Exeter Advocate, 1902-3-13, Page 4(Utter broraU,
c.,14as. H. Sanders, Bator and, Peop
TIVIURSDAY, Moll 13,, 1,902
The disgraceful, disclosure made in
connectiou with the investigatiou now
bei og col:ducted by the courts of Mont-
real into the irregularitiee during the
recent by-electious in St.. James divis-
ion of that eity, should cause all Cium-
dians a liberty -loving instincte to
pause and consider how forinidahlohaa
become tbe ulcer of corruption in this
land. Simultaneously justice has been
invoked in Montreal ;end Loudon, On-
tario, to puoieli professional eleetion
thugs. In each case the criminals were
working ii: the interests of Liberal
eandidate. Al London one of the par-
ties Involved pleaded guilty and was
sent to prison for six months.
In Montreal witnesses, who lcuew ef
the'crimes committed there, were paid
to leave the country by A. E. Brunet.,
a, nephew and acreditedagent of Joseph
Brunet, M.P., the merabernow repre.
senting Stjanaes' division in the
House of Commorts. The former is
under arrest, and the evidence of tatii.
liable witnesses goes to show that the
prisoner offered money to induee young
men to perjure themselves, imperson.
ate voters, and commit other crimes.
A. E. Brunet also provided the funds
to na.ble Ephrem afelwre, a law stu-
dent, who refused to be bribed. bet
who would have given datigt.roos evi-
dence,to mate: ajeilltiltT to the lenited
States. As a result, of this well organ-
ized but disastrous plot. Mr. J. Ge.
Bergerou, the unsuccessful Conserva-
tive canditlitre, was credited evhb hav-
ing received four votes in one polling
district, while twenty-four es ituessee,
ex:twined in court, testified to having
east their bellote for that gentlemau.
BM the result le not surprisiug.
when the 'West Horon election ft ends
are weaned, whereby the Liberd Gov-
ernmeut supporter had his seat stolen
for him. A emannitteehaving on he a
majority of Liberele. promptly declar-
ed that no wrong bail been committed,
althongh ovteewhelnaing evidence we -
offered to the coot rery, and the guilty
pew t:es, seme of whom wine self-eon-
fees.hl erisainalewere allowed to go
free. The tampering with college stn
dents in Montreal by Mr. Brunet, is
the natural eequence to Liberal en-
couragement of machine methods.
Speaking at Napanee, Sir Richard
Cartwright was reported in his own
paper to have said: "He knew there
was a large number of men in the
country who wanted to be bought. He
knew that because he had bought them
twice when he was an unrepentant sin -
Ana Sir Wilfrid, himself has not
been backward in frankly admititng
his weakness towards doubtful elec.
tion methods. At a dinner given by
the National Club, he had this to say:
"I would have you rely mainly on the
justice of your cartse,yet, I have learn-
ed by the experience that we must not
forget human devices that are so es-
sential to victory."
In the fate of such encouragement
by men to whoila Canada looks for
good government, can it be wondered
that scandals stich as have been reveal-
ed in Montreal exist?
St. Catharines, March 0.—Wm. J.
Davis, whose home was in Hainilton,
who has been visiting his brother-in-
law, Stephen Furminger, forme': near
here, was accidentally killed to -day by
the explosion of a gnu. Mr. Form ing-
er had been bothered by rats stealing
some pet hirds. Mr. Davis arose early
this morning and went to the barn to
shoot the rats. Soon after a shot was
heard by the Furming,er family,but no
attention was paid to it, they thinking
he had fired at a rat. About half an
hour later Dir. Fur/flinger went to the
barn and found Mr. Davis dead, with
his head almost blown off. Death
must have been instantaneous. Mr.
Davis' weapon, was an old Snider rifle
and it was not a safe instrument to
Chatham, Ont., March 5.—As Grand
Tronk train No. 175, extra west bound
freight train, was approaching the L.
E. & D. R. R. crossing this morning
about 10 o'clock the driver observed a
man walking east on the north track.
He pulled the whistle for the diamond,
but did not deem it necessary to blow
the whistle again, as the man was
walking toward the approaching train.
just before the train reached the man,
the driver he says he deliberately step-
ped into the south track, and as he did
so he 'waved his hand to the oncoming
train. Although the driver applied
the air breaks immediately the train
was going thirty miles an hour when
it struck the unfortunate man. The
train was soon brought to a standstill,
but by tlae time the train hands reached
the body life was extinct. The remaitia
were brought to the depot on the train
and were viewed by Coroner Bray,
after which they were removed to an
undertaker's. The body was badly
crushed and bruised and the legs were
badly broken.
Letters found 'on his person show
that the unfortunate man's name was
Jas. W. Lane, an expert carver, and
had been employed in Toronto and
After aii Hitless extending over a per-
iod of two years, during eleven weeks
of which he was confined to his room,
Mr. Joseph W. Ferguson, one of the
most widely and favorably known
residents of 'London township, (lied at
his home at 13irr Wednesday morning.
Stomach trouble, following an attack
of sciatica, was the cause of death.
Brampton, March lac—This after"
noon the town waa startled by a great
explosion and dense colones of smoke
were seen pouring from the thild-story
window of Jeakez & Son's hardware
store. The tre alarm was sounded,
and tbe .0,reman. (Wieldy ran a ladder
up to the window, but lerobably ten
nonetes elapsed before they could en-
ter on account a dense stmike.
Peaker, junior, was found lying'usen-
sible and his clothing on fire, BeRWas
hastily carried down statue, and sever-
al doctors summoned, Be bad several
dangerous burns On the face,, hands
awl breast. The budding was badly
damaged. It is eoujectured that Mr,
Beaker had gone to the powder rooin
to ascertain the noantity of powder in
stock prior to (ovine. an order to a
eraveller whothe'he hiTd left iu the of -
bee. Opening the door he is thohnhe
to hare struck; a match to obtain lighe
tbe end of which xuay have flownoff
and into the powder. At 8 o'elock Me.
Peaher is still living._ though, uncon-
sciotee, and it is feared he cannot re -
St. Marys, March h.—There was ,
suicide neer here yesterday afternoon.
lithe Gertie Forma% the Pi year old
denghter of Mr. Jos. H. FOrulan, Who
vonducts a tile yard about two miles
south of the town took poison and
tiled before ritedicia aid could reach
her. It appears that Miss FOrlOan bed
asked her father for the use of the
horse for a, simple of davs, bat be had
declined, as be had to come to town
and heeded the tram himself. ilis
daughter got workednp over the die -
appointment. _end told her mother she
vould poieon herself. The threat was
e credited, hut the girl went up.
stairs to her bedrohm, bigheaded the
door frogn within by moving the bed
against it and took the poison. The
poison was strychninehnixed with ap-
ple sauce. Shortly the sexemns of the
nfortnnate gild called the boueehold
to her and on gaining entrance she
was found in the throes of awful
agony, and died in abuut half au
hour. Medical assistance arrived later
but it was impossible to do anything,
Miss Forman was of a bright, cheer.
ful temperament. It is understood
that she carried this poison aboat
her shim attending the Pa toehmeri-
eau in Buffalo, and last week it is said
that she stated that she knew the
taste of poison.
St. Marys„ Mardi 0. --The mystery
eurrouneing the ideutity of the victim,
who was killed on the OMR, track
here last week, has been cleared up.
The dead man's name is Daniel Han-
ley. He had been living with lds uncle,
Thos. Hanley, at Heestm, near Milver-
ton, for the wintenand was on his way
to Port Huron, Mieh„ when he was
killed. His nnele was here yesterday
and identified the clothing As that
which his nephew wore. Thos. Han-
ley read the aceident in the papers and
wrote to Jas. MeArdle, the bus man
here for particulars. He was com-
municated with and came and solved
the mystery. He said that his nephew
as a glass blower by trade, but sailed
in the summer and left for Poet Huron
to engage as a sailor. The unfortun-
ate man left Hesson on Tuesday even -
for Port Huron. His uncle is positive
of his identification of the clothing, as
the name on the handkerchief reads
°Chas. Gobi" and that it was given
him by Gold, who was his chum.
Chief Young found 53 in the dead
man's pockets, Thos. Hanley says he
gave the deceased 55 when be len and
that he had some money of his own.
Around About Us.
Stanley: While eugaged in cutting
wood Jr.11A.. Gilmour unfortunately
outhis foot with an axe, It will lay
him off for a few days.
Clinton: W. T. O'Neil was confined
to the housefor some days by having
a nail run into his right knee; he was
able to go to his store Thursday.
Goderich: Mr. Frank Whitmore has
rented the eighty acre lot adjoining
his own from Mr. John Sheppard of
Clinton and will now have a 160 -acre
Seafortb: Master J. Archie Scott,
the young son of Mr, .Tames Scott, fell
from a tree which he was climbing, On
Wednesday, and was considerably
Bracefield: Mr. Robert McCartney
has leased the building next the post -
office from Mrs. Marks, and intends
using it for a show room for the Mc-
Cormick Manufacturing Company.
Clinton: Jas.Seale, of town has sold
his 100 acre farm, north half lot 16,
con. 7, Morris, to R. B. Alcock, 6th
con., of the same township; it is con.
sidered a good property and the figure
paid was 52,300.
Varna: Dr. Little, of the Varna
hotel has purchased Mrs. Faugh's hotel
Brucefield, for the sum of 53,000 cash,
and takes possession on May 1st. We
are sorry to lose Prof. Little, as he is a
good citizen and runs a first class hotel.
Goderich: On Taesday afternoon
while Willie McDougall, a young lad
employed by G.N. Davis, was helping
to lift some empty barrels from the cel-
lar of the store, he was caught by the
clamps of the hoistingchain and. was
severely injured, requiring the atten-
tion of a surgeon,
Logan: A little two-year-old son of
Mr. Fred Eisler had a narrow escape
from death Monday. The child was
playing upstairs in his father's house
when, in some unaccountable way, he
fell throngh a window to the ground
below, a distance,.. of fourteen feet.
Strange to say no injury of any kind
was sustained. -
Ailsa Craig: The body of Mrs F. Car-
ter, of Brantford, was brought to Craig
on Friday anci transferred to the resi-
dence of Thos. Rees, 7th con;; McGilli-
vray, from where the funeral took place
on Monday to West's cemetery. De-
ceased was a daughter. of Richard Wil-
liams, West MeGillivray. She died on
Friday morning after a short illness.
Goderieh tp.: We have to rebord the
doings of death this week in our midst,
Mrs. Margaret Lindsay having been
called suddenly away last Thursday
evening. The'deceased had been suffer-
ing from an attack of la grippe and had
ri ea illy recovered when heart failure re-
sulted. Death was entirely unexpect-
ed and was a sad blow to the children
to whom mother had been for a great
number of years the main stay of the
family, the: father having died some
fifteen years ago,
Seaforth: Mr. 3. W. Beattie has
Purchased, the Interest of Mr. Robert UU
Winter in the Meat business of Winter
& Stewart.
IVinghanu One evening last week
the residence of Samuel Elliott, pear
the brickyard was entered by a. thief,
and the song of kwenteortive dater& stol-
en. The thief or thieves who have beep
operating in this vicinity recently are
getting bolder. and May be caught yet.
tTluArklay afternoon two young boys
were lodged in the eells for petty lar-
Wingb.allai A pretty and iutereet-
ing omtrimovial event was witnessed
by aver four hundred of the residents
of town, in the new Methodist church,
on eVedneeelay, dth hasta when efiee
Laurette, Loulee eeeOnd daughter a
Mr. and ars, Srlingiam, Leconte
Sr.,SLD., of Lusk, State
(heappv bride of VillRolston
arling, M.A
o Wyoming,
Moch estopatilY Is felt foe
line. Robson in the death of her son,
Stuart, who passed away Meonslay are
ter a few mouths' ilines,e. This IS the
third fleatla in the family doing the
last two or three years. The funeral
was held on Wednesday afternoon.
short service was held at the house,
after which the remains were interred
in the Parkhill cemetery.
Parkhill: When Mr, David Creig
WAS returning home from Strathrehe
Thursday, the cotter upset and he wes
thrown out, disloeatin, g. his el:milder,
Notwithetanding the menry beheld on
to the horses and got to Sprin Wok,
where a young Mall. a son n 1r.
Kean, drove with him to Parkhill, Dr.
Caw and Dr. Wilson at once atteugled
to hie case, and be is DOW able to be
arouud again.
Ailsa Craig; Tuesday night3. Hare
eie0in Pat. Lawly,Frank Hilbert, John
Powis, John O'Connors and Henry
Hubert were, on the complaint of the
G.T.R., arrested for stealing n. ride on
freight train No. WS from Stratford to
Ailsaguilty to the
charge they were sentenced by Police
MagestrateSmith to ten days ;ad la -
bier tn default of a payment of a nue
of $4 and costs each, ,
Seafortin Messrs, Scott Brothers,
who> have been in hApiness here for
3. years. have disposed of their ORO.
cal Instrument business to Mr. George
Baldwin, who will conduct le in con-
nectiun with his bicycle bueiness. Mr.
Baldwin is a poshiog young businees
man and ehould sell lots orb:grim:ode.
He will be assisted by Mr. Thousas
BroWn, the band leader.
Clinton: On Monday 31rs. James
Danford received a telegram which
conveyed the sad news that her mother
had passed OM ay daring the night. The
deceased with bop husband, Mte John
Small:Ion, bad lived for some forty n
years in the township of Grey where
they Were favorably known, Mrs.
Danford left on Tuesday and Mr. Dun -
ford the next day to attend the funeral
which took place on Wedneeday to the
cemetery in Brussels.
Winghauu errs. Holmes, wife of
Mrs. Thomas Holmes, one of the most
prominent residents of Wingleam, and
one of the pioneers of Huron Counter,
seas taken suddenly ill on Thursday,
and although everything possible was
done for her she missed away on Sat -
today evening. The members of the
family were present from Brussels,
Sarnia, Toronto and other places, hav-
ing been notified by telegraph. Men.
Holmes was well known and highly re-
spected in the town and eurrouraling
Goderich bit It is our painful duty
to chrontele the death of Mrs. Dave
Cantelon, ste, which took place Wed-
nesday at the old homestead on the
Oth concession. The deceased was
born in Tipperary, Ireland, $1 years
ago and when eleven years of age
came to Ontario with her narents and
settled in the Toronto district. Seven
years later she mimed Mr. David
Cantelon and corning to Goderich
township they settled 14)011 lot 82 on
the Oth concession which continued to
be their home while life lasted.
woront.1., B.O.
THE Ne:w
Tietori% March l0.—'1. Prior
Win teeSerted Ms prestige in Victoria,
to -night, when Mr, E, V. leodwell, the
Opposite:lee candidate, went :Iowa to de-
feat leeeore hinia The fight was the bit-
terest in 'the history 0 the city, and
awakenetithe greateet interest through -
Old the Provinee. Throughout the cem-
paign Mr, Bodwell had the advantage
On the platferle, and was believed, to
hal-0 the superior org,aaigatioa, :out col,
Prior ewe klto the Acid two weeks ago,
hacked by an the ferre* of the Govern -
latent, emi witlg the tremeedouo lever-
age at tbe allege4, contract made by
the Government with the Canadian
Nerthero, to *eke their Baelde terminue
to Vieterie, to help him,. The Gppeeh
tlati Iteld that this Ontraet was an at-
tempt, to gold briek the .eity. end thls
he in tie measure borne out. • by the
many impeeeible term of it. ,At the
bet moment, •Prentier Thinsmuir an-
umweed thet be bed eeld the .E, &N,
Reituny aleo to Machetiale.4 limn Vitae
insuring a teratione in Vieterie, ami
this doubiltee had an effect in assist.
ins Ool. Prier. ftfaay prominent • con.
fter'17-Ottre5 sipated.31r. Brelwelh White
Pelee had the assistauee • :A die
•liartinite Liberate. •
The Oppoeitieu Oahu that mousy was
used freely, and that the theal result
was attained by its liberal Use.. 10 the
committee-mon:se after the acetic% con-
cluded, Mr. liedwell made 0 riuging
3 epeeele in which be alleged wbolesale
corruption, and ie which, the anuounees
mein. Wasmade that the •election would
he protested, TMs Will doubtless 1.e
The result, however, eiteS Piremier
Duns:noir twenty of a following in the
House, with . the eapart of the aye
Marteettee, whlte the straight Opposi.
flan number sixteen. • Mr. 31artin, to
save. the Government, will llaVe to en
dove the enormuus land grant to the
.CW13411311 Northern, against which eye.-
• -
tem he was pletiged in the Vancouver
Had Col. Prior beeo defeated the Gov-
ermuerit would in all probability have
reeigeee. The figures were: Badwall,
1.501t Prior, Le33. making ;the majerit,e
for Plan 32.
Stanley: On Sunday last, *March 2nd
there passed away after a long linger-
ing illness, Sohn Cameron, of the 4th
con., in the fifty-eighth year of his
age. Deceased was a native of Fott-
ingal, Perthshire, Scotland, where he
was barn 1814. When quiet young he
emigrated with his parents, who settled
first in Glengarry, but in a short time
moved west to the "Huron tract," and
settled on lot 23, con. 2, Stanley. De-
ceased lived first on the farm of lob 21
con. 2, now owned by Mr. Nat, but
formerly by Mr. Donald Smith, of Clin-
ton. For the last twenty-three. years
he lived on lot 15, con. 4, and here he
Goderich: Mark Young, a. Dungan-
non young man, was the victim of h
rather peculiar accident on Tuesday of
last week. In company with David
Smilie, another young man of Dungan-
non, he was driving to town Tuesday
morning, and just on the turn of the
road above Dunlop's hill he turned out
to Iet another rig pass. The road
was very rongh, and iti turning in
again the Cutter upset. He was pitch-
ed out and in some way his leftleg was
broken just above the ankle. Notwitla
standing the injury he held unto the
lines and the horse ran several rods be-
fore it -was stopped. He came on to
Mrs. Spence's, in town, where the limb
was set by Dr. Whitely. Be will pro-
bably not be able to move for a couple
of weeks.
St. Marys: Mrs. Sidney Fraleigh
died at the family residence on Mon-
day evening, March ard, aged 52yeare,
The deceased lady was one of the most
highly esteemed residents of St. Marys.
She was a native of Downie township,
bat had lived here nearly all her life,
and was widely known in town and
country for ber sterling quail ties of true
womanhood. For several years past
Mrs.Fraleigh has been failing in health.
She returned home from a visit to her
son, Mr. Howard Fraleigh, at Thed-
ford, several weeks ago, and shortly
after was taken ill. The physicians
who attended her held out very little
hope for her recovery, and after an
illness of some three weeks she died.
Besides her husband sbe leaves a fam-
ily of one son and two daughters,
Misses Maud and Emma the loss of
their dearest friend on earth.
AN faioossiela thing to find is a plas-
ter equaled to "Tim D. & L." Menthol,
whieb is beim,- imitated. Get the gen-
uine. For side aches back -aches, stit-
ches, 'nothing egret's it. Made by
Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd.
he (lemon Salim. Evince Visits
Cramp's Shipyard.
Philadelphia, Pa., March 10,—Prince
Henry arrived. in Philadelphia at 10.20
.m. 110 Ina met at Broad street station
by Mayor Ashbridge and the Citizens'
Committee and escorted to the Mayor's
°ince in the City Hall. The freedom of
the city end the Mayor's address of we].
ennui were preeented to the royal visitor,
after which he was driven to Independ-
ence Hall and thence to Cramp's ship-
Killed His Meter With st lattebtorIc.
Halifax, March 10. --While skylarking
with a pitch fork at Port Gilbert, Di,„eby
County, on Sunday afternoon, Adolphue
eleinnson accidentally drove one of Om
prongs of the fork into the eye of his
sister, a young woman, who died this
morning us a result of the injury.
Illoritlin indicted.
Gambrid,ge, Mass., March 10.—The
Grruld Jury of Middlesex County to -day
reported an indictment on four counts
against Joseph Wilfrid Blontlin, alia.s
Joseph Bernard, charging Min with the
murder of Margaret Emma Blondin, bis
Blondin is under arrest in New
The theatre at Pretoria is to reopen
on the 2Stlx inst.
Canadian exhibits occupy half the
space at the Royal ._.change Exhibition,
opened in London yesterday.
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier sail
from New Yolk on the Etrurin on lune
14 to attend the coronation.
James Morris, mail carrier at Bow-
manville. has been arrested on a charge
of stealing parcels from the mails.
Mr. John Absley, a Hamilton carpen-
ter, was killed I idletearing down a
verandah at the Urand Trunk freight
Hon. Richard Hareourt was the un-
animous choice of the Monek Liberals
as their candidate for the Legislative
Germany is the only power refusing
to agree to the reduction of the foreign
garrisons at Tientsin and the restoration
of control to China.
Hon. Mr. Blair, Minister of Railways,
announces that a bill for the appoint-
ment of a railway commission will be
introduced this session. '
° The cement manufacturers interview-
ed the Premier and Minister of Finance
at, Ottawa in regard to a readjustment
of the tariff so as to afford better facil-
ities to thelr industry.
The Democratic Sheriff of Hamilton
County, N.Y., defies the Supreme Court's
order, has barricaded his jail, and
threatens to shoot anyone of the Repub-
lican Sheriff's patty who attempts to
dispossess him.
Mr. Montague A. Smith, banker of
Forest, ha's been appointed Chairman of
the Ontario Board of Game Commis-
sioners, in succession to Dr. 0. A. Mc-
Callum, who was recently appointed
Superintendent of the London Asylum.
The Provincial Health Officer was yes-
terday notified of a. ease of smallpox at
Westneath Towriship, Renfrew County,
several, new eases in Caistor Township,
Haldirnand County, and two new cases
in Bathurst Township Lanark Ccunty
It is said that a number of cases have ,
'occurred 'in - the vieinity of Paisley,
Bruce County, which have not been re-
ported. An investigation will be
Do You Work For Prat P
If you make butter for profit, you
should remember that WELLS,
RVTrER COLOR" will add front a to
Scents per pound to the value of your
baiter, °bean and imperfectly pre-
pared butter colors lower the value of
hotter so much that it cannot be sold.
All prise bottermakera use 'Wells,
Richardson & 00'e "Improved Eutter
A. cheap remedy for coughs and colds
all right, but yon want so:nett:mg
that will relieve and cure the more se-
vere and clangerons remelts of throat
aud lung troubles. What shall you do?
Go to a warmer and more regular di --
mate? Yes, if possible if not possible
for you, then in either ease take the
ONLY remedy that basbeelaintrOduced
in all civilized countries with success
in severe throat and lung troubles,
"BoSehee's GerMao Syrup." It not only
heeds and stimulaees the tissues to de -
troy the germ disease, but allays in.
flaunnation, catmes eitsy expectoration,
gives a good night's rest, and cures the
patient. Try oxn bottle. Recommend-
ed many Ware'. by all druggists in the
world. "rod eMd get, Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at
O. Lures, Exeter.
Sarnnel Milletea, retired farmer from
arkdole committed Weide by jump-
ing into Toronto Bay,
If it
Is =thine, bromide% croup, or any
euchienible,ueeVapo-Ceemiene, Allihruggists,
George WHO, of Blandford, fell
through it hole in his barn timer and is
reported to be fatally injured,
NEINTIIINS 01.11' Or TEN PailleKiller
will be found to fill your needs as it
household remedy. Used as it liniment
for stiffness and taken internally for
bowel complaints. Avoid substitutes.
210. and .5ne.
The sawmill and stove factory of Mr.
de E. Murphy, of Hepworth, were des-
troyed by bre Friday night. LOSS
len LaTnNtoorre, endless engagements
geumally elm down? Take "The D. L,"
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It will
time up your system and Make you
feel pone -elf again. Mode by Davis 44
Lawrence Co., Ltd.
hlre. Arthur Bouchard and Inv nine
ehildren were burned to death in a fire
that destroyed their dwelling at Ma -
tone, teile.
Take Laxetive Brown Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggises refund the inOries
It it fails to owe. 2.1e. E. W. Grilreh'
isgnature is on ee,oll box.
Clinton: laWard WISP fell (limo on
the lee the other day and bas been suf-
fering foam it lame fink, ever since.
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to refund the money mt u. eid cent
bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of
Tar, if it fails to cure your eough or
cold. We also guarantee it :recent
bottle to prove satisfactory or money
refunded. 0. Lrrz
Goderich tp.:, Mr. Fred. Tebbutt of
the 141h eon. has disposed of his 404:ere
lot to Mr. Muunhms of the same line.
Laitailve fireniernuinineTaitieta cures a told in 0
dav. No Pere No Om Priee 25 cents.
St. Marys: Mr. George Swales of the
west ward, fell on the sidewalk while
.going to his work on Thursday morn-
ing last, and had to lay off work for a
few days in consequence.
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1\• ‘‘\ "CANOLIES•
They glvo a light
that's rich and bril- i
Ilant. No Odor.
I elivcarywni hEtYere.1""8144
I; • • *•"--
The Life Guards are two regiments
of cavalry forming part of the Britisli
household troops. They are gallant
soldiers, and every loyal British heart
is proud of them. Not only theKing's
household, but yours, ours, everybOdY'S
-SWUM have its life guards. The
need of them is especially great when
the geeateet foes of life, diseases, Otld
allies An the very elements, as colds, in-
iluenza, catarrah, the grip and plleu-,
utonia dO in the SterMY Month of
March. The beet way that We know
of to guard against these diseases is to
strengthen the system with Heed's
Sarsasaparillit—the greatest of all
iffe guaeds. It removes the couilitions
most successful attack. gives and
in which tlkeSe diseases make their
tope to ail the vital organs awl zuricaha
&ions, mad imparts 'a gellIal wallah tet
the blood. Remember the weaker the
system the greater tlae eiposure to
disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla mokes the
syetene strong.
Jolehle le talk -
ng at a by an
ulectrie hro
e wires.instlet1:0110esEgfurvoelm:viuenaroilusesstabktee,iiwiehati
Maim Cows are cured by Pyny-lial-
soul than any other one remedy. It
cures quickly and certainly. Bronclaiat
affections give way readily to it. Man-
nfactured by the proprietors of Perry
The Columbia Handle "Works. Lon-
don, were burned early Sunday morn.
ing. The large factory, employing sev.
enty hands,all of them Men, werecom.
pletely gutted, end an innuediate loss
of $2,1,000 enteiled. The indirece lose
will also be very beery, running into
thoushnds of dollars.
ee, boils, totter, meta& or salt
o ague of dieeaeed blood. ee •
%heir raaleal amt permanent care, there.
fore, consists in curing tbe bleed.
41raits Fisher, Sarnia, Ont.. and Pad
rceeton, W43044004 Ale., were whailh
troubled with .boils :qrs. Delia Levi,
heenninsten Vta5S., had pimples all over ter
body ; so Ma 11, W. Garrets= New fuswi-
wick, N. 4. The brother of adie l, Stock.
mar, 57 Miller St., Pali Inver, Atars,, wao
efiletea with terema a ceverele tbat
becerae a "mass of sores."
These sufferers, like otters. !ASV Tana.
tartly testigerl to their oeinpiete care by
flooti's Sarsaparilla
This great medicine acts directly and
peculiarly on the WOO, tide it of all
humors. and :natio it pure and healthy.
Pala cure ceaseeettee. Mee 5 outs.
Pow! s raXtivaCt
Over finy years a henechold :mule:1y
for linrne. ipraiva, Wounds, Brableft
Canalgi. cotai and nil aceidents Zia
tile to Qs:nixie every home.
CAUTION—There is only
on Pond's Extract. Ce
ore you get the genuine,
sold only In sealed bottles
huff wrappers.
Real Estate Exchange,
The Sale, Pm:chase and Exchange of
Village and farm lands and properties
negotiated at reasonable rates of cone,
For Sale.
Several Valuable' Farms in HAY,
WRAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Exeter. "
P'artus Wanted.
We have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
David Mill,
Wm, Bawdaeiatng,
OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New
Block, Exeter.
For Torpid Liver, Flatulence,
Constlnation, Biliousness and
Sick. -Headache, TAKE
IS ga,
Safe, Mild, Quick-a.cting,
Painless, do not weaken,
and always give satisfaction.
. A lost relisble Household Medicine, can be taken at any season, by Adults or
Children. .
ills ,1
Ail druggists sell "BRISTOL'S."
'THOUSANDS of men am prisoners of disease as securely
a, as though they were confined behind the bars. Many
have forged their own chains by the vices of early youth,
exposure to contagious disease, or the excesses of manhood.
They feel they are not the men they ought to be or used to be.
The vint, vigor, and vitality of 'nunhood are lacking. Are
you nervous and despondent? tired in the morning? have you
to force yourself through the day's work? have yoU little aim
bItion.and energy/ are you irritable and excitable? eyes
sunken, depressed and haggstd looking? memory poor and
brain fagged? have you weak back with dreams and losses at
night ? deposit in urine? weak sexually ?--yoit have
Nervous Debility and Semtnal Weakness,
Our NEW METIIOD TREATMENT le guaranteed to
Cure or No Pay. 25 years in Detroit. Dania
• Security. Beware of quacks—Consult old established,
• reliable physicians. Conekultation Free, Booke
Free. Write for Question Blank for Home Treatment.
Ora , Kennedy ffery..4