HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-20, Page 4xgivr tworatie
14tas: g. sal:Ict=s, Editor and PrOp
TIIRTR$DAY. Melt 20. 1902
FAIR 45.0 •§QatIRE,
Mr, Whitney, leader of the Conserv-
ative opposition in the Legislataimbas
placed himself on record, on the prohi-
bition issue in a, manner that. de$OrVeS
respect for his coorat'.,,,,e and honesty,
whether one agrees with his view or
He states that be is opposed, to prc.
bibition, as practicable in Ontario.
This is plain and straight,
Thebe seemed a prospect at One time
that his only attitude would, :be that
which he indivated in a speech at Tc-
ronto banquet, namely to stand ;aloof
to watch the Ross government "stew
ID Its own juice." Be has reconsidered
that courageously. He says What be
It is mere than thegovernment lead-
er has yet done. Ile has framed a pro.
hibition referendum. So far, Mr -Ross
has not, we think, stated whether be
thinks the people shoo/4 vote yea.
Mr, Whitney shows the courage of
his opinion. The other side will he lit
a disadvantage atntil its leader does the
sanne.—Ottawa Journal, Liberatl-inde-
Grey County Connell his pessed a
bydaw ileciadring that en auctioneer
before conducting a sale shall show his
lietnise and announce the date of its is
site: also that hawker.% pedlars and
ebapnien shall carry a beense card
wheeei, rt,:art hl• seen, Ekr the poblie. A
rew,tee, ul €t10 is offeml hy the law for
every persou seen:inn:a vonviet ion for
this or othn 1.' -laws an this bpi! alf.
To "lass the Battle' is no longer
°Nig ifory in the (I it' of Outario, t
4,11;rilly mern- t
ing. with the q.1
'Waiitney„ whe s the •ottish tenth
1-r4as Cle mew,- hoptessive than tit:at in
cenana en rase. ovule provision that rally
nem, 4; ay. of kissing Ow s
the a4 WjZIA ntilifts,N11
;as in Se3411:m111, using the words "I
swear by Ahnigiaty God, aS 1 t41,4111 1111.
tOt at/ii Cia tine great iley of Pills.,
meat, th it I will telt th WhiAe troth
and nng othilett the truth so fztr as I
know, and the • 'tine shall be asked of
There has been great objeetion
on s a:zit:try gt annuls to the kissing of
the Bibles kept in t'onet, for that pur-
* *
n spel;sial tiagontitiei,
ratiOr W1101s;alti• lietlisc alcohol to
he qatemilty of ten gallons idlay he sold
n;ay for oweisaineel and seientifie
nirp "Litpuir" to the quantity of
gall04-rti plrysteintis or wtail
Since. 1860 imperts to Canada from
the United States have grown from
$28,574009 to $119,300,000, Allowing au
ereese of 890,734,000 or 818 per cent.
From Greet Britain, Venadians par -
chased, 111 1866, goods to the value of
$40,,002,000; and in 1901 the purchases
from the Motherland amounted to
$43,104,000„ an increase of only $3,102-
000 on 7 7-19 t;ater cent. In 1890, the
last year of the Conservative regime;
the -United States sold to Canada goods
worth $58,529,390, while Great 13ritain
disposed of merchandise in this coun-
try, valued at $4824,5o5. Ana in the
fact of sechuneontrovertible evidence,
we are told that Great Britain has ben.
elited far more than any other emlotry
trona the preferential teriff,
Liscani Ur. J. 11.McComb sold his
stook of hardware end groceries to Mr.
.1, E. Sehmith, a Rodney, who tor*
possession this week.
Baydelda Weddlog bells have again
been jingling in, oer midst. This time
Richard Elliott of this vintage has tak-
eo to himself e wife in the person of
(.,Marssae0.astle„ widow of „the late Elijah
IIttllett; Mr. Relit. Clark Iins dis-
pesed of his farm, let 10, on the;Otb
con. to Mr. Nobel Adams, The .terni
contains 100 acres, and the price, paid
was SS,$00. .Althougla, the boildings
are poor, it as a good graziogiarrn
Mr. Adams will aise it for this purpose,
Wingbann Mrs, Thos. Ealmes, a re-
spected resident of Wingham ter many
years, paissed awaY on Seturiley last
at the age of 67. Deeeased had been in
minimums mu., failinghealth for some time past, but
The Prohibition Bill presented bY reeentlY bronchitis came in addition to
premier Ross in the Legislature, is other diseases,. mid she isnow ember -
similar to the Prohibition Act, and ed with these 111 the silent nrave
provides for kt referendum, to be voted Clinton; Thursday morning Mrs.
anion byt be electors of the Province. Woe ereieeowe, aLutIgh eeteemea
cit -
The main provisions of the measure izen, passed lute rest. She had been
proper end its re fel-emboli aecompani- in good health for years but the end
meat are: eanie maidenly. Mr, and Mrs. Me -
The voting on the refereodem will Keown have been residents of Clinton
take place on October 141.1i, 1002, for nearly a Score of years. TO. tbeto
The qoestion on the papers will be; were horn four children, who have the
"Are yon in favor of bringing into sympathy of the commonity.
"The Liquor Act, 190" A MILLER DROWNED,'
The Liquor Act, 100:4," i5 the Mimi- Port Hope, March 12,---A seal ecel-
toba Act, pare ittal simple with technic- dent.apend t
hhis afternoon by which
1 charges adOptillg it ti Ontario. wtru Dougiaa miner at the //avow
If the number of elettors voting Bsrett, camv palest his life.
4,A,ye" on the question exceeds one-half shortly before 5 weesek.,.osong to the
of the total vote at the coming Legis- quantity of water ceming- down the
iative elections, the prohibitory Call50 river, it was found Decessary to take
stud' become WV by proelamation. up some Or theiobYs at the clam, and
If carried the measure of prohibition while engaged. in pOning Op ono of the
in °me Int° etrec4 "U'IY 1-4' 9°4' logeone end suddenly slipped out,
Liceuses muter the new Act to the egiuisngthe other end to swing round,
elitsses of dealers permitted tosell tinder And striking Nr. Douglas on the legs,
its previsions mar la. issued nt any time
knocked "dm off into the water below.
after the referenaum, is taken. The current drew him beneath and ear -
Th° Act clenne'i TIT": riecl him away. He was seen for an in-
ferlueiltPd• '1"" "1'1'1 "q" stitut borore going ender the bridge at
ers, atel an drinkable liquors which waiteu stmet, and unless the body bos
0 intoxiting
opped ot Helm dziati:has likely been
Droggists' whotesale and retail lie- „vied into the lake. The deceased
eases may be lsseed for the sale t beet* •
es been an employe of the Darett,
ills for 47 years. He leaves it widow
two sons and two daughters.
Nearly every winter certain roads
are b
loeked with snow, making it next
to itnpossible for f tanners to get mat
ipp awls purpose,, with the result that
farmers, business men end others are
greatly embarassed, ;it these times.
If the loss that has arisen from snow
blocked roads d b
ds slmule computed,
we ventnre to say- it would, be so large
that people would be amazed at the
total. And a large amount of this
loss conld be avoided, The remedy
for it is wire fences on the North and
West sides of the road. We believe
the time will come when the Legis.
lature will find it necessary to pass a
law making such compulsoey. Ex-
perience has demonstrated the benefit
of the wire fences in stormy weather,
and Airwave should erect them on
north and south roads as a matter of
self interest. They have passed the
experimental stage and there should
be no m
hesitation about their univeal
adoption as quickly as possible.
The Durham Review in speaking of
the cement industry of that place, in
which so many hold shares here, says:—
"Tuesday the inammothlrotary tubear-
Tired in town audwasieftat thecement
works where it is being put in place.
This complete thenumber first planned
for, bet, ;Is will be remembered, two
more have been decided upon. In the
opinion of the directorate the demand
for cement is so promising, and the
advantages of Durham as a, producing
centre is so great, that they were:justi-
fied in ma k ing this addition. Ties and
material are delivered, and in about a
month or perhaps less there will be a
hurry -scurry at the work, on the road, "
and at the lake such as we have not yet
seen. Rails will be going down, build- s-
ings going up, marl and clay will be
pouringin, cement will be coming out
enquiries will be numerous, houses
will be scarce. Citizens! prepare."
Vitals, a retail lieense a druggist may
1-11 Liquor to private individuals, under
Yes, August Flower st has the I arg.
t saleof any mene dieiin the civilized I
aid, Your mothers and grandmoth-
- never thoOght of using anytthing
mai tide psweriptions, else for indigestion Billionsness
altitsis may purchese one pint for Motors were scarce, and they seldom
prote,Aintal use only, allt1 veterinary beiml of sippetalicitis, Nervous Pros-
.nrgns two gallons. tration. Heart failure, ete, They used
ClergYalum ;irt" Permitted to Purchase Augnst Flower to clean out the System
wine to the amount of two gallons for and stop fermentation of undigested
sarrzanieutal purposes, food, regulate the action of the liver,
All tHirellaSetee of liquor, with the ex- stimulnte the nervous and organic ate.
ceptiou of clergymen, are required to tion of the system, and that is all they
make ,.allialavits, look when feeling dull and bad with
A siek person is allowed to keep lics. heatlaehes and other ;miles. You only
nor in his rooio if preseribed for but he need a few doses of Greens' August
11Uust not let any other person drink it. Flower, in liquid form, to make you
Nothing, in the ectsbell prevent the sittisfled there is nothing serious the
nanufaeture of liquor for export to an- matter with you. Yon can get Dr. G.
other province or foreign country, or te. Green s at C. Lanz S, Exeter.
for •:eile to a licenseeunder the act.
Clubs and societies are prohibited
from having liquor on the premises.
Brewers and distillers bolding Dom-
inion lieenses may keep in stock Dilator
manufactured by them. Thomas Watterson, convicted of ler-
Their store houses, though, most not ceny, escaped .from the jail at Sault Ste.
communicate with any Wilding on
which it would be unlawful to keep or
sell liquor.
Liquor may beheld for export side.
No person in the Province may Use
licsnor unless it be purchased from a
Records must be kept by licensees
of all liquors sold, failure to make
such record to be prima facie evi-
denee of illegal sales.
Liquor shall not be, consumed upon
licensed premises or in a distillery or a
The penalties for violations range
from $50 to $1000 in fines, and imprison.'
ment from three to twelve months.
Inspectors app tainted pursuant to the
act will have the task of keeping the
IaLyone may ley an information and
prosecute atty. supposed offender.
A thief inspeetor will reside in Tor-
There will be a local inspector for
each electorial district and more if re-
It shall be the duty of the inspec-
tors and also policeman and constables
to lay informations where they haye
A clause provides for the compelling The blizzard which raged in Manitoba
witnesses to answer in prosecutions.. from Friday afternoon to Sunday night
The onus of proving his right to is said to be the worst srorm eXperiene-
I will be upon any person accused. ed in Winnipeg in fiifteen years.
A 14 -year-old boy, -Walking on the
OLD-TIME RLIZZARD. railway near Halifax, .rioticed-a broken
He flagged the St. John express
with a lighted newspaper, and thus
prevented a disaster. ,
TO cuRE A cOi.n IN ONE DAY -
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. .. All druggises•refund the Money
if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Groves'
isgnature is on e&ch box. ,
News of the Week
Charles Gimlet, aged 23, of Whitby,
was foond deed in bed.
It is reported that Mr. Cecil Rhodes'
friends entertain but slight hopes of
his recovery.
There are now 10,000 men idle in
Boston as the result of the freight -
handlers' strike,
Mr. Bryon 0. Lott was nominated
for the Legislature by the Liberals of
North Hastings.
Gordon Groyes,of 73eamsville, died
front hr juries received in a game of hoc-
key at fit. Catharine.
Laxative Bromo-geinine Tablets, cures a cold in one
day, No Cure No Pzee 'Price'25 cents.
A section of the naval arsenal at
Valparaiso has been destroyed by Are:
The loss is placed at $1,000,000.
'Mr. Semite], Beck,. of South Cayuga,
was nominated for the Legislature by
the Independents of Haldimond.
Mr. Wm. 3. Peaker, of Brampton,
who was hurt by. an explosion of gitar
poWder several days ago; is dead.
Wednesday afternoon the 7 -year-old
son of A. S..Crippen. New Market, fell
into the river and was drowned,
The wonder of Essex County is a
3 -year-old boy, son of George Cady
who lives about En thven. The child
is three feet six inches in height, and
weighs fifty-eight pounds. He wears
a coat that was made for a 9 -year-old
boy, and it fits him. At five Months
he weighed thirty pounds. He is a
very handsome boy, 'healthy and good
natured, and is particularly active.
His father a man of over six feet in
eight, and the mother just six feet
and stout in proportion. The parents
are very proud of their uncommon
son. It is said by physicians Who at-
tended on the occasion of his birth
that he was one of only five on record
Who were so big. '
Mr. Frederick Hess, . of Zurich, has,
notified the secretary et the South Hsi -
roll Liberal 7Association that he will
not be the parbe'r candidate at the coin -
log provincial election. The withdraw.
, al of Mr. ;Hess after entering the field
is seniething of a surprise to the Lib-
erals, of theridirig,as it was understood
that he was in the contest to stay..
,Several reasons are assigned for the
back down. . It is elainfed by some
that tmatiffers.from an affection of the
heart, and that he withdrew from the
contest on the advice of his physician.
It is gederally admitted; ho Weyer, tha t
campaignagainst She popular merif-
ere eize Henry Ellber; would be friiit-
SS: -Tho Grit meeting at-Hensall was
bilk attended. and ?there; al3riee;rea to
bo a'Firi4espread laeleof interest in the
naming, ef:a 'eanclicla te. ' g6f5a- and the
ittitiOtit'O'lds,folloWers are skid tobe
posed tei' the prohibition Measure of ;
the cIs.GOVerninent.
Winnipeg, Man., March 1.5.—A real
old-time blizzard has held Winnipeg at
its mercy -since yesterday, and is still
raging. The thermometer is dropping
steadily. Instead of dust on the streets
there are snow drifts straight across
six to eight feet high. The street rail-
way service was maintained very ir-
regularly until about 11 o'clock hist
night, whey they- had to give up, and
theatre -goers and others had to walk
Mr. W. R. Mulock, as counsel for She
Dominion Alliance has forwarded -a -
brief to Ottawa, seeting forth that the
sae, Manitoba referendum bill is unconsti-
DEATH OF MRS. G. W. ROSS. ',tuitional and should be disallowed.
Toronto, Murch 12. —Mrs. Ross, wife BRO1V013IAL AFFECTIONS, coughs and
of Hon. G. W Ross, Premier of Ontario, colds all quickly cured by Pyny-Balsa
died this morning a54.30 o'clock. Mrs. It has no equal. Acts prornptlf,'
Ross' death was quite unexpected. She soothes, heals and cures. Manufactur-
took ill abont midnight on Monday ed by the proprietors of Perry Davis'
and died at 4.30 this morning Of acute Pain -Killer.
uremia. The news of Mrs. Ross' death
was announ6ecl in the Bouse this rill:Wit-
ing in a voice broken with emotion by
the Attorney General, vvho trio Ved, that
the House adjourn till 3 o'clock.
Whitney, who was also deeply moved,
paid tribute to the worth of Mrs. Bess
and expressed his deepest sympathy
with the Preinier in his Sore affliction.
The noose then adjenrned. , Mrs:Ross;
leaves, four children,: '
Seaforthi .011 Tuesday an operation'
was. perforined on little Lee Toyot,.son
of Mr. Andrew Toynt. All his life the
little lad has been Suffering :frein
.imwher ef turnerous growths in, She
throat and nasal passages. 'These Were
r6inoved and the little bey is now clo-
ing nicely.
Chisellatiest: Mr, N.;;;;dp:Paggorp;
who has successfully carried on a gen.A O'ARD.'
era). store , business here for over
'Years, aud:lvho also Very, efficientlY 'tVeythe,inalersigned, do hereby
filled She position oupostoater for the,, agree to refund the nitiney on a50, cent'
Psaittl. iSes ,AP business to his ,i411440te 25.7egilL'
140,(?):P 1.1.§ -86;11;1346:,ninYedls
10P411"; ()f YO,P1 11'q°.,Leil'sn.710West?r,or‘ilynsit4-deSOYuiguhP o6r,_f
bfe: POr6114'8ecl!! the P,°!..tir toprove sabisfactory Or' tri°1ier:
dwelling of litr:,%:.L'11,1illeri„ • ' ' ' •rarnntletl-,
The Winnipeg Beard of Trade passed
a resolution declaring that, if the Mani?
toha liquor aCt is enforced , on June
next it 'would'eesiilt in corninerOal arid
social injury to the city and l'royince;:
HEARSAY'S. Ask Dr.- 130pgeag, Supt.;
IlosPital for Insane, 'Menteeel; where_
they used it for years, for his opinion:
Of "The D. & Menthol-. Plaster,.
t the genuine made by the Davis ,:ce)
6W:4i:wet:Jo:, Ltd. , . ,
maellitliSt eatIP10'3,e;
ed in the M.O.R..shops, St. ThornaS,''
-Met With a serious addiderit_ "Wean es;
day. Ele was at work With 41,:1W1411ph,:
raking- outie' tackle, 'NYlleif .the wrench
,Slipped andhe fell baekward to the
floor.' Both' bones If -this right leg re re
broken below the ,knee';. ,
Al the Schley banqamt on Saturday
evening the Rev, It, A. 'White, one of
the speakers, told the following story:
Ail Old farmer walking down acoun-
try read, one _morning mine to 0, SPOt
where huge loacl of hay had slid off
the reek to the ground. A smell boy,
perhaps 42 years oh:hums working heed
with a big pitelifork trying SC pitch
the hay back on the wagon. 'The farm-
er felt sorry for the poor little etutp,
and as it was nearly HOOD, asked him
to come and have dinner and take a
little rest.
"Come over to the house with me,
sonny." he said, "and have.sonie
iiei'. You'll feel more like working
Wel)," said the boy, "I ani tired
and hungry: and I'd like some dinner
Vi') y much, bot pa would be angry
with me if I went, lie wouldn't like
it a bit,"
But the farmer was persistent. Fin-
ally, be persuaded the boy to leave his
tvorit, and come with b lin, the boy ex-
pressing the fear as he left that -"Pall
be awful mad."
They had a good country dinnen,and
the small boy displayed the best kind
of an appetite. After dinner they lay
down for half an hour in the shade of
the big oaks. Finally, the termer es.
corted the boy back to the spot where
the overturned load of hay lay in the
highway,- The boy picked up 11iS pitch-
fork with a sigh,
"I feel 4 la better," he Stittl. "That
(111111(71" WAS great, but I tell You 1141,
be awful mod at me for quitting work,"
',What's the matter with yoor pat,
anyhow?" asked the old fernier,
"Where is he?"
"Who,par auswered the smelt
"O. pa's under the hay."--Chicage Tn.
Seven dangerous Anarchists were ar-
reSted at NiapleS on a steamer bound
for New York, .
You am tiiehe Tour lute.
wet as 004 as e tiOve
end es tough es wire hy
stess 011. You eim
Ibt Uto-roxiot
wIce As Jon 43 it
ordineril7 would*
Harness 00
ure. beery boeled o4,
redielY PrePareil to with.
Zona this weather.
1501t1, everywhere
liallyill/EliaL MC01E/MIL
Mango Dand. of Ma
'suicide by shooting.
yell, co omitted The skirt worn by Charles L ou the
scaffold was sold at tinetion in London
for 200 guineas.
an Down
Thet is the condition Of thotMandS o
people who need the stimulus of pure Wood,
. They reel ttred all the time and aft,
easily exheustea.
)very task, every responsibility, has be-
come bard to them, becaaee they lye net
the strength to do nor the power to endure,
William Boss, Sarnia, Ont., who was
without appetite and so nervous he conk)
not sleep, and T,esiie 8. SwInic,
'wbo could not do any work without
the greatest exertion, testify to the wonder-
ful building -up effieltcy et
Ifood's Sarsaparilla
15 purifies the blood„ gives strength and
vigor, restores appetite and maltea sleep
It IS the medicine for all debilitated
John Bourke,a prisoner from Neth
'Bay, felltwenty feet at the Central
Prison and was killed.
Dr. Saunders, Director of the .54peri-
mental Farm itt Ottewa, is of the opin-
1011 that- beet snap production' etionot
sneie4in "aina a,
After Work or Exercise
Cr 4
es, re-
tess: nel
e. ;eel give+ ecely 0(cage, of az•mfort
Wee fhe wetery wie•e:z :laze*
oreveretiees, represented to be' "tire setae
Hoeft's 'Fills cure ityer iiao: the a(;11-irritatiog And 1?aa"-'3 Exu7.'0, ‘,17.14,°4 v4$17,Y sear and
only 0441i-ea:tie ie take vilth HoOd'a SirseParilla; 4.44.1Y
Per pure blood, it bright eye, a clear
complexion, a keen appetite, a good
digestion:4Pd refreshing sleep, Texe
Sisty-eiglit ye
It arouses the Liver, quielieus the
circulation, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the beeltli.
red it to be, tle. most rtglaige 211.00P pariti.r
All druggists sell -BR1STOVS,"•
1.c K alt fc. 6.; K
FAMITAr Pei:40114re all right as general practitioners,
but they are not Speetaliete. The segttal onpnis cow.,
prism the moat Intricate awl intgertant system, in the
human tatty and restate the nwst skOlfal tteetatelet.
Tan *night as well exit a blaciasenati to rep,* xoer
TK,341.Q,Safantllyphy.eiclast to cut Scsnet cotescaiete,
We bane madea sezeiany et *Ursa illste.,•:,s tor ovcr
years, have Invested tests of measszni a et deitara and have
eTerY Itnzwat tO ectediead scietire tO care them.
Erer, 4454It taken witlt a pesidre gunrautea 01
Gortt,-No Pow.
OLOOD 1P0100N-Whe441er iniarrhed or ceeolced,'
te set -needy cured farever, Ta vira$ is tlimloated tram
the tuatara s to danger of return. Itutireds et cases
cured by us 4,5 agQ awl no esteem hest avidesteaf
1411ESILITT -awl other essatelleatioam.
(such as euilisions, drains kt the urhte, varicocele. aext445
weakness,, eta', aro cured by our Now Atothot1Tmitelte
Knout putter a pcsititeguarautet-lifi CURE.4t0 PAY,
Ceneeltation Fru. Books Roo. "Write for question Itlanot for
private lioute Treatoteitt. Eve:Attlee' code:dial.
114* 0111111fsi3lf wriessit. DETROIT* HICIA.
K K • K t'c K
re Home Knitter
To Work at Their Homes
Under the Direction of A P
To Fill Largo Rearm:its— Coed Wages
Easily Earned,
We want a few more workers hi this
locality, at once, and in order to secure
your co-operation without the delay of
correspondence, we herewith explain
our full plan n this advertisement.
The work is simple, and the Machinb
Is easily operated, and with the Guido,
requires no teacher. If you wish to
join our stair of Workers let us hear from you
promptly with the Contract, order form, and -re-
flastilde mill -ball pounds. It le morewon, mittancey as a guarantee, and we will send
Ceriut thee a sowing rnachine, Just
as durable, and higher appect. machine and outfit to begin tvork at once,
'We wish to secur e the services of families to do knitting
for us in their hoznes. Our method is the same as adopted
In England. We are the introducers of this plan and the
largest knitting concern in Canada. '
After long experience., we have beerx able to produce an
Automatic :Machine by which all kinds of seamless keit-
ting is now done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling,
anyone of ordinary intelligence to quickly learn to do the
work from the Instruction Guide. All we require is that
You use the machine according to directions. The Machine
being- made expressly for this purpose, and the operation
so -simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its work.
The, great demand now is tor Bicycle Stockings, Wood-
men's Socks, and .Motormen's Mittens, and as we are un-
able to supply the demand, have taken this method ef ad-
vertising for more help.
Tlze large eeport trade to the North-west Territories.
I3ritleh Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un-
limited demand for our goods, and, 'with the combined co -
veered -on of the many families we are employing-,, together
-with the large amount of knitting we are able to turn out,
by which we save rents, insurance, interest on capital, etc.,
12* to 'undersell any manufacturers of this class of
geed., and we have' sale for all the knitting we cac have
t'Pre-hil-eed p°ruicte- -we. pay for finished • bicycle tockings Is $10.00
, per hundred, or at the rate of 10c • per pair; woodmen's
, seeks, 5c, and motormen's m. Ittens, 12c a pair. All other
work` in proportion to sire.
The machine can be operated by any one of a familY,
and at our prices any energetio family should be able to
su,,tein themselves comfortably, and in time be a source of
eni nut es.eh machine to beginners with
soak or stocking partially knitted, and remaining in the
'Machine ready to be continued, and also enough yarn te
'knit one pair of sample socks or stockings • arid a Fenzel..
• ape ,compi•-'-• Instruction Guide, showing how the wort
to be done C When the samples have heen '' finished and
returned to satisfactory, we send a quantity, --of yarn,
„Nemee yov irnIt and retern likewise • when finished. We
prepay charges on all work one way, and ' our workers pay
retiwn ' charges. The work, as we have 'stated, is s'mple., and
'rapidly done. the machine 'having a aapat1l1 1ea thou -
send stitchee, a minute. We have many persemsnow tn our
eeseioy 'Who can knit • from twenty-fiveto thirty pairs • of
..eeeico .Or, oMaltirore„ a. day', and .vhere the tithe of a 'fatelle'
is 'devoted to the work, you - can' readily see that $1$.01) • or
ner week- can be easily •earned, '
'We -furnish our warkers 0I the nu:eerie:le. yarn, etc.,
e free', 'and everything that Is needeeary tor the 'Work. We
'are furnishing the intichints only for the, eXclusive use . of.
'these ;desiring to ,take employmen with Us, who must, .01
" • ie-eerIp hS,7.,,,ve a Inernber,' Send us this pontract Order
Ica,rre, .nroperly steeled by them, and at least one goodrefer-
.0ece," and reznittance accordingly, to giVe 'us the necessary
', 'ot the quantities' of' valuable * yara we may send
feetre i'lma'• to time will not be waeted., or Misappropriated.
aloe- ,futorpals are mettle], and this .eprifidence , meet be es-
tatiliehed 'it we ere to succeed, ' We gizaran•tet fair dealing
fel; 'prom nt payreerit for. work, 'so do not ask tis to' deviate
/reel 'per terrase• as we 'cannot melte a distinetion with one
. eyed not trnotherf.besides,. ,ive are doingan extensive bust=
'rees; ,apci nmet be ge:verried-bY hhenessePrinclnies.
The • tesnizfaetheficl-price.:of the 'machine is $15, and 'Poet-
-thfelv," 'notette^ sold . to ,anyOthers than these who, 'Will
'p,,Yee.te do' lc:ogling ',for 118.' • .
If at any time after you commence, and", lia,va done an
preennt of work etoial' to the•,porchase 'rirtee, and w sh to
epecOntiroze,, we will'take, 'back. machine ,and' refund the
krTliilt° Maid for •seone, afterdedoctinge cost ; af our ex-
7'hre1sa 'Urge betnand. be' ;the. Trade forthis, class'
orworlr..;. Our workers can dePend upon 1t .year'after year,
.s,u& ir, you, rmoago wltb .tis (w491e- or spare' time) we Will
keen' :vett ;supplied ,With work as long, as you do it eatlefac,
telly; for alsariderat ern i',Verianthr',0,Ntre entrttst our work.;
l',71040gologeattlt.,Ina as We gly.d
references as to our honesty and integrity, wc mult ask
ywoeu atroe ddoetuthiengs.a.me, In order that we ,may know with whom
'We have, ft as brief a Manner as possible, endeavored
to show yen what our work IS, and we siraply may as to the
machine, it is just what we represent it to be, and will posi-
tively do everything we claim for it, or refund the money.
Each maeffine, securely packed with an outfit, is set up for
Work, thoroughly tested, and a sock oc stocking partially
knitted before boxing and shipping. Should yon det-,Me to
engage with us, it will be necessary to send us Cash Con-
tract Order Form, properly signed by you, and at least one
good reference, together with the remittance, accordingly.
upon receipt of which we will forward machine and outfit
ready to commence. Respectfully yours,
GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO, 37 Lierda Street, Tornio
ness Reuses.
If you wish to examine the machine and !zee tho ma.-
terial before undertaking the work, you ean do so by
sending MOO as a guarantee of good faith, and to defray
expense of shipping, and we will send everything to your
nearest express company,' . leaving a ba/ance of twelve
dollars to pay the agent and 25 cents for the return Charges'
on the money to us.
We are so frequentlyand unnecessarily • asked if one can
learn to knitwithout a teacher. We say, 'Yes; it reeuires
no teacher; any person of ordinary intelligence who Can
read the Instruction Guide can learn to knit at once.
Our References -Express Contpaules. Ranks, or Toronto =lust-
Sl5.00 Cash Contract Order Form -
To the Glasgow Woolefi co., 27 Mellettle St., Torenrce.
Gentlemea,-.1 de/sire to do the Work as closer:bed in ties
eivertisement, and enclose $15 to pay for one Auttenatic
Knitting Machine, -together with Material, Instructions.
and. everything nece,sa.ry for the , work, the same to be sent
to Inc by Express, CHARGES PREPAID.
It IS uzideretood and agreed that. any time after I 11,eve
done an amountof work equalto the purchase 'price, $17,
and Wish to discontinue,ethat the Glasgow Woolen Co. will
lake back the machine and outfit, and after dedecting their
expense, 'refund 'me"the areount paid for -same.
Sehder or head of family (If possible) must .
s'o• L11:70
Pull name' •
• .. .. . .. .
P. O. .... .
County. ..
/learest Express Offiee is. at ....
^Foe reference I name the following person:
••'Be sore to use this :form when spending' yaw^ romit-'. -
tames for the machine and outf14, Which yott, roust.' fel
in and have eigned by at least one good reference in., the
'proper. place. Tear off and return to us,' and also &tale
here how tnuch -time you can devote 5o Ole work; ,a'So
hew You *tell to be Pa' j, weekly, monthly,' er asyou send
•• • ••,••••••••, •
Send_ your remittance by Express, Money 'order,
tered Letter, or Post,Office B/IoneY Order, and ' we wrn
proMptlY forward machine, outfit, 'and • simple Oztide for
doing the work., ' :This Is 'the beet Offer, ever made -for the '
bboe.enefit. of, ,Cazzadial-ts!Who :wept ^to 'Work' ' knol trfa'ke "facinet
, ' • ''•••• • • •• • •••,•,-„,, "e,
Xe pr.