Exeter Advocate, 1902-3-20, Page 1= FIFTEENTH YEAR. OUR ANNOUNCEMENT. We wish to thank the laclies and gentleman of Exeter and vicin- ity for the personal inspection of our stoc1. dnring opening days aud wish to announce this svMs. we heve coming vo hand t Wo large shipments of goods. which we will be pleased to show to yoe, Our stock evlu soon be complete with SPRING GOODS, but we desire to speeially mention one particislar line of DRESS GOODS BOT. AS •A OLEARING-OUT LINE which we can dispose of to you AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST It cos -Bests of Yeeetiane. Homespons, Crepeleue. Worsteds, Serge -MI x tted Vigostreoux at $1.00 per yard. These goods are worth $1.50 anti $1.75 a yard and the colors wilt he Oaken., New Olive. Etepbant °ley, Bisenit. Navy, Purple. Fawn, Slate Brown, Prone Mix, Fawn -Slate, Ligete-Beown, Isight-Nitvet and other shades. The goods am BOT. FOR SUITING'S AND ARE \ION WIDE QUIRES ONLY 5 YARDS FOR A. SUlT AND NEEDING- NO LINING FOR TUE SKIRT. Ask for our American Perealine Linings at 1ee.20cand2ewe yard. Fast colors and will eat stretch. NV'e tarry the Shrunk lillastic Duch Canvass. ' These goods teens 1m:1.A/int:able, combined With their entsticitioneke them superior te any other fortu of dri.ss facing now in nee end Are only 12e ces, ft yard. We will be pleased to show you through our stock, Thenking you for pilot toroth. Oroa Specialty. POPLESTONE & GARDNER Post Mace Mock. L(OY TO Witte. 1uvet 'aadlralted relvate 1imd Viistraciatt upon term or Villne lowest rates of Interest. Dtestetne CAstaNg. Earristere.oree Exeter. 1,10.NEV WAX. ef.I. II eve alert:eft:lament of eriva,to feudsto loan ou farm end village proevrtles at IOW rates oflnterest. F. W. (11.A1tme.x. Bardeter.alain Street Exeter entiner ELLIOTT Real Claw and insumure Aeent Farm ar:d all propertirti hi tight and sold en 'tsonable prnns. tirteraldwellitie beasts for eale. Imils in all pattti of Manitoba and the Sortiewetit for tale. . Sale Reister• THUD:DAY, elARCIl :la --rana stock and im• piements, theproperty tit David Wynn, Lot D. ven- etstlion 11, rabortte. it7a1e at one o'cloelt. IL Wein), Auetioneer. MONDAY, dr,-Ifouseliald effects, the property et Mrs. A. Itout, North Lit U. Con. ecssion 4,tetbernte Salo itt 2 teeTorh. If. Drewn, Au?tieneer. THVESDAY. MAII(11 2L-Ifonse and Lots in re -.sr:startle arra lbw:chola, efferts. the pra,.4:rt2.• wmerrelee. saleat eteeloele H. Drown, Aurthinere /TARE FOR SALE The underdened Mites for sale that desirable farm in teo township of reborne, being West part of Lot emetession a, eontaining 70 aerestaitqated. of a mite from school anti within a mile from luxeter. There bon the premises a gond brick house, barns and other out buildings; good supply of water anti a good orchard, Terms easy and to suit purchaser.. Apply to Kiimacs, Exeter P. O. •••••••• amlop*.yanamn.a. Wanted. have a gond opening for a eotnpetent Life In- surance man, to work a district from Exeter, and to a good man who can produce business, we are pre. parkl to offer a very liberal contract. Applieations IOU be treated confidentially if requested. Apply to he ea ce, °rot) or, Gro. P.. ILonmox, Manager 'Western Ontario, London. SP.F111 BARLEY FOE sem the undersIgned has a quantity of blaek barley for sale -guaranteed clean. W. D. Selman, Con. 3, Stephen, Exeter, P. 0. ...grararomonste. QEE11) OATS FOR SAM L.71 The undersigned has a quantity of choice White Ligamo seed oats for sale. Joan IbillAucix, COn. 8, Hee, P. 0. pASttlItE TO LET. • . For horses and cattle on reasonable terms. Stock • to be taken On the ranch at Lot 1. corner of Klon- dike Road and Stibben's side road, on and after April 1.1th, whe•n a •num tvM take cheroot 60111(1m, in the season. For further particulars apply to, •Om. WArrs, •• Thedford. • HOESE ANDLOT FOBSALE. On Alexander street, ExeterNorth, a one story frame house, .containing 0 rooms. The lot contains 1 acre of land, on which are 40 fruit trees, a good. well, good location and convenient to school. For panic- ulars"apply to • • Has. Jcsr Hens, on the premises, or Hay, P. 0. Just Arriyed THE New SOyerign Shoes Spring and Summer. The Latest Styles of Last and Toe. Also a choice lot of Men's and Boy's Heavy Work shoes, at prices that will surprise °us- - tomers. Eggs taken in exchange, or 5 per cent. off for cash on Boots and_ Shoes. Harness of all descriptions always on hand. -R 11 SWEET., Treble's Old Stand Vent rAtlia G, --3,11i lea:119T Swath leareet et e ttUr t14.- 44041 ‘-::44-0 a dr, 171417444i44904.,L125platth e tralen. Itaair„,. learnt her trzle t.sTent, Zsflor. asall a,"444t'o4,4-44.114105•94 3444 a44i Greeieie Wee, tetesa e14t, re e.se tenet* ratele Ureenway :inks L. Hobo arrive4 bottle after ; pleasant visit in Maleolne-Don't for- get the concert on Faidity eveniug,21st lust, given by the choir of the Boetou Methodist (*hotel), in Wilson's Hall. Lottie Eagleson visited her ttent, Mre. A. lioteon, last week, Orttitld BeIed Mr. P. Defore, of this place, has MVO to Dryedole. elm. Devine .has loved into the house %%tented by him. -Messrs. George Down tutd J. Gill res turned home hrom London Thureday, where they attended the Epworth League convention. -Mr, R. Wait left elonday morning to work for :Vollm- er, a Veiborne.-Miss We, Oludl, of Zurieb, who hoe been working for Mie Jos. Breuner for the past few mouthe, letnened home Monday. -Mr. John Rumford reterned home from Strat- ford Friday last.-Aliss A. Skippen, of Klondyke, is working at Mr. Hamil- ton's. -A. large number of the inhabi- tants of Mondyko haye moved here on nceonnt a the flood. Zion The fine Nverither made people feel happy last week. --Miss Bathe ilern gave a largo number of her friends an enjoyable time one evening, while Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hearn entertained nil efi.. liern's brothers and sisters to an oyster supper. -Mr. and. Mrs. William Hem left for Manitoba on Saturday. - Miss Mary Taylor as home again, after spending a couple of weeks at M. W. Lankin's.-Mr. J. Hern sold one of his horses to Mr. Frank Brock for a good sum. -Miss Lonisa Hern entertained a large number of her Mends on Wed- nesday evening. -Our delegates from the Zion League attended the Epworth League Convention held in London last week. -Miss Eliza 'Lingard has gone to London to work, while Miss Sarah Batten has gone to Mr.J.Brock's foe the summer; Miss Emma. Towl has been employed with the Coupland Bros., of Woodham, for the coming summer and Miss Jessie Jacques with Mr. E. Avery fax five months. Dashwood Again the weather is somewhat win- tryand in consequence malty are suf- fering from severe colds. -On Sunday lase Rev. M. L.Wing administered the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the adherents of the Evangelical church in this place. -The revival meetings were brought to a close on .Thursday evening and, eight new names were added to the church list. -Mrs. Joseph is Snell improving and hopes are enter - tabled for her recovery. -On Saturday last the home of Mr. Henry Ehlers was gladdened by the appearance of a bouncing baby boy. -The debate on the subject: Resolved that the farmer is more independent than the mechan- ic, which was to have taken place Mon- day evening at the close of tile Mecca - bee meeting, was postponed till next meeting owing to the absenc'e of seyer- al of the most important speakers. Let there be a good turnout next re- view as the debate will be well worth hearing.--MnAlbert Shettler hasaga in returned from Manitoba and is enga g - ed with Mr. Ha,rtleib in Zurich. 013ITTYAEX.-This week it is our sad duty to record the death of some of our citizens in the persons of Mrs.Alex. Zimmer, the estimable' wife of our worthy blacksmith, and the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George lildighof- fer. Mrs. Zimmer died on Thursday morning, being sick onlya few days. Not a year had passed since she first cone here on the arm of her now be- reaved husband, feeling perhaps that a long life of happiness was th,eirs', but, alas, how our hopes are blighted. She was of a very quiet disposition and be- loved by all who knew her. Her re- mains were taken to her former home near St. Agatha, for burial. The in- fant child of Mr. and Mrs. Edighoffer was only ten days old, teaching us the lesson that death is truly no respecter of persons. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the conamunity. SOdeme Rev. A. E. Leland, of Petrone, is holding a series of revival meetings at the Sodom School house which ;con- tinue over until Sunday et•enireg, the 23rd. Topics of lamest are being con-, sidered from the-etaud point of Scrip- ture. Among them may be rdeption- ed, Converse:am The Second Coming of Christ, The Perpetuity of the Law, Tbe Eastern Question, The Prophecies and many other subjects of interest and importance at the present time. Good singings. Seats free. The public IS cordially invited. -A number of yonng people front Exeter and vieinity Iseld a dance at the residence of Harry Smith on Tuesday night tast, St. Joseph. The weether took a eaulden hange 01:Stoutly night and note pretty I ain't It e" ie what 'tem hear when - yon ebauce to meet a friend. llobt. Watson, if Iltewellekl, in these parte on Imeiness Friday ;of last week.. :ma also celled on etVeerat old iteguaintencest-A, very pleasapt, evening was epent by the roueg people at, the beitie of .1.1r. and Mrs, E. Rods speu on Tlturstley of last 4.--- \I. S. SMith, bed the misfortune to tome a aluable mare hy death one day last v.ik.---tti:.:; Addle Taylor, who hos Seaforth for the past month, a r tit d hointee-Theedtsees Regen visited their coueln, .eless li, Olerten, it Sunday last. Farquhar. The fine weether of last week wa poebuttive of tinge quentities of a; consequently many stallene Of `11itp Were made.- Mrs. Alex Gettlin ex', or Leacilturee is %biting at Reber (11timelese---The Misses Homey wets ed Mts. Westfate 'son slimily. -WM of the fawners in this vicinity bave their help hived foe next reamtlier,- Jae. Semi 5put Sunday with Beaver Bros. -A large white owl %IS eeen several days; sn our village but no •one was fortunate to capture it -Last week we thought it was spring, het we are rend Ided this week Met it is only :March yen -D. McDougall has secured the position of bead tetteher in the puldie school at Winehelsea.- Andrew and. Wilfred Campbell have rented a two hundred acre farm in Logan. We wish the boys success. Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amy; were I Toronto last week attending the linni Circle Convention.-Mrettel Mrs.:eau Person were the pests of eletand Mrs. W. 'Weir on Tuesaa.y.,--alr. Thomas Morgan had a sawing bee tot Thula& -Mr. and ,Mrs. Adana eetellind a peat,. on Wednesday told had a pleasant time -Des. 3ohn Gilbert and Mrs, Os - ear Gilbert visited Mrs. E. Sanders in Clandeboye on Satueday.---31e. Alvin Amos is itt London* at preseut.-31r. and Mrs. Kilmer, bad a party Tuesdey evening at which an had a pleasant time.-111reJohn Gilbert,of the 4th con- cession of elaGillivrayouoved on Tues- day to the 7th concession, as he and Mr. Thonuts Wilson have exchanged farms. Mr. Wilson will in future live tau the eth. We wish both panties Sue - cess in theist new homes. -.Mr. Wm. Jonas, of Manitoba, WaS the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis on Tuesday. -A few of the young people from here Spent a pleasant time Friday evening at the home of Mr. Sohn Lewis. -Mr. Abbot Lewis had a sawi n g bee on Tues- day and had a pleasant time in the ev- ening. -Mr. N. Corbett had a sawing bee on Mondaye-Mr. Humble. of Rat Portage, is visiting friends around here. -Sugar making is all the go around these parts. 2111101i Mr. John Schilbe has Accepted a po- sition as head -sawyer in the Hensall saw mill. -Mr. Oscer Koehler, after a pleasant visit with friends in Elmira, returned horete last week. -Mr. Henry Koehler, Goshen Line, purchased a national cream separator from Messrs. Watson and Colosky.-Mrs. Jacob Zimmerman and family, of Cavalier, N.D.,are visiting in town,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Brill. They intend remaining for some time. Mr. Keller- man went to Klondike to Work. -RF. Stelk, who has so successfullw taught ILS principal in the public school here, fogthe past year, has been re-engaged for the coming year at an increase of salavy. Mr. Stelk is a gentleman of stirling character, and his services are appreciated as shown by the re -engage - men t.. -Rev. M. L. Wing, of Berlin oc- cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening lase -On Monday afternoon Miss Wiggings, of Toronto, gave a very interesting lec- ture in the church to the ladies of Znrich and vicinity and also gave an address in the evening. -Mr. Daniel Faust, our post master, was on the sick list for a few days, and confiped to his room, but is on the mend again. -Mr. Henry Howald, of the leth con., is still in a very low conditionAnd his recovery is doubtful, but we hope the spring will build hini up again. 13crEoLArts.-Several stores were burglarized here on Saturday morning last, the murauders getting away with considerable plunder. Entrance was gained to Mr. Preeter's store by break- ing the glass door and then opening, the fastenings on the inside. Consider- able goods were stolen, together with Mr. Preeter's watch. Mr. Greb's hard- ware store was also entered and a re- volver ancl all the cash in the till, amounting to $1.75 were stolen. The next place was the Dominion Rouse, gaining entrance through the bar win - clow. Two watches Were stolen and other articles. They also gained en- trance to the school room, where they started a fire, evidently remaining fox, some time. Constables and oth- ers are on the watch for the guilty parties and if they succeed in catch- ing them they will get that which their crime merits. Ilarpley The old adege has again turned right by a4appeara11ge$. If March comes in like a lamb it will ere out like a lion. As there is a, decided change from the mild weather of the past weeks there is evety lodication that it -will continue lion-lilte to the end. --Jiro Cronan has trailed ofil hie roan horses to Tiernan Broe.,of Dashwood.-efr. John had a. horse very badly need up netts dietemper and at last eeports it was likely to die. It will be a big loss to hint as it as a fine anetual.-Mm. Williant Sheteitt still continues very little ietprcaved in health. Site ie softer - leg free; taed bores from; lying so long. 'We 'vete ate may eta= get a (thane% for the Letter. -.Mr. John Sherritt has had a lousy week attending a 'horse tvbi bed infeanunation of the longs, hot as last leports it was recovering,--- Miee Lore. Wlia littS smut the s'itte. foment, returned house on •AAPIA, • "• Clandebf To. Canning, and Mrs. P. Brown 1 iderton biotin -do y last,--MwJas. ntends moving into the houee 4 hy Mr. I. Collins on April let. e Collies will move into the house lately- neenpicd by eir. it Istiller.- Ansa 1.... Collins was in Likeitn on Sun. da; imt.—Mm Seale, of Clinton, is the gnest :tf Mm Herbert. - Mr. le Came , 11:01 se tvoodiate On Friday east Winch waits we a ,, t tended.-31rs. Oscar Gilbert and etre. John Gilbert. of Brinsley, vete in Clantleboye on Saturday- ille4 MArtlfAelle- -On Wetluesdity. nt the me:dome, of the Inedeesetarents, in the ,t hsee core t he contrectittg pert iee. Mies d ' sato!' olizebante aughter of Mr. and prom o et ewe the untuediate :tell: , • /releal . Citor, 18th coW n. East illi fi N;a4.1 41 ,!F a 111 RErrlage tc4 Mr. Wm. R. t - . Ooderich tp: While Attending Unit lesborne; Robert McDonald, Jr., of funeral of the Lae Mee. David (ante- the Thnies Road, went to the Vietore Ion, Itte Oeo. Hanley bad the Intsfor.,eial-lospital, London, to undergo an tune to eprain his ankle. 'operation on one of his eyes. baving St. Marys; On Wedneeday tnorn. been suffering for etette time from Mrs. Grea !lieu% on Elgin street east, was seized We' t:tam an elderly lady ti4tteetsittn;tetpisi oorttsatfhethavem%ebeinaonisse sa;Iniad A: tt. the %Olt P014siratIlliiitilt StteMskviel.1 ree.AolstehToleIghlet bglelvelteble"ellliivel..T. Istrectetsseeli:11;diling took !may never spea& again as the tongue place Wednesday evening it the vesi, 'of is Completely paralysed. deuce of Mr. Alex. Fraser, whet); his Seaferth: An old and very bight 1 daughter, elie:s Tracey, was married to , tesIthetie:dellistainicdt is,statstesiela hileoiotravettii:iseil7fitd.eort.n , g3,_Inee.sjis'elw.ele:e.et peleea:vfntlettattp,es.eph;= tli,let ; Saturday, in the person 44 Nirs.F.tit.ot it. the eoyons ceremony, Whileir Witii pr- 'DeCetteed suffered 4411 attar% of paralv. , formed hy latevellasefeettaley. Tete pres- , sis souse weeks ago, and sitietthee li ents were many end valuable. ; time eise ba- Itetess east:in-3y Iteltateee, ; Wisseesent; Tins week we mold ,and in her ease cleath was 0 happy see , the death of Fiereare E. Irwin. ;tsetse, t on a. Ipv,s111114‘.44eilitek.ets4.eilestelienr ellti., ,P0:.:0,414k111' ill441d1":4111 tr':-ent'';i1D14,Ygi,tthhemqtle47:44,4g7314;.:Zt 'lease. ed wife of Mr. Thomas Calhoun, aged Gefleeleh tp: While heiplug a neigh- 'a; Ne;gIS. Dof:emtieti had ratty been in ;Came rel vivid :4 44aSty lewt. Wheel', wiasbiloat. lk ..-• -r-viD boi IP •••"^:i -a '.13 els at tetupting ttl tinatl at, kkgat."7.„E the ',dela A ,f thi',. set -teen fliw r*- note ,Itt , horses plusagee thrwasel and "he tear- *mai hl teiele; :: tenet. taus:leer of rave leased heitit we feet Itetween Messed erieeess eon teennee one throe emen of ttae whifiletree tont tht. doeleetree, ehlitleen arc left (Cita mourn tfluelose of a Ansa Craig: Jessie Didtermet with a Seefortht Mr. Samuel Cernatioeb, bride -lug it severely. loving wife and fond mother. ; fall on Moutlity night had enougit to eta employee et'Mr, Rieleirti Clerk's Ibtirlt:;:ittnatafitinitilliissiglito.s.st,nalss intre.;i;.kar,asnig4.114wilt sailg.itistett,11,1 ise:I.itilq.311.41..miligr::,141:1,11tisi gi:t Irg, • LI • was le •,fereed lay l'teese Stephen Knoit of Ads 4 raige • • Crediton terANDel/Y.. D. A., tleuret IMentr: Lw -Etter. Mr. eers„ Daniel Oestreieher is visiting beg peones in Tavistock this wee Mr. Alonzo Hodgins is 'obliged to use .0 !woe. f Lia lon-e etepped on bis foot laet week and has caused a painful bettiee,-Our milliners are hissy at the . p g ) ttp Easier season. -Mt. end Mrs. Geo, Bedford spent eta Stuiday in Exeter, the gueets n Me. Westeoet,„seo, enrollee of one fitrmers are milting maple ewer at 3Ir. Henry Felber, et. P. P., has returned from Tot -mate whew he has been attending the Lief ;e 41fattre for some time. -Miss ,esitte of Harpeey, has teamed her postoon in the depaet, meut of W. W. Kerte-The trustees of our school have bad a drain dttg, there- by draining the pond, which bas tam- ed great deal of inconvenionee to the sehool.--Itin Wm. Hoeiteey is still very low and not 1IIUIh hope is entertained for his recovery. -Tuesday's storut has mode spring appear to be farther off than we thought last weele-Mrstrred Wein is very lie We trust that she will soon recoven-A darkey ash -ped - tiler, of Lucan, struck our town last Friday, and before he left he began to feel pretty good and started to run his borses. Near the flax mill two geutle- men from (*roma Bend, one of whom is a. noted pugilist islet the darkey. The clan -key refused to give balf the veld and was threatened with arrest, whielt caused a fistie encouuter of just one round. The darkey receivee one blow and saw stars at once. He thought he had struck a harder CaSe than he bargained fax and decided to leave the field of battle, a sadder and wiser man. WEDDING.-Mr.Charles Keene well- kneent citizen of this villitee,WaS unit - ed in the holy bonds of unitrimony to Miss Mary Dickson, of Brinsley, at the Methodist parsonage, here, last Wed- nesday. The Rev. Knowles tied the knot in the presence of a few of the intimate friends of the contracting parties. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Kerr a long and happy married life, Around About Us. Lucent, Rev. J. C.Smith has resign- ed the pastorate of Liman and Fraser Presbyterian congregations It is un- derstood that the eeverend gentleman's health is very unsatisfactory. Hensel': Mnjeckson, who has been living on the Petty Bros.' farm, has purchased the property of James John- ston, at Rodo,erville and intends mov- ing on to it in a short time. McGillivray: Another of our pion- eers, in the person of Mrs. Margaret H. Robinson, Tenet a the late Sohn Rob- inson, passed away afer a lingering ill- ness on Wednesday morning, the 5th inst. McKillop: Mr. Wm. Ford Aitche- son, son of Mr. John Aitcheson, of the North goad, met. with a severe esisha,p sorneidaiys age: In souse way or other he fell eoveu stairs receiving serious injuries. Eliddulph; Joseph Naugle was ar- rested Thursday charged with tres- passing on the property of Patrick Nangle, of lot 82, 7th "concession, of the sante township, on llth inst., and other dates. Squire J. B. Stnyth,Lon- don, remanded him fax one week. St. Marys: Wednesday morning while engaged in securing driftwood fienn the flood, Mr. Frank Judd slip- ped into the river near the Lockup school, As the current is very swift there his position was a dangerous one, but he was with difficulty res- cued. VVOodlam: A. private wedding took place at 10 a, in at this place, when Mr. Thos. Johnston and Miss Susie White were made man and wife. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Hart, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will spend tir couple of weeks in Detroit before returning to take up housekeepieg. man was but, slightly eeinexteel, Mr, Butler had been pereltasioag tenne lode 1 at the stere mai was ea hie %sateen slat t- ing for home, when the left wiestee of the wagon etruele some ice, the ea Imitating him met on his heed. irbe only merit was a eteret e cut tut his head, elerye: Oat Sattoday. Monett 8th. at tin, esidenre of her eon, Mr. Role ert Sweles, tiles y Das Edema wife, of George Swale,, gaiteetel anvey in her Welt yente 0-4149, 11444.91 4400c0., 1,144 Nteeentber with P eatteertsus efitection sot Goe elonteete hawse,- 14-4 94 094 441414'.. eat,. 114A:41119 9¢901941444ir of yeate. She tees horn reseetneee nor eno ISM and wee the tiptegliter tat Robert Devi's:beau, fax may years a reehlient of Ntesonri. Her husband mei feasted:Iambs tert atell tht brotitere ettrvive hen Allea ("wag: The eudilen death ot ooday ite Mat7 MeDougall. Iteloyet vife of Me, Dantean MeNaughton mutt as a ehoek to the eonmenatty. Mrs. MeNaughton wits in tate:feet health and attending to her household duties as usual ttp to Saturday noon, when she took suddenly di welt In- flammation of the bowele, which re. milted in her death on Mondato She leaves one son and two (1;11400(1es, lee sides a loving, bushand to nuntrts her dentist.. Deetased Wati in her fifty- eighth year, Rossetti:de: On Friday, Merit 7th, the hand of death ouee more visited taue neeeletteeoled, etneeriseg nernl• :we other or the early settlers tat Wee in. entitle The dealb of Mr. James Bel - four, ea, which came on Friday more - tug hoe, was not altogetbee unexpeet. tel. For ;some time past eire. Didennes health has been on the decline, not front any definite trouble other than infirmittee ,of age, until 'about two weeks ago, when symptoms of some- thing more definite appeared aud which rendered recovey Impossible and resulted in death. ti 11 114,44 etw-hatZtsitilololdthilelgr , St hell !lel least IF.Pa at" 1i 11,.. anti 111.11C'd Otil rietat leg. breaking the ' lea: t- bet weer. tee Leave ;mil the stale. The unite tatrutte ytautag luau NSW; taken Mite:Oen: %Walt' rt-ttnIan+1 to town Mosalar two :time the Ring bolt lareke Me Stealth e buggy. and he - t1411 lees t tram it twk*T 4 ‘,14449.4 ,.,;. 1441Natiitze0; 49 elatantilso blade, The horse got anay w his the front whtele and (*Atte deetung tielotogb tewle Pt ten -Ado d.Ile 11110341e towaees the raceway station ettd thease around the Week to the Metz-. Heassa. etelase, Meese the larttte wee eanglet. with:eat 1904,6ing sate. Vaned the elieittest infamy. Ira the usseentitne the Det wee allniven to town ed his line:wee were inuatediately : ga en we have Leen rails upen reeeral the danatla of Moe iteltseete Wiattle, who wise veiled away Thursday, at the releases* of fin years. Mrs. Wontis wee (If robust eonst itution anti entosed etend health top to a short Lint" previous to her titettli vi.hen the infirmitiee of old age closed a useful e014.441. removing one whose life with her late buebend ales murex of the pio- italtTils.ts'ilgiefigetifitel.ltit.'3. i' 11111 41;fte "t41117" sinee 18,11, bee Imsbend having' seen veto' yettre of life here before she muted hum Two ehileret: vive hveri"inghtues liet Alex. McGregor, of the town line. betweeh Kintoss and I tatict4, %VAS teettlentally shot deed by his own son Tuesday afternoon. The old gentleman WaS splitting wood in tile yard at the tinte ;tnd seeing a bird alight on an apple tree elose by, be called the eon tia come tine shoot it. The boy brought out the gun and fired at the hit 4, which only wounded it, =hater le -loading the gon was in. the act of raleing it to Ins shoulder when it accidentally went ofethe whole eharge of shot entering his father's right side and back. Ile only lived about three hours after the aecident. The boy is almost heart broken with grief, and the family have the seempa- thy of all in their sorrow. St. Marys: After an ilinetts of three years, which she bore with Christian patience and fortidute, Elizabeth Bris- tow, wife of Mr. Richard Lucas, pass- ed to her final reward on Saturday, March 8th. She was an old and much respected resident of the town, having lived here for twenty-seven years. She 'Welt born in Lincolnshire, Eng., the daughter of Edward. Bristow, on the 8th of August, 18t1, and was mar - tied to Mr. Lucat thirty-nine years ago. They eatne to Canada 1875,briuge tug with them it family of six child- ren. Her husband and ten children, five 60)15 1(0(1 five daughters,survive to mourn her loss. Parkhill: Alt. Geo. Christie passed ;may Friday after a, long illness. He had been for many years it great suf- ferer from rheumatism and for the last two or three years was so erippled that he was unable to leave home. Some weeks ago his ailment became more acute and brought on other troub- les which resulted in deatb. Mr. Chris- tie came from Aberdeenshire,Scotland, where he was born in 1828. After re- sidiug some years in Quebec province he came to Point Edward and remain- ed there about 20 years in connection with the G.T.R. telegraph systens. 20 years ago he purchased a small farm on the outskirts of Parkhill where he has resided since. Hilbert: J. T. Mitchell happened with a very serious. accident on Thurs- day, which may cause him the loss of one of his lower limbs. While engag- ed. in cuttrug down it tree it shot hack and smashed his ankle so badly that there is not much hope of saving the lower portion of the leg. Mr. Mitch- ell has been very unfortunate as only a few weeks ago he had $500 burned in the stove, which he had placed there for,safe keeping. It seeins very hard • to have misfortnnes corneas theyletve to Mr. Mitchell, and much sympathy is felt for him. On the very day of the accident a fine young heifer belonging to Mr. Mitchell broke its leg, and last, fall one of his best cows had her leg broken. ' McKillop: Mr. James Coats died very suddenly on Tuesday. evening. Mr. Coates had been afflicted with heart disease for smile time, but was able to go aronnd as usual. He was at supper when the summons came and life was extinct in a few minutes. His son and sister, Mrs. Stephenson, who had been visiting there fax sotne time, left that afternoon for Seaforth, intending to take the eerly train on Wednesday for Manitoba. The sad news was conveyed to them, however, and they deferred their departure. Mr. Coates had been a resident of Mc- Killop for tbout 20 years, having re- moved their from Ribbed. Fle was a kind and obliging neighbor, asood eit- izen andlan honest, unassuming man and Was much respected. " Mans. tionntae-In Ailsa Craig. on Monday, the 10th inst., to Mr. Mrs. George Maguire, ascii. MARRIAGES. JOHNSTON-WIGTE-In Woodbines. on Wednesday, March 12, 1902, by the Rev. J. Hart, Thos. Johnston to Miss S. White. LEWIS-Monrrox-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Tuesdayeven- hag, March, llth, byReve A. B. Park, Bertha, eldest daughter of Robt. Morton of McGillivray, to F. De Lewis Bap Countyellicle DEATHS H1LL-In Exeter, on ItIaech leth, be- loved wife of Mr. George Hill, aged. • 66 years, 8 months, 2 (ley& Hovietetn-In Exeter, on March 10th, Mr. Wtn. Howard, aged 50 years, 6 months. BALPoult.-At Russeldale, on March 71.h, Jas Balfour. SWALES-In St. Marys, on March 8th, Mary Davidson, wife of Geo. Swale% aged 58 years and 10 months LUCAS. -In St. Marys, on March 8th, Elizabeth Breetow, beloved wife of • Mr. Richard Lucas, aged 60 years and 7 months. Your Throat. Gargles can't go back far eriough; sprays don't I at reach deep enough ; but the air you breathe touches every part. Then why not 4'10`re''. put some healing medicine in the air and let them go along together? That is what-Vapo-Creso- Ienees for. It puts the healing medi- cine right on the places that most need it. You now see why it so quickie 'dies sore throat, br on- chitis, hoatseness, whooping -cough and asthma. 20 Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere, The Vaporizer aud Lamp, which should last a life, time, and . a bottle of cresoleue complete, Sz.5o; extra supplies of Cresolene 25 Cents a0(1 50 cents, Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi< menials free upon request. VAI,o-CaESOLENE 180 FUli011 S(., New 1.orli, U,S.A.