProtrInoy obc: Iste4sLeitin envy_
pe len ce, ree0 amend Ptine's Celery
Compound as a sure and a Very pleas-
ant medicine to take,"
3 **sic
'Tbi. latest elteet tattax-r, 4d%S.IVS in
(n.lt LL AND SEE I'S.
We have moved into our new pre.
811808 opposite the Central Hotel and
a ^ -
are now open for business. Otte pre -
wises are modern and WIt give yon
odern and up-to,date goods wad
made in the most modern style.
We Personally. . .
. Cut Every Garment
That's made up at this establishment
as well as fit it --and look atter
all the details, This is only one
reason why our pi -ices are sunder.
Gent's Furnishings
Come and see us in our new place
of business and examine our stock of
Gent's Furnishings
Bert. Knight.
For Fresh, good and the elaoicest cuts
of meat, call on the undersigned,
While all -our cuts of meat are the
finest, we make a specialty of meat
Meat delivered to nil parts of the
• . town .
John Mail nin,q
Cook's Ootton Root 001111301121a
Is succeeshillynsed monthly by over
10000Ladies. Safe effectual: Ladies ask
your druggist for 'Cook's Cotton Root -Com-
pound. Take nonuser, as all Mixtures, pills and.
imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, $1. per
boics, No. 0,10 degrees stronger, 43 per box. ITo.
1 or 2, malodors receipt of price and two ti-eent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
inernios. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
NO, 1 and No.2 are sold, in Exeter by
O. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drag -
For Lung Troubles,
Severe Coughs, Colds,
Emaciation, &c., &c.
Few sistr,-fas can assithilate vivo 011, but
r s corabined ri" 1). & L.", it is pleasant
and digeti,,Ye, lo 15 yOu up; 'N Vill add.
solid pounds -of fest ; Will bring you hack
to health.
00e. and 81.00 bottles.
LIDA VA LAWItENCE 00., Limited.
al Cod Lim
A Montreal company is applying to
Pari la m en t for a eliar=ter to build a tun-
nel tincler the St Lawrence elver
The Canada, Thread Company of
Montreal is being prosecuted for reftis-
ing to answer the census questurns.
A. Illootteee- ARE Itog LOSIVG
W GIIT? "Tlie, D. & L." Enatilsion will .
always .110.14'y AMU bnRd.yoa Restores
proper :digestion and brings' back
health.. 'Manufactured by the asvis &
LaWrence Co.,• Ltd.,