HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-6, Page 8CLOTHE DO COEJITI 4V -<e Not necessarily expensive clothes, but elothes diet show neatness correct style, Mappa°op - tuzeee and geed taste. Corrie in aanei loot over the new styles. We can satisfy you A. ,daughter of Mr, Roy, Corti street, hos ,been suffering from an, a tack of pneumonia .but is now convales cent. Mr. Thos. Hawkins'' farm, ort. London Road, North, offered by pnbl auction on Tueedayswaas not sold., Th chattels brow^ ht good prices. Mrs, Richard Davis was bitten o the band by a dog last week and as eonsegnence she has since suffered co siderable pain from the wound initis ed, M. John, Maliett,dr„bas. moved: in Mrs. Tait's house on Alain street, w:hi M. Neil Bellwood has moved. into t dwelling vaaeated by Mr. Monett on the corner of Ann and Carling streets, A Sault Ste. Marie woman found nugget of gold in the pan of potato she was peeling. Me publish this i#e for the general encouragement of 1 dies who are disinclined to douresti duties, Mr. Jos, Peart, tired of Single li took tanto himself a wife on Wedues day evening last, in the person of Mi Hubbard, of Toronto. The cerertron wags performed by the Rev. O. IN Brown B, a;., in the presence of just aa, few friends jug at iv eel. .,?s, large stock of table linens, bleaehed and nnbleach- ed sheeting, pillow cottons, shirting's and art muslin*. Values are in you; favor, AtStewart's. lig Reeds, Brown aand. Millysrd, ex- Beware of Faaki�rs• t- changed pulpits on Sunday evening, The advance army of winter 'fakirs last. • is due. ' Beware! Don't buy steel ranges, car fruit trees, or air blast t Samna On Carlin Street a brown back gauntlet. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for thisitotice, g , r ren woollen churns, or patent rights, or anything to else of the strazug,er who represents no established house, Don't sign any paper for any stranger under any pre.. text or inducement, or representation. a Th d d Fight shy of all seed starters, butter increaser, preservatives, and other things, - Don't buy soap with 40 yerds of carpet thrown in ss a pernalurir, a 45 transaction, If you need trees, shrubs, vines, plants, seeds oesupplies, there are standard houses from which you can buy, or if a local agent ap- proaiches you whom you know, that's the. thing. The is no need to deal with strangers. There is no sazfety or profit in dealing with the mens who vow from Nowhere and represent Nobody a i1'o, .address Out P seutatten, On Tuesday evening last the come nuodious and beautiful home of Mr. s la nl Joseph h Go 1 edick Main, • e v ii s p is t• e t ► as 'r A the scene of as pleasant and respectable has secured the able seryices of Miss ,gathering, the occasion being an oy- VV ood, who is a well knows, and exper- ; ster supper given by the host to his fenced dressmaker, and they will en- late employes and their wives, togetb- deavor to give entire saetisfaction, c. r with a number of intimate friends. !. uusliaess s:ltase„ e, 51r, (`erlitiledicke, who has conducted The undersigned wish tea ,aziansaeinee' the louring mills here for a welter to the public generally that they have her of years, recently' sold the sten e 3 aft purchased the mining, business oaf Ares. and wishing to show in some manner srs, (.'obbledick tt Son and by fair and an expression of good feeling towards honest deaaling etpeet to retain the ' lois workmen took this means of doing patronage aaec7t°ered tete* luta form and 'so, In torn the employes, taking ad,, ee- ;i+cid ninny newen former^ .ardent nr vantage of the occausinn,prrs; wheel lir, st attention n will be pane to ,trstin; ,chop- (,eibletelrek with as beautiful gold hand n ping, tete„ and all town orders will be ring, bearing the Masonic and Odd= r= delivered promptly. ,, caul solicited, fellows' emblems, of which enders he HArtyFvr�Iros, is a a arember',togetherwith theappend- 11, ;a.ci4eut. G” Mr, Wait, .Pugsley, inet with as very r painful accident on Tnesb y� night last, He Wass pr'nceeding down town and Sccottei-Ha�ynd Sawing tttaet*Rues for Sale. The un . ersigee has three second- hand sewing unichinea for sale. May t- be seeu at #l, H, Sweet's harness shop, W :Johns, to Hsrrouitess Honoured. le Mr. D.1 IeGillicuddy, the able editor he of the Goderiele Signal, at the meeting of the Canadian Press AssoeiatiQn, held. at Ottawa last week, was elected Presi- dent and Mr. .A. E I.3radwin, of the es Blyth Standard, as one of the Auditors.. m Dressmaking a- Miss Violet Treble begs to announce le to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity, that after March 10t1 she will open a fe, dress -making business in the shop re. Gently vacated by Mr. W. Johns, She ss' has the latest system of cutting and The oyster cola the bas -Merehaent Taylor' went of the Main Street Methodi church Tuesday night wits a success 1 every pairtienlar. A choice and into testing pr�ogratnn was Rendered after th good things had been dealt with and at seemed to enjoy the evening. The �ur seeds announted to about 420.00, deo ter . of expenses. Tlie este way tit kill tboo wina'lter, r, A. E. lIndgert has sold a h'rlf while near Mr. John Pigpen's work-. LOC. ,L 0IN S«. Ce sleigh tt, interest in ilia extension steel alto curb- Alil Min street slii►pesi xi1i the hnrd pavement and , s A train of thought that carries no - t e Itath urn P t sic. twined. such in freight is useless, ""The wagesof sin is death" and there is no striking for an increase, When men build air castles they never think to pat in the troubles, The devil never enters where the latchstring does not hang on the out= side. Mr. Thos, H;eudford shipped a ear= load of horses to Winnipeg on Friday last. Mr. Win. fl;ibuan has moved with his fluidly. into Mrs. Down's residence elle Horan street. The inembers of the Trivitt :lfeuroa hal clirnrlb timid met at • the residence of Mr. Wni, Drew on Monday after. MOM 'We advocate the free liberty of the ress so long ars it does not warrant a fellow In squeeezing a girl out of her coleete. A load of yoniu,g people from town ere ver • ne�as;rlitl Mr. NI Dow" Bidelulph,Ion Mon- laude of someone, and have been elle - day night lest. fi w y 1 y entertained at S: m oSi . ally usvti to print from. Tho paper of n to. Mr. R. Lock of h Rathbun Portland Cement Worts far a large figure. Mr. Rodgert is now directing his attention to al device for snaking cement fence posts, which if successful, will be of.greaat value, being that cedar is becoming scarce in this and other parts, On Friday evening last about twenty menrlteisi of the Royal Teniplars recog- nized in ahr Very happy manner the worth of one of thew members, Mr. John endnore, who is about to leave juries to his hip that he was atnteltle to proceed further. Ur. Aleft Tait hap. peered along shortly after the accident and acted the pant of the gond San►ari- tan and with considerable difficulty a as. silted him to Ms home on William illiiatnm st. where a doctor wassuntrxtoned and the ed address, Ttae address was read by the editor of the ADVOCATE, 1Tt , white the presentation was inaede by Mr. George, Thomas. Mr.- Cobblediek Was wholly^ • taken by surprise and with emotions almost uncontrolable, .accepted teen gift, in a few well chosen remarhs,wtth grateful appreciation. The tea and presentation over, all enjoyed ar most pleasant evening, Tn :lir. Jo,epli Cobb•aealirk, Ds44i Fit P.—lye, your employes, laving 1 allctl topettaer through sows renal lam -paddy. t+ et,aa 11 a cannot, ter ali1sacat to ocra5aoaa or \oar . ear e4 Amsu batsiues9, 4e acitheaa shnru • cos wound dresseel, It will be carne thane Mali airrieriar;on ;cow many goad rpwalit'sca as as before he will be aloe to leave his heel, Ina r nrle rr Sad tc, 6rt ay aloe a reeli.ab a%al srd> ~e 0.1. I5 t'i ba:MC a ..YOU orad ,',Poore e'ralp 1,11e, 4v@, tiled iu cbteago. atwata,,m, aciatd r a4.aat Fon areapa ably x a;, talo Mr. A. E. Fake receivesbra :;'spa at estreraa as cl aeAaxit, �tta+s received a c -+al a lsnr a\ aa+�7 nS fes-7aao � l�.st ti;f� liaspxr San Wednesday night last annonueing fir,acsVirteaneittatn:tlgctzurasaaaasayd+,losl,eatelt tea* for the west Shortly. An address of as thedestlt (if 1'&ederrck J. Littlejohns,?+►antelaeatilsmhezr>s,,:c,atlee ehe4ela;•.a lair ar>v,bte flaattc.�ring ahereeter was read and was who died in ['hac,rgo, Ill., the seine z:4rtn 'ia,,-�G ra s 9E7Vasl *t . 4,,Ta , i ria daaip,c ace'onilaaanu•dlar;rsplelaclulllalule 'air• day. line death ivarsaavmri*yudelear a 's' tat r:halm r a77„ ._.e:? G Y�7 G' �a:'„ai7tJj,* 40.l?ar a-.3a¢a''ia.r 4'77 (�ardnrare is a mach esteenrea numnhe' : a41 'uaae�c rested one. are vat” ale. e, 'A �o� aVcy terl�Qa7tb,oaa apias- azo,4 lean.. xt�aa. x l ia. � ! i a , ad Ids dephrture will be much reni°et- 'tirn.of Bright's disease but was in his acme ai:r.,it:ts, Ilan hairs;,a, d. „ All, V. i:oall, E. latae Heli. usual health up to within as `few WM'S iia- T.aKoaa. Several bills cif ,.The Stara flank of before his death when he was sulk - ,w Brunswick, New Jersey" have ell down and without rallying sue - wade theeirappeau:ince in various Slate c; es in Ontario, and as they are worthless Z will he well to warn file nubile. The t ylets ascertained are that the orgarni• 1 nation of the hank was never con►plet- l� tl tl ed, and, the engraved plates fell into the 1Mr.i.('ottl.e's black spaniel succumb - ell to a dose of poison supposed to have been adadniatered in the Immediate aleighbemhood. Two young ladies kissing each other is like an emblem of Christianity. They are doing unto each other as they wish men should do unto them. Messrs. Gtorpi.. and Wesley T3is.5ett have opened a machine shop in Mr. J. Farmer's old liquor store where they will handle the Deering and other machinery. The Ontario Government has .come to no decision yet as to the date of the prohibition referendum, a statement zo that effect Thursday having been made in error. For Croups, Colds and Bronchitic troubles, especially among children, nothing can surpass Wiman's Cough Balsam. Sold by 0. Lutz, sole agent for Dix Lung Syrup. e The Christian Endeavor Society of the Caven Presbyterian church will hold a social on March 11th when a choice program will be rendered and refreshments served. The sale of English Stock Food is still rapidly increasing, thus testifying to its value. Those,stock raisers who have not used it should give it a trial. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. People who claim the devil has no peer in his line of work bave evidently clad no experience with the gossiper whose tongue is long enough to lap buttermilk out of the bottom of a churn' Do you want a bargain in a black dress? If so calland see our nice as- sortment of Black Ian cy S that we are clearing at 25 cents the yard at the hulls discovered in circulation is very thin, and the bills appear as if well warn. Beware of thein. Clinton New Brat—Sorrow at any time is hand to bear, but seems doubly, so when, a, little baby, at any age when life seems sweetest, is taken away from the parents, who night and day have cherished fonhopes for the little one. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilber N. Manning were ealled upon to bear this affliction on Wednesday, when their third daugh- ter, Alexandra Jean, fell nsleep, at the age of 11 months and 4 days, the cause of the little one's death being conges- tion of the lungs with complications, J. IC. McCulloch, the famous fancy skater, gave an exhibition on the :rink here Friday night last that was highly delightful to those who witnessed it. The ice was in rather poor condition, being very soft, but this made hire none the less interesting, he performed every feat with wonderful agility. The long jump over six sugar barrels lplaced side by side was indeed marvel- ous and many of bis other perform- ances were equally difficult. A large crowd were in attendance but would have been much lacer had the weath- er been more favorable. A country minister ina certain town took permanent leave of his congrega- tion in the following pathetic .manner: "Brothers and sisters, I come to say good-bye. I don't think God loe•es this church, because nene of you ever die. I don't think you love each oth- er, because you have not paid my sal- ary. Your donations are mnnldy fruit and wormy apples, and 'by their fruits ye shall know them.' Brothers I am going away to a better place. I have been called to be chaplain of a Stewart's. penitentiary. I go to prepare a place fforou, and may the Lord have mercy Are yon troubled with dandruff, on your souls! Good-bye.,, itching of the scalp; premature falling ; of the hair, or do you wish to restore � grey hair to its natural color, then use Turkish Scalp Food. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. A young fellow Who has been stop- ping in this town but a short while n times says he has only seen three girls .hero whom he would marry. We sup- pose that the number that would marry him is a good deal smaller. Mr. W. H. Moncur, who recently purchased the • dwelling on William street, owned by Mr. 9. E. Fuke, and lately vacated by Mr. S. J. A. Boyd, has taken possession and moved i' family therein. The folloivin preparations arati g p p ons and med- icines I can confidently recommend to the general public: Dix Kidney Pills,' Dix. Little Liver Pills, Dix Cold Cure, Wiman's Cough Balsam,Turkish Scalp' Food, Wman's: Condition Powder,Eng- lish Stock -Food. Sold by0. Lutz, Ex-.. eter. We know of somearents'in town wn: wham if they world give the same time to the proper rearing of themaral degenerates bearing their ownnames, that they devote to the critical super- vision of the conduct of other people's children, their lives would be so sweet that beaveit would have no charms. The, most incisive"and most keenly analytical sketches of public men Which have been »reared durin the ears have; st. two ` p g y e;.Jteen those of _ dill a m:Allett White e T h e_hu m` orons little episode. between Mr. White and Mr. Thomas C. Platt is..still. ' fresh• in , the public memor . p , . Y Mr. �'Vhrtes. sketchforMarcb appears in ' the; Cos PP, 1q�opolian;.arid ison the late President Tis a r on. '' ' r Itit °- w l be rear • with wt de de anterest-:by both the opponents and, lands of that eietesman. 340 yards of all -wool Cheviot Serge in Navy only. Quality that you ex- pect to pay 35 cents for, we shall clear the lot at 22-ec. the yard. A sure bargain. Stewart's. • The. London Free Press of Monday, says: -Ex -Mayor Fred.G, Rumball and Mrs. Rumball, (formerly Mrs. Perdue, well-known in Exeter) arrived home from their honeymoon trip to Florida Saturday evening, after an absence of two months. They were welcomed home' by many friends, among whom were ;representati-ves-of the employes of Mr.Rumball's box factory, who wah- r►bed to the r.zvages of the t seaase. he deceased former; y resided here and vats a young pian of good habits and idestrious, His remains were brought ere Friday morning in 'charge of his alf-broths►•, 'elle. causes Stephens, of re sante city, and the funeral took lace zit 2 o'eloek in the afternoon to ie meter cemetery, liuy the J. D. Ring shoe for eom- fort, style and quality. See our spec= 1t $3.51) Mens' shoe. Yon will want ir. It will be noticed by an advertise - meat in another column that Messrs. 5, Popplc'stone, late clerk for Mr. E. J, Speakman, and Mr, Peter Gardner, late teacher at Winchelsea,luaveleased the store premises in the post office block and will open up about the 15th of this month with as brain new stook of dry ,goads, boots and shoes, grocer- ies, ete, The store is now undergoing repairs and will bo ready for occupancy shortly. Under the managership of twee such men this establishment will undoubtedly take a prominent position amongst the business houses of Exeter. Their many friends wish themevery success and We recommend thele to the purchasing public who will find therm both obliging and courteous and wor- thy of their patronage. Supper and Presentation. Mr. Well. ,johns, who is about to leave shortly for the west was the guest of honor at an oyster supper, given by a number of friends Friday night The affair was held at Mr. Abe Bag- shaw's lunch parlors, between twenty- five and thirty being present. After due attention had been paid to the well served bivalves Dr. Sweet was as- signed to the chair, ivho, in a few well chosen remarks, presented Mr. Johns with a beautiful fruit spoon. Mr.Johns was taken by surprise but after regain- ing his equlibriuin thanked his friends for their kind considerations, not only on this occasion but during his stay here. The balance of the evening was spent in speechifying, etc. Exeter School Report Class A.—Anna Martin, Lily Robin- son, Herbert Gregory. Class B.—Mil- lie Martin. Class C.—Winona How- ard, Dolly Dickson, Winnie Carling, Victoria Miners. Class D.—Viola Da- vidson, Mary Parsons, Vera Cobble- disk-; John Gardner, Martha Carling, Alvin Brintnell. No. on roll 43, aver- age attendance 39. H. N. Anderson • ;-- 3.,,M. Robertson }Teachers. Sr. IV.—Hazel Browning. Jr. ,IV. Fred Tz•evethick, Eno McPherson, El- more Senior. No. on roll e50, average 45. C. Vosper, teacher. Sr. III.—Olive Gould, Fred Smith,. .Dolly Werry, Edna Bissett, ]Hugh Mc - y... Jr. III.—Nora Hayton, Ethel. Vosper, Blanche Sheere, ,Mary Brock, to Davidson. No. on roll 59, aver - c attendance 39.85 M. E. -Gill -;teas Sr. M.—Sophia.-' her. Werry.:' Jr. III.— arence Easterbrook, Margaret; Ma ns, Frankie Davis,ula`Marti n, Amos, Frankie Howard. No. on 1, 49; average 42.- H. E. Warr _ orrd, teacher. Sr. II.—L. Birney, L. Hodgert, J. nson. C. Welsh,' A. Dow and K. ilius equal. Jr. Welsh,_ Snell, W. Amos, E. Brickwood G A 1 ed upon them at their home on Duffer- Ka in avenue. After expressing the great pleasure at the safe return . of the Re ex -Mayor and�.his bride,two very beau- ag tiful easy chairs were brought in view, and presentedone to Mr. Rumball and the other to' Mrs. Rumball, The for- Cl mer replied in „a very happy speech. ' lea" The, following extract from' the Mail rot and Empire's report of the recentmeet- ing of the Canadian Manufacturers .Association, refers :to.:•Mr; T+; A lens- Ma sell, B. A., son of Mr Thos.: Russell,' Co Th Road, and we11 known here.— Thames oa z ,. c tenon, C. "Secretary T. ,A.. ,.Russell , who has Pickard and Ii. Gardner equal ' No been offered the position of general on roll 51, average 42. manager of the, CanadianC-y cle and H. D: Pringle, teacher. Slater Co., laid the matter before th ' r, a Sr:: IL -Catherine Makrns, Edith. Council,' and it 'briefly d ey Jr. IL—Geo. , i was , tsctissed. Brock Myrtle ll,Inc J II G I t was left with, a Committee compos- Brown, Harry'Carling•, Willie Berne . ed of the, officers, .the; past -presidents st Part II -'-Lai . y and the chairman tmer, Grieve, • Lulu of:the st ,< ending cpm,,, Snell, ClarenCe Heywood. No. on roll mitteesrwith.power { to act.. lt pre- ,38, .,average 27. se t it, e n sem It < . � s kelt' „that Mr. Russell S. ,J. Irwin teacher, .: • , `' will leave the assoelatlo n, to which he has rendered such eminent service As. the offers made iunderstood ,. , d and to be One offering'': great; op ortunities` • for' ii #+1 ou • . . ,,is, n:ma n.nf:.,: Mrp .• Russell's' y , g .,tadininls=. tratave abilities. Birdie'Boyle, Gladys Ford, jack. k .Buckiil h s. Mid' M Part, _ g.. ,. d Fart II. Willie Sne11 Paul " ` Pi'e ,. h .., .. u r o Ih,. tt ..J.,; r .Part , 'tell' aryot'Ie Whyte, Harry l♦'itice Na. on r 11',42 a rera. . o, . � v ,f;e 32, E, E Carling, teacher. tiepi�P PERSONAL. miss Nellie Quaanee is visiting in Lon- , don. ('olenxo Salter is visiting his brothers in London this week. Mrs. Cimino, of 5eafortlt, is thegne; of her sister, Mrs. J. Muir. Mrs. ,Esther Jacobs. of Cobonr.g, is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Thomas. Mr, J. A. Stow'art is in Toronto this Atka dRc �+• �?k.$'4 erica r, a$� .1 .; Dusiness,4 Change of 61 We beg to announce to. our 'friends in. Exeter and surrounding 'district that we have purchased the ldaidwalre, Stove and 'Tinware business- lately carried on. by 11. Bishop & Son and intend keeping a well as- sorted stook in -all the above lines and by close attention to business arid -prices, hoe to merit a share o the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon our predecessors. T.� . A K IN SON succes`a�ors, To BISHOP & SON. e NEW ItL fI1PEfI NES CIIRPETS JI� IJICE eVflTfi1S. Wail Paper As the season for house e~leanin is here we begto ear r and to inviteyou to ins .est our Il you attention p . �3u1, Stock, . Our Wall Paper consists el' the finest selections from American and Canadian designs. Carpf'tS, Carr els we vlaalan to he li ti assortment in town. Acme fit �rllf'i'+Ai?JlS« One thousand • o nil pair f Lace (airtbnilrs,�aist� arrived so we are carrakkda�ar we can please everybody both in price and �yquality '� iyn^�this {line. COME EARL ;L ON .AND ALL. stler.s Sas ii:e keep the largest and best I Ieadgia the (Ye r L. J, SPACKIVIAIST. W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing, 1 week purchasing spring goods. Mrs. Frank Wood spent a few days in London last week visiting frient s, Mr. Alex Stewart has neceirted a po- sition as tailor with Mr. W. W. Taman. Miss N, Lockwood, of St. Thomas, is the guest of Miss McTaggart, Exeter North, Mr, Janes Bouthrou, of Toronto, is spendingafew days here this week with relatives. Miss Moir, of Tiensall, visited in town Inst week, th e guest of Miss Cora Manning. Miss Lida Quance, of London, is spendinga couple of weeks with her mother ere. Mrs. Mary Brooks, who has been vis- iting friends at Parkhill, returned. home Monday. Miss Lilla Howard, after ail pleasant visit with friends at Farquhar, return- ed home Monday, Miss Hall, who has been the guest of Mrs. (Dr,) Amos left Monday for her home in Brantford. Miss Ella Frayne was in Palmerston last week and on her way home called on friends in London, Will Moore, who has been attending the Military school at London, return- ed home Friday night. ' Mr. P. Bawden .\den a nil little a son, of Ridgetown, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bawden, to wn. Mr. and Mrs. John Manning were in Clinton, Friday, attending the funeral. of Mr. W. N. Mannings youngest child. Miss Mae Armstrong, who has been Visiting in London, returnedhome last week,accompanied by her -cousin, Miss B. Friend, who will visit friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Handcock, who have been visiting friends and relatives in town for the past few months leave, to -day (Thursday) for their home in Emerado, N. D. Eden Mr. John Essery attended the Insur- ance meetingat Farquhar on Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Will Cornish; of Us - borne, have moved into Mr. Sam Hick's house.' -Mrs. John Northcott and fans- ily, of the Thames Road,are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Donee. A number of good.horses Ohre chang- ing hands: at good prices.—Mr. Frank Adair, who has been in.the employ of P y Mr. Wm. Cayes for the past three years, •leaves for._Manitotia next week. —Mr. and Mrs, John Harmer visited in Russeldale a' -few days last week': --Mr. Will Dickens, of tucan, visited friends here on Sunday. ' Hensill: Mrs. NV. J. Miller las pur- chased Mr.•Frank 'Marshall's dwelling imniediatelysouth of his shop. Ell kaon The funeral ; of Mr. Geo. .Godbolt,who" died. in Toronto last week took' place at I irkton cemetery on Monday. •Deceased was' 83 years old. and formerly,lived near here. Sofrtht n e o . A o n son�of Mr, J.- O. Il,os'e had :a narrow escape from serious injury on ednesday morning. 'Se,` Was hen 'in• on ` 'slei h° ood' of a g.g a.. s w Trumann 10 s' andso e', a ' fell g. ineiWdti nt ';p y , under their rsne`ofthe" passedo ei.hoff hbad'bo tdnately no ones: were broken. Wes. C. Huston, FURNITURE& UNOERTAKINO ROOMS GIllLEY'S gLOCI{. We want to sell 200. ROCKING CHAIRS before spring. See thein from 5Oc. up. We can sell you a dandy bed room set OAK ¢ OUT AND POLISHED, FOR $25.00 All, other Furniture, Bed Springs, Mattresses away down. Do you want that picture framed? We can do it to the King's taste. We buy our Parlor Suites in the regular way and can show you something new in design. CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOOK. Seaforth: Mr. Philipp Murray remov- ed his family from Egmondville to Blyth last week. Mr, Murray has se -i ,cured an enno gagement einem as i b g engineer ulcer of g tI'Rpp� ti1A, the new flour mill there. About o six. y weeks ago, when they •were starting the mill," he got his right arm caught in a belt and it was broken in two places. But for this accident he would have removed sooner. Blanshard: The marriage of Mr. Newbon McCaufey to Miss •Esther Poi - bird, both of this place, tookplace on Wednesday, Feb. 19th, at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs, : Tyreman, of the 10th, concession.. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Holmes in the preggence ' of a few intimate friends. • The bride was becomingly gowned: in cream 'cashmere trimmed with cream satin. Her travelling dress was of brown ladies' ; cloth, trimmed with grey astrachan. The happy couple left by the afternoon train for North- ern points, before:taking uptheir resi- dence on the 8th concession. Blanshard. EC. 0110MY�� iS;' WE A .- LT The ,00d to -we th a I x„ , 1 chest explained h the methods' of the York y Cole Coal &'Save 1gs Co,, Head office at IOY i'oroito: Their' a ••1 we nstal k 1 t 'ry, . y arrtee.n shares ay. P. 4 collector r calls:fo C oweekl ,.� _, y to ,. PY., Inept of,5 cents or;mare. • • . Bramrcli .O£' , S Duff e p i tai, Btock; iondotl,' IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YQU WANT TO Buy . >or~w _ Sell To. n -P w .. rones ty IF YOU WANT TO ` Bort O w or Leh Money aQ y IF YOU WANT Collections Made IF YOU WANT • Your Life Insured .IF YOU WAgT TO Go to the Country e Old C�Qu t y BY ALLAN 'LINE CASH' PAID,FOR FURS. ' Cal at he 1 t Undersd' gn JOHN SPACEMAN, Office over Iii': Spackman .s.Hardware. , , Exeter. ,G