HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-13, Page 17
isrgw .000
re so busy open
up our stook of
W GOODS that
ve no time to
wite an advertise-
ment, Come in and
see us on
1‘101',1,EY TO LOAN.
WohAve gelatea rriesee hone Or
veeteicut twee lam or 'Nine poverty.
lowest Wee of lietezest.
euenson CAR7,1731.
mot of private floods
'nage eropertive at low
inteuMikin Streot Exot
rein Wale
ranta aca vabae rasa
• =able farms, tirveral t
a2pill of 3541,
Bowe Agent
lbt Gist edit c
s for LIU,.
Salo Ratioter.
NAlleff 0.-Furro siock ard Du.
14ra:cut% thovvetty of David Wynn, Lot P. cos-
,va,,fin i1,705tai4. .Cim (effort. 11.11mrsa,
FRIDAY. MAUCH 14,-Farni, Farm $tOli„.Intitic-
as' ,PraP1itY 1,1alticl licmfek. Let 51,
Vkimisiest tebentc. Safe a t ieciork. Thes,
Cameron, Auctioneer.
The itudenii4ned offers fortsdo that desirable hum
48 tlx Z4. et rennin !Ring West part of Lat
, 51,..conerssion 3,containing 70 acres:situated 9 of
Imormite front grime/ and within a mile from FActer.
There 'son the proulszs a goad hrlell house, Larne
and other out buildino;;;oad supply of water and
f..`001t orchard. Units easy and to suit purchaser..
Apply to
&toter P. 0.
We liave a good opening fora cOmpetent Life In-
surance:nom to work n distriet front Enter, and to
a good man who can produce business, we are pre-
pared Wolfer a very liberal contract,. Applications
will he treated confidentially if requested. Apply to
the Dead Office, Toronto or,
Ono. R, IlAttitMON,
Stanger Western Ontar10,
The undersigned has a quantity of black barley for
sale-guarudeed clean.
W. D. Saxons, Con. 3, Stephen, Exeter, P. 0.
For horses and cattle on reasonable terms. Stock
to be taken on tbe ranch at Lot 1, corner of Won -
dike Road and Stibben's side road, on and atter
April lith, when a man will take charge of them dur•
Ing the season. For further particulars apply to,
0E0. WArrs,
On Alexander street, Exeter North, a one story
Irate house, containing 6 rooms. The lot contains 1
acre of land, on which are 40 fruit trees, a good well,
good location and ceswenient to school: For partic-
ulars apply to
Mts. amear Hoax,
on the premises, or Bay, P. 0.
Just Arrived
New Soverigil Shoes
Spring arid Summer.
The Latest Styles of Last,
and Toe.
Also a choice lot of Men' s
and Boy's Heavy Work shoes,
at _prices that will surprise cus-
Eggs taken in exchange or
5 per, cent. off for cash. on
Boots and Shoes.
Harness of all descriptions
always On hand.
Treble's Old Stand
Grand Bend
The roads are very had in this local-
ity. -The fourth convention of the
London Methodist Conference of the
Epworth League, is being held •ene
Wellington street church, Li on,
this week. Among those sent as dele-
gates from here are: Rein A. Thibaud-
• eau, Misses Lena McLaughlin, Edith
Turner, Messrs. Wilber Yormg, Geo.
Down and John Gill.
re busy preparing for syeap
.- Mies Rettie En -501.y vielteil
Hi Exeter for, a few days last
e ei-Sonee our eionng men at,
ded a, danee Lonilian Road
one evening jest. week, ;nail repoit o
. Ase1. jones, who hat nem:
sick liet. :isable- to -Itei iirouud
g. in.-ielaster Willie Ronny.. vino has
been laid up With a &Were COM is 1111.,
St, Joseph
our local fishermen have suffered
considerable of a loss by the strong
east wind of last week, which carried
the ice out and consequently their
trout books olso. Tine mewls a loss.
not only in thdr ashing tackle, but
also in fish, of which they were expec,
ting quite a numbeee-Mr. Geo. Pa e
ling. of S. Mare's. and Ur, J. O'Brieo,
of -Sensual], paid tbeir couisio. Mr. I),
Wilearea vt on Sunday last, remain-
ing -till Monday. -31r, John Oneriele,
virsited his brottier at Bruceneld on
itioeilay.-One of our yoongimen WAS
eill gOltlE,T, dOW11 street with a
IS hand on Sunday afternoon
toust hove expeeted a dark nigliti
. Teta is right, nothitig like prep:nee:1g
ahead.-Ttie malty friends of Mrs., P.
Beedoier win be pleaved to learn that
she i$ improving nicely at. the hospital
. in Virethime where site atuderwent ;
•eritleal surgieal operotion.
late finial. WWI)
Ake Jou. Feud has been confined to
the Ionise for Fontediees front the effects
of an injury to hie foot. -Mr. In Ford
and sisters visited here on Sunda,y.-•
The bridge over the &untie 19 111 a very
dangerous coudition and SWAM have
immediate ;Men ion before an accident
occurie-Mr. T. Flynn. of Fieeter, pess-
ed a few days with Mr. elhe Deering
this week. -Mr. Harry Smith has mew-
ed Ws family to the house vacated by
Jacob Wuertz and intends residing
there through the summer.
Mr. Albert Swam. has pinichaset
axe blather sliop belongiug to Menleo,
Longhearst, for a nice ligure.--Mr. Al-
fred in Blake left for the prairie pros--
lecen-Mr. (femme Farthing will leave
shortly for Winnipeg where he will
spend the coming :gunmen -Mr. and
31ra. Fred Taylor ond family, of
Fullerton, bane become residents of
our village, and Fred will assist bis
Dither in the harness businCS8.--Mr.
John Elliott, sr., received a severe
etroin while handling wood on Tues-
day and was eonfined to the house for
a few (153-5..- Mr. Edward Biglield, of
LoweU,Masneis visiting friends and
relatives In this vicinity, lifter an ale,
senee of nineteen years He is at pres-
ent the guest of Mr. Edgar Shire. --Mt.
S. Anderson, was a delegate at the
Epworth League Convention held at
London this week.
Mr. Alem Bloomfield's family are re-
covering from their illness. -The Mare
Hill Epworth League held a budness
meeting in the church Tuesdiey even-
ing of last week to eleeti the officers.
Mr. J. Trevethick was elected as Pre-
sident; lst Vice-Presn, 'Miss Peed
Harris; 2nd, Vice-Prent, Miss Lizzie
Darling, and 3rd Viee-Pres't, Miss
Ruby Piecce. The Secretary -Treasur-
er is Miss Mary Harris and the organ-
ist Miss Mary Arnos.-Miss Mable Gil-
bert spenenittueday and Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gil-
bert. -Miss Ida Hodgins spent Sunday,
at her home in Clandeboye.-Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. R. Kerr spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gil-
bert. -Messrs. Will and Alvin. Amos,
have returned home from London. -
Mr. Alvin Amos is purchasing a wag-
on, from Mr. J. C. Reid, of Lieury.-
Mr. James Doyle, of the 13th conces-
sion of McGillivray, had a sale on
Wednesday, March 12th, at West Mc-
The Misses Ella 'Mills and Rosa Lang -
field. were attending the Epworth
League Convention, which was held
in Wellington street church, London.
They were sent as delegates from here.
-Miss S. C. Gilpin has returned home
from attending the millinery openings
at Toronto. -Mrs. James Powe, who
has been visiting her parents, Mr. and
1VIrs. James Grant, lett for her home
in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, N. neeT.,
on Saturday. -The tenders for the new
Presbyterian church, as submitted by
Messrs. Gibson, of Lucan, Jas. Finch,
of St. Marys and Coxen and Carey, of
Granton, were accepted. The total
contracts, including a tower, are not
likely to exceed $3,700 or without
tower $3,500. -Misses Susie Reid and
Maggie Forrest left on Wednesday to
visit friends in Toronto. --On Wednes-
day morning of last week, Mr. Charles
Westrnarn left for Milverton, where at
the home of the bride, he was united
in marriage to Miss May (Jopling. The
happy couple arrived home Thursday
afternoon and were met by a number
of friends at the station and a a very
cordial reception tendered them, in
congratulations and numerous 'hand-
fuls of rice. -Miss Susie Reed, of the
10th con., Blanshard, who has been
very ill for some time past, left last
week for the Toronto Hospital for
treatment. Miss Reedis one of our
most estimable young ladies and we
sincerely hope she may return home
fully restored to her wonted strength
and health.
The roans are in a very bad condi-
tion at present.--ele Ios. 'White and
Miss Bee uche Rook "%Fere 111
Sunday. ---Two pew Eirkton men
;ate liniment visits to our burgh.
Surely some attraetion here,-flipring
will soon he with os araiin. the robins
, nine nails hei tug wade their ap••
pearence egainennine, Clark le able to
up agate, enter luir recent name lin
neen-Severiii of our young people
took lu the Atelfmno in Kiri:ton on
Monday night last and report a good
then -Some the farmers in this vi-
cinity here tapped and ale IteaV tk-
fate sweet maple Feely, which is
iptite treat. --The Soanshine Quartette
toale _pert an the program It leirkton
Monday night and US 14$11.411 did their
pint 'Ti' well.- It is reported
thet .ettios FUMES Pi tO thini nem
at the Wilwinneeaers'AllaerF this year.
While we hew am fa& to dud with
Ames we COnstrier thot the directorate
have not illorre whet is right la as Much
as it sleuth! have been let by tender AS
previous. years, -Me Ed. 31,Clarke
entered utto pertnership with Ale.
G. Attlee. Suceese Ed.
Miss Alice Whitman went to Lon-
don last week end intends mumbl-
ing for a tittle. Miss \Mit man goes to
take in the latest fasbions aml designs
in the art of dressmaking in order to
im to date,for the benefit of her COS.
tomers,when tale returns for the spring
trade. -Mas. Archibald McGregor, wbo
has been for many weeks in the hos-
altal at Clinton, has t'eturned to her
tne toad is again enjoying her naiad
ealth.-Mr. aazues ;.4.Inatar1l has said
tO 51r. John MeMann, o Seaforth, his
heavy team oe horses for a goon figure.
Robert. Thompson., of the Lon-
don romehas purchased from Mr'. Win.
Berry, of Brimfield, a three-year-old
driver, which bids fair to give the duet
to all comieg in his way, ---Mr. inndrew
pell, sr., and Mr. Thomas Elder, (lur-
ing the week, were at Cirediton buying
bride for the new sehool room in con-
nection with St. Andrew's church.
The Committee who cauvuesed the emi-
gre...nation for sitbieriptions, ineb with
grand success so that the work of the
new building will be pushed forward
at once, -The measles are very preva-
lent in this neighborhood, and as the
epidemic seems to be no respector of
persons, very few homes are escaping.
The disease appears to be a mild form.
liay Council.
Council met at call of the Reeve on
March 3. All present, The following
pathunisters were appointed for the
current yeaue-A. Case, M.MeTaggart,
R. Ross. D. McEwen, A. Johnston, R.
McMordie, John McMahon, as.
Gould, A. Ingram, Alex. Munn, Jr.,'Wm.
Anderson, G. Thompson, Chas. Aids -
worth, john Duncan, Wm. Coleman,
A. Munu, Wzn. Dignan, Wm. Man-
hole A. Daters, J. Berry, Jas. Stacey,
Mos. Gardner, Obas. Redmond, H.
Deters, Geo. Reichert, Jos. McDonald,
Wm. Kyle, E. Parker, H. Reichert, E.
Troyer, Joe Foster, S. Martin, Wm.
Battler, Henry Bender, E. Gies, J.
McBride, Pain Messner, D. Truenmer,
D. Schnell, S. Surerus, Chris 13aechler,
S. Jacobi, G. Oestricher. L. Walper,
Wm. Ruby, E. Merner, J. Geiger, R.
Schwartzentruber, John Kuntz, B.
Pfile, G. Eisenbach, 3. Gallnaan, J.
Gasho, Casper Roehrig, J. Schnell, C.
Fisher, 3. Hovvald, H. Kalbileisch, L.
N. Denomie, J. Bad,our, S. Spencer, R.
O'Brien, A. Hendrick, R. Tomball, J.
G. Taylor, J. Cochrane, Chas. Troyer,
J. Thompson, R. Nichol, H. Howard,
William Pfaff, Seth Brown, William
Snider, Frederick Baker, J. 'Willert,
Peter Mosser, Win.Turnbull. Pound -
keepers: -J. Patterson, A. McEvven,R.
Northcott, J. Johnson, J. Decher, Jr.,
Chas, Schumacher, .A. Thompson, D.
Spencer, Thos. Turnbull, Wm. Snell,
Wm. -Beaver. Fence Viewers: -W.
Russell, Win.Caldwell, Wm.Chapman,
Robert McArthur, S. Thompson, F.
Stelck, .T. Haberer, J. Hey-,I.D. Surerus,
Geo: Edighoffer, W. Ruby, W. Snider,
Wm. Roeder. Road Commissioners: -
R. Carlisle,' W. Caldwell„ C. Fuss, C.
Roebrig, C. Troyer, J. Oesch, Fred
Baker, J. Broderick. A request of the
trustees of the Police Villages of Zur-
ich and Dashwood, asking the Council
to have the dogs in the said village as-
sessed by the .Assessor, be granted.
The Police Villages of Zurich and Dash-
wood were granted the usual amounts,
$105 and $47 respectively, in lieu of
township rate; the police trustees of
the said yillagcs to nattintain all side-
walks, drains, culverts and bridges
within the limits of said villages, the
council to gravel the centre road and
town line. The following amounts
were ordered to be paid: -E. Zeller,
Clerk Div. Court, amoun t re garnishee
Palmer vs. Garnet, $60; San 1.5tanlake,
lumber, 1000, $15; S. Deichert & Son,
wood for Town Hall, $5.25; Herald,
printing, $14.50; Casper Roehrig, work,
C. 11.,$225; Wm. Caldwell, do.,$10.25;
Geo. Thompson, gravel, $1.28. Conn-
ell will meet again or* Monday, April
7th, at 2 o'clock p.m.
FRED HESS, SR., Clerk.
eMr.. Allen, of Stratford, has been
vi Or T. Camerores,-Mr. Peter
Om:diner and daughter.who have beea
vienieg friends in this locality, return-
eei t heir home in Moont Pieasent,
Mich-, Mouday.-Mr. Nelson Nerelake
staved for the weee Monday. He hoe
eecievied a situation there fee the eum-
veer. -The roads at present are in a
ra,t tinsatisfactory State. W111. Pol-
len ;ion J. Westlake were out remoy-
ing C30 Frotw from them on Monclay
aT;it helped matters considerable.-
Beeiere Bros. have receiveil then.
• g enn are showing some
al values. Try Mem for evern
you are neediug. They give 'at-
: ., hired with Wen
• ie for a year.-Epbriam Hewitt
• a visit last week. -
Brown $eriously ill ttbe,
J. MeNicol
red froin her reeeot
will thaw wait. ta Kiektoti
I miner.
ray Council
nwt pursuant
Town lialUictlillivrainelare
oril.Prez:ern. J.D. LirimmionieRveve;
iledigine. IX Dorman. Menem.
elaiveomeenineillora 111in-
re • lain meeting, read, approved of
ale, inened. Mineregor-elawson--tbat
Mr. resiiillin, Lueazi, bt nal is op-
pohatiel arbitrator for the formetion
a leinon Sehool Seifti011, AS Set forth in
reiniotion :lewd at last meeting. -
Car ieL -that
the teenier of M. nIelunon, of the(e
zette for plinting, be accepted,
Moved nmendment be 1). Doi 11131I.
SQCU174.01117VW. MINtivil, that the ten.
„ ,
dee tit ein. e oilmen of the Benner, for
'whither. he accepted. Amendment
carried. iludgins-licelregor, that the
Arelnorn report. as read, he Adopted
and eini elletit le luetraeteel to have 3119
eopite priated.-earried. Iiiitheins-
Dornien-thet orders he drawn on the
Treasurer for iiceotints amounting to
feltLinine- Carried. Mawson-lledgiiis
that this Council snip -turn to meet in
le Town Hail, the tirst Monday in
Aptie at one inelock p.ro.-Carriea.
Wat. FRASER, Clerk
• eine
iss Alice Schnell went to Hensall
hist wvtit to accept a position than-
e • ^oink. and Maggie Schnell left
piety for Detroit, after ventiug
ei Is mei relatives for tbe past three
months in end around the country.
Mr. Ci ^rho Cann, of Exeter, visited
141 toien during theweelo-The
ads aro in -1 bail condition bet the
weather is keeping tine for the sap to
ran and no noubt will keep the syrup
makers Imsy.-The carpet rags and
mat bees are all the rage at present
here. -The first quarterly meeting of
this year will be held in the Methodist
chureb on Snuday text. We bopr
there will he a good turn out -Mr. J.
Dirstine and Mr. Trott, of Hensel',
were in town efondley.-Mr. John
Shettler retrained home on Saturday
evening from Midland, Mich, where
she has been for the vase six weeks
undergoiug an operation and treat-
ment for her eyes. She entertains ev-
ery hope of regaining her usual sight,
-Mr. Geo. Clausins disposed of his
farm, near Hillsgreen, to Mr. Sohn
Reichert for $3,000. -Mr. Chris. Hey,
of the Babylon line, is building a brick
dwelling on his farm this spring. -Mr.
Moses Keane left last week for Credi-
ton where he has a sitnation as barness
maken-MeChester Steinback left for
Seaforth last week, where he expects
to make his home for awhile. -Messrs.
John Galster and Jacob Wurin, left
lust week for Wallacebarg, where they
are engaged in a fiaxanill.-Mr. Isaac
Martin and family, of tbe Babylon
line, moved to Pigeon, Mich.,Thursday
where they intend making their future
home. -Mr. S. Wray, of London, dis-
posed of his farm at the Sauble line,
Stanley, to Mr. Simon Badour, Sr.,
for the sum of $3300. This is a fine
100 acre farm and Mr. 13adour has se-
cured a bargain. -Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Merit?. and family left last week for
Buffalo Lake,Minn., and after a week's
stay there with friends will proceed to
their home near Cavalier, N. D.,where
Mr. Moritz owns a fine farm. Isaac
is a native of Zurich, but has been liv-
ing in Dakota for about 15 years. -Mr.
Johh Albrecht left for Dakota on Mon-
Clandeh o ye.
Mrs. E. Sanders is visiting friends
in London. -An accident occured here
about 3 o'clock Saturday which might
have proved serious. While Mr, Joe
Windsor was driving home his horse
became frightened at some dogs and
turnedout, upsetting Mr. Windsor
while the horse fell and broke the
shafts. • Otherwise no damage was
done. -Mr. Chown, general merchant
was in London on Saturday last. -Mr.
and Mrs. Brown attended the funeral
of Mr. Brown's mother, who resided
in Crediton, on Monday last. -Mr. 11.
Thomson is moving to his farm on the
2nd concession of McGillivray. -Mr.
Albert Carter, of Lucan spent Tuesi
in tovvn.-.Mrs. Blackwell has returned
home from visiting friends in London.
-Mr. John Lintott intends moving
to London before very long. -Mr. A.
Clark, who has been ill, is improving
fiist.-Jas, Miller has sold his cow to
Mr. William Williams. -Victor San-
ders spent Saturday in Brinsley.-Mrs,
Jos. Lewis spent Saturclay in l3rinsley.
-Mr. R Gore returned to his home in
the West, on Monday last
Goderich: On Tuesday afternoon
William McDougal, who was engaged
gettina empty coal oil barrels out of
(+. N. Davis' cellar, slipped while at
work, getting eaught on a hook which
inflicted a serious flesh wound near
the hip. DeTaylonwho was called in,
had to put in seven stitches,and it will
be some days before the wound, whic
is aivery painful one, will allow M
Dougall to move around.
1V5mot Smith, 1.extlan
, to ant-Ant:re ttiat slie Ti11 non a &en -
Shop ors 31ardillth itt the shop lately vr,fxited
by Mr. Cottle. Centraliagas-4'z,-; t(ar.7.4 hgr traC.o
with MfisTetn, Exet<r„ aml haring a year'il ex/ter-Zen: e
in eatt115; W5tflttiX2 in /Ando); be will be nMe to
give entlre en.tisfaetAa,
MSS Colwili and Rev. Hutton are
attending the Epviegth League con-
etion ;it London thie weeki-Wilbur
-cks, left Monday for Manitoba, he
eying a farm there. There were nine
lime of others went West. -Mr.
s. Jeiniee Handford„ north
bere,attertained abone forty guests
ne evening hist ween, the oceasion
heinge in honor of their daingitter.
Maggie., who has accepted a position
Os Vallifitter at Zin Erich. and Mr. Ralph
Ham/ford, wbo biteeds leaving for t iie
Tl ehortly. The evemnie, VMS WIT
leasently s ient by Arthne
eilden Is ei siting linin Wee. Hoiden. velem; of Meelnivid 1)10 4.0 who pass-
erediton.-Mr. Mofeett bus dio*. ed awey eon Satioday. et the ripe old
posed of his perelwron lige in in eget e, icenitlio Derineen
has been au invalid for some time,
vet her deeth e sw 4111;ti. tineEnnted,
eMaitis wrve intearen the'
has ten r much die elonige -The ReV. Litt ufaciating, Sbe ham; to
The 44(1104 It the 11'1'0 ' 1026Ifer Z
Mantle are delegates at the Epwortb
Leagne convention which is tieing held
at the Wellington i5treet Chiureh, Lon-
don, this Nreek.
Wm-nu:c.o.-Last Wednesday, the
ab. inst., Mr. Thomas Yearley's red-
! deuce, on the Iltb concession, was tbe
:scene of a very pleasant event, when
i Miss lemma Krause was wedded to
John Lemport, a prosperous' far -
titer lo Manitona. Rev. Knowles tied
, the knot in the presence of a large
number of relatives and friends of the
contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs
r Lampert /eft for elanitolia last Satter -
day, wbeze they will nudes their fa -
titre ;tonne ire all nieh them a long
and happy married life,
enema leobs. MAID 73f:0:M.-The
greet nioneter death bits again venni
Into oar midst atra tabu OIVO'Y one Of
Oar eideie ouil denim, in the
• in cemetery last Mosulan, the
veined t-.1.17i'4'S In 14LiVang"H" 4* 11 11t47 ati invalid husband.
li Mt here 4ire still in piaagyesse-Rev.. new eons one three diA tight"s %volt
-Belli". will , tlie inewpittity 4 the Vieini7 yr in
piartenly nieetiug hive nest snaLlay. do, t heir eallliTcaVeniwnt,
-,The Dram Mune which was talked
of here some time ago. is now A1/1.1r tHr•clinenni mem n
ganizeil end the bays are amide:eel:4'
Wi4,4-1t11%"c theeyrti414"!isitj
lline n wove ni(-lone,
l.1,* lt,h,)nlien,1!,,Teeg ath,h,teJaanerwho
was ,1 14141521(d lthe otweH for 111 e at the hom
babyinreaswelso th,home n e 41"
(WOTIAlIghooour 'Wm thy Acne omow
• a
11110intrl rtVW. tt, Irma atm ..),D111t, 011 "4* 't 4thi-lite. Joseph .
Suelewife tif our tie:teemed pestnizienize liniiog 14"I"'" rinileireeill was 4dough"
ti e' ill with linieuimithili tl"" "". 1144M ""4
the iiinge; 'We hope she may soma rte. " 11 T"1.4"i""e' wits "f 4.
cos no„. snal 4,,,,h4 4 ern. s, ins end tiVe datightere anal was
tt14%,!ti54::*1$1. tirP41,s"tall
Tieutun 44at3 lieen horse dealing Weir.
ill einteeamence of wheel he mew itio Mite/ten; John Corliettenf thee Owe.
ripFse3 !lbw UNIm of 1.::t1 .-r. Chat; Pettit. Ili Belleville. were
Abner has had the interior of the coon passengere fin the Grand Trunk from
mereial beautified by pepering, whieh 5itiskoliaL,I Tt140111t11 014 SAttirdiry,
it:4MS tO appearance e ery moine The Fele genie]. Peetai eke:need tieet eine,
wenn wile (Imo by eine ni mown, of bett iLet1 Id l;331,, WU& Me
eneetee, we° is a hostler at tile Wei- former wits wider the itifintinee of
ness.-Several delegates from here at- Noon Sortieleteneen itrzT,tf.i '4,84 tho
e ilea the Reform eonvention at Hen- =nen menu Poeitet, a mun-
e n Tuesday of last Wee11.-Mr. J. ut eigniel Petition 1Va4 FA'nf; rovla
J. Mealier takeu up bouse-keeping here, teetifying to the gtied character
in Waiver's housn-The pub. of nee prieoner up to the time of this
exhibitiou of the two boyee who unfortunate attain tnil asking, for a
were net orderly in churelt last Sunday lienent eentenee. lie WAS gilV(11
night should eertie t'. a warning to all days' buprisonment with lewd labor.
tither boys, who sometimes get into St Marys: With deep regret the
misebien Thee boys were taken hy many friendof Mr. and Mrs. atones
one of the ushers aud marched to the 1B. Finale have learned of the death
trout pew for their misbehaviopn 4- of their eldest dght
auer, Annie, whieh
The ninth of Daeliwried nite twee piney, oe eke Fele
will ag•ion have the pleastheioe hearing miry ei8t1i at the family resit/ewe.
the W. Cer. t. lectureriMiss Wiggins, Water street south. el'hout 3 year
of Toronto. She will give one of ber ago, fearing she wits seized with a
lectures in the Evangelieal church, 2iPT1011S lung diseme, she, izecompanied
Tuesday evening, March 18. In the by ber mother, weut to California, on
afternoon at 3o clock she will addres$ along vieit to her brothers in the hope
the mothers and daughter. Yoe are that a change of climate might prove
3 cure. It failed, however, and gradu-
ally growing weaker, she returned to
her home in St. Marys a few months
ago, and after all that a brave, hope-
ful spirit with every care could do, her
young life passed peacefully away.
She was a yomig wouinn of excellent
Christian • hameter and a member of
the rilbt, Presbyonian church. Tier
earnest devoted life was a constant
and evening.
collection will be taken both afternoon
oribally invited to attend. A silver
J. G. STA:5011tY, 11. A., (forme rly Mins
team) Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer
3.1onovto Loan --Enter, Ont.
Mr. Moses Keetle, of Zurich, has been
engaged by Mr. Clark, loinuessulakele beuedictton in the home, and won for
her in a. marked degree, the lovin
confidence of her many friends an
Sabbath school scholars. The great-
est sympathy is Olt by an for the be-
reaved family in thew great loss.
We welcome Mose back again into our
midst. -Mr. Ezra Feist, hada wood -bee
last Wednesday. A large quantity of
wood was sawed and split. -Mr. Sam -
net Brown and Mr. John Morlock, are
both wearing broad smiles. Both have
bouncing boys.- Mr. Charles Kerr is
busy papering and painting his dwel-
ling. The cage is nearly ready, and
then Inc the bird, Charlie, -Mr. J. E.
Tom, P. S. 1., of Goderieh, was in the
village last Wednesday, inspeeting
our school, and found everything quite Box -In Stephen, Con, 4, on March 7,
satisfactory. -Mr. B. Brown, our boot to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Box, a daughter.
and shoe merchant, sports a genuine
German pipe about three feet long,
and takes great pride in exhibiting it
to his friends.-51rs. Charles Eilber
has returned from Morriston, after a
week's visit. She was accompanied
by her mother and sister, who intend
staying here for sonie time. -We no-
tice by the Toronto papers that Mr.
Ernest Sivapsou, who is attending
Varsity in that city and who was for-
merly principal of our school here,
has been attacked by a mild type of
smallpox and has been reMOVed to the
hospital outside the city. We trust
be will soon recover from this dreaded
disease. -Mr. Wm. Lewis has return-
ed from. South River, Parry Sound
District, where he intends starting a
tailoring business in a short time. -
Our roads are in a very poor condition.
Mud everywhere. -qt has been re-
ported that a farmer, west of the vil-
lage, came to our burgh one day last
week in order to do some shopping,
and having some other business to
do, he put his goods in his buggy,
which was in the church sheds. On
reeurning it was all gone, having been
either stolen or hid by some person.
This is going a little too far and the
culprit should be punished for such a
mean and cowardly deed. -Miss Rose
Finkbeiner, of London, is visiting her
parents here for a few days. -Rev.
M. L. Wing, P. E., of Berlin, conduct-.
ed the Quarterly services in the Ger-
man church last Saturday and Sun-
day. The Quarterly Board has de-
cided to make a slight change in the
evening services. Having decided to
have English service every alternate
Sunclay, instead of w eekly. -Miss
Clara Heist is on the sick list. Her
many friends trust she will soon re -
coven -Mr. Richard Baker and family
moved to London on Tuesday, where
he has purchased a grocery business
on the Hamilton road. We wish him
every success in his new field of busi-
ness. Mr. Baker 4tnd family will be
greatly missed here, being active work-
ers in the church, but we trust what
will be our loss will be London's gain.
-Messrs. Peter leahner and Adam
Brown, of Hersey, Mich., attended the
funeral of their mother, Mrs. Da yid
Montoextein Stephen, Con. 7, on March
10th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Morloak4
a son.
PEEL.-CROWLEY.-At the Presbyter-
ian Manse, Stratheona, on Feb. 21,
by Rev. D. Fleming, Miss Minnie B.
Crowley, of London, Ont., formerly
of Exeteato Mr.F.A.Peel, of Strath -
corm, Alta.
Borieno-In Clinton, on March lst,
Harriett RidOut, relict of the late J.
M. Barber of Georgetown, aged 59
Frotoounit-At St. Marys, on March 8, •
Bessie Wier, wife of Sidney Fra-
Fonivrote-In Blanshard, on March 4,
Miss Gertrude Formarnaged 21 years,
10months and 14 days.
FrIDTTE-In St. Marys, on Feb. 28,
• Annie, eldest daughter of James B.
and Eliza Finnie, aged 27 years and
a months.
STawairr-At the House •of Refuge,
Clinton, OD March 8th, Andrew Ste-
wart, aged 74 years..
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niev. T. W. Knowles and Mrs. Geo. no Fulton St, •New 'or . • •