HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-13, Page 8I• L Bishop pp.urposes disposing of his
i household etfet:ts, by public auction •
!'on. the 20th oft this month, Piano and
afurniture, etc., can be inspected at his
home on Friday and Saturday of this
• Our enterprising grain merchant Mr.
J. •Oobbleciiek: has applied to the agent
at Centralia for peuensszonx to erect a
grain elevator at Centralia stetion
where he expects to be prepared to tike
in, slxare caf the etferiegs after harvest.
Mr, Leonard _'►xeTaggart,, Exeter
North, has rented bis hundred acre
feria. in Usborne, with orchard i:esery
ed, to Me John Bartner for a term of
Years, at a rental of $275 per year.
Mr. Butner will take innawdiete pos.
Mr. John Wood shipped a carload of
fine expert cattle to Tporonto on Mon-
daye Eight of the nninber were pur-
chased from Mr, John Welsh, London
Road, North, which here as flue a. lot
of cattle as ever were shipped - from
this depot,
A man who is too stingy to take his
e I bone pae per manikd drink sasefras tea
so thin he wouldn't
make a shadow, He would fall hint-
self up on hot water and then try to
•cheat hianself into the belief that he
had eaten a square meal,
you wsut a bargain'in at bheR.
et If so call and see otic ales,
sor^tunent of Black Fettey's that we
are eleering .at .ia cents the plod let
Th Deming preps ;itioots anxat weds
ieines 1 can confidently reeommen 1 to
the generalpublic; Disc Kidney Pills,
Aix Little Iver Pills, Dix Cola entre,
Winnan's Cough B:trsnen,T€ukish Seaip
Food, Wiwan's Condit len Powder,Eng-
lkeh Stock Food, Sold by C. Litt;» b xc.-
ring is here and we sore showing t
newest designs in
ersd P,A.;+IT.INOSS.
.ak reascasnabk• pets '
Have wast received jute J.Mitchell's
new Feehion Plaate for the .present
ceaasaai, Iletnee I tem give tent the
htteet Bots .for s1►4nn ; and sanuuuer.
4te ptrsr (Mee.
WiltiittisetseteteVigt-te." Matt
We coaild live without fools,
3Iaagw shops and pelitiel ons;
We eanaalal /iv4a wit unit love
Vander eertrise conditions.
t'L'e eteitel live witdnc+int trusts,
ttemhiinetieans and beast
Bet tIne
.'I41 WOW'mental Gnat prove
Li it weenet for the eraai9l„ ee
Mr. Thee. Weetlfer.l a iipped a ear.
1Pfal of Baer,. to Wiinraagata . MI Friday.
The Satiataltendldaatt s stare wdiaks
etaar't2 a1 operations in entvice canting can
137c drze-,Iaao.
I'i°imiNtila with two girl's ends when
mut a ite°he, the yohart,•, tnnatn whom tl
other Inas le ent tieltiai for.
time. t+d I►nt professed Christians tr
to eheat tite+ale vil ent of his dnes be
frying et anything on the herd.
Some si :e+:mists claim Mat Man n ern
1nti++:raae►Y front the !wiliest:. Someo
therm are etill in the lobster state.
Ilan the mill: of homer l iandnes
sattnn ia.-atl►;e essessvetes►)ndensc'd,th
pzYrtlitetwouldbeLimlterger etwese.
Mrs. Ann 3#nrri• Inas moved into Mr
John t'eaoitni, nn4.• dwrliing tt eently vIc
ettetl by Mr. \V n. Redden, on I-ltron
The T ivi:.t :It'nitir el church Guilt
held their meetingyesterd ay inhe nes
tit , t the r . n,len .c t f Mrs, W.
One half of the number of girls ;eo(
see are either pretty or eleven, and th
other half etre tine ones who niuke gczo
Miss Cora Manning veru chantingly
entertained a number of her friends a
a pleasant party on Wednesday even
John Snell, on of Mr. Eli Snell,. has
purchased the dwellingowned by Dr.
'xtz on Mill street anrecently vacat-
ed by W. U. Mondor.
Parties wishing to secure pastnrag
should read the ad. in another column
The proprietor of the ranch has severs
thousand acres of a run..
Buy h• e J. D. Ring shoe for com-
fort, style and qualia:y. See aurspec-
ial $3..x) Mem' shoe. You will want
a pair.
It has been wisely said by some one
flat a teen of coat is uxure acceptable to
lye man than a wreath of Sowers to
dead one. We have knao+via people to
se their Mende and relatives like dogs
whiie alive, and make an awful fins
air their grafi es, when they passed.
away. Kind words and kind actions.
at .home, in liminess, in the social cir-
e.a and everywhere, will . v. ire re.
cle. ud a ry til ne e t
unkind canes irlw:nys trill,
Mr. Emanuel Bie,Gett, wire has been
.a lifeelong resident of Exeter left Mon-
day evening for Crystal City, Man..
where has accepted a paasition as tin.
smith, He has tine Buell -wishes of his
many Mende here for his future sue.
Mrs. es
ce,s. iii. -.,eft and family will fed -
low in the course of a few months,
Mn. Biesett disposed of his dwelling o
ne Gidley street, timidly to Mr. Won
iaaaane, of clay township, for the stain o
3 A number of young men were
brought up before Magistrates Snell
and Gregory,. Tuesday zooming last.
- ; changed with engaging in a charivari
f disturbitt the & nee and destroying
Mr. Jos. Peart's property on the night
. of February 26th. Several witnesses
e evere eximuned and considerable evi
donee was deduced but it was four
, : necessary to adj,tourn' the court for on
week. lir. J. G. Stanbury acted as
council for the defendants.
Mr. M. J. White, who met with th
c misfortune of breaking his leg, over
- three nnnnths Ingo, underwent an open.
. ,etion on Friday last to improve tin
condition of the injured member. Th
n hone had not united, consequently it
Q was deemed advisable to operate in
pot order that inflammation might again
he started and tints revive the knit
ting process.. It is to be hoped it evi
t have the desired effect and that he evil
Mr. James Gould disposed of his fin
brick dweilingon Carling street to M
David Wynn, of Ushorne, last week
who will move therein this week.
That girl whom we saw step on
banana peel and fail on the sidewalk
the other day,did not break any bone
but her Christianity was badly strain
For Croups, Colds and Bronchiti
troubles, especially among children
nothing can surpass Wiman's Cough
Balsam. Sold by C. Lutz, sole ager
for Dix Lung Syrup.
Messrs: Popplestone & Gardner ar
busy this week unpacking large con
signrnents of goods and placing the
on the shelves in readiness for thei
opening day, Saturday.
The sale of English Stock Food
still rapidly increasing, thus testifying
to its value. Those stock raisers c a er wh
have not used it should give it a trial
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
Are yon troubled with dandruff
itching of the scalp, premature falling
of the hair, or do you wish to restos
grey hair to its natural color, then us
Turkish ScalpFood. Sold b C.
The Christian Endeavor' Social in
Caren Presbyterian church on Tues
day night was a splendid success. The
members of the Thames Road Society'
were in attendance and assisted in the
Mr. John Chapple, who has been
clerking for Mr. E. T. Spackman, :.ha
resigned the, position and wiilireturn t
Mitchell where he has accepted a sim
ilar position with' Messrs..Couch
There is, gladness in her gladness
when she's glad, there is sadness in
her sadness, when: she's sad, but the
gladness of 'her gladness and the sad-
ness of her sriidness is nothing, to hex
madness when she's mad.
Mr, Wm. Routley, London Road,
South, held a Large wood bee on Thurs-
day last at which the.stalwarts carne
out in bigforce,: consequently a large
pile of wood was cut. The:dance in the
evening was much enjoyed.
Mr„ Rich. Snell is this week moving
house on Simcoe''at. recently
into then , Y
vacated by Mrs. Ann Ijarris, while
Mr. Henry; Gould will move- into the
house vacated by Mr. Snell,:: Mr. Gould
haying parchesed satixae last wec13,
soon show signs of improvement.
Rev. 3. Potts, D. D., of Toronto,
preached educational serxnons in the
Main street Methodist church here
on Sanday morning and in the James
street church in the evening. The Dr
is an elderly mann of splendid personne
fine oratory and wide intellectual
grasp. His discourses on the subject
were exceedingly fine and were listen.
ed to with a great deal of interest.
Rev. Holmes, of London, took the ser.
vices in the James street in the morn-
ing and in the Main street in the even
ing,who also delivered appropriate and
pleasing discourses.
All parties indebted to I3. Bishop
Son must settle at ienee as eve are leav-
ing town.
messt elong
Miss Violet `Treble begs to nienotnce
to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity,
that after. March 10th she will open a
dress -making business. in the shop re-
cently vacated by Mr. W. Johns, She
Las the latest systerir of Butting• and
has secured the able seryiees of 3Iiss
Wood, who is a well`knotvn and exper-
ienced dressmaker, and• they will en
deavor to give entire satisfaction.
Dieid ntt the 11ous0 of dela e.
[r, James Stewart, Huron street
ceived the sad intelligence hist week
of the death of his brother, Andrew,
who died at thee.Houee of $ef g? on
Saturday last, after a long and *unfit',
illness frour a raligu nt rodent Msec
in tlx face, associated with a coinpli-
cation bt other diseases, the worst of
which was paralysis.. The past three
nnonths of his illness he zeas perfectly
helpless and required a great deal of
attention. Mr. Stewart was aa, former
resident •ofWaterloo, 13'isconsin,
where he lived for many years. Com-
lag here a little over two years • ego,
he took up quarters at the (louse -of
Refuge where be has since xeinaintdl,
notes an aw:oral but as a lodger. The
remains, were brought here l[ondaay
by train and were taken to Lumley
fair burial. He wags 1 ye,an s is; age.
ia'haaf Coitstitia cs iicaartt'. •
Tile world is gtnyerrietl toeing quite
as much. nay attire than it was in the
dart: Jges, by the beauty of its woven..
and while the woman of braeins by
herd Work and mere force gains a posh -
tion of iutluenee and inpontince, the
Woman of ibeanty floats Into her tang.
Boni with the tries, of it. dimple or tine
flirt of an eyelash. A€suuuing artists
to hu the class of people inost capable
of judging beatanty really as, The
Delineator shows in its April issue a
large member of pictures by dome of
the world's nnatstevs, an interesting
couuinenta}ry bet N.1i:udsou Mean ae-
carnp nyinng it. Wits • poets, grave
.and revereucl men have Fall essayed to
lay clown .positive rules as to what
Beauty is. The ordinary mortal* hons-
ever, ii usually content to find his
ide:tl of heantnty beside his own he:arth-
stonnet for hint, beauty "is -engendered
in the eyes. with gaznug fed.
nst arrived. 1. Lergo stock of
le linens, bleached. turd uubleaeh-
heeting, pillow cottons, shirti,ig
airt mastitis. I aluesure in your
dor. At Stewart's.
it. TofT.tome
The members of Advance Council
No. 2!J , R. T. of T., gathered at the
home of Mr. John euclnniore on Friday
evening, Feb.28, to spend a social time
with he and his daughter, Miss Alma,
lrefo ve their departure to Crystal city,
.flan. Mr. Cuelmo ve has been a ?mem-
ber of the order for a number of years
and will he missed as he was a regular
attendant. Before leaving bis house
the Royal Tempters presented him
with a Bible, showing their apprecia-
tion of his services. Mr. Cudinore very
feelingly thanked the members for
kindly remembering bine and hoped to
see the Council increase in member-
ship. Refreshments were served,after
winch all took their departure for
bottle, feeling that they had spent 'a
pleasant time together. --Miss Emma
L'enluile, the representative from Ad-
vance Council, No. 207, B. T. of T., to
eraud Council gave a lengthy and ull
report of the business of that body,
of which she was an ollicee as well as
represen :td,tive.
Ileo. -Secy. R. T. of T.
Council Proceedings.
Canned met pursuit ot to adjourn-
], in Town Niall, March '7. Min -
1 ntess of previous meeting readand con-
firmed. The Rev. C. W. Brown ad-
dressed the Council regarding the dis-
t turhance on Huron street the week
previous and advised the Council to of-
fer a. reward for the apprehension
and conviction of any party or parties
taking part in any charivaui or like
disturbance in the future. The Coun-
cil promised to take the natter into
their serious consideration. A deputa-
tion, consisting of Messrs.Hurdon, Bo -
bier, O. PI Sanders and others waited
- on the Council, protesting against the
payment of constables fees to the spec-
e spec-
ial constables called out on the night
of Feb. 27th, claiming that Me. Creech
r was the proper person to be notified
- of any disturbance takingplace. The
matter will be considered the next
meeting of council. Davis—Wood—
that the following accounts be passed
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
- same: Thos. Brock, labor, $1.62; Wtn.
Creech, do., 62c; Thos.Flynn, do.,$5.50;.
Thos. Welsh, do., $3.75; H. Parsons,
do., $2; Tremaine & Snell,electric light
- to March lst, $74.79.—Oarried. Wood
—Harding—that Council adjourn to
Fridaay,March 21,at 7.30 p.m.—Carried.
GEo. IL BzssETT, Clerk.
I. 0. 0. F. At-Honte.
The At -Home given under the aus-
pices of the Independent Order of
Oddfellows in their Hall, on Friday
- night last was a most pronounced suc
cess. The hall was crowded to the
doors. Mr. R. H. Sweet, N. G., had.
charge of the program, which contain-
ed in all about thirteen numbers. The
program opened with a creditable
piauo selection by Miss Ida Rowe, bel-
lowed by Horn Quartette by Messrs.
Treble, Gidley, Christie and Welsh.
Mr. J. G. Stanbury gave a very inter-
esting address on the aims, objects and
a brief history of the Order, treating,
the subject very cleverly. Mr. `M.Vnn-
cent's patriotic and comic . songs, and.
recitations,were excellent and brought"
forth the usual long and loud applause.,'
The solo by Miss Ida Johns, with Miss
G. Hicks, (violin) and Miss`L. Johns
(piano) accompanists,was,admirably
rendered as was also the selections by
the male quartette, Messrs. Senior,
Popplestone, Habkirk and Kinsman.
The solo by Miss Amy Johns was well.
received, while the reading by Miss
Prior was an interesting °number.
Shortly after ten o'clock the program.
was brought to a close when luncheon.
was served, after which a hearty vote.
of thanks,ruoved by Rey:C.W..Brown,'
B. A., seconded by Rev. W. M.Martin
and carried unanimously, was tender-
ed the lodge:for the very excellent
manner in which they had conducted
the entertainment. The committee in
charge are to be congratulated upon
the brilliant success of their efforts in
providing an entertainment so+ pleas
The Strathcona (Alberta) Plaindeal-
er of Feb. 28th, contains the following
paragraph:—"On Monday last Miss
Minnie B. Crowley arrived from Lon
don, Ont., and on the evening of the
same day at the Presbyterian mans
here was married to Mr. F. A. Peel,
our popularjeweller. The Plaindeale
extends congratulations. For the pres
ent Mr. and Mrs. Peel are boarding at
the Victoria House, but hope to take
up housekeeping shortly."' Miss Crow-
ley was a former resident and teacher
in the public school here, and daugh-
ter of Mr. Thed. Crowley, who farmed
a little south of the viliage.
The London Free Press cif Thursday
says:—Tbe whereabouts of John Rus-
sell, traveller. for Mr. John Garvey,
wholesale grocers, are a mystery, but
it is suspected that he has gone to the
other side, and carried
$475, which he collected last week
from merchants in`South Huron and
North Middlesex. Telegrams to vari
ous points failed to discover his loco
tion although it was learned on Fri
e day last he left his samples at'Forest
e and took the 6.25 train for the west.
Russell has been with. Mr. Garvey for
four years and was until recently held
in high esteem by his employer. The
police have issued an illustrated cir-
- cular regarding him. Later.—A tele
gram was received by the police here
that he was arrested Thursday in Den-
ver, Colorado.
300 yards of all -wool Cheviot Serge
s in Navy` only. Quality that you ex
o pect to pay 35 cents for, we shall
clear the lot at 222c, the yard. A
& sure bargain.` Stewart's.
On Carling Street, a brown woollen
back gauntlet. Owner can have same
by: calling, at this office and paying for
this notice.
Second -Hand Sewing Machines for Sale.
The undersigeed has three second-
hand sewing machines for „sale.. May
be seen at R. H. Sweet's harness shop.
W. Johns.
Died in London.
Mrs. Jos. Sutton received the sad
news yesterday (Wed.) of the death., of
her sister, Miss Isabella Hodgson, who
died in London the same day. The
deceased was removed to that city Last
week for treatment, but gradually
rowing, worst; she passed away.
•Gift of Seeds,
That old and reliable seed house, the
D. M. Ferry Co, has again kindly re-
membered the editor of theAnVocAar.E
with aasplendid assortment of garden
and flower seeds for which our thanks
are due, The naive of this famous
house is a sufficient guarantee as to
the freshness and good quality of the
seed as no house on the continent en-
joys a better or more deseved reputa-
tion than that of D. M. Ferry k Co,
When yon buy see that you get the.
Ferry seeds or ye editor will beat you.
oat when it comes to harvest thecrop.'
Mr:. B. Manning, of Clinton, was in
town on Friday.
Miss Graben), 01 St. Marys, visited
friends in town Sunday.
:11rs. McIntyre', Exeter North, is eta,
inns frieude in Windsor,
Mr. John Williams, of Zurich, west
town on business Monday,
Mr. John Taylor, of Foutiae, ',',fleb ,Tea -Kettles.
is vzsiting Mewls i
n town.
miss I,,illa Johns spent a few days.
with friends in Clinton this week.,
Mr. Won, Snell, liveryman, is amen
confined to his bell through illness,
lin , Brown, of London, was a guest
at Mr, T. H. MleCailinnu'son Sunday.
Miss N. Tom has accepted as position
tailoress with Mr. W. W. Taman.
Miss Palle Rawden spentSmola). 1`
and Monday with her brothers In Lon
Sugar -Making.
The sugar -n aleing season is herr. Are von prepared for it? Look
up and see if yon: do not want some SAP PAILS, SAP -PANS, SAP
SPOUTS. SUGAR KE LES or anything in that line. We have
Seeds! Seeds!
We eaarry a targe and varied supply of the best and choicest field
and garden seeds that can be proeured. Don't run any risk, bnt see
that you get the best.
We sell the Little Giant Seeders; which should be in the
hands of ever farmer.
Ask to see our stock 0i uiiclkle plated tea kettles.
Successors to H. Bishop car Sou,
Miss Lena Howard. leaves to -day,
(Thursday) to accept a position as mil-
liner in Toronto.
Mr. Philip Johnson, of Imnilun,
spent Sunday with his sister, ?firs, P.
:Mn'. P. Dignan, of London, spent a
few days in town last week. with bit
Mrs. D. ,johns returned home We€1-
nesday, after a pleasant visit with her
fanner in St, Marys.
Mrs. Ellis, of Mt. Vernon, Mich.,
spent Sunday In town the guest of
Miss Mary B:ill:will,
Ala J, E. Toon, I. P. S., has been in
pectins the school in this distrietdue-
ng the past few weeks.
Cletzo Salter returned home froirn
Loudou Monday, after a pleasant visit.
with his brothers there.
Miss Eliza Johns, after spending a
few days with friends in town, return-
ed to London this week.
Miss N, Lockwood, who was visiting
alias McTaggart, Exeter North, left
Tuesday for her home in St, Thomas.
Mr. Wm. Pugsley, who sustained.
'naiad injuries in a fall last week, is
ixn 1ep ro in but is still confined to Ws
r g
London Free Press: -Miss Kersey, of
this city, has been engaged as nnilfiner
by L. L. Barber, of Essex, Inc the coin-
ing season.
Mt. Lionel Howard and his sister
Miss Lille, will attend the lath annivor-
sar e- of Mr. and Mrs Tweedy's wedding
at tiloderieh to -day (Thut'stlay).
Mr. Thos. Beaman, who has been
spending the winter with friends in
and around Exeter, left for his home
inHargrave, Mane onMonday.
Miss Edith Sanders, having return-
ed front the millinery openings in To-
ronto, has taken charge of Mr. J. A.
Stewart's millinery department.
Mrs. James Bryan, of Lte::know, after
a few days' visit at the Commercial
House, left Friday to visit in Loudon.
She is expected to visit here again this
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vern, who have
been visiting friends in and around
Exeter for some months, returned to
their home in Hamiota, Man., on Sat -
Mr. Esti Heywood returned honied
Tuesday evening, after a delightful
trip of six weeks along friends in
Buck Grove and Brighton, Iowa, and
Chicago, I11.
Mr.D.French, manager of the House
of Refuge, was in town on. Saturday
and again on Monday on business in
connection with the funeral of the late
Andrew Stewart.
Miss Ballard, of Listowell, is again in
charge of Mr. E. J, Spackxnan's mil-
linery show rooms. Miss Elliott has
also resumed her position as milliner
with the R. Pickard Co,
Mr. John Oudmore and daughter
Ahnn,left Monday evening for Crystal
City, Man:, where they intend mak-
ing their future home. The well
wishes of their many friends here ac-
company them.
NEW [IICE llliTfl1Nt
As the season for house cleaning is here we beg to call your attention
1 and to invite you to inspect our Big Stock.
Our Wall Paper consists of the finest selections from. American and
Canadian designs,
11 Carpets.
Carpets we cdelve to be the leaders as we keep the lot est nr d best
assortuxent:in town.
Cafe Curtains..
One thonsaand pair of Lace Curtains jilt arrived so we atee confident
we can please everybody both izn price and quality in this line.
E. J. SP F -t O.i 7►„M A.E;.\. ,
I eadquansrtees for the Celebrated W, E. Sandford Beady Made Clothing.
es. C. Huston,
ccbnEY°s 13noct{.
TTo want to sell
before spring. See tliem from 50e. up.
We can sell you a dandy bed room set
All other Furniture, Bed S. ringg
s Mattresses "
away down.
Do you want that picture frained? . We can do
it to the King's taste. ,
We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and
can show you something new in design.
Mr. Johnson, of.London, is the guest
of Mrs. P. Frayne, he was called here
Friday to see his son, Mr. B. Johnson, CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK
of Usborne, who is very ill of consume- •
tion. He was accompanied by his
daughter and her husband. Mr. ' and
Mrs. Madge.
Miss McCauley, of Southampton,has
accepted a position as milliner with
thePie ar
R. E.
R x k d Co. She will re-
main here for a couple of weeks, af-
ter which she will take charge of the
millinery department in the branch
store at Hensel',
Re' ds. R.Millyard,aund C.W. Brown,
Miss M. V. White and MissL.Johns, of
Exeter, Messrs. W. H. Harvey, Chas.
Cann,: and John Passrnore,of Usborne,
Rev. Waddell and wife,Messrs. ()has.
Johns, Wm. Johns and Wesley Parkin-
son, of Elimville,are attending the Ep-
worth League convention :it London
this week.
Around About Us
Goderich: Mr, E. Downing hasur-
chased the boot and shoe stock and
business conducted for some time ,by
Mr. P. T. Halls.
Logan: Much sympathy is extend-
ed to Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes McKenzie,
in the loss of theiryoungest child, who
died on Saturday.
McGillivray: George Foster, of, this
township, who was adjudged insane,
was removed from the county jail to
asylum, London, Monday.
Ailsa Craig: Mrs. Margaret Robin-
son died at her residence in the village,
Wednesday morning at the age of 67
years. The funeral was held on Friday`
to West's cemetery.
Mitchell: Mr. Thos. Stoneman has
purchased Miss Prendevillc's property
and as soon as the premises are reno-
vated>he will move with his familyin-
to the house. The purchase price was
$900, which is considered a great bar-
Goderich tp: A particularly inter-
esting event took place at the home of
when Miss Sarah Ellen Elliott was
wedded to Fred George hit in han•the bride's father, on Wednesday, so or
of Qu'Appelle. Assa.,the ceremony be-
ing performed by Rev. .0. R. Gunne,
M. A., rector of St, Paul's church, Clin-
linton. They go to their new horse . in
Qu' Appelle-followed by the well wish-
es of their numerous friends.
Wingham: On. Wednesday night
the store occupied, by Meir & Co., was
entered bysome person or persons and
goods to the value of $60 or $70 taken.
The thief. seems to have gained' an en-
trance by forcing the outside cellar
door aside sufficiently to, enable him
to lift the cross bar that held it fast on
the inside. This being removed and
the depredator in the cellar, entrance
to the store above was an easy matter.
This is the second time Mr. Meir, hap.
suffered during his short residence in,
The road to wealth is best explain co
by the methods of the York County
Loan 1R -Savings Co., Head Office at
Their weekly installment shares pay
4%, Collector calls for weekly pay
anent of 5 cents or more.'
Branch Office,
8 Duffield Block, London.
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buyor Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Made
Your Life Insured
Go -4o the e Old Country
Call at the undersigned
A X ,
Office over H. Spacl.nnan's I3arclware.